#gemi and mini
loversmore · 7 months
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“i believe in you so what’s left is for you to believe in yourself.” – han
for @hyunsung ♡
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Tell me about the celestial spirits in your rewrite, are you going to rework the magic?
rewrite stuff ⬇️
The Silver Spirit keys are the beings born of the Celestial Spirit world. There are hundreds of Spirits for each constellation, each with their own key. They only have one life, and if a Silver Key spirit dies, they will become part of their constellation and their key will turn to dust
The Zodiac were all once like the Silver Keys, but were granted 12 lives. Once a Zodiac Key passes for the 12th time, they are reincarnated. It used to be that the most powerful Silver Key would take their place, but as wizards started to become more powerful, soon, wizards started to outclass Silver Keys. You can read more on it here! If you read this and leave a comment saying you came from this post, I’ll write a drabble of your choosing!
Onto specific spirits!
Aries ♈️
Aries is the second youngest of the Zodiac at this point. She practices wool magic, and part of that is that she can change the physical properties of the wool she handles. For example, she can make the wool solid, liquid, or a gas. She’s at the most powerful during the Aries season in the Human World. Given she is a Fire Sign, she can also use fire magic, though it’s not as powerful as most human fire wizards. She uses a shepard’s staff as a weapon if she requires one, and she can use it to aide her magic.
For the longest time, Aries was a very submissive and shy spirit, and she let her key holders do whatever they wanted to her. This changed after Leo stood up to Karen and subsequently got her killed by Angel, Aries took it upon herself to make sure none of her other friends would suffer because of her weakness. By the time we meet her in canon, Aries is much more outgoing and outspoken to her Key Holder, and very protective of her Silver Keys.
While Leo was gone, she became the “Queen of the Zodiac” and that stuck even after he came back, making her the head of the Zodiac.
Her human name was Mary, and she became the Aries Spirit in the year X272
Taurus ♉️
Taurus uses his Labrys, but he can also use Earth magic. Think Thor with his hammer, that’s kind of what Taurus’s earth magic is like, he needs his Labrys. His Earth magic is very rudimentary, and he can create earthquakes.
He’s not a creepy towards Lucy, he’s very respectful and gentle with her. He wears blue overalls and has a very subtle southern accent.
His human name was Garrett, and he doesn’t remember the year he became the Bull Spirit.
Gemini ♊️
I really like the Eclipse designs for them, so that’s how they look in my rewrite
Being very young human twins, under the age of 10, they are considered lucky to not remember their human lives
The other Zodiac are very protective of them because they’re very easily influenced
They still use Copy/Transformation magic, but they can also use flight magic
Gemi’s human name was Castor, and Mimi’s human name was Aura
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Cancer ♋️
Cancer takes on more of a swordsman appearance than a hairdresser, using one of his blades as a sword, but he can combine them to make big scissors. He picked up hair dressing while serving under Layla and Lucy, though.
His water magic is basically non-existent, but he is considered the most skilled swordsman in the Celestial world
He’s got six arms that he can fold away and can also turn into crab legs.
His human name was Abyl.
Leo ♌️
Leo has feline ears and a tail because i said so.
Leo is the youngest of the zodiac. He became the Lion spirit in the year X344. His human name was Loke.
Leo used Ring magic as a human, which he then translated into Regulus when he became the Leo spirit. He can use Regulus without his rings, and he can use it throughout his whole body, but it’s stronger when channeled through an item.
His rings can take many forms, and he even likes to use brass knuckles sometimes.
His fire magic isn’t really fire magic, but more of a fire hazard. He can light his tail on fire, as well as his hair if he’s in a tight spot, which will likely make an attacker let up.
Virgo ♍️
Virgo isn’t a maid in my rewrite
Her magic is the same as in the original
She’s a shapeshifter and is also, the only spirit with a gender bias. A man could never reincarnate into the Virgo spirit, but if Virgo wanted too, she could appear as a man.
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Her human name was Rosemary.
Libra ♎️
Gravity Magic is a sub category of Air magic, so she can use Air magic just as well, making her very hard to escape from.
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Her human name was Vidya.
Scorpio ♏️
Scorpio’s tail is actually a scorpio’s tail, but it has armor around it that gives the appearance of a cannon.
He uses sand magic like in canon, but he can also use water magic.
Scorpio is not dating Aquarius.
His human name was Ezio.
Sagittarius ♐️
Also like his Eclipse design better than the canon one, so he’s a centaur
His fire magic translates into fire arrows that he can summon and fire without his bow, but it’s easier to aim with the bow.
His human name was Phillip
Capricorn ♑️
Capricorn is the second eldest of the Zodiac.
Capricorn still practices his Human Subordination Magic, but he can also use Earth magic. It’s quite a deadly combination if your magic suddenly stops working and he then smacks you with a big ass rock.
For the longest time, he’s looked down on his Key Holders, but that changed when he met Layla Heartfilia, and again when he met Lucy
His human name has been forgotten
Aquarius ♒️
She’s the oldest of the Zodiac and is rumored to be the original Aquarius
She’s actually the original Ophiuchus, but was punished by the Zodiac King for meddling in human affairs and going to earth without permission
Her constellation was destroyed and she was passed over to the Aquarius constellation despite knowing Air magic instead of water magic
She quickly learned Water magic and uses Air magic for her urn, which she uses to store and transfer all the water stored in it
Pisces ♓️
The mother of the Pisces set has been around a long time, but her son was born and became the Pisces spirit not long before Aries took the mantle
The mother (Eta) was originally partnered with her brother, but he lost all his lives shortly before her son (Omicron) was born
He became the second Pisces, but he was originally half human because Eta had a relationship with one of her old Key Holders
Both practices water magic
Omicron was named after his late uncle and has always had that name
Eta’s human name was Calypso
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ohtobearandomftblog · 4 months
the stars never forget
well, they are able to forget in the short-term, but everything comes back eventually. be it memory magic (mest was able to affect loke), time (the spirits never mentioned the eclipse that sent the dragon slayers forward in time), or excessive trauma (... probably also the eclipse gate, actually)
spirits remember the beginning of time, the end of time, and everything within and outside that rigid format.
aquarius is able to see the markings of the very first heartfilia in lucy. she looks at her and, sometimes, forgets when she is
sagittarius remembers every animal to exist on earthland. hes not sure any currently alive even make the top 100 of his favorites
ultear and dimaria arent even close to the only mages who use time-based magic. their usage of it is fairly tame, compared to those of years long passed and years never to be seen. no matter how many times someone messes with the timeline, the spirits remember
taurus remembers the faces of everyone he has ever protected. if they had one, that is. hes not sure he likes the running tally he has, of how many features and names can be attributed to those long since dead
capricorn hates nothing more than getting information wrong because of the butterfly effect. how was he meant to keep the pasts separate when they were so similar? it should not hurt so much that he doesnt even know who were 'truly' his masters
do you know how much it hurts, to be unwillingly thrown back in time something as small as a week, and see people that do not recognize you? to be thrown further and further back, months to years to decades, and have the people you hold close not know you? not even be born yet? possibly never to be, if you put one single toe out of line
gemi and mini remember a time when the agria sisters were together the whole time, never separated, never criminals, never taken advantage of. they feel more sadness than hate that the sisters were split, that they ended up with sorano, that sorano turned to the oración seis
leo twitches and never takes his eyes off of sorano, whenever hes summoned in her presence. he remembers, more so than anyone else, of a time when aries was the cause of karen's death. of when leo was the one taken by angel. of when leo was further abused and tortured by those who shouldve protected him as he does them. and he cant do anything about it. not now, when it was aries taken by angel, when he wasnt abused again, when he cant talk about it. she wasnt terrible to him in this time, so who was he to blame her for another's actions?
he says his wariness is because of what she did to aries and scorpio and gemi and mini. lucy doesnt fully believe him. he cant say anything, though, because what if this changes the timeline again? they already messed up, with the existence of 'loke' instead of 'kirase'. what if another point against angel means lucy actively antagonizes her? they need her still, yes they do, they need sorano for future fights, so he cant say a damn thing
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tecontos · 6 months
Eu dei pro meu primo no churrasco da nossa familia (24-12-2023)
By; Paulinha
Me chamo Paulinha, tenho 18 anos.. sou branca e meu cabelos são pretos, tenho 1.65 de altura, e….. me acho bonita.
