#genji my beloved husband
freakygenji · 2 months
Reposting this on here for cause I love my ocs>w<
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angelinaslxt · 4 months
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Can someone please make a genji Shimada x fem!reader smut please😔🙏🏼
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kob131 · 1 year
I think I should write out a spread of what I think of each character in Umineko just to make things clear.
George- Nice guy, respect his determination and will to be with Shannon, would like it if the games could stop fucking him over. But...I feel like he’s gonna take a dark turn.
Jessica- Really cute but also very tragic, a lot of respect for her conviction and staunchness of character.
Maria- Tragic and abused child likely scarred for life by her mother’s inepititude and abuse. Her belief in witches has done nothing to help her as it’s encouraged a violent and hateful mindset.
Krauss- Bit of a dumbass, definitely has an inferiority complex about Kinzo and it has lead him to finnicial ruin. Though I suspect his redemption is coming.
Natushi- A wondefully strong woman that has earned my respect. Though Episode 5 does not look good for her so far.
Eva- A tragic case of ‘you either die as a hero or live long enough to become a villain’. There seems to be good reason why she dies early in most Epsiodes- the sexism and toxicity of the family has eroded her mind, making it very easy for her to fall into hatred, pride and envy.
Hideyoshi- A great husband and father whose done nothing but work with what he’s been dealt.
Rudolf- ... Honestly not much I can say. He’s shown a playboy-like side and yet a faithful husband-like side. But I feel like the game has barely touched him. Same with Kyrie- I know she hates Asumu, loves Rudolf and Battler and hates how her former love rival still got through her. But she still feels unexplored.
Rosa- A very odd case. A terrible mother through and through, having abused Maria to the point of ripping apart a beloved gift she made for her daughter, something she called her best friend, and clearly tramuatizing her daughter all because of her own pride and fragile ego. Yet she stared down a small platoon of demon goat butlers, dying to protect that same daughter and even throwing away her pride to try and save her. 
Kinzo- Fucking asshole. I don’t really feel much for him other than hatred for causing the events and some small respect for his ability to turn the tables.
Genji- He did good giving Shannon and Kanon peaceful deaths and Kinzo doesn’t deserve him.
Kanon- Honestly wasn’t a fan of his pairing with Jessica in the first Episode but they did a really good job making him anguished and desperate while stilling honorable in the second Episodes onward.
Shannon- Honestly. I like her for dissing Beatrice and for finding peace in her deaths.
Kurawasa- Funny but I’m eying her ass.
Gohda- A fairly okay guy whose a bit bland but also I can see why he sticks by the family.
Virgillia- I’m still holding a small grudge for her betrayal from Episode 3 and laughed as her little goat butler died in Episode 4.
Ronove- Honestly don’t know what to make of him. He’s polite and respectful and honorable. But something about his ettiqute makes me think it could be an act to bide time to get an upper hand on people.
Gaap- Nice tits.
Ange- A sad but true future that will happen if Battler fails. She deserved better than she got.
The Seven Sisters- Eh. Their bond with Ange is really sweet.
Lambdadelta- Really scared. I do not want to face her down.
Berkanstel- Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou-
Beatrice- I have no fucking clue. She’s delighted in torturing seemingly innocent people for fun but so easily shows a hurt, remorseful or even honorable side. I kind of just want to put her out of her misery at this point.
Battler- A man who is simutaineously dumb and smart, weak and strong, stubborn and wavering- I have to assume these conflicting elements are intentional.
As of Episode 5, Chapter 2- these are my thoughts. Not being very analytical here because an actual analysis would take more energy than I got right now. Also my thoughts on Battler and Beatrice are very likely to shift and change given their central character status.
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gl00mystarz · 2 years
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God Of War
𓆱 My Love
𓆱 Comfort
Red Dead Redemption
Sean McGuire
𓆱 Battle Scars, sorta ya know?
Arthur Morgan
𓆱 Life is Good
Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit
𓆱 "House" Husband
𓆱 My Beloved
𓆱 Small Mithrandir
𓆱 Bilbo with a tall puppy like boyfriend
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
𓆱 Foam Hearts and Bittersweet Lips
𓆱 I wish I knew...
Eddie Munson
𓆱 You really think that low of me, Munson?
𓆱 Eddie with a scary dog privilege boyfriend
𓆱 Smile, Sweetheart
𓆱 Safe Space
𓆱 Dancing Queens
𓆱 Eddie with a nerdy ballet boyfriend
𓆱 Eddie with a glamrock boyfriend
𓆱 Bratty Baby
𓆱 Eddie with a chubby boyfriend
𓆱 Eddie with a tall and muscular boyfriend
Genshin Impact
𓆱 Scaramouche HC's
𓆱 Kiss me
𓆱 Kiss me
𓆱 Kiss me
Kamisato Ayato
𓆱 Kiss me
Stardew Valley
𓆱 Harvey HC's
Cole Cassidy
𓆱 Hoodie?
Genji Shimada
𓆱 Hoodie?
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wellthebardsdead · 3 years
Shimada Coffee Pt1: New beginnings
Finally got around to writing this up! Just as a reminder I write for fun and this isn’t perfect but I enjoyed making it so I hope you enjoy it at the very least and also at the time of writing Mccrees name has yet to be changed by blizzard so throughout the course of this series he’ll remain with his current title until further notice.
Y’all who came from my old blog knew this mother fucker was coming! Get ready it’s gonna hurt! ~Bambi
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{prologue: main story below the ‘read more’}
“You’re just like your mother, Genji.” Sojiro sighed as he tested the temperature of the formula against his tattooed wrist. “So impatient.”
(“Congrats! It’s a boy!!” The nurse cheered and held up the newborn as he cried out his first breaths.)
Tears pricked at Sojiros eyes as a sad smile curled the corners of his lips. “You didn’t want to wait for me to arrive.” He sighed lifting his crying, barely a week old son into his arms, “you made your poor mother go through labour without me.”
(“Would you like to hold him mr shimada?” The nurse asked offering the now swaddled baby to him. Sojiro smiled and took him eagerly before sitting beside his beloved wife, Ayako, “he has your smile, your eyes too,” he said proudly.)
“But when I held you for the first time I felt so overjoyed, all I could think of was the happy future we’d have as a family, you and your brother, me and your mother.” He said as Genji eagerly latched onto the bottle.
(“He’s very small!” Hanzo exclaimed looking at his new baby brother. “Just wait a couple years son, maybe he’ll be bigger than you.” Sojiro laughed.)
“I was so happy, it only served to deepen the pain that was to come…” he said as tears began to pour down his lightly stubbled cheeks.
(“Im glad… I got to see you all one last time…” Ayako said as she smiled tiredly up at her husband and sons. “Please, dissolve the clan… give them a good life… no more crime.” She said as her skin grew pale, “please, promise me. Don’t let them suffer like you did…”)
Sojiro choked back a sob as he rocked his now satisfied new born back to sleep, “I wish I had just a few minutes more.”
(“Aishiteru…” (I love you, 愛してる) ayako whispered softly as the air left her lungs and her hold on Sojiros hand loosened. “My darling? Ayako?…” Sojiro whispered in response as the heart monitor flatlined and the world turned grey .)
“There we go,” Sojiro whispered as he placed his new born back on the futon next to his brother before sitting down beside them and pulling a small notebook from beneath his pillow, ayakos dairy. He thumbed through the pages before stopping on an illustration of a little shop front, designed immaculately down to a t.
“I know you always wanted a cafe in the country side but… I hope a city in america will do instead.” He said looking around the barren interior of the apartment, “I know it’s not much, but they’ll live an honest life here…” He sighed and tucked the book back under his pillow before laying back down next to his sons, his three year old Hanzo, and little Genji. “We’ll be safe here but,… I have no clue what I’m doing.” He whispered as he began to drift off to sleep again.
“Tou-san… need to pee.” Hanzo whispered.
It was only a 17 hour flight from Tokyo to America, one Sojiro had done plenty of times before to discuss business with the clans many lucrative arms dealers and clients. But on his own with a new born, a toddler, a to go bag with few personal belongings, and a pissed off criminal empire on his tail, all on top of his late wife’s death, and all the while trying to keep his tattooed body concealed, it wasn’t so easy.
Relief washed over him as the plane finally landed, while his 3 year old, Hanzo, handled the trip well, his new born, Genji, did not. Even in first class, from the loud noises, the odd smells, and the pressure making his ears pop, he seemed to spend every moment he could howling his lungs out much to the annoyance of the other passengers, and the worry and heartache of Sojiro as he struggled to make his baby as comfortable as possible.
Finally getting out of the airport was a breath of fresh, frigid night air as winter pushed out the last of its effort before the coming spring. Fresh air Sojiro immediately wanted to replace with the burn of a cigarette. After losing his wife, a funeral, risking his and his sons lives and a 17 hour flight, the itch to light one up was burning in the back of his head like the cherry of a smoke, but with his children close he pushed it away, it was bad enough he was hooked on them, the last thing he wanted was for anymore of his mistakes to rub off on his most valued treasures.
After scoping out the transportation he contemplated getting a cab from the airport to their new home, but with the circumstances of his situation and the possibility of assassination being all too real, he opted instead to wait for the bus.
Hanzo stood patiently beside his exhausted father, watching the night crowd slowly move in and out of the airport, some coming home, others leaving, he was too young to fully understand the complexities of adult life and why some passengers appeared so sad as they sat waiting for their rides. But he was smart enough to understand that his new home was here, and that his father was putting on a tough face for him. “It’s cold here, tou-san…” he whispered.
Sojiro glanced down at him before picking him up and placing him on his hip, “I know little rabbit, but I promise our new home will be nice and warm.” He said smiling so warmly at his son. Hanzo smiled up at him in return before gently covering Genji a little more with his swaddle, “I keep Ototo warm until we get there!” He exclaimed.
“Thank you little rabbit.” Sojiro said before clumsily shifting them about to grab their stuff as the bus arrived. “Ah! Speaking of home, We’re nearly there.” He said enthusiastically as he hurried aboard only for the mood to be immediately dampened by the dark and cramped interior, the musty and cigarette filled air certainly didn’t help either. “Kusai…” (Stinky, くさい)Hanzo whispered.
“Mm.” Sojiro hummed in affirmation before paying the fare and sitting down placing his kids in his lap, only for Genji to stir and promptly burst into a howling fit as the engine started, “me too sparrow. Me too…” Sojiro sighed and resumed trying to settle him as he stared out the window at the new city they’d call home.
Sojiro had plenty of unpleasant experiences in his life, a lot of them worse than others, but after an hour inside that cold, smelly, and oddly damp bus only to be dropped off a half hour away from their new home, he was definitely considering adding tonight to his ever growing list.
He could feel every muscle in his body ache with exhaustion as he trudged up hill carrying his now sleeping children and their belongings, he’d have to get a car soon once he had everything settled, he was relieved he at least had the peace of mind that he’d planned ahead to have groceries and essentials delivered after his arrival, though he can’t imagine the driver would be too pleased delivering anything this late into the evening.
After one final push up the path he stopped outside a decently sized building, two floors, the bottom an empty shop front, and the top a cozy little apartment, “…” he stood there in silence for a moment before pulling a small leather bound dairy out of his pocket, flicking through the pages he stopped on one, filled with a beautiful illustration of a small countryside cafe, carefully coloured in and filled with detail from top to bottom along side a page filled with notes that was proceeded by another, recipes, interior designs, hopes for a dream she’d had long before marrying Sojiro, and a hope for one she could share with him and their children in the future, a future she’d never get to see.
