smarties-art · 5 years
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Day 4 of Gangsta Week: Alternative Universe
*digs out my old Detroit: Become Human AU*  Someone please talk to me about this, I´m begging you
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delibunni · 5 years
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Only had time for one piece for Gangsta week but i just ‘had’ to do something for one of my absolute favourite series!
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arcangelo-angel · 5 years
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Gangsta. Week 2019
Day 1: Naughty Boys and Girl: It’s all About Benriya
“Alex, let go of his hand!”
“I’m fine ... this is nothing!” 
recollection of events in Chaper 34
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gangsta-week · 5 years
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Day 6 (20th): All is Fair in Love and War: OTP/BroTP Match-ups
Day 6 is all about those match-ups…be it platonic, romantic, sexual…hell maybe even purely antagonistic…
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happy-go-pucky · 5 years
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I really never post here anymore, but figured for Gangsta week I’d contribute. I suppose this can fit my submission for both day 2 and day 3. Here’s some Marco.
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moded20 · 5 years
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Gangsta. Week Day 6
This is for the otp/brotp prompt.
I really like these two.
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abri-chan · 5 years
I couldn't help myself, since the theme for day 2 of gangstaweek2019 is “What, like it’s hard?”
Worick: So you're 12. And already a nurse? And also a doctor in training?
Nina, legally blonde voice: What, like it's hard?
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inverted-kidney · 5 years
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Gangsta Week 2019 - Day 1: Benriya
Almost late to the party, but i think I just made it in time. Themed dessert for the night XD
It's not fully what I had in mind, but it will do. OTL
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ergastulum-gazette · 5 years
Howdy everyone!
We are working on organizing the return of a Gangsta week. We could use your help in determining a time frame. The link above is to a Twitter poll with 3 options for potential dates. Your vote would be appreciated!
If you don't have Twitter or prefer not to click away from Tumblr, we would still like your input! Please comment with your preferred choice
A. June 24 thru 30th
B. July 8th thru 14th
C. July 15th thru 21st
Please spread the word and reblog/retweet!
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smarties-art · 5 years
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Day 2 of Gangsta Week: favourite characters I love three (3) kids
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gangsta-week · 5 years
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We’ve tallied up the votes and the results are in. The official 2019 GANGSTA. week will be held on July 15th - 21st. We hope you guys are as excited as us, and the winning themes are as shown below:
Day 1: Naughty Boys and Girl: It’s all About Benriya
Day 2: “What, like it’s hard?”: Favorite Character(s)
Day 3: Gone But Not Forgotten: Flashback(s) / Character Death(s)
Day 4: Magic Carpet Ride: AU Day
Day 5: “If you had the chance to change your fate..”: Fate/Tarot Cards
Day 6: All is Fair in Love and War: OTP/BroTP Matchups      
Day 7: Set Me Free: The Choice is Yours
The themes can also be found at their respective page with additional explanation.
Also as a reminder, please be sure to look over the rules of the event. They are listed below, but also have a dedicated page with a link on the header bar as well as a link within the description for those on mobile. If you have any questions feel free to shoot us a message!
Submissions must relate to the characters of Gangsta (anime or manga) or Gangsta: Cursed.
Any art form will be accepted! Feel free to submit fics, headcanons, videos, music, fan theories, traditional art, digital art, moodboards, playlists, or cosplay (to name a few)!
Only submit your own work. It goes without saying, but please do not repost another creators work for this event.
NSFW is acceptable. Due to Tumblr’s rules NSFW art cannot be directly posted here, however you can either message us an offsite link and we will compile it on a page with credit or post it on Twitter. But please keep in mind that we will not accept the following:
Works depicting explicit content of characters under the age of 18 (Yes we know it is canon for certain characters, but are taking a moral standing to avoid explicit content involving minors).
Works containing non-con or otherwise inherently dubious content.
Please use the tag #gangstaweek2019 for standard submissions and for NSFW #gw19nsfw when submitting on Tumblr & Twitter.
If you submit on Tumblr using an offsite link, please be sure to @gangsta-week so we can see your post as it will not show up in search (Tumblr is a jerk like that).
You are not required to follow the daily themes! Anything put in the tag that follows these rules will be accepted and reblogged! The themes are just to help inspire people who may want inspiration for a given day. We will accept any and all of your Gangsta creations.
With that said, there is no right or wrong way to interpret the themes.
Please don’t let the deadlines deter you from submitting. It’s okay to submit something out of sequence of the themes or even after the event has officially ended. We will do our best to check the tag a bit after.
Be kind and respect each other :)
-Admins Invie & Egg
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moded20 · 5 years
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Day 7: Free
So I drew these two together bc it's a very cute relationship. Tho it was very rushed but I'm still happy I finished it.
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moded20 · 5 years
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Gangsta. Week 2019
Day 1: Naughty Boys and Girl
Thought this would be a good chance to upload some things to tumblr as well.
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moded20 · 5 years
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Day 2: Favorite Character
I love Doug...
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gangsta-week · 5 years
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Gangsta Week 2019 starts in 2 weeks!
So this is just a little signal boost/reminder of the upcoming event.
To reiterate you can find all of the themes for each day below. Also don’t forget to check out the rules!
If you ever need to reference any info for the event, links for both the rules can be found on links bar on our direct page (for the PC users) as well as in our Tumblr description (for mobile users).
Day 1: Naughty Boys and Girl: It’s all About Benriya
Day 2: “What, like it’s hard?”: Favorite Character(s)
Day 3: Gone But Not Forgotten: Flashback(s) / Character Death(s)
Day 4: Magic Carpet Ride: AU Day
Day 5: “If you had the chance to change your fate..”: Fate/Tarot Cards
Day 6: All is Fair in Love and War: OTP/BroTP Matchups      
Day 7: Set Me Free: The Choice is Yours
I hope everyone is doing well plotting for the event. Try not too stress to much as we want everyone to have a good time :)
-Admin Invie
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gangsta-week · 5 years
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Day 2 (16th): “What, like it’s hard?”: Favorite Character(s)
We know you have at least one…two…three…favorite characters in the Gangsta-verse ;D and Day 2 is all about showing your love for them.
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