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kisanofindia · 1 year ago
Millets Products: कैसे बेटी की बीमारी ने मिलेट्स प्रॉडक्ट्स बनाने में दिखाई राह? GEGGLE की कहानी एक मां की ज़ुबानी
2022 में शुरू किया startup, बनाई मार्केट में जगह
इन दिनों हर कोई मिलेट्स प्रॉडक्ट्स को बढ़ावा देने में जुटा हुआ है। मिलेट्स प्रॉडक्ट्स को लोग हाथों हाथ ले रहे हैं। मिलेट्स प्रोडक्ट बनाने वाली एक ऐसी ही कंपनी है GEGGLE.
देश के हर कोने में मिलेट्स अभियान चल रहा है। प्रधानमंत्री के मिलेट्स को बढ़ावा देने की अपील के बाद सब इसी कोशिश में जुटे हैं कि कैसे मिलेट्स उत्पादों को घर-घर तक पहुंचाया जाए, ताकि लोगों की सेहत दुरुस्त रहे और किसान खुशहाल रहें। पिछले एक साल में कई कंपनियां सामने आई हैं जो मिलेट्स प्रॉडक्ट्स बना रही हैं और उनके उत्पाद लोकप्रिय भी हो रहे हैं।
ऐसी ही एक कंपनी है उत्तराखंड की GEGGLE, जिसे खड़ा किया है गुरप्रीत कौर ने। इस कंपनी की शुरुआत कैसे हुई और कंपनी क्या-क्या प्रॉडक्ट्स बनाती हैं इस बारे में गुरप्रीत ने विस्तार से बात की किसान ऑफ इंडिया के संवाददाता सर्वेश बुन्देली से।
बेटी की बीमारी ने दिखाई राह 
GEGGLE कंपनी की संस्थापक गुरप्रीत इसकी शुरुआत के बारे में बताते हुए कहती हैं, उनकी बेटी को सीलिएक नाम की बीमारी है, जिसमें पीड़ित को ग्लूटेन से एलर्जी होती है। इसलिए पिछले 12-13 सालों से वो बेटी को ग्लूटेन फ़्री डाइट (Gluten-Free Diet) दे रही हैं। उनका कहना है कि ऐसी चीज़ें आसानी से मिलती नहीं है और मिलती भी हैं तो बहुत महंगी होती हैं और स्वाद भी अच्छा नहीं होता। इसलिए उन्होंने सोचा क्यों न अपनी बेटी की तरह ही और दूसरे बच्चों के लिए कुछ हेल्दी बनाया जाए।
ऐसे बच्चे जिन्हें गेहूं या दूसरे तरह के अनाज से एलर्जी है, उनके लिए मिलेट्स प्रोडक्ट बनाने का आइडिया आया। सितंबर 2022 में उन्होंने GEGGLE की शुरुआत की।
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GEGGLE नाम के पीछे की कहानी
गुरप्रीत ने अपनी कंपनी का नाम GEGGLE ही क्यों रखा। इस बारे में उनका कहना है कि उनका और उनके पति दोनों का नाम G से शुरू होता है और उनकी एक बेटी का नाम भी G से शुरू होता है, जबकि दूसरे बेटी के नाम में EE और L है, तो इस तरह से सबके नाम के इनिशियल लेटर से मिलकर बना है GEGGLE।
कौन-कौन से उत्पाद बनाती है कंपनी और क्या है ख़ासियत?
गुरप्रीत कौर ने बताया कि उनकी कंपनी कई तरह के प्रॉडक्ट्स बनाती है। इसमें चपाती आटा काफ़ी मशहूर है। इसे उन्होंने भाभा एटोमिक रिसर्च सेंटर मुंबई के साथ मिलकर बनाया है। इस आटे की ख़ासियत ये है कि इसकी रोटी गेहूं के आटे की तरह ही बनती है। इसके साथ ही कंपनी इडली मिक्स, मिसी रोटी आटा, सूजी रिप्लेसर जो सोरगम से बना है, जैसे उत्पाद भी बेच रही हैं। इनकी ख़ासियत ये है कि ये सभी उत्पाद ग्लूटेन फ़्री हैं।
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विदेशियों को भी भाया ब्रेड का स्वाद
गुरप्रीत बताती हैं कि वो मल्टीग्रेन आटे के साथ ही कई तरह की कुकीज़, केक, ब्रेड आदि भी बनाती हैं। उनका ब्रेड ख़ासतौर पर लोगों को बहुत पसंद आ रहा है। यहां तक कि विदेशियों को भी इसका स्वाद बहुत भा रहा है। यही नहीं गुरप्रीत का कहना है कि उनकी कंपनी डायटिशियन के साथ मिलकर कस्टमाइज़्ड आटे बनाती हैं।
यानी किसी को अगर किसी ख़ास तरह के अनाज से एलर्जी है तो उस अनाज की जगह दूसरे अनाज का आटा बनाकर दिया जाता है। अपने बिज़नेस क��� बढ़ाने और ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा लोगों तक मिलेट्स को पहुंचाने के लिए वो ऑर्डर पर कुल्चा, समोसा, जलेबी, मोमोज़, सेलिब्रेशन केक जैसी चीज़ें भी बनाती हैं।
और पढ़ें.....
