vishnavishivaa · 8 months
Sambandham: War of Hearts
I am FINALLY back with a new story on VanMozhi, which is something on them at least. It is a modern story, and is pretty angsty, to be very honest. However, it is a happy ending, and I hope you all enjoy this story as much as you have enjoyed my previous ones.
I hope to have a Prologue up in a day or two! For now, please check out these aesthetics, and let me know your thoughts!
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These are our leads, Kshithija Velan and Arun Vishvanathan, the ones whose POVs will be fully featured. There are deuteragonists whose storyline will add to the main leads, but their books will not come out till I am fully done with this one. However, if you all are interested in their stories, I will endeavour to write OS' on them, though these OS' will not come till April at least.
Please let me know your thoughts, I would love feedback!
@thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @ragkee @chemicalmindedlotus @dr-scribbler @willkatfanfromasia @balladedutempsjadis @freeunknownwasteland @ramcharanobsessed @gemmusings @vijaysena @thirst4light @hollogramhallucination @chiyaanvikram @moon-880 @sakhiiii @thereader-radhika @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @yehsahihai @thegleamingmoon @dumdaradumdaradum @rang-lo @ragkee @vijayasena
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gem-muse · 5 years
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Stunning vintage rings & claw setting galore! Sapphire is the birthstone of month, lucky September babies 💙💙💙 . . . #saphire #saphirerings #ringstacks #clawsetting #jewellerymuse #gemmuse #vintagerings https://www.instagram.com/p/B2LeNqAgIaz/?igshid=1o9i4nw7m3krc
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petalsxfallen-a · 4 years
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“Hey.” The pearl sang as she made her way over to the gem. She was probably guarding something. Maybe the door? Eh she really didn’t care. She was just bored and pink was in one of her boring meetings. No pearls allowed. “I’m petal. You’re a cute little ruby you know that?”
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hi!!! i posted my intro under this blog. can i please reserve ludo bagman (canon) and matthew noszka (face)? xxxx thank you 💖
LUDO ! we love to see it. all yours xx 
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belongtonoone · 4 years
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@gemmusing​​​ said: “ I’ve seen the way you look at me. “ - gemmusing, from Ocean Jasper (uncorrupted)
MEME: “I’ve seen the way you look at me” | STATUS: accepting
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Pearl had been staring. She knew she had, but she had been trying to find the right way to apologize for the part she had played in Ocean Jasper’s corruption. Sure, she was better now, but Pearl couldn’t imagine what that had done to her for all those years. It wasn’t even that long ago that Pearl had fought and bubbled her. A lot of the other gems they’d bubbled, she didn’t necessarily know that well, but Ocean Jasper — seeing her like that was almost as awful as thinking Bismuth had been shattered. 
When the other gem spoke, Pearl decided to blurt it out the only way she knew how. 
“I’m sorry.”
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thelightweaver · 6 years
Was inspired by retro video game music, spoopy October, and @the-sassy-composer to write this for #comptober, the Inktober for musicians.
I had half an hour before bed so I wrote it quick but will probably revisit later because it’s got potential. ;) Thanks!
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
One Last Sunset - JJ Maybank one shot
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Summary: JJ’s so focused on what he doesn’t have he can’t see what’s right in front of him. You spend a whole summer trying to show him but it takes more than surf lessons for him to see that stupid things have good outcomes all the time.
Warnings: fluff, angst, language, violence, attempted assault, canon/mentioned/implied child abuse.
W/C: 6.4k
Rating: M (mature 16+)
Characters: JJ Maybank, Kook!reader (you) Small Part: Kiara
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!Reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity.) 
Notes: Set during season 1, before and during episode 7 - Dead Calm. 
A/N: First time writing for JJ. 
Betas: @treat-winchesterswith-kindness // @cockslut-padalecki
Graphics: canva. Dividers: @firefly-graphics Gifs: @gemmusings 
Master Lists: Main // Other Fandoms
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One Last Sunset
The sun is setting, taking the warmth with it. You happily sit on your board, hands swishing back and forth, watching JJ ride the final wave of the day. He shoots finger guns at you as he passes by, and you watch over your shoulder as he makes it almost to shore before throwing himself back into the water.
Staring at JJ has become one of your favorite activities but the inky sky demands attention. You go back to shore and sit on the fallen tree in the boneyard. In your periphery, JJ appears beside you but you’re too mesmerised to look at him.
“It never gets old,” you say. “I love to watch the sunset.”
You can feel him staring at you, he doesn’t say anything but you can sense that he wants to.
The first day of summer break, you’d wandered down to the boneyard and bumped into JJ alone on the beach. You asked him if he would teach you to surf, he’d agreed, for a fee of weed and booze of course. John B was off treasure hunting with his Father, Pope was doing an internship in forensic science and Kie was having a ‘Kook summer’ as JJ not so kindly put it, so what else was he going to do with his time?
Technically you’re a Kook. That’s the box you’ve been put into because of which side of the island you live on and the wealth your father has. But you don’t fit in with them or the Pogues.
Your mother had been from the cut, but since she’d left you and your father, everyone seems to forget you're a half breed. But you’re certainly your father’s daughter; a Figure Eight resident falling for a Cut alumni. JJ Maybank; loyal, feisty, fun loving, not to mention obscenely hot; one deep dimple on the left side of his face, mop of blond hair and abs of an athlete.
Your ocean deep crush has been festering since the third grade. The first day of school, a smaller kid who you would later learn was John B Routledge, had fallen over and dropped his books. While everyone else laughed at him, JJ had been the one to rush over and help. The simple act of kindness had ignited a spark that grew over time. Your interactions were few and far between, Kooks and Pogues don’t mix, but that hadn’t dampened the flame in any way. You watched JJ from afar, admiring his loyalty to his friends, adoring seeing him smile and worrying over the bruises that marred his face sometimes.
But this past summer you’ve spent every waking moment with your crush, surfing, smoking on the beach or back at John B’s, where JJ would crash when he was avoiding his father. It had been the best summer of your life, it could only have been better if JJ had taken a hint and made a move on you. But he hadn’t.
“What’s on your mind, Jay?” you ask, turning to face him after the sun dips lower.
“So tomorrow,” he starts, eyes flickering away from your gaze. “Everyone will be home.”
You nod slowly, knowing exactly what he’s thinking as you’ve been wondering the same thing. But you want him to say it. You’re not Kiara, you don’t fit into JJ’s world and he wouldn’t be caught dead in yours.
“So this,” he points between the two of you, “was fun while it lasted.”
“It can still be fun.”
“We both know that’s a lie,” he sighs and you hope the regret in his voice isn’t just your imagination. “Kooks and Pogues, man. We don’t mix. The law of the land.”
“So this is it?” you ask. “One last sunset?”
He nods, sitting beside you. Your legs brush against one another and you hope he doesn’t move. Only he does, but closer, he hooks his arm under your knees and uses them to twist you to face him, draping your legs over one of his.
“One last sunset,” he says and for a second too long, but not nearly long enough he stares into your eyes.
Finally, you think he’s going to kiss you, give you what you want, what you’ve been hinting at for a month. But he sighs heavily and turns away.
It isn’t exactly rejection, more of a realization that the timing was completely wrong, but it still stings worse than a jellyfish.
