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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 4 months ago
риири╛ри╕ри┐ри░рйЛ риориири╕рйВри░ риЧрйБри░рйБ риЧрйЛримри┐рй░риж ри╕ри┐рй░риШ (Ganjnama Bhai Nand Lal Ji)
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sikhizm ┬╖ 2 years ago
Bhai Nand Lal Granthavali PDF - Free Download
Bhai Nand Lal Granthavali PDF
Bhai Nand Lal Granthavali is a collection of Persian poetry written by Bhai Nand Lal, who was a prominent Sikh poet of the 17th century. He was a disciple of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. The Granthavali includes several collections of Nand Lal's poetry, including "Ganjnama," "Joti Bikas," "Zindagi Nama," and "Qaul Mubarak." These works are highly regarded in Sikh literature for their lyrical and devotional qualities, and for their portrayal of the Sikh faith and its values. The Granthavali is often studied by Sikh scholars and is considered an important source of spiritual guidance and inspiration for the Sikh community. Book Index - ринри╛риИ риирй░риж ри▓ри╛ри▓ рижрйЗ риЬрйАри╡рии рижрйЗ ри╕рй░риЦрйЗрик ри╣ри╛ри▓ - ринри╛риИ риирй░риж ри▓ри╛ри▓ рижрйАриЖ ри░риЪриири╛ри╡ри╛риВ - ринри╛риИ риирй░риж ри▓ри╛ри▓ рижри╛ риЦри╝ри╛риирижри╛рии риЕридрйЗ римрй░ри╕ри╛ри╡ри▓рйА - ринри╛риИ риирй░риж ри▓ри╛ри▓ рижрйАриЖриВ риЫрикрйАриЖриВ риЕридрйЗ ри▓ри┐риЦридрйА рикрйБри╕ридриХри╛риВ рижри╛ ри╡рйЗри░ри╡ри╛ - ринри╛риИ риирй░риж ри▓ри╛ри▓ рижрйА риЬрйАри╡риирйА риЕридрйЗ риЙриирйНри╣ри╛риВ рижрйЗ риЦри╝ри╛риирижри╛рии рижрйЗ ри╣ри╛ри▓ри╛рид ри╕рй░римрй░ризрйА риХрйБриЭ риХрйБ рикрйНри░ри╕ри┐рй▒риз ри╕рйЛриорйЗ - риЧри╝риЬри╝ри▓ри╛риВ---рижрйАри╡ри╛риири┐ риЧрйЛрипри╛ - риЬри╝ри┐рй░рижриЧрйА риири╛риори╛ - риЧрй░риЬ риири╛риори╛ - риЬрйЛридри┐ римри┐риЧри╛ри╕ (рилри╝ри╛ри░ри╕рйА) - риЬрйЛридри┐ римри┐риЧри╛ри╕ (рикрй░риЬри╛римрйА). ри░ри╣ри┐рид риири╛риори╛ - ридриириЦри╝ри╛ри╣ риири╛риори╛ - рижри╕ридрйВри░рйБри▓-риЗриири╕ри╝ри╛ - риЕри░риЬрйБри▓-риЕри▓рилри╝ри╛риЬри╝ - ридрйМри╕рйАрилри╝рйЛ-ри╕риири╛ Download PDF Book Bhai Nand Lal Granthavali was edited by Sikh scholar Ganda Singh. He was a prominent historian and scholar of Sikhism who made significant contributions to the study of Sikh literature, history, and culture. Ganda Singh edited and published several important Sikh texts, including Bhai Nand Lal's Creations. He worked to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the text, comparing different manuscripts and sources to produce the most reliable version of the Granthavali. Ganda Singh's edition of Granthavali is still widely used today by scholars and students of Sikhism. His work has contributed significantly to the preservation and dissemination of Sikh literature and culture. The PDF is available for download using the button below. Just one click, and you can access this treasure trove of spiritual wisdom. Don't hesitate - to download the PDF of Bhai Nand Lal Granthavali and let his words inspire and guide you on your journey. Read the full article
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artistmahaveerswami ┬╖ 2 years ago
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Guru Gobind Singh, a #spiritualmaster, #warrior, #poet and #philosopher is the tenth and the last human #sikhguru. Among his notable contributions to #sikhism are founding the #sikhwarrior community called Khalsa and introducing the Five Ks (Panch Kakar), they are #kesh, #kangha, #kara, #kachera and #kripan. GANJNAMA, a famous composition written by #bhainandlal in praise of the ten sikh gurus and in it there are many verses that beautifully depict the personality of #gurugobindsingh, a few #verses are mentioned below: тАж Nasar-o Mansoor Guru Gobind Singh Eezad-i Manzoor Guru Gobind Singh Haq Ra Ganjoor Guru Gobind Singh Jumla Faiz-o Noor Guru Gobind Singh тАж #singer: Shri Shivpreet Singh (@singhshivpreet) #painter: Shri Mahaveer Swami (@artistmahaveerswami) PS: The exquisite #seriesofartworks on Guru Gobind Singh are available for sale. DM to query/ies on #originalart and #fineartprints (offerings in many size options include original artworks' size). тАвтАвтАв #gurugobindsinghji #khalsa #panchkakar #ganjnama #bhainandlalji #bhainandlalgoya #indianart #rajasthanart #bikanerart #fineartprintsforsale (at Mahaveer Swami Shilpshala) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl3zVXRSk22/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mehjitsingh-blog ┬╖ 6 years ago
