boygemz · 16 days
plushie making!
one of my PEAK coping mechanisms when it comes to missing my partners from source is that i make a plushie of them! I highly reccomend getting a plushie of your source partners if youve been missin them. Infinite cuddles forever. currently i am making terezi and she is in the Bald stage. Ive finished lazuli like 4iishh months ago but i know you wanna see her bald too
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here is laz holding a piece of lazuli. I love her if you couldnt tell. Wip pics under cut
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I love the bald stage so much.
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boygemz · 3 months
hello alterhuman and nonhuman communities!!
ive been lurking here for like. what. 1 n a half years. so for my first real post i wanna GIVE BACK .. by drawing y'all!!
if you send me an ask containing your fictotype, theriotype, linktype, whatever it may be that you are, i will most likely draw it :D
cant promise itll be good. but it will be made with love. because i love the nonhumans and alterhumans and all the silly creatures here very much /p
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image text: [got 'types of any sort? 'kintypes, fictotypes, linktypes, whatevs. well i wanna draw YOURS!!! /nf. i can draw... mammals! of all the sorts. reptiles! anime guys, cartoon guys, whatever, anything!! if you are it, i WANNA DRAW IT!! (probably)]
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boygemz · 1 month
human race (i do not have it)
let's preface. humans say i am of mixed race, and my human parents are both mixed too. i guess id say im spanish, african, white, mostly those things but a lot of other things too. i grew up white, though (not as in 'white passing'---im not. i mean culture wise). i have no rich human culture under my belt other than "united states of american", whatever that means in the grand scheme of things.
i have always never known what to say when people ask me, "where are you from?" in the past i would've said i'm hispanic. but i dont have that culture to ascribe myself to, no matter how much i look it. it was embarrassing to not know. nowadays, i'd probably just say im from space. i'm an alien. i have always felt different and i never fit into any of these racial boxes humans like to enforce on each other. race is incredibly important to humans and im NOT saying it shouldnt be. it just isnt important to me, personally, my "human race", im not human.
i've always felt like i SHOULD have culture, ever since i was a wiggler, but i didnt. until i remembered, who i really am, that is, not a human. i do have race and i do have culture. just not any that a human being would drop onto my head because of how i look or what my body's genes consist of. it's beautiful, extraterrestrial, and i finally have heritage i connect with. i finally know where i'm from.
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boygemz · 2 months
the egotistical fictionkin cycle of "this character is soooooooo cool" -> "woops i am This Character" -> "i am soooooooo cool"
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boygemz · 3 months
can u draw me (dr fizz from ii, but winged :3)
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here are some examples of what i look like heh ^^)
of course! i enjoyed drawing your big wingies i hope you like it (i just woke up)
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boygemz · 2 months
us arthropods should get a prize or something bc of how much crap we have to put up with daily, like its just socially acceptable to despise ALL arthropods with a passion... i suppose it may just be mammalian instinct to be averse to "strange" looking species, but it still sucks (esp if the hate or disdain is coming from within the nonhuman community). be nice to your local bugs and arachnids and other such creatures !!
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boygemz · 1 month
is it like. a relatively old timey opinion to think using the word "kin" as a verb is wrong? it seems that is how the language is evolving, but i still think its sort of weird and reminiscent of the casual kinnies of yore. people can do whatever they want, i am just curious about other people's opinion on this. /gen
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boygemz · 2 months
a new-ish 'kintype
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a while ago, about 4 months ago, i decided i was not actually a dragon. i had identified as such for about a year by that point, but i never really felt my wings. despite me dropping that identity...there were still other things about it that held true that didnt apply to my other 'types. so i realized "wait im a drake...that was so obvious..." so anyway! hi i am also a drake! thats a self portrait up there. quite the boring looking creature. i'll go into more detail of my 'type below if you're interested.
when people think of a dragon or drake, they usually think "very powerful fire breathing beast". i'm neither of those things as a drake. i suppose im more of a scavenger or lower on the trophic levels, flitting about the woods trying to avoid predators. i remember raking the bark of pine trees with my claws. i dont know why my coat is white; my best guess is that it must be my winter coat, and it changes from season to season (but that is just a theory). i lived in temperate deciduous forests, and that fact is what makes me so sure of this 'type seperate from my koraidon 'type---as a koraidon i lived in the pokemon equivalent of a jungle. i'm not completely furred, instead my digits to my forearms are scaled, kinda like a bird. that's all for now :^D woohoo self discovery
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boygemz · 3 months
HELLO. i would like to request a borzoi doodle please
HELLO to you too my friend. i hope you enjoy this, i think of borzois like if a dogs was a horse. /pos
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boygemz · 3 months
fictionkin shifts?
hiya fellow fictionkin. i have a question. is it fairly unusual to not "kinshift", rather just be i guess "kinshifted" all the time? forever? there is never a moment where i'm not being me ("my fictotype"), but i have come to realize that may be a bit odd. i'm not worried about it, just curious to see if this is a common experience or not.
