#game set match : kozume kenma.
saviortrope · 2 years
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sh1gglypuff · 12 days
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A Kenma Kozume x Reader drabble based loosely on the song Anything by Adrianne Lenker :,)
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
You had come to spend many afternoons in Kenma’s bedroom. You would lay across his bed, watching as the setting sun would shine in from his window and paint him in gold. Kenma liked you because you made him feel safe. You would watch him as he played his video games and didn’t complain when the two of you could go an hour without muttering a single word to each other. He felt safe under your eyes. He rarely felt safe under anyone’s eyes.
“You have the nicest hands…” you muttered under your breath. You traced a heart into the center of his palm as he stared at you, breathless. He had grown tired of his gaming and had joined you on his bed. He was lying on his side as you held his wrist ever so gently, observing the lines in his palms and lengths of his fingers. He loved that about you, how gentle you were with him.
“You think so?” he mused. He said this lightly, his voice barely above a whisper. You brought his hand to your lips, breathing lightly against his palm before placing a kiss into the center of his hand. You stayed silent, staring at his golden eyes as he took you in.
You were a statue erected in gold in his eyes. You were everything.
He breathed softly, his mouth hanging slightly open as he stared at you. He would stare at you without any fear of being judged, without any fear of being gawked at. He would spend his time with you without any fear at all.
He spent his days on edge, watching everything and everyone ever so carefully as to not make a mistake. A mistake in his mind would be a misspoken word, a wrong glance. He could not make a mistake with you. He could do nothing wrong in the safety of you.
You held out your hand and stared at your palm. He followed suit, out stretching his arm and facing his palm towards the two of you.
“The line in the center of our palms,” you start. “It’s the same length.” He observed your hands. You were right, they were the same length.
Kenma didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. He could never say words the way you could. He couldn’t say words so soft, so delicate and warm. You were observant in a way that he was not. Kenma read you, watched your face and your eyes. You read him right back, staring into his soul through his own eyes. You turned on your side, facing Kenma. He turned to face you, staring into your eyes for what felt like the millionth time. He could find something new each time. He took in the color, the shape, the size of your iris. You pulled him close to you and he let you.
He could hear your heart slowly beating when you were this close. His heart always raced whenever you were in such close proximity. He could smell you, the soft scent of your shampoo and the scent you always smelled of. He couldn’t tell if you were wearing some sort of perfume or cologne. Nothing he had ever smelt matched the scent of you. So warm and clean and comforting.
He bundled his hands up on the front of your shirt, shutting his eyes tightly and breathing you in. He wanted to kiss you until he couldn’t breathe anymore, he wanted to intertwine himself with you until you were one person. He thought these things in his mind as he breathed you in. He didn’t do anything. He didn’t want to do anything. He knew he didn’t have to do anything. You loved him as he was, wanted him for everything he had ever been.
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luvindrr · 3 months
Kenma is harassed into getting his nails done
kenma kozume x fem!reader | fluff | 773 words c/w: skinny shaming (briefly, once)
It’s a weird building, Kenma thinks, as he pulls into the parking lot. Enormous arched glass on a too-pink wall. It hurts his eyes. The entire street does; it’s all so Barbie-like.
He finds the inside is just as pink when he enters. “Time of appointment?”
“Uh, no, I’m just here for my girlfriend.” Where are you? It smells like alcohol in here. Maybe he should just text-
“Kenma!” His eyes whip towards you, as every other set of eyes whip towards him.
“Your boyfriend?” “He’s very pretty.”
“Very pretty.”
“Like a girl.”
Kenma feels himself go rigid. It feels like a family dinner, where every aunt is scrutinizing his long blonde hair. He points backwards with his thumb. “I’ll just uh- wait outside.” Fuck. Why is he so awkward? This is pathetic.
“You sure? I think I’ll be here for another half hour-”
“PICK A COLOUR! PICK A COLOUR!” Cardstock flurries in his face, and he instinctively stumbles backwards. The sheets are shoved into his arms- some land on the floor- and pushy hands are now ushering him into a chair. “Uh, no, actually, I’m just here for my girl-” He’s shoved into a seat- a very plushy one- before it rams into a table, lurching him forwards slightly. He whips up. Are middle-aged women supposed to be this intimidating?
“I’m- uh, I’ll just-”
“Pick a colour.” The sheer intensity of her glare shuts him up.
Fuck, are you laughing?
“Pick a colour, Kenma!” He whips around, affronted. “We can be matching!”
Kenma looks down at your nails-in-progress. Stickered. Sparkly. Kuroo would never let him live it down. “I don’t think I want that.” You smirk, and he knows you know exactly what he’s thinking.
“You have a My Melody keychain.”
He looks down at his hands, still holding his keys. They certainly are adorned with an obnoxious My Melody plush. You won it at an arcade, but couldn’t fit it on your own keys.
“Oh! You should get Pompompurin. He’s yellow, like you.”
“COLOUR!” He snaps back to the woman in front of him, somehow more irritated and somehow more frightening. He cowers. “PICK A COLOUR!”
Is this normal treatment? Is he paying for you to get your nails done or to be harassed and accosted? Because if this is normal he’s not sure he wants you coming to this place anymore-
“Kenma.” Your familiar scent drifts over him, releasing the tension he didn’t know was there. “You can get something simple. What about this?” You pull out a picture on your phone, but he doesn’t really see it, not when he's resting his head on you behind him. “Whatever you think.” Is that a mistake? Will he regret that later?
Thankfully, he doesn’t see the usual devilish smirk on your face, which surely means you’ve taken pity on him. He stares daggers as you walk away, willing you to come back. Why are you ditching him at the boss level? You’re supposed to be a team; this is supposed to be a two-player game.
“Your hands are pretty! Long fingers!”
“Good nail shape. Very healthy.”
“Too soft. You don’t work?”
When did the crowd spawn? And how the fuck did he get roped into this?
The next half hour is a blur. Somehow, he weathered the scrutiny of the mob (“too skinny”, “why blonde?”), paid some ungodly sum, and escaped that Barbie dollhouse hell. Fuck. It’s getting dark. He was going to treat you to boba but the shops are closing so he can’t do that. The shops wouldn’t be closed if your appointment wasn’t pushed back- and your appointment wouldn’t have been pushed if that one rude customer hadn’t been late. What’s up with late people anyway? Fuck them. This is why he became a streamer- so he doesn’t have to deal with people. Now he has to drive in the dark- he hates driving in the dark- he’d fucking die if he crashed the car and you flung out the windshield and paralyzed yourself. He’s not going to be responsible for making his girlfriend a paraplegic-
“Kenma. Your face is weird again.”
He’s never treating you to boba again-
“C’mere; I want a picture.” Kenma lets you manipulate his hand into frame, holding yours when you let him. They’re pretty, your nails. They always are, but this time they’re sparkly, catching the light at every turn. His aren’t bad, either. A simple four-point star in the corner of each. And a Pompompurin sticker on one. It’s cute, actually. They’re nice.
“Okay, let’s go.”
He looks back up to the sun. Probably not too late for boba after all.
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vampkaashis-wife · 2 years
“I don’t get it,” Akaashi says, putting down the two cups of coffee he’s just made. He kisses the top of your head as he sits down next to you. You’ve got your journal out, scratching something either very important or very unimportant into it (it’s hard to tell sometimes, this early in the morning).
“And that’s why it’s my journal and not yours.” You look at him, leaning in to kiss his cheek as thanks for the coffee. “I don’t understand your spreadsheets either.”
“Not that,” he retorts, grumbling something about the utility and value of spreadsheets at the end of that statement. “I don’t get why you keep wearing my Fukurodani jacket.”
“Because you gave it to me and it’s mine?”
“Yeah, but.... high school Keiji sweat buckets in that thing.”
“Did high school Keiji - or his mom - put it in the laundry after? I’m not scared of your sweat, babe.”
“I have new ones! Where the white is not as... worn.”
You wrinkle your nose. “No offense to the neighborhood association, but they don’t have the same atmosphere as Fukurodani. Not even close.”
And, yeah, you’ve got a point there. When your formative years are spent setting for pro athlete and Olympian Bokuto Koutarou, there’s not a lot that the neighborhood uncles can do to match that energy. Especially not when you were also playing against the Miya twins and Kozume Kenma and the crazy kids from Karasuno. 
“They’re doing their best,” he says lamely. “They - we - just love the sport a little less.”
You study him as he says that, the little fidget that always accompanies such a statement manifesting in the way he adjusts his glasses. “You know no one cares that you didn’t chase Bokkun to go pro.”
“You’ve been thinking about it a lot lately; I’ve been watching you watch his games.”
“Do you think I would’ve made the national team?”
“Honest answer?”
You pause, sipping noisily at your coffee. “No, I don’t think you would’ve made it.” His eyes light up in surprise, then his eyebrows pull together in confusion. You explain, “I loved watching you play in high school. You were so lively, so joyous, so... loved.” 
And he was loved. The only second year in a sea of third years (and Onaga), Akaashi Keiji was loved like no other on the Fukurodani team. 
“But I think this suits you more. Being able to be home with me on the weekends, cursing about your editing job, visiting all the trendy new restaurants that pop up on your social media. I think about it whenever I see you think about it, and no matter what mind games I play, I think I like this Keiji better. The househusband.”
“I am not a househusband.”
You snort. That was what he got out of that? “Oh, you’re right. That’s Myaa-sam. My bad.”