You don’t watch the day vanish, you watch JJ. The last sun ray hits him in a burst of orange and gold as if it wants to illuminate that the friendship doesn’t have to fade, that it can rise again tomorrow. But you know it won’t.
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The Next Summer. 
You hate the country club. It’s pretentious and hollow, the drinks are stupidly expensive and the food isn’t all that great. It’s even worse when your Step Mom, Jillian, forces you to go to dinner with a new ‘friend’, Mike, and his daughter, Brianna. Passing it off as Brianna being new to town and needing to make friends. You’re not stupid, you know exactly what is at play here.
Regardless of the circumstances, this summer at the country club has been more bearable than the previous ones, for the simple fact JJ is working there.
JJ refills the water glasses of Mr and Mrs Laferty and then catches your eye as he heads back toward the kitchen. The nod of his head is slight but the wink is unmistakable. You excuse yourself to the bathroom and head to the spot you know he’ll be.
JJ’s already smoking by the time you get to him. “You looked so bored,” he says, blowing out a cloud of smoke around a broad smile and offering you the vape, “figured you needed some.” He pats the space on the fallen tree beside him and you happily accept the invitation.
“Was it that obvious?” you ask, taking a hit. “Could Jillian be any more blatant? She’s clearly fucking that guy, acting like my Dad doesn’t exist just cause he’s on the mainland, earning money so she can even afford to come to this place. Passing it off as me making friends with Brianna. Who by the way has the personality of a fucking chicken.”
“Hey,” JJ scolds, “chickens have loads of personality.” You laugh and he bumps his shoulder into yours. “It sucks, it really does, but less of the chicken hate, please.”
Hands held high you drop your smile to look as serious as possible, “I apologize for the defamation of chicken character, I rescind my earlier statement.”
“Apology accepted,” he nods.
Since last summer you haven’t really spoken much. A small nod of acknowledgement across the beach, a short conversation if you ever found yourselves alone or these small stolen moments when he gets a break from work. But each one gives you life and makes living in the OBX tolerable.
He passes you the vape back. “Dude, seems kinda handsy with you too.”
“Right?” you sigh. So it wasn’t your imagination, JJ noticed it too. For a brief moment, you let yourself live in the fantasy that he must have been watching you to notice the douchebag touching you more than you liked. You shudder. “I swear if he squeezes my knee one more time I’m gonna put my salad fork through his eye!”
JJ laughs, seemingly impressed with your vigour. “But they're just so squeezable,” he quips and squeezes your knee. By reflex you fight him off but instantly wish you hadn’t.
“Surprised you noticed,” you quip, “considering I spent an entire summer trying to get you to notice.”
“Yeah, about that,” he starts, eyes squinting looking down his nose at you. “I heard a rumor you won a surfing competition in Malibu last week.”
You wince, panicking that he knows the full truth and that he’s mad about it. “I did.”
He high fives you. “Damn I’m a good teacher!”
He was but that’s not all that contributed to the win. But JJ doesn’t need to know that. The vape gets passed back and forth with a comfortable silence.
“I gotta get back,” JJ says way sooner than you like.
“Yeah, thanks for the respite.”
“I finish at ten,” he tells you standing up, “if you’re still here, come find me.”
“I will, definitely.” You sound way too eager but JJ is the one to blush slightly and it's the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
------ The dinner drags on way longer than necessary, Mike entertains Jillian as they get increasingly drunk and Brianna is glued to her phone.
JJ is your entertainment, when he catches you looking he does a little dance or pulls a silly face. Every time you order a club soda, there’s a distinct burn at the back of your throat and you know JJ has been secretly slipping vodka into it. After the third, he makes a point of handing you a napkin. When no one is paying attention you unfold it and find he’s drawn a surprisingly good chicken head and the word ‘hate’ is circled with a line through it. You swear you’ll never be able to see another chicken without thinking of the blond Pogue.
Jillian laughs loudly at something that isn’t funny and you try your hardest not to sneer. Luckily JJ saves you, catching your eye again, he pulls a stupid face; eyes crossed, tongue sticking out with his nostrils flared. Paul, his boss, catches him and you don’t hear him scold JJ, but you can tell from his reddening face that’s what he’s doing. JJ rolls his eyes and as soon as Paul’s back is turned he flips him off. You stifle a laugh when JJ looks back at you and contorts his face to mimic Paul’s anger, lesson clearly not learnt.
You don’t want to get him into trouble. Paul isn’t one for slackers, so you try to stop looking at him. Still, you revel in the attention he gives you.
Just before ten, Pope, John B and Kie arrive in John B’s death trap of a van and your hopes of stealing another moment with JJ are squashed. With a heavy sigh you excuse yourself to the bathroom, not that anyone pays you any mind.
You spy JJ watching you cross the dining area and mouth a ‘thank you’ to him. He winks and your heart must skip a beat because you have to take a deep breath to stop yourself from passing out.
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The bathroom is empty and you take longer than necessary to wash your hands and mess with your hair. Not that you're out to impress anyone now that JJ has finished for the night.
Just as you open the door to leave, Mike is suddenly there. He looms over you, too close for comfort, breath hot on your cheek. “Wrong door,” you chuckle, “mens is next door.”
“Is it?” he asks in such a way you have to look at the sign to make sure the mistake isn’t yours.
It’s not. You're in the right place, Mike isn’t. But he stands firm, neither moving forward or backward out of your way. You wait a beat for his drunken state to register his error but it doesn’t seem to.
“Excuse me,” you say with a politeness you don’t feel.
“Why, what’d you do?” he laughs at his own shitty joke. You feel your face twist with disgust at the smell of his breath and make the mistake of taking a step backward. Mike surges forward and his hand is around your throat, forcing you further into the bathroom.
“Get off of me,” you growl, clawing at his fingers. His grip tightens and cuts off any further protest.
“Just another stupid little rich girl,” he snarls, “looking down on me and your Mom! You think your shit don’t stink? Your Daddy ain’t here so maybe I should teach you a lesson.”
Your back hits the door to the nearest cubicle, pushing it open and just as the back of your legs touch the cold porcelain of the toilet the pressure on your neck disappears. You cough to gain your breath, and in your watery vision you see Mike stumbling backward, fighting off whoevers arms are jammed under his shoulders, hands behind his neck, rendering his arms useless.
They both tumble and in the mass of wrestling limbs, you notice a mop of blond hair.
You have no time to swoon over your saviour, too worried how this will end. Mike has at least a foot of height on JJ and a solid fifty pounds, but JJ is scrappier and before you understand how, Mike is pinned beneath him and JJ clocks him square in the jaw.
It’s difficult to keep up with who hits who or who has the upperhand, and somewhere in the back of your mind you know you should go get help, but you're frozen in the shelter of the cubicle. It’s not like you’ve never seen a fight before. Rafe, Topper and Kelce are always starting fights with the Pogues, you’ve witnessed most of them but there’s something about this one that's decidedly more brutal.
You shout for them to stop, at least you think you’re saying it outloud because it doesn’t have any effect on either of them.
Mike’s nose succumbs to JJ’s blows and blood splatters across the white floor. It's enough to stop the older man and just as he crumbles into a heap the door bursts open, Paul and a few other staff members crowd in and yank JJ to his feet. He manages to kick Mike in the back one last time as they drag him out.