“I know it’s not exactly what you wanted, but it’s the best I could find on such short notice… it’s close to the kindergarten too so Hanzo can grow up like a normal kid…” he whispered to her as if she were there beside him. “I know I drained all the clans funds before I left, I know I don’t need to work but… you wanted them to have an honest life, maybe this way… I can give them that…” he sighed.
“Tou-san?” Hanzos soft voice suddenly chimed, in stealing his fathers attention away from his thoughts. Sojiro stared at him for a moment, wondering how much he heard, if he was even old enough to comprehend the worry in his words at all. He simply smiled and pocketed the book as he gestured to the building, “we’re home, what do you think, Hanzo?” He asked now feeling suddenly very concerned over his sons opinion, he was a child yes, but one who’d just lost his mother and was suddenly whisked half way across the world, the last thing Sojiro wanted was for him to be unhappy here.
Hanzo stared up at the building curiously, “…it small!” He chirped. Sojiro chuckled lightly and nodded, “yes it’s much smaller than the castle, and it’ll just be you, me and your little brother here, but that means I have a lot more time I can spend with you.” He said with a warm smile.
“More time with tou-san!” Hanzo cheered happily and hugged onto his father with glee. Sojiro gave him a fond squeeze in return as he approached the front of the building, “they said the key should be under the door.” He hummed as he felt around the base of the old wood and concrete, “ah! Here it is!” He said as he retrieved the set of keys.
After a few twists and turns and a bit of a shove he stepped inside and stared at the interior before him. Dust coated every surface and particles drifted slowly through the still air, the floor was equally as dirty and covered with debris and old cables, and old furniture sat covered in gradually  disintegrating sheets. “It needs a lot of work…” he sighed, “let’s get upstairs and get set-“
Letting out a squeal more high pitched than he’d care to admit, Sojiro spun around on his heel to see the delivery truck outside, the driver getting out to start unloading their stuff, “oh, that was good timing.” He sighed before realising the noise had stirred his youngest once more, “oh no.”
Relief surged through Sojiro as he waved goodbye to the delivery driver and locked the doors to his new home tight for the evening. His fears had been confirmed that the driver would be displeased working so late, but his tune changed quickly to one of sympathy upon seeing the visibly exhausted and frazzled single father standing there with his new born in a sling and his toddler on his hip.
Questions were asked as he expected, and while he didn’t lie, he didn’t tell the full truth, “my wife passed away after giving birth, I couldn’t bear living in our old home anymore so I decided to move and start a new life.” Is what he said. “I just want my sons to grow up happy and safe.” He said. Safe from his criminal past, safe from his families murderous empire, safe, from the truth.
Satisfied that his new home was secure he headed upstairs to find his little ones where he’d left them, both sleeping peacefully on the brand new futon he’d unpacked while the driver unloaded the remainder of his purchases.
He stood there for a moment in the doorway watching his two most valued treasures rest, blissfully unaware of the weight sitting heavy on their fathers shoulders, dreaming happy little dreams. He wanted so badly just to flop down face first into the plush bedding beside them, but the hunger pains turning his stomach made his attention switch to the unopened cooking utensils and the groceries sitting idle beside them, “food…” he whispered to himself.
It took longer than he’d care to admit to finish unpacking the cookware and groceries, and he stood there even longer simply staring at it all as the overwhelming realisation dawned on him, he didn’t know how to cook. ‘I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING!!’ He thought. From crime lord of the shimada empire to a single father panicking over how to cook rice, being the figure head of a lucrative criminal organisation had its perks, money, servants, and an expensive education. But despite all his tutors best work, he hadn’t a clue on how to look after himself, but with two children now depending on him, he had to try.
After much deliberation, double and triple re-readings of the instructions and well over 10 YouTube tutorials, he plugged in the rice cooker and carefully measured out a cup of rice before pouring it into the pot and staring at it confused, “hm… that doesn’t look like nearly enough…” he whispered to himself, “maybe a bit more.” He said scooping another cup and dumping it in. “Theres no way that’ll even feed Hanzo never mind myself.” He grumbled before getting fed up and pouring another few cups in and filling it with water before flicking it on to cook while he prepared the rest of his dinner.
A half hour or so passed by in peaceful silence outside of the occasional YouTube tutorial, he learned how to properly prepare certain vegetables, how to properly cook meat, and was making what looked to be in his opinion a decent attempt at a curry. ‘I need to get better at this, and fast if I’m going to be opening a damn cafe…’ he thought.
“Tou-san?” Hanzos soft and tired voice sounded from behind him. “Yes hanzo?” Sojiro asked turning around to see his oldest sleepily looking up at him, and in the corner of his eye, the now cooked rice, rising slowly out of the rice cooker taking the lid with it. “Nani?…” (what? , なに) he whispered staring at the majesty of his mess up.
Hanzo looked up at his father confused before turning around to see the glorious rice catastrophe, “WAH! RICE MONSTER!!” He squealed before rushing out of the kitchen and diving into the futon to hide stirring his little brother, “WEH!!” Genji cried.
Despite his messy first attempt he was surprised to find his dinner to be better than expected, not perfect, but certainly not bad, and with plenty of leftovers to last him and his oldest a few days. After feeding his kids he settled them back down to rest before washing the dishes and then heading to the bathroom to wash himself.
He was relieved to find the hot water working, though the shower and bathtub would certainly need a good clean before he’d dare bathe his sons in it, but as he felt the exhaustion of the last few days sink into his tired bones he decided that was a task best left for tomorrow.
A deep sigh slipped from his lips as he enjoyed the hot water streaming down his tattooed skin and soaking into his long raven locks. As he reached for the shampoo to wash it though, he paused and instead opened the glass sliding door to grab the scissors and razor instead…
He was by no means a professional but he’d cleaned his hair up enough times after fights and the occasional mental breakdown to know what he was doing, that said, he’d never gone this short before, anything higher than the small of his back wasn’t allowed, the clan would never allow it. Keep it long, so it’s easier to style, easier to grab, easier to manage… easier to control him with.
But now he was free of that, free of them. He could hide his tattoos under long clothing and a bit of makeup on his neck, but his hair would be an easy giveaway to his identity, easy for assassins to spot, easy for bounty hunters to grab…
Closing his eyes and holding his breath he nervously held the scissors to his hair, an ever present fear of punishment weighing heavy on his shoulders. “Brrrp??” A soft and sweet chirp echoed over the noise of the shower, and fuzzy whiskers tickled his leg making him open his eyes and look down to see, his dragon, Tsubasa.
Black and fiery gold scales with eyes to match stared up at him from where he sat at his feet, no bigger than an average house cat, just enjoying the warm water as much as his master. Sojiro locked eyes with him in a knowing glance, a silent conversation only the two of them could understand, “you’re right… I have to.” He sighed before squeezing the scissors and taking the first cut, severing his hair like he did his ties with the clan.
Opening his eyes he let out a shaky breath as he stared at the severed clump in his hand, “oh my god what have I done…” he whispered before looking at his dragon who simply stared up at him with a calm and reassuring gaze. “Y-you’re right, I’m. Im allowed to do this.” He whispered before proceeding to take the scissors to the rest of his locks, “they can’t control me anymore.”
It took a good hour or so for Sojiro to cut the remainder of his hair to a nice short length. With a steady hand obtained from years of strict sword and martial art practice he achieved a neat but stylish cut with the help of his razor. After shaving his face to clear up his post travel stubble he paused and stared at himself in the mirror, the tattoos creeping up his neck being the only thing reminding him that the man in the mirror wasn’t a stranger.
“Brrrp??” Tsubasa chirped as he jumped onto the bathroom vanity to see what his master was looking at. “What do you think? Does it suit me?” He asked, still staring at his reflection.
Tsubasa nodded and approved with a sweet whistle and a curl of his whiskers. “Good, because it’ll have to do…” he sighed as he began to brush his teeth only to be interrupted by genjis cries from outside the bathroom. “How can something so small eat so much?” He sighed rinsing his mouth before holding out his hand to the dragon. “Out or in?” He asked quirking his sharp brow.
The dragon contemplated for a moment before resting his head in his hand. “In it is then.” He said watching the creature glow a brilliant gold as its form twisted and transformed incorporating itself into the very ink work that covered Sojiros body from head to toe. Satisfied his dragon had gotten comfortable within the artwork he flicked off the bathroom light and headed out to tend to his youngest.
After another bottle and a diaper change Sojiro gently lay Genji back into bed beside his brother before flicking off the lights and joining them, he could practically hear his body give a sigh of relief as he finally allowed it to rest, and yet his mind was a buzz with concerns of the path ahead and the work needed to be done, “it’s not perfect but… I hope you like it, ayako… I have no clue what I’m doing.” He whispered softly and closed his eyes to try and drift off to sleep.
“Tou-san, I need to pee.” Hanzo whispered making his father groan with mild exasperation as he dragged himself out of bed.
“Hot…why’s it so hot?” Sojiro thought as a searing heat burned the centre of his back, the dark void surrounding him only drawing his attention to it further.
“Please… Promise me…” A soft familiar voice echoed throughout the dark chasm.
“Ayako?” Sojiro thought before registering the pressure on his jaw, “why can’t I close my mouth?”
“Don’t let them suffer like you did.”
Sojiro opened his eyes, or rather, they’d always been open, the blindfold had simply been removed. He looked around in a panic as his eyes adjusted, he was on his knees, hunched over with his arms tied back to a pole that dug into his spine as he tried to steady himself.
“Don’t struggle, this is going to be permanent, the last thing you’ll want is it to be messy.” A voice to his left spoke, his uncle he assumed, the voice sounded familiar but the face remained hidden behind a mask resembling an oni.
“What’s happening?!” Is what Sojiro wanted to scream, but as he bit down it became apparent the bamboo fastened securely between his teeth wouldn’t allow that.
“Tsk, you should have gotten a bigger piece. That’ll do nothing to muffle his screaming. The whole village will hear him.” A raspy female voice to his right, his auntie he assumed but like his uncle her face was hidden.
“Calm down now, Sojiro.” A deep and commanding voice that sent a shiver down his spine and set dread deep into his stomach suddenly spoke over the other elders surrounding him… silence.
Sojiro, now no longer a young man but instead a terrified 12 year old boy, looked up at the figure before him. A cruel man who like the other figures, hid his face behind an equally cruel mask, but even with it covered, Sojiro would recognise him anywhere, he was his father after all…
“It’ll only hurt for a moment.” His father said, his mask twisting into a snarling grin as if alive.
A damp warmth filled Sojiros trousers and formed a puddle around his bound legs as fear overwhelmed every ounce of control he had over himself in that moment, as he watched his father lift a glowing, red hot, branding rod of the shimada crest from the fire illuminating the darkness.
Sojiros eyes remained locked onto the glowing metal as it passed by him and disappeared from view, and as the heat got closer, he woke to a gentle slap to the face.
Gasping awake he opened his eyes to see Hanzo adorably tapping at him trying to wake him up, he was in his new place, in his new bed, safe with his two sons. He sighed with relief and looked up at his toddler from where he lay, “yes little rabbit?” He whispered. “Ototo peed.” Hanzo said pointing to his brother who’d some how managed to escape the confines of his diaper to pee up his fathers side.
