#genshin diluc x eula
staryuee · 5 months
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꒰warnings꒱ not proofread … sigh
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . you and your partner are having a “cooling down period”, a time of détente, after a recent argument. how do they deal with the lack of love from you?
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . diluc, eula, wanderer, ayato, gorou, tartaglia, lyney, wriothesley, neuvillette, arlecchino
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . as a psychology student ☝️🤓 i can safely say that the silent treatment is usually frowned upon due to its connotations with emotional abuse, therefore i tried my best to make it apparent that this sort of silence is within the boundaries of the relationship ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) please communicate with your loved ones if you feel a certain way :)
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you and your beloved recently had a pretty bad argument. out of respect for both of your feelings you both decided to have a period of détente to allow a gradual recovery of your emotions and logical reasonings.
there was no need to argue, and there was also no need to be hostile or petty; therefore your silent treatment wasn’t a way to maliciously gain control or make your lover come running back to you, it was a way for both of you to regain composure and come back to the topic when prepared.
that did unfortunately, lead to much less affectionate gestures from both of you. of course there was still the casual “i love you” every morning and night accompanied by a simple kiss, but it never went anything beyond that.
while your lover fully knew why this sort of peaceful coexistence was necessary, sometimes it’s sincerely difficult to not just reach out and kiss you breathless.
you’re so close yet so far, it’s unbearable.
R. DILUC — 迪卢克
master diluc has been rather restless lately.
constant muttering to himself, plucking the dried up skin that stuck out from his badly bitten lips, his gloved hands constantly scratching a non existent scratch; honestly, if the fellow residents of dawn winery didn’t know any better they’d think he was possessed and required an immediate exorcist.
adelinde refuses to see her precious baby sink his eyes into ruin purely because he’s out secretly patrolling once he wakes up in the middle of the night to clear his head. you’re always there with him throughout the night: but why does it still feel so empty regardless?
diluc is no pushover or people pleaser; if you were guilty, then you’re guilty and he’ll wait all the time in the world till you eventually own up and apologise (please let that come sooner or later though otherwise he’ll give into ruin and sip alcohol for a breather). otherwise, if its his fault, or no ones and it was a mere misunderstanding, the silent treatment lasts for a day. not any longer not any less; he doesn’t allow it to.
he’s more than happy to wait forever for you but gods if he ever made a mistake that accidentally led you to elongating this supposed transient silence till the end of time, diluc would much rather swallow his pride and give his all to you. you’re worth more than pettiness, and he’ll prove that to you once you wake up and get greeted with all your favourite luxuries and a bright, relieved smile on his face.
EULA — 优菈
you’re beyond delusion if you think this woman won’t turn this into a healthy-ish competition of sorts.
you wish to avoid her for days on end? she’s already used to the world avoiding her mere gaze, she can withstand the somber feeling of having the one person who’s fully understood her as the complex person she is self-isolating from her for a little while.
never mind, no, she literally can’t. come back to her right now. we have problem right? lets talk about it, isn’t that what you taught her in the first place? what do you mean you need a break and want to clear your head for a while to not hurt her feelings? you think eula of all people cares about something like that?
she’d rather you spit at her than withstand another hour of this mindless nonsense.
she doesn’t apologise unless she sees whatever caused this perilous argument in the first place truly hurt you and you ended up in tears; otherwise whats the use in pointless words when you can easily hug it out and call it a day?
she lets you apologise under the guise of “if you don’t, my vengeance towards you will be greater than my foes”, but in reality? eula is hardly paying any attention to the words slipping past your lips. all she’s thinking about is how she’ll be able to shake off this uneasy tension that’s somehow been created between you two.
you can’t tell which one of you needed this little breather more, after all, you’d hope scara would allow himself to soften after distancing from you after a while, and scara hoped you’d see reason within your argument and eventually, as always, forgive him.
but forgiveness is a two way straight in the way most people subconsciously ignore; does he and could he ever forgive himself? that image of your teary eyed face, the harsh puffs of breath you heaved to prevent any more molten venom to burn his plastic skin, the slight clenching of your jaw, fuck it hurt.
he couldn’t admit it at the time, but right now after being forcefully peeled away from you for about week and forcing auntie nahida to listen to his venting rambles? he wished he just gave it all up and did something: anything at all. kissed you, hugged you, consoled you, swiped your tears away with his thumbs, fluttered his eyelashes on your cheek gently as he whispered an i love you.
yet all he could do right now was wait.
wait until you hopefully came back, he couldn’t face you. if you abandoned him he’d deal with it. the petals on the floor and the hushed whispers of “they love me, they love me not” are just hallucinations from his worried caregiver, he swears.
never would he stoop so low as to apologise.
verbally. that is. if he’s aware that he’s in the wrong (believe me that look on your face does wonders for trying to figure out whats on your mind) he’ll begrudgingly come up with some covert way of making it up to you. he doesn’t want to be stuck in this immortalised silence forever; believe me, he likes your talking more than he realises and this little test trial of abandonment was more than enough proof that your existence within his life is essential.
if you’re not there standing by his side, what even is the point in that fraudulent pacemaker of his? your laughter is in the same shape of his heartbeat; if you’re not here, he’s just back to being that dumb little puppet cuddled ashore in the slim darkness of the night.
K. AYATO — 神里绫人
bile builds up in ayato’s throat, eyes threatening to spill hazardous tears on his paperwork. he HATES being away from you. yes, you’ll be back comfortably in his arms with a kiss on your forehead soon…but time isn’t making that “soon” come any quicker and it’s killing him.
‘silence’ is only the act of not speaking, right? so he’s technically allowed to sneak in pastries onto your desk when you’ve gone to take a break — he’s also most certainly allowed to write down his frustrations about not being able to be overly affectionate with you and then pitifully sliding them under your door in hopes you’ll read them and maybe write one back.
he desperately tries to convince himself that if he works long enough, he’ll forget the hollowing feeling in his heart that’s left in the silhouette of you. he puts down his calligraphy pen with an exasperated sigh, rubbing his temples with rough motions as if to completely rid himself of any lingering thought of you.
that’ll never work, and ayato thinks you two have calmed down enough so therefore he trudged his way into your room, knocking of course, and sat down with you for a lengthy but beneficial conversation.
without a doubt, ayato will be the one to apologise first. whether it’s a conscious decision or not completely depends on how long he’s been away from you; at some point you just fall back into regular routine completely by accident.
GOROU — 五郎
he’s glad you’ve decided to take this sort of approach to your relationship instead of having a painful battle of the wits with him but right now, he’d withstand a thousand hours of scolding than the way his fellow soldiers worryingly clutter around their little general and ask about his well-being purely because those furry ears atop his bundle of bed hair decided to stay drooped down all week.
but he can’t help it! he’s utterly miserable! you didn’t even give him your complimentary “good morning, have fun at work, be safe” kiss before he left the door in the static quiet of your abode. to top this torture off? you haven’t pet him once, and while he’d normally revel in not being treated like an actual lap dog…you’re a huge exception in that rule!
unfortunately, it’s not like he can just outright demand attention from you merely because he’s feeling a bit down on his luck. you asked for peace, he’ll give it to you. he’s a war veteran but treats you like a flower thats sprouted on a ruined patch of sand.
ehem, but please come back to him soon. please?
whatever it takes to get your pretty hand to ruffle through his brunette locks he’ll do, he doesn’t care if the apology consists of him kneeling down on pitifully shaking his head near your thigh with his lips puckered into a pout. shame doesn’t exist within your relationship right? he’s more than willing to apologise first regardless of who was to blame.
