#generic ask tag number xv
nekrotikon · 1 month
Writer Ask: giant bt21 shooky pillow: what’s the most warm and fuzzy scene in your wip? share an excerpt(。^▽^)
(via @wintherlywords)
there'll probably be more eventually but this is one scene i wrote a while ago when i first came up with writing this book! it's just super cute and holds a special place in my heart...gayngels.....
“Sometimes I wonder what being the angel of balance really means.”
Michael rested his head on Lucifer’s shoulder, watching the crimson sky give way to the greys and blues of the evening—a sunset, that was what Lucifer had called it while bringing him to planets that orbited around stars. He wondered how it worked in Heaven, which orbited nothing. Perhaps it was simply for the beauty of it. He could appreciate that.
Beside him, Lucifer hummed, biting into a plum. “All of us have our role, and they’re each important in their own way.”
“It doesn’t feel important. Am I the sunrise? Am I the sunset? What is ‘balance’? Did Father tell you when He made me?”
“The balance between light and darkness.” Lucifer shrugged, giving Michael a crooked smile. “If you’re going to complain so much, why don’t you pick something else?”
Michael paused, then laughed when Lucifer raised a brow expectantly. “I don’t know what I’d be, even if I could. What do you think?”
“Hmm…” Lucifer tilted his head, taking another bite from the plum before beginning to pepper kisses on Michael’s face with sticky lips. “Angel of delight. Angel of handsomeness. Angel of everything blue ever—”
“Stop—” Michael snorted, giggling as he fell onto his back under the loving onslaught. “Stop it—”
“—and I really mean everything.” Lucifer fell with him, the plum rolling away as the angel of light’s hands found Michael’s and linked with them. “Let’s see, what else… Ah, angel of blueberries!”
“That doesn’t count, you already said blue!”
“It does too!”
Michael sighed, letting his head fall against the soft dirt as he studied Lucifer. Lucifer, so beautiful in the setting sun that highlighted the perfection of his body and made tiny rainbows gleam in his dangling earrings.
Lucifer was studying him too, humming as he ran a thumb over Michael’s cheek and murmured so softly: “Beloved Michael, my Michael… I think you would be the angel of love.”
Michael shivered at his touch, reaching up to cup Lucifer’s face now that one of his hands was free. “I think it would be better if we both were.”
“Two angels for one concept? I’ve never heard of anything like that before.”
“Nor have I, but it feels fitting. Like how the birds in Eden fly in pairs. So should we.”
Lucifer didn’t speak for a moment, but eventually he smiled and pressed his lips to Michael’s. “It’s decided, then. Unofficially, we are the angels of love.”
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foggyne1son · 4 years
since this is a huge thing going on over on twitter i thought it’d talk about it here too.
this whole post is going to be about Quinton Flynn. if you’re a supporter of this voice actor, i recommend looking into the recent bringing up of his assaults.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SEXUAL ASSAULT, SEXUAL ASSAULT AGAINST MINORS, MISOGYNY. There are very detailed and graphic situations in the sources below, and I want people to take the most precaution when approaching this subject. This has been going on for well over a decade, and we can’t keep quiet about it anymore.
Recent news about Quinton Flynn has started controversy on Twitter in the past few hours. There’s a tag going around “#fuckqf”, which talks about everything that he has done. 
This has been a long running issue in the Kingdom Hearts community, and Square Enix fans in general. You may know Quinton Flynn as the english voice actor for Axel, Reno, and lesser mentioned roles such as Sheldon from MLAATR, and Silver the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He’s mostly known for his roles over at Square, though, he has a huge portfolio.  A major issue that’s hardly talked about in the Kingdom Hearts community, however, is the many assaults this man has committed against his younger female fanbase. He’s well known for being very touchy towards younger women at conventions, and even very sexually explicit on his Instagram and Whatsapp.
Despite all of the stories that have been told since the early 2010s, Square Enix has refused to address the issue up until 2/3/2021. As you can imagine, when more relevant people in the community spoke up about the things they’ve known and even experienced themselves, people immediately questioned Square Enix on why they’ve kept silence for so long.
Screenshots have been floating around, but here are some screenshots from articles that have been popping up. The actual articles and the google drive with most of the information will be at the end of the post. If you’re easily triggered by this type of content I heavily recommend scrolling past this and just spreading the news about him.
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By now you might be asking, where do I start? How can I help get this man fired from his position at Square Enix and other voice acting roles in the future? Many people have been calling this number, +1-858-790-7529, to report this. You can also use this email if you’d rather not speak to anyone. 
Below is a screenshot from twitter user @/_akeshu_, who finally got a hold of someone from Square using the number listed earlier. If Square does go through with what they said here, that’d be a huge breakthrough for the whole community and people who have been assaulted by Quinton Flynn. 
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If Square Enix doesn’t go through with looking through the evidence and firing this guy in the process, we still have a voice. Individually we all have a voice and we want to make this situation known, we can’t let this issue die out or be swept under the rug until the victims have the closure they need.
While this is happening please keep in mind that you DON’T have to separate yourself from the characters this man voice acted for. Voice actors come and go, and the characters he played are NOT HIM. You can still enjoy Kingdom Hearts, you can still love Axel as a favorite character, any character he might have played. Give respect to their original VAs, like Keiji Fujiwara. Keiji Fujiwara was known for his roles as Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy XV, Axel/Lea from Kingdom Hearts, Leorio from the 2011 HxH, and MewTwo from the Pokemon Series!  Just don’t let Quinton Flynn build his own platform, don’t let this man have any power, don’t let him walk around a free man. He deserves to be held accountable for everything he has done, we need to make sure we get this monster out of the voice acting industry before he hurts anyone else.
Thank you for reading and taking time to read, please spread the word anywhere you possibly can. If anyone has anymore info they’d like to pass over to me so I can add anything that I missed, feel free to shoot me a PM about it and I’ll add it ASAP!
Here are some sources that have gained some relevancy as of late:
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arcanacontained · 2 years
[Mapped out Directions] - Mobile Navigation 📱
[Shuffle the Deck] - Rules
About the Mun:
Charlie, 25+, she/her.
I am neurodivergent and have physical disabilities so my focus might be hit and miss at times.
I work full-time, I write role play in my free time so activity may be sporadic.
I have 11 years worth of role playing experience under my belt and have been writing for the best part of 20 years.
My squicks that are goats, needles (primarily IV and IO), wasps, bees, spiders.
The mun tag is: out of arcane; dealer (mun).
Tracking the tag: arcanacontained
Some of my OC muses I have had for a long time. I have been on Tumblr itself since 2013, across multiple fandoms. Some have been friendly and welcoming whilst, others have been toxic and a mess I no longer want to associate with. This is why I have altered my OCs to be more fitting of Arcane/LOL related muses. So far the Arcane/LOL role play community has been welcoming.
Disabilities, trauma and mental illness will be discussed as themes during role play threads. If you have any triggers around these or other topics please let me know ahead of time. I will always reads others’ rules.
As above - I am over 25, therefore I feel uncomfortable with interacting with minors. If you are under 18, I this is not the blog for you.
TERFS, homophobias etc do not interact.
No god-modding or meta-gaming.
I haven’t roleplayed in a while, for about 2-3 years due the pandemic being a thing and Tumblr was put on the back burner until life stabilised. So I apologise if some of my role play knowledge or etiquette has gone out of the window.
I am primarily familiar with Arcane but am reading up on the relevant Champion backstories and other information on the League website. I have never played the game itself. Character canon will follow Arcane and may have some current League of Legends influences.
This blog is unlikely to be spoiler free, as the fate of the characters currently hangs in the balance at the end of episode 9.
As of writing - Jayce, Viktor and Warwick are tests muses, as this is the first time I have written them.
I have put some of my muses on low activity for the sake of my mental health. Which muses are on high or low activity might change without warning.
Please read a muse’s biography before interacting with them.
I would prefer to plot threads. Askbox prompts are accepted - but do not reblog asks as a thread starter. Please use text posts as thread starters.
I write in third person, past tense with normal formatting. As I don’t have the time I won’t be using icons in threads. A muse’s face claim (if relevant) will be stated in their biography.
Mutuals only please, this is for my own mental health so I know who is who.
Please may asks be kept for in-character interactions between muses. Likewise direct messaging is for discussion, plotting and general chatting between muns.
[Current Hand] - Muses
Number [Card] Name • Epithet.