You rush to follow and JJ struggles against his restraints. “Wait, wait,” he yells, “just let me see if she’s okay.”
“No chance,” Paul says, “you’re done here, son.”
“No, no,” you shout and quickly move to stand in their path forcing them to stop. “JJ was helping me, he did nothing wrong. Paul, please.”
JJ’s the one who's hurt, split lip leaving a trickle of blood down his chin, ripped shirt, hair in disarray but he meets your eyes and asks, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you say, nodding, though you can feel the bruises forming on your injured throat and you can’t stop shaking. “Thanks to you.”
Mike appears over their shoulder, a wad of toilet paper jammed under his nose. “I want him fired immediately,” he bellows and comes to stand beside you. “I caught him trying to assault her and he attacked me when I tried to stop him.”
JJ sneers, “Fuck you.” At the same time you implore, “No, no, that’s not what happened.”
Paul cuts you off with a scowl, “I’ve heard enough.” He turns to Mike and puts on the fakest smile you’ve ever seen, “I’ve already dismissed this young man effective immediately. Would you like to press charges?”
Your heart drops to your feet and a wave of nausea hits that makes you regret all the spiked club sodas. There’s no way anyone will believe JJ - Pogue, son of an abusive alcoholic Father - over Mike. You scorch Mike with a dirty look, a fierce determination in your eyes that you will not allow him to do this.
Mike reads your expression correctly and swallows thickly, turning back to Paul. “I don’t think that will be necessary.”
JJ shrugs Paul and the other guys off of him. “I’m cool, I’m cool,” he insists when they try to grab him again. “I’m leaving!” He whips off his shirt, wipes his bloodied lip with it and throws it in Paul’s face. “Job sucked anyway.” ----
You storm back to your table, Mike hot on your heels calling your name, asking you to stop. Probably wants to get your stories straight, but yours is as straight as the trajectory of a bullet. You snatch up Jillian’s drink and shoot it back while glaring at her, daring her to stop you.
“What the hell happened?” she asks, looking past you at Mike.
“Nice friends mom,” you say, slamming the glass down before walking away again.
You don’t care if she follows or not. The Pogues are worrying over JJ when you get outside and you call his name but it comes out all scratchy and broken.
Kiara strides toward you, face like thunder, fists balled at her sides. “What the hell did you do?”
There’s no love lost between you and Kiara. When Sarah phased her out of the clique, you played along. It was easier that way. Why make waves when you could just ride them? But you’d always liked her.
JJ and Pope hold her back before she takes a third step. JJ reassures her, “Kie, it’s okay. It wasn’t her.”
Pope guides her back to the van and JJ edges closer but slowly, a rueful smile on his bloodied lips. “Kooks and Pogues,” he shrugs, “law of the land.”
“It’s a stupid fucking law made up by rich kids who think they’re special,” you grumble.
“Some of them are,” he winks, “at least one of them that I know.”
Your heart leaps into your sore throat and you cough around a lump of air. “Kiara is pretty special,” you joke.
“Her too,” he agrees with a roll of his eyes. He points to your neck, brow creasing with worry. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’ll be okay, thanks to you,” you say.
“I was just coming to say goodnight and give you this.” He tosses a rolled up joint to you, “I’m glad I did.”
“I’m glad you did too, thank you.”
“Dude,” John B calls, “let’s go.”
“One last sunset,” JJ says and drops his head as he turns and walks away.
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After Mike’s attack all you wanted was the comfort of your Dad. To her credit, Jillian believed you. As step parents go and the horror stories you’ve heard, she’s not all that bad. Honestly, sometimes you think your Dad only married her so you’d have some company while he was away on business. He should have just gotten you a dog.
Jillian begged you not to tell your Dad. You know right from wrong. Your Dad was the one to teach you the lesson. However, they’re both as bad as each other, and you knew for a fact your Dad entertained a younger and much nicer version of Jillian on the mainland. Jillian promised she’d do or give you anything if you kept the incident quiet. So, why bother stirring up trouble? It wouldn’t change anything. Plus it was good to have some chips to cash in later on when you might need something.
You did run to Daddy but didn’t tell him why, claiming it was because you missed him. You spend a few weeks on the mainland. A few days wallowing in self pity locked in your hotel room, junk food and shitty television, then decide to venture out and do some surfing. But the waves remind you of JJ. After he saved you, your crush has flourished to full on deep seated love and the sunsets don’t seem as colorful without him next to you.
When you get home, Sarah fills you in on what happened while you were gone; Topper and John B had a fight, JJ pulled a gun. Rafe and Topper jumped Pope as retaliation, then JJ got arrested for sinking Topper’s boat.
The Pogue’s are sitting around a fire outside of John B’s when you pull up. They all watch you approach and you regret your decision. You should have tracked JJ down and waited until he was alone because you’re clearly not welcome here.
“Hey,” you say, smiling, hoping it shows them this is a friendly visit. No one offers a greeting but they don’t ask you to leave either so you take that as a positive.
JJ is closest to you, laid back on a deck chair, beer in hand. You meet JJ’s gaze and ask, “Can I talk to you privately?”
“Whatever you say to him, he’ll just tell us anyway,” Kie points out before he can reply.
“She’s right,” JJ says, grinning up at you. He’s had too much to drink, this was definitely a bad idea. But you’re here now, might as well bite the bullet.
“Okay,” you sigh, reaching into your back pocket. Unfolding the small piece of paper you hand it to JJ.
He takes it from you without a word and his reaction is immediate. He jumps to his feet, and even though his friends can’t know what is wrong they are flanking him instantly.
“What the hell is this?” JJ asks, shaking the paper. “You think I need your goddamn charity?”
Instinctively you take a step back, intimidated by JJ’s apparent anger and the friends so willing to back him up without question. “It’s not charity,” you stammer.
Pope takes the paper from him. “Holy shit! JJ, this is thirty thousand dollars.”
“What?” John B asks, snatching the cheque from Pope.
You ignore them and talk directly to JJ. “I heard about what happened, that you owe restitution, and I…”
“Wanted to buy my silence so Daddy doesn’t find out about Mommy’s new boyfriend?” JJ sneers.
That had never been your intention, it hadn’t even occurred to you that was how JJ would perceive the gesture.
“Jay, I…”
He cuts you off before you can say any more. “You fucking Kooks man,” he shakes his head, “I’m so sick of you fuckin’ with us. If you aren’t treating us like shit you think you can buy us off. You can chill,” JJ continues, “I don’t give a shit about any of your Kook shit.”
The scathing remark fractured with a look of pure disgust is like a punch to the gut. He’s made his feelings very clear about the people on your side of the island and he’s called you a Kook so many times. But somehow he always made it sound like a term of endearment, now it just sounds degrading. Worse of all, you believe him, you believe that you're from the lowest cesspool of humanity.
“JJ, I-”
“Get the fuck outta here,” he says, seizing the cheque from John B, and without missing a beat throws it into the fire.
“JJ, no!” Kiara shouts, but it's too late. The paper disintegrates within a matter of milliseconds and she turns a rueful smile in your direction.
