#garnet kurosawa
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tank041 · 10 months ago
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Genderbend Aqours
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bramblie · 5 years ago
Long road from 2013 to 2020
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Artworks are from the beginning of every year
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findingvocaloidsongs · 2 years ago
Thank you so much for this blog ♡ do you have any recommendations for songs that explore the more complicated feelings that come with grief? Songs like Relationship Scramble by Deco*27 or Teardrops by Hiiragi Kirai. Sorry if this is too vague!
Hi! It’s no problem! Running this blog is very fun!
And of course!
Here are my recommendations!-
Tears of Garnet by Kashi Moimi (I’ve already recommended this song before but it does deal with the grief of losing a lover to suicide)
I Don’t Understand the Meaning of That Blue by UzP (The lyrics talk about like dealing with the loss of someone)
A Mourning and a Parting Gift of Song by Kurosawa Madoka (At this point you already know what it’s about)
A Cling Boy Sticking for 15 Years by Manbou-P (I don’t know what to say about this one really but 100% go listen to it)
Please, Don’t Have Laid Down Your Life by LeftyMonsterP (Talks about the lover(?) of someone who’s at war waiting for them to return)
Honorable mention:
Saihate by Kobayashi Onyx (You’ve probably heard of this song before)
I hope you enjoy listening to these songs!
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Ten fandoms, ten characters, ten tags
Pretty Cure: Cure La Mer, Cure Coral, Cure Summer, Cure Flamingo, Cure Papaya, Cure Happy, Cure Macaron, Cure Passion, Cure Finale, Cure Milky
Aikatsu: Sumire Hikami, Ann Kurimu, Yume Nijino, Hime Shiratori, Ichigo Hoshimiya, Madoka Amahane, Mio Minato, Otome Arisugawa, Kirara Hanazono, Yurika Todo
Pretty Series: Mirai Momoyama, Shion Todo, Miruki Amauri, Aroma Kurosu, Yui Yumekawa, Mel Shidou, Dia Nijinosaki, Hina Yayoi, Maria Kanamori, Falulu Bokerdole
Love Live: Ayumu Uehara, Ruby Kurosawa, Kotori Minami, Chisato Arashi, Setsuna Yuki, Maki Nishikino, Hanamaru Kunikida, Natsumi Onitsuka, Shizuku Osaka, Yoshiko Tsushima
My Hero Academia: Tsuyu Asui, Shoto Todoroki, Kyoka Jiro, Ochaco Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Midnight, Denki Kaminari, Eri, Present Mic, Izuku Midoriya
Pokemon: Dawn, Serena, May, Diantha, Lillie, Cynthia, Nessa, Lisia, Nurse Joy, Mallow
Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World: Emilia, Rem, Beatrice, Ram, Subaru Natsuki, Echidna, Crusch Karsten, Garfiel Tinsel, Anastasia Hoshin, Otto Suwen
Steven Universe: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Garnet, Pearl, Steven Universe, Connie Maheswaran, Peridot, Jasper, Spinel
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Natasha Romanoff, Rocket, Tony Stark, Gamora, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, Groot, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker
Genshin Impact: Yae Miko, Kamisato Ayaka, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Mona Megistus, Lumine, Zhongli, Venti, Beidou, Chongyun, Keqing
Tagged: @wellfated
Tagging: @hoopsheartthrob @megalobonia @bitofthisandthat @heedingcalls @musemelodies @sweetheartedmuses @rosecoloredmuses @droppingdonkeys @pvachypessa @nevernotonmymxnd and anyone who wants to do it
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stormcloudquill · 5 years ago
Crystal Precure
I don't like a lot of anime, and my ocs aren't fan characters, but I am really fond or Precure and I made a fancure team of my own, the Crystal Precure!
