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Character and ship tags:
E - K (Kahless)
Character and ship tags navigation:
A - B
C - D (Ezri Dax)
D (Jadzia Dax) - D (Dukat)
E - K (Kahless)
K (Lenara Kahn) - L (Lauren)
L (Leeta) - O (Kirayoshi O'Brien)
O (Miles O'Brien) - Q (Q)
Q (Quark) - S (Benjamin Sisko)
S (Jake Sisko) - T
V - Z
Notes: For each character, we've listed a character tag as well as all ship tags that involve that character (sometimes none). Characters are alphabetized by surname, when known. Ships for a given character are alphabetized by the surnames of the other character(s) in the ship. A tag for the character's "miscellaneous" ships (that is, character/non-ds9 character ships, character/OC ships, and ships which only have one fic) is always given at the top of the list of ships for that character.
Michael Eddington | #eddingtonfic
Sisko/Eddington | #siskoeddingtonfic
Kasidy Yates/Eddington | #kasidyeddingtonfic
Entek | #entekfic
Damar/Entek | #damarentekfic
Eris | #erisfic
Weyoun/Eris | #weyounerisfic
Eris (mirror) | #merisfic
Weyoun(mirror)/Eris(mirror) | #mweyounmeris
Felix | #felixfic
Vic Fontaine | #vicfontaine
Vic Fontaine/other | #vicmisc
Ezri Dax/Vic | #edaxvic
Quark/Vic | #quarkvic
Female Founder | #ffounder
Female Founder/other | #ffoundermisc
Female Founder/Weyoun | #ffounderweyoun
Elim Garak | #egarak
Garak/other | #garakmisc
Garak/Bareil | #bareilgarakfic
Garak/Bashir | #garakbashirfic
Garak/Bashir(mirror) | #garakmbashir
Garak/Bashir/Ezri Dax | #garakbashiredax
Garak/Bashir/Jadzia Dax | #garakbashirjdax
Garak/Bashir/Dukat | #garakbashirdukat
Garak/Bashir/other | #garakbashirmisc
Garak/Chalan Aroya | #garakaroyafic
Garak/Damar | #garakdamarfic
Ezri Dax/Garak | #edaxgarak
Garak/Jadzia Dax | #garakjdax
Garak/Dukat | #garakdukatfic
Garak/Garak(mirror) | #garakmgarak
Garak/Lenara Kahn | #garaklenara
Garak/Keevan | #garakkeevan
Garak/Kira | #garakkira
Garak/Lwaxana | #garaklwaxanafic
Garak/Naprem | #garaknapremfic
Garak/Nechayev | #garaknechayevfic
Garak/Nog | #garaknogfic
Garak/O’Brien | #garakobrienfic
Garak/O’Brien/Worf | #garakobrienworffic
Garak/Odo | #garakodo
Garak/Picard | #garakpicardfic
Garak/Q | #garakqfic
Garak/Quark | #garakquark
Sisko/Garak | #siskogarakfic
Garak/Jake Sisko | #garakjakefic
Garak/Tain | #garaktain
Garak/Worf | #garakworffic
Garak/Ziyal | #garakziyal
Garak (mirror) | #megarak
Garak(mirror)/other | #mgarakmisc
Garak(mirror)/Bashir | #mgarakbashir
Garak/Garak(mirror) | #garakmgarak
Garak(mirror)/Kira(mirror) | #mgarakintendant
Garak(mirror)/Kira | kiramgarak
Garak(mirror)/Sloan | #mgaraksloan
Garak(mirror)/Worf(mirror) | #mgarakmworf
Iliana Ghemor | #ilianaghemorfic
Tekeny Ghemor | #tekenyghemorfic
Grilka | #grilkafic
Grilka/other | #grilkamisc
Bashir/Grilka | #bashirgrilkafic
Commander Hilliard | #commanderhilliardfic
Ishka | #ishkafic
Ishka/other | #ishkamisc
Jadzia Dax/Ishka | #jdaxishkafic
Jadzia Dax/Ishka/Lwaxana | #jdaxishkalwaxana
Ishka/Lwaxana Troi | #ishkalwaxanafic
Ishka/Vash | #ishkavashfic
Ishka/Zek | #ishkazek
Jack | #jackfic
Cyrano Jones | #cyranojonesfic
Kahless | #kahlessfic
0 notes
Character and ship tags:
D (Jadzia Dax) - D (Dukat)
Character and ship tags navigation:
A - B
C - D (Ezri Dax)
D (Jadzia Dax) - D (Dukat)
E - K (Kahless)
K (Lenara Kahn) - L (Lauren)
L (Leeta) - O (Kirayoshi O'Brien)
O (Miles O'Brien) - Q (Q)
Q (Quark) - S (Benjamin Sisko)
S (Jake Sisko) - T
V - Z
Notes: For each character, we've listed a character tag as well as all ship tags that involve that character (sometimes none). Characters are alphabetized by surname, when known. Ships for a given character are alphabetized by the surnames of the other character(s) in the ship. A tag for the character's "miscellaneous" ships (that is, character/non-ds9 character ships, character/OC ships, and ships which only have one fic) is always given at the top of the list of ships for that character.
