galacticcoffee · 1 year
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Bitta Becky with the red hair
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galacticcoffee · 1 year
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‘lil Frank Iero art-dump from the obsessive episode I am currently having had a year ago
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galacticcoffee · 2 months
I am never animating in photoshop again!!
Here's what I'm calling the finished version of that rough animation I did a while back!
Rambles and extra sketches below:
It's been a while since I animated anything by hand so it was a bit of a struggle, and there are plenty of inconsistencies because I was too lazy to make solid decisions about the robe layers and stuff. I think the overall movement is pretty satisfying though!
Bonus sketches below because this was originally only meant to be gesture practice/MDZS brain rot release.
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And an extra bonus of my favourite rough frame:
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galacticcoffee · 2 months
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The scene from TYK where Zhou Zishu misses his wife so much he carves one-hundred terrible flutes about it.
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galacticcoffee · 1 month
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The scene from TYK where Jing Beiyuan is like okay buddy what's with the flutes?
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