He’s not really offended. Both of you are well aware of the charms of Miya Osamu. 
“For the record,” you add, “You couldn’t hear me cheering for you if you played pro. But you can when you play locally because the venues are smaller.”
He smiles. “I’ll always hear you, love.”
and that’s when you get on his back about never hearing you when you ask him to do errands and/or chores and he concedes defeat! 
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airbendertendou · 1 year
best years ♡ kozume kenma + hinata shoyo
soulmate au where on your 18th birthday, two letters show up on your skin, showing the initials of your soulmate. cw ; an abundance of pet-names used , could b ooc , kenma and shoyo are also soulmates
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
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It’s Akaashi that calls you for that weekend’s plans. You wake up Tuesday morning, expecting nothing new ; nothing out of your every day schedule. The call comes during your lunch, your drink half-way to your lips when Keiji! flashes on the screen.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” A teasing grin is on your lips as you set your drink down. A small laugh echoes from his side of the phone and your grin widens.
“The boys have come up with a plan.” Akaashi replies. He sighs into the receiver and you can see him leaning against his chair so clearly. “They want to get some volleyball players together for a reunion. Ko’s idea, of course. He’s really excited.”
“I can imagine,” you hum. “Why did you call me, then?”
Akaashi lets out a scoff, “you’re invited, obviously.”
“I wasn’t a player, Keiji.”
“No,” he sighs again, “but you were there for every game. You’re an honorary Fukurodani member. Thought you knew that.”
You click your tongue at his flattery. Akaashi pauses and then clears his throat before continuing to speak. “Kenma will be there. And a few out of town players. If that… makes you more interested.”
“You’re horrible!” you whisper into the phone. Biting your bottom lip, you peer around your desk, making sure none of your co-workers are listening in on your conversation. “That was years ago.”
Keiji hums, the sound of his chair squeaking echoes into the receiver — he’s swinging back-and-forth idly, it seems. “So, you’re saying them being there doesn’t influence you in any way?”
You gulp, the two letters on your collarbone burning as your thoughts swirl. You rub them absentmindedly, dazed as high school memories bounce around your mind with the reminder of how it felt to have a crush. How it felt to love freely — to explore the butterflies that trampled in your stomach and to see through the rose-tinted lenses that colored your every move.
But, that was all before your eighteenth birthday ; before your soulmate was revealed.
“If I show up,” you hope Akaashi doesn’t notice how tense your voice sounds now. He doesn’t speak as you pause, allowing you to collect your thoughts. “It’ll be because you asked me. Not anything else.”
His smug grin is audible as he replies, “whatever you say, [name]. I’ll see you then.”
Tugging on your outfit of choice, you let out a breath full of nerves as you look over yourself once more. Not a single hair is out of place — all of the accessories you dragged out match perfectly and your shoes are comfortable enough to stand in for a while. A glance at your collarbone reassures you that the powder you smeared across the initials kept it hidden.
One less thing for you to worry about, at least.
A horn honks outside and a grin falls onto your lips as you rush out, hastily throwing your overnight bag in the trunk before falling into the arms that wrap around you. Kuroo grins as he squeezes your waist one last time before opening the door for you. “Been so long, [name]. How did we survive this long?”
You roll your eyes fondly as you click your seatbelt into place. “It’s been, like, three days. We got coffee the other day.”
“So long!” Kuroo whines as he starts his car. In the backseat, Lev is snoozing away on his sister’s shoulder. You send a wave her way, watching as she takes close up, unflattering pictures of Lev’s drooling face. She wiggles her fingers at you excitedly — another hug was coming your way, you knew. “Can’t believe you said yes to ‘Kashi’s invite and not mine.”
“Why would I ever say yes to you?” As the traffic light turns red, Kuroo turns to glare your way. Your giggle harmonizes with Alissa’s easily — the sound takes you back to high school and the games you’d sit at together. “I don’t even get why I’m invited, but whatever.”
Kuroo shrugs, soon pulling into the restaurant’s parking lot. “Think we’re friends and enjoy your company, or somethin’.”
Bokuto is the next one who pulls you into a crushing hug, swaying you side to side as he blubbers about finally seeing you again. You let out a laugh — you’d seen each other a week ago. He was still just as dramatic as Kuroo, it seemed.
A splotch of red catches your attention as more people come to greet you. Hinata Shoyo is at the bar, a grin on his face as he exchanges conversation with the person beside him. He’s just as bright as he’d always been ; just as enticing and pretty as giggles fall from his lips. Your throat suddenly feels dry — was that his soulmate? The one that’s made for him? It had to be ; with the easy conversation and flirtatious touches that were exchanged. 
“[Name],” a voice calls from behind you. He’s soft-spoken ; quiet and nonchalant as a hand rests on your shoulder. Kenma tilts his head, blinking slowly as your throat grows dryer. His hair has grown out, meeting his shoulders as it’s pulled back in a loose bun. “It’s nice seeing you.”
“Hey—” your voice cracks. Clearing your throat, you ignore the heat that rises up your neck and turn to face him fully instead. “Keiji said you were coming, but I wasn’t sure if you ‘d changed your mind.” 
Kenma hums, his hand falling from your shoulder to squeeze your hand lightly before his touch disappears. He sticks his hands in his pockets, golden gaze drifting across the restaurant restlessly. “Thought it would be… interesting to join.” 
A body is slammed into your back within the next second, arms latching onto your torso and squeezing you to them. Kenma grins for a split second before it settles into a small tilt on the right side of his mouth. A nose is nuzzled into your spine, “[name]! I didn’t even see you come in!”
“Hi, Sho,” you breathe. The red head loops around so that he’s holding your front now, his right arm shooting out to gather Kenma into the embrace. “You were— a little preoccupied when I got here.”
The blond across from you smirks at the dip in your voice, scanning your miffed expression and hiding his amusement. You were jealous — clearly — at Hinata and his charms. The red head frowns your way, “really? Still would’ve noticed you, I think.” 
“Guess not,” you grin. Your group gathers, sitting at the largest table that was offered. Laughter and endless chatter bounce off of the walls, drinks clinking together whenever someone would decide it’s time to cheers. Misjudging just how much you were drinking, soon the world was swirling and the colors were blending together. 
“Careful, sweetheart,” Kenma murmurs into your ear. You finish chugging the drink in your hand, beating Atsumu at a drinking contest. “Should start slowing down, hm?”
You shake your head, scrunching your nose, “‘m fine! All good here!”
Hinata chuckles, taking a sip of his own drink as he exchanges a look with the gamer as you gossip with Bokuto. The drinks have officially settled into your system now, blurring the world around you and muting any background noises. Heavy eyes blink at Bokuto as he continues to speak, leaning on the palm of your right hand. Hinata is to your left, finishing up his own drink — the alcohol hadn’t hit him yet [it probably wouldn’t ever] — Kenma sipping on his water to your right.
“Time to head home.” Akaashi calls quietly. He and Kuroo are the other two who are sober, fondly smiling at the rest of you. He taps Bokuto on the shoulder gently, receiving a whine in response. “We’ve rented a house for everyone for the weekend. Figured this would happen.”
Everyone stands up, some leaving to their own homes while the rest follow behind Akaashi diligently. Kenma waits by the door as Shoyo wakes you up, helping you stand. He smiles tenderly at the sleepy pout on your lips, “c’mon, pretty. Time to go.”
“We’ll walk back,” Kenma speaks. His hands are in his pockets again, hair tucked behind his ear as he smiles at the way you’re leaning on Hinata. “Isn’t too far. If you both don’t mind?”
The sky is clear as you walk, a small breeze drifting through the street. The weather is chilly, but warm enough that you aren’t shivering and your teeth aren’t chattering. You grab Shoyo’s hand, lacing your fingers through Kenma’s right after as you start to hum. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,” you slur out. Swinging your entwined hands, you raise your head so that you’re facing the sky. Kenma shares a grin with the red-head as you continue the children’s song. “Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
“Only hiccuped once, angel.” Shoyo tugs on your hand. You grin his way, eyes closing with how wide you smile. He looks to Kenma, “time for bed for this one, I think.”
Kenma nods fondly as you race to the house that’s come into view, hopping onto a still-drunk Bokuto. He cheers joyfully as the two of you babble — your words have stopped slurring, but you’re still not making much sense. The gamer sighs, “not much has changed, huh?”
Shoyo grins, “not much at all.”
You’re sharing a room with Kenma. Which is completely fine — it’s roomy enough for both of you to be comfortable. But, you still gulp at the thought of him being so close — all night. Hinata is in the room across from yours with Atsumu, the latter already snoring as you bid Shoyo goodnight.
An oversized, older Fukurodani shirt is thrown over your torso, sleep shorts snug underneath as you brush your teeth. Now that the alcohol’s haze is gone, you feel sleepy ; lucid as you get ready for bed.
Kenma is playing with his gaming console when you enter, glancing at you briefly with a smile before looking back down at his game. You nod in agreement — decorating a house or two sounded so fun right now.
But the silence surrounding the both of you wasn’t comfortable. It was tense — eerie — as shy glances were exchanged. You cleared your throat once, then again as Kenma made no move. You pursed your lips, getting a stupid, bad idea, but going with it anyways. 
You’re on your back within the next second, blond hair blocking your face from anything else. Kenma is hovering above you, hands on either side of your head.
“Wanna try that again?”
