#gc: luciana
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sebmcavoy-blog1 · 7 years
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❝ Stop pulling my face towards your face. ❞
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hrhagnes-blog · 5 years
* TASK 003 .
agnes has    three    phones :           regular ,      work ,     burner .
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what is their lock screen?       this for the kicks and because she’s a simpsons enthusiast .
what is their home screen?          an abandoned bridge in belgium . x
what are their last sent texts?     
             ilyas :           fuck off              🔥 hellfire gc :          XOYO rave 2nite confirm xx              luciana :         do people call the philippines “the phillies” or is that disrespectful
who are their last three phone calls to?
              zara ,          00:07:57  minutes .               homeline ,       00:00:01  minutes .               👽 🍆 ,      00:21:35  minutes .
do they have a main ringtone?           i am alive   ( rick and morty remix ) .
do they have specific ones for current people?           as far as    ringtones    goes ,      no ,       but she’s worked out a lights notification method because she’s not fond of constant ringing from her phone .                however ,      the    homeline & anything family - related             ( which includes ilyas )   sounds with     beethoven’s   5th symphony in c minor .
what is their lock screen?           black lockscreen .
what is their home screen?          black background .
what are their last sent texts?
              👽 🍆 :         train station 01:35am wait 4 me               unknown number  ( 15 ) :         @ XOYO               unknown number  ( 8 ) :          no + left sry
what are their last three phone calls?
              unknown number  ( 6 ) ,     00:00:30 minutes .               unknown number  ( 2 ) ,     00:01:05 minutes .               👽 🍆 :         seven missed calls .
do they have a main ringtone?       phone’s not even on      vibrate ,      it’s just silent .         no .
do they have specific ones for current people?          absolute and complete silence .
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bjsbookblog · 6 years
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Repost @authormaxmonroe ★ COVER REVEAL + $20 AMAZON GC GIVEAWAY★ ★TO ENTER to win a $20 Amazon GC ★ 1. #LIKE and post a #COMMENT below and tell us what you think of the covers and blurbs. 2. BONUS: #TAG a book bestie. . . . THE JERK DUET //1: THE DAY I STOPPED FALLING FOR JERKS// Coming ‪October 18th‬! Live Release into KU! SYNOPSIS: I’m Luciana Wright. Everyone calls me Lucky, but when it comes to love, I’m anything but. I have a long history of dating the wrong men. You know the ones I’m talking about. The beautiful, charming guys who are quite literally too good to be true. The ones who are impulsive in love and prefer short flings over long-term relationships. I’m talking about the jerks. The guys who taste so good, but are so very bad. After going through the most ridiculous breakup in the history of breakups, I thought I’d learned my lesson. I officially put myself into jerk rehab and committed to changing my ways. But, let’s be real here, love is never that easy. Especially when an arrogant, charming, he-devil of a sexy alpha man gets involved. Aussie accent. Tanned skin. Muscular, surfer bod. Gorgeous brown eyes. And the kind of sexy smile that brings women to their knees. Oh, did I mention that he’s also my best friend’s brother? Yeah. This story, my story, it’s a real doozy you guys. The day I stopped falling for jerks, I met Oliver Arsen—the biggest jerk of all. // 2: THE DAY THE JERK STARTED FALLING// Coming ‪October 25th‬! SHORT SYNOPSIS: Luciana Wright. She’s an American bombshell and my sister’s best friend—a woman so wrong for me, it’s written in the waves. And she’s the reason we’re all here. The reason I have to go back to explain how it all went wrong. To the day the jerk started falling. ★Want to be notified on release? Text MAXMONROE to 21000 to get new release alerts! (US only) OR Subscribe to our newsletter: www.authormaxmonroe.com/newsletter And don’t forget to add both books to your Goodreads TBRs! #authorsofinstagram #jerkduet #maxmonroe #bookstagram #igreads #amwritingromance #comingsoon #October #blogger #booksofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BogzvGkn9k2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ty5hv967znpq
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johnmullins345 · 3 years
Now Get Amazing Aesthetic Procedures for Yourself and Look Even More Beautiful, Only From GC Skin
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SHERMAN OAKS, CA (September 27th, 2021) - Procedures for bodily enhancement are fairly common in America. In a forward moving state like California, it is even more common. However, some questions always linger in the mind of the people like, how good are they really? How extensive are their services? And how expensive are their services? How effective are their services in the short term and in the long term? One might also want to question the experience of the medical professionals and how far their scientific knowledge goes. And what type of changes do the procedures bring to the body and the face?
Thankfully, all answers are available at GC Skin. Run by the famous Dr. Luciana Yacomotti M.D., GC Skin performs various procedures with great care for the patients and effectiveness. They perform procedures like weight management, wellness, vitamin injections, botox, fillers, PDO threads Kybela, PRF (platelet rich fibrin ) micro needling, chemical peels, microdermabrasion etc. GC Skin uses a holistic approach for giving the best aesthetic care through personal consultation and appropriate recommendations that would be the most useful for the clients. Whether it is lip augmentation, anti wrinkle or weight loss management, Dr. Luciana Yacomotti at GC Skin takes the clients through a smooth and enriching experience.