if the argument was a little more serious however, he’ll sit down you on your couch that holds so many sweet significant memories within your mind, his head resting atop your collarbone and tail sneakily swishing from side to side now that your heartbeat was so clear to him. he’ll hear you out, talk through it, but more importantly, love and appreciate you.
nuh uh. you think you’re getting silence with someone like him around? unless one or both of you fucked up really bad, tartaglia can’t see the point in silent ignorance; if you want to ignore him to personally calm down? sure, do whatever you want honey, you’re still getting treated like the other piece of his heart that you are.
if you’re genuinely annoyed he can leave you alone…for maybe two hours thirty minutes max. he loves you so much, talk to him, he doesn’t care if you insult him out of anger, lash out at him if you must. so long as you return into his arms so he can sway you around within his tender embrace and pepper your face with kisses, he’ll be more than happy and satisfied.
him all day — call it the big brother complex with having to always apologise first whenever he got into a slight squabble or disagreement with his siblings when he were younger, or call it pure unadulterated love for you and the refusal to continue with this pointless staring battles whenever you guys were sitting across from each other.
whatever it is, just know he takes your feelings seriously regardless of the teasing grin across his face when you try not to squirm from the way his hand traveled from across your waist to the slither of exposed stomach. he just wants to assure you that his love won’t ever fade even if it becomes so deliberately one sided. he’s yours, after all.
LYNEY — 林尼
he’s used to eerie silence that bellowed icy winds against his ears, used to the tension that forced out his fight or flight response, but currently all he could do was freeze and overthink. how come this silence seemed so much more deafening than usual?
lyney doesn’t want this worse than capital punishment torture to continue without at least the slightest bit of laughter mingled into both of your days; he tries his best to curve your lips to even the slightest twenty degree lift using whatever he could. silly little flower reappearing trick there, a sneaky kiss to the side of your neck here; just any fleeting desperate attempt for some reciprocation on your part.
lyney’s used to apologising first given his experiences within the house of hearth and the father herself. so imagine his surprise when you both incidentally stammer over one another as you two splutter apologies helplessly. god he’s so happy your relationship is built open gushes of giggles instead of the splats of tears because if it weren’t for that cute little accident? lyney was sure the second you opened your lovely lips to speak he would’ve teared up.
he missed that voice telling him constant i love yous, the affectionate cradling of his face against your neck and the way you wouldn’t hesitate to hold his flushed face within your cooling hands to comfort him after a particularly stress inducing performance.
you left the conversation with an “i love you.” so he knows that you’ll come back to him.
however, the last time he blindly trusted the comforting words of a loved one, it ended with blood on his hands and a lengthy sentence at the fortress of meropide. luckily for his heart and your own, he knows your charms and honeyed words aren’t for show and truly mean something.
wriothesley respects your boundaries and wishes to the t, he won’t speak to you like nothing at all happened but that doesn’t mean he won’t be overly cautious when it comes to your behavioural patterns. if he notices this sentence of silence is clearly taking its toll on you, he will, with no hesitation, talk everything out with you.
depending on the argument, he’ll apologise first. if it’s rather undeniable that you were the one in the wrong however, he’ll explain his feelings thoroughly until you apologise — the standard. he doesn’t want this silence to end till the fortress of meropide overflows with primordial water so once you see multiple guards on your case more than ever, just know he’d like to talk to you.
fontaine has been drenched in rain for the past couple of days. every hour, every minute, every second neuvillette spends alone in his office makes him realise just how grand and solemn it is. everything is so mundane and banal…even the cheerful mutters and chatters of the sweet melusines couldn’t bring a smile to his face — much to the dismay of the little sigewinne who even so kindly brought him a cake to cheer him up…
what makes it even worse is that everything reminds him of you…and oh god the muddied clouds have once again been cursed with rain. this unquenchable thirst for your presence cannot be ignored by a mere sip from his intricate cup and being the ever so carefully mindful iudex, neuvillette sees it more than fit to call this hopeless game of silence to quits.
regardless of who’s in the wrong, neuvillette apologises first. he’s sorry for letting this go so far, he should’ve just trusted his gut and returned to your side even if it meant having to persuade you with his clever tongue or the coiling of his draconic tail around your leg to pull you sweetly closer.
honestly, if he could, he’d make this a punishment in the fortress of meropide for every couple. you committed a petty, technically non offensive crime? well instead of doing some charity work for the city, you’re not allowed by the side of your beloved for a few weeks.
a bunny within the jaws of a spring locked beast thinking it can persuade the tides in their favour with silence? arlecchino is amused you’d think such cheap tomfoolery would work to solve through your problems.
“darling, come here,” she taps her lap with her blood-stained nail, her eyes looking up at you greedily to soak up every single jitter of your movements as you alas fall onto your rightful throne, “my dumb bunny,” arlecchino coos at you with that devilishly low hum of her voice. “do you think the phrases ignorance is bliss, distance brings fondness, truly work within our relationship?”
arlecchino painfully grasps at your waist, that grip only loosening once you comfortably situate yourself on her thighs and lace your arms around her neck per routine. “i’d expect this behaviour from my children at the house of hearth, not you, angel.” she nibbles on your earlobe deliberately, forcing your lips to part just the way she likes. that perfect look of both surprise and desire; it’s a gorgeous display of your vulnerability.
“explain to me your problems, or else we can be at this forever.”
no such thing as the silent treatment when the very epitome of a wordless shadow has betrothed you.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost ♡ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪʜᴇᴀʀᴛɢᴀɴʏᴜ
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fisshbones · 3 days
Just for funsies, how do they refer to your chest !!
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Suggestive?/shitpost : do not take this srsly pls im just having fun imagining this 😭 FT: Most of the genshin adults ♡
Mualani, Furina, Kaveh, Kazuha, Emilie, Thoma, Lynette, Eula, Gorou, Lisa, Ganyu, Diluc, Tighnari, Cyno, Ningguang.
Kinich, Arlecchino, Yae Miko, Dehya, Wanderer, Xiao, Dottore, Shenhe, Ayato, Yelan, Chiori, Al Haitham, Rosaria, Mavuika.
Milk Jugs->
Childe, Venti, Itto, Hu Tao, Columbina, Capitano, Beidou.
Neuvillette, Clorinde, Raiden Ei, Zhongli, Baizhu, Albedo, Pantalone, Ayaka, Xianyun.
Yomiyia, Lyney, Nilou, Navia, Amber, Kokomi, Wriothesley, Mona, Kaeya, Kirara.
Then there’s Itto who’s the only one that calls them chesticles (¬_¬)
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sumiire-creates · 8 months
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𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘙𝘌: fluff.
𝘍𝘛; amber, kaeya, lisa, jean, diluc, venti, albedo, rosaria, eula, mika.
‣ gn!reader [mentions of female anatomy] | slightly suggestive(?) [on kaeya, venti, and albedo] | a ton of kisses | a ton of fluff/a bit of comfort.
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- amber loves to kiss your face.
- amber is so sweet about it too
- like if she has the chance, she’s take your face in her hands and just smother you with kisses until you’re both all giggles
- she enjoys pecking your cheek or nose or forehead
- she ADORES goodnight forehead kisses. like, she gives you one EVERY. NIGHT.
- she’s so gentle with her lil smooches
- she’d kiss you any chance she got
- when you’re cuddling in bed? smooch
- pass by each other when you’re doing your own thing? quick kiss on the cheek
- training? hell yes.