D (continued)
Jadzia Dax | #jdax
Jadzia Dax/other | #jdaxmisc
Jadzia Dax/Arandis | #jdaxarandis
Jadzia Dax/Bashir | #jdaxbashir
Garak/Bashir/Jadzia Dax | #garakbashirjdax
Jadzia Dax/Bashir/Kira | #bashirjdaxkira
Jadzia Dax/Bashir/Worf | #bashirjdaxworf
Jadzia Dax/Damar | #jdaxdamarfic
Ezri Dax/Jadzia Dax | #edaxjdax
Ezri Dax/Jadzia Dax/Bashir | #edaxjdaxbashir
Ezri Dax/Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn | #edaxjdaxkahn
Jadzia Dax/Lela Dax | #jadzialela
Jadzia Dax/Dukat | #jdaxdukatfic
Garak/Jadzia Dax | #garakjdax
Jadzia Dax/Ishka | #jdaxishkafic
Jadzia Dax/Ishka/Lwaxana | #jdaxishkalwaxana
Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn | #jdaxkahn
Jadzia Dax/Kilana | #jdaxkilanafic
Jadzia Dax/Kira | #kirajdax
Jadzia Dax/Kira(mirror) | #jdaxintendant
Jadzia Dax/Kira/Leeta | #jdaxkiraleeta
Jadzia Dax/Kira/Odo | #jdaxkiraodo
Jadzia Dax/Kira/other | #kirajdaxmisc
Jadzia Dax/Leeta | #jdaxleeta
Jadzia Dax/Martok | #jdaxmartokfic
Jadzia Dax/Morn | #jdaxmorn
Jadzia Dax/Keiko | #jdaxkeikofic
Jadzia Dax/Odo | #jdaxodo
Jadzia Dax/Picard | #jdaxpicard
Jadzia Dax/Quark | #jdaxquark
Jadzia Dax/Sisko | #jdaxsisko
Jadzia Dax/Ezri Tigan(mirror) | #jdaxmezri
Jadzia Dax/Worf | #jdaxworf
Jadzia Dax/Worf/Odo/Kira | #jdaxworfodokira
Jadzia Dax/Worf(mirror) | #jdaxmworf
Jadzia Dax (mirror) | #mjdax
Jadzia Dax(mirror)/other | #mjdaxmisc
Jadzia Dax(mirror)/Worf | #mjdaxworf
Lela Dax | #leladaxfic
Jadzia Dax/Lela Dax | #jadzialela
Torias Dax | #toriasdaxfic
Torias Dax/other | #toriasdaxmisc
Torias Dax/Nilani Kahn | #tdaxnkahn
Dax (other host) | #otherdaxfic
Dax (symbiont) | #daxsymbiontfic
Palis Delon | #palisfic
Sarina Douglas | #sarinafic
Bashir/Sarina | #bashirsarinafic
Dukat | #guldukat
Dukat/other | #dukatmisc
Bashir/Dukat | #bashirdukat
Garak/Bashir/Dukat | #garakbashirdukat
Dukat/Damar | #dukatdamarfic
Dukat/Dukat's wife | #dukatandhiswifefic
Garak/Dukat | #garakdukatfic
Dukat/Kira Meru | #dukatmerufic
Kira Nerys/Dukat | #kiradukatfic
Dukat/Odo/Quark/Weyoun | #dukatodoquarkweyoun
Dukat/Opaka | #dukatopaka
Dukat/Quark | #dukatquarkfic
Sisko/Dukat | #siskodukatfic
Dukat/Jake | #dukatjake
Dukat/Lwaxana Troi | #dukatlwaxanafic
Dukat/Tom Riker | #dukattomriker
Dukat/Naprem | #dukatnapremfic
Dukat/Weyoun | #dukatweyoun
Dukat/Winn | #dukatwinnfic
Dukat (mirror) | #mguldukat
Dukat(mirror)/other | #mdukatmisc
Kira(mirror)/Dukat(mirror) | #intendantmdukat
Dukat's wife | #dukatswifefic
Dukat/Dukat's wife | #dukatandhiswifefic
Dulmer | #dulmerfic
0 notes
Character and ship tags:
A - B
Character and ship tags navigation:
A - B
C - D (Ezri Dax)
D (Jadzia Dax) - D (Dukat)
E - K (Kahless)
K (Lenara Kahn) - L (Lauren)
L (Leeta) - O (Kirayoshi O'Brien)
