#garth: damn they hate my ass 😭😭���😭😭😭😭😭
foolsocracy · 4 months
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this is actually so funny. imagining garth quipping and contributing to the conversation in his head cause he forgot the rest of the teen titans can't pick up on his telepathy
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ranting about spn. really messy, just typing down where ever my thoughts decide to wander.
honestly kind of indifferent to wincest, its whatever dude, im not going to start tilting over FICTIONAL incest. the writers purposely put subtext in there, its a whole thing, so whatever, it get it... not as indifferent to destiel tho, kind of confused why ppl insist they are canon, its clearly one sided, but whatever, i do not give enough of a shit to care. same same whtever. idgaf, you do you. (only problem is when they start attacking others for different opinions, or they start getting so delulu they see shit that isnt there) the reason i dont ship both, is not because im a anti heller, or because im anti wincest or whatever. i just lowkey started hating dean the more i watched spn.😭😭😭LIKE THAT EMOTIONAL CONSTIPATION WAS FUNNY AT FIRST, BUT THEN IT JUST BECAME FUCKING STUPID AFTER 15 YEARS. NAH FUCK OFF ACTUALLY, BRO MIGHT HAVE LEGIT DEVOLVED AS A CHARACTER😭😭😭😭 NOOOOOOOOO SHOT, I SWEAR DOWN THIS MAN GOT ME MOVING DIFFERENT STLYYYYYY. sammy is cute, but like only when hes suffering, or dying, or sick. like thats the only time i like him😭😭😭 and castiel, yeah i just dont really like the guy, hes damn mid knn cb. who i like tho??? KEVIN. THAT GUY IS FUNNY LMAOOOOOOOO. bro was soooo fr when he started raging about being dead, dude was fucking TWEAKING, LMAOO. like me too bro, i woulda been so pressed. and i alos really liked BELA. 😭😭 this bitch was LITTERALLY ME. LIKE ONG. she loved money, and god knows i only value money in my life. twiinnnnnn.😭😭also, really liked garth and john. garth because he was litterally just chilling, and john because bro did NOT care about nothing. OKKKKAYYY OK OK!!! spit your shit lil bro, i see you frfr, i see the vision uno. IN CONCLUSION: fuck the "team free will" (STUPID ASH NAME BTW, FUCKING LAME ASS NAME LMAOOO), and we stan the other chacters who know whats up.
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home-of-monsters · 3 years
Season 8!
We Need to Talk About Kevin
-“It was a deer!” What kind of city-boy thing is that to say? Wtf kinda deer you got over there?
-Dean carrying Benny’s spirit literally inside him… just. How do people look at that and go “he’s totes straight!”????
-Also, Benny’s spirit is where the mark of Cain eventually goes and I have a lot of feels about that.
-Oh, right, this is that season with the dog lady. Does she even get a name? I legit can’t remember it, and it’s only been like, a year since I’ve last rewatched the show.
-Dean has so many issues that never get addressed. This shows done him so dirty.
-“Nothing says family business like the whole family being dead.”
-So, Sam just… ditches dog-girl? Is he secretly talking to her, or did he honestly just up and ghost her?
-Oh, Amelia.
What’s Up Tiger Mommy?
-Purgatory was such a visually beautiful storyline 💜
-Also, mama Tran is a bamf
-“I had something I’ve never had before: a normal life!” What about when you were in college?
Blood Brother
-We deserved so much more Benny.
-Also, we deserved more vampirates.
-Ooof, the parallels between Benny’s maker and John are just. Ugh. Dean has a type of guy he falls for, and it absolutely men with Daddy Issues. (Which is funny, cuz that’s not the type of women he goes for, but that’s a whole other discussion.)
-“He’s a … friend.” “What?! You don’t have any — all your friends are dead.” 😂😂 but also 😭😭
Southern Comfort
-Charlie is their little sister, and Garth is that weird cousin that only comes around during the holidays and gets massively drunk.-
“Bobby belonged to all of us!” You tell him, Garth!
A Little Slice if Kevin
-Wait, what happened to the whole “prophets are supposed to be protected by an arch Angel” thing?
-Dean needing to believe that he failed Cas, because he literally can’t accept that Cas chose not to come back with him… oh. Oh bby.
Hunter Heroici
-Cas became so much more sarcastic after spending time with Benny and Dean. Hmmm.
-Dean being mean to Cas, because he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. Bby.
-Wait, Sam bought a house with dog-lady, and then just… ghosted her??
-Dean coming over to talk to Cas, instead of arguing with him about going to Heaven. He’s come so far 💜💙
-Dog-Lady’s dad is an asshole.
-Deans first thought to test the cartoon theory is to hit himself in the head with a book. I just. That’s such a bizarre idea?
-I literally blocked out all of dog lady’s story line.
Citizen Fang
-Benny working at a hole-in-the wall dinner is perfect 💜💙
-Yuck to old men hitting on women
-When the boys have to do episodes where they’re in the south, the Texas comes out real strong
-Oh Benny ❤️
Torn and Frayed
-I really hate the Conversion pt 2 storyline.
-Didn’t… didn’t Crowley already know about the Angel tablet?
-What’s the point in killing someone after they’ve spilled secrets? Like… killing thems not gonna reverse it.
-Sorry Benny. Dean can only handle one messed up boyfriend at a time. And the last time his other boyfriend got messed up, he claimed to be God, and slaughtered a bunch of people so. Ya know. He kinda wins right now.
-Also, sorry to the actress that plays Amelia. What a thankless role.
-Also, if no homo, why parallel with Sam and Amelia?
LARP and the Real Girl
-“These kids today, with their texting, and their murder.”
-Dean thinking LARPing looks awesome will never not be old. He’s such a nerd.
-“I love you.” Everybody loves Charlie.
-Dean in a crown. 💜💙
-And Dean helping Charlie set up battle plans.-And him arguing with Sam to make sure she’s safe. “Little sister I never wanted” my ass.
-Dean is so comfortable with Charlie. A love it. 💖
-Charlie deserved her own series. I will never forgive this show for what they did to her.
-“First time for a lot of things, if you want to find my tent later.” Damn, Maria, shoot your shot.
-“I’m the one who saves damsels in distress around here!” Fuck yeah you do Charlie!
-Sam chose to stay, even though he’s not at all interested in LARPing, just cuz he knew Dean would have fun with it 💞
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