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mariusvanniekerkart · 7 months ago
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“Absence”- Digital on Paper. A picture a day keeps the demons at bay. #mariusvanniekerk #streetphotography #abstractart #abstractimpressionism #photography #impressionism #photographer #blackandwhite #urban # #södermalm #journalism #photojournalism #story #storytelling #social #artphotography #humanity #mortality #documentaryphotography #documentary #artphotography #stockholm #sweden #robertcapa #saulleiter @joel_meyerowitz #robertfrank #garrywinogrand @francisbaconartist #artfilm #shortfilm #arthouse @daidomoriyamaphotography @daidomoriyamaphotofoundation
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raqueros · 4 years ago
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#garrywinogrand #fundacionmapfre #KBr #KBrbarcelonafhotocenter #barcelonaphotocenter #barcelonaexhibition (en Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1mQdJD0fC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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art-feed · 5 years ago
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Garry Winogrand
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aflashbak · 5 years ago
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Watching ‘The Most Dangerous Animals In The World’ – The Bronx Zoo in 1963 #thebronxzoo #thebronx #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #zoo #animals #streetphotography #photography #garrywinogrand More here - including Garry Winogrand’s photos : https://flashbak.com/category/travel-2/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B23Y03dAoc1/?igshid=kjihsg6odze2
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intostreetphoto · 6 years ago
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Garry Winogrand
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joembpro · 2 years ago
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A lot of people don't know, once upon a time, color photography was shunned! Yeah! My idol, #WalkerEvans called it "vulgar". In its original connotation, that isn't an insult. It just means of the common people. Evans was smart enough to choose that word for that very reason. It is just in my lifetime that artists like #JoelSternfeld, #WillamEggleston, #GarryWinogrand, and another idol, #JoelMeyerowitz helped push the artistic community into the realm of color. Could you imagine #EdwardBurtynsky's photography in black and white? If you don't know these names, you should get to know them. I may never contribute to the history of photography, but I can learn from them and create with those tools. #JosefAlbers #colorcontrast #colorrelationships #colorful #vibrant #colorphotography #eastham #massachusetts #newengland #capecod #capecodinsta #capecodinstagram #capelife #capecodphotographer #capecodphotography #nikon #z7ii #fineartphotography #fineartphotographer #architecturephotography #artuphoto #capelife #coastguardstation #coastguardbeach (at Coast Guard Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClHHtVguH5Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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novartphoto · 4 years ago
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Quando a 4 anni, dopo essersi girata l’intera mostra di Gerry Winogrand, mi si avvicina e mi dice: “Papa, ma che belle fotografie faceva questo fotografo”...non vi nego, che un certo brividino lungo la schiena è salito...❤️📸❤️ When at 4, after having shot the entire Gerry Winogrand exhibition, he approached me and told me: "Daddy , but what a beautiful photo this photographer did" ... I do not deny that a certain shivering along the back rose ... Photo Exhibition Garry Winogrand to MAN Nuoro Sardinia Italy - #lovestory #amore #fotografia #streetstyle #streetphotography #street #streetart #alessandrobiggi #sarzana #laspezia #mostra #streetwear #lovephotography #love #mannuoro #sardegna #ilovephotography #streetphotographer #garrywinogrand #blackandwhite #black #blackwhite #exhibition #emotions #emozioni #life #photo #nuoro (presso MAN_Museo d'Arte Provincia di Nuoro)
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mariusvanniekerkart · 7 months ago
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“Bathers” - Digital on Paper. A picture a day keeps the demons at bay. #mariusvanniekerk #streetphotography #abstractart #abstractimpressionism #photography #impressionism #photographer #blackandwhite #urban # #södermalm #journalism #photojournalism #story #storytelling #social #artphotography #humanity #mortality #documentaryphotography #documentary #artphotography #stockholm #sweden #robertcapa #saulleiter @joel_meyerowitz #robertfrank #garrywinogrand @francisbaconartist #artfilm #shortfilm #arthouse @daidomoriyamaphotography @daidomoriyamaphotofoundation