Before you know it, shy giggles are peeling from your lips as your cheeks heat up drastically. The drinks you’d had earlier had melted away — no longer settled in your stomach — but some of the effects still lingered.
“Kenma,” you coo out. He grins at this, peering down at you with a visible flush. You want to curl your arms around his neck ; ache to bring him close enough to taste. You bite your lip instead, “why are you so quiet?”
“I’m always quiet, sweetheart.” You heave in a breath at the pet-name, grin splitting your face into two. Kenma tilts his head, “jus’ thinking of some things.”
“Like what?” As you shuffle, your shirt slips over your shoulder. Your tattoo was now bare for him to see — bare from the powder you’d applied and free for him to look over. It seems to knock the both of you out of your pink bubble, the reminder of soulmates. Kenma scoots onto his knees, eyes on the floor as he grabs his game once more. You frown, fixing your shirt as you sit up. “Um— what are you playing?”
“Unnamed Animal Game.”
“Oh!” you perked up immediately, scooting closer so that you could peer over his shoulder. “I was just about to play that, too.”
Kenma is the one watching over your shoulder now, watching as you chose to design houses instead of play normally. He lets out a snort, “your island is worse than Shoyo’s and he hasn’t been playing as long.”
Sitting up straight, your eyes widen at Kenma’s words. “Shoyo plays this? And hasn’t added me?!” 
You frown, fighting with your blankets to stomp your way to Hinata’s room. Atsumu is still snoring when you creak the door open, the light from Hinata’s phone glowing on his cheeks. He looks up at you and grins, rushing to you quietly as you gesture him your way. Shoyo closes the door behind him, gathering you in his arms before pushing you back to your room gently. “What are we doing? Sleepover? This is so fun!”
“He didn’t bring it with him,” Kenma speaks up, eyes on his game once more. He glances up at both of you with a half-smile, “can’t play with him now.”
“Shoyo!” your voice teeters on the edge of becoming whiny, going up an octave as you flop onto the bed beside Kenma. “You haven’t added me on Unnamed Animal Game? Thought we were closer than that.” To add a dramatic flare, you let out a little sniffle.
Hinata falls onto the bed beside you, pulling you to his chest and giving you a nice squeeze. He’s warm — comforting in every sense of the word as he allows you to settle against him. “Of course we’re close. Maybe not as we were, but…”
A part of you feels bad, knowing you’d just been joking. But, Shoyo’s voice is solemn now, matching the frown Kenma isn’t trying to hide. You look up from his chest, eyes bouncing between the both of them before settling on Kenma’s hands. He’s holding one of Hinata’s, his console long forgotten as he reaches to hold your hand, too. “We can be like that again, you know. People drift and come back all the time.”
“It was right when we got our names, huh?”
You freeze at Kenma’s observation, clutching his hand tighter before letting out a breath and relaxing. Hinata’s thumb rubs against your hip as you sink further into his chest. The blond smiles at you both before speaking again, ”A soulmate shouldn’t keep us from being friends.”
“Or two.” Shoyo says it casually, but you can feel your heart speed up at the implication. He squeezes you once more, his hand tugging Kenma closer. “I— think I have two soulmates. Always have.” 
Your collarbone tingles ; burns as Kenma lays behind you now. Hinata’s right arm is draped around your waist, still clinging to the gamer’s hand. Kenma has let go of your hand in order to snuggle against the back of your neck, drawing you closer with Shoyo’s grip. The blond sighs, “N and S. Those are my letters — that’s my name.”
“K and N,” Shoyo is bouncing his leg now. He taps your hip, “And I’d bet yours is S and K, hm?”
“This is real?” You breathe out. Kenma pulls you closer as Hinata’s hold grows tighter. “We’re soulmates?” A break of silence and then — “how can we be so sure?”
“I think we’ve always known. Unconsciously.” Kenma nods slowly, reassuring himself of what he was saying. “Since we met.”
“But, we can talk more in the morning,” Hinata pulls the comforter over the three of you. You snuggle deeper into his chest as Kenma nuzzles his nose further into your hair. Placing a kiss on your cheek, then leaning over to give the blond one as well, he lets out a content sigh. “I’m pretty sure we’re right, though. Destined, as they say.”
Kenma lets out a chuckle that vibrates all the way down your spine. “Tomorrow, Sho. Sleep now.”
You click your tongue, ready to argue even though your eyes have slid shut. “What do you know about sleeping early?”
Hinata lets out a giggle before settling down. “Shh! Goodnight now, my loves!”
——♡—— this got sm longer than i expected it to?? but we're halfway done i think! airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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hqrarepairtournament · 11 months
ROUND 1B - Match 10
PROPAGANDA (from submissions)
KinKuniKage (Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira/Kageyama Tobio)
“Is this not the central conflict and relationship of the story? Are they not set up in chapter 1 and paid off in the last special? Didn't Kageyama basically propose after the Adler/Jackals game? Didn't Kunimi accept it when he told them he'd make them care for him forever in the beach volleyball special? Open your eyes sheeple this is canon!!!”
“listej to me im speaking directly into your brain. kitagawa daiichi trio the them. its just them please acknowledge them the way they interact with each other is just soo. its them alright. theyre all fucked up from what happened in junior high and damned will it shape every interaction they have with eachother from then on. 10/10 polycule please let them be normal towards eachother”
AtsuKenHina (Miya Atsumu/Kozume Kenma/Hinata Shouyou)
“i really like atsuhina AND kenhina and one day i smooshed them together and the atsuken that came out of that rewrote my brain chemistry. love them so so so so much”
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jordyn-degas · 2 years
Maybe .. One Day
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characters: Kenma Kozume x OC! Mei Takahashi
warnings: pretty much none; it's quite a peaceful drabble; ah! Kenma's emotionally hurt for a bit; his first crush; a bit of angst but barely; Kuroo being such a dad
notes: this drabble comes from an attempt to get out of the writer's block 😅 i asked @iamthepotato to give me the character, the subject and the genre - to make it even more perfect? we're introducing my chaotic half's OC: Mei Takahashi 🥳 since this is a personalized request there is no Y/N 🤗 you can self-insert if needed.
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There was never a moment in Kenma’s life in which he wished to step out of the background more than he did now. Always casually sitting back, sucked into his own comfortable bubble without paying any mind to the surroundings, living more in a world dominated by pixels than human beings. Quivering pangs of an emotion he has not been accustomed to until today were ravaging each available bit of his tightened chest, shamelessly accompanied by heavy beats meant to carve the heart’s way out of its body.
Kenma was never good at expressing feelings, at differentiating between the meanings of each, simply hoarding them all in one place and forgetting they even existed. Life consisted of video games, school, volleyball and Kuroo’s constant nagging that seemed to hit an all time high - today in particular. 
“You’ve been on level 22 for the past 45 minutes.” Kuroo observed, peaking yet again into the blue PlayStation Portable his best friend always carried around.
“It’s a hard one.” Kenma pondered, hunched position as he sat on the gym’s floor, fingers aimlessly running across the console in an attempt to throw him off.
As Kuroo prepared some kind of wise words that would, maybe, get his friend off the floor and into actual training, he was abruptly stopped by the laugh everyone got accustomed with in the past three days. Quick analytical skills were set in motion, catching with the corner of his eyes how Kenma shifted, head snapping upwards with a quickness he did not have even in the matches against Hinata, eyes focused completely on the person that was at the other end of the gym. With an amused “ah!” Kuroo took a step back and leaned against the wall, quietly watching the scene unfolding before them.
Liquid gold beamed at the heart fluttering sound, unbothered demeanor melting into pure softness as Kenma felt his breath being sucked out, lips parted slightly while being bound into a mesmerized stance. It was for the first time when he couldn't care less that Kuroo was watching him like a hawk, simply unable to tear his gaze away from the pearly white smile, eyes meeting through the net settled in the middle of the court. 
“You seem lost.” soft, yet confident, voice said while amusement laced its tonality - Kenma jumping slightly, a figure emerging behind him.
“A bit.” he mumbled, turning around to be met with a girl only a few inches shorter than him - brown, kind eyes, shoulder-length black hair, pair of white shorts and an oversized black shirt that simply had the number 11 on it without any other inscriptions.
“Mei.” she grinned, cheeks full with playfulness. stretching out her hand.
“Uhm ..” Kenma swallowed, not understanding why his brain was unable to make the connection with his own hand, raising it in slow motion to meet hers. “Kenma.”
“Now, Kenma ..” Mei said while stepping right next to him, a chuckle escaping her seeing the boy so lost. “Never been here before, ha?”
“No.” he replied quietly, eyes solely trained on the shape of her face, on how her cheeks tended to catch a bit of a rose color with each smile or chuckle.
“I thought Nekoma was supposed to be this guided-by-instinct team.” Mei raised an eyebrow while a mischievous smirk adorned her, until now, innocent features - quickly noticing the name written on the blonde’s shirt.
“First time here.” Kenma admitted, eyeing the ground and feeling an embarrassment he has never experienced before.
“I know it’s late but as a proud Inarizaki student ..” Mei quipped, his eyes snapping back up to meet hers in surprise, without a single care in the world wrapping her arm around his. “.. let me show you around.”
“Okay.” Kenma agreed, a brief nod accompanying his attempt to relax under the level of closeness he was experiencing now.
“Do you say more than three words?” Mei asked, both beginning to walk around, curious eyes studying the boy.
“D-depends.” Kenma answered, swallowing the knot formed into his throat feeling the right cheek burning under her gaze.
