#gangster!davey jacobs
denimwrites-archive · 7 years
The Meeting (Part 1)
Prompt: I couldn’t get the thought of a tough yet compassionate gangster Davey, so here we are.
Fandom: Newsies (2017) - 1920’s Gangster AU
Pairing: Gangster!Davey Jacobs X Librarian!Reader
Series Summary: You work at the library and show off the meeting rooms in the building to a mysterious man who stops by, not knowing your life would change forever. Katherine warns you about who he really is, and you learn more on your own over the course of a few weeks, being put in danger but too caught up in him to care. But will he catch you if you fall for him or will no one catch you in time?
Chapter Summary: A man asks about the meeting rooms in the library where you work, and about the exits, but you don’t pay it any mind until your friend, Katherine, sheds some light on him.
Word Count: 2,161
Warnings: Language, mention of mob meetings? Nothing too bad yet.
A/N:  Okay, another series started. I have no idea when this will be updated, but I’m going to try for every two weeks? But if things come up, things come up. I’m excited for this though, and I’m going to be trying a different style to kind of show the duality between the reader and Davey. Feedback is definitely appreciated! <3
Part 1 - Part 2
Awaking to the ringing of your alarm clock, you groan as you stretch. Settling back into bed you attempt to get yourself ready to face the day. Swinging your legs over the edge of the mattress, you stand and stretch again, causing your brain to lose some of its sleep fog. Heading to your kitchen you pour some juice and put some bread in the toaster, before you head back to your room to get ready for the day.
After you finish getting dressed, you eat breakfast and head off for work. Making your way down the street with the rest of the city foot traffic, you buy a newspaper off of a boy on the corner, giving him an extra penny for his cheerful grin. Finally arriving at the library, you rush through its doors and behind the counter, ready to start the day.
A few blocks away Davey was also getting ready to start the day. Getting dressed in his suit, and making sure his little brother, Les, was up and to school on time. He made some eggs for the two of them, and he told Dave about how class was going and how he was looking forward to playing with his friends during break.
Davey couldn’t help the smile that came over his face as he listened to Les talk about the stories he and his friends would act out during recess. He thought about how grateful he was to be able to take care of Les and his folks, who lived on the other side of the borough. He and Les visited every week, and Dave made sure they were comfortable. Ever since their dad’s accident, work has been hard, and he needed to be where he was to help Jack run his operation, so Les was with him.
He knew it was hard on his mom and dad, but that was the way things had to be, at least for now. After breakfast was finished, Dave grabbed his hat and briefcase, before walking Les to school. Waving his brother goodbye, he continued down the road to the restaurant on the corner. Giving a nod to the host, he made his way through the back door and to the building behind it. Knocking a pattern on the door, it was opened to reveal Albert. He patted his shoulder and moved past, to the office he knew Jack would be in.
A light knock and he entered to see Jack reading the day’s paper. “Hey, Davey, did you find a neutral place for that meeting with Conlon tomorrow?”
Davey chuckled, “Good morning to you to.” Walking over to the other desk in the room he set down his briefcase and opened it, grabbing some papers and walking over to stand in front of Jack.
He folded up the newspaper, and gave him his full attention, “Sorry, Dave, you know that Spot coming for a meeting has me in a bunch. How’s Les? Is he following after his uncle and being a troublemaker?”
Shaking his head, “You’re not his uncle, Jack, more like another brother. And no, he’s behaving himself, thank god.” Handing the papers to Jack, he began again, “Here are some of the sights we were considering for the meeting. I haven’t gotten to go out and scout them all since I wanted your opinion first.”
As Jack glanced over a few of them, his mouth was set in a grim line. “I’m not finding any of these especially great Dave. We need someplace public enough that he won’t cause a scene if something goes wrong, and if something does go wrong, we need an easy exit.” Setting the papers down, he lets out a sigh and rubs a hand over his face. Davey goes to say something, but Jack stops him with a hand. He sits forward and scratches his chin, pausing before looking into Davey’s eyes. Slapping a hand down on the desk, “I got it! How about the library?”