Sojiro sighed and pulled himself up to clean the mess and put a new diaper on Genji, “please promise me this won’t become a habit little sparrow.” He whispered pulling the baby into his arms earning only excited breathy baby gasps in response. “That doesn’t sound like a promise!” Sojiro whined.
It was a rough start to an already rough situation. The past few days seemed to both drift by in a blur and drag on for eternity. On top of the stress of moving to an entirely new country and starting a new life as a newly single father, he also had to navigate getting the cafe cleaned, wired, and furnished all the while tending to his children, one of which could be set off if a squirrel so much as farted two county’s over, all the while without even the slightest trace of nicotine in his system to take the edge off.
He thought getting Hanzo enrolled into daycare would be the worst of it. When he arrived he thought he’d missed the memo on the supposed parental uniform standards, the only other parents he could see in attendance were young mothers, hair colours in a spectrum from blond to brown with the occasional box dye red, all of them sporting lycra and collectable Starbucks tumblers.
He felt so out of place amongst the group, and while he managed to remain a vision of calm on the outside, internally he was dying with panic as he prayed the makeup covering any exposed tattoos on his neck and hands would hold. By the time he arrived home he felt both a mix of relief that Hanzo had been accepted, and a desperate need for a cold shower and a cigarette to steady his nerves.
But in truth, all of that was a cake walk when compared to, grocery shopping.
Grocery shopping would be fun, he thought. He could see the quality of the food he was buying in person, he thought. It’ll be so peaceful, he thought. He thought wrong.
The culture shock came in like a freight train clotheslining Sojiro with wave after wave of irritating new information. Isle after isle filled with rude, pushy, and loud people. The blatant disregard they had to not only produce and products, but staff and customers alike shocked even him, a former yakuza.
Hanzo, to his credit, was well behaved and if not just as stunned and afraid as his father to the point of refusing to let go of his hand even when Sojiro needed to grab something. It was evident the toddler wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, and Sojiro definitely couldn’t blame him.
Genji for the most part remained calm and quiet throughout the experience much to his fathers surprise, he simply lay in his stroller staring up at all the colourful sights before him gasping happily. That was until they reached the checkouts…
Sojiro sighed with relief as he put the groceries in the compartment under the stroller before placing Hanzo in next to his brother and wheeling them out of the store, “finally, let’s go ho-… Genji?” He said with concern as he stared at the now bright red face of his youngest. “Oh god are you choking?!” He said leaning down to grab him only to be greeted by a wall of stench as the baby suddenly stopped tensing.
“Oh god- you didn’t-” Sojiro dry heaved as the smell drifted back to his nose once again. “Hee~” Genji gasped and wiggled happily seeming really pleased with himself and the stink bomb he’d dropped.
Sojiro stood there for a moment trying to contemplate his options, he didn’t have a car yet, he didn’t even have a chance to go look at them yet, he couldn’t take him on the bus like this, and if he waited until he’d walked all the way home Genji would certainly have nappy rash. He looked around frantically for a bathroom as his last option, only to be pleasantly surprised to discover for the first time in his life, parent rooms… at least, he was pleasantly surprised at first.
He quickly wheeled the stroller inside and was immediately greeted by a room of judgmental stares from women of all ages, all of them glaring at him as if he were a threat, as if he’d kidnapped his own two children. He’d faced down many opponents in his life, enemy crime syndicates, drug lords, police, and more, all of them he fearlessly stood his ground against. And yet he found himself feeling intimidated, and unwelcome in what he assumed to be a place for all parents to care for their kids.
He stood there for a moment, staring back at all the eyes staring at him, he didn’t know what to say or do to make this situation any better, he was scared if he did anything at all that could cause a scene he’d be deported back to japan which in his case would be an instant death sentence… The only thought he had was to leave. “I-I’m sorry-” he stammered out in a tone that surprised even himself, “I’ll g-” he said turning to leave only to be stopped by a very large but gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Hey now, no need to apologise there’s plenty of room in here. Do you need a hand?” A slightly rough, warm, and confident but unmistakably friendly voice said making Sojiro turn around to see a very tall man smiling back at him. Dark brown curly hair with a neat undercut, fuzzy but somewhat tidy facial hair, skin like caramel, and built like a greek statue but with such gentle brown eyes. “It’s alright, they’re like chihuahuas. All bark no bite.” The gentle stranger said glaring at the mothers who all immediately went back to minding their own business.
Sojiro stared up at him dumbfounded for a moment trying to contemplate the feelings he was experiencing, for the first time in a long time he felt safe, unexplainably so, but safe none the less, “I- thank you.” He said clearing his throat, “I felt as though I was intruding.”
The stranger simply smiled and shook his head, “yeah I felt that the first time I came in here on my own too.” He said fixing a diaper bag over his shoulder before holding out his hand to shake Sojiros, “names Gabe, and you’re?”
Sojiro stared up at him as his brain continued to short circuit. He’d talked business with hundreds of individuals, king pins and literal kings, and yet he found himself malfunctioning both physically and mentally at the mere presence of a kind and handsome man, “I-… I’m Sojiro!” He blurted out and bowed before quickly straightening back up and shaking his hand as his brain caught up with the rest of his body, “f-forgive me I’m never usually this uncoordinated.”
Gabe simply smiled in response all the while looking at him with a knowing gaze, “it’s alright, we’ve all been there.” He said before glancing down at hanzo and Genji, both now staring up at him curiously, “I’m guessing that smells coming from you then ey?” He asked gently nudging genjis cheek. Hanzo nodded in response and smiled up at him seeing the friendly interaction between him and his father and understanding the word ‘smell’, “mm, Kusai!” (Stinky! くさい!)
“I’m sorry he can’t speak English but he can understand some-” Sojiro tried to explain before Gabe cut him off with an amused chuckle back to the toddler, “yeah he’s a stinky bean ain’t he?” He said as he began setting up the newborn changing station for Sojiro whom simply stared at him in surprise, “you can? Speak Japanese?” He asked as he lifted the now very cranky Genji up and onto the change table.
“A little, mostly just the basic phrases for work purposes. I only know how to say ‘stink’ in your language because of some international agents complaining about the men’s locker room.” Gabe said handing him some wet wipes. “Agents?” Sojiro asked curiously before suddenly feeling he had no place intruding on this mans personal life further, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to pry-” he said attempting to correct the situation only to be interrupted by another voice in the doorway.
“Ah! There you are Gabriel! I thought you were only coming in here to get wet wipes!” A slightly older woman with tan skin and dark hair said as she stood in the doorway with a young boy around Hanzos age on her hip, dressed as a little cowboy with ketchup down his front. “Hey Ana, yeah I was but I saw another father in need of help.” He smiled tilting his head towards Sojiro.
The woman, whom Sojiro now assumed was named Ana, looked Gabe up and down scrupulously before glancing at Sojiro, “oh, we were beginning to think you’d gone to the toilet and fell in.” She mused.
Sojiro stood there awkwardly, never once had he been regarded as ‘in need of help’. He was the now former leader of a yakuza empire, he didn’t ask for help, he wasn’t allowed to, he wasn’t allowed help. The clan had beaten into him from youth that asking for help was admittance of weakness, of inferiority, of incompetence. By asking for help, he’d only be burdening others, and a burden he felt like. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to make an inconvenience of myself for the both of you. Thank you for your help,” he said as he finished dressing Genji before placing him back in the stroller.
Gabe immediately turned to face him, wanting to assure him he was nothing of the sort, but the former yakuza and his children were already out the door and passed Ana and the little cowboy who curiously peered over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of Hanzo as they disappeared into the crowd. “Damn…” Gabe cursed.
Ana glanced back at Sojiro as he hurriedly disappeared into the crowd before looking at Gabe, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare him away.” She said stepping closer to him. “Don’t be, poor guy was pretty upset before I turned up anyway, the look he gave me when I tapped his shoulder, I couldn’t tell if he wanted to hit me or cry,” he said grabbing some wet wipes before gently cleaning up the little cowboys overalls. “Did you enjoy your fries?” He asked with a warm smile.
The toddler nodded before pointing out the door, “pretty!” He chirped referring to Hanzo. “You like him mijo? Maybe he’ll be in your class this year.” Gabe mused before looking past Ana at the door as well, “I hope I can meet him again and apologise…” he said before snapping his attention to all the nosy mothers looking at him, “what are you staring at?!” He growled making them all go back to minding their business.
The apartment sat silent and empty in the families absence to the store, only to be replaced by the creaking of the door opening and the thumping of groceries against the narrow staircase as Sojiro staggered inside holding his two sons and their shopping.
He stood there in the doorway for a moment before gently closing it, leaning on it, and sliding down it to sit on the floor with his sons and the groceries as his sleep deprived mind attempted desperately to wrap itself around everything he’d just experienced, “…We. Are doing all our shopping online from now on… we can never do that again.” He said quietly. “Mm.” Hanzo replied in affirmation while Genji simply babbled to himself happily.
“God… I need a smoke.” Sojiro thought.
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Wrote this a while back b4 I had tumblr and I like it. So I shall share :*
Contains: Pregnancy talk and fluff
“No.” His voice is clear, carrying with it an air of finality. You pout stomping a foot in a petulant rage, pain shoots up your swollen ankle at the motion causing you to titter. You try to hide your wince knowing it will only prove his point. Your husband notices anyway. Wordlessly he moves quickly to pick you up in his strong arms carrying your stubble self back to bed.
“Anata.” You squirm trying to break out of his hold, not ready to give in. “Anata!” You try again looking up at his hardened gaze. He ignores you, his jaw clenching tight, his eyes look straight ahead as he carries you through the maze of hallways. Servants bow out of his way as he approaches your shared quarters. You flush, seeing glimpses of smiles on the passing servant's lips. “Hanzo!” You shout, finally grabbing his face forcing him to meet your gaze. Stormy chocolate eyes meeting yours. You can see the dragons stirring beneath them flickering and flashing making them appear blue briefly. The cool collected look barely contains the sea of emotions brewing beneath the surface. “I am your spouse!” You growl.
“And you are with child.” He rebuttals matching your tone nodding at the guard stationed outside your chambers. She bows low, opening the door swiftly before closing it behind you both with a sharp ‘click’. You glower at the door where she no doubt stood guard agitated by the small smirk she failed to hide. “With my-our child no less.” Hanzo continues unfazed. He deposits you on the soft feather down padding of the bed. Evading your pleading looks he tucks you in, elevating your swollen ankle on a stack of pillows before turning away to finish getting ready.
You wanted-needed to be at this meeting. Overwatch was a snake, shifty and untrustworthy. For years now they have been encroaching on Shimada territory, delaying shipments and arresting higher-ups. Your husband and council have been fighting them at every turn, giving as good as they got. You knew your husband well and for as cunning as he was this game was getting boring. It has been getting messier and messier on both sides of late. Plus, bastards almost ruined your wedding day.
Still not over that, and now they wanted a trade agreement? The hypocrisy.
“I’m not useless.” You start again from your nest of pillows watching the scion disrobe, changing into his favorite three-piece.