- if you were a fellow knight, she’d spar with you and like get so close just to give you a kiss and hit you so hard you fall to the ground
- but like it's okay
- because if you tell her it isn't, she gets really disappointed and sad and pouts about it for the rest of the day
- you better make it up to her
- like later when y’all are going to sleep, trap her in a hug and return the favor! she’ll cheer right up
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- kaeya loves to kiss your lips.
- flirt.
- tease.
- he’s such an ass with it
- like he knows what he’s doing and he loves to just make you feel those annoying little butterflies that make you happy
- but then like
- he’ll also get super close, and you just wanna kiss him really badly
- and then he pulls away.
- like SIR??? >:(
- i'm not done come back here
- his kisses are soft and loving
- with gentle lips on yours, he’ll kiss you anytime he finds the moment to be perfect
- he’s the definition of romantic
- like your first kiss was probably on starsnatch cliff at sunset and looked so damn perfect
- gentle breeze and everything
- this mf couldn’t have timed it better
- he likes romantic kisses
- he also likes to just peck your lips
- but that's only if he can’t snatch you away and make out with you
- straying a little off topic but
- kaeya fucking LOVES cuddling you at night and making you face him so he can just smooch you right there whenever he wants
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- lisa loves to kiss your hands.
- such a gentlewomen <3
- she’s, like, so fucking sweet
- she’ll take your hands in hers and kiss your knuckles and it's just so soft and UGH
- when handing you books, she’ll snatch your hand and give it a quick kiss before waving you goodbye
- literally just
- i can’t stop saying this but,
- she’s SO SWEET.
- lisa would hold your hand tightly as you two walk down the street, occasionally bringing it up to her mouth as she’d kiss your knuckles and give her a smile
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss your pretty hands
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss you in general, honestly
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- jean loves to kiss your forehead.
- goodnight kisses on the forehead as she gets in bed beside you >>>
- she’s probably taller than you so its like the most easy to access place for her tbh
- jean is so sweettttt
- so gentle and loving with her partner
- she’d kiss you and give you a small reassuring affirmation afterwards
- “you’re doing great, love, keep it up.”
- “i love you so much, you know that, right?”
- “i’ll never leave your side, even in death.”
- “let me know if you need anything, okay?”
- it’s just
- so goddamn cute
- she’d only do it when she felt like its needed though
- taking her face in her hands as she pulls you in so she can kiss your forehead when you’re stressing out before embracing you and hugging you while gently rubbing you back-
- she even gives you the option to shove her away if you want, and she won’t get offended or upset or anything
- she’s just so comforting with her kisses <3
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- diluc loves to kiss your shoulder.
- first off, this man isn’t too big of a fan of PDA…
- so kissing in public is a no no unless nobody is looking
- then he often slips you a quick peck
- but he much prefers to kiss when he knows you’re alone
- his favorites are when he’s cuddling you in bed and just kinda kisses and sucks on your shoulder bc its soft and feels nice to him
- he’ll trail up your neck, to your lips, and then back down
- he’s super gentle about it AGAIN
- also i imagine that he’s just super duper warm
- he already wears that heavy ass coat
- but the pyro vision automatically makes him warmer to the touch
- he’s fine, i promise, just really warm
- so like imagine being held in his warm, strong arms while he gently gives you shoulder kisses
- its so cuteee
- diluc also likes it when he’s doing paperwork at his desk and you come to pester him. he likes it when you start whining and get in his lap to distract him
- because then he’ll just trap you in his arms
- “is this what you wanted?”
- and then, if nobody else is inside or if the maids have a day off, he’ll probably just kinda slide your shirt off a bit and smother your shoulders and neck in kisses
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- venti loves to kiss your neck.
- its so bad
- especially when he gets tipsy
- he’ll literally just kinda blend bodies with you and his lips never leave your neck
- also he knows where your soft spot/sweet spot is so just be warned, he’s gonna target it
- he’ll hold you from behind and find your favorite spot, sucking and kissing it before slowly trailing off… and then he comes right back to it, 2x the effort.
- he gets really handsy when kissing
- like he’ll probably grab at anything
- so yk
- be warned
- you can also bribe him to give you more kisses
- just promise him a drink and he’ll endlessly kiss you
- but like uphold your promise
- because you’re not getting anymore kisses until he gets that damn wine
- he’ll kiss you in any situation
- he prefers to kiss your neck from behind, but he can do it from the front too
- he also likes the back because he can just bury his face in your hair and it smells good so
- why wouldnt he want to ?
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- albedo loves to kiss your chest.
- “its for science”
- no its not.
- he just likes to kiss your chest.
- he’ll only go as far as your clothes allow
- tbh it's probably because they’re warm
- he isn’t particularly gentle or anything, actually
- he’s more rough with them tbh
- albedo likes to run his tongue along your skin before suckling on it
- then he’ll actually kiss it
- he’s a weirdo
- tbh he probably doesn’t kiss you that often
- it's more like
- spread out
- unless you ask specifically for him to kiss you more
- which he may or may not do
- he may just give you a look because he’s busy
- or he’ll indulge you
- who knows
- tbh i can’t tell with this man
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- rosaria loves to kiss your cheek.
- she definitely doesn’t kiss often
- or like
- at all
- but when she does, she kisses you like a ghost
- as in you almost can't feel it
- she much prefers to kiss your cheek, as its a soft and simple gesture that she can do at any time
- but again, she doesn’t kiss often
- so when you do find this blessing upon you, don’t hope for too much
- she won’t give you the proper kiss to the lips that you may want, because most of the time she’s busy and doesn’t have the time or feel very deserving of sharing such a nice moment with you
- so a peck on the cheek will do and then she’s off again
- tbh she hates the church and protecting mondstadt
- because she doesn’t have the time to kiss you like the wants
- but dw
- she’ll make it up to you
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- eula loves to kiss your knuckles.
- she was raised by aristocrats
- so like
- kissing is a thing
- she won’t do too often
- until you’re married
- because why waste her kisses on someone who’ll break up with her?
- no
- she’ll take her vengeance if you leave her
- so like
- don’t.
- anyways
- eula likes getting down on one knee and kissing your knuckles
- because it's romantic
- and she’s a knight
- isn’t that what the night typically does for his princess?
- as far as she knows, yes, yes it is
- so she’s gonna do it for you
- as a greeting
- and a farewell
- and just because she can
- of course in private she won’t make such a big deal about it
- she’ll just kinda snatch your hand (regardless of what you’re doing), and press her lips to your knuckles
- she really really enjoys doing it because it reminds her of those little stories about a princess and a knight
- you’re her prince/princess and she’s your loyal knight <3
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- mika loves to kiss your nose.
- shy.
- shy.
- shy.
- again, does not kiss you often
- but it's more often than like rosaria or albedo or eula.
- he’s just really really really nervous to kiss you
- like what if he messes up???
- he doesn’t wanna mess up!!
- so instead of kissing your lips
- he kisses your nose
- why?
- because he thinks your nose is cute
- but also because it helps him a little
- concentration wise
- this way he cant mess it up!
- right?
- right..?
- he’s telling himself that
- he just likes to kiss your nose
- mika thinks it's soft and cute but so is your whole face!!
- he’d pepper your face in kisses if he could
- but most attention kissing-wise is given to your nose
thank you for reading !
have a great day/night !
Requests: OPEN
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Genshin bachelorettes and bachelors proposing!
Characters: Jean, Diluc, Eula, Itto, Kuki Shinobu, Kujo Sara, Navia, Clorinde, Arlecchino
Cw: fem reader, fluff mostly, some suggestive themes.