You can see it in her eyes that she understands what you were trying to do. It’s a small comfort and you hope that she’ll be able to explain it to JJ when he’s in a more receptive mood.
“Leave,” JJ repeats and steps toward you again. “Get out of the cut, you don’t belong here.”
Kiara tugs on his shoulder. “Jay, don’t.”
He stares you down, chest heaving with angered breaths. You take a step back and you don’t know why but you find yourself apologising, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry.”
Your foot hits something and you turn before you stumble. Once you know they can’t see you, the tears well in your eyes and you rush away. Just as you reach your car door, you hear JJ spit, “Fuck a sunset!”
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You stay on your side of the island for the next few weeks. Jillian leaves to join your father on the mainland and Sarah tries to convince you to throw a party but you refuse, choosing to stay home alone.
You venture as far as the grocery store but only by necessity when you run out of the essentials; ice cream, pizza, chocolate, pop tarts and soda - the five food groups.
You put your headphones in, volume at the maximum to block out the world and let anyone you might bump into know you don’t want to talk. You’re browsing the chocolate selection when Kiara startles you, tapping your shoulder.
“Jesus, sneak up much!” You snap, already on the defensive as you pull your headphones out.
“Sorry, sorry,” she says, “I was calling you but you didn’t hear me. Have you seen JJ?”
“No,” you reply.
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“What is this?” you ask, annoyed at the interrogation. “I haven’t seen him and I don’t want to see him.”
She sighs and looks genuinely remorseful. “I’m sorry. But he did something really stupid, extra side of JJ stupid and he went off by himself and now I can’t find him.” 
“I’ve been at home, I haven’t seen anyone.”
“I know, that’s why I thought maybe he was crashing at your place.”
“Why would he be at my place? I’m the last person he’d come to for help.”
“We all had a fight.” Kiara shakes her head, regretfully. “He likes you, and he trusts you. That’s rare for JJ and I think he’d come to you if he couldn’t come to one of us.” 
You feel for her, so you bury your attitude. “I really haven’t seen him.”
“If you do, if he comes to you, ask him to call me please.”
“I will, but I really don’t think he’ll come to me.”
“I think he will,” she counters, then explains, “he’s sorry for how he was that night at John B’s. You didn’t deserve that and he knows he was too hard on you. He wants to apologise but you haven’t been around so I think he might come find you.”
You’re not sure you believe what she’s saying. If JJ liked and trusted you he wouldn’t have treated you the way he did. But you can see how worried she is. “If he shows up, I’ll call you.” 
“Thank you,” she says before turning to walk away.
You watch her walk to the end of the aisle, but before she disappears you call her name, and she turns back to you. “When he shows up, can you call me? Just to let me know he’s okay?”
She smiles, and it shows a hint of enlightenment as she walks back to you. She lowers her voice so anyone close by won’t be able to hear. “You really like him, don’t you?”
You freeze for a solid thirty seconds. Clearly she’s already figured it out, but you’re worried she’ll be angry if you cop to it. But she doesn’t seem angry, it's as if she finds the whole thing charming.
You nod slowly. “I wish I knew why, but yeah I do.”
Unexpectedly she wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in for a hug. The shock lasts longer than the embrace so you don’t reciprocate but her grin is wider now. “I’m glad he’s got someone else looking out for him.”
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You make it home just as the rain starts. You grab the grocery bags from the passenger seat and make a mad dash to the front door, unlocking it and stepping inside as the first rumble of thunder sounds. While you put the groceries away, listening to the pelting rain, your mind wanders back to your encounter with Kiara. You hope she’s found JJ and that he’s dry and safe.
You bring up her number on your phone, and stare at it contemplating whether you should call or not, just to ask if in the thirty minutes since you’d last seen her, JJ had reappeared. Just as you decide you don’t care how desperate you will seem, there’s a bang on your front door.
You rush to answer it, half expecting it to be the cops from the way the incessant banging doesn’t stop.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” you call out but they probably can’t hear you over the storm.
You pull the door open and a flash of lightning is blinding for a second before your eyes adjust. JJ stands a few feet back from the door, bag slung over his shoulder wearing nothing but a pair of multicolored chequered shorts and no shoes. But your eyes can only focus on the three dark purple bruises blemishing his abdomen.
“I can’t go home,” he says, voice thick with suppressed emotion. Another crack of thunder seems to break what little hold he has on his emotions and tears mix with the rain dripping down his face. “I fucked up and bought a hot tub.”
You rush to him as his hands come up to cover his face, but you're quick to envelope him in a hug. “Come inside.”
“I’m sorry,” he cries, burying his head in your neck, arms circling your waist. “My Dad knows where the others live. I didn’t know where else to go.”
“It’s fine, JJ, I’m glad you came,” you assure him, walking backward to guide you both into the shelter of the house.
You hold him as tight as you can without hurting him, wishing it was as easy to take away the sorrow and pain he’s feeling as it was for the moisture on his skin to seep into your clothes.
“I couldn’t take it anymore…I hit him…” he explains between shuddered breaths. “I hit him like he’s hit me so many times.”
He’d told you about his Dad last summer, not that it was hard to figure out the cause of the bruises he sported so often. “It’s okay, JJ, he deserved it,” you assure him, alternating between smoothing his hair down and rubbing circles on his back.
“I know, I know,” he wallows, “so why do I feel like a piece of shit for it?”
“Cause you're a good guy, that’s why.”
He pulls back, sorrowful eyes meeting yours and asks, “What makes you so sure? I did something really stupid, put my friends in danger, for nothing, and I treated you like shit when all you were trying to do was help.”
“I’m so sure because I know you’ve been looking for me to apologise and I know you’ll make it up to your friends.” You cup his face, to hold his eyes on yours. “Tell me, has your Dad ever apologized for anything?”
He shakes his head but the realization causes another wave of emotion and he hides his face away again. It’s not long before he’s shivering, goosebumps peppering his skin and you reluctantly release him so you can lead him into the laundry room.
You give him a clean towel to dry off and sort through his bag to find some dry clothes, but the rain has soaked through the canvas bag too. “These should be dry in no time. You can go take a shower, if you want?” you suggest, not wanting to tell him he smells of chlorine and cheap champagne. “Your clothes should be dry by then, I’ll bring them up to you. Guest room is the third door on the right.”
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You take his dry clothes up to him twenty minutes later, the door is slightly ajar and you can see him sitting on the edge of the bed, staring down at his hands in his lap. Your knock startles him and he looks so lost and scared when his eyes meet yours.
“Clothes are dry,” you say, quickly putting the folded pile on the foot of the bed.
“Wait,” he calls as you turn to leave. “I’m sorry,” he blurts out as you face him again. “That night at John B’s, I was out of line and I’m sorry for what I said and how I treated you. I was drunk and high,” he shakes his head, biting down anger, “it doesn't matter, that’s no excuse. I’m sorry.”
“I know, Kiara told me.” He looks slightly confused, he knows you and Kiara aren’t exactly friends. So you explain, “They’ve all been looking for you. I called her to tell her you were here, safe from the storm. She said she’d pick you up in the morning.”
“Thank you.” He grabs his pile of clothes and heads toward the bathroom again.
“JJ,” you say to get his attention, “can I say something and you not get mad?”
He looks suspicious but agrees. “Okay.”