Hanzo sighs, rolling his neck preparing for round two. “Beloved-” He starts pleading. “I know, but this negotiation could be dangerous. I will give them no leverage over my family. Any information they collect could be used against us, including you.” Hanzo turns, fixing you with a hard look. “If you were in good health perhaps I would have had you by my side. But funnily enough, your doctor sought me out this morning.”
Uh oh. You pull the covers up to your chin, tucking yourself further down under the blankets knowing what was coming next. “Low blood sugar, mild anemia, nausea, dehydration, skipping meals.” He stalks forward ticking off each thing with a gloved finger. His chin tilts high, looking down at his pray, his full draconic aura radiating from his stance. He tugs the silken sheets from you scooting close. “To neglect your health like this is irresponsible, my love.” He cups your face tenderly, a faint smile growing on his own. He prayed his child would be as tenacious and strong-willed as their mother.
“But the clan-” He cuts you off with a soft worn leather glove, the black leather stroking along your cheek.
“You have gone above and beyond for the elders and the clan. But I need this- I need to know you are safe and resting.” He rose, straightening his tie. “I have agreed with the doctor that starting today you are on mandatory bed rest.”
“What!” You jerk away from his sweet caresses throwing the blankets away making to get out of bed.
“Do not argue with me on this please,” He pushes you back down on the pillows with a soft but firm hand. “I cannot risk losing you nor our child to the petty infighting of a bunch of war-torn fools.” His hand trails down your arm to rest on your swollen belly smiling at the tiny movements within. “I promise I have taken every precaution for this. I even got Genji to join the meetings. By the grace of the Gods perhaps he will help the negotiations.” You laugh weakly at the little jab thrown towards his sibling, it lessens the panic knotting in your chest. The brothers, when together made magic happen.
Still... This would be the first time you wouldn’t be able to be at his side since joining the family. “Promise?” You relent, seeing no way out of this. You place your hand on top of his, placing it on your growing stomach, rubbing your thumb in comforting circles on his broad palm.
Hanzo huffs in amusement at your pout before leaning over to press a kiss to your temple. “Always.”
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Some of my wind has returned to me, so to speak, for working on this blog. Not that I’ve stopped, as all of those following can tell, nor will I soon be returning to 4 original posts each day – 3 is enough, with one reblog to bring up old information. In fact, that is part of the discussion for today, in a way.
Returning to work has allowed me to return to my love of reading, and while today I will be going to get the new Junji Ito manga (Sensor – I write this on 8/17/21), I have been working my way through the Masters of Rome series by Colleen McCullough.  
I’ve suggested reading autobiographies and diaries, and that suggestion doesn’t change.
What I’d now like to suggest are reading stories – fictional or historical, or that strange mix of both – that carry over the lives of multiple people.
The only way I can think to explain that, is to use my current example. The series begins with telling the stories of Gaius Marius and Sulla, two men who set in motion dramatic changes for historical Rome. It goes through to their deaths (along with a host of other side characters), into the life of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Gaius Octavius – the future Augustus. I’m only on the 4th book right now, but I have already observed an entire generation die off.
My beloved Sulla, the ever-graceful Julia wife of Marius, and of course, Marius himself, are all gone. Their impact continues to be mentioned, to be remembered, but with every book it fades. Even that of Servilia (mother of Brutus), who as a child was terribly impacted by her mother’s adultery, seems to recognize that influence less and less. She has more influences, more nuances, to her life.
And these, too, will fade. Octavius is not yet born, but hinted at in Caesar noting he should find a husband for Atia, mother of Octavius. This will circle back. Another generation will fall, and another rise.
I do not believe this is a common occurrence in series; they tend to focus on one set of characters, and do not show the progression to the rise of others. A Song of Ice and Fire may get close to that, one day, but as of yet I cannot say if it will; nor can I suggest it for such reading as the series is not yet complete.
Masters of Rome is the only series I am familiar with that does this, though I have never sought it out as a thing before. I imagine it may be more common in historical fiction than it is in other genres.
The only other I can think of that may do this (I have not read it so I cannot confirm) is Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
So my suggestion is, if you like history, find a period you enjoy that spans around 100 years, and see if there are any historical fiction written about it. Or, if you’re not into history, I’m certain there are sci-fi and fantasy stories that span generations.
Why do I make this suggestion?
Simply because I do not believe we are ever truly exposed to this. We know it occurs, as we know death occurs, but we are rarely involved in stories that go through multiple perspectives of changing generations and times. We certainly see it around us – my grandparents, my parents, and gradually, the children of friends (maybe my brother – who knows!), and perhaps even their children! We experience it, but I believe we are so close to it, that it often blinds us.  
This is a way to remove oneself from the narrative, and look at it through other eyes. Experience it, in a way we live. I feel Masters of Rome captures that. I know the names Nixon and Reagan, the way many in Rome may have known the names Sulla and Marius after a few decades went by – where to the people left who lived with them, they remain huge, notable! To someone like me? Not so much. In my time, I suppose it’ll be figures like Barack and Trump who stand high in my memory, as far as politics go.
Innovations in my mom’s time seem simply normal, or even outdated, like the VHS. Now we have Blu-ray and digital!
I do not think we truly experience multiple generations in the way a novel or even a show, can allow us to – all at once, quickly, and to thus be more keenly aware of the shifts because by our time our reckoning with it – a few hours, a few days, weeks, depending on how fast we read – is far shorter than the time changes occur through generations, which is years. It’s fresh. We wonder at how things are forgotten, so easily cast aside, when it happens all the time.
In a way, it brings us to confront that true horror of thanatophobia that many like to hide behind: that we are not truly dead until we are forgotten. Here we see forgetting even within the same, and next, generations.
Here, we see death. As normal. And here we see moving on, as normal. Here we see lives untouched by the tragedies of these earlier losses. Would my brother’s children, ever be impacted by the loss of great-grandparents they never knew? No. No more than I am, and of those, there is only my father’s grandfather I think I would have liked to know, because he saw something in my dad that my dad should have seen earlier.
Exposure to generational stories and the death inherent in them, the change inherent in them, I think is important. In some ways it is as comforting as it is terrible, because for those with loved ones they’ll leave behind, it shows how families can grow and flourish and be happy after losses. It shows that “moving on”.
I browsed a Reddit thread for ideas (https://www.reddit.com/r/booksuggestions/comments/wdy5f/can_anyone_suggest_fiction_novels_that_span_over/), and so I am including these thoughts as well:
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Roots by Alex Haley
House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer (a part of a series followed by The Prodigal Daughter)
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Bradley
The Sackett series by Louis L’amour
The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu
Some of these look quite promising, so hopefully some will appeal. If there are other ideas, I certainly welcome reblogs with contributions!
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whatzaoverwatch · 4 years
The Reaper of the Opera Chapter 10: Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
This was always such a beautiful scene in both productions. Makes it all the more hectic that I have to write an action sequence.
First Prev Next
You couldn’t take another second within the theatre. Just when you had thought all of your troubles were over, the Reaper had taken over your life once more. All you wanted was to just go away and live the rest of your life in peace. Those silly dreams of wanting the spotlight were tainted by his games. Now you were being forced to sing for him again. It wasn’t even him that wanted you to, now Genji and the rest of the crew needed you to draw the spirit out of hiding so they could capture him.
It was the last thing you had wanted to do. Your mind was already weak to resist Reapers call. If you had went through with the plan, who knows if you would ever escape from the dark again. Reapers words were clear, he still believed you belonged to him. Genji could see that as well, so it was understandable that he wanted to take advantage of Reapers desire and turn it against him. He was supposed to protect you from this madness, but you were no further away than you did when this all began. There was only one place that you could clear your mind from all this madness. Everytime you found yourself in sorrow or distress, it was always your sanctuary. Rubbing your eyes from your sleepless exhaustion, you looked towards your destination.
An iron bar gate stood before you, barricading a graveyard on the other side of the fence. Tombstones and statues as far as the eyes could see, waiting for the sunrise to peak against its stone. Fog lingering on the ground below to cover your steps. Cloaked in a black robe, you passed the gates and followed along the trail. Wearing a more suited gown for such a location. Looking at each grave with various names and gifts displayed to honor the dead. Memories and signs of mourning plastered on each stone. Shivering from the cold air, you strode through the dawn until you found what you were looking for.
A black marble gravestone carved with the words “[Fathers Name/Last Name] Beloved husband, caring father. Let your song reach the heavens.”. Below the text was a music measure, with notes from a song you remember from long ago. You felt the peace and melancholy of the display. Kneeling before the grave with a sigh. Pulling out a bouquet of flowers to set upon his grave. Red roses that spoke neither of Reaper or Genjis presence.
“Father, it has been so long. Are you well?” You spoke as if he was right there, knowing that you would not receive a response in return, “I wish I could say the same thing. The reason why I am alone this time is that I am lost.”
Resting your hands on your lap, you tightened your fists to compose yourself. Feeling the tears already building from your eyes. Hanging your head low from the grief you had held onto.
“I am haunted by a spirit, a man who wishes to take me away. But I am struggling to hold onto the light with my fiancé. I don’t know who to turn to anymore,” You quietly sobbed, watching your tears fall onto your dress. Shaking as you tried to compose yourself, “I wish you were here Father. You meant everything to me, it hurts to not hear your music again. I need you here Father. To help guide me like you said you would. To hold me and comfort me like you did long ago.”
Covering your mouth from your weeping, your tears carried into the silent graveyard. Leaving you in your emptiness as you exposed the sadness you had held within. Body shaking from the hiccups and pain in your heart. Trying to relief yourself by the gentle humming of the song engraved on the stone. The lullaby he played to you upon his violin.
Recalling when you rested in your bed, smiling up to him as he played his music. You always asked for an encore, and he always did it for you. To him, you were his little angel of music. As he was to you in return. It wasn’t fair that he had died to his illness. Watching him slowly silence his music forever. No one could play that song as well as he could. He promised that even when he was gone, he would have someone watching over you. Wanting you to continue his song in his place. In your grief, you suddenly heard a gentle whisper from afar.
“Wandering child, so lost, so helpless. Yearning for my guidance…”
Lifting your head, you looked around you to find the source of the voice. Finding no one around, you rose from the ground with caution. Furrowing your brows as you wiped your tears away.
“Who’s there? Is that you Reaper? Or is this someone else?” You called out. Feeling the gentle wind against your face as you heard someone sing your fathers music.
Eyes widening as you could hear the song from one of the mausoleums. Guarded by angel statues to the torch lit tomb within. Its song pulling you closer as you stepped away from your fathers’ grave. Was someone mocking your pain? Or had you truly lost your mind?
“Is this some sort of trick?” You demanded to the music, hearing its song grow louder when you reached the staircase to the mausoleum.
“Have you forgotten about me, my child?” The voice spoke to you, filling your heart with the warmth that your father could once give to you, “Still wandering, still disheartened. I never would’ve left you in such sorrow [Name].”
“Father?” You whispered, stepping up the staircase towards the entrance. Watching the gates open to you ever so slowly. Halting your steps as you felt uncertain about his calls.
“My dear child, you still deny me. I promised you that I would watch over you. Turn away from your doubts, I bring you no harm.” Feeling the longing comfort of his words, your tears returned as you walked up the steps slowly.
“Please, never leave me alone. I need you; I miss you.” You quietly begged through your tears, no longer pulling away from the music. The music slowed ever so gently, leaving just the whispers in your mind.
