writersmorgue · 2 years
Day 16 - semi-conscious
read on ao3
word count: 590
TWs in tags
note: short and sweet <3 <3
The apartment is quiet when Katsuki returns from his graveyard shift.
He sighs, kicking off his combat boots and removing his hoodie, dropping his phone with it. It’s comfortable, but he plans on slipping into bed with Deku, and the man is like a duvet all on his own. 
He shuffles down the hallway, dragging his feet. His eyes are glued shut, but six years in this place should be long enough to not run into the door frame. 
His head dips, his arm catching on the wall as he turns. 
Small, labored breaths sound from inside their bedroom, accompanied by a few wheezes. 
Deku shouldn’t be up at this hour, even for a night owl this is ridiculous.
He frowns.
“You up?” He grunts, leaning forward into the bedroom. 
“Ka- gchl-” a wet noise comes from in front of him, and Katuski’s face scrunches. 
“Deku what the fuck are you doing?” He opens his eyes, just enough to see his boyfriend, laying on the floor with his intestines spilling out of his abdomen. Blackwhip writhes in his body, the faint crackle of the quirk now deafening in Katsuki’s ears. 
“Wh- Izuku holy shit!” He cries, stumbling forward onto the hardwood next to his boyfriend. His hands immediately go to cup his organs, his mind screaming at him to stop touching them, but he can’t.
“Kacchan- sorry.” Deku wheezes, hand twitching on the ground. Blood gurgles out of his mouth, bubbling and falling towards his ears as his neck arches. 
“What the fuck, why did you-” Katsuki stares, unsure what to make of this.
NO, you fucking idiot, you’ve trained for this. Go get help or he’ll die.
His hands hover over Izuku’s stomach, wavering for a moment, “Recovery girl, I’ll call Recovery girl.” He whispers, scooting back to reach for Izuku’s phone, discarded on the floor next to him. 
Why didn’t he call for help?
“No, Kaccha-” Izuku chokes, coughing and splattering blood on Katsuki’s sweatpants. “-an’t hurt more p-eople.”
“Yes, Izuku! You’re not going to bleed out on the fucking floor!” He reaches over to Izuku’s limp hand, already covered with blood, “You can’t control blackwhip? You wouldn’t do this on purpose, Izuku, right?”
Izuku looks away, chest stuttering. 
Katsuki sobs, leaning forward onto Izuku’s chest. Overwhelmed tears finally fall onto his boyfriend’s shredded sleep shirt. 
“Kacchan, I can’t con-rol. Was upse-t. Sorry.” Tears fall down Izuku’s cheeks, mingling with the blood to soil his hair. His eyes flutter, green irises noticeably dull. 
How fucking long has he been laying here? How long has he been dying here?!
“No, Izuku come on- You can’t fall asleep, baby.” He whines, feeling helpless. 
“-acchan- love you.” Izuku’s head tilts toward him, and he smiles a flash of red teeth. “Sorry.”
“Deku please!” Katsuki cries, “One for All isn’t gonna let you die, right? It can’t! You’re the symbol of peace, Deku, you can’t just leave like this!”
Izuku wheezes, smile faltering, “It… did this.”
His breathing is weaker, his chest rising slowly and blood squirting from his abdomen, where blackwhip still writhes. 
Katsuki can’t fucking do this. He can’t- there’s no world in which Izuku doesn’t exist. He- “Izuku take me with you.”
Izuku groans weakly, “-an’t”
“No, please!” He cries, leaning over his boyfriend to hold his face, pressing their foreheads together, “You can’t fucking leave me, Izuku. If you don’t, I will.”
He opens his eyes, meeting Izuku’s for the last time.
“No,” Izuku’s voice is a faint rasp, but it’s clear. 
And Katsuki hates him for it.
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jaigeddes · 3 years
Concrete specialist GCL sold to ownership trust
The founder of Welwyn Garden City groundworks and concrete specialist Ground Construction Group has sold to an employee-owned trust.
All the shares previously owned by the £95m revenue group’s founder, Trevor Diviney, have transferred at full market value to the employee ownership trust.
Diviney, aged 54, will continue a hands-on role in the business as executive chairman.
As part of an associated management restructure, John Diviney becomes managing director, Michael Greene is appointed deputy managing director and Stephen Bell, Finance Director.
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Diviney said: “Over the past 24 years, the group has experienced steady controlled growth.
“The continued advancement, reinvestment and progress over the years has culminated in GCL being rated as one of the top 10 concrete frame contractors in the UK .”
He added the business now offered a greater breadth of service including principle contractor roles, with group companies also providing off-site manufacturing options in pre-cast concrete and has a substantial tower crane business.
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“The EOT route will enable us to transition the ownership structure without the potential disruption a sale to new owners might involve, thereby maintaining continuity of culture.
“It is also an opportunity for us to recognise and reward the contribution our staff make to the development and continued success of the group.” said Diviney.
The Trust will be represented by a corporate trustee: GCHL Trustee Ltd, led by independent chairman Paul Hickey.
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Учим марксизм. Что такое факторы производства? Это труд, орудия труда и сырьё. Лишь соединение факторов производства запускает процесс создания материальных благ. В современном обществе орудия труда и сырьё находятся в собственности отдельных лиц - капиталистов. В силу своего исключительного права на обладание сырьём и орудиями труда, капиталисты занимают господствующее, элитарное положение в общества. Миллионы людей, в силу обстоятельств имеющие в своей собственности лишь способность трудиться, работают на капиталистов. Капиталисты при этом большую часть прибыли, получаемой от хозяйственной деятельности , тратят на расширение производства, среднюю оставляют себе, и меньшую распределяют между работниками. Де - факто, капиталисты обогащаются при помощи присвоения себе большей части результатов чужого труда. Подобное положение вещей называется эксплуатацией человека человеком. Мы, коммунисты, говорим о необходимости создать новое, гуманное общество, в котором не будет эксплуатации человека человеком. Критики из либерального лагеря утверждают, что создать такое общество невозможно. Мол, эксплуатация человека человеком существовала, существует, а значит и будет существовать всегда. Какая - же это чушь! В позапрошлом веке нормой считалось крепостное право. Где оно теперь? Чтобы раз и навсегда покончить с эксплуатацией человека человеком, нужно национализировать сырьё и орудия труда. Сделать эти важнейшие факторы производства собственностью всех членов общества. После успешной национализации большая часть получаемой прибыли будет тратиться на расширение производства, а остальная перераспределяться на повышение материального благополучия каждого честно трудящегося человека. Каждого, а не горстки капиталистов, как ныне. https://www.instagram.com/p/BsduIEJBfgjxEnHdufBFFQ0afLnf1Q2CITUjps0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=en31fyc3tk41
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houseplants-en-blog · 7 years
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Gastrochilus, abbreviated Gchls in horticultural trade, is a genus of plant in family Orchidaceae. It is native to eastern and southeastern Asia, including China, Japan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc.[1][2] More details Android, Windows
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Has not had the best night sleep bad cough! Positive to this is I have been up all night thinking about how I can improve my business! Time to step out my comfort zone and work this! Watch out world I'm coming for you! #letsdothis #gchl #workfromhome #bossbabe #reachforthestars
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