“I don’t usually bite.” she grinned, a chuckle following shortly after as he tensed at the playfulness. “Don’t worry. By the time you get back to your team, you’ll be all talked out.”
And that he was.
Despite bumping into each other after dinner, Kenma ended up spending time with Mei way past midnight, exploring the area where Inarziaki usually held their training camps, settling on a nearby hill overlooking the entire area. It started off easily, only her doing the talking, Kenma simply listening, finding an unfamiliar peace settling over him. Knees brought up to the chest, cheek resting on them as he looked at her from the moment they sat down until they left. They were the same age, only a month apart, common interests and a deep appreciation for well thought out video games - letting Mei play on his PS Portable and go past some of the levels only to see that intoxicating excitement glowing on her.
Unknowingly, Kenma found himself talking past the five word mark he usually had, sentences flowing out with an ease never experienced before with a girl, Mei managing to pull out a few laughs and smiles that Kuroo had to work really hard for most of the time. He caught himself off guard with soft smiles adorning his tired features, every single one being the result of each of Mei’s laughs or snarky remarks in whatever subject they were discussing. Never concerning himself with girls, never being a focus, never noticing, never deeming himself worthy of one’s interest, Kenma got trapped into a loop running inside his mind - she was breathtakingly beautiful. He even thought, dared to admit to himself, that Mei fit him too perfectly to be true. Who simply comes out of complete nowhere and has one’s heart fluttering with a simple smile?
“Miya, put me down!” Mei’s voice boomed into the gym, amusement laced with threat keeping everyone’s attention on her.
“Samu!” Atsumu Miya whined on the other side of the court, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “She’ll have us run around the gym again!”
5 seconds.
That was all it took for Atsumu’s twin, Osamu, to place Mei back on the ground, arms wrapped tightly around her waist before pulling her into a kiss. Heartburn blazed through Kenma’s chest at the sight, throat constricting to contain the nausea into an unswallowable knot.
The next day after they met, both had lunch together and spent the evening around the camp yet again, Kenma allowing himself to be pulled even deeper into a crush he developed in less than 5 minutes. Finding himself constantly in an internal race to make Mei laugh, grin or let out one of her dramatic, snarky remarks he grew to enjoy terribly, Kenma forgot why Nekoma was actually here and he did not mind. It was something so new, so heartwarming about how comfortable he felt around the girl, how their intertwined arms fit as if they were built for each other, how their laughs matched in tonality, how Mei’s smile seemed to grow even bigger whenever he was smiling as well.
Well .. that was until the third day, today, when Kuroo broke the news about who was the mysterious girl that seemed to be the only one around the training camp, the one that so effortlessly brought out a part of Kenma’s personality no one knew he had. She was none other than Mei Takahashi - Inarizaki’s team manager and Osamu Miya’s girlfriend. Not a fling, not a month old one but a serious girlfriend, dating for over 6 months. The speed with which this information slapped him was absolutely astonishing, Kenma simply staring at Kuroo as if he was a stranger, eyes piercing right through his best friend, mind emptying at the sound of his heart shattering abruptly to the ground.
“Kenma!” Mei called, arm waving in the air, bright smile adorning her all too beautiful features as Osamu spoke with Kita while his arms stayed wrapped around her waist.
At first, Kenma did not hear his name rolling off her lips and catching the attention of both teams, his eyes focused on the point where Osamu’s hands were tightly locked. Throat and mouth drying up, the pangs in his chest intensified, some kind of pain pressing on each nerve, even anger sipping through his pores. He loved and hated the feeling at the same time, realizing that it only took him 48 hours to morph that childish crush into pure feelings, teeth cracking under the pressure of the tightly shut jaw in an attempt to protect the usual unbothered demeanor he so effortlessly possessed. It was such a poisonous position to be in - having absolutely no issue with the boy that claimed Mei’s heart but, somehow, Kenma found himself wishing he would simply walk out the door and never come back. Thoughts of how he finally found someone that fits him, yet unable to reach, flooded an already filled to the brim mind, losing focus on how Mei’s steps were approaching. Only when her face obstructed Kenma’s blurry view he snapped back into focus.
“Kenma?” Mei asked, genuine worry written all over. “Are you alright?”
“Mhm.” Kenma nodded, averting his gaze.
“You’re not.” Mei countered, brows furrowing at the obvious lie - Kenma jolting in surprise as her palm landed on his forehead and pinching the skin with a bit of coldness, soothing the headache that overcame him. “Feverish.”
“Tired.” Kenma simply stated, unwillingly leaning into the comforting touch, catching on how Mei flinched slightly at the gesture.
“If she says you have a fever, I believe her.” Kuroo commented, studying carefully the entire scene unfolding before his eyes, already knowing what was going on - knowing since the first night when his best friend entered their shared room with the weirdest smile he ever witnessed.
“Come with me.” Mei urged, offering her hand. “I have something for it.”
“m fine.” Kenma replied, pushing himself off the floor and shoving the console into his pocket, continuing to avoid her gaze by turning to Kuroo. “Can I go?”
Being dismissed with a nod and a sympathetic look, Kenma turned his back on them, fingers balling up into tight fists hidden by the pockets of his shorts, and walked away before allowing himself to be consumed by feelings that had no right to exist anymore in this situation. Without looking back, he made his way into the room and got into bed, thoughts swarming rapidly.
“Why did I even think she is single? Stupid, I know.”
“Mei is funny, smart and sweet.” Kenma sighed, laying flat on his back and staring at the ceiling. “Her laugh is pure music and that smile she always wears is beautiful. She is .. beautiful ..”
“Did I assume she is single because of the video games? Why would that be a problem for anyone?”
“Of course Mei’s not single! One look is all one needs to realize that would be impossible. Why didn’t I see it?”
“And she is dating Osamu.” Kenma groaned at the thought. “The tolerable twin. If it would’ve been the other one maybe I would’ve had a chance. Who could possibly tolerate Atsumu Miya? Osamu on the other hand ..”
“He kissed her. It seemed to be with care and soft. He really does like her.”
“What do I even hold against him? Osamu is tall, well built, an exceptional player, looks really good compared to other boys and is nice all the time.”
Frustration bubbled to the surface, Kenma grabbing the pillow from under his head and throwing it at the other end of the room before listening to how it fell to the floor with a quiet thud. Palm resting on the chest, the only thing he wished for was for the heartbeats to calm down, to stop their erratic rhythm, wanting nothing more than to move on. There were 5 days left of the training camp, including this one, and he needed to find a solution, a balance that won’t keep him out of the game.
“Alright.” Kuroo spoke while walking inside the room, not even knocking as he came closer, towering over him. “You like her.”
“No.” Kenma pouted slightly, averting his gaze.
“You do and there is nothing you can do about it.” his best friend bluntly continued. “Will you sulk for the rest of the camp?”
“Yes.” Kenma replied, wincing at how quickly the admittance came.
“So you do like her.” Kuroo grinned, sitting next to him and noticing how the jaw muscles tensed at the words.
“She is nice.” Kenma sighed, turning to be met with the stupidest smirk he had ever witnessed before. “I’m not talking to you.”
“Alright, sorry.” Kuroo took a deep breath, adopting a serious expression, wishing to not crumble under the heaviness of his pride - Kenma was crushing on a girl, how about that? “True, Mei is really nice.”
“Smart and sweet.” Kenma mumbled, unable to believe the discussion happening right now. “Likes video games.”
“Now it makes a lot more sense.” Kuroo nodded, wanting to truly help in any way possible. “This is the first time in which you found your person.”
“My .. person?” Kenma frowned, not really on the same wavelength. 
“Yes.” Kuroo answered with a shrug. “That specific one that fits you in the most perfect way, seems almost too perfect. Both share the same interests, mold together as if made for each other, there’s that fuzzy feeling all over, and, yet, there is a line that cannot be crossed.”
“Oh.” Kenma’s eyebrows shot up, a lot more interested in what his friend had to say.
“Unfortunately, in between you and Mei there is Osamu.” Kuroo pointed out, head cocked to the side. “As much as I tend to believe that your crush turned into something more, I have to ask - Why sulk and miss your chance at having such a great person in your life?”
“You mean .. be friends?” Kenma asked, eyes darting to the floor, teeth nipping at the inner cheek. “How?”
“This type of person tends to become one of the greatest friends one can have.” Kuroo answered with a small smile. “There is never an easy way out of what you feel. Usually, you have to bear through it and see the bright side of it.”
“How will I stop having feelings if she is my friend?” Kenma frowned, something not quite making sense just yet.
“With time.” Kuroo stated simply. “Time tends to have a resolve for anything.”
“Time, huh?” Kenma whispered, fingers playing with the material of the cover he sat on. “I- .. I’ll try.”
“Who knows?” Kurro grinned. “Maybe the tables will turn in your favor.”
“That’s not helping.” Kenma rolled his eyes, dropping back on the bed, all sprawled on it.
“We’ll see.” Kuroo chuckled while standing up. “I have to get back. Come back for the afternoon practice?”
“Sure.” Kenma nodded briefly, defeated even, gaze poking holes into the ceiling yet again.
“Congrats on your first crush!” Kuroo cheered, leaving the room before his friend could reply.
“I DID IT!” Mei cheered, falling backwards on the grass.
“Not fair.” Kenma mumbled, munching on a watermelon slice. “I told you how to do it.”