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The story is simple enough; the Prism Kingdom, a kingdom of light and crystals, is attacked by a group called the Dullards who dulled the magic Crystal Hearts, bringing darkness to the Prism Kingdom. The twins, Princess Sparkle and Prince Shine, were sent to the human world to find the Precure: heroes connected with special Crystal Keys that can help restore the Crystal Hearts.
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Princess Sparkle and Prince Shine. They disguisee themselves as human idols named Chieko and Akihiko. They bring the Crystal Heart Brushes and the Crystal Melody Box.
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The Crystal Heart Brushes, along with the Crystal Keys, turn the five girls into Cures, and the Crystal Melody Box is used to grant wishes and restore the Heart Crystals
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These are the Crystal Keys:
The Basic keys, used for their transformation and individual purifying powers: Rose Quartz, Garnet, Onyx, Jade, and Moonstone (and later Rainbow Quartz)
The Shining keys, used for their non-purifying powers and their group attack, Shining Prismatic: Morganite, Carnelian, Sugilite, Emerald, and Opal (later Alexandrite)
The Diamond Keys, used for other special attacks, to activate their Diamond forms, and their next group attack, Diamond Laser: Pink Diamond, Red Diamond, Black Diamond, Blue Diamond, Green Diamond and Rainbow Diamond
With their Shining and Diamond Keys, the girls use their Crystal Batons, while Rainbow uses his Rainbow Flute
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Now here are the cures!
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Oshiro Aiko/Cure Quartz
Age: 13
Height: 5’6”
Cure Phrase: “The jewel that shines with the light of love! Cure Quartz!”
Aiko is a happy, outgoing young girl who loves making friends. Even though she's sometimes clumsy and a little scatterbrained, she's a very clever and resourceful. Her life goal is to become a travelling teacher and spread love across the globe. 
Aiko wields the Rose Quartz Key and her Crystal Heart Brush, which allow her to turn into Cure Quartz. As Cure Quartz, she can use the Rose Quartz, Morganite, and Pink Diamond Keys to attack. The Rose Quartz Key activates her purifying ability--Quartz Embrace; with her Crystal Baton, she can use the Morganite Key for her Morganite Ribbon, and the Pink Diamond Key for her Pink Diamond Ribbon.
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ura Suki/Cure Garnet
Age: 14
Height: 5’9”
Cure Phrase: “The jewel that shines with the flames of hope! Cure Garnet!”
Suki is an intelligent, fiery girl with a penchant for stories. Second only to Haruhi in her class, Suki is very positive and helpful, offering to help her friends study when they're confused. She can be temperamental at times and is bad about holding grudges, however. She wants to become an astronaut and visit the stars.
Suki wields the Garnet Key and her Crystal Heart Brush, which allow her to turn into Cure Garnet. As Cure Garnet, she can use the Garnet, Carnelian, and Red Diamond Keys to attack. The Garnet Key activates her purifying ability--Garnet Nova; with her Crystal Baton, she can use the Carnelian Key for her Carnelian Fireball, and her Red Diamond Key for her Red Diamond Fireball.
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Kurosawa Shika/Cure Onyx
Age: 13
Height: 5’3”
Cure Phrase: “The jewel that shines in the shadows of courage! Cure Onyx!”
Shika is quiet, polite, and very shy, but she's also very sweet when one gets to know her. She is a highly skilled artist that can sketch out wonderfully detailed drawings in a few minutes flat. Even though she is shy and often anxious, she is very brave and will stand up to any injustices she notices. She has a few self-esteem issues that sometimes hold her back, but she is grateful for the support of her friends. She wants to be a lepidopterist and draw pictures of butterflies and moths.
Shika wields the Onyx Key and her Crystal Heart Brush, which allow her to turn into Cure Onyx. As Cure Onyx she can use the Onyx, Sugilite, and Black Diamond Keys to attack. The Onyx Key activates her purifying ability--Onyx Swarm; with her Crystal Baton, she can use the Sugilite Key for her Sugilite Shadow, and the Black Diamond Key for her Black Diamond Shadow.
