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seeitorskipitla-blog · 7 years ago
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In the world of cell phones, emancipated women, and loosened family loyalty, can the story of Hamlet still work?  Laertes Loves Hamlet Loves Ophelia, takes on that premise and delivers a truly intriguing look at one of the classics.
Katelyn Schiller, as Hamlet, commands the stage, drawing the more submissive Ophelia, played by Kelley Pierre, and Laertes, played by Payden Ackerman, into her madness/machinations. But unlike the original text, Ophelia has the sense to realize when a love-affair needs to take a step back, and doesn’t have a dolt of a father controlling her every move. With that freedom, Pierre lends her Ophelia the agency to question the actions of those around her and investigate. It was truly refreshing to see an Ophelia who thought for herself. Which leaves the ‘blinded by love’ story line to Laertes and Ackerman walks the perilous line of friend/brother/lover without a single miss-step. Even with only three actors, this is truly an ensemble piece. They give and take the spotlight beautifully, which is remarkable given that Hamlet is only a tiara short of being a drama queen. 
Despite the excellent work of the ensemble, the script itself has left me with a number of questions and I can’t decide if that is a bad or a good thing. The one thing that I am absolutely sure about, is that when the lights went down at the end, I wanted a second act. The play was at a natural stopping-point, but I had been pulled into this new telling of a well-known story and I wanted more. This is where my indecision about the questions I was left with comes from. I believe that good theater should leave you with questions, but I also feel that a good number of the ones I have, would be answered had the play continued. So is it good theater, or half a play? I honestly think it’s a little bit of both, which is my biggest complaint about this piece - there needs to be more.
As that truly is my only complaint - aside from some lighting issues that I’m hoping they fixed after the preview - I highly recommend checking this one out. 
For tickets or more info visit the HFF website.
Review by Kat Michels
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kiddsuperior · 6 years ago
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@disney knows what they're doing, I wish everyone would just calm down and enjoy the ride. #thelittlemermaid #Disney #colorblindcasting #genderblindcasting #inclusion (at Chula Vista, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzlj4urHjy0/?igshid=1c4wef00s5705
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Romeo & Juliet Aesthetic Masterpost!
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Like the concept? Donate to our upcoming production of Romeo & Juliet here:
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Check out this Tybalt Aesthetic for our upcoming production of Romeo & Juliet!
Like what you see? Donate to our GOFUNDME here:
Can’t donate? Give us a like, or reblog!
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Duke Senior
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Come see our crazy genderbent As You Like It! Sept 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23rd 5pm at The Spring Gardens Community Garden in Philly!!! 
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That Evil Duke Squad #fabulous #squadgoals #dukefrederick #ardenlife #ayli #asyoulikeit #genderblindcasting (at Fairmount, Philadelphia)
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Partying hard with Oliver and Charles. #asyoulikeit #theatre #genderblindcasting #villainbros4lyfe
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