“I missed you too, my dear. I promise you that and more. Come to me. Come to me my Angel of Music.” Finding yourself at the top of the steps, the gates just before you to slip into. Those last steps were halted by someones shouts.
“[Name], WAIT!” Snapping yourself out of the trance you had found yourself in, you turned behind you to find Genji running to your side, his blade in hand as the other held you from moving. Keeping you from following the voice.
“Genji??” You mumbled, finding him pulling you back from the mausoleum. The song falling silent from your beloveds presence. Standing between you and the gates you were drawn to.
“Stay back! Whatever you may believe, that voice is not your father!” He told you, the protection in his eyes still intact. His back towards the gate to keep his attention on you. Blinking in confusion, you shook your head in disbelief.
“What?” Just as you asked, your eyes looked up to the roof of the tomb.
Perched above was the very mask you had feared to see. Shrouded in his  black cloak and guns in each hand. Looming over the both of you like an owl on the hunt. Your alert stance caught Genjis attention, turning around fast enough to guard himself from Reaper as he leapt down from above. Aiming for a shot, Genji knocked him back with his blade. You hurried away from the two men as they glared each other down. Reaper standing at the top of the steps while Genji remained on the bottom steps. The masked man looked over at you then to his opponent beneath him.
“I should’ve taken care of you when I had the chance, Sparrow.” Reaper growled, watching as Genji took on a fighting stance with his sword.
“As I should’ve with you. We end this here.” Genji stated, the green on the blade glimmering against the peaking dawn. Reaper let out a chuckle as he raised his gun.
“Agreed, this will be your final resting place!” He proclaimed, pulling the trigger to take his shots.
Genji, quick on his feet, used the blade to deflect some of the bullet to the various statues around them. Leaping down the steps with a gentle land. You hid yourself behind one of the statues, watching as Reaper followed suit. Firing more towards Genjis direction. The younger man quick on his feet to every shot, letting the bullet ricochet against the steel and onto the fog plastered ground. Leaving Reaper to prepare his shots, the opening enough for Genji to lunge forward with his blade. His sword hitting against the armed guns, protecting Reaper in the crouching position. Leering at his opponent, Reaper kicked Genji back brutally to gain the range to shoot again.
The shot scrapping past the sword to sink straight into Genjis arm. He shouted in pain as spots of blood stained his white sleeved shirt. A grin plastered on Reapers face as he prepared for another shot, caught off guard as Genji rolled to the side to recover. Taking advantage of the lower ground to knock Reaper off his feet. Slamming Reapers back onto the ground as he now found himself at the disadvantage.
Genji leapt from the ground to act swiftly. Kicking away Reapers guns before he could recover. Leaving the spirit vulnerable to his final strike. He could faintly see the dark eyes behind the mask as they drilled into his soul out of fury. The young Shimada steadied his blade over Reapers face. Intent on stabbing into his throat. The anger seen in Genjis eyes as you had never seen them before. Realizing that he truly meant what he said about this being Reapers end. Looking down at the masked man, watching his breath quicken as he struggled against the victor.
Why did he still carry guilt in your heart? Ever since he said you reminded him of himself, it was as if you could understand his struggles. To be murdered in a graveyard is not the way he should go. What he had done to you and everyone else was not forgivable, but it was not the way it should end. To see him near deaths door was too much for you.
“It’s over, Gabriel Reyes,” You looked up while Genji spoke. His hands gripping the blade firmly, “Your haunting ends here.”
He merely chuckled at Genjis threat. His laugh raspy and deep. Narrowing his eyes with a smirk.
“So, she told you who I was. Tell her that man is no more. There is only The Reaper you see before you and I will never be forgotten.”
“We shall see about that.” Before Genji could make the strike, you approached him quickly with a hand over his. The touch drawing his attention away to see you pleading eyes.
“Genji no! Not like this...” You begged; the disbelief seen on swordsman’s face. Reaper even looking at you with a bit of surprise on your act of mercy.
Your eyes set on Reapers first, watching him catch his breath slowly. A faint smirk forming on his lips, something that left you uncertain on what he is thinking. Genji tugged away from your hold,confused by your abrupt request.
“After all that he has done!? [Name] you cannot think that I will let him get away with this,” He demanded, suddenly feeling the presence below him disappearing. The both of you turn to find that the Reaper slowly slipped away into smoke and shadow. Genji stabbed the ground, only to hear the laughter of Reaper, the fog and smoke lifting away with his voice. Frowning deeply, he stepped away angrily, “dammit!”
“Genji.” You stepped towards him, watching him wince in pain from the bullet wound.Trying to help with the injury, you brought him towards the steps from where it all began.
“We could’ve had him [Name]. Why did you stop me?” He asked you with bitterness, watching as you inspected the wound thoroughly, “Is it because you love him too?”
“What??” You were startled by his question. Seeing the envy that was written in his eyes. Giving you the answer as to why he was so determined to kill him so swiftly. Shaking your head, you placed a hand over his lap, “Genji, if you killed him here and now, you would be worse than him. I don’t ever want for you to kill for me.”
“[Name], he almost took you away again. I cannot have you spare him so freely.” He huffed, lowering his gaze to the ground in defeat. You reached over and cupped his cheek. Tilting his head to face you as sunrise became evident over the horizon.
“Then we will go with the plan,” You told him, watching his eyes widen at your acceptance. Nodding as you gave him a smile, “We will capture him, and we will end this nightmare once and for all.”
“But like you said, what if the plan fails?” He reminds you of the hesitation on the plot, leaning into your touch with a gentle kiss to your palm. His breath shaky as you responded.
“It wont, because I have you,” You tell him, his body releasing its tension at your trust. You took his hand gently with a look to the wound, “Come, I cannot mend to this here.”
He followed you suit, taking his blade with him to return to its sheath. Leaving the graveyard in a hurry and closing the gates. The shadows from before lingered against your father’s gravestone, its flowers decaying slowly before the smoke shifted into the mausoleum with a hiss.
“Now, it is a war upon you both.”
To be continued
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yans-selfshipstand · 5 years
My Overwatch Self Insert
I kinda wrote a little backstory thing for her. Sooooo here you all go. :>
Yan Kurosaki was an heiress to her family in Japan, and they had made a deal with the Shimada clan that involved her to be essentially traded to the Shimada clan in exchange for protection by the clan. Unexpectedly enough, the offer was accepted and she was transferred to the Shimada clan’s castle as essentially, a chatelaine. She had helped around the castle with tasks with the other maids, and had made sure that she was at least busy for the majority of the time of her stay, however this sort of plan was cut short quickly after she had met the young heir, Genji Shimada.
Genji’s playful tendencies seemed to be cut down since he had met her, and even perhaps tried to be more serious with her the more he spent time with her. He made sure that she was doing okay, brought her food that was much better than what was left over for the rest of the staff to eat, spent time with her outside of his training sessions and required meetings that he had to go to. Eventually as time had gone on, the young heir wanted to marry her.
Their joyous celebration wouldn’t last long however, as months after their marriage it was when Genji’s older brother, Hanzo was sent to set him straight. In a lethal fight, it was Genji who had lost and was left to die as Hanzo fled the scene, horrified at what he had done. Unfortunately for Yan, she had found Genji much too late. However, Overwatch was watching them. They offered to help rebuild him, and in exchange he would help them in their endeavors. Hesitantly, the ninja agreed to their terms as long as his wife were to go with him too.
Many months and years later, Genji had to be mostly cyberized in order to be able to fully function again. He wasn’t happy with his sort of change, and was very conflicted with himself and felt that he was inferior to his beloved wife. Yan, was a lowly operative for Blackwatch at the time, so he could stay close to Genji. Overwatch wasn’t exactly a facility to hold refugees at their headquarters, so they assigned her to do something as well. She would offer comfort to the cyborg, and assure that he is still everything that she had ever wanted and dreamed of. This brings him back in, for only so long until he drops back into this sort of mood again.
As time continued to march on, Yan Shimada climbed up the ranks of Blackwatch and landed a spot as Commander Reyes’ lieutenant for Blackwatch. She had more responsibilities, paperwork, and even some meetings that she would require to attend to add in any insight on said topic at hand. With the responsibilities that she had, Genji and Yan became more distant to each other. She wouldn’t have time to see him anymore, but only for short periods of time such as passing time in the hallways or during meals. Even then, sometimes Yan would have to go help Reyes with some sort of task.
Genji didn’t approve of this distance, especially since he was not in a very good place mentally due to still having grudges towards his brother’s attempt in murdering him. So the cyborg ninja confronts his wife, and they end up getting into a heated argument which left Genji alone once more due to the amount of stress that Lieutenant Yan was enduring with the new responsibilities, and she didn’t need any more from her husband.
Weeks after, the Swiss base of Overwatch was attacked by a rebellion, and Lieutenant Yan was there as well with Commander Reyes and Commander Morrison. All three were deemed to be dead, as their bodies were unable to be recovered in the rubble after the dust had settled. Genji was devastated, and blamed himself for her death. So he wanders on his own after the disbandment of Overwatch, and finds himself in Nepal under the teachings of Tekhartha Zenyatta.
Many people thought that the lieutenant and both commanders were dead, however the lieutenant was very well alive. Somehow. She was handed over to Talon before the collapse of the base, as Talon had seen potential in having a Shimada on their side, married in or not. Yan was unwillingly put under experiments and tests by their medical operatives, one of them being Moira O'Deorain, a geneticist. She had her senses heightened, even had eye replacements for both eyes to increase clearness of vision and impeccable sight, which included the ability to zoom in on her targets without the need of a scope. They cut her hair, as they deemed it too long for an on ground assassin. They suppressed her feelings and broke her will, ultimately becoming their next most effective, on ground, assassin. She was unfeeling, and did not hesitate. They called her Scorpion for her quick and deadly assassinations.
Despite her suppressed feelings, she does have tendencies to flirt with other Talon operatives for a reaction, such as Widowmaker and Reaper themselves. She claims its for practice as well for future operations that Talon may have a need of her for.
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
March is Women's History Month and I got myself thinkin' about how grateful I am for the gal pals in my life (of which you are most definitely one!), and I was wondering - what are some of your favorite historical female friendships and why?
Happy Women’s History Month indeed. Let’s get some ladies up in this joint and do some learning.
Below, in (approximately) chronological order:
1. MurasakiShikubu and Empress Shoshi (10th/11th century)
Murasaki Shikibu was a lady-in-waiting to the Japanese empress Shoshi in the late 10th/early 11th century, and is credited as the author of the first novel, The Tale of Genji. She also kept the Diary of Lady Murasaki, which records details of court life and her relationship with the empress, who was her patron and supported her literary pursuits. Allegedly, Shoshi asked Murasaki to write some more stories when she needed something new to read, and they eventually retired together to the country once Shoshi’s son became emperor. Shoshi herself was a shrewd political operator who carefully managed her family and dynasty’s fortunes, became a Buddhist nun, and died at the age of 86.
2. Christinede Pizan and Anastasia (14th/15th century)
Christine de Pizan was an Italian-French author in the late fourteenth/early fifteenth century, who wrote what are often characterized as many early feminist texts and literary critiques. She wrote blazing responses to popular romances written by men (which were often horrendously misogynist) and was in demand as an author; her texts were commissioned by royalty and kept on elite library shelves. She also sought out other women to collaborate with, including Anastasia, who we know only by her first name. Christine praised her as the finest manuscript illuminator and illustrator in Paris, whose work was hotly in demand, and who had worked on several projects for Christine herself.