Blue, OC muse. Red, Canon muse. Purple, Test muse. Active Muse, Low Activity Muse, Inactive Muse, Empty Slot
0 [THE FOOL] Rowan Jesse • The Fractured Shadow || Information Post || Interaction Call
I [THE MAGICIAN] Viktor • The Machine Herald || Information Post || Interaction Call
II [THE HIGH PRIESTESS] Patience Blyth • The Tactical Forger || Information Post || Interaction Call
III [THE EMPRESS] Unknown • Epithet
IV [THE EMPRORER] Unknown • Epithet
V [THE HIEROPHANT] Unknown • Epithet
VI [THE LOVERS] Unknown • Epithet
VII [THE CHARIOT] Audrey Hayward • The Caretaker of Piltover || Information Post || Interaction Call
VIII [STRENGTH] Unknown • Epithet
IX [THE HERMIT] Unknown • Epithet
X [WHEEL OF FORTUNE] Unknown • Epithet
XI [JUSTICE] Jayce Talis • The Defender of Tomorrow || Information Post || Interaction Call
XII [THE HANGED MAN] Unknown • Epithet
XIII [DEATH] Warwick • The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun || Information Post || Interaction Call
XIV [TEMPERANCE] Rosemary Clive • The Mage Telepath || Information Post || Interaction Call
XV [THE DEVIL] Sigfreda Maddox • The Puppeteer of the Dead || Information Post || Interaction Call
XVI [THE TOWER] Unknown • Epithet
XVII [THE STAR] Rio • The Shimmering Piximander of Zaun || Information Post || Interaction Call
XVIII [THE MOON] Unknown • Epithet
XIX [THE SUN] Unknown • Epithet
XX [JUDGEMENT] Unknown • Epithet
XXI [THE WORLD] Unknown • Epithet
W [MONARCH OF WANDS] Unknown • Epithet
C [MONARCH OF CUPS]  Unknown • Epithet
S [MONARCH OF SWORDS]  Unknown • Epithet
P [MONARCH OF PENTACLES]  Unknown • Epithet
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parjiljehavey · 4 years
this isn’t where we intended to be
A/N: Because we don’t know the details of how Boba survived the Sarlacc, I hand waved it. Am I shamelessly blending Legends into this? Yep. Don’t stop me now, I’m having a good time! 
I also forgot to mentioned that the titles are lyrics from You Must Love Me. Madonna or Lana Del Rey, both are valid and full of feels.
Tagging: @escapedthesarlacc​, @silverfish-kingdom​, @shadowfoxey​, @fresa-luna​
Rating: T for Teen
Content Warnings: Angst, Bad Spy/Military jargon and descriptions, Boba Is Pining, We got some Surprise Appearances at the end.
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The first thing the Imperials did after setting up their garrison was confiscate any weapons. They searched house by house, apartment by apartment. The only things they didn’t take were the kitchen knives. You were lucky enough that the panic room Boba built was hidden from almost every scanner imaginable, leaving the armory Boba had on this world unseized. 
Jekiah had chosen then to wail his little heart out from the bedroom, announcing his anger that his noon meal was being delayed to all who could hear. It took everything in you to not laugh when the stormtroopers and the scrawny little officer with them flinched. 
There was a diner around the corner from the apartment that you had started frequenting because you had became obsessed with their milkshakes during your pregnancy. The twi’lek that owned it was an older woman with long lekku she draped around her neck who carried herself in a way that you recognized. 
It was Sinya’s diner that the locals gathered in afterhours to discuss the Imperial occupation a month after the weapons has been taken. The blinds were shut, casting the room in near darkness except for the dim green glow of the menu signs.
Jekiah was strapped to your chest, content to sleep against your breast while voices rose when someone in the diner proposed fighting back against the Empire. A raucous arose as all attending agreed. 
Sinya spoke up, “We’ll need to run reconnaissance to get a better idea of their numbers and the heat they’re packing.”
You should have kept your mouth shut and your head down, if only for Jekiah’s sake. It’s what Boba would have wanted you to do; with few exceptions, when did you ever do what Boba wanted? 
“I can take care of that.” Heads turned and the crowd parted to stare at you, a woman with her baby. Sinya looked at you, and you looked at her. A tattooed brow was raised.
“You sure?” She gestured to Jekiah. 
You looked down at your son, rubbing your thumb over his dark downy hair. He nestled his face further against your breast, seeking out your heartbeat. 
“Yes. I am.”
He had woken up with the gritty taste of sand in his mouth, his skin burning and itching, and his armor missing. Shab’la Jawas.
It was the Sand People, who had ultimately rescued him and tended to the wounds he’d gained from the Sarlacc. He wasn’t able to translate what they were saying without his buy’ce, but he was able to communicate enough with them with the sign language that any hunter worth their spit learned when they spent enough time chasing targets through the sands of Tatooine. 
He was given clothing and weapons once he was well enough to leave, and went on his way to begin the long trek back to Jabba’s palace. He had no doubt that anything that wasn’t nailed down had already been taken after news of the Hutt’s death had spread. Boba was confident that the Slave I was still where he had left it when he arrived. 
Sure enough, the Firespray-31 was still there. Usually, he’d lower the ramp through his HUD, however, lacking his armor, Boba had to use the security code. It hadn’t changed in decades; he had it memorized. Accessing the security logs, Boba cursed.
It’d been five months since he left you heavily pregnant in his safehouse. 
A week after the meeting, you left Jekiah with your neighbor, two older women who had cooed over Jekiah ever since you’d come back from the medical center. Jekiah had learned how to cling to your shirt and had refused to let go, right up until a brightly colored nexu plush entered his field of vision. He’d been entranced with the neon pink toy and had let go easily after that. 
The Zabrak grinned, “One of our nephew’s old toys. He won’t miss it.”
Returning to the apartment, you opened the panic room. Weapons lined the wall, far out of reach of a child and a case held your gear. The armorweave long coat and pants you had once worn regularly were a little too tight across your belly and hips, but thankfully, you still had mobility. You could handle this small discomfort; it was nothing compared to the later stages of your pregnancy and Jekiah’s birth. 
You attached the stealth generator to your belt, making double sure it’d stay there with tape. Next went on your boots, and then your visor, followed by your gloves and gauntlets. 
The gloves had been a gift from Boba; “They’d been outlawed in the Mandalore system for centuries,” he had said, “but I figured you’d appreciate these in your arsenal.” 
Another gift had been the heavy, matte black gauntlets. The wristblade had utterly delighted you. You’d asked Boba what they were made of that made them so heavy. His answer had been beskar. It had taken you some time to learn how to fight with them on, something Boba had helped you with. You had ended up with more bruises than he had, some more pleasurable than others. 
An ache in your chest came up and a lump formed in your throat. You swallowed around it and pushed on. You had a job to do.
You ran a systems’ check twice, ensuring that your vitals read correctly and the targeting system was accurately linked to your rifle. Happy with the results, you activated the stealth generator, and made your way out of the apartment building entirely. You kept to the shadows of alleyways and near cover. 
Following a returning patrol, you infiltrated the Imperial garrison.
He’d elected to shave off the rest of his hair; most of it was already gone, the Sarlacc’s digestive acid killed the hair follicles. He inspected his wounds; no matter how primitive the Tuskens may be, they’d done a good job at patching him up. The wounds that were still healing he covered with a bacta-patch. 
It had been a difficult decision, but, Boba had chosen to pursue his missing armor. He knew you’d understand why he didn’t immediately return; it was his father’s armor. You’d be furious with him, more than likely banish him from bed, but you’d understand. 
It didn’t stop the guilt gnawing at his gut. 
It didn’t stop him from waking up expecting to feel his arm asleep from you laying on it to curl against his chest or feel your cold feet pressed against his legs. 
Over the next two weeks, you infiltrated the garrison several more times gathering information on troop movements and supply routes. There was more than one garrison on the planet; as soon as news spread to the others, they’d be swarming like flies on a carcass. This was going to be a hard and dirty fight. 
You said as much at the next meeting in Sinya’s. 
“If we are going to do this, we're going to need more numbers than what we have.” 
A large Nikto stepped forward. “Mercenaries? Lady, we ain’t got the money for that!” 
Sinya was watching you from behind the counter. She nodded at you.
“Let me worry about the money. As soon as the mercenaries are planetside, start bringing the people from smaller towns and the farms inside.”
Finding Sandcrawlers was easier from the air; it’d take months to traverse Tatooine on foot. He stopped in Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, and Anchorhead intermittently as he needed supplies and fuel. He picked up scrap metals to barter with the Jawas for information. This routine continued until a priority alert came across. 
Liberation from Imperial Garrison. Boba’s stomach sunk.
There was no thinking as he plotted a course back to the planet. No other thought as the Slave I gained altitude. 
Just you.
Sinya had had her pegged as a hunter as soon as she had first walked in months ago. She always looked around, noting exits and entries. Standard merc behavior, Sinya remembers doing that before she retired; Goddess, she still did it. 
