#gdi now i need a tag for the crossover
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I have more of these btw. I've been put in a chokehold
#kai wont shut up#ts draws bb#zelda posting#sofia posting#gdi now i need a tag for the crossover#ill make one up later#sofia the first#twilight princess link#THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER DRAWN A WOLF#ghost dont look#<- technically its a wolf not a dog but!!! just to be safe#THIS ISNT A SHIP BTW I WISH TO MAKE THAT VERY CLEAR#SHE IS ANOTHER CHILD HE BABYSITS LIKE THE ORDON CHILDREN
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Fanfic Authors Tag Game
Tagged by: @princeescaluswords and @clotpolesonly
Tagging: why are half my friends already tagged gdi @athingofvikings, @liveandletrain, @demonzdust, @faiasakura, and anybody who sees this and wants to do it but I forgot to tag because my brain is currently melting
AO3 Name: Nyxelestia
Fandoms: 14 (that I’ve written for)
Number of fics: While I’m sure at least half are the same story cross-posted across multiple platforms... 84 on AO3, 45 on LJ, and 86 on FFN,
Fic you spent the most time on: Winter Wolves/Frost Bite at this point
Fic you spent the least time on: No idea, probably one of my drabbles?
Longest Fic: Frost Bite, 141k and still WIP
Shortest Fic: Welcome Home, 100 words, drabble
Most Hits: Frost Bite (next most hits after Frost Bite is Talking Cure)
Most Kudos: Besides Frost Bite and Talking Cure, since they were already mentioned, it is much to my surprise Tear the Lies Asunder, my Merlin fic.
Most Comment Threads: Also after Frost Bite and Talking Cure, it is to my even greater surprise my Spider-Man Homecoming fic Crash Landing
Favorite Fic You Wrote: Besides some already-mentioned fics, it would have to be my Young Avengers/MCU crossover, Children’s Crusade
Fic You Want to Rewrite/Expand On: So many! I have so many more ideas for the universe of Children’s Crusade, my sequels/series for my old modern AU Merlin fic Britain Boys are still rattling around in my head, and lots of plotbunnies for my time-travel Teen Wolf fic Rewind Electric.
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
“Did you really pretend to be…me?” Steve asked. Knowing he had fans was one thing; somehow, it still through him for a loop to find out someone he knew, had known of him for far longer.
He tried not to think of a set of mint condition trading cards, covered in blood.
Hale- Derek snorted.
“Pretty common, honestly,” he said. “Hunters being what they are. When you need to train kids to potentially run away from well-trained and heavily armed people trying to kill them, without alerting or drawing the attention of local authorities…and don’t want to terrify them in the process? Pretending to be Captain America and the Howling Commandos infiltrating Nazi Germany was a pretty good way to do it.”
Steve tried not to wince at the thought of children having to learn that…even as he could see why.
“Is that what you were trying to do?” Steve asked. “Remake the Howling Commandos?”
Derek blinked into his drink.
“…maybe,” he admitted. “I never thought of it that way, but…that’s how I learned how to survive.”
“I’m sorry that’s something any of you have to learn at all,” Steve said. “Let alone so young.”
“Too little, too late,” Derek spat, still not looking up from his drink. “Most of my family is dead, anyway."
Steve couldn’t think of anything graceful to say, so instead he just muttered, “I’m sure your sister made Dum Dum proud.”
Rolling his eyes, Derek turned his attention back to his drink. The ice had nearly all melted now.
“…maybe that’s why I failed so badly,” Derek said. “What the hell is a Howling Commando without Captain America?”
“Historically speaking?” Steve asked. “Or fictionally speaking? Because I haven’t picked up a Captain America comic since 1943.”
Derek seemed dumbfounded. In the face of that stunned silence, Steve carried on.
“Historically…all I really brought to the table was superpowers and thick-headed stubbornness,” Steve said, losing his gaze in the grain of the smooth wooden bartop. “And it seems to me you’ve got enough of that already. The rest all had military careers before I did, and taught me everything I learned about being a soldier in World War Two. Gabe got me fluent French and German, Dum Dum drilled stealth into all my operations, Jaques made sure I knew how to use explosives without blowing ourselves up, Monty introduced me to field engineering, Jim taught me communications technology, and Bucky…he was my first teacher. Even before the war, he did his best to pass on some of his dad’s lessons to me, and after Rebirth? He’s the one who taught me how to shoot and how to fight…how to protect myself and anyone else I can.”
“The army didn’t train you?” Derek asked, looking even more lost and confused.
“I got some special training from the army, too. But everyone thought I was doomed to be a show-monkey back then, so it wasn’t much. Basics of things like jumping from airplanes, firearm proficiency, that sort of thing.” Steve huffed as a barrage of memories raced towards his lips, stalling somewhere between his heart and his throat. “I read a lot, too. But regulation manuals and Sun Tzu didn’t go nearly as far as all the fist-fighting Bucky’d taught me over the years…or what he taught me before we went back into the field.”