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Arataki Itto
Oh this was a hard decision. Not that he didn’t want to spend his life with you but if now was the right time to propose. He isn’t exactly the most well off. His gang camps out in the wilderness and he knows your parent’s expect him to improve. And he wants to. With Shinobu’s help he starts to get a education much to your surprise. Slowly working himself up to have more than a basic reading level. When he can land a more steady income then he’ll propose. He wants to get you the best ring in all of Tevyat. Unfortunately he can’t afford that. But Shinobu advises him to aim for more affordable but still pretty rings.
As for the proposal itself. He’s definitely going for either the big party with friends or if he’s spent most of his mora on the ring already he’ll just ask you on a quiet little walk with just you present. But knowing Itto, you probably would’ve found the ring before all that.
Itto may not be the best in terms of providing money, but he’d never slack off elsewhere. His granny raised no coward! If you’re the breadwinner he’ll gladly take up the house chores. He is a bit dumb yes but he is the most loyal and devoted man you could meet. With unwavering support and loyalty. Never will he let you face anything alone.
Eula Lawerence
Marriage is a bit complicated for her. She has renounced her family yes, she is disowned yes. But the subject of last names is what gets her. Truth be told… her last name is a small price to pay for you. She knows the other option isn’t ideal. If you take her name it’ll ruin your reputation.
But.. she’s certain its you she wants. Its you she wants to come home to. Its you she wants to sleep next to every night. And its you she wants to grow old with and feed birds with. She decides to discuss it with you.
Her proposal is less romantic and more straightforward. She knows this is a serious discussion and doesn’t want any miscommunication or misunderstandings. She wants to know if you would take her last name or have her take yours. The decision is yours sure but eitherway she wants only you to be her bride. No one else. No matter how many letters her family sends.
Diluc Ragnvindr
Oh he’s shy! Diluc’s been thinking for so long. How the naked ring finger on your hands seems to irritate him. How he perks up, red and flustered like a schoolgirl when one of his business partners accidentally calls you Mrs Ragnvindr. Said business partner later told him he should consider getting a ring soon. With that he starts planning.
A romantic little date alone at the winery. He takes you out for a picnic near the lake. There is a great deal of preparation taken into this. The entire slime and hilichurl population nearby is turned to zero. Adelinde planting many flowers along the path he’s planning and in the spot he’s picked out. You can be certain Diluc has left nothing to chance here other than your answer. He prepares the finest suit and the finest dress for you. Afterwards there will be a engagement party.
Kuki Shinobu
She too is also more straight forward and less romantic. One night you two were cuddling as she just randomly asked if you want to marry her. Bit jarring sure but hey at least she asked in a semi romantic context.
She handles all the coordination. You two work like a team to save money for a court house wedding with a killer after party. Needless to say the Arataki Gang is heavily involved in throwing the best celebration ever for Kuki Shinobu.
Kujo Sara
For so long Sara believed she was undeserving of love. That her only place in this world was serving the shogun and keeping the peace. But you gave her something other than the shogun to report to. Her home felt more welcoming with you in it. You didn’t change much yet she felt more at ease. She lets you preen her wings, picking out old or damaged feathers to let new ones grow. But unlike the family who took her in you keep her feathers. You say it’s because you can’t throw away something that was apart of her. She secretly likes seeing you collect them. Maybe you’ll even have accessories made out of them and then that sends her to the conclusion that she needs to marry you. Her position is dangerous yes. But she can’t imagine a life without you.
She very much leans to the traditional methods. Asking your parents for their approval. Setting a nice dinner to ask you during.
The ceremony is quite special, she’s a nervous wreck as she worries about anything that could go wrong. But as long as she has you, she won’t have much. To worry about anymore.
Jean Gunnhildr
Oh she’s been planning this for awhile. She’s had the ring ready but she’s been too nervous. The romantic set up she prepares end up not being perfect enough for her so she plays it off. Until you end up proposing yourself, of course she agrees but she’s embarrassed she took too long.
A traditional and beautiful wedding. She ends up letting you plan most of it as she’s already busy but she’s more than eager to help. Its a biggggg event. The acting grandmaster getting married is treated almost like a festival. The people of Mondstadt send you their well wishes and plenty of gifts. To your surprise alot of businesses offered lower price’s because of Jean. She is well beloved by the nation so no doubt is no one going to overprice it. Catering, flowers, decorations, you used the extra money saved to tip the servers well. The Mondstadt Chapel being the location, it was like half of Mondstadt attended. And those who didn’t receive a invite would wait outside. Lord Barbatos seemed to pleased with your union, with clear skies and only a tickling wind. It’s intimidating walking down the isle to see half of Mondstadt looking at you. But when you see just how smitten Jean looks. How she wipes tears as she tries to maintain composure. You don’t feel as scared knowing just how happy she is. She can hardly keep her hands off of you either.
Your honeymoon is in a nice cottage far from the city as you two go together. Lisa left in charge, knights making sure to maintain the perimeter. Its perfect.
Her proposal will infact be a crazy set up. Sending you on a goose chase to meet with her, each location being a significant place in your relationship. The restaurant you had your first date at, the alley you had your first kiss in, etc etc. the clues hidden closely. Passerby’s participating by helping out or giving you clues as well. And when you finally find her its in Poission, with the flowers blossoming and the wind in your hair. The guards place a pillow on the ground before she gets on one knee, a ring displayed. The ring her father gave her mother. She wants you to have it. To be hers forever and for all eternity.
The wedding is no less complicated. Creative decorations, dozens of desserts, etc. the macaroons decorated to look like either yours or her face. The cake is beautiful. Youve never felt so pretty as when she takes your hand and showers you in praises that would have you marry again if you could. Just the look in her eyes alone has you under a spell. Pure and raw devotion. A lone tear as she knows she’ll never be alone again. Four seats are left empty. Two for her parents. Two for Melus and Silver. But she knows they’re cheering from the grave as she pulls you in for another kiss and another dance. Navia has been through so much heartbreak. You can tell she’s pained at the fact she cannot do her own father daughter dance, not with her dad or Melus. So you make extra sure to be close. But you… all dressed in white… its a great distraction for her. Reassuring her that she’ll never be alone again.
She is a sappy but subtle person. She goes through the effort of the surprise. Making sure you would say yes though. She prepares only the best, a reservation in a private table, the best foods for you to stuff yourself with. She smiles slightly wiping your face herself. The ring is hidden in a cake, with the box sitting ontop. Protected from the icing. You recognize it immediately.
She’d likely prefer a more small wedding. If you want something big then she’ll compromise but for the most part it is mostly close friends and relatives. Clorinde goes through the typical groom and bride stuff where she avoids seeing you in your dress. Walking in to your dressing room, blindfolded to give you a kiss to reassure you everything is fine. She has the finest of everything picked out. No accidents allowed. Her sword is also still hidden on her person at all times just in case. By the end of the reception your lipsticks have blended into one color as she just got too excited.
She is a romantic at heart yes, but she’s also extremely business minded. She will make her intentions of marriage clear to you. Presenting the pros of it. She’s relieved when you agree but she decided to stage a proper proposal randomly. She wants to surprise you but not too much. There’s some red herrings for you for a little bit. False headings. Until Lyney and Lynette perform a private little magic show in which she magically appears to slip the ring on your finger. Of course the children are absolutely delighted!
The wedding happens in two parts. There’s the business one. With her harbinger colleagues and others. You got to meet the Tsarsita who bestows you with her blessing, a nerve wracking ordeal indeed. You spend the entire day at Arlecchino’s side trying to dodge the confusing questions the harbingers ask. They feel oh so scary but fear not, for she will not stand to watch her beloved wife be intimidated. If they get out of line she will not hesitate to put them back in their place.