The bump on her belly made Sinya decide she wasn’t a threat. The delight she took in the milkshakes was endearing. Sinya had made sure that every time she saw her on the way in, a milkshake was already being blended. Especially when she started coming in with her baby boy strapped to her chest. That baby was the grumpiest little thing Sinya had ever seen. 
It was nice, Sinya decided, once everyone had left after the woman had reported back on her findings and it was decided that they did need mercenaries, to talk shop with someone who knew their stuff. Sinya missed the merc life somedays. 
Sinya listed off every large mercenary company that she knew was still in existence. Even Black Sun. 
“No,” She shook her head. “If the Imperials offer more, they’d switch sides. Even if they didn’t, it’d be another battle to get them off. We’d be trading one for the other. That’s a risk we can’t afford. We need people who hate the Imperials just as much, if not more then we do.” 
Sinya's tattooed brows furrowed. “Who are you thinking of?”
The woman smiled.
He heard a low whistle from somewhere in the Oyu’baat when a priority alert popped up on the bounty board. The bartender fiddled with a control panel, enlarging the alert so it overtook other listings. It got Shysa’s attention, the Mand’alor dropping his feet off his table as he stood up. Noise died down until the only sound was the boloball game.
100,000 credits for every Mandalorian that signed up for the liberation of a small world out in the Outer Rim from the Empire. A 10,000 credit bonus was being offered for every piece of artillery that was brought in. Payment would be given from stocks, proprieties, or cold hard cash, per the contractor’s preference.
Osik. That was a lot of credits for a small world to be offering. He wondered where they were getting that kind of money. And it was specifically requesting Mandalorians. 
Shysa clapped his hands together, drawing attention away from the board and to himself. He climbed up on top of his table looking out over the crowd of Mando’ade. 
“Well, vode. Who wants to go kick the Imperials shebs again?”
Cheers of Oya rang out and Mird’ika howled as he pulled on his fine, gray gloves. 
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cooperlaura · 4 years
Audrey/Cooper fic recs
Updated list. Please read the warnings/tags.
* = these authors have written more fic that you should check out if you like the ones recommended here.
Home is Where the Heart Is by thedevilchicken (teen & up) They go back to Twin Peaks every year, at Christmas.
Untying by Astolat (mature) Audrey wrote him brief notes all that next year. Today I went to the waterfall pool. It’s really too early to swim but I went in anyway. There was no one else around, and I couldn’t hear myself breathe or think, the water was so loud. I had to get out too soon because I was cold. Are you ever lonely?
In the Dark Night, Remember Me by ElegantPi (teen & up) Cooper is freed from the Black Lodge; Audrey has left Twin Peaks for a new life in Texas. But as Cooper’s lingering nightmares threaten his sanity, Audrey discovers that the connection between them is stronger than she realized.
This Will be My Last Confession by evewithanapple (mature)  AU from the end of 2x08, where Cooper doesn’t get the call about Maddy and his conversation with Audrey goes … elsewhere.
A Heart That Yearns by duh_i_read (mature)  Audrey gets what she wants.
King of Infinite Space by bgrrl (mature)  Dreaming men are haunted men.- Stephen Vincent Benet.
In This Distance by echoinautumn (mature) Audrey Horne doesn’t believe in ghosts, except for the one that lives in Dale Cooper.
Pilgrim’s Progress by orange_crushed (teen & up) He lies awake in an empty bed and recites the facts. They’re not comforting. He was slow when he ought to have been quick. He was quick when he ought to have been slow. True knowledge consists in knowing, he thinks. That I know nothing.
Meet Me At the Great Northern by crookedneighbor (explicit) Dale comes back to the Great Northern, where he finds Audrey Horne.
Fries and Malts by sofia_estrella (teen & up)  “Diane, I’ve just been in the most interesting situation.”
Nine Tenths by Astolat (explicit, dubcon) "I’m not sorry,“ Audrey said again, behind him, gently implacable, planting hooks. "I’m not.”“I have to try to be,” he said.
Promise Made by Ingridmatthews (explicit) Dale/Audrey for Porn Battle XV
Black by Katyfaise (explicit)
Love By Numbers by Lynzee005 * (explicit) Dale Cooper has been keeping a running tally of things that have happened between him and Audrey Horne since she first asked him to dance…
Welcome to Riverdale by laughingacademy (mature) Dale Cooper and Audrey Horne have sex and talk about comic books.
Under the Sycamore Tree by st_aurafina (teen & up) After the explosion, Audrey finds herself in an unfamiliar place.
When You Lay Your Burdens Down by Lynzee005 (teen & up) If now isn’t the time to admit she’s your soulmate, then when?
Flirting with Darkness by steelneena (mature) a prompt for Halloween
The holy or the broken by maybetwice (teen & up) Some things are worth trying to forget, and Dale Cooper and Audrey Horne have spent twelve years doing just that. Some things are worth remembering.
Tomorrow’s Lovers Will Be Found by rosedamask * (explicit) On stage at the Roadhouse, truth came tall enough to scrape the ceiling. Now, in her father’s bar at the end of the night, Audrey went up on her toes to kiss him.
The wood wakes, and you are here for proof by rosedamask (general) Down at the Savings and Loan, Audrey had wished for water, and for the woods, and for Agent Cooper. The water came first.
In the Fire I Call Your Name Out by Harpalium (teen & up) Audrey and Dale. Wakeful dreams.
As Above, So Below by AmethystB (teen & up) "Funerals, huh?“ Her voice, splintered, finds his attuned senses and he almost loses all sense. [Cooper/Audrey, missing scenes]
Pinned Down by delina (teen & up) Fanart for the Trick or Treat Exchange 2019
A heart that yearns by Babble (teen and up) Special Agent Cooper has returned to the town of Twin Peaks, to enjoy a much-needed respite from the stresses of his work at the Bureau. Half a year has passed since the tragic night of Miss Twin Peaks, but the ghosts of the past still haunt Agent Cooper, and he soon discovers that it may take more than a cozy house in the woods to pull him out of the darkness.
Bet on you by youarenotmybus * (general) Set during season two, episode eight, “Drive With a Dead Girl.” What Cooper is thinking during that scene with Audrey.
Summer at the End of Time by scioscribe (mature) This is their summer, and everything is so drenched in sunshine that it feels like the world has soaked the light up like a sponge. When Cooper slides a blade of grass between his thumbs to whistle on it for her, it bleeds green against his skin, the color running like wet paint. It’s playing her song, the bassline all laced up in saddle shoes.
The Midpoint by Thorerre * (teen and up)  When things got better, they decided to go away.
Ghostwood by Selden (general)  Her name is Audrey, and she lives inside the Roadhouse.
Beating the House by EleosEpistrophia (mature) What if Cooper had come across Audrey the first time he went to One-Eyed Jack's?
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jeonggukingdom · 4 years
splinters of love • day XV [knj]
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pairing  ⟶ kim namjoon x fem!Reader
summary  ⟶ a collection of drabbles (one for each day of April) based on prompts by an online prompts’ generator site. Specifically  ⟶  • day XV ↳ in which you have simply run out of games to entertain your 3-years-old daughter when you are stuck in quarantine so you decide to finger paint her bedroom’s wall with her just to see what happens.
genre  ⟶ fluff
rating  ⟶ G
word count ⟶ 1.119 words
warnings  ⟶ well, this is based on the current situation with the virus so if it’s too triggering for you, do not read it. It’s pretty soft and hopeful but still, if you don’t want to read about quarantine avoid this, ok?
series masterlist  ⟶ here  (links on mobile may not work, if you’re looking for all the works in this series, you can click on the “!splintersoflove” tag and you’ll find them all there!)
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“Mommy!” the loud whine startles you out of your thoughts, breaks your concentration on the project you are working on and have been staring at for the past couple of hours.
MiSun is standing in the middle of the room, her bottom lip protruded forward into a deep pout while her eyes fill with tears. It’s her fifth breakdown in the span of two days and your heart aches for her, prompting you to leave your spot and pull her up in your arms.
“What’s wrong baby?”
You know what’s wrong and you don’t even need to try and understand what she’s uttering between her deep sobs.
It’s a beautiful day outside: warm, sunny, perfect for a walk in the park which is hands down her favourite activity.
Alas, the current times you are living in do not allow any of that but it isn’t simple to explain to a girl so little.
You feel it too, the constriction of being inside for so long, trapped not only by law but also by the fear of what would happen if you did get out, put yourself in danger and become one of the sick ones.
You cradle your daughter inside your loving arms as you quiet her down, walking through the apartment to try and find something to entertain her with.
It’s been over a month since you left the house with her and you have run out of Disney movies, cartoons, games and fairytales to fill up her time with.
You know she misses her friends, her teachers from school, her walks in the parks and just simply being a normal kid outside those four walls that make up your house.