Steve finally looked back up at Derek.
“I didn’t so shit on my own,” he said finally. “Even rescuing them in the first place, I did it with Howard and Peggy. After that, I learned from my men as I lead them. I learned from them to lead them.”
Derek…frowned, eyes narrowing in slight suspicion at Steve. Steve decided to prove him right.
“Erica, Isaac, and Boyd need you,” Steve said. “Just because they’re pissed at you using them, doesn’t mean they don’t care about you. They want to help you, and have plenty to offer. Let them.”
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tagged by @chillyravenart thank you very much!
Rules: Answer the 10 questions below. Then make up 10 of your own for the next person to answer and tag people.
1. Which Westerosi castle would you like to live in?
since I’m house tully trash and I love rivers and I hate cold weather, I’mma totally go with riverrun u__u
2. Would you rather be a rich and influential lord, born into wealth and privilege or would you rather be someone who wields power from the sidelines, like Littlefinger?
... tbqh neither I mean my ideal would be someone like DAVOS or like... not high enough in the food chain to need to play political games but now low enough to risk losing your neck and I have zero interest in wielding power I’m 100% jaime on that XD
3. Pick one: platinum hair or purple eyes?
purple eyes u_u
4. Based on a tag I made once, based on your physical features, which part of Westeros/which house do you belong to?
given that I’m average height with brown hair and eyes and pale skin I have the feeling I should be either tyrell or mormont but... I have a feeling it’d be more tyrell which saddens me a lot because while I do love dearly a few people in it that’s so not my house it’s not even funny xD
5. Who do you think will actually defeat the Night King?
I’ve been saying jon snow since 2011 I’ll stick with it xD
6. Three people you think will die in season 8?
cersei, euron and beric (or qyburn if it doesn’t turn out that beric has died in the s7 finale)
7. What would you name your dragon/direwolf?
oh god I’m shit at naming animals whatever kind they are, if I lived in westeros I’d name them robb and catelyn to avenge my poor dead faves
8. How must Ser Pounce be avenged?
if cersei killed him as per what d&d said, I’m sure ser pounce’s ghost will be on the sidelines waiting the inevitable moment of her death. or idk if ser pounce had time to have kittens/had siblings/if the others survive, jaime and brienne adopt them post cersei’s death and name one in the next generation after him
9. Whose POV chapters are your favourite? (If you haven’t read the books… skip this and hang your head in shame lol jk jk jk)
if you mean ‘as a complete story arc with themes’s resolution and character development’ theon’s are the best hands down
if you mean ‘as the pov you see most of yourself in and actually changed your life’, then my fave are definitely brienne’s
if you mean ‘as an arc that I didn’t see myself liking at the beginning but then bought me over because that character was so well-written I couldn’t help loving every damned comma of their povs’ then catelyn (theon counts too but catelyn gdi)
if you mean as ‘your actual favorite to read/replicate in fanfic/spark immediate joy at the thought of re-reading’ then jaime hands down xD
10. Your favourite ASOIAF/GOT antagonist?
eeeeh..... given that who are and aren’t the *antagonists* in these books is the question it is I’m just gonna go with roose because he’s an a+ character, he’s tendentially sometimes relatable (ie when he facepalms at ramsay’s antics), at least he has utilitarian reasons to do what he does that I can understand if not approve of (WHY DID U HAVE TO KILL MY FAVE ROOSE), without him I wouldn’t have had the bear pit or the harrenhaal bath (xD) and he’s competent without being, like, tywin. jfc. yeah okay roose wins it xD
now, my own questions.........
you can change one thing that happened in the course of the story. what do you pick?
what’s one POV chapter we haven’t had yet/didn’t have in the books that you would really consider bartering your soul (or corrupting GRRM) for?
tell us about your favorite under-appreciated character in asoiaf and why they’re great.
what’s that one minor scene no one ever remembers that you wish they did because it says so much about your fave character/ship/the story’s significance?
you can bring back one dead character at the price of another’s life. who comes back and who goes?
what’s your favorite character from your least favorite house?
what’s your least favorite character from your favorite house?
you can invite to dinner five people from any time period in asoiaf/pre-canon. who do you choose?
what’s the fandom you’d die to see crossovered with asoiaf/got?
when the series is over, what end should the iron throne meet in your very humble opinion? (intact? destroyed? intact after a secession? WE WANT TO KNOW)
tagging @robb-greyjoy @moviestorian @incblackbird @aryagreenapple @haljathefangirlcat @ofwickedlight @naomileyers @fleurdulys @ginmo and @proskenion04 if they want to :)
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I actually wanted to wait with this until I hit, like, a nice follower count milestone or something like that, but… I felt like it. So, I just wanted to thank everyone of you who’s following this blog from the bottom of my heart. It’s still a pitifully small number, but I feel like I actually have loyal fans. So, thank you all for every single like, reblog, and especially those among you who commissioned me or even donated to my Ko-Fi! You know who you are. Some people also like or reblog my stuff frequently (you probably also know who you are), these people are heroes. Honestly, you are all so, so sweet, and you might not even know how much this means to me.
