#gene is normally less philosophical but space does things to people ig
silverwarewolf · 2 years
Event by @chaotic-queer-disaster and Mika (i think the url changed? so I'm not sure how to tag). About five hundred words, Gene POV.
An endless ocean of nothing and everything, just inches away from my hands. That vast blanket of darkness dotted with stars and the occasional haze of colors remains the only thing visible through the windows, at least while the suns are busy helping the world somewhere else. Not that I’m surprised.
The suns have never been kind to me.
Though, in truth, it’s melancholic to know that they’re still there, still watching over us, laughing, while everything else was left behind. Mountains and mountains of sand and dirt that previously would be my shield and only comfort, now several kilometers below me. How lonely, and how freeing, to be so far away from the world.
That is, not counting my friends here.
Ivan must still be sleeping – and if he isn’t, I’m going to smack him with one of those shapeless scraps of junk that are supposedly our kitchenware now until he falls asleep. He’s in no condition to do anything but rest right now. Drew seems so unbothered by everything, as per usual, yet they don’t seem defensive, nor hostile. Simply gazing at the world beneath, longing, and that I can relate to. Perhaps they’re not as bad as we thought, but we can’t afford to risk trusting someone working with her.
Part of me wishes things were different. I think, looking back, this was all Walter’s fault.
Yeah, that idiot who suggested we test his ‘space boat’ or whatever he called this thing. We’re certainly safe, for now, but seriously? So far from home, drifting without a path to follow, simply waiting until he returns and our travel can continue. But, for all we know, maybe she’s already killed him, leaving us stuck here to crash into the sun and become cinders, twinkling like the stars around us. Hopefully, if we’re truly left alone here, it will be the moon who takes our lives. More peaceful, more merciful, if you ask me.
The moon, at least, has never betrayed me. As silvery and soothing as the scarf he gave me.
Ah, but that’s definitely not the point. We’re stuck in space, and it’s as stressful as leaving behind those unending and unchanging dunes. I can already see Kate’s patience reaching its limit, and perhaps the only reason she hasn’t punched something is because this junk-boat-thing feels so frail, like a true ship sailing through a tempest. Then again, at least the sea would carry us back somewhere.
Before any of us reaches our limit, I think I may offer to spar with Kate a bit, if only to pass the time.
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A tear falls down onto the piece of paper as Emilia reads the lost message. Perhaps there are more pages to read, but that doesn’t mean they’ve necessarily been used. Fearing that the end of the journal may arrive too soon, she turns the page of that worn book.
Taglist (lmk to be added/removed): @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @myhusbandsasemni
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