3. The Rain Queens of the Lovedu (16th century-present)
This is technically about mothers and daughters, but shh, it counts. The South African tribe of the Lovedu has been ruled for centuries by a “rain queen,” whose wisdom passed from mother to daughter, and who was presented with wives by surrounding chiefs in recognition of her magical powers. If it doesn’t rain, the queen doesn’t get blamed, her (male) rain doctors get blamed instead, and any children of her “brides” are regarded as hers. It created a mystical, matriarchical tradition in the tribe throughout generations, though in the 21st century it has run into modern political difficulties.
4. Queen Elizabeth I and Grace O’Malley (16th century)
Queen Elizabeth I needs no introduction, but Grace O’Malley was an Irish pirate queen who ruled around the Connaught area of Ireland in the late 16th century. When she and her sons ran afoul of English justice, she applied to Queen Elizabeth directly for an audience, which eventually happened at Greenwich in 1593. Elizabeth spoke no Irish and Grace spoke no English, so the two women spoke Latin to each other. Grace must have also made quite an impression on her fellow queen, as Elizabeth released her sons and granted her a pardon, as long as she didn’t return to her reaving ways.
5. Julie d’Aubigny and Fanchon Moreau (17th century)
Julie d’Aubigny, or “La Maupin” had an almost ridiculously eventful life. A cross-dressing, bisexual, sword-fighting opera singer, she famously burned down a convent to run away with her nun lover, kissed a girl at a society party and beat all three of the noblemen who challenged her to duels as a result, and had a noted career in French theater. Fanchon Moreau was one of the actresses that Julie fell in love with, allegedly trying to commit suicide when Fanchon took up with another lover. She later died at the age of only 33.
6. Christina,Queen of Sweden and her many female friends (17th century)
To speak of impossibly colorful and interesting 17th century women: Christina, Queen of Sweden was also a cross-dressing expert swordswoman, rider, and hunter who spoke ten languages, ruled as queen of Sweden for twenty-two years, then resigned the throne and went to Rome, was ferociously brilliant and educated, and has been sometimes regarded as possibly intersex or trans, though she denied that she was a “Male or Hermaphrodite,” as she had often been accused of. She was also either bisexual or a lesbian, who had many relationships and friendships with women, including possibly with Gabrielle de Rochechouart de Montemart, a dazzling beauty and wit who was the older sister of Louis XIV’s famous mistress, Madame de Montespan. (Gabrielle’s BFF was also the openly gay Philippe, duc d’Anjou, Louis XIV’s younger brother.)
7. Queen Anne and Sarah Churchill (18th century)
Queen Anne was known for her passionate and long-running friendships with women, as I wrote about in the post above, and Sarah Churchill, the Duchess of Marlborough, was the longest-lasting and most influential of these. Anne was in love with her, while Sarah was more pragmatic about her relationship with the princess and then queen, and used her considerable intellect and political opinions in the early years of Anne’s rule. Their relationship broke down in 1708, at the death of Anne’s beloved husband George, and Sarah’s unflattering portrayal of Anne would hold sway for many years after.
8. Anne Bonny and Mary Read (18th century)
If you’ve watched Black Sails, you know about these two, but their real-life counterparts were probably even more colorful. They were swashbuckling female pirates who drank, fought, swore, and fucked as hardcore as their male counterparts, and who fought to the end when their ship got captured, while Calico Jack Rackham hid below deck. (Sorry, Jack, but Black Sails was definitely nice to you.) And yes, the real Anne and Mary were probably in a relationship, though we don’t know for sure.
9. ElizabethFreeman and Catharine Sedgwick (18th/19th century)
Elizabeth Freeman, or “Mum Bett,” was a slave who sued the state of Massachusetts for her freedom – and won – in 1780, and after telling her former master to get fucked, took a paying job with the Sedgwick family. She raised Catharine as a child, and Catharine later wrote her life story, the reason we know about her. Catharine grew up to be a successful novelist whose heroines often rebelled against the strictures of 19th-century American society, and she and Elizabeth are now buried side by side in the Sedgwick family plot. (Does anyone else suddenly have something in their eye? Just me?)
10. Ada Lovelace and Mary Somerville (19th century)
Ada Lovelace, nee Byron, was the only legitimate daughter of the infamous Lord Byron, a brilliant mathematician, and the founding mother of computer science, along with her friend and colleague, the great Victorian inventor and eccentric Charles Babbage. However, she was tutored in her young adulthood by the equally brilliant Mary Somerville, a prolific scientist and author of mathematical and astronomical papers and textbooks, and they were close friends; if Ada had a pressing mathematical problem, she would stop by Mary’s for a cup of tea and a brainstorming session. Somerville College in Oxford is now named in Mary’s honor, after she died at the age of ninety-two.
11. Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Claflin (19th century)
They were sisters, but shh, again, it counts. Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for president of the United States (in 1872, with Frederick Douglass as her running mate) and she and Tennessee were journalists, stockbrokers, and advocates of free love who fought with Party Pooper Extraordinaire and self-appointed guardian of 19th-century American virtue Anthony Comstock, as is written about in the Historical Hour With Hilary entry above. They lived in New York together and ran Woodhull and Claflin’s Weekly, a newspaper, and gave blazing speeches for female suffrage and equality.
12. Lyudmila Pavlichenko and Eleanor Roosevelt (20th century)
Ukrainian-born Lyudmila Pavlichenko was the best female sniper of all time, serving in the Red Army during WWII and recording a total of 309 confirmed kills. That was a lot of Nazis, and she was very proud of killing them. She was one of the rare Soviet citizens invited to America for a victory tour, where the American press fixated on idiotic questions about whether she wore makeup while fighting and that her uniform made her look fat (no, really). However, Lyudmila also met First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and they struck up an unlikely friendship. Eleanor helped Lyudmila tell the sexist asses where to stick it, and they ended up remaining friends for the rest of their lives, including a meeting 15 years later, in 1957, when Lyudmila was living in quiet obscurity in Moscow.
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reapers-carino · 7 years
Saw you were looking for fluffy family/baby prompts so what about Genji's pregnant s/o waking him up in the middle of the night to feel the baby kicking for the first time 🌸
If you had known your bladder was going to become a permanently leaking balloon, you were sure you wouldn’t have gotten pregnant. In your heart of hearts you knew that wasn’t true but you were absolutely tired of having to get up every hour while sleeping to relieve yourself, lest you risk having an accident. Again. Even with your ever full bladder, swollen feet and ankles and the inability to see your toes, you were absolutely positive you wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world. The look on Genji’s face the first time he had heard the news more than made up for your ‘suffering’; his adoring kisses and nuzzles and massages of your growing belly a clear sign that the man was head over heels in love with the child that was growing inside of you. 
Genji’s definition of family had changed over the years; from blood and clan to bonds forged by time and truth. He had long come to accept the suspected reality that while biologically he was still mostly man, the thought of having a biological family of his own an impossibility. But with some assistance from Angela, bone marrow collected from Genji and ‘the wonders of modern medicine’, the Swiss doctor was able to fertilize one of your eggs with ‘genetic material’ from your husband. When Mercy had delivered the news that you both had successfully conceived, Genji had swept you into his arms and ran around the base with you, telling anyone that would listen the good news.
The ‘ninja cyborg’ absolutely doted on you whenever he could and you basked in his attention, understanding his want to be there for you for as much of the process as he could. You both enjoyed taking daily pictures of your progress, eating meals with one another and reminding the other to go through their ‘morning rituals’ of supplements or diagnostics. You were entering your 26th week and your little angel inside of you was decidedly more active, light taps and pushes and kicks bumping the inside of your ‘belly’ intermittently. Still, even under Genji’s watchful eyes, he had yet to feel the baby actually moving. Tonight might just be his lucky night though. 
Your hand dropped to your lower stomach as you moved from the bathroom, a solid kick landing to the right of your belly button. You gave a soft half snort of laughter, rubbing the area squeaking again as another kick landed in the same spot. 
“Up early now, aren’t you”, you questioned before a light went off in your head.
The child landed kick after kick as you kept rubbing, the solid thwumping not painful or alarming anymore, merely drawing your attention to the rambunctious, nocturnal babe. Rushing, as fast as you could, back into your room you plopped down on the edge of the bed, continuing to rub your stomach and receive a kick back. A soft, excited giggle tumbled from your lips as you reached out and began to jostle your husband awake. While Genji did not have to sleep often, he made the effort to join you in bed per your request. You liked the feel of his arms around you and he enjoyed knowing that you were content, his body even beginning to form a natural sleep schedule. You were sure, however, that he wouldn’t mind this interruption. 
“Genji wake up”, you hummed with barely contained excitement, pushing his shoulder a little bit harder until he practically jumped up in surprise, staring at you in startled confusion.
When Genji was outside of training and missions, he had taken to stripping out of his metal external armor and mask, dressing in normal civilian clothes instead. His eyes were large, hands touching your stomach then, hands, then face before pausing for a second as he pulled in a shaky breath. 
“Are you okay beloved”, he asked shakily, pulling himself fully up and pressing you flush against him. His arms squeezed you, the thrumming of his pounding heart a gentle staccato against your back.
“Yes yes”, you answered quickly before grabbing the hand he had on the top of your stomach and moving it downwards. You placed it right where your own hand had been, gently moving his in a circle and waiting. 
“Did you want a mass–oh”, Genji gave an excited hiccup as the baby’s kicking interrupted his train of thought, your head turning to look at his wide starry eyes as he felt his child kicking for the very first time. “Wow….I know Angela said it does not hurt but…?”
“Nope just feels a bit like a flick from the inside”, you said, shaking your head and laughing quietly. the baby humored their father for several more moments before the kicking stopped, Genji’s hand lingering as he pulled you even tighter against him. “Sorry I woke you…thought you might like to feel. 
“Do not apologize my dearest”, he answered honestly, pressing a hard kiss to the back of your head, a soft, happy chuckl tumbling from his lips. “I cannot imagine waking up to anything better.”
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suicidesquadgirl13 · 7 years
Just a Little Slip
Remeber that prompt Idea I wrote yesterday, well here’s the fic, enjoy. (Re-uploaded due to techncally difficulties)
“Shimada-san, yesterday master Genji gave a guard a bloody nose and took pictures of it, before attempting to sell them to the highest bidder.” A male servant attempted to catch up with Hanzo as he briskly walked across the recently updated Shimada estate. Hanzo was being generous as he made his way to his study listen to the servant he had hired not only a month ago complaining about his beloved younger brother.
“He called one of the former elders the “C” word to her face and I’m fair sure he’s stealing money from the other workers,” the male servant continued all most frantic as the entered the study and Hanzo shut the door behind them.
“That’s ridiculous,” Hanzo said calmly before heading over to the stand which held storm bow.
“Shimada-san your husband McCree -san is an absolute gentleman to serve as are you,” The male servant practically pleaded “But there is something wrong with Master Genji, I don’t know if it’s him or his new body…”
“I’m not listening to this,” Hanzo said carefully picking up storm bow and giving it the once over “My bow needs a little maintenance before I start practicing today.”
The servant glanced at the bow. “I hate that thing, it scares me.”
“It’s only a weapon,” Hanzo said giving the servant a smirk.