Davey bobs his head considering it, “They do have meeting rooms on the second floor. And it’s one of the larger branches so it won’t just be Manhattan turf.” Jack raises his eyebrows at him, with a flourish of his palms. “I’ll go check it out after I talk to Specs about that meeting he had in Queens. I just got to check and make sure their payments are on time, or at least on their way.”
With a nod from Jack, he sets off to do just that, while you go about reshelving some of the books that were returned to the book drop. As you step up another rung on the ladder you’re on, Katherine comes careening around the corner, bumping into the ladder. You let out a squeak as it wobbles slightly, and you glare down at your friend who has a sheepish smile on her face.
Shelving the last book in your hand, you make your way back down to the floor. “Hey, Kath, what can I do for you?”
She smiles, “I need…” she trails off and grabs her notebook, flipping through it until she finds the scribble she was looking for. “Any and all stories and records about the owners of the Thomas Racetrack.”
Leading the way over to the shelves, you sort through the cards muttering to yourself until you find the one you’re looking for. Grabbing it, you hand it to her, before digging in again. You end up pulling about five cards, and then head off to find the corresponding books and newspaper archives, talking while you do. “So, big story with this racetrack? Trying to shed some light on some shady dealings?”
Katherine gives you a small giggle and a nudge. “Nothing so interesting, but who knows what this might reveal. It’s actually a story on the owners and how they grew their business. I interview them this week, but I wanted to do some homework on the place first so I can get more than just the standard information.”
“What’s the big occasion? Usually stories about the track are only about the races?”
“It’s their thirtieth anniversary being open this Friday, and since they contribute so much to the sports pages the Sun wanted to give back. And I’m the one stuck with the fluff piece.” She lets out an exasperated sigh and you give her a sympathetic smile.
“Hey,” you say, getting her attention, “I know you’re going to give it your all. And who knows? Maybe they’ll love it and have you cover the next big race? That’ll get your name out there for sure!” You can see her perk up at that and give a determined nod. After you’ve found all of the books and articles you leave her at a desk before heading back to the front counter, relieving your coworker to go and reshelve for a little bit.
You settle in and grab one of the books in the stack next to you, deciding to read while you wait to see if any patrons need help, or want to check something out. But you don’t get very far into the story when someone is clearing their throat in front of you. Setting down the book and looking up to the man in front of you, you freeze when you see his deep brown eyes. His growing smile at your state as well.
“Uh… How can I help you today, sir?” you finally ask, snapping back to reality. You feel your face heat up as you really take in his appearance. Tall, dark hair under a pinstripe hat, matching the rest of his three piece suit. He stands tall, like he knows his purpose and is going to fulfill it, holding himself proudly and permeating an essence of strength.
He also seems to be taking you in, and you feel your cheeks warm even more at the attention. After what seems like an eternity, he finally states his business. “Do you have meeting rooms that are open to the public?”
“Yes, we do. They’re up on the second floor. I can show you if you like?”
The man smiles and nods, “If it isn’t any trouble, I would love to.” Standing up from your position behind the counter, you brush your hands on your bottoms, slightly nervous. Making your way to the front you motion him towards the stairs to the side of the building, walking beside him as he starts forward. “I’m David Jacobs, by the way.” he introduces himself, holding a hand out.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), pleasure to meet you.” Shaking his hand, you decide to keep the conversation going. “May I ask what the meeting room would be used for? I’ll need it later for the paperwork anyway, but I have to admit I’m curious.”
“Strictly business. My boss wanted a neutral place to discuss some opportunities with a competitor, and who’s more neutral than the library?” He smiles at you, and you smile back, proud that more businesses are taking advantage of the library and its many uses. And you say so when you make it to the second floor landing, before walking down the corridor.
“Well the library is here as a public structure, we’re here to help in whatever way possible. And I for one, am very happy that businesses are starting to see that and use the resources we provide.” Turning down a side hallway, you stop in another hallway in front of a row of windows. Gesturing to the sets of doors on the walls opposite of the windows, “These are some of our meeting rooms, the smaller ones. I wasn’t sure what size you needed so I thought I’d start with these. They can hold up to twenty people, and are much more private than our bigger rooms.”