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dawktrap · 2 years ago
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Idk bitch just looks tired Geggls Joheey, the Great Juggalor
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parudy · 1 year ago
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botwandtotknpcs · 5 months ago
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Chork is a stable hand at Tabantha Bridge Stable.
In Breath of the Wild, he can be found inside the stable drinking something. Unclear if it's alcohol or not.
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He tells us about the blood moon shrine pedestal over at Washa's Bluff. Chork and Geggle seem to be friends, since they checked it out together.
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You can tell Chork about the shrine after you complete that quest.
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In Tears of the Kingdom, he seems to have more purpose. He's taken to taking care of the stable's white goats. Princess Zelda visited at some point, and she made quite the impression on him.
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He tried to feed the goats whole Hylian pine cones, which they didn't like. Continuing the quest has us tracking down the goats by following a trail of pine cones.
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After the quest, he goes back to the stable with the goats. When we talk to him, he's very thankful.
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I'm glad he seems happier about life.
He also always wears a purple scarf along with his uniform. I wonder if it has significance to him.
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His resting face always looks sad and bored in both games, no matter if his dialogue is happy or not.
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totkdaily · 1 year ago
Day 11: Distractions at Tabantha Bridge Stable
I realise suddenly that the figures in the shrine that grant the Lights of Blessing must be King Rauru and Queen Sonia.
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I’m not really sure what to do with that information, except if they founded Hyrule that implies that they predate the Sheikah, and therefore the shrines I’m used to.  
A Zonai Steward greets me as I exit the shrine. Apparently Courage Island, here, was once a ritual site. The dive I undertook was a ceremony to prove courage, by which Zonai youth would come of age. The Steward wishes me to undertake it again. I don’t really want to linger here, but there's an outfit in it for me. The course must be completed in 35 seconds. I do it in 23.66. The record is 20. I do it in 20.50. 
I'm loathe to leave it unsurmounted, but I need the Zonai charges I'm giving the steward for each attempt to upgrade my gear. Besides, I need to head to Rito Village.
One more. 
Alright, time to go. 
I glide to the peak of Mount Rhoam, and find that guy from Castle Town trying to put up another Hudson sign. Addison. I prop his sign up with a couple of boulders and he gives me 20 rupees, a meal and a puffshroom. Depending on how many signs this guy has, this could be very profitable for me.
I glide south down the mountain and find a korok, a shrine, and below a stable. Makurukis Shrine, and Tabantha Bridge Stable. There's another korok on the roof. 
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Ena at the stable says they're suffering from lack of visitors while that snowstorm sits on Hebra. Her mother, Banji, is talking to a Rito named Bedoli. Merchants can't reach Rito Village, so she's come to fetch some supplies from the Stable - sounds like they're using it as an intermediary point. 
I drop down into the well in curiosity, to find a person inside - Fera. I tell her that I, too, am a well enthusiast. She says there are 58 wells in Hyrule, and she'll give me 10 rupees for every one I find. Sounds profitable. She's headed to Lookout Landing, so I can find her there if I need to. 
As I ascend out of the tunnel, I can see both Hyrule Castle and Death Mountain across the plain.
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In the evening light, the Mountain's eruption is the same colour as the Gloom spilling out from beneath the castle. I feel suddenly sure that the eruption is not natural, and think of my Goron friends. I can't be everywhere at once. But I should go there soon. 
From the perspective of the stable, that pillar of cloud isn't over Rito Village - it's over Hebra's peak.
It was cold enough last time I was there. What there is above Rito Village is a waterfall that disappears into nowhere - inexplicable. Another effect of the Upheaval?
