#gbt phase shenanigans
lemonluvgirl · 1 year
hey gurl! love your drabbles so much!! really love all your work actually 😭😭😭 i kinda have a drabble idea that would be kinda funny?
K and P start using sex as a coping mechanism which drives Haymitch insane since he hears everything 24/7? So he makes a bet with them that they can’t keep from doing anything sexual for 3 days or something and they agree but the next few days drives them mad becaus they haven’t gone that long without sex in a LONG TIME?
Hopefully you see this and find it as amusing as I do!
took me forever to get to this but here it is:
A Wager Between Friends (Part 1)
(Music I listened to while writing this)
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She never could have predicted how much she would come to need Peeta.
From that first encounter in the rain to the moment they boarded the first train to the Capitol, she had no idea at all.
How essential he could become to her. How vital.
Oh, when he had been captured and she believed she had lost him forever her broken heart knew instinctually the shape of the emptiness he left behind. But before the war, she had never really let her mind posit what Peeta would become to her if she simply let him.
After the war, she found out. And it was more than she could have ever imagined.
In the following days, weeks, and months he made himself unconsciously invaluable, in that quiet way of his. Slowly he unlocked all of those buried things inside her that she feared had been lost or closed forever due to war, death, and tragedy.
Worlds full of hope, trust, and healing. Places inside her heart that she thought she had seen the last of. But then Peeta, of course, had reappeared after months in the Capitol and had planted flowers for her. And for Prim.
From one day to the next, doors barred for everyone else in the world opened at his gentle knock. She unfurled for him little by little.
They shared everything from morning breakfast to midnight terrors. They came together again in the quiet and in the rebirth of a new world looking for peace and second chances. She came alive again for the boy who had come back for her.
It was inevitable when one of the doors he opened was the one that led to her passion and sensuality.
His strong arms held her in a refuge on those long, daunting nights when the past assaulted her sleeping mind. She took comfort in his growing steadiness. He took comfort in her forthcoming answers about their shared history. They worked things out between themselves and aired their thoughts and grievances and long-held desires in the solemn stillness of the night.
Eventually, his lips comforted her as well.
And there in the deep, slumber-sweet whisper of night, away from the crowds and the cameras, and all the things that made her hold back before, she gave instead.
Poured out her wonder and her want into their kisses. Poured out her relief that he had lived, that she had lived too, and that he had come home. It overflowed from her heart, at turns eager and hesitant, but always only for him. Peeta was there to meet her at every turn, matching her step for step, and their innocence was divested in subtle shades.
The color of his hair in the moonlight streaming in from the open window matched was almost pearly in its brightness and the feeling of perfection and beauty when they lay side by side, in just their skin, touching and exploring by turns, was incomparable.
The hoot of an owl blended with their sweet and uncontainable cries as they learned and practiced how to make each other fall apart throughout the night.
And once she finally had him, all of him, she couldn't get enough.
It was an entirely new feeling when they connected and collided and completed each other. Her lips invented a plethora of shy smiles to express her happiness upon seeing him sleeping beside her each morning.
But words couldn't really describe it.
The effects of having him though, were easy enough to catalogue.
There were countless mental and physical benefits. Her long-existing mental fog born of the trauma from the Games and the war all but dissipated. The episodes and flashbacks lessened. She ate more, and her energy increased. She found herself able to look toward the future with hope instead of dread.
And the nightmares became rare things.
She told herself she would have tackled him into bed every night for that mighty benefit alone.
But apparently, they had been overdoing it.
"Glad to see you two still have the ability to resurface for short times from underneath the bedsheets." Haymitch had commented one afternoon when they all bumped into each other on their way to the train station to pick up their monthly supplies.
It was a hot late summer day, and she hadn't been looking to make small talk. She just wanted to pick up her parcels and take Peeta home for an early supper and hopefully share a bath with him in the waning heat of the evening.
She was looking forward to more pages for her memory book, Peeta was picking up painting and baking supplies, and Haymitch was, of course, picking up more liquor.
"What?" She cried in a stunned voice when her former mentor's words and his meaning sunk in after half a second.
Haymitch fit her with a look.
"I'm sure you and the boy lose your heads every time he gets his hands on you sweetheart, but please for the sake of my sanity take a little break for a few days. My house is right next to yours and the racket you make at night is disturbing my geese." Haymitch told her in a dry tone.
She was struck speechless.
"You could just close your windows." Peeta pointed out, nonplussed, when she could barely keep herself from choking on her own tongue trying in vain to think of a reply.
She looked at Peeta agog, bewildered by his nonchalance.
"It's been a boiling summer, kid. The house is too stuffy if I shut 'em. Actually, I have no idea how the two of you are keeping it up. I'd have thought you'd have killed yourselves from overexertion and dehydration by now." Haymitch replied with a raised brow.
She couldn't believe they were actually having this conversation. She contemplated forgoing the supplies all together and turning tail to head for home. She could live with Haymitch clucking at her for a few weeks if it saved her from this excruciating conversation.
Peeta shrugged, completely unperturbed. "There are ways around that." He said in the same calm and unaffected tone, as they neared the station.
Katniss flushed as she recalled the cold fruit juices and other little treats Peeta had stocked her icebox with in order to help them replenish their energy and fluids lost to their nightly love-making.
"Just keep it down, will ya? All of Panem knows you two probably can't stop now that you've gotten started, but do your old mentor a favor and shut the window if you can't refrain." Haymitch groused
Peeta opened his mouth to reply, probably with some humor or to tell Hyamitch to mind his own business, but Katniss cut him off.
All she could think about was her own mortification over Haymitch's words. About how she lost her head every time Peeta got his hands on her. And how couldn't stop now that they had started sleeping together. So she just blurted the first thing that she could think of to make the two of them stop talking.
"We can stop anytime we want." She declared, with more bravado than she really felt.
Haymitch scoffed. Peeta merely turned to look at her askance.
"I highly doubt it. Bet you two haven't taken more than a one-night break this entire summer." Haymitch said, voice full of amusement.
Katniss felt herself blush incriminatingly but she pushed on.
"We take breaks all the time." She out-right fibbed.
Peeta fully turned toward her then, fixing her with an incredulous look.
Haymitch didn't miss their subtle interaction and nearly cackled at the look Peeta threw her.
"Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it," Haymitch replied with a laugh that bordered on a guffaw.
Katniss narrowed her eyes and lowered her voice as they approached the station, and the late afternoon crowd gathered there.
"It wouldn't be the first time you've miscalculated." She countered, annoyed.
"Girl, if you two can survive a three-day stretch without any sort of hanky-panky I will eat a batch of those burned biscuits you always try to poison my geese with," Haymitch said, brimming with overconfidence.
Katniss narrowed her eyes at him.
"Promise you'll never bring up the subject of Peeta and me sleeping together, or anything we get up to in the bedroom and you've got yourself a deal." She countered.
Haymitch thought it over, but by the time the whistle blew signaling the arrival of the train he had stuck out his grubby hand for her to shake.
"You've got a deal sweetheart," Haymitch told her as they shook.
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