slanax · 7 years
gameranilah replied to your post “Petition for tumblr to introduce a “user’s profile pic history”...”
-my entire tumblr history on war flashbacks-
hal you change your url like twice a day you don’t get to play the victim in this scenario
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radiozilla · 7 years
In 3 days it will be our 5 month anniversary. I love you
I love you so much honey.  I’m so glad we met
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prismportrait · 7 years
Love you so much
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mbovettwrites-blog · 7 years
@katefarron Thanks for tagging me, sweetheart! I’ve been meaning to get around to doing this tag for an age, and now seems like a decent enough time to catch up and join in.
1. Do you listen to music when you’re writing?
Yes! I have a playlist on Spotify called ‘on broken wings’ which I use as a sort of soundtrack to Blackbird to keep my spirits up when I’m writing. If I’m doing poetry for Write the World, I use ‘suspended in the universe’ instead, if only for the aesthetic.
2. Does your family/friends know that you write stories/poems/etc.?
Everyone’s aware that I write a lot; not everyone knows about my WIP. My mum, however, is highly invested in it. She is hell-bent on me creating a character who could be played by Tom Hardy in her fantasy movie adaptation, despite being reminded countless times that that’s never going to happen.
3. What was your favourite book as a child?
Everything and anything by Enid Blyton. The Famous Five, The Magic Faraway Tree, The Secret Seven, The Adventure Series… I have them all still in their box sets, tucked away on my bookshelf, waiting to be opened up and read for the thousandth time.
4. Tea or coffee?
Both. You will never find a way to make me choose between them.
5. Notebooks and pens or laptop/computer?
It depends. I keep a notebook to jot down ideas and thoughts in, but major projects like Blackbird are kept on my laptop.
6. How old were you when you started writing?
Honestly? As long as I can remember. However, about four years ago when my mental health plummeted into hell, I stopped for about two to three years. I’m quite newly back into the practice, but like with riding a bicycle, once you’ve trained yourself to be a wordsmith, you’re one for the rest of time. You never forget something you love.
7. What is the first line of a WIP you’re working on?
“Being an ex-heiress of the White Eagle crime family meant that Ingrid Neropiuma had been forced into many undesirable situations in her eighteen years of miserable existence, but even she would have to admit that this was a candidate for the top ten.” - B L A C K B I R D
8. Do you base your characters on real people subconsciously?
I think I might do so without realising it. The relationship between Ingrid and Rouge, and the characters themselves, have startling connections to @bitteredplum and I which I only noticed after I got a couple thousand words into the WIP and started having them interact for the first time. It was like an out-of-body, incredibly surreal moment in which I realised what I’d managed to do by entire accident.
9. What does writing mean to you?
Everything and anything. It’s an art - it can be whatever you need it to be in the moment. If you need advice and guidance, spill your mind onto paper and mentor yourself. If you need to vent your emotions, channel your anger into your poetry. If you need to forget yourself for a while, delve into a world entirely of your own creation. Writing is the most beautiful thing to grace the earth, because it can be whatever you want. It’s like a highly abstract Room of Requirement.
10. What is your least favourite trope to write?
You will never, ever catch me writing any form of the damsel in distress trope. Subvert it all you want, I will never enjoy writing or reading it, period.
11. Do you have any favourite authors?
·         Leigh Bardugo, author of the Grisha trilogy, the Six of Crows duology, The Language of Thorns, and Wonder Woman: Warbringer
·         Sarah J. Maas. Hear me out, because this is a problematic one. I used to love the worlds she created in Throne of Glass, but when I read the ACOTAR trilogy, I noticed some… questionable themes. Exhibit A: The love interest for the second two books is introduced in book one as the biggest, most moronic, sexist, violating pig imaginable, and his skin-crawling behaviour is excused because it’s for the MC’s own safety. Exhibit B: Erotic scenes with aforementioned dickhead love interest every other damn chapter. In a YA novel. I have now picked up on these themes throughout all of her books and she’s on the list of favourite authors not because I adore her books, but because her convoluted prose and questionable research skills are hilarious.