“But I passed on to the next level with my own strength.” Mei replied, face turned to look at the boy with a soft smile adorning her features. “Wanna do the next one?”
“Nah.” Kenma shook his head. “You’re better at it than I am.”
“True.” Mei shrugged, letting out a laugh the moment he raised an eyebrow. “What? I’m not humble.”
“Clearly.” Kenma smiled before resuming eating.
After the conversation he had with Kuroo, he took a deep breath, took a nap and returned for the afternoon practice, the first thing done being to allow Mei to check that there was no longer a fever in sight. She flinched yet again when he leaned into her touch, relaxing quickly after and smiling at the gesture. The next few days passed with Kenma clumsily attempting to view the girl as a simple friend, dividing his time between the team and hanging out with her - not staring as long as he used to, not focusing as much on her as he would usually do and avoiding witnessing as much as he could the display of various affections Osamu showered her in.
That did not mean that Kenma’s blood was not rushing at the same speed whenever Mei would grab his hand or hug him after a good set. That did not mean that his heartbeats were less erratic whenever she wanted to spend time only with him, alone. That did not mean that the pangs of pain, knowing he had absolutely no chance, lessened in intensity, still adoring the way she laughed, blushing whenever she would push the hair off his face by saying “why would you hide those pretty eyes?”.
However, with each passing day, it became more bearable, allowing himself to accept the fact that he would rather have Mei in his life in one way or the other rather than cutting her off for something that was not even her fault to begin with. Kenma went through each stage of anger, pain and disappointment that could possibly exist, realizing that he played some of the most fierce games against Inarizaki in this training camp than ever before.
Was it because his frustration had to be spilled somewhere? Probably.
Was it because he could see Mei watching his every move? Absolutely.
The simple, yet so sweet, cheer that erupted from her whenever he would do something beyond anyone’s expectation was something he looked forward to every single day.
“YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE OUR TEAM MANAGER!” Atsumu snapped one day, slamming his foot against the polished floor in the same way a child would do in a candy store when refused a lollipop. “ON OUR SIDE!”
“Instead of acting like a jilted lover, you should take notes Miya.” Mei responded, arms crossed against the chest, eyebrow raised at the audacity of the not-so-tolerable twin. 
It was probably the first time every single person in the room saw Kenma laughing, genuinely, both teams joining in after the shock wore off, with Atsumu pouting, sitting cross-legged on the ground and refusing to play anymore. With chaos ensuing at such a statement, Mei and Kenma caught each other’s gaze through the net, soft smiles adorning both, not looking away for a few minutes, each with their own set of thoughts about the other. Kuroo tapped his shoulder - “We’re starting, lover boy.” - and he tore his gaze away from the girl that taught him more about himself than anyone ever managed to.
“You got everything?” Shinsuke Kita, Inarizaki’s captain, asked while looking around, handing Kuroo the only backpack left he found on the ground - their last day on the camp ending.
“We did.” Kuroo replied, hand all stretched out. “Thanks.”
“Let’s meet up soon in a real match.” Kita shook his hand, both staring at each other with polite smiles that hid determination.
“KENMA!” Mei called, rushing down a set of stairs while holding a small package.
“Mei?” the boy asked, eyes wide open while walking towards her, meeting at a safe distance from his nagging best friend.
“This is for you.” she smiled, handing him the package. “I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s my favorite game!”
“You didn’t have to.” Kenma whispered in surprise, staring at the beautifully wrapped up gift before blushing brightly. “But I- .. uhm .. I didn’t ..”
Out of nowhere, Mei pulled him into a hug, arms tightly locking around his neck, bodies completely flushed together as he felt his head exploding at the occurrence. Trembling from head to toe, Kenma swallowed harder than ever, face burning as all the blood rushed into his cheeks, all the suppressed feelings boiling to the surface in an instant. Clumsily, his arms raised and wrapped around Mei that patiently waited for the hug to be returned, knowing already that this was completely new for the boy. As seconds passed by, she stood into the embrace, waiting as long as it was needed for him to relax, Kenma unable to believe the patience she had with him. The moment his body melted against hers, Mei chuckled.
“You’re an amazing person, Kenma.” she whispered into his ear. “The best I’ve met so far.”
“T-thank you.” Kenma stuttered, unable to stop the trembling of his arms around her. “Y-you .. uhm .. too.”
“Don’t worry that you didn’t get me anything.” Mei followed, cheek pressing against his as she leaned into it. “Meeting you was more than enough.”
“Mei ..” Kenma whispered, surprise splitting across his face.
“And ..” Mei sighed deeply, shifting a bit into the embrace to be even closer than humanly possible. “I know.”
“W-what?” he swallowed, the tremble intensifying. “No idea what ..”
“I know, Kenma.” Mei followed calmly, tightening her arms around him. “And .. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t.” Kenma gave in, shifting slightly for his forehead to rest on her shoulder. “There is nothing to be sorry for. We met 6 months too late.”
“No one knows but me.” Mei reassured him as if knowing he was afraid of the conversation that might occur with her team, Atsumu being relentless when teasing someone. “I do enjoy having you around. Don’t be a stranger.”
“Me too.” Kenma took a deep breath, coming out shaky and hesitant. “We’ll talk as much as we can.”
Pulling back slightly, both stared at each other, brown pooling into liquid gold, the sun slowly setting over them as the threads of a friendship tied through the feelings of two people that met in different times of their lives were tied even strongly. There was no bitterness or hurt, sadness or regret, but a sincere, simple happiness of both being able to be faced with a person that completed them perfectly - something many search for years and never able to find.
Mei’s heart unexpectedly skipped the first beat since she met the boy, seeing, truly, the way he looked at her - how simple, yet so pure. 
Kenma’s heart started beating normally again, the erratic beats that tormented him for a week straight settling into peace, soft smile tugging at his lips feeling how Mei’s own heart boomed into the chest, vibrations being felt as they stayed glued to each other. 
“Kenma ..” Mei whispered, pulling him into the final hug that was to serve as a reminder for until they’ll meet again.
“Hey.” he chuckled lightly. “Thank you.”
“Who knows?” Mei smiled, a sadness he was unable to see lacing the usually confident tonality. “Maybe one day.”
“Yeah ..” Kenma replied, squeezing her tighter than ever, memorizing to perfection the moment which every single person around them witnessed. “Maybe one day.”
Both parting from the heartwarming hug, smiles adorned their faces, Kenma turning on his heels and walking towards his teammates while tightly clutching Mei’s gift. After shaking everyone’s hand, Kuroo patted his shoulder with a nod and a sympathetic smile while Kenma turned around one more time. Hands clutched together on her chest, Mei simply stood there, leaning into Osamu as he had his arm around her shoulders, eyes glossy and keeping up the same beautiful, intoxicating smile Kenma fell in love with.
Yes, he now could easily admit that he fell in love for the first time - an experience that brought to the table more than anyone could’ve ever imagined. Kenma smiled back, knowing the tolerable twin would take good care of her.
Until .. maybe .. one day.
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his-saiko · 2 years
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💐[Fluff/Comfort] 💔[Angst] 🛑[Trigger Warning] 🔥[Suggestive] 🌶[Spicy] 📖[Multichapter]
💐 Need You Now 💐 Meant to Be 💔 If It's Not Us In The End
💔💐 Drunk Message
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📖 Non"Lethal"
📖 Confessions
🔥 POV: You teased Tsukishima too far 💐 Sleep
🌶 Trapped Together
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📖 Match, Set, Game
🌶 Chased and Chained [The twins]
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💐 Stream
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💐 Sick
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© 2022 Alfi. Do not repost any of my work.
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storytimewithnova · 10 months
"Battles of Love: Defeating the Seven Evil Exes"
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Introduction learning about the exes
shona Is sitting on a swing talking to Kita
Shona: look Kita If we’re gonna date you may have to defeat my seven evil pretty exes
Kita:You have 7 evil exe boyfriends?
Shona:Seven evil pretty exes, yes
Kita:And I have to fight—
Kita:Defeat your seven evil exes if we’re going to continue dating?
Shona:Yeah Pretty much,
Kita:Who are they exactly?
Shonq:Pretty ex #1 Kozume kenma gamer addict he is Lazy AF and he is also my first bf don't be fooled my his kitten act he is far from Cute and cuddley when you piss him off
Kita: bare that in mind who's next
Shona: Semi Eita No discernible personality but my biggest Simp
Kita: Mhm simple enough he seems Tame
Shona: really Kita don't be fooled by my exes personalities let's continue next we have Evil pretty ex 3 oikawa Tooru self centred personality but always loved me A little bit too obsessive
Kita: ......
Shona :i will just continue then and move on from him Evil pretty ex 4 suga overprotecticve and a bit suffcating love him don’t get me wrong i just felt like i couldn’t breathe very controling
Kita:So suga is a control freak noted
Shona:Evil pretty ex 5
Kita:Wait atsumu is one of your evil exes
Shona:Yes he cheated on me yet. He crawls back to me every time
Kita: thst strangely makes sense
Shona:Evil ex 6 kageyama tobio abusive self explanatory we Don't need to go in to that one
Kita:I have see that actually when we have played karasuno
Yes so lets not talk about him now bad news takes the form of evil pretty ex number 7 Shirabu Kenjiro Salt shaker in human form yes he was a sweetheart with me but he is also cold
Kita:And i have to defeat them to be with you why do they all still want you
Shona:Short answer pretty much yeah as far as They are concerned I’m still with Them
Kita:Oh wow okay
Shona:Good luck shin
And so i begins
Chapter 1: The First Battle
Kita took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the first battle. He stood in front of the school's gaming club, where Shona's first evil pretty ex, Kozume Kenma, was known to spend most of his time. As he entered the club room, Kita could feel the intense gaze of Kenma on him.
