#gejsgjsga this was so fun to read honestly-
l3viat8an · 1 year
ok so uhm this ramble is supposed to be a post (im still gonna post it☝🏽) but i js wanted to share this w u also bc when i was doing my research i was like “hey that one levi mf on tumblr might think this is cool” so like if you wanna read this pls be my guest 🙌🏽 if not its ok bc its lowkey long n shit ✍🏽
 so im drawing levi right, and i was giving him fish features bc duh. but then i was like wait..i don’t know anything about fish 😦 you cant accurately draw him with fish features if you don't know how Nevi wtf are you doing!! so i got to researching about different fish and trying to find one that would suit him bc we cant do my man Levi dirty. The first thing i found was this lil mf
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cool right☝🏽if you dont know this is a Royal Gramma/Gramma Loreto ☝🏽🤓 and i was like this suits Levi so well, look at the colors 🙀 but wait, whats this other fish image that popped up next to it??  its royal grammas cousin the Royal Dottyback/pseudochromis paccagnelae 🤓 (they aren’t actually cousins or maybe they are ion know i aint a fish 🤷🏽)
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they look a bit similar, but the difference that stood out to me the most was that the dottyback has BLUE eyes instead, which is perfect because Levis design has blue🙏🏽. I decided to do more research on these fish specifically because i think they make a lot of sense for levi personally and i found this handy dandy lil comparison chart 🤗
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“wow Nevi these fish are so cool theyre perfect for Levi!” i know im a genius!/sar. i mix and matched some different physical traits from each fish to give Levi, like the dottybacks eyes, the grammas colors/patterns, etc. im not done drawing him yet ofc but i wanted to uhm share this bc i thought it was pretty neat. I think hed be one of these if he was a fish fr. Anyways thank you sm for coming, meeting adjourned 🧑🏽‍⚖️ hits my hammer on the thing 
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(also if you’re interested in seeing the drawing when im done then lmk aha)
Kinda feelin’ proud to be ‘that one levi mf on tumblr’ gsjsgsjsh
And I do love this!!! Like holy crap- this is the type of shit I would do, deep diving random facts for fics I never post lmfao
Mixing the fish to get the perfect little details is so big brained- omggg thank you for sharing! 🙇🏼‍♀️
(and I would LOVE to see it if/when you post it! Like absolutely!!)
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