Eu quero contar algo que me aconteceu semana passada na casa da minha tia!
Era domingo e estava para acontecer um churrasco na casa da minha tia!. Eu sou filha única e por isso adoro essas festas!. Ainda mais porque meu primo estava lá, claro neh! e eu sou caidinha por ele.
Meu primo tem 1.73 de altura moreno cabelos preto, e bem simpático! Sempre fui afim dele…. Sempre que estive perto dele notei que ele olhava pra mim, com aquela cara de quem quer dizer alguma coisa mais não tem coragem! Então eu disse a mim mesma!
“Hoje eu quero beija ele”.
Coloque uma mine saia de pano bem sexy e uma blusa fina e um pequeno colete, e vestir uma calcinha fio dental. Fui pra casa da minha tia no carro do meu pai.
Chegando lá! cheio de gente amigos e familiares procurei meu primo e nada dele, perguntei a minha tia e ela disse!
- “Ele foi jogar futebol e chegou agora”
Quando vi ele chegando me deu um friozinho no estômago! Fui até ele dei um abraço bem forte e disse a ele!
– eu estava com saudades de você primo!
Peguei na mão dele e levei ele até a mesa onde estava os familiares reunido, rindo,dançando! Ficamos ali colocando o papo em dia!. Eu vi que ele estava usando um short fino de futebol fiquei olhando para o pal dele, e pensei vou sentar no colo dele!
Já fazia umas três horas que eu tava na mesa de churrasco conversando com ele todo mundo bebendo e dançando, me levantei e sentei no colo dele! Ele sorriu e disse!
– Que coisa boa você aqui em cima viu? Rs
Eu ri claro e disse;
- o tempo passa…
Fiquei sentada no colo dele e de vez em quando eu olhava para trás, para ver o rosto dele notei que ele tava meio com vergonha! Juro que naquele hora fiquei toda molhada…comecei a sentir o pau dele fica duro.
No meio da festa! Já era 7 horas da noite todo mundo dançando e rindo música alta…. Eu não aguentei peguei a mão dele e guiei até minha buceta! Eu sentada no colo de mini saia foi cheque mate, só escutei ele dizer!
-Você estava molhada, priminha!
Ele ficou alisando meu clitóris primeiro por cima da calcinha, logo depois puxou minha calcinha de lado e meteu dois dedos na minha buceta! Eu gemi na hora!….
- ( aaaah! ) que gostoso primo faz de novo! (Aaaah! Que delicia ).
Eu sentia o pau dele latejando na minha bunda e ele metia o dedo na minha buceta de um jeito que eu pensei!
- ”se continuar assim todo mundo vai ouvir meus gemido e acho que vou gozar”
Olhei pra cara dele e disse!
- “Se for pra me fazer gozar quero gozar no seu pau ”
Me levantei discretamente como ele Tava usando short de jogado foi super fácil tira aquela pica dali!, Coloque pra fora, na hora deu vontade de chupar ali mesmo mais tinha muita gente! Então me virei olhei para cara dele sentei! Gemi na hora!
- (a aaaah como é gostoso )
Senti o pau dele latejando na minha buceta!. Era de acordo com a música eu rebolava no pau dele! eu gemia ele gemia.
- aí prima devagar… se não eu gozo! Aí prima aí.
Eu fingia que nem escutava de mine saia rebolando no cadete dele e ninguém via aquilo me deixava com tesão!. Ele pegava na minha cintura para evitar os movimentos não teve jeito quando eu estava quase gozando sentir ele gemer!
- aí prima tô gozando!
Ele não estava usando camisinha senti aquela gala quente na minha buceta! Olhei pra ele e disse!
- “aí que gostoso ” finalmente minha buceta comeu seu pau safado. Nem evitou a gozada, você queria gozar dentro de mim kkkk..
Ele ficou mexendo no meu clitóris até o pau dele ficar mole e cai da minha buceta, eu sentia a gala dele escorrer foi tão gostoso! Que eu disse a ele!
- ” eu não gozei quando eu for dormir quero que você me coma ok”
Ele disse!
– Prima nunca pensei que você fosse tão safada! Depois dessa hoje a noite quero bis.
- Pois tá fechado gatinho….
Fui pro banheiro me limpar toda melada de gala! E Foi desse jeito que aconteceu rsrsrsrs. Bjs
Enviado ao Te Contos por Paulinha
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yukii0nna · 3 months
Gemi: Why did you do it, your majesty?
Queen of Hearts as a ghost
Queen of hearts: I did what needed to be done
Mini: By killing him?
Q.O.H: He was objecting to my laws. I got what he deserved
Mini: Calm down brother...
Queen of Hearts: I GAVE YOU EVERY-
Mini: You gave us orders, expectations and loneliness . You didn't give a crap about us then and you certainly don't care about us now. After all, we were only your toys in the end.
Queen of Hearts:*furieus* DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU'RE FATH-
Mini: How did he die? His death was never mentioned in the history books
The Queen of hearts is stunned and she looks away
Gemi: I hate you
Queen of Heart: No you do-
Gemi: I'm telling you the truth and you know it. What I want to know is this, why did you hate us?
@anxious-twisted-vampire @imafrealinrainbow478484 @liviavanrouge @abyssthing198 @starry-night-rose @mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @bakawitch @zexal-club
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
You mentioned C.C and I RAN, it's the anon from the sick reader cafe ask, (so tempted to ask for the name not bubbles) I always imagined Fem C.C, apart from being absolutely unhinged, to be the type to have a purse pet, something small and fluffy and with bedazzled mini sunglasses (C.C has a matching pair) bonus points if the pet turns out to be some type of demon creature, I can also absolutely imagine C.C going to a demon pet sanctuary and just choosing the fluffiest creature she saw
(is 🫥 anon available? Sorry to like, keep asking-)
C.C feels two sides of my brain. My love for masc women and fem men. He has a love for fashion of all kinds, and presenting however he pleases. Fem C.C is the type of wear those black, sleeveless crop tops and steel toe boots. C.C meets these energies in the middle by buying a two headed snake in memory of their favorite... whatever Gemi is to them because I forgot the gender neutral term for aunt/uncle
(Yes that one is available welcome)
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lentenken · 1 year
The Paths All Broken Up You See
CONTENT WARNING: Vague descriptions of gore, and the ways people commit murder.
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Lucy is 14, and in her hands are keys. Her mother is gone, now, and there’s nothing left of her- her father is nowhere. After hours and maybe even days of staying curled up on soft grass, numb to the heat of the sun on her unprotected skin and deaf to the cries of the stead she’d ridden out of her home, she had looked through the bags that had been packed. Beyond the faded out picture from when she’d been a child, there was no other sign that Lucy had been a part of a family of three. 
Her horse was laying down somewhere nearby, and the sky had turned dark a while ago now. Despite it being night, there were thousands of little lights shining down on her from high above, and Lucy can’t help the feeling that she’s being watched. In her hands are golden keys that look as if they’d been polished just moments ago, and she eyes them with her lips in between her teeth. 