Veria at the stable is reading the newspaper - apparently a Great Fairy at Woodland Stable has retreated into her flower bud. That doesn't sound good... That was where those Bubbulfrog guys are - two reasons to head there at some point. I feel like my tasks are piling up. I need to move faster. 
Geggle is looking at a drawing of a monster on the wall of the stable, and says it’s rumoured to be lurking somewhere in Hyrule.
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He says Zelda was seen travelling with it, which piques my interest. Where on earth could that be? I'm being pulled in so many directions. 
I'm about to head to bed when I spot a korok on the hill. Its friend is so far away. I fetch Peaches.
Even with a wagon, it's 2.30am before I head out in the direction of Rito Village. I don’t care that it’s an unwise time to travel. I need to move. 
Addison's putting up a sign on the other side of the bridge, so I give him a quick hand before I head on.
And down the slope from him is a Rito, Ornest, and a Goron, Tabult. They've got a training routine which involves flinging rocks at each other. Figures. It costs 20 rupees to have a go, but I get 50 for getting 17 points. 
Enough. I can’t help getting distracted, but I need to go. 
It's dawn before I get back on the road.
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shitmetatronsays · 2 years ago
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annyllel · 2 years ago
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Sounds kinda depressing. If you had your youth, would you investigate shrines? ‘Cause if so, you’re not doing a bad job of it now.
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pseudotwili · 4 years ago
Tabantha Bridge Stable ~ a BotW fan fiction
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After hanging around Tabantha Bridge Stable, I wrote this story for Breath of the Wild’s fourth anniversary. I know it’s a bit late, but it took me longer than I thought to write it and I clearly didn’t start soon enough on it.
The first time Banji saw him, he hardly had a stitch of clothing and he was afoot. A stranger to her then, he would become quite familiar to her and the rest of her family. Here follows the (mis)adventures of a crazy traveler-hero as they relate to the inhabitants of Tabantha Bridge Stable.
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zoned-zero · 2 years ago
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me and a bunch of friends got together tonight to compile a list of things Geara has been called (in general and in Timebreak) AND THE RESULTS ARE . making me cry quite frankly
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omegatomato · 6 years ago
reblog & put an inside joke in the tags
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scotianostra · 4 years ago
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Heilan Coo in situ
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queersrus · 2 years ago
Breath Of The Wild Theme
names for characters from the legend of zelda; breath of the wild!
ak, akk, akka, akkal, akkala, aya, au, aug, al, ali, aliz, aliza, ash, ashe, ax, axy, axyl, aj, aji, akra, akrah, achne, ardin, ashai, aurie, ariane, amali, ami, agus, amira, aster azu, armes, anly,
bad, badd, baddek, bam, bamb, bambo, bamboo, ban, banji, bau, baum, bauma, baumar, bay, bayg, bayge, bee, beed, beedle, bol, bols, bolson, bri, brig, brigo, bai, baij, ben, benn, benny, bo, bosh, bot, botr, bore, botri, botric, botrick, bran, branli, blad, bladon boh, bohr, bohri, bohrin, bold, boldon, bree, breen, bar, barg, bargo, bargoh, blu, blud, bludo, blynne, barta, benja, babi bertri, bozai, bulia, buliara, bedoli, bazz, brokka, bugut,
cam, camb, cambo, chab, chabi, cho, chor, chork, chu, chum, chumi, chumin, chi, chiga, cal, cala, calam, calami, calamity, can, cann, canni, chuk, chuki, chio, calisa, caly, calyban, cara, canolo, cree, cecili, cleff, celessa, calip, clavia, chessica, cloyne, cima, cotera, cado, claree, cottla,