"Who are you?" Kenma asked, lazily looking up from his game console.
"I'm Kita. Shona sent me to defeat you," Kita replied calmly, trying not to let his nerves show.
Kenma smirked, setting aside his game. "I wasn't expecting her to actually send someone. Fine, let's get this over with."
The two engaged in an intense battle, strategically using their gaming skills to try and outsmart each other. Despite Kenma's reputation as a gaming addict, Kita surprised him with his talent and determination. After a long and grueling match, Kita emerged victorious.
Kenma stared at him in disbelief for a moment before finally admitting defeat. "Well done. I can see why she chose you," he said, a hint of admiration in his voice.
"Thank you," Kita replied, feeling a surge of confidence.
With the victory against the first evil ex under his belt, Kita prepared himself mentally for the next battles that awaited him.
Chapter 2: The Simp Showdown
The next evil pretty ex on Shona's list was Semi Eita. Unlike Kenma, Semi was known for neither his gaming skills nor his eccentric personality. In fact, he was rather ordinary in appearance and demeanor. However, what made him an evil ex was his relentless devotion to Shona.
Kita found Semi waiting for him outside the school gates, a bouquet of flowers in hand. "I knew you'd come. But defeating me won't be as easy as you think," Semi said, a glimmer of determination in his eyes.
Kita knew he had to come up with a strategy to overcome Semi's persistence. He couldn't let Semi's charms sway him from his goal. He took a deep breath and steadied his resolve.
As the battle began, Kita skillfully evaded Semi's attempts to win him over with compliments and gestures of affection. He focused on showcasing his own qualities and strengths, proving to Semi that he was worthy of Shona's love.
Hours turned into minutes, and minutes into mere seconds as Kita and Semi traded verbal blows and rebuttals. But ultimately, Kita's unwavering determination prevailed. Semi stood there, defeated and speechless.
"I never thought I'd lose to someone like you," Semi muttered in disbelief.
Kita offered him a genuine smile. "Thank you for the challenge. I hope you find happiness, Semi."
With that, Kita moved on, leaving behind a stunned Semi.
Chapter 3: The Narcissistic Encounter
Oikawa Tooru, the third evil pretty ex on Shona's list, exuded an air of self-centeredness that was hard to ignore. Kita knew the battle with him would be anything but pleasant.
He found Oikawa at a local cafe, surrounded by admirers fawning over him. Kita approached the table with confidence, refusing to let Oikawa intimidate him.
Oikawa smirked, his eyes gleaming with arrogance. "So, you're the one Shona sent to defeat me, huh? Well, good luck, little kitten."
Kita ignored the patronizing nickname and jumped straight into the battle. He skillfully dismantled Oikawa's narcissistic facade, exposing the flaws in his reasoning and highlighting the toxic nature of their relationship.
With each argument made, Oikawa's confidence wavered. He was not used to someone challenging him in this way. Kita's insight and authenticity struck a chord with him.
In the end, Oikawa lowered his gaze and sighed. "You're right. I'Thank you,"ve always been obsessed with my own image. Shona deserves better. I hope you can give her that."
Kita nodded respectfully. "Thank you for understanding and acknowledging your mistakes. I wish you well, Oikawa."
As he walked away from the defeated Oikawa, Kita couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Only four battles remained, and he was determined to face each one head-on.
To be continued...
Chapter 4: The Suffocating Love
The next evil pretty ex on Shona's list was Suga, the overprotective and suffocating ex-boyfriend. Kita had heard stories about how Suga's love for Shona became controlling and stifling. He knew he had to approach this battle with caution.
Suga was waiting for Kita at a park, holding a bouquet of roses. His face wore a mixture of longing and desperation. Kita took a deep breath and prepared himself for the emotional turmoil that lay ahead.
"Suga," Kita began, his voice firm yet gentle. "I understand that you care deeply for Shona, but love should never suffocate or restrict someone's freedom."
Suga's eyes welled up with tears. "I only wanted to protect her, to keep her safe," he whispered, his voice filled with remorse.
Kita sympathized with Suga's intentions but knew that his actions were unhealthy. He explained to Suga that love shouldn't control or manipulate, but rather support and uplift.
Hours passed as Kita patiently and compassionately guided Suga towards acknowledging his mistakes. Eventually, Suga realized the toxicity of his behavior and nodded, defeated.
"You're right. I went about it all wrong. Shona deserves someone who trusts her and respects her independence. I hope that person is you," Suga said, his voice filled with sincerity.
Kita smiled. "Thank you, Suga. I believe we all deserve a chance to grow and learn from our experiences. I wish you the best."
Leaving behind a contemplative Suga, Kita moved on to face the remaining three exes, each battle edging him closer to a future with Shona.
Chapter 5: The Cheating Temptation
Atsumu, the fifth evil pretty ex, was known for his infidelity. He had repeatedly betrayed Shona's trust but always found his way back into her life. Kita knew this battle wouldn't be easy, as Atsumu had a way of worming his way back into people's hearts.
Finding Atsumu at a local café, Kita approached him, determined to break the cycle of cheating and heartbreak.
"Atsumu, it's time for you to face the consequences of your actions. Shona deserves loyalty and commitment," Kita stated firmly.
Atsumu smirked, his eyes full of arrogance. "I may have cheated, but no one loves Shona like I do. You're a fool if you think you can replace me."
Kita's resolve remained unshaken as he laid out the painful consequences and emotional distress Atsumu's actions had caused. He made it clear that love without trust and faithfulness was no love at all.
As Atsumu listened to Kita's words, his cocky façade began to crumble. Guilt washed over him, and he admitted his mistakes with remorse.
"You're right, Kita. I let my selfish desires ruin something beautiful. Shona deserves better than me. I hope you can be that better," Atsumu said, his voice laced with regret.
Kita nodded, accepting Atsumu's acknowledgment of his wrongdoings. "Thank you for understanding, Atsumu. I wish you the strength to change and grow."
Leaving behind a defeated and introspective Atsumu, Kita braced himself for the battles yet to come.
Chapter 6: The Shadows of Abuse
Kageyama Tobio, the sixth evil pretty ex, was known for his abusive behavior towards Shona. Kita had witnessed the scars of their toxic relationship during their matches. He knew he had to approach this battle with utmost care.
Finding Kageyama training alone on a volleyball court, Kita took a deep breath. He couldn't erase the pain Shona had endured, but he could help her move forward into a healthier future.
"Kageyama, what you did to Shona was inexcusable. Love should never hurt or belittle," Kita said, his voice steady but filled with conviction.
Kageyama glared at Kita, gripping the volleyball tightly in his hands. "She deserved it. Shona was always too weak and pathetic," he spat out, his words dripping with venom.
Kita's eyes hardened with resolve. He patiently and firmly discussed the importance of respect and equality in a relationship. He made it clear that abuse had no place in love, and that true strength came from supporting and uplifting one another.
As Kageyama listened to Kita's words, his facade of anger cracked, revealing the brokenness underneath. Tears trickled down his face as he confronted the reality of his abusive actions.
"I don't know if I can ever atone for what I've done. Shona deserves someone who will protect her, not hurt her. I hope you can be that person," Kageyama whispered, his voice filled with regret and self-loathing.
Kita couldn't erase the pain of the past, but he could offer Kageyama the chance to grow and change. "Thank you for acknowledging your mistakes, Kageyama. I wish you the strength to find healing and the courage to become a better person."
Leaving behind a shattered Kageyama, Kita prepared himself for the final battle that awaited him. Only one evil pretty ex stood between him and a future with Shona.
To be continued...
Chapter 7: The Salt Shaker's Redemption
The final evil pretty ex on Shona's list was Shirabu Kenjiro, the cold and salty ex-boyfriend. Kita had heard rumors about Shirabu's sarcastic persona and bitter attitude. However, he believed that everyone deserved a chance at redemption.
Kita found Shirabu standing by a serene lakeside, his gaze fixated on the shimmering water. As Kita approached him, he could sense the walls of resentment and bitterness surrounding Shirabu.
"Shirabu, I understand that you and Shona had your differences, but holding onto bitterness doesn't serve anyone's happiness," Kita spoke softly, his voice filled with empathy.
Shirabu turned to look at Kita, his expression guarded. "She was always too optimistic, too carefree. It annoyed me. I didn't want to be dragged down by her naive positivity."
Kita sat down on a nearby bench, inviting Shirabu to join him. With patience and understanding, he explained that love isn't about changing someone to fit our ideals but accepting them for who they are.
He shared stories of Shona's kindness, loyalty, and unwavering support, hoping to open Shirabu's eyes to the qualities that made her special. He urged Shirabu to let go of his bitterness and give love another chance.
As Shirabu listened to Kita's words, something shifted within him. He realized that his resentment had been a shield, protecting him from the vulnerability of genuine love.
"You're right, Kita. I've been holding onto anger and resentment for far too long. Shona deserves someone who appreciates her for exactly who she is. I hope that person can be me," Shirabu confessed, his voice tinged with newfound hope.