She knows nothing of what they are, and has heard no mention of their existence from her parents. Her mother, she knew, used to be a mage. Her grandmother spoke of heaven at the tips of her fingers, and a booming voice that demanded attention. Of the sky themselves separating from each other in accordance to her mother’s words, and the gods bending the earth to her bidding. Her father recalled the way Layla’s eyes were filled with sparks of something beyond even his knowledge and about how she was a wizard people knew to fear.
There were no mention of keys in their stories, and yet in her hands Lucy holds dozens of them. She spies one with horns curled in on themselves, another with a harp by its bottom, and another with the shape of waves. Others like one with a pair of axes, another with some kind of animal with pinchers at the end, and another with a clover-like shape. Plenty of others were clumped up together in piles, but the first three keys, however, seemed to be calling out to her, and that’s what led to this moment. She eyes the one with horns at their end and reaches out her hand out, and something clicks–
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Lucy is 16 and she hates. Capricon had tried his best to care for her and educate her on the happenings of the world, as despite the tragedies she’d held under her belt she was still rather naive. He’d tried his best in explaining how to survive the dense lands they’d traveled, warned her to never once show the keys out in public, held her during the nights she’d call for her mother, and trained her as best as he could so that she could survive. 
It’s for that reason alone that Lucy hadn’t let herself go off the deep end. Capricorn was the one thing that held her back from tearing down the people who’d slaughtered her village, and was what kept her so rational all this time. She’s 16, and there have been rumors swirling through the people of the small city she was visiting. There have been talks of corpses disappearing through the night, homes ravaged and left with gore that disappeared in seconds- whispers of something that sounded familiar, and made the magic underneath her skin itch. 
While she expected Capricorn to refuse immediate revenge, she was surprised by just how stern Aquarius was about her staying put and not trying anything. Of all the spirits, Lucy had expected her to be the most murderous- and, well, she was, but it was surprising just how much self control the mermaid seemed to hold. That didn't necessarily stop Lucy from starting to plan and keep a constant ear out for more rumors. The twins, despite their attempts, couldn’t really do much to distract her. Mini and Gemi tried their best, chirping out new games to try and play, songs to sing, and dancing with her as much as they could.
On the contrary to the others, Virgo was more than happy to suggest forms of cruel punishments she knew, including suggestions for ways Lucy could go about them. Capricorn always managed to figure out when she was doing this and pull her back to the spirit world, but Lucy remembered each word and held them all close to her thoughts. Taurus was… Taurus. He spoke words of encouragement, told Lucy to try and use a nice big axe to cut everyone down, and was his usual boisterous self. Cancer sniffed, pat her head, and told Lucy she could do anything she wanted but to try and not lose herself
She got what they- well, most of them- were trying to tell her and she tried to ease her grip on the bitter voice inside her whispering about what could have been. Instead, she remembered the tears of her mother, the cries of the people she’d thought of as her own, and the piles of corpses gone before she could even try to dig them graves. She thought of Capricorn’s warm hand in hers and imagined her mother’s on her wrists with his eyes roaming around her face in fear. Aquarius hissed out curses and threats while she held Lucy close and the memories of her father keeping her safe came to mind. Playing around with the twins and listening to their happy giggles filled her with a sense of longing for the children she’d run around and sing with. 
The merry calls of the local baker apprentice asking for her opinion on a new flavor, the serene smile grandmother would give her every time she visited, the way her friend was so horribly excited for a chance to go out of their little village, and t̵͕̽ẖ̴̾e̸̥̋ ̵̨͂w̵̡̐a̵͚̅y̶̥͒ ̸̰̀t̶̟̄h̸̛̠e̶̞͗ŕ̶ͅè̶͕ ̴͇̍w̸̗͊ȁ̵̟s̷͕̈́ ̸͎̒n̸̘̅o̷̥̓t̸̹͝h̶̠͝i̴̲̎ń̴̹g̴̤͘ ̷̳̔ĺ̵̺e̶̯͂f̴̹́t̵͔͑ ̶̩͊o̵͕̐f̸͓̃ ̸̘͝ṭ̶̑h̵̜̒e̷̖͋m̶̼̚ ̵̻͊á̴̢l̴̝͒l̶̺̄.̵̓͜. 
No matter what she did, the memories would come up, and Lucy was left feeling as if she’d been hollowed out all over again.
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Lucy’s 18 and she’s in a guild. It’s big, and was more organized than Lucy would like. It was filled with all sorts of people, and underneath them all was a brimming darkness begging to be called forward. She turned 18 just a few months ago, and that seemed to be all the people needed before asking her to join them.
For all the horrible things growing in their eyes, she was surprised to find that they were people. No outlandish demands or even childish calls for murder, every single person she’d met were kind and treated her with respect. They held meetings every week to talk about their next moves, about targets, and about areas they could erase and Lucy sat through each and every one with a small smile on her face. She had been practicing for months with Virgo to keep her back straight through every heinous suggestion, to have her smile stay the same with every massacre, and to keep the hatred from seeping out of all her pores. 
She laughed with a man who cut the infant out of a woman’s bloated belly, and hugged a woman who cheered as she tried to juggle every eye she had collected. She smiled at a wizard who pretended to be a doctor and spread a plague through a growing kingdom, and held the hands of another who tricked an entire school of children to eat their parents. 
Lucy felt something simmering underneath her skin, something deep inside her very being begging to be called out, and kept it buried as far as she could as she curled up into Capricorns arms in the dead of night underneath heavy wards to keep strangers out of the one safe space she’d carved out for herself. Virgo gave her a soothing tea and Aquarius lent her gloves with deep holes in the middle in case she ever needed to call out to the sea. Taurus huffs out a laugh and fights her to let some energy out, and Cancer happily tells her stories of their home. The twins danced with her before bed, and Lucy stayed up almost every night thinking of what she’d do to everyone in that cursed guild.
She’s been rising up the ranks quickly, faster than anyone ever had, and she accepts the promotions with a calm smile. She gives the guild master a smile, and tries not to shiver underneath one of the admiral’s eyes. Irene, that’s how she had introduced herself, with red hair and cold eyes. Despite having never met before, Lucy feels as if she should know her- as if Irene is a woman that Lucy has held to her soul far closer than anyone else and that makes her concerned. 
She often finds herself in the company of a man who called himself Leo with a humorous twinkle in his eyes outside of the hell that is work. He had a sharp grin and soft eyes with a habit of flirting with anything that moved. Despite her several attempts of keeping her distance, Lucy finds herself with what could possibly be one of the greatest friends she would ever hope to have.
For all that Lucy finds herself in situations that she’s sure is suspicious to anyone with half a brain, Leo pats her shoulder and laughs about how awfully troublesome she could be, and she finds herself appreciating his loyalty. In return, Lucy drags him out of clubs when he’s had much too many drinks for himself, lets him rest on her couch, and even has him meet Capricorn despite having not let her spirits be seen by anyone else in far too long. They both reacted rather strangely to each other, but it didn't seem too much like something to worry about.
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Lucy is 20, and her palms are covered in a bright cherry red that brings her back. There are bodie’s littered around her, and Capricorn is holding her face in his hands and saying something. Gemini hugs her around her neck, and Cancer holds her in his arms. Aquarius is washing as much blood off as she can, and Virgo quietly moves the bodies into piles to burn. 
She’s not even 25, and she’s managed to kill every person who’d had a hand in her home's destruction, and in the drawer she’s pried open are papers and papers of evidence. She should hand them to the knights, let them figure out what else to do, but there isn’t anyone left of the guild except her and Irene, who’d left on a journey outside the country. She pays no attention to the words Capricorn speaks, and instead focuses on the words she reads out loud from the papers with pictures of her mother’s face with her entire biography and medical information. Type A, Heavenly Body, Asthmatic, and underneath it all are the underlined words- “test reaction to dark magic,” and “with a daughter; no news of her magical affinity yet.”