The second one is for the orphanage. All of her children called to attend in the biggest ceremony. A large celebration filled with warmth and joy for you. Your family and friends can come to this one and only this one. It’s something you actually were more than fine with considering her colleagues. The children are so very happy to see their father so happy too. Her hand never leaves your side. You dance until your feet are sore. Unfortunately you teo don’t get to have a honeymoon but the kids will make sure you have no chores for a week straight while you and your husband wife relax.
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thelost-in-time · 1 year
"Don't cry."
Suddenly, the empty spot next to you on the floor was empty no longer, and an arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you gently into a warm chest.
When you looked up, your tear filled eyes met the concerned gaze of your lover's.
"Here. I've got you some tissues, and some water."
Came the soft and gentle voice of your partner, their touch just as soft as they gently wiped your tears.
They pulled away for a moment, giving you some personal space, but they held the water to you.
"Please drink some water. Crying a lot makes you dehydrated, and I don't want you to get a headache."
Even if you tried to reject, they kept holding the water to you until you took at least a sip.
And once you drank a bit of water, they had a gentle smile on their face, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"That's my love."
They sat with you in a few moments of silence, knowing that sometimes as long as you have someone by your side, speaking wouldn't be as important at times.
Just knowing someone was by your side was calming, to them anyway.
"I know you probably don't want to talk about it right now, but whatever it is that has you crying, you're not alone. I'm right here. Whether your insecurities are making you cry, whether you lost someone you love for, or any other reason. I'm here. I'm not leaving you. I'll always be here. And I'll always love you. You're not alone. Lean on me."
They tell you with a gentle tone, glancing over at you, and as if to seal their promise, they pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"And if it is your insecurities, just know that I love each of your insecurities. Every single bit of you. You may be insecure of things, but I love those parts of you too. You're stunning. Inside and out, and I love you. You've helped me love my insecurities, and I will not hesitate to attempt to help you love your insecurities too. If it's something you can't change, like scars or anything else, then those insecurities are beautiful too."
They say softly, thinking to how you had comforted them in the past for their insecurities, things they found distasteful until you taught them to love their insecurities.
"But if that's not why you're crying, if you've lost someone, then I know this pain is great. It may feel like you'll never get over this, and I won't lie, it will hurt for a long time. But you don't have to deal with the pain alone. I'm here, you can rely on me. You don't have to deal with any of your problems alone. I'm here. I'll take care of you. You always take care of me, my love, so allow me to take care of you too."
And even if you didn't feel like it in the moment, your lover was determined to look after you in any way they could.
They wanted to see you genuinely happy, so they would not stop until you felt okay once more.
No matter how long it would take, a few weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime. They would always take care of you, no matter what.
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Likes and reblogs are welcomed, and highly appreciated.
I needed comfort, so I wrote comfort. I genuinely hope this comforted you guys as well.
Sending hugs to everyone who needs it, along with a comfort pack of anything of your choice.
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xcyphoz0a · 8 months
Hello there! I hope your day is going well, but if not I hope it gets better dude!!!🤗
I wanted to know if it’s alright to request an idea for sagau? Like I might make a post about this but I always thought it would be cool to have y/n retain some realistic features even though they isekai into tevat!
Like for example; the hair being more textured, shines in reflection , the way they would have different shades and saturation throughout the skin, they way how your touch feels ‘real’ or different, oh and ur eyes, oh how the characters could look how your pupils reflects, etc.
Idk I always thought if I were to make and character of mine or y/n still retaining little features they had back their own world seem kind of cool and interesting to think how people would react to it!
Even better is if they don’t know you’re the ‘creator’ of their reality and they were only able to hear your voice and how you express yourself!!
Anyways sorry for making this so long 🥲 I’m just kind of curious on how you or others would feel on this idea 💡
Unique differences
Gender neutral reader, ideas TW/CW: sagau Character(s): Some characters from Mondstadt Word count: 608 Proofread: n/a | The differences you hold is what makes you unique, so special, lovable. | A/N: hello! I hope this fits your tastes..? might have a part two if i manage to find some more ideas!
Taglist: @chaoffee
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When you arrive you probably don’t know why some random citizens look at you with such amazed, perplexed gazes, with you likely thinking there’s something on your face that you don’t know was there.
You’re also slightly confused why the hilichurls don’t attack when you’re an inch near them, and why the slimes seem to be more docile, why you barely manage to see abyss mages– everything’s odd.
If you arrive near Mondstadt, Amber is the first one to find you and lead you towards the headquarters of the knights of Favonius, but she definitely notices something different with you. You haven’t spoken yet, so she doesn’t know who you really are, perhaps, you’re like the traveller, she thinks.
But when you properly introduce yourself to Jean and the others the whole knights that are in the headquarters, such as Albedo, Sucrose, Kaeya, Lisa, perhaps Eula, gather around you, murmuring to themselves that you’re 99% the creator that they’ve only ever heard, and you’re just standing there. 
With your voice, the different, more dynamic and ‘lively’ look that you have seemed to make more sense–your eyes held the shine and reflection of their own appearance, your skin seemed to be much softer… and you assume that you’ve managed to retain some realer features you had in your original world.
Don’t worry, don’t fret, they love you with or without differences. Even if you weren’t the creator, Mondstadt welcomes you with open arms.
Best to say now the whole of Mondstadt finally knows their creator’s here in their region.
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While Albedo knows that you are the creator, he can’t help but wonder if he can try to run some tests–he doesn’t want to hurt you, he just has an infinite curiosity ridden area in his mind.
Same goes for Sucrose too, but she doesn’t want to come off as rude or disrespectful, so she only holds these curiosities within her, oftentimes writing this in her journal, it’s not creepy, I promise.
Jean finds your presence nice, but more than others, it feels as if you’re like a safe haven for her with only just your presence, and you can visibly see her tired eyes brighten up when you pat her head for her hard work.
For Lisa, she also holds some questions for you, though she’d rather stay where she is, watching and hearing you enthusiastically talk about the books and literature in your world in the library.
Diluc wishes he was the person to find you first and lead you to Mondstadt– his feelings towards the knights of Favonius may be neutral and slightly, very slightly bad, but he’s still grateful that you managed to arrive safely. If you manage to visit Angel’s Share often, he’s somehow always there, wiping a glass or two.
Kaeya’s teasing his brother. No hard feelings though! Just pure friendly sibling rivalry. But when you’re near, his charismatic face fades as he’s rendered to someone yearning for affection–it’s adorable.
Same goes for Eula. She’s not often seen in Mondstadt due to her… ‘status’, but when you welcome her with open arms and no judgemental gaze, she feels… so appreciated. She’s barely felt this before other than in the knights of Favonius, but this… feels more different, warm, loving.
Venti’s elated, often like him a majority of times, but for him, he feels the joy that he’s never felt before–it’s pure, unadulterated joy that stems from his chest, as his mind fills with endless pure and innocent praise and lyrics for you with his lyre. The weather in Mondstadt seems to be more light, a refreshing breeze whenever Venti’s with you for some reason…
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yuoimia · 1 year
bubbly haze !
summary: their favorite bath products
chars: albedo, alhaitham, ayaka, ayato, childe, cyno, diluc, eula, heizou, itto, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, mona, nilou, raiden, tighnari, wanderer, xiao, yae miko, yelan, zhongli.
cws: modern au, hardly proofread, maybe grammatical errors? gn! reader.