Kita smiled, his heart filled with admiration for Shirabu's willingness to change. "Thank you for opening your heart, Shirabu. I believe in second chances, and I hope you can find happiness with Shona."
As the sun set, casting a golden glow upon the lake, Kita and Shirabu nodded at each other, silently acknowledging the connection that had formed between them.
Chapter 8: A Future Together
It had been a long and challenging journey, but Kita had defeated Shona's seven evil pretty exes. Each battle had brought him closer to understanding the depths of Shona's heart and the strength of their connection.
Sitting on the swing once again, Shona looked at Kita with eyes filled with gratitude and affection. "You truly went above and beyond, defeating my exes to prove your love. But more importantly, you showed me that genuine love is patient, understanding, and empowering."
Kita smiled warmly, his hand reaching for Shona's. "I did it not only for you but also for us. Love should never be a battlefield; it should be a sanctuary where we both can grow and thrive."
They shared a tender moment, their hearts intertwining as they embraced the love that had overcome the odds.
As the sun set on that fateful evening, Kita and Shona walked hand in hand, ready to face a future together. They knew that their love had been tested and proven, emerging stronger than ever.
With each step they took, they left behind the shadows of their past, liberated and eager to create a new story filled with joy, trust, and unconditional love.
And so, their journey continued, with a newfound resilience and an unbreakable bond, as they discovered that true love could conquer all obstacles and that their love story was just beginning.
The end.
0 notes
estrxlar · 2 years
The Ghost Of You
24 - The Beginning
A/M: hi everyone, I'm so sorry for being MÍA for the past near year, I've gone through a lot recently and I've just started to get back into my usual self!!! A lot of you are still sticking around and thank you for that, it means so much. I hope my new/old writing isn't too shabby, I'm still working on it. Anyway, ily guys. Enjoy my comeback¿ <3
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this chapters songs:
Air Supply; Sweet Triple
Kiss A Girl In Black; Fleeting Joys
Inside Out; Duster
- Y. L. Perspective
"Y-Y/n! Wow, what a pretty name! So...you got a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend?! If that's how you roll..." the boy shakes my hand aggressively, the sweat of his palms beginning to heat up my hand. I cringe in to discuss the feeling but attempt to chuckle. He was only a few inches taller than Tanaka and had similar haircuts except he had a bleached outgrown stripe going from the front to back of his head.
Just a second ago he was blabbing about Shoyo's strange enthusiasm with their setter, Kozume Kenma; a rather short and peculiar second year. It took not a second for his attention span to revert to Kiyoko and I. Tanaka raised his brows at the guy and nudged him away from us, asking, "What's your business with our managers and the shorty?! They're with us, you know!"
"What's it to you buddy?" He snaps back in an instant before the two of them are at each other's throats, trading the most cringe insults, including, 'looking to rumble, city boy?!'
Both Kiyoko and I roll our eyes and back away from the scenario, avoiding any contact with the opposing teams' players.
Koshi pats my shoulder gently as he speaks. "Tanaka, please do us all a favor and stop embarrassing yourself. Nobody says 'city boy'."
One other player comes up behind the taller version of Tanaka, kicking him in his ankle. "Yamamoto, behave! Why cannot you go a game without arguing? You're making a damn fool of yourself," he speaks, apologizing to Koshi on behalf of his teammate.
Both morons stop fussing at the males' orders.
Hinata, still bowing his head low, follows Kiyoko and me to the benches of the gym, where the rest of our club gathered to prepare for the game.
I could barely stand up straight, for I was extremely tired. The entire weekend was filled with training and late nights with Koshi. I was excited about being able to go home later that night and finally getting a good night's rest. But first, a game between Nekoma and Karasuno was awaiting.
"Hey, Hinata? How are you already acquainted with Nekoma's official setter? Do you two know each other?" I ask him, taking off my jacket and setting it next to Kiyoko's on the bench.
"His name is Kenma! I only met him the first day of training camp—you know, when I accidentally went off track. He was sitting near a park and we talked for a bit about volleyball before I learned that we would be playing him today. Isn't that so coincidental? Anyway, he seems nice. Why do you ask?" He begins attaching his knee pads.
I shake my head gently, returning an answer. "Just curious. You two hit it off pretty quickly."
'Setter, just like Koshi.'
Not a few moments later are we greeted by even more Nekoma players, mostly tall ones. Daichi stood next to a rather muscular guy who looked to be the age of 20. His hair parted in a very strange way and his height was nearly terrifying. "Hey guys, this is Nekoma's captain, Kuroo."
Kuroo bows for Kiyoko and me, us trading gentle smiles. "Good evening. Thank you for coming down so far for the match."
Daichi places his hands on his hips, obviously proud of having two fairly attractive female managers on his team. "
"Why, that's cool. I'm not sure I know what that means, though. So if you ever need a full-time manager job, haha we're always open!-" Daichi all of a sudden clears his throat, sending us both to draw back our hands.
"And this is Kiyoko, our full-time manager." He moves his hand to Kiyoko, having the same smirk on his face.
"Ah, how lucky is your team!"
Throughout our conversation, I had taken notice of each of the members' actual names, or at least a few.
The captain, of course, was named Kuroo. And the short guy with light brown hair was named Yaku. He had almost the same personality as Suga, except he was a bit bossier. Then there was the one who was a spinning image of Tanaka, was Yamamoto; the simp. And the small one with toned hair was named Kenma. He seemed quiet and judgmental, which was a personality trait I was familiar with within the first year. And those were the few names I knew before the game had started.
"Alright, line up!"
I wish I could say that the match ended abruptly. Unfortunately, Hinata extended our field trip to many more hours than expected. He insisted we gain more and more restraint over the men, although everybody else and their bodies disagreed.
It was only a few minutes after we had said our thanks and goodbyes to the team that we once again began our trip on the road, going back home.
I laid against Koshi in the leather seat, our hands intertwining with each other. Somehow we managed to sneak in affection without many of the boys seeing. Many of them had passed out against each other from being drained by the many rounds of volleyball games. He rubbed his cold thumb against my palm in light circles, his eyes calmly looking down the motion.
"I'm sorry about yesterday, Y/n," He whispers to me, careful not to make any loud noises. The bass of his voice was dramatic enough to make someone wake up.
My head leans against his shoulder and my free hand rests over his. "It's no issue," I say to him.
It aches me that Koshi could keep so many painful thoughts to himself. God forbid something to happen to him and I wouldn't know because the man believes his feelings aren't valid. If it were up to me, I'd make him feel as if there wasn't anything in this world he could be afraid of.
I held his hand, rubbing the tips of my thumbs against the abundance of thin hair on his knuckles, imagining what it would be to stay with him forever like this. Feeling his chest fall up and down under my ear, the pulse on his wrist, the grumbling from his stomach that reminded me we still lived in a reality where the world didn't stop because of our love for each other.
On the way back home, I was able to gather furthermore information about the teammates we had previously gone against; the boys who left us extremely exhausted and facing much hunger to rest in our very own beds back home.
The only names I could strike memory upon were Kuroo, Kenma, Yamamoto, and Yaku; all obtaining great power and skill, being why they stayed lingering in my thoughts.
It seemed Kuroo was a sarcastic and gentlemen type guy, with long black messy hair and a strong build as any other captain would look and act like. As for Kozume, it was obvious he spent most hours of the day cooped up in a room with nothing but screens surrounding him. The peculiar guy had bleached hair that wore off as time went on, a lanky build, and dark eyes. The other second year, Yaku, was an uptight libero with short blonde stubby hair and a lack of height. And as for the last, Yamamoto, he was nothing but Tanaka's twin with a few adjustments: blonde freak of hair in the middle of his buzzcut, more sensitive attitude, and preferred me over Kiyoko.
Many more were there, but they hadn't had too much playtime for me to be able to intake more information about them. All had many different t ways of viewing how to win a match, but together, their ideas collided quite well.
I bounce back onto my bed, the heaviness of the mattress going through my body as if portraying how I'd offended it. My arms gently slide from left to right and left again, hesitating whether or not to dream of Koshi or to undress for a good night's sleep. Instead of doing either, I take out my phone from my back pocket and text my mother.
hey, u home?
no. stuck at work, might stay here till super late. I'm sorry honey. We can talk all about the training camp if you're awake by the time I get back, k?
Love you
Upon my sheets, I thought of how empty it felt not to have Koshi lying next to me, breathing in and out and in again gazing upon my features I never would've thought were as beautiful as he describes them. His fingers in between locks of my hair, making patterns that ruined its shape. I pictured him here on my bed looking at me with complete happiness. Was it that I wanted us to be in that spot? Where we didn't know what was coming nor overthink the days of yesterday and before?
I knew what would come, meaning Koshi and I could never be in that spot. We will never be able to look at each other in absolute adolescence and never worry if our future because we knew we had each other in it.
It's only been three days, Y/n. Why overthink it now?
I felt sick. After Koshi had described all the horrible things that had happened to him, why would I ever put him through something like what we knew was coming? I felt regretful. Instead of leaving him alone to experience his last years as a teenager in a normal position, I take him as my own and bound him from the freedom to discover who he wants and what he wants.
There, upon my sheets, I begin to cry softly. Not of anger or sadness, but fear. Fear of what was coming in only a few months, not even a full year. Crying because what I felt for Koshi was more than I had ever felt in my life, and to lose him is something I can't imagine. The thing is, I have to, for it's ending whether I want it to or not.
Suddenly, my phone rings in my hand, and I open my eyes ever so slightly to reveal a message.