“What was it all for,” she croaks out and curled deeper into Cancer’s embrace, “they never bothered to tell me or even write down what they wanted to find.”
Capricorn tells her it doesn’t matter because they’re all gone, but to Lucy, the corpses littered across the floor mean nothing anymore. Not when her family is nowhere to be seen, not when their leader had looked her in the eye and laughed through the snot building up in his nose and continued to squeal in joy when the bile came out. The admirals were more than happy to laugh with him, though most of them seemed confused, and said nothing even when Lucy lost herself to a rage. 
Leo finds her going through a fourth bottle of vodka in the bar they’d met and doesn’t ask before he’s leading her back to her apartment and lets her rest. Rubs her back when she vomits everything out, holds her hair back and cleans her face while she hiccups and sobs about the unfairness of it all. Listens as she tells him about how she misses everyone from home and about how there’s nothing left for her to even mourn, although she chooses to not say why that is.
Through it all he holds her hand as she cries and cries and cries, even on the cold tiles of her bathroom. Lucy doesn’t remember what else happens afterwards, but she wakes up in the morning to Leo in her kitchen making food and laughing about some new gossip he’d heard out on the grapevine. He makes her sit by the bar, and she watches as he makes his way around the kitchen. Her eyes are glazed over, and she plays around with her cuticles as a discomfiting kind of quiet set itself over the two.
“I’m sorry,” she says after a beat.
“For what?” Leo frowns.
“Just… all of this,” she takes her head in her hands when she says this, “I know this wasn’t what you were expecting when we’d met a few years ago.”
“Well, I went out hoping to sleep with a beautiful woman, and you let rest on your couch so I’d say I got exactly what I was looking for- even if you weren’t in my arms when I woke up,” he shrugged.
“Leo, you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I know, but I don’t really care- we’re where we are now, and I like how it's going.” At this, he gives her a smirk, “And I’d never deny a beautiful woman some company.”
“Hmph, are you sure this beautiful woman would want you by her side?” There’s a ghost of a smile as she says this, and a growing mirth in her eyes as a familiar pattern comes through.
“Ouch! Lucy, Lucy- you’re not supposed to hurt your friends like this!”
“You’re my only friend,” who wasn’t a spirit, she silently added, or dead now.
“Hmm…” Leo hums and sets a few plates down for them both, the stove turned off and the smell of pancakes washing through her. “We should fix that at some point.”
“The both of us, yes!”
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She’s about to be 21 when she meets a loud mouthed boy with pink hair and fire coming out of his nose as he sputters around a glass of water. “Gross, gross, gross!” he chants with a severe grimace, “what the hell is that…!”
Lucy takes a glance at his almost cleaned out plate, and spies goops of blue mixed with red and glances at the menu in concern. “Hopefully not what I ordered, if that’s how you’re reacting,” she murmurs.
Despite her saying this quietly, the boy seems to hear and lets out a cackle. “Oh, I hope it is just because you said that!”
“Don’t jinx me! This place actually seems nice!” 
“Eh, it’s aight I guess.”
The waitress passing by gives him a dirty look and huffs as she sets down four more plates to add onto the piles and piles of ceramic precariously balanced together on his table. If you’ve been talking like that about the restaurant this entire time, then that might be why the dish was so bad… Lucy sweatdropped. 
Nevertheless, the boy doesn’t seem to notice and instead gives a light laugh as he inhales a whole plate of meat. This time, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with it as he exhaled and went onto the next plate on his path of clear self destruction via stomach rupture, and it was then that Lucy noticed the short little kitten nibbling on a bone of fish in satisfaction. “They let animals in here?”
“Nrsh- Happish naht ahn ahnimaul!” His owner(?) grumbled out, and Happy mewed as he looked up. Something on his back twitched, but Lucy couldn’t figure out what it was because the boy spoke again, “hish mah besh f’end!!”
“Ah…?” It took her a moment to figure out what the strange boy was trying to say, but it clicked a moment later, “Oh, his name is Happy? That’s cute!”
“Aye, sir! Am Happy, and that’s Natsu,” the cat- and… was it possibly a spirit? Lucy’d never met an animal that spoke except for her spirits and a few of the cattle her old guildmates stole and decided to have some fun with.
“I can’t believe I learned your name before his,” she said. “But I’m Lucy!”
“Are wu alone, wuffy? Dash shad!” Natsu gulps down a whole steak when he says that.
“How rude! I’m just waiting for my friend, but I’ve got a feeling he’s trying to steal someone’s wife again…” Lucy was pretty sure she saw Leo kneeling and kissing a woman right on her ring finger a few minutes ago.
“Aaaaaaa, okeh,” Happy drawled, and Lucy felt a sudden urge to pinch the brats cheek and stretch it as far as she could, but decided to stop herself. 
“Gwess you’w stwuck wid us!”
“Who says I’m sticking with you two here!?”
"A guild master!? Who the hell would willingly let you be the leader!"
"Hey, ya know what, I'm actually the best they've had!"
"You're the only one they've had so far! Hah, I bet you'll give up after the first pile of papers that end up on your desk!"
"Da hell would papersh beh doin on mah tebl!?"
"The fuck do you mean what they'd be doing there!? And if you spit more food on me one more time I swear to god-!"
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Leo’s been acting odd the past few days, Lucy has noticed. He was always rather flighty, and Lucy got used to it as time went on, but it seemed like it got worse somehow. So, obviously, she started investigating- well, tried to. He could be surprisingly sneaky when he wanted to, and that was absolutely fucking her over right now, and Lucy knows that her sleuthing skills are nothing to scoff at.
And yet, despite her several attempts, she seems to catch nothing but air and the swooning of random women who’ve clearly found themselves taken by his charm. Also a few men who vary from being just as charmed, or throw the closest item at her upon hearing his name come from her lips in anger.
Even Natsu seems to not know what's happened, and the city of Magnolia loves him despite the constant pile of rubble needing to be cleaned up and recycled because of him (and his guild, but it's mostly him). For them both to not hear a single word about Leo is... concerning.
She’d almost given up when Virgo mentioned a spirit who can help, and so she does.
She doesn’t like what she hears, and the entirety of Magnolia wakes to a cry that shakes their land for just a few second, but those seconds are enough to let people know something's gone horribly wrong.
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Lucy is 25, and Leo is slowly fading away. She doesn’t mean that figuratively, too, she means that as literally as she possibly can. Right in front of her eyes, Leo is crouched down with his forehead pressed against the floor and tears pouring out in waves as he slowly starts to fade into dust right before her eyes. 
She’s pressed as close as she possibly can to him, and she’s screaming out words that shake and warbles out curses as she begs him to wait just a moment longer. Her fingers go through his form and catch nothing but starlight.
She hates this, she hates the spirit king, whoever he is, and she hates the sheer audacity of this world to try and take what’s hers away all over again, and the things buried underneath her skin shimmers with rage. Unbidden, the keys strapped to her thighs start to shake and cry along with her, and though they do not come out, Lucy can feel their support anyways.
Bits of her skin split down to her very bones and glow, her nails sharpening and her very eyes turning into slits, bits of keratin bursting out of her forehead and leaving little nubs in their wake as bloods starts to drip down.
Can feel a whole new kind of power come out and her hands pull Leo close to her, and she ş̵̨̻̱͔̈́̒͆͊͝c̴̤͕̈́̒͝͝r̴̹͇̈̍ḙ̶̇̓͐́͘â̴͖m̶͕̲̝̐͒s̵͕̗̊̈́̒̚͜��.
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Lucy is 31, and she smiles as Layla Heartfilia opens her eyes.
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"Im sorry, old friend..."
The spirits mourn until they're no longer able to, and the spirit king stays in his throne in silence.
