#gege said outright that Geto worked his ASS off to ensure that not only were they fed clothed and sheltered but COMFORTABLY so
lunerabo · 4 months
You know what kinda irks me?
The fact that I have seen countless fanarts of Gojo reuniting with Geto in the afterlife, where he’s all sad because he was supposed to not die that early, or he was supposed to go north, etc, and it’s great. But I have yet to see even one where Mimiko and Nanako reunite with Geto in the afterlife.
I don’t think anyone needs reminding that the entire reason for his betrayal was for the girls (sure, it had already been building up, but meeting them was ultimately the catalyst). It literally doesn’t even matter what type of love he had for Gojo, because the fact that he did it at all proved that the type of love he had for the girls was stronger. We can’t praise Geto for having ‘fathered so hard he mothered’ without directly acknowledging that someone really did have to put Mimiko and Nanako through school. Someone had to help them with homework at the dinner table. Someone had to schedule their dentist appointments. Someone had to take them clothes shopping. Someone had to buy them their first cell phones. Who could that possibly have been, other than Geto? How could anyone have become more important after that?
Sure, the dead satosugu art is nice and angsty and all, but I think it would be far more devastating to see Geto meeting his daughters again after their deaths.
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