And the best thing? Your tags. No kidding.
Rest under cut for length. You’re not gonna regret clicking it, though!
I hardly ever got tags on my original art (which also got much less notes in general, but still!), but very often I get some on my fanart. And they’re… like… the best thing… ever?
So what I did is this: I’ve collected some of the most ridiculous tags I ever got. I probably missed some of them, but I try to collect them all! I’m getting so many funny and/or sweet comments in the tags, you’re making me weep! Sometimes I got really long comments in the tags, and I’m speechless. I didn’t put those in here, but I wanted to share the most hilarious ones.
Without further ado and also without any context, I’m gonna share some of the funniest tags. (a few of them obviously were posted under the same images, but in general, I mixed these quotes up as wildly as I cold for maximum out of context hilarity). Like some kind of… gag reel.
Which ones are your favourites?
(alternatively, you can try to guess which image/post got which tag)
#goddammit hug her mikleo
#edna needs hugs just sayin'
#what the fuck this is adorable
#i love this a lot omg
# this fandom
# I am drawn more and more
#😭 good best beautiful;
#what is this sorcery
#canon real perfect beautiful amazing
#rose my queen
#rip meebs
#oh my god lol edna
#*Mikleo screeching in the distance*
#awwww <3
#don't you yell at pun mama rose
#also Meebo is totally a Disney princess he just needs to get over his fear of dogs then he'll even have animals that love him
#15/10 would recommend
#rose please marry me
#*crying dying noises*
#*gross sobbing*
#would also 100000% pay to transform dezel and zaveid into parrots though holy shit
#'im abraid your hair is going to need some work mikleo'
#'i dont mind combing over to do this'
#'you're really growing into your hair style'
#lailah is banned from helping
#'no need to turn this into a hairy situation'
#also wtf are 10-20 or 1000 shades of malevolence in a person
#tag yourself i'm a category type 27 malevolence kaiju
#game!sorey please use your mark-5 jaegar luzrov rulay to punch and purifying the SALT IN ME
#dip 'im sorey d i p ' i m
#rip mikey boy though
#brotp for the ages
#/silent tears into the abyss
#hey...thgats fucking gay
#give rose a shepherd cloak 2k17
#honestly this is canon
#now I need a fic for this too
#i'm crying omg
#kfhdkf edna
#i cry :')))))
#please let mikey boy lay his head on sorey's lap and have sorey caress those alabaster locks
#petition to release metal band t-shirt costume DLC for velvet
#please marry each other :'''''')))))
#her fujikgbd
#pretty much
#op's art keeps me living
#rose no
#edna plz
#gay...............gay thank you
#i’m with you velvet
#y e a hhhh h h hh h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h hh
#1000/10 will pay to get this as a DLC costume
#[SLAMS HANDS ON TABLE] hi yeah this is my Jam
#i always love when people make sorey do the tongue thing
#because he totally does the tongue thing
#i support this 800% a good post
#never ever forget dezel dual weilding twin trumpets
#meebs is beautiful with waves just sayin'
#i'm crying
#i love this
#oh my god
#edna's face i can't
#i just died
#rip meebo
#*plays My Heart Will Go On on kazoo*
#what a post
#sorey: ur right i am prty cute
#mikleo: did u even hear what i said
#rose what an icon
#my inspiration
#bye mikleo
#baby ******** is like something from a splendid lisa frank fever dream
#I laughed
#gaahhh this is too cute
#15/10 they kiss after a performance and i cry a single tear
#the universal constant
#<- a memoir by mikleo
#*sobs into hands* god this is lovely
#hush rose let him be
#was almost disappointed when the link didn't actually lead to part of your world
#this is so gold
#also the HEighT diFFEREncE ♡
#also thank you for the blessing that is mikleo clinging onto sorey's buff arm
#the sweet baby slumber party is off to a rollicking good start
#nerds omg
#edna NO
#aaand I don't know the Protagonist-kun and Protagonist-chan's names yet so in my mind they are now named Losers thanks to your art xD
#no matter which game Edna will always roast everyone
#run while you can meebo
#told you you were gonna pay for the toddler quip
#the smol tsun tsun grump is a big softie deep down
#...deep...deep...very deep down
#will someone
#will someone write this au please..