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A/N: Okay so. I know I was very very vague but I hate writing down technicalities of things except for when I've written them bullet point style, so for the most part I'll leave certain things to you guys to figure out! I willz however, make a few things in this one very clear:
Lucy figured out where the guild that caused her village's massacre is and infiltrated it. I'll leave what she did inside the guild up to the air, except for the fact it was not in any way good things, and I'll leave the goal for the guild up in the air as well. Will either be revealed at any point? Probably, yeah, but not anytime soon.
There are two things Lucy did that caused her curse; one is what she did to Leo- again, I'll leave that to you guys to imagine for a while, and the other is her reviving Layla, her mother. Well... kind of.
Also, if you see typos, haha no you don't! And in my defence, I write on mobile...!!
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erenist · 2 years
tanrım! ofisin içi resmen mini birleşmiş milletler zirvesi gibi her odada farklı milletlerden bir güruh var..
italyanlar yat projesi için, ruslar nehir gemisi için, uruguaylılar gemi satışı için, yunanlar sene sonu mutabakatı için gelmişler ben hâlâ sabah aldığım poğaçayı kemirmeye çalışıyorum..
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gundemarsivi · 2 months
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İktidarın Travma Sonrası Stresinde İnkar Ve Öfke Aşaması
✍🏻 Sinan Kemal
Travma Sonrası Stres bozukluğu yada Posttravmatik Stres bozukluğu, insan dahil tüm canlıların, büyük felaketler sonrasında (gerçi her felaket büyüktür) yaşadığı psikoloji durumudur. Bu durumun aşamaları, inkar, öfke, pazarlık, depresyon ve kabul olarak sıralanır. Bunun geri kalanını psikologlara sorarsınız. Ben inkar ve öfke aşamasından bahsedeceğim, o da siyasi olarak.
Birebir diyemeyeceğim ama kitleler, partiler, devletler ve benzeri toplumsal oluşumlarda şoklara benzer tepkiler veriyor. Önce inkar ve öfke aşamasında oluyorlar ve cahil bir topluluksalar, uzun süre o aşamada kalıyorlar. Sürekli bir inkar, sürekli bir kendini büyük görme çabasında oluyorlar. Yer yer depresyon da uzun sürüyor. Biz adam olmayız, böyle gelmiş, böyle gider söylemleri sürüp, gidiyor.
Osmanlı tarihini ele alalım. İlk büyük yenilgisi olan 1571, İnebahtı(Avrupalılar Lepanto)’dan sonra, dönemin kudretli sadrazamı Sokullu Mehmet Paşa, gerçek bir devlet adamı tepkisiyle, yakılan donanmanın yenisini yaptırmış, bunun içinde hem devlet hazinesini, hem de devlet kademesini seferber etmiştir. Tüm şehzadeler, hanedan üyeleri, şehzadeler, vezirler, valiler, kısaca tüm has ve zeamet denen büyük tımar sahipleri, büyük servet sahiplerini, devlete en az birer gemi vermesini istemiştir. Sonrasında o meşhur sözünü söylemiştir.
Biz onların kolunu (Kıbrıs’ın fethini kastediyor) kestik, onlar bizim sakalımızı tıraş etti. Kesilen sakalın yerine, yenisi daha gür çıkar ama kesilen kolun yenisi çıkmaz.
Oysa asıl kolu kesilen, Osmanlı’ydı. Osmanlı, ölü ve esir olarak kaybettiği on binlerce denizcinin yerine yenisini yetiştiremedi. Ticaret rotalarının değişmesi, mini buzul çağının ürettiği kuraklık ve seller, Celali isyanları ve benzeri olaylar yüzünden ekonomi krizde olan Osmanlı; Hint okyanusu donanması ve Tuna- İdil gibi nehirlerde savaşacak ince donanmasına önem veremedi. Yani aslında kolu kesilen Osmanlı oldu. https://onbinkitap.blogspot.com/2020/04/inebahtida-kesilen-kolumuz.html
Oysa bu zafer, Haçlı ittifakı açısından da pahalı olmuş, hatta bir ara Osmanlı kazanıyor gibi olmuştu. Osmanlı, Uluç Ali Reis önderliğinde donanmasının bir kısmını kurtarmıştı. Fakat Osmanlı, denizci bir millet olamamıştı. Tüccar bir millet de değildi Osmanlı. Ticaret büyük ölçüde gayrı Müslümlerin, çoğu kez de Yunan ve Yahudilerin işiydi. Osmanlı, dini hukuk gereği Müslüman olmayanlardan daha fazla vergi alıyor, Hristiyanların da (devşirilmesi elzem olan kalifiye kişiler dışında) Müslüman olmasını engelliyordu. Kanuni, sırf bu yüzden Balkanlarda, Millet sistemi denen düzeni kurmuştu. Sokullu Mehmet Paşa ise, istersek direklerini altından, iplerini sırımdan, yelkenlerini atlastan yaparız bu gemilerin diyerek, inkar tepkisi göstermiştir.
Oysa İnebahtı yüzünden Osmanlı, Hint filosuna önem verememiş, Endonezya’daki Açe sultanlığına gerekli yardımı gönderememiştir. İleride Rus imparatorluğu olacak Moskova knezliği ile mücadele eden Kazan ve Astargan hanlıklarına ince donanmayla (nehir donanması) yardım da gönderemedi. Yani bu yenilgi, Moskova’dan, Jakarta’ya, geniş bir dünyayı doğrudan etkiledi.
Osmanlı, bu inkar ve öfke durumunu hep sürdürdü. Uzun duraklama yılları boyunca, okul tarih kitaplarında anlatılmayan veya pek az anlatılan yenilgiler yaşadı. Girit adasının fethi ise 24 yıl sürdü. Yayla İmamı tarihi tarihi diye döneminde yazılmış bir kitap vardır. Birkaç yerde bu savaşa da değinir. Savaşa, Kalenderoğlu başta olmak üzere pek çok Celali elebaşı asker olarak gönderilir. Onlar da savaştan kaçarlar, askersiz kalan gemiler, kolayca Venediklilerin eline geçer. Böyle nice olaylar olur. Savaş daha ziyade adanı merkezindeki Kandiye şehrinin kalesinin kuşatması merkezli de olsa, Adriyatit ve Ege kıyıları da çatışma alanı olmuştur. 1939-40, Fin Sovyet savaşından sonra, rivayet odur ki Fin delegesinden bir kişi Rus delegesine, Umarım aldığınız topraklar, ölülerinizi gömmeye yeter demiştir. (Rus kayıplarını internetten siz araştırın) Aynısını Venedikliler, Osmanlı için de söyleyebilirdi. Karlofça antlaşmasına bir günde gelinmedi. Osmanlı, duraklama dönemi streslerinde (özellikle zafer gibi görünen bir yenilgi olan Haçova savaşına) inkar ve öfkeden öteye gidemedi. Sonuçta Karolfça antlaşması gümbür gümbür geldi.
Karlofça’dan sonra da Lale devri ile inkar dönemi başladı. Bu dönemim boş vermişliği ve yaşanan lüks de inkarın başka bir türüydü. Sonra bir öfke eylemi olan Patrona Halil isyanı ile sona erdi. Bu inkar dönemi, Rusların, Kafkasya’ya girmesi ve bugün adı Azerbaycan olan, İran’ın Kuzey Hazar kıyılarını ele geçirmesine sebep oldu.
İşin doğrusu Lale devrimde kabullenme de vardır. İlk defa müziğin notalara alınması, batı tarzı kesimde elbiselerin yavaş yavaş yaygınlaşması, Türk rokokosu ile mimaride batılılaşma gibi inceden pazarlık ve kabullenme başlamıştı. Ancak bu kabulleniş çok yavaş oldu. Sadece devlette değil, aydınlarda da vardı bu inkar ve öfke. Şinasi’nin tüm eserlerini içeren bir kitap elime geçti.