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boygemz · 3 months
Would you kindly.... draw me... Jack Manifold from DreamSMP....
yes of course! i dont know much about your source so i hope i drew the right design. enjoy ":^3
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boygemz · 3 months
thinking about humanity
i love humans. i don't understand how one could possibly be misanthropic. i'm NOT human, but i enjoy living amongst them and getting to be a part of... all this. i love this human body i inhabit and my human friends, humans are just another species of animal and they happen to be incredibly wonderful and interesting ones! as a nonhuman, i wish all humans and human-ish beings a very wonderful earth rotation! (and to all the nonhuman beings stuck in a society they don't belong to, because i get it.) let's all be good to each other forever methinks
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boygemz · 3 months
hey pookie bear shmookums🥺🥺🥺 c-can you d-draw m.. m.. .... . mme🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 puh puh puh puh lease🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😂
yesSIR!! i drew a You ive never drawn before so heh..sorry if i got smth wrong
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boygemz · 6 months
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plain text version under the cut.
this is my log where i'll mostly talk about being nonhuman!
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⭐my name is peri/vriska/serket and my pronouns are he/it/clawself :3 also, i am a minor.
⭐im peridot, vriska, and i am also a koraidon and a drake. i identify with the terms nonhuman and fictionkin mostly. this isnt roleplay! (also i am chill with doubles, but iffy about sourcemates)
⭐i want this blog to be a safe space for all you freaks and weirdos and social outcasts and whatnot! (yes even you)
⭐keep in mind i have low empathy, a massive ego and am a bit of a contrarian because i have o.d.d.
⭐posting on the internet makes me really REALLY anxious so bear with me.
⭐bigots and zionists arent welcome and neither are people who argue in bad faith (but i would Love to participate in actual civil discussion of course). i am always learning more and changing, so please correct me if i get something wrong.
blog tags and important thingz
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i dont really think dnis work, all i will say is that i will block how i like and i will try my best to respect others' dnis. check out my about on my website if you are really curious about my opinions on internet controversies. some important ones here:
i am pro endo
i am not on either side of proship or antiship discourse
i am a male lesbian, so obviously i support contrary identities!
i dislike radqueer and transid and will stay away from it
i am pro non contact, non offending and recovering paraphiles
i ask that mature content blogs do not follow me.
My other 'kin blog, focused on my trollian: co8altclawz
last upd8ed 9/4/24
blog tags
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- p
this is my log where i'll mostly talk about being nonhuman!
my name is peri/vriska/serket and my pronouns are he/it/clawself :3 also i am a minor.
im peridot, vriska, and i am also a koraidon and a drake. i identify with the terms nonhuman and fictionkin mostly. this isnt roleplay! (also i am chill with doubles, but iffy about sourcemates)
i want this blog to be a safe space for all you freaks and weirdos and social outcasts and whatnot! (yes even you)
keep in mind i have low empathy, a massive ego and am a bit of a contrarian because i have o.d.d.
posting on the internet makes me really REALLY anxious so bear with me.
bigots and zionists arent welcome and neither are people who argue in bad faith (but i would Love to participate in actual civil discussion of course). i am always learning more and changing, so please correct me if i get something wrong.
blog tags and extra stuffz
i dont really think dnis work, all i will say is that i will block how i like and i will try my best to respect others' dnis. check out my about on my website if you are really curious about my opinions on internet controversies. some important ones here:
i am pro endo
i am not on either side of proship or antiship discourse
i am a male lesbian, so obviously i support contrary identities!
i dislike radqueer and transid and will stay away from it
i am pro non contact, non offending and recovering paraphiles
i ask that mature content blogs do not follow me.
blog tags
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boygemz · 3 months
could you draw a lady ross's turco
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^ some example pictures
yes! this birdie was so pretty i added some colors too ^^ i hope you enjoy<3
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boygemz · 2 months
30 Day Fictionkind Challenge
Day 30: Talk about what it’s like to be your fictotype.
fun! luckily i did not sustain many bad events in source so i am a happy lil gem. i mostly just miss my friends really bad, my greenhouse, little homeworld in general, and my general life stability back then, but oh well. i like it here on this earth too, there are so many awesome humans and not-humans and everything else under the middling-size yellow sun of this solar system! i look at human society with a very alien lense, both due to my fictionkinity and mental illness, a lot of crap makes sense knowing im not From Here. it's hard to explain what "being me" is like, but thats the gist of it.
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