“And where are the exits in relation to these rooms?” David asked, quickly scanning the hallway and back up the way you came.
“Well on the other side of these windows is the fire escape, which leads to the ground, but the other closest exits are through that hallway we came down, or the other hallway up ahead that reconnects to the rest of the library. You would have to use the stairs we came up, or the stairs at the other end of the building in case of an emergency.”
“Can I please see the larger of the meeting rooms? We aren’t entirely sure how many of our competitor’s people are coming, so it might be best to go bigger.” With a nod, you lead him back to the main section of the second floor before heading towards the back wall. Next to the other set of stairs, there was another hallway that lead to another corridor that was similar to the last meeting room section, but the rooms could hold over forty people.
Explaining this to him, you also spoke of the emergency exits from these rooms. “Again, there’s a fire escape on the other side of these windows, but the stairs back to the ground floor are much closer. Of course with the other rooms, you could always slide down one of the columns back to the first floor,” you joked with a smile.
He chuckles along before glancing across the way at one of the said columns, “That’s actually not a bad idea. Thank you for your time, I think one of the smaller rooms would be perfectly fine. You said there’s paperwork to fill out?”
Motioning towards the staircase closest, you explain on the way back to the front desk, “It’s just a form saying that you agree to library no food or drink policy, and that you’ll leave the room the way you found it. Nothing big, but some people like to damage the tables. And let’s just say our budget is small enough as it is, we don’t need to keep paying for new tables if we can help it.”
He gives a solemn nod and starts to fill out the form once you hand it to him. You find yourself getting lost in the smooth planes of his face, but his eyes snapping to meet yours, causes your breath to catch in your throat. He smiles at you and sends you a wink, “See you tomorrow then, (Y/N).” And then he’s walking out the door.
It takes Katherine calling your name a couple of times to finally grab your attention. “Do you know who that was?” she asks in concern.
“Who? David? He seemed like a nice enough guy, why? What’s the matter?”
She’s blinking at you in surprise. “David? David Jacobs? Also known as the right hand man of Jack “The Boss” Kelly? The leader of the Manhattan Mob?” And then it’s your turn to blink at her in surprise. And then it dawns on you.
“Oh my god, that means there’s going to be a mob meeting here tomorrow.”
Tag List: @helplesshansen
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Brooklyn Ain’t Home
In honor of the first draft of the javid portion of the Reincarnation AU being done (here comes obsessive editing! chapters 2 and 3 will probably be out within a few days!) here’s a thing that takes place after the sprace portion!
Tw: major character death mentions, grief, and referenced past death.
Spot was unhappy, and Race didn’t know why.
They’d found each other again after a century apart two days ago.
Well, technically, they’d found each other a couple weeks ago, but they’d only remembered two days ago.
Race was happy. He finally had Spot back, after peaceful decades floating in the void and then years not knowing who he was missing.
Naturally, his old insecurities from last time were flaring back up. That he wasn’t enough. That Spot didn’t love him as much as he loved Spot.
Race wanted to smack his insecure, angsty, 1899 15-year-old self with a broom to make him shut up.
That was still weird. Having two lifetimes in his head. Sure, the first one had been cut short, but Race remembered as much about his first life as he did about this one. He felt somewhere between the kid he’d been before remembering and the adult he’d been when he died. It was complicated.
But he was still... himself, just like each of the others were still themselves. Circumstances in this lifetime had somewhat mimicked the previous enough to preserve everyone’s personalities. Jack was still fiercely protective. Crutchie was still sarcastic yet compassionate. Romeo was still eccentric and big-hearted.
And Spot was still strategic, smart, and untrusting. Race hadn’t quite had his trust yet in this lifetime before they remembered, so he wasn’t really sure where they stood right now.
He didn’t know how to bring up this conversation, to ask what they even were, to ask if Spot was confused by his feelings or anything in this big bright world where being gay was legal, but it wasn’t currently the biggest concern.