Şinasi, ülkemizde bugün herkesin bildiği bir isimdir çünkü ülkemizdeki ilk Türkçe tiyatro oyununu yazmış, Tazminat döneminin ilk ciddi sözlük yapıcısıdır. Bu kişinin şiirlerinde aydınlanma bekleriz. Oysa kendisi bir Skolastik ve Tasavvuf meraklısı. Şiirlerinde Newton, Farabi, Eflatın (Platon) ve El Kındi’ye laf atıyor, bunlar sırra eremez diye. Belki de Newton’dan bahseden ilk Türk ve Osmanlıdır zira daha öncesine rastlamadım. O da Newton’u hor görüyor. Birincisi o övdüğü sufilerin hepsini topla, dünyaya bu üç kişi,den herhangi birinin tırnağı kadar faydaları yoktur. Newton’u bilmem anlatmama gerek var mı? Mühendislik eğitiminde halen Newton fiziği okutulur. Akışkanlar mekaniği, statik, mekanik, aerodinamik gibi fizik alt dallarında halen Einstein fiziği yada kuantum fiziğinden çok, Newton fiziği geçerlidir (hesaplaması daha pratik diye.) Newton ayrıca son genelgeye müfredattan kaldrıılan integral dahil, pek çok matematiksel buluşun da sahibidir. Farabi, mantık ve kelamda o kadar önemli bir isimdir ki, Gazali gibi onu tekfir edenler (din dışı ilan edenler) bile, kelam ve mantıkta onun izinden gitmiştir. Mantık bilimine katkılarınan dolayı Muallim-i Sani (ikinci öğretmen, Muallim-i Evvel, yani birinci öğretmen, mantık biliminin kurucusu Aristo’dur) ünvanını almıştır. Descartes’e kadar mantık, onun izinden gitmiştir. Türk halkının adını pek bilmediği El Kındi ise, meşhur Beyt-ül Hikme’nin kucularından, ilk Arap ve İlk Müslüman filozoftur. Meşailik diye bilinen İslam Aristoculuğunun kurucularındandır. İbni Sina ve Farabi dahil tüm Meşailerin hocası sayılır ve İslam orta çağındaki önemli fizik-kimya-tıb ve matematik alanındaki tüm önemli buluş ve icatlar, meşailerin eseridir. Tasavvufçuların pozitif bilmlere katkıları sıfırdı. El kındi, tıpta İbni Sina, kelamda Farabi, matematikte Harezmi kadar önemli bir kişidir. https://onbinkitap.blogspot.com/2023/07/farabi-tipi-baskanlik-sistemine-gazali.html
O sırra eren sufiler, tasavvufçular ne yapmıştır? Medrese müfredatından mantık dahil müfredattan kaldırmıştır. (oysa Gazali, mantık olmadan hiç bir şey olmaz demiştir. Tasavvufçu medreselerin Gazali’yi okuduklarından da şüpheliyim. https://onbinkitap.blogspot.com/2020/08/gazalinin-omuzundan-atilan-tufekler.html
Gerçi bence Gazali, filozoftan çok, Şia kültürüne saldıran ve insanlara devlete itaati emreden bir propagandacıdır. https://onbinkitap.blogspot.com/2018/12/dini-inanclarimi-kaybetmem-3-imam-gazali.html
Osmanlı, meleklerin eteklerinin atlından delikli borularla bakılıyor gerekçesiyle rasathaneyi top atışlarıyla yıkmıştır. Humbaracı (havan topu) Ahmet Paşa bile bu cahilliğe hayret etmiştir. (Aslında kendisi bir Fransız soylusuydu. Müslüman olup, Osmanlı hizmetine girmişti) Medrese müderrislerine, bir üçgenin iç açılarının toplamını sormuş, üçgenine göre değişir cevabı almıştır. Bu ve benzeri cahillikler, tasavvuf sayesinde ülkede kökleşmiştir.
Şinasi’nin tek tiyatro eseri de böyle bir softalığın, toplumdaki sonuçlarını anlatır. Oyunun tam adı, Kuyruklu Yıldız Altında, Bir Şair Evlenmesi‘dir. Oyunda hem yetmiş altı yılda bir dünyamızın yakınından geçen Halley kuyruklu yıldızı üzerinden dönen kıyamet iddaları ve dedikoduları, hem de vekil ile nikah kıyma hicvedilir. Bu vekil ile nikah kıymayı bilmiyor olabilirsiniz, neyse ki untulumuş bir Osmanlı adeti. Nikahta çiftler değil de, çiftleri temsilen başka birileri ile nikah kıyılıyor, üstelik de gelinin yüzü duvakla tamamen kapalıyken. Bu numara ile kim bilir kaç çift, başka başka kişilerle evlendirildi. Oyunda da şairimiz, kızın ablası ile evlendiriliyor. Bu geleneği ilk yıkan kişi Atatürk’tür. Latife hanımla meşhur evliliğinde vekil kullanmamış, ondan cesaretle bu adet kalkmıştır. Muhtemelen artık tamamen unutulan bu adet ve oyundaki diğer cahilce alışkanlıklar, o şiirleri ile övdüğü sufilerin işiydi.
Osmanlı aydını, batı karşısındaki yenilgi travmasını yavaş yavaş kabullenmiştir. Şinasi’ye hitaben, Ben Felatun’u beğenmez ne salaklar gördüm denmiştir. Atatürk, Türklerin travmasını tam olarak kabul edip, gerçek bir çağdaşlaşma ve devrimler yapma işine girmiştir. İzmir’in kurtarılmasından sonra önceliği Türkiye’yi güçlendirmeye ayırdı.
Yenilgi, en büyük travmadır. Bu yüzden yenilginin sebeplerini tahlil etmek zordur. İngilizleri, o devasa imparatorluklarını kurmalarının değil, yıkmalarının hayranı olmuşumdur. Dünya yüz ölçümünün üçte biri ve hatta daha fazlası olan o devasa imparatorluklarını, 1945’den itibaren sürdüremeyeceklerini anlayıp, 1980’e kadar adım adım tahliye etmişlerdir. İmparatorluklarını kurarken de, deniz savaşları hariç, çok fazla kan dökmemişlerdir. Napolyon savaşları ile, birinci dünya savaşı arasında, İngilizlerin en çok ölü verdiği savaş, Güney Afrika’daki Hollanda kökenli bezaların isyanı olan Boer savaşıdır. İngilizler koca Hindistan’ı (ki o zamanların Hindistan’ına, Pakistan, Bangladeş, Nepal, Maldiv adaları, hatta Myanmar bile dahildir), ki nüfusu 20. yüzyıl başında bile yüz milyon kadardır, İngilizler bu devasa ülkeyi, daha doğrusu kıtayı, yüz bin kadar subayla yönetir, birbirine düşman kabileleri kendisine asker yapar. Ancak ikinci dünya savaşı itibarıyla, küçük ada devletlerinin bu imparatorluğu taşıyamayacağını anlamışlardır.
İngilizlerin, Türkler yada diğer düşmanları ile ilgili anlatılara bakıldığında öyle kör bir nefret yoktur. Hatta bir parça sempati duyduklarını fark edersiniz. Gerçek düşmanlık, kör bir öfke ve nefretten ibaret değildir. Düşmanı gerçekten tanımak için, ona az da olsa sempati duymalısınız. Rakibini tartan sporcu gibi, düşmanı gerçek anlamda tanımalısınız. Meşhur İngiliz soğuk kanlılığı da buradan geliyor.