“I was talking about master Genji sir,” The servant clarified not noticing Genji standing by the windows secretly watching the interaction.
Hanzo then slowly sat down on his knees setting his bow beside him. “What is it exactly that you're trying to say?”
“I…I cannot work here anymore Shimada-san,” The servant said with a deep bow.
“…What?” Hanzo said voice hardening in disbelief.
“I’m sorry I just can’t,” The servant repeated, “If only you saw the way he looks at me with such…hate.”
Hanzo was silent for a few moments before he said “Alright then if that’s what you really want. We’ve appreciated your service to our clan and household.”
The servant sighed in relief. “Thank you, Shimada-san, I wish you the best of luck.”
Hanzo just smiled at the servant as the turned around before seeing Genji’s scarred face staring at them through the window. They froze in their tracks afraid at the sight of the cyborg before they heard in human screaming and pain exploded on the back of their head before the entire word want black.
Genji watched as Hanzo slowly stood up raising his bow as a weapon before screaming as he bashed in the servant’s head with the blunt side of his bow repeatedly. After Hanzo seemed satisfied with his handwork and the small pool of blood gathering beneath the body, he smiled and chuckled to himself before saying “Best of luck.”
He carefully turned over Strom Bow in his hand before setting back down on the stand, Hanzo took in a deep breath before he carefully touched his face to find blood on his cheek. He grimaced before grabbing a tissue and dabbing his face clean before balling up the soiled tissue in a fist and tucking it into his robe as he made his way towards the blood now stain his hardwood and tatami mat.
“Just a little slip,” Hanzo said to himself looking around the room before grabbing the body by the ankles and slowly dragged it across the floor towards an empty trunk in the room. Hanzo grunted and strain at the heaviness of said body but he didn’t have time to waste.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day you know,” Hanzo continued to talk to himself as he dragged the body closer to the trunk “We all have our little setbacks.”
Finally, in a decent position, Hanzo opened the empty trunk trying to clear his head. “I’m not a terrible person, I just do terrible things.”
Hanzo was about to heft the body into the trunk when he finally spotted Genji staring at him expressionlessly. Hanzo smirked before putting one finger to his lips and winking, Genji did the same before disappearing. A few moments later McCree quietly knocked on the study door before sliding it open a crack.
“Hanzo?” McCree asked.
“Did you bring a bucket?” Hanzo asked not moving from his stop on the floor cleaning and polishing his bow.
McCree stepped into the room. “Yep, I have a bucket and a lot of cleaning supplies. How are we going to dispose of the body this time?”
“I can prepare an acid bath again,” Hanzo started.
“Han, no.” McCree said starting to scrub “Your hands were peeling the last time because you refuse to wear gloves.”
“Don’t pretend you didn’t like taking care of me,” Hanzo teased.
McCree chuckled before rolling up the tatami mat. “We’ll figure something out, I love you darlin’.”
“I love you too Jesse,” Hanzo said giving his bow the once over “The body’s in the trunk, that it to basement please.”
“Gotcha, and what do we tell everyone else?” McCree asked.
“The truth, that they are no longer with us due to…personal reasons,” Hanzo said stalking off.  
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aughtpunk · 7 years
Shipwatch Week - Day 2 - Zenyatta/Genji/Mercy
 “Hello, world.”
 Zenyatta reached down into the crib and touched the wiggling baby’s cheek. Wren wasn’t crying, but was obviously winding herself up just in case she had to. With gentle hands Zenyatta did a quick Baby Issue Check to see if he could prevent a total meltdown. Genji and Angela had only just gotten back from the mission, and he would hate to have their sleep disturbed so soon.
 “You have been fed already, your diaper does not need to be changed, and I do not detect any drastic changes in temperature. I believe, my beloved, that you are simply fussing because you are bored. You truly are your father’s child.”
 She is your daughter as well, Zenyatta reminded himself as he picked the wiggling infant up. He found himself reciting those words more often than his normal prayers these days. No matter how much Genji and Angela reminded him that the three of them were in this together Zenyatta still felt...distance. Like he was one step removed from the child in his hands.
  His child. His daughter. He was doing it again.
 “You should appreciate these quiet moments, my love,” Zenyatta said as he did his best to cradle Wren in his arms. Was she comfy? Should he go get a blanket? Wren didn’t seem to mind his metal frame. In fact, she was already calming down. “Soon your life will be filled with nothing but loud and confusing friends and family who will fight over getting to hold you. And perhaps a dragon? We are not sure about the dragon.”
 Zenyatta took a seat on the wooden rocking chair Ana had gifted them. ‘You will need it,’ she had warned them. So far he had only seen Angela taking naps in it as Wren slept, but he supposed Ana knew what she was talking about. Wren didn’t seem to care either way if her continued whining noise was anything to go by. He shifted his arms enough so Wren’s head could rest against his chest plate.
 “Sometimes,” Zenyatta whispered, “I wonder what Mondatta would think of you. He would love you, of course. And then in the same breath plan on using you as a shining example of Omnic and Human relations in his speeches. Then I would fling one of my orbs at him and he’d dodge and oh, you’ve fallen asleep.”
 Wren had, in fact, fallen asleep against Zenyatta’s chest. Would she wake if he tried to move her? Should babies sleep against not even remotely soft robots? Were there any soft robots out there? A multitude of questions filled Zenyatta’s head, but none were as important as his sensors picking up Wren’s heart beat.
 Somewhere between the tiny beeps Zenyatta slipped into sleep mode and dreamed of gold dragons and his brother standing on a far-off shore.
 “Psst. Angela. You gotta see this.”
 Angela, half asleep and bundled in her fuzzy bathrobe, walked over to her husband as silently as she could. Genji stood in front of Wren’s bedroom with a sparkle in his eyes and in a matching fluffy bathrobe. He waved her to come closer and as soon as she stepped into the doorway Angela saw why: There, sitting on the antique rocking chair, was Zenyatta and Wren fast asleep. The lights on her husband’s forehead blinked perfectly in time with their daughter’s breathing.
 Genji wrapped an arm around Angela’s waist and sighed. “I told you that Wren likes him the best.”
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allthegency · 7 years
This Moment is Enough
A/N: *Awkwardly dusts off screen. So, um...Hi. I know this is a bit of a sudden post from me, but I did promise I would make this fic on the, now disbanded, emergenji discord server. I’m sorry I took so long to make this, but I hope I make up for it with this fic. I am going to write both a reception fic, full of speeches, dancing, and more fluff, and maybe an NSFW wedding night fic. For now, here is my own version of a Gency Wedding.
There was something about marriage that Genji could never understand in his youth. It didn’t make sense to a playboy, to choose to settle down with one woman when there were so many beautiful women in the world. His young mind likened it to settling with only having one flavor of ice cream for the rest of your life. That sounded like more of a punishment that a reward. At least it had when he first made the analogy in his head.
It wasn’t until he found that he’d always comparing other flavors of ice cream to his favorite that marriage began making a little bit of sense to him. It wasn’t until after a shop was sold out of his favorite flavor and how upset he had been, that he realized how some people could choose to marry one woman and stay loyal to her. He didn’t think he had it in him for that kind of commitment, and he doubted he ever would. It didn’t bother him, he told himself. And he almost believed it. Until he met her.
Genji’s perfect woman came to him in his darkest time. Her angelic form brought light to the darkness that was his thoughts. However bitter or resentful he may have been, just spending time with her would chase away the darkness, even just momentarily. But there were still scars that no medicine could heal. Some things still healed better with time. His journey across the world and the meeting with his master gave him a way to find his peace without her, but when they were once again reunited, Genji knew that he needed her in his life. Now here he stood. In front of a mirror, checking himself over to make sure that his suit lacked any imperfection. It was an important day after all.
A sound of a clearing throat interrupted his thoughts. Turning to the sound, he came to face a man who was officially dead to the world. His former commander, Jack Morrison, was once a man who many saw as the pinnacle of human values and physique. Now, he was a man tired of the world and its burdens, whose anger and strong sense of justice both inspired and scared some his friends from the past. And yet, there was something about him today, a peaceful straightening of posture, a whisper of pride in a swelling chest, and most importantly, a joyful glint in his eyes.
“It’s almost time,” the former commander said curtly. He turned and began making his way back to where he came from, before he paused briefly. Looking over his shoulder at the cyborg, the aging man gave a few parting words of wisdom. “Savor every moment.” He left as silently as he had come.
Genji nodded at the advice. He would make sure to cherish every moment to come after today. He placed one of his metal hands over his shirt, where flesh and machine had been expertly woven together beneath. Parts of his true skin and flesh still remained, now integrated with machines and nanotech. His heart, still as strong and alive as when he was born, beat with a nervous excitement. Today had the chance to be the best day of his life.
The low hum of conversation in the atrium of the facility was buzzing with excitement. The ceremony was not only a significant moment in two people’s lives, but it also served as a huge boost in morale for the members of the illegally reformed Overwatch. They had been making great strides in preventing the machinations of Talon from coming to fruition and in keeping casualties on both sides of the Second Omnic Crisis down, but their fight with them seemed to be stretching on with no end in sight. This wedding was needed for both tradition and the team’s sake.
Genji made his way to the altar, where he stood and waited for the moment everybody was waiting for. The wedding party took their places. His brother, Hanzo, stood silently beside him. Though their relationship had been strained at best at the recall of Overwatch, Genji would have chosen no other for the position of best man. Across from him, in the position of the Maid of Honor, was Mei-Ling Zhou. With both of them being scientists, almost the entirety of the recalled Overwatch was not surprised at the choice.
Genji’s musings on the wedding party was cut short when a sudden swell of music began. At the other end of the room, automatic doors slid open with a hiss. There stood commander Jack Morrison in a black and white suit. It was trimmed and worn with the same military efficiency that he used with every aspect of his life. His scarred face seemed to be the only flaw, but even it seemed to fall in line on his person. But the commander was not the one every person was in awe of.
Angela Zeigler, on the battlefield, was easily identifiable in her emergency response suit. Her wings brought not only a measure of safety and security, but also a measure of hope. Her wedding gown was not much different. To say that she was radiant would have been an understatement, for she seemed to shine brighter than the sun filtering in from the windows to her left. Her upper arms where covered in silken sleeves that ended just shy of her shoulders and connected with the rest of her dress. Her torso was covered modestly in white fabric that then flowed down her body to just barely skim the ground below. A pair of white and silver heels raised her height to about the same as if she were in here combat suit. Pale gold trimming spread out from between her shoulders and merged with her sleeves, only to spread beyond them and hang from two small elastic wristbands. She looked every bit like the angel Genji saw in her every minute of everyday.
           “Brother, close your mouth and smile,” a soft, deep voice whispered. Shooting an annoyed glare at Hanzo, he nonetheless obliged and a bright, loving smile bloomed on his face. The small scar along his cheek morphed to accommodate the expression. As his beautiful bride moved closer to him, he couldn’t help as his smile grew and threatened spread beyond his face. His brown eyes met with her cool blues. A nervous excitement shone from within her gaze behind barely held tears of joy. The young warrior felt his own moistening with unbridled joy. The closer the two got to one another, the harder they had to fight the tears from leaving their eyes. The slow cadence Jack and Angela were taking wasn’t helping things either.
