#garreg mach professor || white clouds verse
obsidiansong · 2 years
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@berniebearnomore​ said: "There's the Professor!"
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“Hm, yes? Did you need something, Bernadetta?” Byleth’s not entirely sure what Bernie might want or need to outright call her out, but it must be urgent - or at least urgent in Bernadetta’s eyes.
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huntershowl · 5 years
fe3h meta: rumors of a hound
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i think it’s genuinely possible that there’s a point during WHITE CLOUDS that persephone’s identity is nearly exposed. maybe when flayn is kidnapped and everyone is looking for the culprit – i can definitely see dozens of eyes turning toward one of the scariest people in garreg mach aside from  jeritza ( who they also suspect, and, well. ) and i can see claude or seteth or someone else with resources looking into her past. thus, in the shadowy corners of garreg mach, underneath the dominant rumors of the death knight, begins the circulation of the hellhound stories. it’s unlikely that any digging would bring up persephone’s past other than her twin brother, leto, living peacefully in fhirdiad. their parents don’t exist. their family tree, despite persephone being a crest-bearing noble, is untraceable.  naturally, that would lead to some issues, which begin to escalate as the heat on persephone grows –––– until the professor catches the death knight being flayn’s kidnapper. during this point in the verse, she is paranoid and fidgety, even more hostile + avoidant than usual, will not accept invites to tea, and cannot be given gifts or lost items. if we’re going by full game logic here, the B supports that are available before the timeskip are probably all locked until after this point as well. i think there’s a lot of interesting potential for interactions during this time so if any fe3h mutuals want to explore it, come at me !! otherwise, i will leave this out there as a meta post for more context in other threads. 
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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“Just got done with my meeting with the Archbishop. I have officially adopted Ferdinand. He is my legal son, now.”
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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“Violins...” Byleth leaves... and returns 15 minutes later with a violin that has an axe tied to the neck of the instrument. “Violence...”
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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“Obviously, Hubert’s not a vampire.” Beat. “...He’s a very convincing human-sized automaton fueled by coffee and curses.”
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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“It’s more tradition in Fodlan for women to ride pegasi than a hard rule. This mainly lies in how the horses are bred and reared, as, per tradition, pegasi stables are staffed almost entirely by women. As a result, they are generally much less comfortable around men and difficult to get to let a man ride them. However, records show that a pegasus reared from birth by a man or cooperatively by men and women can be fine bearing a rider of either sex.”
Man. It’s a good thing she read up on those primers before teaching flying classes...
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obsidiansong · 2 years
@heartwilled​: help does this mean jeralt is a granddad now
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She will 100% get a Church scribe or something to make a joke document to make it seem like she legally adopted Ferdinand and make things awkward between him and Jeralt for probably a week or something, as they think they’re now legitimately grandfather and grandson -
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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@incubabe​ said: Byleth just adopted Ferdie. She can’t complain about Jeralt adopting someone!!!
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Listen, she’s obligated to watch over these kids and be their guide and teacher. Adopting at least some of them is, like, the next step up from that. Her dad’s just suffering from empty nest syndrome now that Byleth’s gotten more independent, it’s not the same -
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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“I like coffee and tea, both. I haven’t found any blends that don’t have a pleasant aroma.”
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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“Hilda said that girls don’t sweat, they glisten... But I sweat, so does that mean I’m not a girl...?”
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obsidiansong · 2 years
@of-invisible-ties​: Hubert: If, hypothetically ... this individual would wish to partake in a lesson this week, would you be available for them?
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“Of course. But, hypothetically, should they cancel their scheduled lessons last minute, someone else could always take the lesson instead in their place, so as not to waste the Pegasus Brigade’s efforts in securing a suitable steed...”
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obsidiansong · 2 years
@of-invisible-ties​: cue pleased nodding from hubert
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“Just let me know if you want to schedule lessons in with the Pegasi Brigade for your... ‘hypothetical’ individual, Hubert.” Looks like she ended up seeing through him at some point, if not immediately...
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obsidiansong · 2 years
@of-invisible-ties​: hubert vc: ...is my being human truly so unbelievable to people?
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“...Sorry. I was trying to make a joke.” Sometimes she forgets not everyone can read her as well as Jeralt - and even he can get blindsided from time to time. Hmm, maybe she should change her brand of humor until people get better at understanding her...
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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@bagikurosu​ said: ❛ Just... put down the very sharp knife… ❜
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“But I need this to cook with.” Considering she’s never actually worked with a kitchen like this, here at Garreg Mach, Byleth... is wholly unaware that walking around with the cutting knife still in your hand as you go about with your ingredients is liable to frighten some people. Especially when you’ve got as expressionless a face as she does.
“...I suppose having both hands free would make it easier to carry ingredients.” And without warning, she just...  brings the knife down blade-first into a cutting board, sticking it into the wood before meandering into the cupboard and coming out with two armfuls of vegetables, fish, and other ingredients, before setting them on the countertop with a small grunt.
“Yeah, that was easier. Thanks for the advice.” ...Probably not what Abel intended, but hey, she’s not waltzing around with a knife in her hands, any more.
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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“Sorry, I’m... not really all here, at the moment. Just got something on my mind, is all. Don’t worry.” One of the knights questioned if she actually felt any emotions, earlier today, and worse, he insinuated that it’d be a good thing to have as a mercenary, making it easier to fight and kill. She tried to rationalize it, telling herself he didn’t mean anything by it, but she had excused herself from the conversation too quickly to clarify matters, and now she was paying for it. She was stressing out, and anyone familiar enough with even her less-subtle mannerisms could pick it out with ease.
“I’ll still be good for tomorrow’s lessons.”
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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The hugs cannot be stopped -
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