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eurekaminus-blog · 6 years ago
How I Analyze Decklists
AKA How to be a Better Netdecker
There has been a pretty recent explosion in the popularity of Leila Fusoya decks after Harigai and Sawada’s performance at Masters Final, mostly of the Mono Water variety but also a couple of other spin-off variants. I started grinding games on the deck immediately after reviewing the vods on my Twitch channel (though it was a little different for about a day or two until the lists were published on the Column).
After watching Euro’s and seeing players struggle with mutilated versions of the deck I couldn’t help but feel like people were fundamentally misunderstanding what the point of Harigai’s variant actually is, why it’s teched the way it is, and how you are supposed to play the first few defining turns with the deck. Today, I would like to run through how I analyzed his list and how it taught me his thought process while building and playing the deck and what I should do to achieve a parallel level of performance.
As always, everything I say here is just the way I view and play the game. Take it with a grain of salt; it may not work for you the way it does for me, and that’s okay!
First: The List
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Here’s a link for those who prefer one.
Mono Water Fusoya isn’t exactly a hot new archetype. We’ve seen a lot of Fusoya Decks in the past with Water/Lightning variants (ie the OG Harigai and Kurosawa decks) and then Mono Water as a successor for most of Opus 5 until Jihl R became a staple in both dominant Ice variants as a countermeasure that largely drove it out of the meta. So now in Opus 6, why did Harigai’s archetype absolutely curbstop the competition at the Final despite there being a plethora of it seen and tested beforehand? This should be puzzling to you, and it definitely was to me. 
Second: Identify the Change
The first thing I looked at to try to understand the list was what was different. Take a moment to pour over the list and think about it.
There should be a number of things that draw your eye, but the immediately obvious ones should be the 3 PuPu, 3 Brahne, 3 Merlwyb R, and maybe 2 Baderon. These are pretty far out of the ordinary. Merlwyb H is usually preferred over Merlwyb R as an EX Burst and filter for your extra Fusoyas. Brahne is usually a 1 or 2 of, and PuPu is often viewed as strictly worse than Moogle, which isn’t even always a one-of in these lists. The backup lineup cuts a lot of mid-late performance Backups like Scholar and Gladiator, which are often viewed as staples for Water. Without Scholar there really isn’t a reliable Cag combo (yes it is possible with Leviathan) and without Gladiator you can lose some of your opponent mid-late cycle and Cloud of Darkness extensions. So why would Harigai make these unconventional changes? What purpose do they serve?
Third: Think About Why it Changed
This one is surprisingly less straightforward than it seems, and it’s possible that there is no one one “correct” answer; there is often a multitude of a reasons why any given change might have seen particular success at an event whether or not it aligned with the deckbuilder’s original intentions. Some commons things that are probably worth thinking about that may lead you to an answer are things like the popularity of a certain archetype at the previous event, expected fields, the introduction of certain power cards or new synergies (more relevant at the beginning of a new set), and the abuse of cards that have shown themselves to be significantly above the power curve.
To be very clear, Harigai’s changes to the existing archetype can most reasonably be attributed to the last of those statements; in other words, Harigai threw away the common logic of Mono Water Fusoya up until this point to abuse Leila as much as possible. The extra Brahnes and Merlwybs are insurance that you can get your Leila online as fast as possible, and this is often the case as early as turn 1 or 2. The entire of dynamic of the Fusoya deck shifts as a result. While Mono Water Fusoya was often considered a midrangey deck that relied on tempo swings with Summoner/Fusoya combo interaction, Harigai’s version of the list abuses everything that those lists had going for them while increasing the tempo and shifting down to a more aggressive approach. This is where PuPu really comes in to shine. Because if you have no hand you can tack it on to your Merlwyb/Baderon/Brahne/Viking or simply play out your hand and reload a little more quickly that the other aggressive decks (primarily TD, which PuPu is also fantastic into), you have multiple avenues for recovery when your tempo stutters. 