           When the pair reached the altar, an Omnic in a suit stepped forward. His nine glowing lights seemed to shine brighter than normal. “Welcome, one and all, to the wedding between two of our finest, Genji Shimada and Angela Zeigler. Who gives this woman to be married?” the smooth, synthetic voice asked.
“I, her commander, do,” came the deep, firm reply. Genji reverently offered his hand to the glowing woman before him. A soft, hardly-heard sigh of relief escaped both him and Angela as contact was made between the two. As corny as it may sound, it honestly felt like coming home to them. They walked up before Tekhartha Zenyatta, and turned to face each other, clasping both their hands together and holding tight.
“Friends, dearly beloved, we are gathered hear today to witness the marriage of these two in matrimony. A bond and commitment neither make lightly, and one that they will be bound to in this life and the next. If anyone bears any reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.” When not even a cough or sniffle sounded for three seconds, Zenyatta’s circuits thrummed pleasantly in joy and he continued.
“To love is to trust one another implicitly, sharing all that life has offered and will offer with the other. It is to fulfill one another’s emotional needs, and to better yourselves for the other. It is always. Always protecting, always trusting, always hoping, always persevering. It is never. Never selfish, never unkind, never proud, and never failing. Genji, Angela, you are committing to a new way of life. One of respect, trust, and, above all, love. Now then, I believe the groom and the bride have written their own vows,” the wise android concluded. Angela nodded and drew a deep breath before beginning to recite one of her most important speeches.
“Genji, I love you. I promise, that will never change. I have seen so much of you, and all I find, I fall in love with. Should there be a part of you I have yet to see, I promise, I will fall in love with that too. I have worked all my life to save lives, never being able to live with myself should I choose to not do something to save a life in need. I never thought I would need a life besides my own, and yet here we are. No longer ‘doctor’ and ‘patient’, but soon to be ‘wife’ and ‘husband’. I’ve never been so excited to see what the next day will bring. I am glad to share the rest of my next days with you.” Angela could no longer contain her tears as they slowly glided down her cheeks. Combined with her wide smile, Genji never thought she could look more beautiful. Resisting the urge to kiss her then and there, in favor of it being all the sweeter when the opportune moment came, he simply squeezed her hand and cleared his throat as he too was barely containing his tears. He cleared his throat and began his own recital of his own vows.
“Angela, my dearest, I love you. You make me want to be the best I can be. I never thought of myself as a hero before I met you. I’ve seen the worst this world had to offer, but you show me that this world is still good. And I can live with that. You first showed me the good in men, and the good in me. I vowed, one day, to be worthy of your love, and even after that, to never stop loving you. You bring light wherever you go, and I am honored that you will let me be in your light for the rest of my life. I’ll love today, tomorrow, and all the days to come. I want to share in all your days, if you’ll have me.” Angela’s soft ‘yes’ was what unleashed Genji’s own tears.
With not a single dry eye in the room, Zenyatta’s soft voice proceeded with the ceremony. “And now, we come to the vows and giving of the rings.” Zenyatta paused and then turned to his pupil first. “Genji, do you take Angela Zeigler to be your wife? Do you promise to honor and love her, to cherish and protect her, both now and forevermore?”
Genji knew the answer to this question a long time ago, and he doubted he’d ever forget. “I do,” came the reply with finality.
“Angela, do you take Genji Shimada to be your husband? Do you promise to honor and love him, to cherish and protect him, both now and forevermore?”
Angela also knew the answer a long time ago. “I do,” she said through joyous tears.
“Do you have the rings?” inquired the omnic monk.
Hanzo and Mei each gave Genji and Angela a simple golden band. Turning to one another, they looked to the monk for their cues. “Genji, repeat after me. I, Genji Shimada,”
“I, Genji Shimada,”
“…with this ring…”
“…with this ring…”
“…do so take you as my wife.”
“…do so take you as my wife.”
“To have and to hold...”
“To have and to hold...”
“…in sickness and in health…”
“…in sickness and in health…”
“…for richer or poorer…”
“…for richer or poorer…”
“…in joy and sorrow…”
“…in joy and sorrow…”
“…and I promise my love to you…”
“…and I promise my love to you…”
“…all the days of my life…”
“…all the days of my life…”
“…and forevermore.”
“…and forevermore,” echoed the warrior as he gingerly slid the cool, gold ring onto his bride’s finger. The tears, having abated, gave one last drop before ceasing their cascade.
The wise android turned to the happy bride and began the process anew.
“Angela, repeat after me. I, Angela Zeigler,”
“I, Angela Zeigler,”
“…with this ring…”
“…with this ring…”
“…do so take you as my husband.”
“…do so take you as my husband.”
“To have and to hold...”
“To have and to hold...”
“…in sickness and in health…”
“…in sickness and in health…”
“…for richer or poorer…”
“…for richer or poorer…”
“…in joy and sorrow…”
“…in joy and sorrow…”
“…and I promise my love to you…”
“…and I promise my love to you…”
“…all the days of my life…”
“…all the days of my life…”
“…and forevermore.”
“…and forevermore,” she finished, nearly trembling with joy and love as she too slid Genji’s ring onto his left ring finger, which was thankfully still flesh and bone. Clasping both hands together once more, they waited for the greatest moment of the whole ceremony.
One could almost hear the non-synthetic joy in Zenyatta as he clearly said, “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
There a only a handful of moments in this life that can accurately be described as love incarnate. Holding one’s child for the first time, crying softly whilst bidding farewell to parents and leaving the nest, both are moments where love is expressed. It is there in those moments, good and bad, that one comes to believe in something bigger than anything they can find in this universe. Love is immeasurable, intangible, and beyond physical, but it is there in all those moments. But perhaps it is most evident in the first kiss a man and woman share as husband and wife. This was proven in the next few seconds.
Zenyatta had barely gotten the last word out before Genji and Angela swiftly embraced one another, fusing their lips together and breathing sighs of relief and Finally. After all they had lived through, it had all led to this one glorious moment. Both of them thanked whatever power above that gave them each other to share this life with. Their kiss was salty from their tears, but sweet from sheer amount of love they poured into it. With their eyes closed, all that existed to them was the person wrapped in their arms and the distant sound of thunderous applause, joyous laughter, and earnest applause. Neither could accurately tell you how long their kiss lasted, but they both will swear to this day that never wanted it to end. When it did, it was only for a moment before they rejoined their lips in this ultimate expression of that immaterial thing called love.
When they both finally separated and faced the crowd, the couple was met with smiling faces young and old. Those that reserved their smiles for the happiest of times had grins threatening to split their faces. Those that were almost always joyous could power the world for centuries with the ecstatic energy they now radiated. To say that morale was at an all-time high would be the understatement of the century.
“I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Genji Shimada,” announced Zenyatta. The applause, if had died down at all surged in volume once again. It held for nearly two minutes before it subsided. “We shall head immediately to our reception in the courtyard. Thank you for attending.” The crowd began filing out the doors and onward to the celebration of the successful wedding of two people in love. Their new life was only just beginning, and would be filled with more love than they ever thought they’d have. But right now, in this moment, as the two stayed behind, sharing another deep, soul-filling kiss, they both knew. They knew that if this would be their last moment, it would have been more than enough.
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tbh I love having Jesse as my main kin. It's fun mostly, and I feel like I see a ton of doubles for him around, which is really cool. It'd be nice to round up all the Jesse McCree kin that don't mind doubles and sit down and compare canons. In mine, Hanzo was my beloved husband
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~Individual Attempts at Tackling Pitioss Ruins by the Chocobros Headcanon~
[ISEB Author’s Note: I beat Pitioss Ruins for the first time last night and lived to tell the tale, but I’ll be damned if it didn’t almost cost me my sanity entirely. It took me a whopping eleven hours to complete (although the copious amount of alcohol I consumed throughout likely contributed to my poor hand-eye coordination), several of which were streamed live whilst donning my new Cindy Aurum costume with my fellow Chocohoes (and can be revisited here). If eight hours of watching me fall to my untimely demise repetitively and without fail is too much of a behemoth undertaking, the highlight of the evening was probably the bawdy, 10-minute longwinded story I regaled around the 2:38:00 mark at the expense of my own pride and my husband’s long-suffering annoyance.
This silly headcanon occurred to me at one point during my playthrough, as I bemoaned the fact that I was controlling a bumbling nincompoop like Noctis when there was a far more clever tactician *coughIgniscough* at my disposal. As soon as I recover from my overnight stint moonlighting as a web personality, I’ll wrap up that super-NSFW fic I’ve been working on and share it here for your enjoyment!]
Noctis: After crashing the Regalia into a sheer cliff facing, Noct will stumble out of the twisted and warped wreckage of his beloved vehicle and onto the entrance of the dungeon of old Lucian legend, only to discover that the front gates are annoyingly locked. He’ll pass the daylight hours before Pitioss Ruins is open to prowling trespassers by fielding the attacks of powerful nearby enemies, consuming vast quantities of potions without a second thought; it’s only after he does finally make it inside the dilapidated monument that he’ll be reminded of the curatives he carelessly squandered as he falls from dizzying heights time after infuriating time. He’ll stagger out of the dungeon to the shock and bewilderment of the friends he abandoned fourteen days prior, battered and bloodied and reeking of his own excrement, but sporting a dapper new black hood.
Prompto: A skittish adventurer at the best of times, Prompto will spook at his own shadow and unleash a flurry of bullets that ricochet dangerously back toward him when he hears ominous whispers coming from the vast emptiness beneath his feet. He is helpless by himself, and his only present company is the sound of his own terrified sobs echoing throughout the high ceilings of the dungeon; after keeping vigil at a nearby haven for months on end, his comrades will mourn the loss of their ill-fated friend, before eventually moving on with their lives and keeping his memory alive by indulging in the occasional club sandwich at the Wiz Chocobo Post in Duscae. His remains will be unearthed by Lucian archaeologists a millennia later, his dusty skull found nuzzled between the enormous stone breasts of the Eos statue buried at the bottom of the ruins.
Gladio: The big man is better suited for shotgun-style warfare rather than tasks requiring more surgical precision; indeed, he grows increasingly irate with the futility of his efforts at maintaining some semblance of mindfulness after shattering the tenth priceless artifact within arm’s length in as many minutes. He eventually abandons any notion of tiptoeing gracefully through the proverbial tulips and opts for a more straightforward approach simply by bulldozing his way toward the end of the dungeon—ancient relics be damned—and not even the formidable bronze statues of the Infernian obstructing his path will stop him until he’s punched himself an escape route clean through the side of the Rock of Ravatogh, disturbing a flock of endangered Wyvern nesting in a nearby volcanic outcropping in the process.
Ignis: The strategist has done extensive research on the winding labyrinths Pitioss Ruins has to offer, and comes well-prepared to decrypt its most intimate mysteries; he navigates each progressively precarious obstacle with the ease and dexterity of a trained gymnast, stopping only briefly to marvel at the wonder and beauty behind the enigmatic symbolism of Ifrit’s fateful plight to rescue his beloved Eos. He then stuffs his hip satchel full of valuable loot less courageous explorers failed to obtain prior to his arrival, including—curiously enough—a pair of Genji gloves nestled in the navel of the goddess’ larger-than-life figure. After completing his quest to his satisfaction—and with a newfound appreciation of the Divine Struggle—Ignis returns to his friends’ fireside haven before they even have time to heat up the crispy Zu skewers he left them to warm their bellies with in his absence.
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