O (Miles O'Brien) - Q (Q)
Q (Quark) - S (Benjamin Sisko)
S (Jake Sisko) - T
V - Z
Notes: For each character, we've listed a character tag as well as all ship tags that involve that character (sometimes none). Characters are alphabetized by surname, when known. Ships for a given character are alphabetized by the surnames of the other character(s) in the ship. A tag for the character's "miscellaneous" ships (that is, character/non-ds9 character ships, character/OC ships, and ships which only have one fic) is always given at the top of the list of ships for that character.
Alixus | #alixusfic
Aluura | #aluurafic
Arandis | #arandisfic
Jadzia Dax/Arandis | #jdaxarandis
Arissa | #arissafic
Odo/Arissa | #odoarissafic
Arjin | #arjinfic
Arjin/other | #arjinmisc
Ezri Dax/Arjin | #edaxarjin
Bareil Antos | #vedekbareil
Bareil/other | #bareilmisc
Bashir/Bareil | #bashirbareilfic
Garak/Bareil | #bareilgarakfic
Kira/Bareil | #kirabareil
Kira/Bareil/Bareil(mirror) | #kirabareilmbareil
Kira/Bareil/Kira(mirror) | #kirabareilintendant
Miles O’Brien/Bareil | #obrienbareilfic
Ziyal/Bareil | #ziyalbareil
mirror Bareil Antos | #mbareilfic
Bareil(mirror)/other | #mbareilmisc
Kira/Bareil(mirror) | #kirambareil
Kira/Bareil/Bareil(mirror) | #kirabareilmbareil
Amsha Bashir | #amshabashir
Julian Bashir | #jbashir
Bashir/other | #bashirmisc
Bashir/Bareil | #bashirbareilfic
Bashir/Bashir(mirror) | #bashirmbashir
Bashir/Damar | #bashirdamar
Ezri Dax/Bashir | #edaxbashir
Ezri Dax/Jadzia Dax/Bashir | #edaxjdaxbashir
Jadzia Dax/Bashir | #jdaxbashir
Jadzia Dax/Bashir/Kira | #bashirjdaxkira
Jadzia Dax/Bashir/Worf | #bashirjdaxworf
Bashir/Dukat | #bashirdukat
Garak/Bashir | #garakbashirfic
Garak/Bashir/Ezri Dax | #garakbashiredax
Garak/Bashir/Jadzia Dax | #garakbashirjdax
Garak/Bashir/Dukat | #garakbashirdukat
Garak/Bashir/other | #garakbashirmisc
Garak(mirror)/Bashir | #mgarakbashir
Bashir/Grilka | #bashirgrilkafic
Bashir/Keevan | #bashirkeevanfic
Kira/Bashir | #kirabashir
Kira(mirror)/Bashir | #bashirintendant
Kira/Bashir/Odo | #kirabashirodo
Kira/Bashir/other | #kirabashirmisc
Bashir/Leeta | #bashirleetafic
Bashir/Li Nalas | #bashirlinalas
Bashir/Martok | #bashirmartokfic
Bashir/O’Brien | #bashirobrienfic
Bashir/Miles O’Brien/Keiko | #bashirmileskeiko
Bashir/O’Brien/other | #bashirobrienmisc
Bashir/Keiko | #bashirkobrien
Bashir/Odo | #bashirodo
Bashir/Picard | #bashirpicardfic
Bashir/Q | #bashirqfic
Bashir/Quark | #bashirquarkfic
Bashir/Sarina | #bashirsarinafic
Sisko/Bashir | #siskobashirfic
Bashir/Jake Sisko | #bashirjakefic
Bashir/Sloan | #bashirsloan
Bashir/Tahna Los | #bashirtahnalosfic
Bashir/Watley | #bashirwatleyfic
Bashir/Weyoun | #bashirweyoun
Bashir/Worf | #bashirworffic
Bashir/Ziyal | #bashirziyalfic