You heave out a sigh as she stops crying, hugging you tight while asking you the same questions over and over again. You have explained a great number of times why you can’t leave the house, why you are now working from home, why she can’t see her friends or her grandparents and aunts and uncles but it must be hard to grasp for a child so little as MiSun.
The door to Namjoon’s studio opens as your daughter closes her eyes, relaxing in your loving embrace.
“She’s calm now, go back to work,” you whisper to him, offering him a soft smile. Namjoon worries a lot about MiSun, about how all of this is going to affect her growth and psyche over time and he has that worried expression on his features right now that means he’ll have a tremendous headache in a few hours.
“I wanted to take a break anyways,” he says while walking towards you, his eyes softening as he looks at the two of you hugging each other as if your life depended on it.
His lips find your forehead and you relish in the soft kiss, hum in appreciation as he wraps his arms around you so that you can stay like this for a few minutes: together.
“Why don’t we do something fun today?” He says then, his lips twisting into a little devilish grin that has your brows furrowing in both confusion and curiosity.
“Something on your mind already?”
“Let’s wait for her to wake up,” he says before leaving you there, stunned, with your daughter still soundly asleep in your arms.
The house turns quiet again and you resume your work with your kid crawled on your lap and hours pass by like this without you even realizing it.
It’s the middle of the afternoon when she wakes up from her nap, her little hands grasping your shirt to get your attention.
You smile down at her, place soft kisses all over her face causing her to giggle and fill the silence with her usual brightness.
Namjoon must hear her too because next thing you know, he’s there right behind you, looking at the two of you with a love-struck expression that has your insides feel all warm and tangled.
Your smile deepens as MiSun stretches her arms towards Namjoon, eager to be taken into his loving arms and spun around the room as he usually does—something that may or may not make your heart stop for a few seconds every single time.
“Do you want to paint your room with daddy?” He asks and you look at him questioningly but he ignores your expression and gives all of his attention to your daughter and the way she excitedly nods her head a couple of times.
This is how you find yourself sitting on her bedroom floor, colourful paint all over your jeans and fingers.
Namjoon and Misun have been giggling and laughing for the past hour, not caring a single bit about the absolute mess they have made of the room, not to mention the poor walls.
You look at them while shaking your head, yet, you can’t stop the smile from spreading on your lips at the serene expression on your daughter’s face, at the unadulterated happiness that seems to envelop her every time her little fingers draw a bright colourful line on the white walls.
It’s a mess of colours with random shapes scattered all over the walls and you are sure you’ll have to repaint it soon but, when you look at it as a whole, you can’t help but look at it in fondness.
It’s unique and so chaotic, just like MiSun is. Your little hurricane, that’s what you call her.
“Don’t you think Mommy is slacking a little bit?” Namjoon asks and immediately your daughter runs your way, throws her self in your arms and successfully spreads paint not only over your clothes but all over your cheeks and chin.
She laughs and laughs and laughs and soon, so are you and so is Namjoon and it feels like an eternity has passed since you’ve laughed like this, together, since your home has felt this warm and happy.
“MiSun, don’t you think Daddy looks a little too boring with his clean clothes?” You whisper to your daughter which makes her giggle and run towards Namjoon with her palms open wide.
You watch him try to run away from her, stumble on his feet and fall on the ground while she shrieks with amusements, jumps on him and covers his white sweater with red, pink, purple—all of her favourite colours.
You take another look at the wall behind your back and a soft smile spreads over your lips.
You dip your fingers into the brightest pink you own and then, lifting yourself up you write down those words you’ve seen all over the internet but that never felt true until this very moment.
It’s going to be alright.
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Copyright © 2020 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. Do not repost, do not steal, do not translate without consent.
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ao3feed-gladnoct · 4 years
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hyl2my
by HardNoctLife
We could all use a little bit of love.
I made a post on Twitter asking for people to give me pairings (either FFVII or FFXV) for 'nonsexual acts of intimacy' prompts, and was surprised by the number of responses. I decided to share the drabbles here for others to enjoy and more easily find.
Chapters are divided by ship. Enjoy!
Possible Prompts included: -Finding the other wearing their clothes -Holding hands -Having their hair washed by the other -One falling asleep with their head in the other's lap -Cuddling in a blanket fort -Sharing a bed -Head scratches -Sharing a dessert -Shoulder rubs -Reading a book together -Caring for each other while ill -Patching up a wound -Taking a bath together -One character playing with the other's hair -Accidentally falling asleep together -Forehead or cheek kisses -One character adjusting the other's jewelry/necktie, etc. -Back scratches -Reacting to the other one crying about something -Slow dancing
Words: 7551, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Ardyn Izunia, Cor Leonis, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Nyx Ulric
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis, Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ignis Scientia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret & Noctis Lucis Caelum, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Nyx Ulric
Additional Tags: twitter prompts, Multishipping, Drabble Collection, Drabble, nonsexual acts of intimacy, Fluff, Love, Romance, Prompt Fill
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hyl2my
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ao3feed-ignoct · 4 years
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hyl2my
by HardNoctLife
We could all use a little bit of love.
I made a post on Twitter asking for people to give me pairings (either FFVII or FFXV) for 'nonsexual acts of intimacy' prompts, and was surprised by the number of responses. I decided to share the drabbles here for others to enjoy and more easily find.
Chapters are divided by ship. Enjoy!
Possible Prompts included: -Finding the other wearing their clothes -Holding hands -Having their hair washed by the other -One falling asleep with their head in the other's lap -Cuddling in a blanket fort -Sharing a bed -Head scratches -Sharing a dessert -Shoulder rubs -Reading a book together -Caring for each other while ill -Patching up a wound -Taking a bath together -One character playing with the other's hair -Accidentally falling asleep together -Forehead or cheek kisses -One character adjusting the other's jewelry/necktie, etc. -Back scratches -Reacting to the other one crying about something -Slow dancing
Words: 7551, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Ardyn Izunia, Cor Leonis, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Nyx Ulric
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis, Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ignis Scientia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret & Noctis Lucis Caelum, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Nyx Ulric
Additional Tags: twitter prompts, Multishipping, Drabble Collection, Drabble, nonsexual acts of intimacy, Fluff, Love, Romance, Prompt Fill
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hyl2my
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bgn846 · 5 years
FFXV Oneshot Snow Attack
Rating: General Audiences      Archive Warning:   No Archive Warnings Apply      Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Characters:   
Ignis Scientia
Gladiolus Amicitia
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto Argentum
  Additional Tags:             
Tickle Fights
Mild Hurt/Comfort
           Ignis and Prompto get buried by a snow drift.  Gladio and Noct get them warmed up with a little laughter.
“I think I see a foot!” Noct shouted as he raced towards the edge of the snow bank.
“Who’s?” Gladio hollered back, “Iggy or Prom?”
“Can’t tell yet.” The prince replied as he skidded to a halt and began frantically digging the snow away with his hands.  They were both wearing their crownsguard gear, so it was impossible to tell who they’d found.
“I think you got Prompto!” Gladio huffed as he continued to frantically search for Ignis.  A shiny boot heel soon appeared and Gladio grabbed hold and pulled.  Thank the six the snow bank that had collapsed was mostly powder.  There was still enough to suffocate a man but it could have been far worse.  
Noct had dug into the bank far enough to reveal Prompto’s upper legs.  The blond was kicking trying to find purchase in the ground.  He was alive that was good.  Focusing back to the other member of their party Gladio displaced more snow and found Ignis’ other leg.
Now that he had a good grip on both of Ignis’ ankles he continued to pull.  After a few seconds the snow shifted slightly and Ignis’s body came free.
Rushing forward Gladio flipped Ignis over on his back, “Iggy you okay?”
The advisor was sucking in large lung fulls of air, but he nodded and remained lying in the snow.
Squeezing his shoulder reassuringly Gladio then went to assist Noct.  Prompto seemed to be harder to extract from the bank.  Grabbing both the gunners’ legs he pulled and was able to drag Prompto free.  Breathing heavily he tried to sit up.  Unlike Ignis he’d been stuck face up in the snow.  Prompto’s face had small scratches from the ice and he was clearly trying to get his bearings.
“I used – to – to like the snow.” Prompto sputtered, “What happened?”
“I think our hunt – for a cave entrance – disturbed the area.” Ignis weakly replied as he worked to catch his breath.
“Do we have to try again?” Prompto asked worriedly.
“No!” Noct shouted, “I don’t think there’s a tomb here anyway.  We need to get back to the hotel and rest.”
For once Ignis didn’t complain.  Prompto looked like he was about to cry with relief that they were cutting the day short.