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scented bath bombs - childe, ayaka, heizou, kaveh,
they own an impressive collection of bath bombs of every scent, color and shape, all meticulously organised categorically by aesthetics and purpose. you’d think they’d treasure them like precious lost gems, locked away in some fancy glass cabinets, but you’d change your mind in a split second if you saw them in the bath.
it’ll start off with one, singular bath bomb. it dissolves and fizzes, seeping and mixing into the water around them. but we could up that a bit more. there is a whole box just in the cupboard…
soon the bathroom smells like one of those heavily perfumed candle shops.
personalized shampoo and conditioner - albedo, tighnari, eula, zhongli
their hair game is top tier!! it’s serious business to them, and hair products from local stores just don’t meet their sky-high standards. their the ones that order from those custom-made sites, and claim that their deluxe, personalized shampoo and conditioner is 100% worth half their income. whether it actually works or not, it doesn’t really matter because their hair is a thousand times more healthy and shiny than yours :(
fragrant soaps + body washes - diluc, alhaitham, ayato, yelan, wanderer, yae miko.
these people always smell good. and its not from heavy layers of perfume, cologne or body mists, their charming aroma stems from their immaculate taste in bath products.
though it may not look like it, these people are very knowledgeable when it comes to the best complimentary scents and combos. very often they’d mix and experiment around different types of soaps and consistencies, spending a concerning amount of time in the bathroom perfecting their concoctions. despite this, they do have a favourite signature scent. it might be something simple like lavender, or something unusual like sandalwood and aquarian rose. ??
exfoliating sugar scrubs - kaeya, kazuha, cyno, raiden ei, nilou, 
the same type of people who enjoys consistent self-care. they know that sugar scrubs aren’t particularly essential in baths, potentially harmful if overused, but it sure heightens and makes the experience even more delightful and comforting. the have only a few of different fragrances, but they treasure and savour them like its their last. after all, baths for them are like an escape from responsibilities and expectations, a gateway to temporary tranquility.
it doesn’t last that long, but at least they have their sugar scrubs. 
water - xiao, itto, mona.
it’s basic, but it does it’s job…to some extent. sure, sometimes it doesn’t mask some odor, but its nothing a few spritz of cheap body mist can’t hide! (minus xiao for this part) they don’t understand the point of expensive products. aren’t baths are just obligations to make sure your clean? you could be spending your money and time doing things much more important and useful.
…but they’d never say no to a paid appointment at the bathhouse!! 
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© ayaboba. do not copy, modify or translate in any way.
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sabtanh1 · 2 months
Genshin Impact (Mondstadt)
☁︎ = fluff    ⚠︎ = smut    ❇ = angst    ☘ = au's    
☕︎︎ = slow burn    ✿ = series    ᰔ = blurb
Navigation . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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Heat (⚠︎)
Instinct (⚠︎)
Violet (⚠︎)
s/o with a comfort pillow (or toy) (☁︎, ᰔ)
Bedroom (⚠︎, ᰔ)
Cover me in sunshine (☁︎)
Sweet! (⚠︎, ᰔ)
Confessions gone wrong… (☁︎)
Kissing key areas on their bodies (☁︎, ᰔ)
Cover me in sunshine (☁︎)
“Who did this to you?” (☁︎)
Sugar daddies (⚠︎)
Boyfriends (☁︎, ᰔ)
Lactating (⚠︎, ᰔ)
Sweet! (⚠︎, ᰔ)
Tying you down (❇, ᰔ)
Forget him, be with me instead (❇, ☁︎)
Slimed (☁︎)
Heartstrings attached (☁︎)
“Who did this to you?” (☁︎)
Sugar daddies (⚠︎)
When mommy’s resting (⚠︎)
His princess (⚠︎)
Boyfriends (☁︎, ᰔ)
Giving them a friendship bracelet (☁︎, ᰔ)
Sweet! (⚠︎, ᰔ)
Bruised in silence (❇, ☁︎)
Forgotten anniversary (❇, ☁︎)
Forget him, be with me instead (❇, ☁︎)
Tying you down (❇, ᰔ)
Nothing here yet...
Confessions gone wrong… (☁︎)
Sweet! (⚠︎, ᰔ)
Forget him, be with me instead (❇, ☁︎)
Nothing here yet…
Nothing here yet…
send me more fics to read! ₊˚⊹♡
Last updated: 10/8/24
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lno-x · 1 year
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I've spent too much time for this meme picture
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Lisa: I have two jobs, one is being a librarian.
Lisa: And the other is being a wingwoman of those two Diluc and Jean reading a book together. those two, Amber smiling while holding Eula hands as she blushes from embarrassment. and those two, Mona and Scaramouche making out in a alley.
Lisa: It ain't much but its honest work.
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ermegtei · 2 years
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៚ aether, diluc, kaeya, venti, jean, eula, rosaria, fischl, childe, zhongli, xiao, ningguang, ganyu, ayato, thoma, itto, heizou, yae miko, scaramouche, la signora
ᝰ genshin chars reaction to will you marry me ?
꒦꒷ why did this take so long i'm gonna cry + i wanna write for more women <33
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goes completely silent for a moment, you'd think they just shut down right there. before you could tug on their shirt, they turn around with enlarged pupils— did you seriously? noticing your excited gaze on them, blood rushes to their cheeks. what are they going to do with you?
〉aether, diluc, jean, xiao, ganyu, thoma, cyno
surprised, but definitely not disappointed. a chuckle escapes their lips as they turn to face you while running their tongue over their lips. oh gosh, with their hard stare on you, you're the one getting all shy!! if you're lucky, you'll get a maybe from them.
〉kaeya, rosaria, zhongli, ningguang, ayato, heizou, yae miko, la signora
a part of them wants to scream yes and kiss you all over, another part of them wants to run away and scream into their pillow. but they look at you with a frown, murmuring something about you being foolish and not worthy, but you don't notice the way they grip the glass in their hands&lt;333
〉eula, fischl, xiao (yes, again), scaramouche
〉venti, childe, itto
#-reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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makimakimi · 1 year
Someone PLEASE make an alhaitham au or smau with this plot, im begging you to do so 😭🙏🏻
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It’s an amazing idea, like, just imagine Alhaitham with this parts of the song
“And I could see you up against the wall with me”
“That I could see you throw your jacket on the floor, I could see you make me want you even more”
guys, his coat *winkwink*
“Passed me a note saying, "Meet me tonight" then we kiss, and you know I won't ever tell, yeah, and I could see you being my addiction. You can see me as a secret mission”
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
How they would handle a drunk spouse
Warning! ALCOHOL!
Characters: Jean, Diluc, Dehya, Eula, Arlecchino, Navia, Shenhe
A/n: this is a draft that i just fixed up to post. I promise jean x reader will not be forgotten
Cw: fluff, alcoholism. No warnings aside from alcohol!
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She knew Kaeya was a bad influence! Its not entirely his fault but she doesn’t have time to care about your mistake here. You can try to sweet talk her or be all cuddly but shes not holding back on you! You should’ve known better than to get this drunk if you didn’t want to make her worried sick! She goes into overdrive caring for you though. A bucket and water telling you to drink every drop. You aren’t going to bed until she’s sure you feel better because she doesn’t want to wake up to vomit everywhere. Also because you could choke on your own vomit. Its also to help lessen the hangover. Mondstadt is the drinking capital in Teyvat though so there’s definitely more tips she knows just by living there. Despite her being s but mean it does help when you are hungover and less dehydrated than you would’ve been. She made sure to leave you some painkillers and medication for you on the nightstand.