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raqueros · 4 years ago
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#garrywinogrand #fundacionmapfre #KBr #KBrbarcelonafhotocenter #barcelonaphotocenter #barcelonaexhibition https://www.instagram.com/p/CQttFcojtYE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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art-feed · 5 years ago
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Garry Winogrand
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CITATION GARRY WINOGRAND . Nouvelle citation, aujourd’hui quelques mots de l’un des plus grands photographes. L’artiste américain nous dévoile ici un message clé, qui plus est dans la photographie de rue. Néanmoins même sortie de son contexte son message reste intacte, renforçant encore plus la dimension humaniste de la photographie. . Retrouvez sur notre compte Pinterest quelques photographies de l’artiste et pour des portraits complets de créateurs rendez-vous sur notre chaîne YouTube « Les Élucubrateurs d’images » ! . #galeriedescuriosites #leselucubrateursdimages #garrywinogrand #streetphotographer #photographiederue #histoiredelart #photographieurbaine #photographiecontemporaine #histoiredelaphotographie #citationdujour #citationfrançaise #citationinspirante #cultureàlamaison #culturegenerale (à New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkiRTAnESW/?igshid=1ev9zfrt7twq6
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insectrecords · 4 years ago
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Just no words to describe my happiness right now. Thank you @nicholasmoulos for the assist. And special thank you to @movetk for creating this beautiful painting. #SUNRA #GARRYWINOGRAND #JUNETYSON #PUREORIGINALS (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdDqQQFH9P/?igshid=1cxejtzn9ihve
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benibunaannemzorladi · 5 years ago
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📷 19 Ağustos Dünya Fotoğrafçılık Günü Kutlu Olsun 📸 1- Collection tour Eiffel - Construction de la tour Eiffel - Deuxieme etage - Juin 1888 / 2- Eadweard Muybridge - Annie G. with Hockey (. 031 Second), One Stride in 16 Phases (Right Lead), Time of Stride:. 46 Second; Strides Per Mile: 233; Speed: 1Mile in about 107 Seconds / 3- Nicholas Nixon - The Brown Sisters 1977, 1995, 2000, 2006 / 4- Edward Burtynsky - Shipbreaking 10, Chittagong, Bangladesh / 5- Eliot Porter - Pool in a Brook, Pond Brook, New Hampshire, October 4, 1953 / 6- Garry Winogrand - Los Angeles, California / 7- Dorothea Lange - White Angel Breadline, San Francisco / 8- Man Ray - Dust Breeding (Detail) / 9- Alfred Stieglitz - The Steerage / 10- David Francis Barry - Sitting Bull or Tata'nka I'Yota'nka #art #sanat #photography #fotoğraf #photographer #fotoğrafçı #fotoğrafçılık #19ağustosdünyafotoğrafçılıkgünü #worldphotographyday #worldphotography #collectiontoureiffel #eadweardmuybridge #nicholasnixon #thebrownsisters #edwardburtynky #elliotporter #garrywinogrand #dorothealange #manray #alfredstieglitz #davidfrancisbarry #sanatıkeşfet #coronadays #benibunaannemzorladi https://www.instagram.com/p/CEE8dnmpWoj/?igshid=121esb1bj5w2s
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iihih · 5 years ago
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One of 20 great photos from our feature “The Stars and Stripes in Black and White” on our blog (link in bio). Other vintage photos in the post include those by Diane Arbus, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, Elliott Erwitt, Vivian Maier, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Henri Cartier Bresson, Dennis Hopper, Garry Winogrand and more. See them all at http://www.ifitshipitshere.com/black-and-white-photos-of-the-american-flag/ #photography #memorialday #america #americanflag #blackandwhitephotography #ralpheugenemeatyard #americanflagphotos #photography #elliotterwitt #garrywinogrand #vivianmaier #robertfrank #henricartierbresson #leefriedlander #dianearbus #ifitshipitshere https://www.instagram.com/p/CAixQCJglNU/?igshid=rf7aa57x2c1u
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onelynecom · 5 years ago
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Garry Winogrand #garrywinogrand #onelyne (New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CALNdbSo_Oj/?igshid=1pjbtnmys8gkt
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