CHP’nin de, genel seçim yenilgisinden on ay sonra gelen yerel seçim zaferinin ardında yenilgiyi kabullenmesi ve travmayı atlatması yatıyor. İktidar partimiz ise halen biz bitti bitmeden, bitmez, yeni anayasa, yeni müfredat derdinde. İktidarların asıl muhalefeti, yaptıkları icraatlardan oluşan hoşnutsuzluktur. İktidarın mücadele etmesi gereken muhalefet partileri değil, halkın muhalefete yönelmesine sebep olan kendi kötü icraatlarıdır. Yapması gereken icraatlarını düzeltmek yada iktidarını kime devredeceklerini tespit etmektir.
Sinan Kemal
#birşairinevlenmesi, #chp, #akp, #iktidarneyapacak, #ingilizler, #Karolfçaantlaşması, #laledevri, #osmanlınınyenilgileri, #psikoloji, #Şinasi, #siyaset, #tarih, #travma, #öfke, #felsefe
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 5 months
Bunny yes please I’m want some right now yuta fuck yes please I’m need some right now gemi me too mr monarch mini same as me too bunny alright bring the s’more
*The rest of the Mystification Demons just exchange confused looks as Brutus makes a little campfire in the middle of the main room and starts making s'mores for everyone while Uta snuggles up next to him.*
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redcliffscloset · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: M. Gemi Danza Ballet Flats Womens 10 EU 41 Leather Gray Leopard Print Square Toe.
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level999comtr · 6 months
Blox Fruits güncellemesi – Kitsune güncellemesi 21 yayınlanma zamanı
Blox Fruits güncellemesi – Kitsune güncellemesi 21 yayınlanma zamanı ••• ••• Kaynakça: https://level999.com.tr/blog/2023/12/19/blox-fruits-guncellemesi-kitsune-guncellemesi-21-yayinlanma-zamani/ ••• 14 Aralık 2023 Blox Fruits Kitsune güncellemesi 21'in yayınlanma zamanı belirlendi. Yeni Blox Fruit güncellemesi ne zaman? İster başlamak için doğru anı bekliyor olun, ister fethetmek için yeni bir içeriğe acilen ihtiyaç duyuyor olun, bir şeyin ne zaman başladığını anlamak zor olabilir. yeni Blox Fruits yaması ufukta görünüyor. Gayri resmi olarak ünlü One Piece serisine dayanan bu büyük ölçekli Roblox MMORPG, yıllardır hem korsanları hem de denizcileri ağırlıyor ve hiçbir yavaşlama belirtisi göstermiyor. Seanslarınızı güncellemelere göre zamanlayın ve zirveye giden yolda sizi destekleyecek bazı yararlı ücretsiz hediyeler kazanma olasılığınız artar. Ve eğer bir süreliğine yeni bir şey beklenmeden Blox Fruits içeriğinde bir kuraklık yaşarsak, Roblox platformunda oynanacak daha çok şey var. Tanıdık bir deneyim için King Legacy kodları her zaman kullanılabilir. Genel olarak animeyi seviyorsanız, Anime Champions Simulator kodları göz atmaya değer ve Anime Adventures kodları size saatlerce kaybedeceğiniz başka bir ikna edici MMO deneyimi sunabilir. Haydi bakalım. Bir sonraki Blox Fruits güncellemesi ne zaman? Bir sonraki Blox Fruits güncellemesi, Birleşik Krallık ve Avrupa için 14 Aralık Perşembe günü 21:00 EST / 18:00 PT veya 02:00 GMT / 03:00 CET'de 15 Aralık Cuma günü başlayacak. Bundan sonra Noel Blox Meyveleri güncellemesinin yaklaşık iki hafta sonra başlaması planlanıyor. Kesin tarih ve saat henüz açıklanmadı. Bir sonraki Blox Fruits güncellemesinde neler var? Blox Fruits 21. güncellemesi, efsanevi Kitsune meyvesinin tanıtımına odaklanıyor. 9 Aralık'ta gösterime giren yukarıdaki Blox Fruits Kistune fragmanında da bir mini mağaza güncellemesinden bahsediliyor. Noel içeriği, büyük güne daha yakın hale getirmek için birkaç hafta erteleniyor ve aynı zamanda "daha fazla gemi içeriği" de getiriyor. Blox Fruits çıkış tarihlerini güncelledi Geçmiş Blox Fruits yamalarının çıkış tarihleri ​​aşağıdadır. Bir model mevcutsa, yeni bir yamanın ne zaman geleceğini tahmin etmek açısından yararlı olabilir: Başlığı güncelle Yayın tarihi Seviye sınırı Meyve? İlk Güncelleme 16 Ocak 2019 300 Bomba, Spike, Chop, Duman, Kauçuk, Alev, Buz, Karanlık, Işık, Magma, Deprem, Buda Güncelleme 2 16 Haziran 2019 500 Phoenix, Bahar Güncelleme 3 30 Haziran 2019 650 Dize, Rumble 3.5 Güncellemesi 2 Temmuz 2019 650 Hiçbiri Güncelleme 4 7 Temmuz 2019 650 Kum Güncelleme 5 14 Temmuz 2023 750 Yer çekimi Güncelleme 6: PVP/Takımlar 28 Temmuz 2019 750 Alev, Buz, Işık, Magma yenilemeleri Güncelleme 7 11 Ağustos 2019 750 Pati Güncelleme 8: Yeni Dünya 23 Kasım 2019 1000 Bariyer Güncelleme 9: Telif Hakkıyla Mücadele 25 Aralık 2019 1100 Hamur Güncelleme 10 17 Nisan 2020 1250 Kontrol Güncelleme 11: Uyanış 10 Temmuz 2020 1250 Alev, Buz, Deprem Uyandı Güncelleme 12: Cadılar Bayramı 21 Ekim 2020 1350 Işık, Karanlık Uyanmış Güncelleme 13: Noel 23 Aralık 2020 1450 Ejderha, İp (Uyanmış) Güncelleme 14 20 Mart 2021 1525 Rumble Uyandı Güncelleme 15: Üçüncü Deniz 11 Eylül 2021 2000 Zehir, Döndürme, Kapı, Kilo, Elmas, Aşk, Şahin, Magma (Uyanmış), Buda (Uyanmış) Güncelleme 16: Cadılar Bayramı 5 Kasım 2021 2100 Gölge, Canlandır Güncelleme 17: Noel Pt. 1 31 Aralık 2021 2200 Ruh, Kum (Uyanmış) Güncelleme 17: Bölüm 2 12 Mart 2022 2300 Phoenix (Uyanmış) Güncelleme 17: Bölüm 3 10 Eylül 2022 2400 Leopar, Hamur (Uyanmış) Güncelleme 17: Bölüm 3.5 26 Aralık 2022 2450 kar fırtınası Güncelleme 18, Yarış V4 Ocak 2023 2450 Hiçbiri Güncelleme 19 25 Şubat 2023 2450 Aşk (yeniden çalışma) Güncelleme 20 21 Ekim 2023 2550 Mamut, Ses, Roket, Canlandırma (yeniden çalışma) Güncelleme 21 14 Aralık 2023 2550 (?) Kitsune Blox Meyveleri Noel 2023 28 Aralık 2023 (ipucu) ? “daha ​​fazla tekne içeriği” Halen mevcut Blox Fruits seviye sınırına ulaşmak için çalışıyorsanız özel Blox Fruits seviyelendirme kılavuzumuza göz atın. EXP'yi hızlı bir şekilde nerede toplayacağınız konusunda sizi doğru yöne yönlendirecektir. Ve bu yeni meyve için biraz daha Beli'ye ihtiyacınız varsa, aktif Blox Fruits kodlarını da kaçırıp kaçırmadığınızı kontrol edin. Tetiği çekmeden önce Blox Fruits katman listemizi mutlaka okuyun. Kaynak: pcgamesn
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gamerbulten · 7 months
Battlefield 6'nın sızdırılan son görüntüleri, savaşan bir şehirde yakın gelecekteki araçları gösteriyor USS Battlefield 6 çok sızdıran b...