“I told you so” kind guy. He’s probably a bit annoyed but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to help. Although he can’t help but find it a little bit amusing the state you’re in. Just giggling and mumbling words. Its kind of cute. Unlike Jean his anger and annoyance lessens the more cuddly you get. His heart melting at the fact that you still seek him out in this inebriated state of yours. He’ll fix you something to sober you up real quick and hold your hair if you vomit. If you have to take a bath he will be there to make sure you don’t drown. Since he is a bartender he has the best knowledge of how to handle hangovers. Next time however you should be careful
She probably was drinking with you to be honest. But her liver is far stronger than you thought! Seeing you drunk out of your mind she will stop drinking for the night and take you home instead. A gentle bridal style while she takes caution to not upset your tummy. She gets you plenty of water to help sober you up for bed time. You will just have to go along with her word, she isnt entertaining any arguments or resistance from you now! She changes you out of your clothes, ties up your hair, etc. She makes sure you’re nice and cozy for the night before she takes care of herself.
She can’t help but find it amusing watching you stumble about. She asks Lambad for some water but she holds it to you so you won’t drop it. She teases you about being a lightweight. But she isn’t finished drinking yet so just hold on! Once you fall over and pass out though she ditches that plan and instead carries you home. A bit difficult considering she too is tipsy but it helps that she’s strong and not nearly as drunk. Nonetheless she tucks you in and sleeps right next to you, making sure you’re pressed up against her so you can be nice and warm.
She knew you would be a light weight. Just one shot of firewater and you’re out like a light, your head on her thigh as she was reading something. You seem too peaceful to move so she simply lets you stay there. Her hand rummaging through your hair every so often. Occasionally she glances to see your face and smiles. You’re cute like this. Next time she’ll make sure to dilute the firewater properly so she an enjoy your drunken state a little more.
She’s not sure what to do with you actually. Worried that you’ve hit your head she brings you to Bubu pharmacy, to which Baizhu has to explain the difference between a head injury and alcohol. But he sends her off with a few pain meds for you in the morning. She heeds his instructions well. Helping you settle in for a nice rest to sleep it off. She might have gone overboard though because she overdoes it with the blankets and water. But its still appreciated when you wake up with the worst hangover.
You crash together. You fall asleep first, in her arms as she eventually falls asleep too , holding you close to her. Both drunk out of your minds you two end up asleep using a tarp as a blanket on the deck of the crux. The crew still mulling and celebrating their most recent success. The crew ends up having to lift you two back to your beds together because even unconscious would Beidou not let go of you. When you wake up she’s far better off than you as she teases you endlessly. Needless to say you two will be chugging water from here on out. At least until the next celebration. Lucky for you she keeps a stash of painkillers for her crew for this specific occasion.
A relentless teaser! How horrible! She ends up giggling watching you stumble and stutter. She can’t help it! You’re such a silly bean! Once you get sleepy is when she brings you home to rest. With her guards doing the heavy lifting of course. But she’ll do the bathing or changing herself with them casted out of the room. Afterwards she prepares herself for bed, snuggling against you.
In the morning she’ll make her guards get you painkillers and water.
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yanfeisty · 2 years
— Voicelines about Creator!Reader (Mondstadt version) ♡ !
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⊹ [ characters ] — Albedo, Amber, Barbara, Bennett, Diluc, Diona, Eula, Fischl, Jean, Kaeya, Klee, Lisa, Mona, Noelle, Razor, Rosaria, Sucrose & Venti. ◞
⊹ [ synopsis ] — Let's see what they think about you. ◞
⊹ [ cw ] — religious themes. ◞
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⠀‣ Albedo
About The Creator: Learning
"It is quite unfortunate they don't remember anything about their past life and how they created everything in this world, I would have a few questions to ask...but learning about them is still interesting, especially how they seem to affect me, for exemple I get distracted by them during my work, but not because they are beside me, it's because they aren't."
About The Creator: Consort
"You seem rather surprised, it's true that I have troubles in finding time for socializing, but it doesn't feel difficult with them, as it was almost a natural thing that we were simply meant to be, that's why I accepted their proposal, to investigate this feeling that warm my body even in the coldest place of Dragonspine... Anyway, do you want to see my sketches of them? I don't know why but I'm not able to catch their full beauty, maybe you could help me."
⠀‣ Amber
About The Creator
"You know, when I first heard about Y/n, I thought they were super serious and all but when I met them they were nice to talk to! We passed so much time talking and I even taught them how to glide! But I couldn't shake the feeling that they must felt so lonely... people view them as their God and so they are either scared or don't think they are worthy to talk to Y/n. I can't help but feel sad, I'm happy to have them as a friend and to be one for them too!"
⠀‣ Barbara
About The Creator
"I was so happy to learn our Creator finally descended, even during my first concert I didn't feel so anxious to sing in front of someone.. Oh, they're so kind too! They always tell me to relax around them and they compliment my singing, telling me it's healing their soul! Ah... I feel like my heart is going to burst because of how joyful I am!"
⠀‣ Bennett
About The Creator
"Oh, they're like a super important person here, so much so that I don't have the right to approach them. I was surprised when they sneak out to go talk to me, they're always telling me to take care and wish me luck, that doesn't help my luck at all but I appreciate the worry!"
⠀‣ Diluc
About The Creator: Traditions
"My late father was a firm believer, teaching me and Kaeya the traditions and to always thank The Creator for the good things like the bad ones because they make us stronger. I still do both."
About The Creator: Consort
"You heard the news? I should have expect that... I wish that our relationship was kept more private. I heard that I was... 'overprotective', and frankly.. I do not care what others say, this world is dangerous, danger can come from anywhere, especially when their name is known all around Teyvat. They always worry about me and my night activities, asking me to just drop it for one night, to the point of threatening me with the silent treatment. Let's just say being worried over each others is how we work, but people can't mind their own business... That's why I didn't want people to know."
⠀‣ Diona
About The Creator
"They're nice, they even wanted to help me to destroy the wine industry, but I had to fire them because not only they attracted more customers to the Cat's tail, everyone was being delusional and asked for more of their drink! Hmp, I kind of miss them rubbing my ears though... Y-You heard nothing!!"
⠀‣ Eula
About The Creator
"It's a custom of the Lawrence Clan to worship its Creator as they were the one to bless us with nobility, so I have to address them with my utmost respect, however they always tell me to just 'relax' and 'drop the act', I shall make them pay to tell how a Lawrence should behave! But to be honest, I'm not so sure if I can since they are the God we worship, nobody in the Clan planned a rule for this occasion.."
⠀‣ Fischl & Oz
About The Creator
"Fate was sealed when the holy name fell to the soon blessed land to greet the one bereft of sins, both born in this universe from the sea of stars with The Knowledge which the infinity is powerless to conceal, and yet, I, Prinzessin der Verurteilung cannot comprehend the absolute truth for the disciples of this world, as I can only hear the sound of darkness produced by its light.
What does she means is that she thinks The Creator is worth of her friendship and would like to know them more, but their way of speaking with their 'slangs', are quite difficult to understand."
⠀‣ Jean
About The Creator: Work
"I understand it might be overwhelming for them, that's why I'm trying to manage their schedule and reassure them. I know they told me to take a rest for a while but I can't help but be concerned, I only wish for them to be confortable and free from worry."
About The Creator: Consort
"We've been close for quite some time, I truly felt touched when they asked me, it's quite embarrassing to say but I was lost for words, and I don't usually loose my composure... But I was happy to accept their proposal, they're someone I can turn to when I need to, they do bring me comfort, I hope they think the same thing about me... Sorry, I get a bit distracted when talking about them."