I’ve heard a lot of talk about the list about going up to 5 Backups and getting stuck or clogged, or being unable to deal with developed opposing boards with your low quality Forwards. I think that if you’re experiencing those kind of issues, you’re probably missing the point of the deck entirely. You are the aggressor, not the controller, and Cloud of Darkness extensions plus Fusoya and his synergies are there to allow you to make those aggressive pushes. It is not an all-in deck, which is why we don’t see cards like Garnet S alongside the PuPu. The entire point of the PuPu is to abuse existing synergies and promote the aggressive playstyle; it is the glue that helps keep the deck bound together. You almost never hit 5 backups, because you should be pitching the dead ones (often Baderon and Wakka) to kill them.
Fourth: Play the Deck With Those Changes in Mind
Now that we’ve identified what Harigai’s list is trying to do; don’t go fuck it up by changing something right away. Playing a few games while thinking explicitly about the working components of the deck is the best way to process these changes, understand the strength of the deck, and abuse it as best as you possible can. Try to work with the changed elements as much as you can. If the point of Harigai’s list was to abuse t1/2 Leila in a Wind/Water, Earth/Wind, and TD heavy matchup, play into those matchups and try to abuse Leila. You’ll find yourself understanding the deck much more quickly.
I would like to clarify that I have no intention to say that you can’t change the deck, only that you shouldn’t do it right away and you shouldn’t turn around and reverse the changes the predecessor made just because you think X cards (Merlwyb H, Scholars, and Gladiators) are better than the new component those changes (Leila abuse via Brahne and Merlwyb R) provide. Every change made should be to take the deck into a direction that you think is more appropriate towards the field while doing your best not to screw with the new dynamic from the deck.
Anything beyond these four steps kind of reaches outside of the realm of netdecking and becomes deckbuilding, which is less about winning-deck analysis and more of a philosophy that I think I (a fairly successful netdecker) am less qualified to talk about. You would be better of reading Kurosawa’s article or listening to a very potent deckbuilding madman like JFB. I hope this gave a little insight into how you might go about understanding the thought process of players and metas just by looking over decklists, the way I do.
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sawa18 · 8 years ago
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters
Tagged by @marythacake
TMNT: Raphael
Haikyuu: Tsukishima Kei
Dragon Age: Zevran (this one is too difficult I can’t really pick one)
Naruto: Gaara
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth
Yuri On Ice: Yuri Plisetsky
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures: Jean Pierre Polnareff
Mass Effect: Wrex
Love Live!: Sonoda Umi/ Kurosawa Dia
Boku No Hero Academia: Todoroki Shouto
Steven Universe: Garnet.
I tag @ingunnsara @nishoniya @dragona15 @queerbatnana @shions-heart @hittosama @faittruo @trash--universe @kaiyouchan @isseimattsun @ikipin
(I chose the people pretty randomly. Also I tagged more people than I usually do. I’m on a roll baby~)
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golemrune · 8 years ago
tagged by @shrimpnomnom
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better.
Star sign: Leo 
Height: 5′0
Time right now: 2:47 am
Last thing i Googled: how to write dancing
Favorite Music Artist(s): christina aguilera, beyonce
Last TV show watched: Web of Lies
What am I wearing right snow: grey leggings, blue tank top, black sailor moon shirt and multi colored cardigan 
When did i create my blog: July 2012
What kind of stuff do i post: gajevy, Love Live Idols, and stuff
Do I asks regularly: no
Why did i choose this URL: thought it would be cute
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Team Skull bc I also am a social awkward person riddled with anxiety and insecurity. 