·         Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy = religious self-insert fanfiction of Dante being escorted around the afterlife by his senpai in a quest to find his dead girlfriend. Also, the Hell City of Dis is entertaining. And Satan is frozen up to his tits in an ice field.
·         Neil Gaiman. I’m in the middle of reading American Gods and I love every bit of it.
·         Rick Riordan. This requires no explanation whatsoever.
Ok darlings, here are my questions for you:
1.      How long have you been working on your WIP(s) for?
2.      What song would you assign as your protagonist’s theme tune?
3.      Do you have any favourite spots (gardens, parks, cafes, etc.) where you like to write?
4.      Poetry or Prose?
5.      Where do you draw inspiration for your writing from?
6.      Is there any popular book that you wish you had written and why?
7.      What’s your planning process when you start working on a new WIP?
8.      Do you work best in mornings, afternoons, or at night?
9.      Would you prefer to self-publish or work with an agent and publishing company and why?
10.  How do your emotions/moods affect your writing?
11.  What’s your favourite line of your WIP/one of your poems?
Tagging: @gingerly-writing, @brynprocrastinates, @ramblingrubyred, @gameranilah, @scribble-dee-vee
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hoennchamp-star · 7 years
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@gameranilah Not sure if that is England or a different country he's heading to, but just be prepared and safe if he does hit or even gets close.
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kitwinters0199 · 7 years
Is it bad that I still can't remember most of the gen 7 Pokemon?
@gameranilah @slanax @sdascension
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sdascension · 7 years
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This is why I need two dashes. Because I read Griffin as Grismley. @gameranilah @evil-influence
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gravedice · 7 years
@gameranilah Don't worry! Is joke! I go nowhere!!
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v-io · 7 years
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@gameranilah tumblr mobile is glitching lmao
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radiozilla · 7 years
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prismportrait · 7 years
If you need anything let me know
alright, ty
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hoennchamp-star · 7 years
Naturally I hit a bump in the road with getting @gameranilah her Marshadow. I can only use one code on Sun and the other code is region locked. FML!
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commoner64 · 8 years
hey hon hows the romhack? i started volt white 2!
I haven’t had much progress so far, I’ve been mostly focusing on Storm Silver right now
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sdascension · 7 years
Don’t play FAITH. It has a lot of flashing lights.
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musesoup-blog · 8 years
Loved and Lost
“Shit,” Tony swore under his breath as he dropped the screwdriver again. It was the middle of the night and the inventor was down in his personal workshop, trying and failing to figure out why he’d woken in a cold sweat. He’d figured that some tinkering would settle his mind again but he could barely hold the tools and his whole body was shaking. Frustrated, he shoved everything off the worktable, sending it crashing to the floor. Not that it would wake anyone up; the workshop was soundproof and floors away from everyone else. Tony put his head in his hands and closed his eyes, trying to take a deep breath. When he opened them a moment later it was to be met with darkness, which terrified him.
The inventor scrambled to his feet, clutching at his chest. The reactor was still there, yes, but it was off. How was it off? It wasn’t supposed to turn off! Weakly Tony slumped to the floor, his mind too tired and panicked to do anything more than rip off his shirt and just hit the dammed thing. By some miracle it worked, and he got his breath back. For a moment he just sat there, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. Dragging himself up, Tony turned at the sound of footsteps on the staircase, quickly grabbing an extra shirt to pull on over his sweaty chest.
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yokaisuggestion · 8 years
hi guys uhm im about to get the first game in the next few hours, are there any guides? what advice would you give
Oh man here’s my time to shine. I have a folder of links to helpful info on the first game that I can share.
Maps to pretty much everywhere
Favorite foods list
Food and shop guide
Where to find each yokai(this website is a little annoying because there’s a video that auto-plays and keeps starting again even when you pause it. Mute the tab and all should be good)
Legendary requirements
All fusions
Mirapo warp locations 
Attitude guide
Aaaaaaaaaand I think that’s all I got that’s really useful. 
-Mod Ogre Lord
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