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риири╛ри╕ри┐ри░рйЛ риориири╕рйВри░ риЧрйБри░рйВ риЧрйЛримри┐рй░риж ри╕ри┐рй░риШ Guru Gobind Singh: Protector of the poor and destitute: риИрйЫрижри┐ риориирйЫрйВри░ риЧрйБри░рйВ риЧрйЛримри┐рй░риж ри╕ри┐рй░риШ рее рйзрйжрйл рее In the protection of Akaalpurakh, and accepted in the court of Waaheguru (105) ри╣рй▒риХ ри░ри╛ риЧрй░рйЫрйВри░ риЧрйБри░рйВ риЧрйЛримри┐рй░риж ри╕ри┐рй░риШ Guru Gobind Singh is the repository of truth риЬрйБриори▓ри╛ рйЮрйИрйЫри┐ риирйВри░ риЧрйБри░рйВ риЧрйЛримри┐рй░риж ри╕ри┐рй░риШ рее рйзрйжрйм рее Guru Gobind Singh is the grace of the entire brilliance. (106) ри╣рй▒риХ ри╣рй▒риХ риЖриЧри╛ри╣ риЧрйБри░рйВ риЧрйЛримри┐рй░риж ри╕ри┐рй░риШ Guru Gobind Singh was the truth for the connoisseurs of truth, ри╢ри╛ри╣ри┐ ри╢ри╣риири╢ри╛ри╣ риЧрйБри░рйВ риЧрйЛримри┐рй░риж ри╕ри┐рй░риШ рее рйзрйжрйн рее Guru Gobind Singh was the king of kings. (107) The above few lines are quoted from 'Ganjnama' by Bhai Nand Lal Jee, please read all of this great poetic verse in praise of Maharaj Reposted from @sarbloharts - . Dhan Dhan Sarbans Dani ** Guru Gobind Singh ji ** Maharaj de Parkash Purab Diyan Lakh Lakh Vadhayian ji ЁЯЩПЁЯП╝ . A small mythical illustration of Guru Gobind Singh ji . Sarbat Da Bhala ЁЯЩПЁЯП╝ - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsjd5AphdJI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nthz3mhlo17r
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 4 months ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 4 months ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 5 months ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 10 months ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 10 months ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 10 months ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 1 year ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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dhaliwalmanjit ┬╖ 1 year ago
Ganjnama редред Ustat Guru Gobind Singh Ji редред Bhai Nand lal ji редред Gayani Sur...
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artistmahaveerswami ┬╖ 2 years ago
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Guru Gobind Singh, a #spiritualmaster, #warrior, #poet and #philosopher is the tenth and the last human #sikhguru. Among his notable contributions to #sikhism are founding the #sikhwarrior community called Khalsa and introducing the Five Ks (Panch Kakar), they are #kesh, #kangha, #kara, #kachera and #kripan. GANJNAMA, a famous composition written by #bhainandlal in praise of the ten sikh gurus and in it there are many verses that beautifully depict the personality of #gurugobindsingh, a few #verses are mentioned below: тАж Nasar-o Mansoor Guru Gobind Singh Eezad-i Manzoor Guru Gobind Singh Haq Ra Ganjoor Guru Gobind Singh Jumla Faiz-o Noor Guru Gobind Singh тАж #singer: Shri Shivpreet Singh (@singhshivpreet) #painter: Shri Mahaveer Swami (@artistmahaveerswami) PS: The exquisite #seriesofartworks on Guru Gobind Singh are available for sale. DM to query/ies on #originalart and #fineartprints (offerings in many size options include original artworks' size). тАвтАвтАв #gurugobindsinghji #khalsa #panchkakar #ganjnama #bhainandlalji #bhainandlalgoya #indianart #rajasthanart #bikanerart #fineartprintsforsale (at Mahaveer Swami Shilpshala) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl3y6ONyJwP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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