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anaokulumalzemeleri · 10 months
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ahşap oyun parkı
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newswvn · 1 year
[Review] Các tinh linh của Lucy Heartfilia gồm những ai?
Lucy Heartfilia trong Fairy Tail là một Pháp sư Celestial. Cô ấy sở hữu rất nhiều chìa khóa dùng để triệu hồi các tinh linh từ Celestial Spirit World. Đối với những tinh linh mà Lucy đã ký khế ước, cô ấy có thể kêu gọi họ và mượn phép thuật cũng như sức mạnh từ họ. Hãy cùng News-W tìm hiểu về các tinh linh của Lucy Heartfilia trong bài viết sau!
Capricorn là một tinh linh có hình dáng giống con người nhưng khuôn mặt là của một con dê. Capricorn rất tôn trọng quan điểm phép thuật bắt nguồn từ tình yêu của Lucy. Trí tuệ và kỹ năng giảng dạy của anh ấy được chứng minh là rất có giá trị trong số các tinh linh của Lucy Heartfilia khi anh ấy giúp Lucy nâng cấp khả năng phép thuật của mình. 
Capricorn là một tinh linh thông thái
Bạn trai của Aquarius, Scorpio là một người tốt bụng và đáng tin cậy, có một tính cách “nổi bần bật”. Sau khi Angel bị đánh bại, Scorpio chọn Lucy làm chủ nhân tiếp theo của mình. Scorpio sử dụng phép thuật cát, là một trợ giúp rất lớn cho các cuộc tấn công tầm xa. Anh ta có thể sử dụng cái đuôi giống bò cạp của mình để tấn công đối thủ.
Tinh linh Gemini là một cặp song sinh, có tên lần lượt là Gemi và Mini. “Piri-piri” là câu cửa miệng của hai người này. Chính lòng trắc ẩn của Lucy đối với những tinh linh đã khiến cặp song sinh phản bội chủ nhân của họ và chuyển sang ký khế ước với Lucy. Phép thuật của họ là sao chép ngoại hình và phép thuật của người khác.
Cặp song sinh Gemini đáng yêu
Taurus là một tinh linh có thân hình cao, vạm vỡ và giống như một đô vật với chiếc quần sịp thắt lưng. Taurus là một chiến binh đáng sợ, nhưng tinh linh này đôi khi cũng có những hành động khá biến thái. Mặc dù có thân thể khổng lồ nhưng Taurus rất nhanh nhẹn và linh hoạt. Nhờ đó anh ta có thể dễ dàng vượt qua kẻ thù của mình.
Cancer có ngoại hình giống một thợ cắt tóc và anh ta cũng rất quan tâm đến mái tóc của mình. Vũ khí của Cancer là một cây kéo, anh ta sử dụng tốc độ và cây kéo của mình để tấn công đối thủ. Cancer có thể cắt trụi tóc của đối thủ cũng như khiến họ mọc tóc lại.
Cancer là một tay kéo cừ khôi
Sagittarius là một người bắn cung, mặc trang phục giống ngựa. Anh ta rất tôn trọng người nắm giữ chìa khóa của mình và luôn thực hiện mọi mệnh lệnh tốt nhất có thể. Ngay cả khi Lucy coi anh ta là bạn, anh ta vẫn tiếp tục nói chuyện với sự lịch sự với cô. Anh ấy có kỹ năng bắn cung tốt và cực kỳ nhanh nhẹn khi tấn công.
Aries là một tinh linh rất nhút nhát. Mặc dù rất tôn trọng và trung thành với Lucy, nhưng cô ấy thường tỏ ra sợ hãi cô ấy bởi vì ám ảnh từ chủ nhân cũ. Mặc dù tính cách có vẻ nhút nhát nhưng cô ấy rất mạnh mẽ khi phải chiến đấu tay đôi. Năng lực phép thuật của Aries là khiến đối thủ cảm thấy ảo giác về sự thoải mái.
Aries là một cô nàng tinh linh nhút nhát, dễ thư��ng
Virgo thay đổi ngoại hình dựa trên sở thích của chủ nhân hiện tại. Yêu cầu trừng phạt là một trong những đặc điểm đáng yêu của cô ấy trong suốt anime. Là một thiếu nữ, cô ấy trung thành và vâng lời chủ nhân của mình, thường gọi Lucy là “hime” (công chúa). Kỹ năng phép thuật của cô ấy là điều khiển đất.
Aquarius có tạo hình là một nàng tiên cá với màu xanh lam là màu đặc trưng của cô ấy và cầm một chiếc bình đựng rượu. Aquarius được đánh giá là Lucy Heartfilia tinh linh phục mạnh nhất. Aquarius không biết Lucy sẽ triệu tập cô ấy ở đâu và vào những ngày nào, vì cô ấy có nhiều việc quan trọng hơn phải làm, chẳng hạn như dành thời gian cho bạn trai của cô ấy, Scorpio. 
Sức mạnh của Aquarius liên quan đến nước
Leo, còn được gọi là Loke, là một tay ăn chơi tán tỉnh, nhưng quan trọng hơn, anh ta là thủ lĩnh của 12 Tinh linh Thiên giới. Cố gắng cứu lấy linh hồn đồng loại của mình, Leo đã đến thế giới loài người. Trái tim trong sáng và tinh thần hiệp nghĩa của Lucy đã thu hút Leo. Anh và Lucy đối xử với nhau như bạn bè. Sức mạnh của Leo là  ma thuật ánh sáng.
10 tinh linh kể trên là các tinh linh của Lucy Heartfilia, ngoài ra còn 2 tinh linh khác là Pisces và Libra. Khi sử dụng chìa khóa tinh linh của Lucy, các tinh linh này sẽ xuất hiện và giúp đỡ cô. Họ vừa là người phục vụ vừa là những người bạn đồng hành không thể thiếu với Lucy.
Bài viết [Review] Các tinh linh của Lucy Heartfilia gồm những ai? đã xuất hiện tại News-W
source https://news-w.com/cac-tinh-linh-cua-lucy-heartfilia/
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Your Gods and dresses AU sounds amazing. Do you have more headcanons about Ultear in it? 👀
I’m so happy you’re interested!
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Lady Ultear is a calm and caring goddess, who, while she does not care for fighting, is always dressed for battle
Lady Ultear is one of the twelve Pillars of the Gods—A pillar is one of the physical representations of the Heavens and are the only gods that can reincarnate
She is also known as Lady Fate, for she can see into the future using her magic crystal she carries
She spends the majority of her time in the Celestial realm, only going to the living world when needed
Despite being a goddess, Lady Ultear is shown to be quite generous towards her living followers — Granting many wishes and prayers
She willingly accepts any wandering and troubled spirit, useful or not, and adds them to her family (granting them a body and a home until they are ready to travel to the Underworld)
She is close confidant of Lord Zeref and Lord Jellal
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When angered, Lady Ultear’s body begins to crack the worse her anger gets
Not to fear, she is rarely angered to this extent
These cracks represent the destruction of time itself when gods go to war
The more spirits she houses in her name, the more cracks will spread over her body when angered
Lady Ultear is like a mother to her protectors, Gemi and Mini, and takes them with her everywhere she goes
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Gemini is a pair of human twins with light blue hair and blue eyes
Gemi (boy) and Mini (girl) both have two hair strands standing at the top of their heads, reminiscent of the antennae they have in their spirit forms
Gemi and Mini also wear the same outfit, consisting of a black robe with a light blue edge that covers their bodies from their neck to the knees
Around them float golden rings with their names written on them in Hiragana
They also wear sandals with thick heels that are the same color as the edge of their robes
Gemi and Mini are Lady Ultear’s protectors, spirits who have swore their existence for their respected god/goddess
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