“You're so hung up on what you don’t have, you never stop to think about what you do have. Kiara, Pope and John B spent the entire day searching for you. I can’t tell you how relieved Kiara was when I told her you were okay. You got dealt a shitty hand in the father lottery, I’ll give you that.” He drops his gaze to the floor and you regret saying it but it’s true. “But the days I’m feeling low or something fucked up happens, like my step mom’s boyfriend attacks me,” his jaw ticks when he looks at you again, “you think I come home and roll around in a pile of money, and it makes it all better?”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “I guess not, cause I mean papercuts can be a bitch!”
You laugh but it doesn’t last long. “I’m just saying I think you’re so much richer than me in all the ways it matters.” His eyes shine with fresh tears and you think you’ve got through to him or at least given him something to think about. “If I went missing, no one would notice.”
He looks angry for a second, lips set in a straight line. “I’d notice.” JJ holds your gaze for the longest second and the look says more than his words ever could but he drops his head and closes the bathroom door. “Wait for me,” he calls from behind the door, “I might get lost, this place is huge.”
You laugh but agree, dropping to a seat on the bed waiting for him to dress.
He’s back to the old, fun loving, relaxed JJ when he opens the door, freshly dressed, wet hair pushed back off his face. “So,” he says, eyes squinting at you suspiciously, “I need to ask you something, come with me.”
You follow him out of the room and he goes to the room next door, your Dad’s office.
“I opened the wrong door,” he explains, opening it again and stepping inside. “I stumbled across this.” A book case fills the entire north wall; books, photos and trophies decorate it and you groan. JJ approaches it and reads the first plaque within eyeline, “First place, Malibu Surfing Championship twenty nineteen,” he moves to the next one, “twenty eighteen, twenty seventeen, I could go on.” He leans his shoulder against the shelf, arms folded over his chest but his smirk is jesting.
“Sooooo, I knew how to surf when I asked you to teach me,” you confess, copying his pose on the other side. “That check you burned. It wasn’t my Dad’s money. It was mine, all from winning those.”
He chuckles, a blush on his cheeks. “Why did you pretend you didn’t know how to surf when you’re a literal champion?”
You sigh, he’s already caught you in your lie, might as well go all out now. “‘Cause, JJ Maybank, I’ve been trying to get your attention since the third grade and nothing ever worked. I thought spending a summer together you’d finally figure out I have a huge crush on you but you didn’t,” you shrug but then realization hits and you feel ridiculously stupid. “Or you did and you don’t like me like that, which is super embarrassing and oh my god, I’m an idiot.”
You rush out of the room and hear JJ calling your name, “Y/N, wait.” You hurry down the stairs. “Y/N, would you hold up a second?” JJ says chasing after you.
You don’t stop until you're in the kitchen. You open the fridge, partly to hide yourself and to give yourself something to focus on. You grab two bottles of beer and close the door. JJ is behind it and he startles you.
“I’m sorry,” you ramble, putting the beers down and walking to the draw to get the bottle opener. “Forget I said anything, please. You're still welcome to stay here for as long as you need, just pretend I’m not a complete fool and never mention…” You freeze when you feel JJ press against your back, trapping you against the counter top.
“You’re not a fool,” he whispers, he’s so close his breath tickles your ear. His hands grip your hips and he makes you turn around. “I am.”
He dips his head and gingerly presses his lips to yours. He smells like the coconut body wash from the bathroom, and when his tongue meets yours, he tastes like weed. It’s so typically JJ and exactly what you’d imagined you can’t help but smile, wrapping your arms around his neck.
The rain batters the windows and the thunder rumbles in the background and you’re glad for it, hoping it masks how fast your heart is hammering in your chest. You run your hands up into his hair and JJ’s hand sneaks up the back of your shirt. He lays his palm flat between your shoulder blades to hold you against him.
The kiss is sweet and tender, and when it ends naturally you're both breathless.
JJ sighs, resting his forehead against yours, “There were so many times I wanted to do that.”
“So why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t believe someone like you would be interested in someone like me. I just thought you were a super hot rich girl slumming it with me until something better came along.”
“Well, you’re an idiot.”
“I can see that now,” he laughs. The infectious sound dies on his lips quickly and he sighs so heavily you know there’s a ‘but’ coming. Yet he doesn’t say anything for a long moment, instead choosing to kiss you again. But this kiss feels hesitant.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, reluctantly wriggling out of his hold.
“I have to help John B do something, something big. It’s dangerous and I don't want to get you into any trouble,” he explains. “It’s gonna get messy.”
“Can I help?”
He shakes his head, lips set in a tight line. “No, it’s too risky. Plus, I’ll probably need someone with bail money and plausible deniability.” You laugh and JJ smirks. “I’m serious. But maybe when it’s all over,” he shrugs, “me and you can break all the Kook versus Pogue rules.”
“Rules were meant to be broken,” you say. “But is this, me and you, are we just crazy stupid?”
“Stupid things have good outcomes all the time.”
You should have seen the remark coming and you have to laugh but JJ disrupts it by kissing you breathless again. “Can we sit on the porch and watch the storm?” he asks softly. “Hopefully it’ll pass and we can see the sunset.”
“One last sunset?” you repeat, and your heart stalls remembering the last time he said it to you.
“No,” he counters, “the first of many.”
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milkiane · 3 years
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mcdonald’s; jj maybank
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summary: you and jj go out on a midnight adventure for some fast food.
warnings: none ! :) gif credits to @gemmusings
word count: 415
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you knew you should’ve listened to jj when he told you to eat some dinner.
but to be fair, john b’s leftovers from last week didn’t sound so appealing.
after tossing and turning a few more times, you sighed, moving to look at your sleeping boyfriend. he had an arm loosely wrapped around you, soft snores falling out of his lips as he peacefully slept.
too bad you had to disturb his sleep.
you lightly traced his eyebrows with your finger as you simpered at him. “j,” you whispered, running your hand through his tousled hair.
“jj,” you tried once more, peppering his face with soft kisses when your stomach grumbled.
“huh?” he mumbled, burying his head deeper into his pillow.
“i’m hungry,” you whispered into his ear.
“jb has some leftovers in the refrigerator,” his voice muffled. “just go get some, he wouldn’t mind.”
“no, i want some mcdonald’s, jj.” you said, nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck.
“they’re closed,” he pulled you closer by his arms. “go to sleep, y/n, it’s two a.m. we’ll go get some tomorrow.”
“they’re open 24/7, please.” you kissed his neck, trying to charm him into going to the fast food place with you.
jj groaned, slowly moving away from the comfort of his bed. “okay, let��s go.”
you grinned, planting a kiss on his lips. “thank you, baby,”
still clad in pajamas, you and jj were in mcdonald’s at two in the morning, waiting in line behind a couple of teenagers trying to sober up.
jj sleepily leaned against you and kissed your forehead, pulling you closer to him.
“uhh, we’ll get one—“
“oh, wait, can we get a happy meal?” you asked him, eyeing the mini stuffed elephant by the display.
“one happy meal,” jj clarified. “with the six piece chicken nuggets and fries, and a regular orange juice.”
you and jj quietly sneaked back into his room, carefully climbing over to your side as you watched jj flop on the bed with a sigh.