The biggest concern was helping Spot move in with Denton, because he’d gone back to his parents’ house Saturday morning to grab a bag, and then run to the Larkin house. Since Medda had a rather strict rule about her boys’ boyfriends sleeping over, they had to look for somewhere else for him to live, which was when Jack piped up that Denton was looking at adopting a kid, and when asked, was happy to let Spot crash with him.
So far, his parents hadn’t come looking for him. They’d just have to hope it stayed that way.
And... and so far, neither Denton nor Medda were showing any signs of remembering anything. According to Davey, Sarah, and Les, neither were Mr. or Mrs. Jacobs.
Well, you couldn’t have everything. This whole reincarnation thing was trippy.
And if none of the good adults remembered, that meant none of the bad ones remembered either. At least, Race hoped so. He had to believe that. Otherwise, he couldn’t imagine Snyder the Spider would be happy about being outwitted by Jack Kelly and Racetrack Higgins in two lifetimes.
Not that Race was too worried. Medda and Denton didn’t remember, after all. And he had Spot to protect him if Snyder did somehow remember.
At least... he hoped he had Spot. He still wanted Spot.
His insecurities just weren’t sure if Spot still wanted him.
Race was thinking of all this as he and Spot sat on the couch at Denton’s house, watching a movie.
‘Watching a movie.’ Neither of them was really watching it.
Race knew what was on his mind, but he wished he knew what was on Spot’s. He didn’t know if he should ask.
“They ain’t all here.”
“What?” Race asked.
When he looked, he was alarmed by the amount of pain on Spot’s face.
“They ain’t all here,” he repeated, “Vince. Graves. Twitch. They ain’t here. Ain’t home.”
Oh. Spot had never been especially good with emotional talks. This was his rather blunt way of letting Race know he needed to talk.
“They’ll come eventu—“
“No,” Spot interrupted, “We all remembered on Friday cause we was all in one place for the first time that night since 1917. All. Everyone who came back.”
As much as Race wished he could argue, he had assumed that logic, too.
But he had known those Brooklyn kids, too. He hadn’t thought to miss them yet, but—
“Blue,” he realized, “Bluebird. She’s not—“
“I know,” Spot said tightly, “Scarf ain’t, either.”
Scarf and Bluebird had been two of the younger Brooklyn kids. The two Spot probably had felt the most responsible for, considering he’d practically raised them and had to kill once to protect each of them.
Bluebird had taken over as king when Spot aged out, because she had all his strategic mind and toughness and all Race’s charisma. The two of them had practically raised her. They’d taught her to fight after Spot killed a gangster to protect her. She’d been as close as they ever got to a daughter, or at least a little sister to both of them.
Scarf hadn’t been close with Race, the kid was so shy, but he’d moved into the Brooklyn Lodging House early, too, after Spot killed his monster of a father. He was later Blue’s second for a while.
Race remembered seeing Scarf around camp when they were at war. He remembered how devestated Spot was when he died.
Neither Scarf nor Bluebird were here. Hell, Race didn’t even know how Bluebird had died, though she must be dead by now.
“We got a choice whether to come back or not,” he said slowly, trying not to let his voice shake, “I guess... I guess not everybody took it.”
Spot nodded, clearly trying hard to control his emotions, too, “Yeah, I guess not.”
Still, a kind of morbid curiosity overwhelmed Race. It was probably a bad idea, but he needed to know.
He pulled out his phone, “Did Blue ever tell ya her last name? She only ever told me her first.”
“Yeah, it was ‘Li.’ Why?”
Athena Li. There couldn’t be that many obituaries on women named Athena Li, could there?
There were, actually, but only one could possibly be her.
A picture on the internet of a newspaper from 1918. Checking the birthdate, it matched up.
“She died not a year after we did,” Race breathed, “In the influenza pandemic.”
Spot was silent for a heavy few seconds, and his answer was choked up when he spoke.
“She did?”
Race nodded, swiping his sleeve over his eyes. God, he knew Crutchie was the last to die, but he’d really hoped Blue got a long life, too.