Ignis wobbled slightly once he was standing but held up his hands to indicate he was alright, “I’m fine, I wasn’t expecting to get attacked by a wall of snow today.”
Gladio nodded and motioned for the car keys, “Noct’s driving us to the hotel, you are gonna take it easy in the backseat.”
Groaning Ignis relinquished his keys and plodded along to the car.  Gladio knew Ignis had to be feeling less than okay to not even put up a fight regarding who was driving.  
Prompto seemed to be a little worse for wear.  Gladio looked over in time to see him wincing as he righted himself, “Hey blondie do you need a potion?”
“No, I’ve got a small headache.  I think a hard blob of snow hit me in the head.”
“Be sure to say something if it gets worse.” Noct requested as he stood near his friend.
“Come on, the weather doesn’t look so good we’d best get back to the hotel.” Gladio announced handing the car keys off to the prince.
They got on the road with no issue.  The incoming storm didn’t seem like it would disturb them until after they’d reached the hotel.   However, both Ignis and Prompto were shivering despite the heat in the car being turned up.
Once they’d all made it inside the room it became apparent that their normal routine had been disrupted.  Ignis stalled in the middle of the room and wavered in place.  Prompto looked miserable as he tried to rub his arms to get warm.
Deciding to take charge Gladio steered Ignis to the guest chair and pushed him down, “Relax for a moment kay?” He smiled as Ignis looked up at him.  “Prompto, do you want to take a hot shower or change and jump into bed?”
“Um the bed sounds like a good option, do we have more blankets?”
Noct sprang into action at the request and began rummaging in the closet, “I got it covered Prom, sit down on the bed and get your uniform off.”
Turning back around Gladio addressed Ignis, “Hey same goes for you, bath or bed?”
The question seemed to snap Ignis out of his stupor and he shook his head in protest, “Neither, I must get dinner started for us all.”
“Noct and I can handle that Iggy, you need to take a break.  So hot bath or bed?”
Ignis sighed in response, “I don’t know. I want to do both but the idea of having to get wet and dried off again sounds so exhausting.”
Snorting Gladio gently pulled Ignis forward in the chair, “Let me help you with your coat and boots.  You and Prompto can both hang out in the bed while we get dinner figured out.”
After five minutes Noct had helped Prompto change and he was tucked in under the covers.  The scratches on his face stood out against his pale skin.  He finally seemed to warming up though as his shivers were slowing.  Once Ignis had his pajamas on, he swiftly walked to the bed Prompto was in and jumped under the blankets.
“Wha’s going on?” Prompto mumbled.
“There is warmth in numbers Prompto.” Ignis offered as he burrowed under the covers next to the blond.
“Oh!  Good idea.” he squeaked while trying to scoot closer to the advisor.
“Gladio it looks like they are plotting against us or something.” Noct offered with a raised eyebrow.
A pair of fair haired heads was the only thing visible in the bed.  The covers had been pulled so far up it covered Prompto and Ignis’ noses.   “Are you guys warming up at all?” the shield inquired.
“Sort of.” Prompto offered.
“Same.” Ignis added.
“Huh.” Gladio announced coolly. “Noct I think we may need to help them.”
The prince looked a little worried by his statement, “How so?”
Motioning him over Gladio whispered instructions in Noct’s ear.  Ignis lifted his head up to try and hear better but there was no way he would know what was coming.
“You’re wicked.” Noct huffed.  “I got dibs on Prom.”
“And you say I’m wicked.”
“Wait what’s going on?” Prompto asked confused as he finally noticed something was happening.
Being under a layer of blankets was both a blessing and curse.  It did on one hand provide protection from wandering tickling hands.  However, it also acted as a prison if the person who owned the tickling hands was sitting on you.
Ignis squirmed trying to get away but he was stuck.  Gladio had pinned him in place under the blankets as he tickled his neck.  Being mindful to keep it light Gladio had Ignis laughing and snorting.  He’d made a point to warn Noct earlier to take it easy since their friends did have a tough afternoon.    
The sounds of laughter filled the room as prince and shield tormented their captives. After a few minutes Gladio stopped his attack and leaned back.  Noct followed suit and had a big grin on his face.  “So how about now?” Gladio asked, “Are you both still cold?”
Ignis groaned loudly, but it wasn’t believable since he was still giggling, “NO!  I’m nice and toasty now.  Right Prompto!” Ignis enthused as he nudged the blond with his arm.  
“Oh yeah, uh I’m so good.  Not even thinking about winter anymore.”
“How’s your head feel?” Noct inquired.  Gladio could see the prince was worried he might have pushed his best friend too hard.  
“It’s better actually.  I think the laughing helped.��  Prompto said earnestly, “But you don’t have to make me laugh anymore right now!  I’m still good.” He added with wide eyes.  
“Noct, can you handle making tea or hot chocolate while I go grab some takeout?” Gladio asked.
The prince agreed with a smile and Gladio crawled off the bed to go check out the food stand across the street.  He was pretty sure Noct could handle making a hot beverage.  Trying not to dwell on the thought he ordered the food.  The walk back made it evident the storm had arrived. Gladio barely made it in the lobby before the rain and sleet started.   He was thankful they were inside and not still tomb hunting.
Surprisingly Noct had managed to make hot tea and hot chocolate.  Ignis and Prompto were both cocooned in the bed with their hot beverages.  “Noct, grab the newspaper over there and spread it out over the bed.” The look his prince gave him was so comical, “We are going to eat on the bed.” Gladio instructed with a smile.
Once he understood the idea Noct rushed off to prepare the makeshift table.  The warm food and good company helped create a calm environment.  It wasn’t long after dinner was finished that Prompto nodded off.  His skin had earned some color back and he seemed content.  Ignis tried to stay up to watch TV with them, but thirty minutes into a random travel show he was softly snoring.  
“Do you think the storm will blow over by tomorrow morning?” Noct asked.
Shrugging Gladio grabbed his bag to get ready for bed, “Not sure, but if it doesn’t we can stay one more night.”
“I’d like that even if the storm is gone.” the prince announced.
“Well then you better start thinking of some good excuse to use on Iggy tomorrow morning.”
Grinning like cheshire cat Noct replied, “Nah, we can just tickle attack him again until he agrees.”
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bladesandstars · 5 years
Hey, tumblr pals
So, yeah. I didn’t leave forever. I’m still here, enjoying and reblogging stuff. Here’s an update on where I am and where I’m going!
[minor rant] I’m still incrediblyfuckingpissed at tumblr’s direct attack on nsfw stuff, and I remain determined not to let it keep my hands and mind from creating whatever I want, as filthy as that may be. (especially since this type of puritan nonsense seems to hit hardest in the areas that women and nb folk gravitate toward to express sexual power, but I digress) [/rant]
I’m still writing. a lot. I’m writing for an Ignis zine, a music zine, and a friendship zine (not tagging them in this ridiculous personal ramble, but it has been an amazing and rewarding experience with each one, and made me even happier I engaged with fandom in general, and with the FFXV fandom in particular. When I say “you guys are the best,” I truly mean it, and thinking about the fandom and the people I’ve met here is what’s bringing me back.
I’m doing more stuff, too. I’ve gotten invested in a few new/old fandoms, which you may see drift across my blog (please please scream with me about the arcana, the dragon prince, marvel, check please, got, and doctor who anytime. and I swear the 2019 challenge will be writing at least one ficlet in that unique, hilarious voice that is letterkenny. also I’m playing FFXIII and Lightning and Fang are murdering me every time I power up the old PS3).
I’m also (omg) writing original fic! It’s captured my heart, energy, and inspiration in a way that feels like -- oof, this is gonna sound so cheesy -- investing in myself? All this story, all these characters, out of MY head, and I’m getting swept up in it? It’s kind of the epitome of self-indulgence. I might put some of my OC babies here on the blog, or maybe not, I don’t really know yet (aka I’m nervous). But I have a couple of short stories on my Wordpress blog, and will be adding to those too as I work things out. (Universe 1 is a futuristic scifi type of thing involving memory manipulation with one m/m couple and one bi m/f couple; universe 2 was described by a friend as “space wlw fleurentia,” and well. yeah.) I’m having fun, y’all.
I’m not abandoning any of my FFXV longfic, and I have two that aren’t published yet (one half-written, one only planned, both rarepair bonanzas because, well, you’ve met me), so I’m not going anywhere. The XV fandom is still one of my most comfortable places to write and headcanon and have fun. But I’m so excited to be expanding the number of fun places to visit, too!
If you wanna send me asks about any of the fics I’ve got going, please do! If you wanna send me prompts for minifics, I’m down. XV or any of my other hodgepodge of fandoms. Thanks for reading/caring if you slogged through all this!