"Dr. Luciana Yacomotti M.D. is one the most accomplished doctors in the state. Her credibility and accomplishments are beyond reproach and the procedures that she provides at her medical facility is so highly rated that people from far and wide come to her for perfect bodily enhancement. She's highly fluent in both English and Spanish that enables her to attend both primarily English and primarily Spanish speakers flawlessly and attend to their needs without any hassles. She attended medical school at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina's top university. She completed her Family Medicine residency at Pomona Valley Hospital/UCLA affiliated. If you are looking for top quality aesthetic enhancement at the most reasonable pricing, Dr. Luciana Yacomotti is who you need. Trust me, there's no one better", said a spokesperson for GC Skin.
ABOUT GC Skin: GC Skin is a medical facility for aesthetic procedures run by Dr. Luciana Yacomotti M.D. She performs multiple procedures such as weight management, vitamin injections, botox, fillers, PDO threads Kybela etc.
For more information, please visit https://www.gcskin.com/
Media Contact: Address:13320 Riverside Drive, Suite 218, Sherman Oaks, California 91423 Phone Number: +1 818-458-9556 Email Id: [email protected] Website: https://www.gcskin.com/
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Navidad de GD potranca hija de JAQUE DEL RANCHO x Luciana de GD con 3 meses de trabajo. Felicitaciones a su propietario @danielcamacholis y a su montador @jaderlezcano Sigue JAQUE mostrando mucha calidad en cada una de sus crías!!! JAQUE hijo de Lucero de Media Noche F.C x Gema de La Ceiba. Hermano completo de la Sherezada de SP. Reproductor con 6 GC Grado A y más de 10 GC Grado B. Inf. Whatsapp 3124386611 #jaquedelrancho #criaderosanpedro #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4TLaelo-r/?igshid=1ib1ho2psqoar
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jenniferfaye34 · 6 years
#Giveaway + Excerpt ~ What She Knew (Breakdown series) by Regan Black... #suspense #books
This post is part of a book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
BREAKDOWN is a unique and groundbreaking four-book suspense series that will keep you turning pages until the killer is finally exposed. In this explosive new miniseries, the idyllic community of Shutter Lake, nestled in the peaceful Sierra Nevada Mountains, is rocked by a shocking murder. Four women, friends who moved to the area to find healing and solace, must now dig deep and overcome the scars of past troubles to find a ruthless killer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
BREAKDOWN Book 4: What She Knew by Regan Black THE BREAKDOWN ERUPTS…Dr. Luciana Perez thought she hit the jackpot when she landed the position at the Shutter Lake Medical Clinic. Until her friend Sylvia Cole is murdered and the authorities come calling, certain that Luciana has more information about the crime. But Luciana only knows Sylvia had secrets she wasn’t inclined to share. Secrets that had Sylvia seriously worried. Secrets someone was willing to kill to keep buried. Every day that the killer isn’t found, Luciana’s fear tightens like a noose around her neck: fear of her own secrets being exposed, fear of becoming the next victim, and fear that the murderer will irrevocably shatter the idyllic peace and security of their beautiful town.
Read an Excerpt: Ana parked in the drive and cut the engine, her thoughts still spinning. Through the years, she’d found a long, quiet drive immensely helpful, allowing her problems to percolate in the back of her mind while she focused on the roadway. This rugged, gorgeous area allowed her plenty of scenic options—she just had to make the time. Despite the days growing shorter, maybe she could get away tomorrow after the press conference in time to enjoy a sunset drive through the mountains. A rap on her window had her jumping, heart slamming against her ribcage. Griff McCabe, Shutter Lake Chief of Police motioned for her to roll down the window. “You okay?” he asked when she complied. “No.” Ana breathed in the brisk air, letting the soft damp of the autumn night cool her heated cheeks. “I mean, yes. Of course. Just lost in thought.” She breathed in again, realizing McCabe didn’t smell of beer or fresh mouthwash. It was difficult to assess in the darkness, but his eyes might even be clear, rather than bloodshot per the usual. “What are you doing here?” It was common knowledge in Shutter Lake that the chief spent most of his evenings pouring beer after beer into his body at the Rabbit Hole. From what she heard, the pattern was occasionally interrupted by a shot of whiskey. He didn’t come to her wellness classes and as far as she could tell, his only effort at exercise came from the walk home from the bar each night. None of her advanced medical degrees were necessary to diagnose that the man was troubled. Year after year at his mandatory annual physicals she’d urged him to back off the copious amounts of alcohol. There were treatment options he could benefit from without risking the position that suited him so well. “Chief?” “Your alarm system went off. The company called the station to respond. I was closer than the officer on duty.” Too many things struck her as wrong about his reply. First, the Rabbit Hole was a windowless pub just off the town square and a block away from the police station. Technically, anyone in the station would have been closer to her house. Unless McCabe had been on this side of town already. She and Laney had been physically closer as well, though Laney was off duty. “I wasn’t informed of the alarm,” she said, voicing the safest response. About the Author:
Regan Black, a USA Today bestselling author, writes award-winning, action-packed novels. Raised in the Midwest and California, she and her family, along with their adopted greyhound and two arrogant cats reside in the South Carolina Lowcountry where the rich blend of legend, romance, and history fuels her imagination. Website: http://www.ReganBlack.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReganBlack.fans Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReganBlack Instagram: http://https//www.instagram.com/reganblackauthor/ Purchase link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYNCC9Y a Rafflecopter giveaway
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