She was 29. Unmarried and alone. Crutchie had apparently written her obituary because nobody else alive cared enough to do it. All her friends—her family—were already dead.
“Do ya think she got the offer and just... turned it down?” Spot asked quietly.
Race shrugged, “I think we all got it ‘bout the same time, so... I guess she really ain’t comin’ back. They ain’t comin’ back.”
“I guess it’s only fair.”
“How can ya say that?”
Spot sighed, “Brooklyn and Manhattan got a second chance, but have ya seen anybody else? Huh? Those of us back, most of us died in the same unit, but what about those who didn’t? I ain’t seen any former Bronx kids back. Or Midtown, or... guess it’s only fair we don’t get everybody.”
Fair, maybe, but that didn’t make it pleasant to think about.
“Do ya know Scarf’s real name?” he asked quietly, “I could look for...”
He stopped, because Spot was already shaking his head.
“I don’t wanna know, Race. I don’t wanna know what—if anythin’—got put in a pape for him. I watched him die. And he was so skittish, I ain’t really surprised he didn’t take a second round.”
Scarf had been skittish. Race remembered that much about him. But that had never stopped him from being best friends with Bluebird, and later Les. Those three were quite the chaotic trio when they were kids, and when they got bigger, Race remembered how Les had cried when Scarf got shot. How much it had hurt to write to Blue and tell her he was...
...wait a second.
“We’s all the same age this time around,” Race realized aloud.
“Yeah, and?”
“And Les ain’t. He’s the same amount younger than Davey and Sarah as he was last time.”
Spot was silent for a second, realizing what he was saying.
“I can see Scarf not takin’ the offer,” Race admitted, “But Bluebird? You know our girl would do it. She just ain’t here cause... cause she didn’t die with the rest of us!“
“Crutchie didn’t, either,” Spot pointed out.
“Exactly,” Race grinned, “That just proves it. Crutchie got to come back, and he wasn’t in our unit—neither was Joey or York or any of your other kids that came back ‘cept Hotshot.”
“But we could only remember once everyone met each other again. Race—“
“I’s been thinkin’ ‘bout that. I don’t think that was what it was. I thinks it was Les. He was the final piece—he was with the last group of us in the war when we died.”
“Kath, too,” Spot muttered, “They were what we was missin’.”
Spot smiled hesitantly, “So... the other Brooklyn kids might be out there. And if they are, we’ll find ‘em someday. Bring ‘em home.”
“We will,” Race promised, “I’ll help ya look.”
“You don’t even know any of their real full names.”
“Shut up. I’m tryin’ to be helpful.”
“You do help,” Spot assured him, smiling softly, “Love ya, Racer.”
“I love you, too.���
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rosie-anon · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies (1992), Newsies - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jack Kelly, David Jacobs, Racetrack Higgins, Spot Conlon, Elmer (Newsies), Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Tommy Boy (Newsies), Mush (Newsies), Mush Meyers, Mike (Newsies), Ike (Newsies), Buttons (Newsies), Specs (Newsies), Kid Blink, Finch (Newsies), JoJo (Newsies), Henry (Newsies), Romeo (Newsies), Smalls (Newsies), Sniper (Newsies), Crutchie | Crutchy (Newsies), Crutchie (Newsies), Les Jacobs, Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, Bill (Newsies), Darcy (Newsies), Medda Larkson | Medda Larkin Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Mob, Organized Crime, Alternate universe - Mafia, Mob AU, Mob Boss Jack Kelly, Mob Boss Davey Jacobs, fem!sniper - Freeform, fem!smalls, Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Implied Violence, Gambling, Turf War, Prostitution, Madame Medda, Aged-Up Character(s), only by a few years, Mafia Don Spot Conlon, Gangster Katherine Pulitzer Series: Part 1 of The Notorious Kelly Mob Summary:
Jack Kelly and his gang of ne'er-do-wells, their important friends, and everyone's various roles in his complex operation.
Or, I should say, in David Jacobs' operation.