⠀‣ Kaeya
About The Creator: First Impression
"Oh... so you've heard about The Great Creator of Teyvat, have you met them yet? I'm sure you'd like them, their personality don't quite match their title, but don't worry, you're not going to be disappointed."
About The Creator: Consort
"You want to know more about me being a consort? Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate... Hehe, I'm just teasing you, I have to admit they caught me off guard when they proposed to me, but how could I say no to such an adorable face, they're so cute when they're shy, very fun to tease. Oh, if you excuse me, I have to meet them for some... private stuff..."
⠀‣ Klee
About The Creator
"Y/n is the best! We do fireworks together, it's less fun than fish blasting but it's so pretty... They also take care of me sometimes with Albedo, it's so fun when we're the three together!"
⠀‣ Lisa
About The Creator
"We've been on a few dates together, for book recommendations obviously, haha. They wanted to know more about their past life, unfortunately there is so little about The Creator in the library. I have to say the way they're portrayed in the books isn't as endearing as the real version."
⠀‣ Mona
About The Creator
"Asking me to look at their destiny is like asking me to look at the constellation of a constellation... The Creator is the stars themselves and everything that exists in this world. Hydromancy is a simple magic trick compared to their power, but they seemed to have lost it with their memory too. Do you know how much Mora some Acolytes offered me to show The Creator their past?! Of course I didn't accept but that was a beautiful thought to imagine..."
⠀‣ Noelle
About The Creator
"Once I was helping them to search an object, it took us the whole day but we finally found it, I proposed my help if they had any other troubles and they told me I didn't have to do that but I told that made me happy that I could help them. And after that, they looked a bit down, maybe it's because they aren't use to people helping them out of kindness, but because of their important position we gave them, so as asual I wanted to help by cheering them up and that is how we became friends."
⠀‣ Razor
About The Creator
"Hm, Cre-ator? I don't know them... Y/n? Yes, they're nice and kind, very kind. My lupical also likes their smell."
⠀‣ Rosaria
About The Creator
"Since they came back, there has been more work for the sisters, making sure to welcome them every time they visit Mondstadt, new choirs and prayers to learn, urg... Though I have to say it's quite a funny sight to see them just as bored in those neverending ceremonies as me."
⠀‣ Sucrose
About The Creator
"Oh yes, they're an interesting person, I wanted to observe them, o-of course not without their agreement, but I was afraid to ask... However, Mr. Albedo told me to go and talk to them because he needed to investigate about something, he wanted to see how someone else is affected when talking to The Creator. I'm not sure what conclusion I needed to draw but I discovered they were really nice and told me I shouldn't be afraid of talking to them more... Ah, I hope we can have another chance to discuss together again."
⠀‣ Venti
About The Creator: Songs
"Ah, yes, many people in Mondstadt believe in them, that's why I dedicated multiple songs about them and the wonderful land they created! Those really help me when I don't have enough money to pay... Ehe~"
About The Creator: Consort
"It's always a delight to hear people talking about our union, they're such a wonderful partner, how lucky I am! I still write many songs about them, just a different type this time and they're more personal. But I can write thousands of lyrics with the most beautiful words and somehow it will never be enough to demonstrate my love... Hmm... I like this topic! If you want we can talk more about them over a drink, or perhaps I can show you my new poem for them."
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kleincantwrite · 2 years
How they like to Hug you (SFW)
Characters: Albedo, Beidou, Collei, Venti, Diluc, Eula, Dottore, QiQi, Xingqiu, Xinyan (Seperate)
Themes: Fluff, comfort, light angst with Diluc, Venti, and QiQi
Word count: 677
Rating: SFW
Holding your arm. Despite being a genius alchemist, he can be unsure of how to show physical affection. So, instead of hugging you normally, He starts by holding onto your hand, then hugging your arm, linking it with his own. He's worried that he will overwhelm you, or even himself if he takes things too quickly.
Wrapping an arm around your shoulder. She 100% Wraps her arm around your shoulder/upper arm, hugging you close to her with a cold drink in her other hand, laughing and chatting away with you, or whoever she's talking to. She's not super big on physical affection, but she enjoys having you close to her at least.
Wraps her arms around you from the front. Due to her past, she finds it difficult to be close to people, despite being a very trusting person. However, once you get to know her, she starts seeing you more like family, and allows herself to be calm while around you. She enjoys the comfort of being held, because she feels safe with you.
Wraps his arms around your waist from your side. Tipsy or otherwise, Venti LOVES holding you. He can surprisingly be more reserved about physical affection when in public as to not embarrass you, but when he's drunk he's all over you, holding your arm up so he can wrap his arms around you, holding you close. He can't lose another friend, another person close to him.
Hugs you from behind. When Diluc first hugged you, you were shocked. Diluc hates people being physically close to him, usually pushing people away if they get too close. He knows he'll lose you eventually, and wants to show you in the best way that he can that he really does care, despite his seemingly cold demeanour.
Awkwardly from the front. Eula isn't used to giving or recieving affection, opting for handshakes or the occasional word of praise towards you. So when you came to her, tired and upset and in need of comfort, she wasn't sure how to respond. At first, she had just put her hand on your shoulder, patting you awkwardly for a few moments, before moving closer and wrapping her arms around you stiffly. At least she's trying, I guess.
Il Dottore
Holding you by the waist from the side. Be it in meetings, while talking to fellow harbingers, waiting on an experiment, he has you metaphorically glued to his side at all times. Wether he enjoys your company or just wants to see you squirm, you can't tell, but you often find him wrapping an arm around your waist lazily and pulling you close to him, seeing him shoot you a scheming smile.
Asking you to pick her up. It's become a habit for her to consistently ask to be picked up by practically anyone taller than her. Baizhu, Zhongli, Yanfei, even Beidou at one point. QiQi needs her excercise, and she techically doesn't get physically tired, but it gets boring walking around, and she can't see the finches spread across the ground from so low down. QiQi very rarely remembers people, unless they make an impression on her. She has known you, and remembered you for a while, and view you as family. An older sibling, perhaps? She enjoys the closeness, especially on colder days, when she can cope with the warmth of a hug.
From the side. He finds it amusing to wrap his arms around you at random times, with little to no reason. He enjoys watching your face go from surprise to embarrassment. He likes pulling you close and resting his head on your shoulder, especially when he's tired of dealing with the feiyun commerce guild.
Wrapping her arm around your shoulder. Sometimes, after her shows, she'll sit with you and watch over liyue harbor, just watching how peaceful everything is, despite being a hardcore rocker. She enjoys the peace and quiet every once in a while, and she enjoys it even more when she's with you.
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silvervinewine · 2 years
HOLDING THEIR HAND IN PUBLIC (w/ mondstadt gang)
immediately interlaces their fingers around your hand as they softly smile, holding you as if you are the most delicate glass they've come across. they lean into your touch, very much content.
↪ rosaria, kaeya, DILUC, albedo
they don't make any sudden movement despite their personality, instead they... look away noticibly more nervous than usual? they try to walk away as if nothing has happened, yet there is something bothering them.
↪ EULA, fischl, mona, lisa, RAZOR
looks at you and they start smiling like the sun, they lean in for a quick thoughtful kiss and they gleefully start swinging your hands as they walk with you.
they freeze up, hands stiff, mind blank, blushing like an idiot. they look at you pointing at themselves, clearly wondering if your hands are meant for them. you nod, and they seem more upbeat than usual.
↪ BENNET, sucrose, jean, NOELLE
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