dab, dabi, da, dah, dmi, dmit, dmitr, dmitre, dmitri, dai, daim, drak, dug, dugby, damia, daz, dillie, dalia, danda, deltan, dina, dorrah, danton, dento, dunma, dorephan, dantz, darton, domidak, dorian,
en, end, enda, endai, ep, epo, epon, epona, et, ets, etsu, el, eld, eldi, eldin, essa, estan, emry, eryck,
far, faro, faroh, farosh, fy, fys, fyso, fyson, fi, fin, finn, fu, fugo, faron, fegran, frelly, frita, furosa, flaxel, falmark, finley, fronk, flavi,
gof, gofla, goflam, grey, greyson, gray, grayson glee, gleem, gleema, gran, grant, grante, glen, glend, glendo, gan, gano, ganon, got, gott, gottr, gottre, gotter, gom, goma, gomar, gai, gail, gaile, gale, gon, gong, gongur, gonguro, gonguron, gor, gora, gorae, grap, grapp, goro, goron, gar, gars, garsh, garshon, gartan, greta, guy, galli, geggle, genli, gesane, gruve, gaddison, garill, garini, giro,
hy, hyr, hyre, hyru, hyrule, hyl, hyle, hyli, hylia, hylian, hee, heehl, hes, hest, hestu, hud, huds, hudso, hudson, hesh, hesho, hag, hagi, hagie, hun, hunn, hunni, hunnie, hoz, hai, hait, haite, hal, halan, harlow, harry, harth, huck, hino,
ita, isha, izra, ivee, impa,
jan, jana, janna, jer, jeri, jerr, jerri, jerrin, ja, jen, jengo, jini, jora, jules, juan, juanne, juanne, juannelle, jogo, juney, jiahto, joute,
kab, kabe, kabet, kabett, kabette, kabetta, kan, kann, kanny, kap, kaps, kapso, kapson, kar, karso, karson, kas, kass, ken, keny, kenyo, ki, kil, kilt, kilto, kilton, ka, kah, kai, kaif, kaifa, ke, ke'nai, kash, kasho, kat, kato, katos, katosa, khi, khin, khini, kin, king, ko, kor, kori, korima, keh, korb, korba, korbah, kal, kala, kaso, kaa, kaam, kata, katah, katt, katta, kon, konba, kair, kairo, karsh, kay, kayr, kayre, kayra, kim, kima, kish, krane, ketoh, korok, kula, konora, kyra, kalani, kohm, kotta, kachoo, kaysa, kheel, kotts, kaneli, kayden, keye, kodah, karin, koyin, kiana, kinov, kampo, koko,
li, lin, link, lee, leek, leeka, leekah, lar, laro, larob, laroba, lon, lonn, lonni, lonnie, lat, lata, latan, loone, lukan, laine, lashley leena, liana, lorn lyn, lynd, lyndae, lester, laissa, ledo, laflat, laruta, lawdon, letty, leop, lasli,
me, mee, meesh, meeshy, meg, megh, meghen, meghan, meghyn, mei, mil, mils, mi, min, mina, miph, mipha, mis, misk, misko, mae, mael, mog, mogg, moggs, mo, mon, mona, monar, monari, mony, monya, my, myt, myti, mij, mija, mijah, may, mayr, mayro, mir, mirr, mirro, molo, maca, mala, malanya, makure malena, marta, merina, muava, maike, maypin, moza, mary, monkton, modar, molli, mazli, misa, marot, muzu, mimos, manny medda, mubs, mimo, magda, mellie,
nat, nay, nayd, naydr, nadre, naydre, nadra, naydra, naz, nazbi, nad, nadd, naddo, naddon, neil, ni, nim, nima, nobo, nam, namu, namut, nami, namik, namika, noy, noya, neha, natie, nali, nellie, nobiro, nott, notts, nekk, nack, narah, nebb, nikki, numar, nanna,
om, oma, oman, owa, oz, ozz, ooh, offra, offrak, ozu, ozun, ozund, ozunda, oak, oaky, oaki, onya, olu, oliff, olkin, ollie,
pel, peli, pelis, peliso, pelison, pi, pika, pikan, pikang, pikango, pit, pita, pitar, plat, plate, platea, plateau, par, parc, parce, parcy, percy, py, pyle, peeks, pepp, padok, perosa, phanna, pokki, padda, pasha, pearle, ploka, pritana, pyra, palme, piaffe, pirou, pondo, ponthos, pedra, prima, pruce, purah, prissen, paya,
qua, quince,
reg, rega, regan, rev, reva, reval, revali, rho, rhon, rhond, rhonds, rhondso, rhondson, ri, rik, ron, ronn, rex, ru, rul, ruli, rob, robb, robbi, robbie, rudi, rhoa, rhoam, roh, roht, rohta, ruv, ruvo, rot, rota, rok, roke, rokee, ray, raym, russ, ram, rame, ramel, ramell, ramella, ro, rog, roga, rogar, rogaro, roha, rohan, roscoe, riju, reez, reeza, rima, risa, roma, romah, rotana, ripp, ropsten, raegah, rivan, ralera, reede, rhodes, rozel, rensa, rola,