I’m also probably going to be writing more of these rambly personal longposts on here going forward, mostly for my own mental health reasons haha.  If you wanna not be bothered with these types of posts, I TOTALLY understand, and you can just filter the “hope talks” tag. 
Happy Pride month, happy weekend, high fives all around.
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nekrotikon · 2 months
3. What makes your character’s skin crawl?
gonna do this for lucifer. when the first night happens—he's pretty freaked out by that, especially because the earliest celestial bodies were made out of him technically. but michael finding it super pretty (and not knowing that those were made from the excess of lucifer's first body) actually kinda helps lucifer relax!
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bubblesoul · 5 years
rule: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better.
i was tagged by @bugband thank youhh!
i. nickname
i dont have one!
ii. zodiac sign
scorpio. a bonus: my chinese zodiac sign is metal horse. (and chinese zodiac is more accurate in describing me)
iii. heigh
167 cm (im bad at math so i dont know how to convert it to feet)
iv. hogwarts house
i would probably be that ghost in the bathroom and i dont know in which house she belonged to. but really, i have never been that into harry potter so i really dont know.
v. last thing i googled
lmmao, "90 day fiance nicole and azan"(i dont get these two like what is going on with them? i have so many questions???)
vi. fave musicians
the beatles (obviously). and not exactly a musician, but one of my fave composers though, whom i consider the best, is tchaikovsky.
vii. song stuck in my head
im still not over eurovision actually so random eurovision songs
viii. following
around 250, but i guess only 50 are active???
ix. followers
around 2200, and again, maybe only 200 are active???
x. do you get asks
no, i would like to, but then again i know that i would procrastinate with my answers and it would give me anxiety.
xi. amount of sleep
never enough, always sleepy
xii. lucky number
xiii. what are you wearing
a black linen dress 50s style and feeling like im overdressed cause everybody's wearing beach-y clothes. i didnt get the memo that the library is a beach.
xiv. dream job
ugh... that's a touchy subject actually. something that isnt "a linguist" (aka opposite to what im pursuing at the moment in the university). i like my upholstery apprenticeship that im doing in my spare time but idk if i love it only as a hobby or if i could do it as a job. anyways i want to do something where im not told all the time that.. basically that im a nobody and how everyone else is better than me, i dont want to work at a place where humiliation is a norm and friendliness and kindness doesnt exist - that's how things are as a gradstudent/researcher at university... and it continues to be this way until you're a senior researcher which happens when you're in your 50s). a craftsman, artesan or something similar would be nice. i applied to a conservation undergrad programme and it would be cool to be a conservator - it has craftmanship and research (and even science) combined. + i love old stuff :)
xv. dream trip
british manor houses. italian towns. portugal in general seems interesting. also a trip on the old silk road through all the old silk road towns like samarkand etc (although the aladdin-like mental image i have about the silk road doesnt exist anymore).
xvi. instruments
cant play any
xvii. fave song
it's impossible to choose only one!
xviii. languages
native estonian, finnish as second language, english, french, swedish (novice), + i am (almost) a linguist, so i have studied too many (latin, german, italian, latvian, ingrian, livonian, sami, komi, hungarian), but i really only "speak" and "understand" those first i mentioned.
xix. random fact
hmm... i saw a ufo two years ago few days before the christmas. it was dark and i only saw blueish lights flying and i thought at first that it's just two drones flying next to each other and occasionally doing circles around each other. but. a) they flew way too fast and erratically to be drones b) although they were flying low, they made no sound... and drones always make horrible noise...
also i occasionaly see future events in my sleep??? nothing big, just minor things like somebody says/does something and then they say/do the thing the next day. or i see an item in my dreams and then i see it somewhere the next day...
xx. aesthetic
my blog has turned from a only-the-beatles into an aesthetic blog so my blog is my aesthetic?? 60s, vintage, flowers, pretty architecture, stars, space, moon, paris, paul mccartney.
im so quiet here in tumblr that i wont tag anyone... but if you want to do this tag-thingy, do it! 😊❤❤❤
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merlevum · 5 years
Dormiens rex De Aurora
Chapters: 6/?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Nyx Ulric Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, cyrofreeze, cryovat Summary: They make their plans to tackle the power plant. 
Updates every Monday
The rest of the way to the power plant was quiet. Any other daemons that showed up were generally too far away or easily outrun thanks to the truck. Ignis directed Gladio to stop at the guard station that was supposed to be manned when they arrived on a long stretch of road that lead to the powerplant.
“Be careful, Iggy,” Gladio said as he kept the truck running.
He didn’t like the fact Ignis was going alone, but if things were truly as bad as Ignis suspected, they might have to quickly regroup somewhere else. Prompto must have had the same feeling because Gladio heard the distinct sound of him undoing the safety. Good, Gladio thought, knowing that he would not be much help behind the wheel if something attacked ignis. Watching Ignis walk up to the station, Gladio could see part of his reflection in the window. Those green eyes grew wide, probably at whatever he saw beyond the window pane. Gladio didn't need Ignis to voice what he saw, his white face and green eyes were enough. Gladio just hoped the others didn't the same reaction as he had.
Ignis gave them the all clear.
“What do you think it means, Igs?” Prompto asked from the bed of the truck. “I know the guys who were here, they wouldn’t have just up and left.”
“You’re not wrong, but there is no indication that anyone has been here for quite some time. There was dust on the panels.” Ignis climbed back into his seat. He turned to the group in the bed of the truck. His face having returned to its normal complexion. Whatever he saw, Gladio was thankful it wasn't the mauled bodies of the guards, but that might mean the daemons were getting a bit bolder or there was a monster or two loose too. “This power plant must have been compromised before even now. We should stay alert and at the ready.”
There was a round of nodding heads. The techs didn’t exactly look happy, but then Gladio couldn’t blame them. This could mean any of their deaths.
“So where to? The front of the power plant?”
Ignis nodded. “It’s best we get there as soon as possible to assess the situation.”
“Right. Noct, you sure you’re up for this with your back?” Gladio asked, looking at his prince through the rearview mirror.
“Yeah. Just no crazy stunts,” Noct said as he took out a pair of daggers from the armiger.
Gladio put the car back into drive and sped to the front of the power plant. The plant itself was a rather large building with different thick cables running in different directions. Some followed the path towards Tandem, others to the north and east. For a moment Gladio realised there might be other cities or outposts like Tandem that would be without power. While it seemed Tandem could certainly hold it’s own, others probably wouldn’t be that lucky. They really needed to get the power back on.
“Hey, Gladio, watch out up ahead. I think there are some goblins running on some of the lines.” Noctis pointed to a few of them, though Gladio couldn't tell where exactly they were.
“Should I take them out?” Prompto asked as he readied his gun once more. It reassured Gladio to know they had someone who could do distance attacks like this. It made fighting that much easier.
“A waste of bullets I’m afraid. If they ambush us later, we’ll deal with them, but let’s save as much ammo that you have for what’s truly inside of the power plant,” Ignis said tapping his hand on his leg.
Gladio could feel the nervous tension coming from him, but there was nothing he could say or do to really relieve that. No, they would need to get the power plant back up and running for that to be a thing. It took another two minutes for Gladio to pull up and park the truck before they were at the front steps of the power plant.
“Right, let’s go over some tactics before we--”
Gladio glared at the sudden ringtone that went off. Ignis fumbled with his pocket, giving the shield an apologetic look. Gladio shook his head, as he turned back to the others. Whoever was calling, it had to be important if Ignis took it.
“Noct and I are best fighting together. Though with the looks of the powerplant, I don’t think it’s going to be wise for me to use my sword, so I’m going to use my shield for the most part Noct.” Gladio patted the buckler on his arm. “You’ll be taking up point then.”
Noct nodded, switching the daggers for his engine blade. “Got it.”
“Pelna, Axis, you two know the power plant as much as Ignis. How many ways to the centre are there?”
“Three in total, though we already passed one. So two now.” Pelna pulled out a map for Gladio. He used a small flashlight he clipped to his shirt earlier to read it. He pointed to one spot and then another. “These two here.”
“Good. We’ll split into two groups--”
“What? Bloody hell. Tell her that Nyx is better used in--Yes, I’m well aware of her position--”
Gladio glanced over to Ignis who started pacing. It was clear things were not as easy back in Tandem as it had seemed. Pelna shrunk a little seeming to know exactly who Ignis was talking about. Giving the hunter a questionable look, Pelna only shook his head. Best not to know at the moment. Right, they had a mission to do after all.
“Anyway, we’ll split the groups. Noctis and I will take Prompto for sure. You take Ignis with you and the rest of the techs.” Gladio scanned the map, trying to remember all the turns they would need to take in case Prompto wouldn’t know where to go. "You'll need more protection with the added techs."