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denimwrites-archive · 7 years
Please see my new Masterlist of Masterlists
denimwrite’s masterlist - last updated 3/17/18
Dear Evan Hansen x Reader
Evan Hansen x Reader
Who Needs Mistletoe?
Hansen Surprises
What Are Brothers Good For? (Kleinman!Reader)
Fate’s Second Chance (Soulmate AU)
Cookies, Comfort, & Cuddles (Transguy!Evan)
Studying and Good Luck
Connor Murphy x Reader
Flowers and Feelings
“I love you, dumbass!”
Enough Endings and Beginnings
Delicious Vegetals (Crack Fic)
Disney is NOT Lame
“He Had It Coming”
The Cold is Actually a Bother
Breathless Colors (Soulmate AU)
Jared Kleinman x Reader
Ghostly Wingmen
Getting Into Character
The Cronch
Surprise Boiiii
My Han Solo
Cuddly Jare-Bear
Troll Lover (Soulmate AU)
Sincerely Three x Reader
Their Reactions to You Getting Into Your Top College (Headcanons)
Types of Dates They Take You On (Headcanons)
Zoe Murphy x Reader
Musical Nights
Alana Beck x Reader
Rough Start to Spring Break
Rough End to Winter Break (prequel to Rough Start to Spring Break)
Newsies x Reader
No Pairing
A Lodging House Holiday (Headcanons - not reader insert)
Davey Jacobs x Reader
Friends? (Male!Reader) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
The Meeting (1920s Gangster AU) in progress - Part 1 - Part 2 - 
Hot CoCoffee?
Crutchie Morris x Reader
Racetrack Higgins x Reader
Special Nights & Snowball Fights
Date Night (Poly Fic with Spot Conlon)
Stuck (Poly Fic with Albert Dasilva)
Albert x Reader
Independence and Love
Stuck (Poly Fic with Racetrack Higgins)
Spot Conlon x Reader
Peace and Sweaters
Date Night (Poly Fic with Racetrack Higgins)
Jojo x Reader
All of the I Love You’s
I’m Not Backing Down
Be More Chill
Jeremy Heere x Reader
Life of the Movie Party
Michael Mell x Reader
King of My World
Rich Goranski x Reader
Falling Disgracefully
Popular? Please.
Tuck Everlasting
Jesse Tuck x Reader
The Day Things Changed
Stick in the Mud
New Heights
Supernatural X Reader
No Pairing
LARPing with Charlie and the Boys
Driving Down The Highway (Drabble)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Knights and Legends (Male!Reader)
Lean On Me (Male!Reader)
Sam Winchester x Reader
Reader with Ghostsickness 
Castiel x Reader
My Religion (Song Fic)
Merry Mistletoe
Gabriel x Reader
Messy Mr. Trickster
Ideas for a Winter Wonderland
Samandriel x Reader
If I Could Breathe, You’d Take My Breath Away...
Marvel x Reader
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Healing the Future
Foggy Nelson x Reader
Alcohol Can Solve the Problem - Part 1 - Part 2
Deadpool x Reader
The Tailor
Pool Signal
Original Works
J’s Ideas
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denimwrites-archive · 7 years
A/N: New Year New Series
Okay so after I finish this fic spree I have a new idea for a series that I’m super fucking excited about.
Newsies 1920′s Gangster AU Davey Jacobs x Librarian!Reader
(I kind of feel bad that Davey already got a series but y’all I just got this picture of a super tough Davey who’s actually a total sweetheart stuck in my head and I cannot think of anything else)
I don’t know how long it’s going to be, but probably at least 5 parts? I also don’t have a strict schedule about when I’ll be posting it, but we’ll see.
There’s going to be action, romance, angst, betrayal, love, and more!
(Also if I really like this AU I might write more of the Newsie boys in it if people want that) Just wanted to let you wonderful folks know that it would be coming, and that I’m so so so excited for it.
Yep. That was it. Requests are still open, and the fic spree is still on track (I’ll be reblogging the updated list with the ones posted crossed off and such tomorrow as a reminder). Thank y’all and I hope you’re having a great day!
- Roe 🌱
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