#but i love this!
#this feels so melancholic and also i need more
#this is a gold au idea
#someone please give Mikleo a hug
#Y E S
#so cute awwww
#dogs are for petting and torturing meebos
#bless Rollo
#awwww cute
#omg yes
#bless everything
#I will never look at anything else ever again
#plz capitalize German nouns thx
#headcanon accepted!!
#rip i love this artist and i love this post
*takes a deep breath* …I’m done. And I love you!
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In The Bleak Mid-Winter
Last Herald-Mage fanfic/Heralds of Valdemar fanfic
Don’t imagine there’s much crossover between these fandoms, at least no signs I’ve seen, and okay, The Last Herald-Mage trilogy is old now, and aspects of it are...yeah. But whatever, this was my fanfiction blog so: Vanyel & Stefen/Tylendel 4ever!
------------->Link on AO3 <--------------
Trigger Warnings for rape, sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, violence, bad language
Tags for AU, fix-it (ish), canon gay relationship, m/m, everyone does NOT die!, ...but some people do, books I’ve read described as having more unicorns than any other series ever, despite not having “actual” unicorns, telepathic horses, reincarnation, magic, fantasy, star-crossed lovers, (and fuck that actual ending, hard, gdi),
Summary: Young Stefen found out someone was looking for him and decided to lay low, avoiding the mysterious stranger in red, so he’s never taken to Haven by Bard Lynnell. It was an unfortunate decision, but in spite of it, he’s in a better position to help Vanyel when he really needs it.
Basically a redo on the ending. ~55k words
Summary for anyone who doesn’t know the series but is curious: in the country of Valdemar, in a world of magic and gods, Heralds are the protectors of their land, Chosen by and partnered with Companions, magic, telepathic ‘horses.’ (Yeah, I got into this when I was a ten year old girl, why do you ask?) Each Herald (and Companion) is unique in terms of exactly which Gifts they have and how strong they are, but the rarest is the MageGift, what most people would consider actual magic.
As the sheltered son of a minor but landed noble, Vanyel Ashkevron dreamed of being a Bard. His father wants him to stop his silly dreaming and step up as his proper son and heir. Finally fed up, he sends his fifteen year old son to his sister, Herald-Mage Savil, a powerful member of the Heraldic Circle at the capitol in Haven. There Vanyel faces the death of his dreams when he’s tested by the Bards, humiliation, and an aching solitude worse than he’d known at home--until
he’s finally brave enough to let Tylendel, a Herald trainee and his aunt’s star pupil, into his life.
...for a while things are great. They have to keep the relationship hidden until they’re both of age, for fear of their families pulling them apart, but in the meantime their relationship only deepens, to the point where they realize they’re lifebonded (basically soul-mates). Then things are not so great: Tylendel dies, Van is mentally fried by Tylendel’s miscast final spell and has all of his magic potential (which probably wouldn’t have ever manifested otherwise) turned into full-blown Gifts. He wants to die when Tylendel does, but is Chosen by the Companion Yfandes and unwillingly begins his training to become the Herald-Mage his Tylendel will never get to be.
Stuff happens, Van is basically never over his death wish but mostly subsumes it with his fanatical (and typical, for a Herald) devotion to duty. There’s also A LOT of angst over being gay and internalized homophobia from when he was a kid and his parents deliberately made sure he didn’t even know same-sex pairing was a possibility--Tylendel, out and proud, had been a real revelation.
In the last book Van meets Stefen, a young Bard trainee who’d been rescued from the streets and brought to the Bardic Collegium at Haven, and who had befriended and was sharing a room with Van’s nephew, Medren, also a Bardic trainee. He and Stefen hit it off, there’s angst about their age difference, angst about hero-worship and whether he’s taking advantage, and just ALL of the angst but Stefen eventually runs Van to ground and Van immediately realizes they’re lifebonded, gasp, shock. [Turns out Stefen is Tylendel reincarnated... sigh] Then they all realize that someone is killing Herald-Mages, and Vanyel is, in fact, the last, and he takes off chasing the culprit down.
In my fic--oh yeah, that’s what this was about, huh? xD--Stefen was NOT brought to haven and he runs into Vanyel later, when Van’s already on his way to face the man who killed the Herald-Mages. It was a really dark part of of the books so it’s a pretty dark fic.
In the Bleak Mid-winter
#the last herald-mage#LHM#The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy#Vanyel Ashkevron#Tylendel#Stefen#fanfic#my writing#unimaginative titles#nothing to do with Christmas#books recs#READ THIS TRILOGY AND FLAIL WITH ME#so it was early in the author's career#and the writing had issues#Especially with Capitals#but if I could meet one fictional character Vanyel would probably be my choice
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