“With all due respect, take Ignis with you. We’ll take the safer route here with these three techs. You take that one, the more dangerous path because we’ll need both routes cleared anyway,” Pelna said. He was glad to be back on the topic what they were doing here rather than on Ignis.
“Why?” Noct asked, staring at the moment.
“For one thing, buddy, we need access to this hallway here and that one. Once we get the core of the power plant running again with Igni’s magic, we’ll need to reboot the system. It’s why we have more than just one tech with us.” Prompto pointed at the three and then back to himself. As much as techs were technically vulnerable, they were important when it came to running the power plant.
“I see. And how are we going to stay in contact? Because I’m not waiting around for you in case something happens.” Gladio shifted his weight.
“Or the other way around. Just because you fought the daemon earlier, doesn’t mean that we’re not just as capable. You forget, we’ve survived this long without you around,” Axis said, matching Gladio’s stance, almost sizing him up. “We don’t need some hero suddenly. That I can promise you.”
“Nah, you already got one of those.” Gladio was glad to see Pelna and Axis still ready to fight.
“Damn straight. Just give us your number, we’ll just keep in contact in case there is something that happens.” Axis pulled out his phone.
Shit, would their phones work? They were all set up with Insomnia in mind and with Insomnia in ruins, Gladio pulled out his phone. Pointless really, the thing was dead. Probably died within a month of being frozen. Shit. Noct shrugged. Gladio wondered if Noct had tried to use his phone earlier.
“Just get in contact with me Axis,” Prompto said with a bright smile. “You got Igs’s number too.”
Gladio relaxed a little, glad to have the blonde along. Prompto winked.
“I apologize for that,” Ignis said as he rejoined them. Irate was one of the words Gladio would describe Ignis, but beneath that there was something else there too. Whatever, so long as Ignis focused on the battle, Gladio would help him deal with the phone call later. “Now, do we have a plan?”
“Yup. You and me are going with Noct and the big guy. We’re taking this route while the others take this one.” Prompto beamed up at Ignis. How the hell the kid could be so happy about this sort of situation was beyond Gladio. But then Prompto had been cheerful most of the time he saw him. Maybe it was just the way Prompto was. Not a bad thing to have around, especially with how dark the world seemed now.
“Alright, then. Whenever everyone is ready.” Ignis patted Prompto’s shoulder, giving him a small smile.
It didn’t take long for Gladio and Noct to delve up some of the potions from the armiger, explaining how to use them. Ignis didn't seem pleased by the action, but the others at least thanked them for a means to heal each other if the need arose. While the others wouldn’t have access to the armiger to store things, the potions were still valuable and worked without Noct needing to be nearby. The techs carried more than Axis or Pelna, but then the techs would be more for support rather than for fighting it seemed, sort of the way Prompto acted, though none of them had guns. Gladio didn’t worry too much about how they were going to fight, more he was steeling himself for whatever they might find in the power plant if the goblins above them were anything to go by. Shutting off a whole power plant was not something mere goblins could have done. They would find something else inside. He would stake his Crownsguard badge on it.
“Hey, Gladio?” Noct asked as Prompto double checked his ammo. The two were sitting on the edge of the truck bed.
“Yeah?” Gladio came over, crossing his arms. It was clear as day that something was eating at Noct.
“....You’re not going to give me hell for not wearing the thing?” Noct looked anywhere but at Gladio, who sighed.
“Noct, I can’t make you do something you don’t want. You get about as stubborn as Garula. So, no I’m not going to give you hell.” Gladio could tell this was more than just about the ring. Noct was never really good at talking about shit, but Gladio was patient. Not always, but sometimes. Eventually, whatever Noct wanted to get out would.
“Even if you’re right?” Noct glanced at the two hunters ushering the techs in the direction they needed to go. Prompto glanced up, but was wise enough not to say anything.
“If you feel guilty, do something about it. Decide. Either put on the ring and give them access to the armiger and magic, or don’t. I’m not going to make you feel better about not doing something you should. And I’m not going to make you do it either for the same reason.”
He could see Noct biting his lip. The kid was smart and could play games, but this was one Gladio was not going to entertain. Not this time. There was more at stake than just some pastry he didn’t get or training that he skipped. No, Noct was playing with lives. He needed to do the right thing and he would have to do it on his own. Six forbidden they would get separated and Noct would have to make some decisions on his own. Gladio just hoped Noct would be ready if it ever happened. These sorts of decisions made or break the kind of king of Noct would become. If they actually restored him to a throne.
“.....” Noct opened his mouth a few times only to close it.
“Better hurry before they’re gone and out of range.” Gladio stared at his prince, hoping for once he would just do his duty. Even if these hunters were not Lucians from Insomnia, they were still here.
“Axis! Pelna! Wait.” Noct turned to face them. “Ignis, Prompto, you too. T-There’s something we need to do before we head out.”
Gladio could see his shoulders shaking. Letting Pelna and Axis access to the same magic meant revealing who they were and honestly, he didn’t much care. Ignis had called Noct his highness a few times already. If the hunters thought it was just a nickname, well they were in for a treat. Noct and Gladio were in a weird position anyway and the more allies they had the better.
“What is it Noct?” Prompto asked, practically hopping over.
“Yeah, we got a job to do kid.” Axis raised an eyebrow, as he and Pelna came back over.
“...Remember how you asked me if you could learn to warp?”
The four nod.
“There is. I just…..What I tell you can’t get out. At least not yet,” Noct said as he shrugged. “Prom and Iggy already know, but I’m actually from Insomnia. The city that’s beneath Tandem. I was frozen along with Gladio in hopes of securing a future my father didn’t think was possible then. But that’s not all. The reason we’re able to use magic and conjure weapons is because of the armiger.”
Gladio put a hand on Noct’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. They were doing the right thing. He wasn’t sure if there was a way to terminate the connection once made, but if they needed to cross that bridge they would figure it out. For now, he just had to help Noct get through this.
"With the exception of Prompto and I, we don't have this armiger," Ignis clarified when Axis glared at them.
“I can give you access to it. The armiger, it will make your magic stronger,” Noct held up a ring looking at Prompto and Noct. “If I put this one and keep wearing it, I can give that power to others." This time he looked at Axis and Plena. "Their own armiger and their own magic. It’s all tied back to this crystal that the empire has, but since we’re still able to use it, the crystal is still very much there. So, I ask. Do y-you want me to give you that power?”
Silence filled the air as the four stood there. Ignis broke it first.
“Your majesty, as much as I appreciate the gesture, it’s clear you’re not ready to accept that burden. Being close to you and able to use the magic as I have is enough for me.” Ignis nudged Prompto who nodded.
“Yeah! When you’re ready we can do all that magic stuff, but only then.” Prompto held up his arm like Noct had shown him before. Noct gave his arm a bump and returned the smile before turning to Axis and Pelna. It was hard to gauge what those two were thinking, well perhaps more so Axis than Pelna.
“I’m with Ignis. We don’t want you to do something you don’t want, but umm...why did you call him ‘his majesty’?” Pelna stared at Noct as if the kid had suddenly grown another head or something. Gladio couldn't help the small chuckle.
“That is because he is the prince of Lucis. Or I suppose king now,” Ignis said without missing a beat.
“K-King? Fucking Six, Axis, we’ve been--”
“Yeah,” Axis glared at Ignis and then at Noct. “What about this guy?”
“Me?” Gladio asked, scoffing. “I’m just a shield.”
“Gladio!” Noct glared. “You’re more than just that. Geez. Anyway, what about you, Axis?”
“I don’t need some foreign king’s power. No, I’ll be fine. We all will.” Axis turned away from Noct, who flinched at the words 'foreign king'.
That was how this world saw Noct. He was a foreign king to them. Things were different. Maybe restoring the throne wasn't going to be something they could do. Gladio thought about the reason for them having gone through the cryofreeze in the first place. Axis stopped short only to look at Noct. “
You shouldn’t offer that kind of power to just anyone. You don’t know who you can trust just yet, right?”
“Axis!” Pelna rushed after Axis, who simply left after giving that piece of advice.
Noct let out a long sigh, probably from the relief of having not being pressured into wearing the ring. Gladio was actually surprised none of them wanted to use the magic that only the king could offer. But more than that, that they all seemed to think of Noctis as a person. It dawned on Gladio that these people had survived years without a king, or a prince for that matter. These people didn’t know what it meant to be connected to a king and the crystal, like Cor and he was. Maybe, they didn’t need to use the crystal power, because maybe they didn’t need to restore the monarchy. They still had to take down the Niffs, but their futures after that, well it was just as open if they survived that long.
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cooperlaura · 5 years
Fic recs - the Cooper/Audrey edition
I’ve put together a list of some of my favourite Cooper/Audrey fanfics (and 1 fanart). I tried to stick to completed works and include a range of authors - a lot of these writers have written more fics that aren’t on this list which I recommend checking out if you like their work. Also, please read the tags/warnings.