“thank you, jj,” you kissed his cheek, opening the box of nuggets. “i love you.”
he lifted his head off the pillow and grabbed a nugget. “i deserve this.”
you laughed softly, massaging his scalp with one hand as you ate your food.
he turned back around to face you and laid his head on your lap, wrapping his arms around your waist as he closed his eyes. “oh, and i love you, too.”
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vishnavishivaa · 8 months
Prologue (Sambandham: War of Hearts)
As promised, back with the Prologue in a day!
Kshithija Velan was shaking, the events of the evening finally sinking in. Her hair, generally neatly arranged in ringlets of long, silky smooth hair, a paradox in her point of view, was now in disarray, scrunched by what seemed like her own hands. The lower half, usually in waves with mild curls at the end looked like it had been tugged and pulled apart to an extent it had not been in many months.
Her dark eyes, usually wide with delight, sparkling with the golden sparkle that shone in light bulbs, the Sun and golden glitter was now dull, a fleck of dull gold flickering here and there, the whites of her eyes red, filled with sorrow. A sorrow that seemed to languish her heart, radiating through the very pores of her skinny body. She really needed to put on some weight, Kshithija mused in a distant thought, trying to push down the pain of her heart, which was slowly manifesting into something physical. Pain suddenly shot through her body and she stood up in shock, stumbling across the room and crashing into the floor, crying out.
But no one would come to her rescue. Not anymore.
Before, when she often hung out at the Chozha household, Arun or Adi Anna would help her, holding her palm. Arun would laugh at her clumsiness but would be caring in his own way, Adi would be nice and help, though not really bothering beyond that. She missed Deva something fierce, but pushed that pain down. She could not think of this anymore, she doubted that Deva would even come to visit her at London. No no, she could not think of this anymore.
"I do not like you romantically, Kshithija, I never have."
Those words, those piercing words caused an indescribable trauma in her, a pain she did not even expect. When she told him of her feelings, she had held on to the flame of hope, but had also been practical enough to know that if he did not like her romantically, he will tell her so. Yet the way Arun had said it triggered something in her.
Something that felt much older than the body she wore, a bond that started in a birth before maybe. A bond she had not accepted, preferring denial and a fresh start. Yet his words had awakened something that she had buried deep within her.
Something old, something they shared despite Kshithija trying for a fresh start. She closed her eyes, trying to capture the expression of calmness in Arun's eyes, the blank expression on his face, to try and get closure. And yet, she felt a sadness deep in her bones envelop her.
Idhu andhi baagama, yuga neela gaanama, nodi nera yogama, sakhi
She had to consider this as the end of her life with the Chozha family, one that she had considered her own, and one that had caused her both happiness and pain to an equal extent.
"Goodbye, oh family I once wished to marry into."
idhu andhi baagama, yuga neela gaanama, nodi nera yogama, sakhi- Is this the last part, or the length of a long war, or is this a random chance of luck, oh friend?
This lyric/verse is from the song Oru Vezham from the movie Nitham Oru Vaanam
@thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @ragkee @chemicalmindedlotus @dr-scribbler @willkatfanfromasia @balladedutempsjadis @freeunknownwasteland @ramcharanobsessed @gemmusings @vijaysena @thirst4light @hollogramhallucination @chiyaanvikram @moon-880 @sakhiiii @thereader-radhika @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @yehsahihai @thegleamingmoon @dumdaradumdaradum @rang-lo @ragkee @vijayasena Please let me know your thoughts!
I will return with Chapter 1 next week!
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gem-muse · 5 years
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Receiving a piece of jewellery is special and that’s the little thing that makes you feel unique! ❤️🥰💫 . . . #quotes #jewelleryquotes #jewellerymuse #gemmuse #tuesdayquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B184yVHA_hK/?igshid=s15198aazjtj
0 notes
lindzaylove · 3 years
A Kook's Perspective series
word count: 2.5k
trigger warnings: underage drinking, protective dad, controversial bandana color ???
taglist: @ashleyj27 @pogueslandia @maybankforlife @teelagurl558 @maybanktrash @psychosympathizer @slut4jj @cherrybarzy
gif by: @gemmusings
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"are you sure you don't mind honey?" your mom asked, putting her earrings on. you nodded again, hoping your parents would actually leave a lot sooner. "we just feel so bad about leaving you on your birthday."
"mom, it is really okay. i'll probably just order some food and watch movies," you lied. your phone was vibrating in your pocket with the Pogues all wanting to know where you were.
"oh, have some people over! the Camerons would be welcome, that Thornton boy too," your mom stood from her vanity, turning to face you. "how do i look?"
"fabulous, as always," you smiled. she did look absolutely stunning. you were sure she would put all the other military girlfriends and wives to shame at.....whatever event this was in Charleston. at that moment, your dad came in.
"Sarah is outside," your dad said, checking his tie in the mirror before looking at you. "i think she has something for your birthday."
"Sarah Cameron?" you asked, turning to look out the window. there she stood, leaning against a black car with a relatively large and thin pink square in her hand. "what the fu-"
"Y/N," your mom scolded you, coming to look out the window as well. "i didn't know you and Sarah were getting to know one another."
"we aren't," you turned around. "i can walk out with you guys and talk to her then."
"go on down, i want to talk to Y/N for a moment," your dad said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. your mind ran over all the things you've done in the past week to warrant getting in trouble with your dad. you had purposefully stayed home since the boneyard party incident and avoided even speaking to the Pogues in case your parents had caught it.
"so, i saw Jake Allen at the club yesterday," your dad fixed his sleeves. your heart stopped; your whole body froze. he obviously knew everything, but no excuse could pour out of your mouth about why you had been with Rafe.
"he said he saw you and Rafe Cameron driving around the island," he finally looked at you. "at one in the morning."
"he did," you nodded. "i had been down at the beach that night. Rafe, Sarah, Topper Thornton, and Kelce Smith were there doing their own thing. I didn't drive, so instead of letting me walk home, Rafe gave me a ride." you were twirling a bracelet around your wrist behind your back, nerves coursing through you.
"that all that happened?"
"he dropped Kelce off, then Topper and Sarah, and then we got here around one. i wasn't ready to come in so we drove around and listened to music. i got home around three and went straight to bed."
"he ran a red light with you in the car," your dad put his hands in his pockets. "so why didn't i know until yesterday?"
"i dropped my phone and he was just making sure i was okay. we just happened to go through the light. he wasn't speeding or driving erratically at all," you were pleading, though you weren't sure why. he wasn't even angry at you, he was angry with Rafe for getting you in trouble and putting you in danger. you could easily put him under the bus and let your dad drive it over him, but you couldn't. you were getting defensive for him.
"he wasn't drinking or on anything?" your dad was still set in his stance, but you were done playing with your bracelet.
"if i was in danger, you know i would have told Mr. Allen," you crossed your arms. "can i go get my present now?"
"yeah, of course," your dad finally calmed down. "i'm just glad it wasn't one of those other kids you're always hanging out with. they must have been at that party that night."
"mhm," you rolled your eyes as you went down the stairs. outside, it was starting to get warm out as the sun went to reach its peak in the sky. your mom was talking to Sarah, who was standing up straight from the car and moving her hands around as she spoke.