Bashir (mirror) | #mjbashir
Bashir(mirror)/other | #mbashirmisc
Bashir/Bashir(mirror) | #bashirmbashir
Garak/Bashir(mirror) | #garakmbashir
Garak(mirror)/Bashir(mirror) | #mgarakmbashir
Bashir(mirror)/Odo | #mbashirodofic
Borath | #borathfic
Brunt | #bruntfic
Brunt/other | #bruntmisc
Keevan/Brunt | #keevanbruntfic
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A Trill's Last Thrill
by BGM, unknown year
Dax is drunk, and decides to accompany Julian to Garak's quarters in order to invite him to her Bachelor(ette?) party. Some ... er ... threesome fun ensues. :)
Words: 2061, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none listed
Characters: Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Jadzia Dax
Relationships: Garak/Bashir/Jadzia Dax
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): none
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
tripod / oocities
archive.org - option 1
#egarak#jbashir#jdax#garakbashirjdax#citrusfic#no known warnings#unknownyear#garakbashirmisc#garakmisc#bashirmisc#jdaxmisc#2kto5k
0 notes
Destinies Entwined
by BGM, 1996
Garak, Bashir, Kira and Dax are captured by Cardassians and put into a small cell. When torture becomes more than what they can handle, they find solace in each other.
Words: 7284, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: offscreen torture and noncon
Characters: Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax
Relationships: Garak/Kira, Jadzia Dax/Bashir, Garak/Bashir/Jadzia Dax/Kira, Garak/Bashir (implied), Kira/Jadzia Dax (implied)
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): none
Prequel to: Prophets’ Fate [currently missing]
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.ph alternative):
archive.ph - option 1
#egarak#jbashir#majorkira#jdax#garakbashirfic#kirajdax#jdaxbashir#garakkira#kirabashir#citrusfic#year1998#garakbashirjdax#garakbashirmisc#garakmisc#bashirmisc#jdaxmisc#kiramisc#5kto10k#additional tags: missing parts
0 notes
Bare Civility
by ALilcamp, 1998
The end of “Civil Defense” for the folk left in Ops... and being drunk on life.
Words: 3894, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: PG
Warnings: none listed
Characters: Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Jadzia Dax, Kira Nerys, Dukat
Relationships: Garak/Bashir/Jadzia Dax, Kira/Dukat
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): none
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
archive.org - option 1
#egarak#jbashir#jdax#majorkira#guldukat#garakbashirjdax#kiradukatfic#ratedpg#no known warnings#year1998#jdaxbashir#garakbashirfic#garakmisc#jdaxmisc#bashirmisc#garakbashirmisc#2kto5k
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