Favorite Color: purple
Hours of sleep: depends on my anxiety level but 5-8
Lucky Number: 15
Favorite characters:  Levy Mcgarden, Dia Kurosawa, Nozomi Toujo, Tomoyo Daidouji, Gajeel Redfox, Usagi Tsukino, Hotaru Tomoe, Setsuna Meioh, Komugi (hxh) Anthy Himemiya, Peridot, Garnet, Lucy Heartfilia etc 
How many blankets do I sleep with: 4-7
Dream jobs: to be emotionally/mentally stable is my only dream right now. 
anyone can do this 
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grey-eyed-menace · 4 years ago
RWBY OC Team Overhaul!
(To put it in perspective, I created seven first year teams alongside INKE as to not fall into the trap that canon gave us.
After that... Well, my imagination got away from me for a bit.
Four years, each with eight teams, four academies, and because I'm a masochist of the highest fucking order, eight teams of graduated, experienced, team's of hunters.
Oh, and apparently, I was idiotic enough to decide on a minium of twenty faculty members per FUCKING academy, so yeah.
I kind of hate myself!)
[Granted, only Beacon's first two years have been FULLY outfitted with named members, with their third year having maybe three...
Also, I wanna mention that there's an Atlas third year team by the name of WTRM (Watermelon) and I think it's fucking hilarious for some reason. They don't have names yet, but I'm banking on giving them absolutely ridiculous one's and being anything but absolutely professional with other people because of this horrible quirk of fate.]
Anyway, new OC Team!
(Their sister team is still in the works, but it's definitely going to be either a cross, or the original ideas I had for my first RWBY OC's, the latter tweaked because, as much as of soft spot as I have for them, I'm not a overly excited fourteen year trainwreck rushing right into character creation.
Said potential teams are...
[WINE is composed of Ferrand Wolfe, Ivory Feyre, Nox Acier, and Esemerlda Talon.
KAGE is Kobalt Evergreen, Alice Redford, Garnet Sharde, and Ebony McBride.
PALE is Pearl Luster, Akane Kurosawa, Light Navy, and Eerie Viollet.
CCVN is Cyan Braxton, Crystal Ventus, Veil McBride, and Nova Heart.
ASHE is Asher Kinsley, Sumire Aoi, Harlequin Aldebrand, and Ecrue Daniels.]
So far, the tentative name is Team INKE, led by Ichor Sable, partner to Taketori Kaguya, courtesy of an absolute moment of adrenaline, terror, and crying.
Lot's of crying.
I have most of Ichor's design figured out, by virtue of her both being the leader, and because of the fact that I know the myth of Icarus best.
Kaguya has, for the most part, been given a general color scheme!
The other two, tentatively named Nacht Lux and Egret Adelram, I have vague ideas for. I know Egret will be based on the tale of The Twelve Brother's, (and his entire family has a bird theme going on), and Nacht will have some connection to another fairy tale of some sort...
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funatsukazuho · 7 years ago
FemEx Dear Creator Letter
Hello there! Thank you so much for joining this exchange. I’m so excited to see whatever you make!
Here is a list of some things I’m looking for in the stuff I requested! If you have stronger ideas and a story you’re just dying to tell about one of these ships, please go full steam ahead. First off though, I’d like to clarify somethings I really, really would not like to receive:
NSFW of minors (I consider this as characters aged up to 20). Please don’t include this at all. 
NSFW for characters who are of age is fine - but I’d prefer it to be subtle rather than the point. 
Here are some things I’m super happy to receive!!
Character studies, including ones with unsatisfying conclusions
Dark themes including assault, murder and death, provided they’re handled with care 
Discussion of past relationships that don’t include the couple who is the main thrust of the work
Trans headcanons! (I especially love trans girl hcs for Kaoru Seta, Mari Ohara, Selphie Tilmitt, Ursula Callistis and Croix Meridies but anyone is fair game!)
Alright, let’s get stuck in!
Tsugumi Hazawa/Sayo Hikawa 
I love this ship - I really suggest reading their first interactions in this event to get a feel for how they interact, if you have only had access to the English version. I’d especially love an internal look at Tsugumi’s feelings if it’s fic, and a cute shared moment with sweets for art. 