"hey," you greeted them, pulling your cardigan up over your shoulder despite the heat. "what's up?"
"happy birthday," Sarah smiled, going to grab the once forgotten gift she had for you. "it's from Rafe, actually."
"he couldn't give it to her?" your dad asked, joining everyone in the front yard. you were staring at Sarah, hoping Rafe had a really good excuse for sending his sister - for his sake.
"he and my dad are going into Charleston today," Sarah told him. you closed your eyes, praying your dad doesn't make a smart comment.
"we're going into Charleston!" your mother smiled, you could hear it in her voice. "what are you they going for?"
"my dad has some business to do and dragged Rafe along. but you two look much nicer than some business meetings," Sarah complimented them.
you rolled your eyes. your dad was literally in his Marine Corp Dress Blue Uniform.
"open up your gift before we leave you two," your dad said. he was smiling, though it didn't reach his eyes. you pulled the pink tissue paper off the gift, your jaw dropping as you realized what it was. you pulled all the paper off, revealing to everyone the Chase Atlantic Vinyl.
"he got you a record?" Sarah asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
"we had talked about it the other night briefly," you brushed hair behind your ear, a big smile on your face. "i also have a record player in my room."
"that's so sweet," your mom said. your dad cleared his throat in response.
"you two need to go before you miss your ferry," you told them, ushering them to your father's car. they both kissed you on the cheek and left. you let out a sigh, coming face to face with Sarah by yourself.
"thank you, for giving this to me," you held up the vinyl slightly. "you can go home now."
"that's not the only reason i'm here," Sarah admitted. you paused to look at her instead of going inside. she held up a bandana - a gray piece of fabric that was far too familiar.
"what are you doing with that?" you turned all the way back around. "is John B. okay?"
"he sent me to come pick you up. you're supposed to be coming over to the chateau for your birthday and i am your ride since i had to see you to give you that," Sarah put the bandana back in her pocket. "so go put that inside and let's go."
"whatever," you mumbled, going back into your house. as you went up the stairs to your room, a piece of paper came out of the vinyl. you stopped and picked it up.
happy birthday, y/n. sorry it doesn't have your favorite song, but i hope it'll do - R.C.
you smiled the rest of the way up to your room, adding the record to your box of others. you switched tops and lost the cardigan.
the note from Rafe was sweet, even if all it really said was happy birthday. you thought over whether or not to add it to your memo board, but you slid it on there despite your better judgement. by the time you got downstairs, Sarah was in her car and scrolling on her phone. you got in the front seat next to her, pulling your phone out. Sarah's music was playing quietly through the speakers, but you quickly went to send Rafe a message on Instagram.
thank you for the gift! it means a lot that you got me something :)
you checked your other messages, quickly heading to the group chat to question why Sarah was suddenly involved in your birthday plans. all you got in reply were the eye emojis, though John B. wasn't answering your messages which made you even more annoyed. you were out of Sarah's car before she was parked.
"John B.!" you yelled, storming into the chateau. he came out of his room, a wide smile on his face.
"hey Y/N! happy eighteenth!" he went to give you a hug, but you out your hands up and blocked him.
"why the hell does Sarah have your dad's bandana?" you pointed at her as she came in. "why is she even here at all?"
"well, you were there when we kissed," John B. swallowed. you crossed your arms, biting gently on your tongue. "and this past week she broke up with Topper and came-"
"she went home with him that night!" you exclaimed. "like held his hand and went into his house."
"you went with them, you can't be mad at her for that," John B. threw it back.
"i didn't kiss someone in front of my boyfriend, then let my boyfriend beat him up, and ultimately leave with my boyfriend," you turned to Sarah. "did you and Topper fuck while you were at his house? you were all over him in the truck."
"i didn't," she glared at you. "let me know when she calms down, i'm going outside."
"funny how she gets to talk to me like i'm a dog and you don't stick up for me at all," you looked at John B. "let alone on my birthday."
"i'll talk to her about it after you explain to me what went through your mind when you went with her," John B. leaned against the wall.
"i was thinking that my father would happily blame you all for what happened and get you all in trouble if i had been seen by the police with you. i was the farthest away from the twinkie and would have gotten as all pulled over and in trouble if you'd have to wait. so excuse me for caring about the well being of my friends," you raised your eyebrows. "gonna go get your girlfriend to apologize now?"
"you went ghost after that night. we all just eventually assumed that Rafe convinced you of something bad. Sarah had said he took you home alone and that after she broke up with Topper she went straight home. she got home around two and he didn't get home until after three. he wouldn't talk about what took him so long so we didn't know what happened," John B. explained. "that doesn't give me the right to be a jerk to you, so i'm sorry."
"my dad knew about the party and i didn't want him to connect it to you guys. but Rafe and i just listened to music, that's all," you said, though you were still hurt that they thought Rafe would have that much influence on you. yeah, being with Rafe was fun, but they were still your friends. you were not that fickle in your opinions.
your opinions on Rafe, however....
"i understand now," John B. gave you a half smile, holding his arms out. "can i give you your birthday hug now?"
"i suppose," you teased with a matching smile, giving him a hug. you two hugged and went outside together, the other four people at John B.'s all looking at you expectantly.
"i'm eighteen, not eighty. you guys can be happy for me," you told them, laughing slightly. Kie was the first to come hug you, Pope following with JJ trailing along. John B. went to Sarah and they seemed to talk. by the time you wrangled out of JJ's grip, Sarah came and apologized.
"hey Y/N," Sarah started, fingers rubbing the thin material tied around her neck. you recognized it as the bandana. however angry you were before, it was John B.. he was your friend and you trusted his judgement - despite how dumb he seemed some times.
"i'm sorry," you told her. "you didn't have to come over this morning and bring me here, but you did. you clearly like John B. and he likes you, and you won't be going anywhere. i just thought it was going to be us five, but six is a better number."
"i'm sorry for being rude too, especially since it's clear how much you care ab-"
"let's get this party started!" JJ yelled, interrupting you and Sarah by pulling a beer out of no where and handing it to you. you took a drink and smiled at Sarah.
it truly was the beginning of one of your favorite days ever.
there was glow sticks, alcohol, and a hot tub. you got more bracelets from Kie, a book you had been wanting to read from Pope, a serenade from John B. and JJ, and an IOU from Sarah. there was so much laughter and cheer, you couldn't believe that once upon a time these people weren't your friends. you were so grateful for them, for the adventures they've taken you on.
nonetheless, nagging in the back of your mind, was that feeling in your chest. were you having fun doing something you shouldn't be right now? yes. was it giving you that feeling? unfortunately, no. your brain kept thinking about Rafe despite the dancing and drinking with your friends. you kept thinking about that feeling in your chest you were missing. you were really trying to not let it bother you. you wanted to find your way back to Rafe's truck with the windows down and music blaring. you realized you would probably be chasing that feeling for the rest of your life. the revelation made you ready to go home and listen to your new vinyl - at least that would remind you of that feeling. it was the first time you had ever felt out of place while with your friends.
"hey, are you feeling okay?" Sarah asked, gently touching your elbow. you vaguely remembered that she wasn't drinking because John B. knew you had to be home by the time your parents got back.