Home is Where the Heart Is by thedevilchicken (teen & up) They go back to Twin Peaks every year, at Christmas.
Untying by Astolat (mature) Audrey wrote him brief notes all that next year. Today I went to the waterfall pool. It's really too early to swim but I went in anyway. There was no one else around, and I couldn't hear myself breathe or think, the water was so loud. I had to get out too soon because I was cold. Are you ever lonely?
In the Dark Night, Remember Me by ElegantPi (teen & up) Cooper is freed from the Black Lodge; Audrey has left Twin Peaks for a new life in Texas. But as Cooper's lingering nightmares threaten his sanity, Audrey discovers that the connection between them is stronger than she realized.
This Will be My Last Confession by evewithanapple (mature)  AU from the end of 2x08, where Cooper doesn't get the call about Maddy and his conversation with Audrey goes . . . elsewhere.
A Heart That Yearns by duh_i_read (mature)  Audrey gets what she wants.
King of Infinite Space by bgrrl (mature)  Dreaming men are haunted men.- Stephen Vincent Benet.
In This Distance by echoinautumn (mature)  Audrey Horne doesn't believe in ghosts, except for the one that lives in Dale Cooper.
Pilgrim’s Progress by orange_crushed (teen & up) He lies awake in an empty bed and recites the facts. They're not comforting. He was slow when he ought to have been quick. He was quick when he ought to have been slow. True knowledge consists in knowing, he thinks. That I know nothing.
Meet Me At the Great Northern by crookedneighbor (explicit) Dale comes back to the Great Northern, where he finds Audrey Horne.
Fries and Malts by sofia_estrella (teen & up)  “Diane, I’ve just been in the most interesting situation.”
Nine Tenths by Astolat (explicit, dubcon) "I'm not sorry," Audrey said again, behind him, gently implacable, planting hooks. "I'm not.""I have to try to be," he said.
Promise Made by Ingridmatthews (explicit) Dale/Audrey for Porn Battle XV
Black by Katyfaise (explicit) 
Love By Numbers by Lynzee005 (explicit) Dale Cooper has been keeping a running tally of things that have happened between him and Audrey Horne since she first asked him to dance...
Welcome to Riverdale by laughingacademy (mature) Dale Cooper and Audrey Horne have sex and talk about comic books.
Under the Sycamore Tree by st_aurafina (teen & up) After the explosion, Audrey finds herself in an unfamiliar place.
When You Lay Your Burdens Down by Lynzee005 (teen & up) If now isn't the time to admit she's your soulmate, then when?
Flirting with Darkness by steelneena (mature) a prompt for Halloween
The holy or the broken by maybetwice (teen & up) Some things are worth trying to forget, and Dale Cooper and Audrey Horne have spent twelve years doing just that. Some things are worth remembering.
Tomorrow’s Lovers Will Be Found by rosedamask (explicit) On stage at the Roadhouse, truth came tall enough to scrape the ceiling. Now, in her father’s bar at the end of the night, Audrey went up on her toes to kiss him.
The wood wakes, and you are here for proof by rosedamask (general) Down at the Savings and Loan, Audrey had wished for water, and for the woods, and for Agent Cooper. The water came first.
In the Fire I Call Your Name Out by Harpalium (teen & up) Audrey and Dale. Wakeful dreams.
As Above, So Below by AmethystB (teen & up) "Funerals, huh?" Her voice, splintered, finds his attuned senses and he almost loses all sense. [Cooper/Audrey, missing scenes]
Pinned Down by delina (teen & up) Fanart for the Trick or Treat Exchange 2019
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puffbirdstudio · 6 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @carolyncaves! Thanks; these were some fun questions! ^_^
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag whoever you want to know better.
Nickname(s): Puffbird
Gender: Female
Sun sign: Gemini
Height: 5'5"
Time: 4:10pm
Fave band(s): Yes, They Might Be Giants, Tears for Fears (And a few other not-band musical groups: Two Steps From Hell, Chanticleer, King's Singers, Manheim Steamroller)
Fave solo artist(s): Sting, Imogen Heap
Song stuck in my head: Imogen Heap's "You Know Where to Find Me" -- I've been waking up with this one running through my head lately. >_>
Last movie I saw: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (on DVD; I haven't seen a movie in the theater for some time, and I can't really remember what it was.)
Last show I watched: My Hero Acadamia
When did I create my blog: Oh... June 2011. And  I didn't use it very much, for quite some time. Then I decided it would be a fine place to post my fan art, since I didn't really want to post that on my portfolio sites, but I still wanted to share. And here we are! Honestly? Final Fantasy XV and my friends in the fandom are wholly responsible for my regular presence here now.
What do I post: My art, reblogs of other people's art, music I'm listening to, other interesting things. (I post nerdy and fannish stuff to my nerdy blog; see below!)
Last thing I googled: Museum storage for detachable collars. (Because I work at a museum, and I was working with some of those today.)
Do I have any other blogs: I reblog nerdy and fannish stuff over at @puffbirdthenerd and I have another one for my own fanfic (that I might share if you DM, because I am from a generation that grew up internalizing that fanfic was a useless waste of time so I am shy about it).
Do I get asks: Rarely; usually only when I'm actively soliciting prompts. I welcome questions and comments! If you have questions about anything you see, feel free to drop by my ask box!
Why did I choose my url: "Puffbird Studio" is my fine art business name. "Puffbird" actually refers to the kinds of birds I used to draw when I was very little... puffy round balls with huge beaks and feet with very sharp talons. (If I ever find my sketchbook from when I was 6, I'll scan them and share.)
Following: 121
Followed by: 160 (wow, how is it than my "followed" is higher than my "following" now??)
Average hours of sleep: 5, lately... not by choice. I've been waking 2 hours before I mean to and instead of going back to sleep I lay awake fretting. I know it's not healthy, but I'm not sure what to do about it.
Lucky number: 12 (Reason? Because 3 x 4 = 12 and there’s something visually pleasing to me about a 3x4 grid.)
Instruments: My primary instruments are piano, violin and viola, but I've also learned basic cello, recorder, flute, guitar, handbells, and organ.
What I am wearing: t-shirt, jeans, and sweater... pretty standard for me.
Dream job: I'd love to be able to support myself as a fine artist, and have time for writing, too.
Dream trip: Florence, Italy
Fave food: Crab
Nationality: I'm an American mutt with roots in Wales, England, Finland, Norway, France, Switzerland... but all at least 3 generations removed.
Fave song: This changes all the time... though the one I go back to the most is Sting's Mad About You.
Last book I read: I re-read Brandon Sanderson's Elantris -- the 10th anniversary edition with Extra Stuff! (one of my faves!)
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Boy, this is assuming that the whump-filled universes I read about are places I actually want to be. Hmm. M.C.A. Hogarth's Pelted Universe would be FASCINATING. (Good entry point is Earthrise, which is free) Star Trek was another growing-up favorite for me, and would be a fun and mostly safe place to explore.  I would LOVE to visit the world of Tad Williams's Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn -- if only to meet (and hopefully talk to) the Sithi.
If you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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Get to know your followers
Get to know your followers
Get to know your followers
I was tagged by @timefire25
Rules: Answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
I. Favourite candy?
Licorice! (the black ones)
II. Gender?
III. Star sign?
IV. Height?
171cm (about 5'7' i think)
V. Favorite accessoire?
Mouth masks I got from a con
One of them with Tokyo Ghoul design
VI. Favorite color?
VII. Favorite animal?
Sneks or reptiles in general, birds and foxes
VIII. Average hours spent sleeping?
IX. Dogs or cats?
Dog 0w0
X. Number of blankets you sleep with?
in winter 2
XI. What’s your dream trip?
Trip to japan (definitely fox village x3)
XII. What’s your dream job?
Something art related
XIII. When did you make this account?
January or December
XIV. How many followers do you have?
XV. How many pets do you have?
A dog but at relatives in another country
so personally…do bittybones count?
XVI. Best places to visit in your town or country?
'Olympia park' I'd say
XVII. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Normal ones: Chocolate and Vanilla
If given also Cookies
XVIII. How often do you read?
I wish I had time to read more often
XIX. Favorite season?
Because summer is so hot and wasps everywhere
+you can wear as many sweaters you want to warm you, but you can't take your skin off in summer.
XX. Favorite book series?
my most favorite book series
the book found me one day in the library (book 2)
after the half of the prologue… which is basically Webs eating a fish or something… I knew this book is the chosen book :)
I tag (don't have to) @pn-au-hopper @lama-m-z @wildstarfan @faity5
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