Kaoru Seta/Kokoro Tsurumaki and Kaoru Seta/Hagumi Kitazawa/Kokoro Tsurumaki
So here's the thing - Kaoru and Kokoro talk past each other constantly and I actually LOVE that. I think it's made even better by having Hagumi as a mediator (Hagumi is stupid but she's not as stupid as Kaoru, and benefits from Kokoro's weird brand of emotional intelligence.)
I want to see them having madcap adventures, buffeted to ever greater heights of idiocy, but also tenderness too. Let them get a little closer than they do as co-buffoons!
Kaoru Seta/Himari Uehara/Rimi Ushigome
While it's super cute that both Rimi and Himari are head over heels for Kaoru I would love it if she got flustered by both of their attention too!
Kaoru Seta/Maya Yamato
It might be a little unorthodox to request a non-romantic cameo but I would LOVE to see Chisato's reaction to this. I like that Maya doesn't fall victim to Kaoru's ridiculousness (maybe due to overexposure?) and it puts her in a perfect position to make the first move for once.
Kanon Matsubara/Chisato Shirasagi
I like this at its best when it's bittersweet, something that Chisato is clinging to a little too desperately while trying to look like she isn't. A touch or two of sadness goes a long way here with this ship, though of course I love cute fluffiness too.
Misaki Okusawa/Rimi Ushigome
My poor forgotten friendship! How I wish the game would remember that they interact! They're both fans of horror fiction which is ADORABLE. Make use of it!
Aya Maruyama/Maya Yamato
Their names are practically the same it's like fated (no but seriously. I love how Maya is so openly supportive of Maya when others are bringing her down, and how Aya sticks up for Maya and celebrates all her weird little foibles. Cute as heck.)
2. Love Live! Sunshine!! 
Kanan Matsuura/You Watanabe
I like this best post-highschool after both of them have grown up some, but you can feel free to set it when the series happens if you like. I like that they're both silly jocks who love the ocean, so any work focusing on a maritime theme is A+!
Kanan Matsuura/Dia Kurosawa AND Dia Kurosawa/Kanan Matsuura/Mari Ohara
My OT3... My favourite dynamic between them is Kanan and Dia but I do also love when Mari is there to be the shiny, sparkly bond that glues the group together. Super happy to read about fights and disagreements with these three so long as they all make up by the end
3. Steven Universe
I'm really interested in this as a character building piece for both of them; Garnet has to learn to not be such of a pedestal and set boundaries, Peridot has to apologise and keep apologising and also learn to give herself over to the moment more. It's okay if it's just a moment of tenderness between the two of them without anything concrete, but building to a relationship is fine too.
Again, I really want to see them get back up to speed with each other. Something harking back to their past together would be super lovely too!
This is a bit more self-indulgent but it would be so nice to see Bismuth help Pearl dress a little more butch, get a little more in touch with that side of herself. I'd love for Pearl to open up more fully to Bismuth and make her feel secure... 
4. Gatchaman Crowds
Hajime Ichinose/Utsutsu Miya
My OTP of all OTPs. Anything you could possibly provide to me I will treasure, provided it's SFW (unless it's post canon and they're adults). I want to see them in love but also I love seeing the imbalance in their power explored, Utsutsu's sadness and Hajime's manic happiness, I love everything about them. 
5. Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
Takako Kobuchizawa/Gin Toudou
While a retrospective on their relationship is exciting, I'd also appreciate just plain old flashback fic exploring how much they meant to each other when they were raising Shirase.
Shirase Kobuchizawa/Hinata Miyake AND Yuzuki Shiraishi/Mari Tamaki AND Shirase Kobuchizawa/Hinata Miyake/Yuzuki Shiraishi/Mari Tamaki
I love all of these dynamics equally and would be super delighted to receive any of them! With Shirase/Hinata I'm all about the difficulty in communication between them, and navigating the gaps. When they can connect it feels like a relief, almost, and I love that. 