"i should probably get home. it's getting late," you nodded, putting your drink down on the counter. "where are my-"
"in my car already. say your goodbyes and i'll see you out there," Sarah smiled, heading out the door to the porch. you splashed some water in your face, hoping to finally calm yourself down. it was dark out now, and you were probably supposed to be home. you checked your phone again, the only message being from Rafe.
"who's that?" Kie asked, popping in next to you. you locked your phone, shoving it in your pocket.
"just some birthday wishes," you waved it off, holding Rafe as your secret. it was just a birthday present anyway, no need to get everyone torn up about it.
"happy birthday, Y/N," Kie hugged you suddenly. "i can't wait to go on a road trip with you once we graduate."
"of course," you hugged her back. "thank you for an amazing night, as always. you're a great friend, Kiara."
"you're just going home for the night, Y/N. no one is disappearing forever," she laughed pushing you out the door while she went to the bathroom. you gave your hugs to the boys before getting into Sarah's car. you checked your phone again, finally being able to see his reply.
i'm glad you like it, you deserve it. happy birthday, y/n x
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hufflepogue · 4 years
“Growing up is scary.”
Word count: 263
Request: No pls request 😔
Warnings: Nun, kinda platonic-ish fluff, crying, deep talk, nothing bad.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Synopsis: Reader opens up to JJ about her fear of the future.
Just a lil blurb, couldn’t find a gif that went with the blurb so i opted for this lil sexy ass smily gif. It doesn’t belong to me, but bless gemmusings for making it it because wowza.
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“Growing up is scary.” You say. His eyes piercing into yours, as you spoke.
“It’s not because I want to stay a little kid forever or rely on my family forever to take care of me, you know I don’t-” You whimper taking a small pause.
“I don’t. I’m just scared of the future. I’m scared that, I won’t be able to take care of myself. I’m not good at anything. How am I suppose to get a job when I’m not good at anything-,”
You held up your hand to list things off of your fingers, “I’m not good at surfing like you and John B. I’m not smart like Pope-,” 
JJ cut you off, with a small shush, but didn’t say anything. Instead he let you continue. He always wanted you to vent out all of your pent up emotions, before he would tell you his thoughts on whatever subject it was.
“I just I don’t want to be alone. You know all the pogues are so insanely good at something, there is-”, a sob cut you off, JJ immediately rushed over to give you a hug. Your head rested in the crook of his shoulder as you cried, no doubt getting tears all over his cut off grey tee. 
“Shh, It’s okay. Don’t worry.” JJ whispered into your ear. He continued to whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you calmed down.
“Y/n/n, you do not-” He emphasizes the words.
”-have to worry about being alone. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t know my future plans either. We can figure it both out together.”
“Together” you repeat quietly.
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do you know any good hurt+comfort fics? Especially if one of them is acting like they don't help?
Another updated list! These are the newest updates, for more please check out the tags below 😊
About Pride by @theellana
With Pride Month around the corner, some of Theo's insecurities might rear their ugly heads. Good thing Liam is there to fight them off.
[TeenUp / 1.3k / complete]
Good Enough by @tabbytabbytabby
I'm in love with you.
 Five words, so simple, yet they sent the ground crumbling beneath Theo's feet.
[TeenUp / 666 / complete]
This might hurt, come back to earth by @purplehoodiesandleatherjackets
Monroe and her hunters are back, and this time, they have their sights set on Liam Dunbar. In order to lure Liam to them, Nolan is taken hostage. After a frightening hostage video, and some upsetting photos, the pack devises a plan to get Nolan back without losing another one of their own.
[TeenUp / 4.1k / complete]
Raincheck by @grenadinepeach
Theo goes missing for a total of forty-six hours, and Liam doesn't know what to do.
[TeenUp / 5.9k / complete]
Snared by @theogayken
Picture this: a monster caught in a barbed wire fence. And now picture the boy who, despite everything, comes to his rescue.
Ain't it sweet?
[Mature / 1.6k / complete]
The Lies We Tell Are Worth Dying For by @xtarmanderx
With time running out due to Theo’s health, Liam and Theo resolve to spend as much time together as possible. Things change when Beacon Hills’ latest enemy comes into play. With time running out, what will the boys do?
[Mature / 90.6k / wip]
Death Of Me by @bookwyrm07
Liam's been taken and Theo needs the pack's help to save him. To gain their trust he'll expose his biggest secret.
[TeenUp / 2.2k / complete]
Pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave 'cause I still feel alive by @gemmusings
“Have you noticed anything strange about Theo, lately?”
Corey snorts, but Mason hushes him, brushing a hand through his hair.
“Theo's strange at least sixty-five percent of the time, you're going to have to be more specific,” He says, grinning down where Corey's head is pillowed in his lap.
[TeenUp / 13.3k / complete]
Hold On by @becca_dunbar_raeken
Everything becomes too much for Liam to handle.
[Gen / 1.8k / complete]
Human by @okami_writez
the·o·dore rae·ken
/THē·ôdore rā·ken/
1. A snarky, sarcastic chimera who only wanted power and a pack
“I’m an atheist. Fire at will.”
2. A broken, unstable human being who only wanted everything to end
“It’s okay, you don’t have to stop.”
[NR / 5.8k / wip]
Hold me close by @curlsinthewind
It was like everyone forgot that Lori and Brett even existed. It was like with the Ghost Riders but this time even worse because there was no supernatural power making everyone clueless about the murder.
Brett's and Lori's funeral and Liam needs Theo for emotional support.
[NR / 1.8k / complete]
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belongtonoone · 4 years
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@gemmusing​​ said: “ you really need to stop pining over her ! I get you guys did rebel together - but you’re your own gem ! why don’t we go do something fun ? “ - gemmusing from Pea, 80’s verse
MEME: random ask | STATUS: always accepting
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“You’re right.” 
Pearl smiled at the other. It was funny how Pea had stuck by their sides in an attempt to be more like Pearl and yet here she was giving Pearl advice, as she side-eyed Greg. Every part of her wanted to tell him that he was just a phase, but it seemed like with every passing day, Rose seemed more and more enthralled by him. It shouldn’t bother her. Pea was right. She was her own gem after all. 
“What did you have in mind?”
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thelightweaver · 6 years
Comptober Day 30: Write a piece about an underground space.
This piece, in fitting with my theme for the month, is retro video game inspired. When writing this, I specifically thought of the cave/underground levels you have to get through in so many video games. I added this photo because Stardew Valley is my latest obsession and I wrote this with SDV in mind!
I can’t believe there’s only one day left in October! Where did all the time go?? Even though I wasn’t able to write a piece every day I feel that I improved myself as a composer and came up with some fun ideas :)
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baqernasir · 4 years
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👻✠௹ŌŌŌ₷Ť✠👻: . 益 مـڪـتـب قـنــاة جــم عــربــیـــّــة ألـفـضــائـیـــة 益 . #⃣BaqerNasir #⃣GH000ST #⃣InstaPosts #⃣GEM #⃣GEMTV #⃣GEMGROUP #⃣GEMArabia #⃣GEMArabia_TV #⃣GEMMUSiC #baqernasir #GH000ST #gemarabia_tv #العراق #ایران #جم_عربية (at GEMTV) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK7SAJil39R/?igshid=3ym16hj7k8cw
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