sav, save, savel, savell, savelle, sher, sherf, sherfi, sherif, sherfin, sho, sor, sorel, sorrel, soreli, sorelia, spoon, spoone, si, sido, sidon, shaka, shakah, stam, stamm, sea, saas, shi, shir, shira, sham, shama, shamae, shor, shore, shora, shae, spri, sprinn, straia, suzum suzuna, shabonne, strade, sud, sudrey, saula, smaude, spera sumati, shaillu, sesami, selmie, saki, seggin, satty, spinch, sayge, sefaro, seldon, sophie, senna, symin, sebasto, sagessa, shay, shibo, steen,
tor, torr, tore, toren, tot, tots, totsu, totsun, totsune, totsuna, ty, tye, ten, tenn, tenne, tu, tut, tuts, tutsu, tutsuwa, tar, tarr, tarry, tarre, tarrey, tom, toma, tof, toff, toffa, tro, trot, trott, toh, tan, tank, tanko, tray, tash, tasho, tali, tera, tauma, teake, traysi, teba, tulin, tona, tottika, tula, torfeau, trello, tumbo, teli, tamana, teebo, thad, tokk, tasseren, trissa,
urb, urbo, urbos, urbosa, uma,
vol, volc, volco, volcon, villa, varke, verla,
walton, wabbin, worten,
yam, yamm, yammo, yo, yow, yowa, yowak, yowaka, yahsa, yu, yun, yuno, yunobo, yaido, yolero,
ze, zel, zeld, zelda, zy, zyl, zyle, zu, zum, zumo, zuna, zal, zalt, zalta, zo, zor, zoro, zoron, zorona, zooki, zumi, zuta.
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melonkind · 8 years ago
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sketch commission for @tempogecko !! He’s proud of his smol friend
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ask-the-richmond-newsies · 6 years ago
Also, I’m making playlists on Spotify for sheets and geggles, so if there’s a particular song that reminds you of a certain character/ship lemme know and I’ll give it a listen! :) Thanks!
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junkyardbluebox · 6 years ago
The Wheel of Ice
An amusing excerpt from this book that I wanted to share...
There is a point where Two, Jamie and Zoe end up staying at this character Jo’s (she’s a mayor or something to that effect at the Wheel of Ice) house. Zoe ends up rooming with her daughter Phee, the young brainiac girl, while Jamie rooms with her 19-year-old son Sam. Jamie goes up to his room and finds it decorated much like you’d expect from an angsty teenage boy with loud music blaring.
The din was loud. Jamie called, ‘D’ye mind to turn yon box doon a wee bit?’
No reply.
Jamie set his fists on his hips and leaned over. ‘Ah said, will ye turn yon box doon? And it wid be nice tae have a bit o’ LIGHT in here!”
To his surprise, as he yelled the word ‘light’, a bright white glow flooded the room, from tubes set in the ceiling. Now Jamie could see that the floor was covered with discarded clothes and other junk.
He looked Jamie over. He looked jealous as he took in the traveller’s kilt and tunic, and especially the knife at his waist. But he said with a sneer, 'What did YOU come as? This is my room. Get lost, granddad.’
Jamie loomed over him. ‘Aw, now you jest shut yer geggle. First off it’s OUR room for now, because yer mam says so. And second off, I’m no grandda’. How old are you?’
Reluctantly, Sam said, ‘Nineteen.’
‘Aye, well, I’m no’ much older, so ye call me grandda’ again and I’ll larrup ye. Pleased to meet yer by the way. I’m Jamie.’ He glanced around the room. ‘Messy scamp, aren’t ye?’
There’s also a cute part where it turns out Sam plays music and made his own harp, and Jamie plays a Jacobite marching song on it. He even asks Sam if there are any bagpipes around, expressing interest in playing with him and his friends.
I recommend this book if you haven’t read it yet. The characterizations are great. Jamie is adorable in this so far.
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exceptionally-stupid · 3 years ago
Wlws will be so funny in expressing how much they don’t like men. Like they’ll say shit like
“Absolutely NO man has a moanable name ’cuz they’re all named shit like Graham😬😬 Geggle❌❌ Brumpton🤢🤢 Aaron!🤮🤮 Meanwhile every single girl’s name is moanable because they’re all named like Persephone🥰🥰 Astoria💗💗 Ionia✨✨ Erin😍😍”
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