Yuzuki and Kimari are much softer and sillier by contrast and lend themselves well to goofy shenanigans, especially because of Yuzuki's sharp tongue. When all four of them are together I like it best as it is in the show, but with more kissing. 
Megumi Takahashi/Mari Tamaki
Oh please kill me with angst for these two I invite it openly (Megu's jealousy is a great resource, but also Kimari's stubbornness to keep loving her - they can make it work if they work hard! I believe in them!)
Yume Sasaki/Honami Yasumoto
I feel like its a given to ask for fanfic where the two of them get absolutely sauced and spill everything about their feelings about each other but can you blame me for wanting that
Gin Toudou/Kanae Maekawa
Would love to see this potentially contrasted with their prior relationship with Takako and how they're picking up the pieces from it.
6. Teppuu
Natsuo Ishido/Sanae Sawamura
I really love how integral their relationship is to the work without it ever overshadowing everything else; it's very subtle. Well, now I'd like it to take center stage for once. They can kiss while fighting right???
Mai Ganeko/Sanae Sawamura
Mai is such a sycophant, bless her. It would be nice to see Sanae finally validate her a little.
Karin Kotani/Mitsuko Honma
Good old fashioned rivalry with a spark of mutual respect. Imagine if Karin got to win for once? How would they both react?
Mitsuko Honma/Shinobu Kannagi
Really love how thorougly Shinobu knocks Mitsuko off kilter, so making use of that would be super fun (I also love the contrast in their personalities, with Shinobu being a big teddy bear and Mitsuko being a terrifying ice queen)
Karin Kotani/Manami Hiki
Manami is still such a n00b in so many ways and it would be great if she got some special focus from Karin for a change. The dash of hopeless pity just makes it cuter imo.
Kei Ninomiya/Mai Ganeko
I didn't figure anyone else shipped this! I like Kei getting to break away from Natsuo to talk and grow close with other characters (though I'd of course welcome Natsuo's presence in a fic like this). They can bond over being the sidekicks to extremely intense women who hate each other, haha!
7. Professor Layton
Katrielle Layton/Emiliana Perfetti
Just please... I want to see them solving a mystery together... and Katrielle giving Emiliana a jubilant kiss when they figure it out, and consequently ruining her life
8. Marvel Cinematic Universe
PLEASE THE WHOLE MOVIE I WAS BEGGING THEM TO INTERACT give me anything. I will take literally anything. Space AU. Mafia AU. Bodyguard AU seems too obvious, right? In canon, I'd really appreciate an exploration of what they mean to each other and a way to make it work while keeping both their principles intact.
9. Final Fantasy VIII
Selphie Tilmitt/Selphie's Friend (FF8)
Even as a little kid I felt like this was ripe for potential, especially considering how Zell and other party members conduct their romantic business outside of the main party. I'd love to see her coming back to Trabia after the end of the story and getting to relax with her girlfriend for once. (Name the girlfriend whatever you want, but if it's hard to name her how about Tabitha?)
10. Little Witch Academia
Ursula Callistis | Chariot du Nord/Croix Meridies
I'm obsessed with the idea of Ursula determined to redeem Croix by her own hands even when the rest of the world spurns her (and rightfully so!), so something with comedic potential or a more meaty emotional exploration are both things I'd love to see or read.
Atsuko Kagiri/Sucy Manvaran/Lotte Yanson
I love my silly weird protag trio. I think what I'd most like to see here is how they became a couple and then more than a couple; bonus points for keeping Sucy her malevolent, extremely dangerous self while retaining all that exhausted fondness both she and Lotte have for Akko.
Thanks so much for reading so far!! I really appreciate it. :D 
To whomever I'm writing for, I hope I do a good job! Sorry if you were expecting something especially NSFW, haha, but I hope I can do your ships justice!  LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO
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