Are you awake?
My lips curl into a smile.
Are you awake?
Yeah, you abt to go to bed?
No. I was feeling a little lonely
I miss u
We haven't had much alone time
Yeah, I know
I'm sorry
Why are you sorry?
I don't know, haha
Is everything okay y/n
Yeah, I'm just feeling down
I think I'm just tired
Is anyone home?
No, do you wanna come over?
I was thinking about it
I'm sleepy, but I'm bored
I'd much rather be sleepy with you
And if you're sad then I don't wanna leave u to be sad alone
I'll be there in a few
Once again, I smile.
Yes, it scared me to the core that Koshi and I wouldn't last forever. It was something that I couldn't help but stress over and wonder if everything we planned on doing together was going to be a memory I will in the future want to suppress.
But so far, we're okay. It was only now that we needed to worry about, to savor. It was only the beginning.
0 notes
himbofan · 2 years
First kiss headcanons with Haikyuu!! boys
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wow two posts in one day who am i 😳
this was a request by @culpa-fate <3 tysm for the cute request! i hope you enjoy :)
cw: fluff, kissing, gn reader
characters: bokuto, osamu, kenma, oikawa
wc: 700ish
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Bokuto Kotaro
i feel like a first kiss with kotaro would be clumsy and awkward, but in the sweetest way
he would be so excited to kiss you that he would miss and only kiss your upper lip, probably clash teeth a little bit
you both pull back and look at each other for a second before breaking out into laughter
god if you could capture his face at that moment; flushed, wide-eyed, and practically oozing with adoration for you
he would insist that he needs more practice, so he���ll keep asking you to kiss him over and over
you can feel his smile against your lips as you kiss him again and again
he’s trying to play it off as being his usual goofy self, but you can feel his heart beating hard and fast under his chest
he will request a kiss before every game now (even practice matches) just ‘for luck’
in reality he just can’t get enough of you and wants to kiss you 24/7 (please let him)
Miya Osamu
a first kiss with osamu would be super romantic
the setting would be perfect, a nice picnic at sunset with food made by him
he would be the type to take it slow, bringing a hand up to your face and caressing your cheek before kissing you softly and sweetly
and then immediately ruining the mood by blowing a fat raspberry on your cheek
i’m just imagining the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles, watching you get after him for ruining the mood, but the smile on your face tells him you’re not really mad
he makes it up to you by kissing you on both cheeks, and then planting an overly dramatic ‘mwah’ on your lips
he didn’t think he could fall in love any more than he already had, but when he sees your blushing and smiling face he knows he’s wrong 🥺
mom help i think i fell in love with a block of text 😭
Kozume Kenma
a first kiss with kenma would be hesitant and shy at first, he doesn’t know where to put his hands or how long he should kiss you
his whole face would be red, averting eye contact but still refusing to let go of your hands
he finally lifts his head to look at your face and oh no you’re so pretty and cute and perfect aaaaand he’s blushing again
but he slowly gets the hang of things and kisses you again more properly and confident this time, putting his hands around your waist
run your fingers through his hair while you’re smooching and he will melt 😩
big fan of body kisses; shoulders, hands, foreheads, you name it
he will ask for a kiss in nonverbal ways, like hugging you from behind and draping himself over you
if he’s playing a game and beat a level/boss, he’ll just turn and look at you, asking silently for a reward
please give it to him 🥺
Oikawa Tooru
a first kiss with tooru would be intimate and tender, but not too serious
he would try to make it as perfect as possible, creating a romantic atmosphere and making sure you’re alone
caressing your face with one hand and the other holding yours, he leans in slowly…
only to be interrupted by his phone ringing, the one thing he forgot to address in his master plan 😭
poor guy would probably be so embarrassed, just laugh it off and tell him it’s okay and he’ll fall in love with you even more
you can practically feel the smile on his lips when you kiss him for the first time, he can’t help himself from smiling because he is completely smitten 🥰
immediately pulls you in for a hug, squishing your face against his chest so you can’t see how red his face is
later he’ll fuss at iwaizumi for calling him (to which he responds “you shoulda just muted your phone dumbass how is that my fault”)
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mrskodzuken · 2 years
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Christmas Lullaby
pairing: Kozume Kenma x f!reader (feat. Kenma’s daughter, Yuki)
genre: fluff
wc: 2.3k
tw/cw: post-timeskip (reader and Kenma are married for xx years and have a child; also doting dad!Kenma), mild swearing. Also implied Filo!reader (yes, I'm kinda back with the 'Kenma-with-a-Filo-s/o' bs after a few months writing the last one last year).
a/n: this is my super-duper late entry* for @kenzumekodma's AUdvent Collab (domestic cliche/au) and @goldenshoyo / @adromedaichi's 2021 Holiday Collab (Day 18 - Holiday Songs), and also (since it's Father's Day today) for my Oh My Daddy! Collab. Thank you @memeingcheetah27 @tetsukentona @eunoji for betareading this + @xshinigamikittenx @beware-of-the-rogue for your kind inputs 🥺🥺🥺 ily all mwah ♥️ tagging @hanayanetwork @hqlabels @tokyometronetwork //more notes at the end of the post UwU
*hope I did my chosen prompts right and on point with the holiday theme *bows* i'm sorry~ /gen
Want to be a part of my general taglist? Form link here.
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[13:40. Early December, present-day Japan.]
A notification popped up on Kozume Yuki’s smartphone, nearly startling the young business major student with its loud ping! and turned her head from side to side before checking it; she was inside the university library and doing some school work before her next class would start in a few hours. “A video post notification? From Mama’s Instagram?” she asked in a puzzling tone, grabbing her Airpods and swiping left on the notification banner to bring her directly to your video post.It was uploaded on your private Instagram account–handle name kodzuyn0504–about a minute ago, with the following caption: “January 20xx - Dada @/kodzuken1016 SINGS. And baby @/yuki.kozume loved it lol.” The thumbnail was pitch-black except for a dimly-lit white spot on the extreme right side, and her golden-brown eyes could make out a faint figure of her father sitting and carrying a small infant in his arms–her. This thumbnail alone brought back many childhood memories of her and her father. So, without a second wasted, Yuki pressed Play.
[January 20xx. Tokyo, Japan.]
[03:14. Kozume Residence.]
You turned on your sleeping figure on one side of the bed, hand feeling through the sheets for your husband Kenma’s figure to reach and hug. “Ken…?” you mumbled, half-opening one eye and squinting through the dark for a silhouette of him. Now wide awake, you got up and sat on your side of the king-sized bed before turning on the night-light lamp, glancing at your phone’s screen that read ‘03:15’ and looking for him around the four sides of your bedroom. “Kenma?” Then you heard a soft staticky baby sound coming from the baby monitor, situated above the nightstand on Kenma’s side of the bed, a small screen illuminated in the dark, followed by Kenma’s soft yet husky awkward voice.
“Shh… Yuki-chan, you’re gonna wake Mama up.” You heard your husband chuckle as the screen flashed a top view of your daughter Yuki’s crib, blankets set aside on one side, and the baby nowhere to be found. Maybe Ken’s carrying her, you thought, smiling, as you carefully got up off the bed soundless, donned your robe and fuzzy cat slippers, and with your phone in hand tiptoed through the nursery sitting next to Kenma’s office/streaming/gaming room.
A dimly-lit ray shone through the nursery's ajar door, and you slightly peeked inside. Faint squeaking emitted from the rocking chair where Kenma was sitting, wearing his reindeer onesie over his old Nekoma VBC shirt (a Christmas gift from his former team captain, childhood friend, and Yuki’s godfather Kuroo Tetsurou… which he reluctantly accepted after some urging from you). Carefully carrying in his arms was your one-year-old daughter, Yuki, clothed in a matching Santa Claus onesie and hat (also a Christmas gift from her Ninong Tetsu).
Yuki’s tiny pudgy arms shot upward with open palms, trying to reach for the big red-rounded nose on Kenma’s onesie’s hood. “Dada… Dada…,” she squealed, tiny baby teeth peeking inside her smiling lips.
“Hm? What is it, munchkin?”
“Lalla, dada, lalla~” your daughter chirped happily, begging Kenma to sing a lullaby for her. In the years that you’ve known the famous YouTuber and gamer prior to your marriage and giving birth to Yuki, never have you heard him hum a tune or two, let alone sing a whole verse of a song. Even when you both traveled to your home country to visit your family, and for Kenma to meet your parents and ask them for your hand in marriage, when he was whisked off by your male cousins and uncles for karaoke night, he politely declined their requests to sing with them. (You, at one time, asked his best friend Tetsurou if Kenma was a bad singer, but the bastard just laughed like a hyena.)
“Want Dada… to sing you a song?” Your husband’s face softened and lowered his hooded head within the toddler’s reach, his red cheeks, and smug grin slightly hidden from your view. He sighed and brought a finger to his curved lips. “All right, then. Just one song, but don’t tell your Mama about this, okay? I don’t want her to know…” Kenma then placed a small kiss on the top of Yuki’s head. “This will be our little secret.”
Huh!? This son of a–why won’t he want me to know about his singing? You felt a small vein pop on your forehead as you noticed Kenma reaching for the baby monitor, turning it off, and setting it down on the nearby nightstand before he cleared his throat. You then opened the Camera app on your phone and set it to Video mode, aiming it at the unsuspecting father and child. Better record this and use it as blackmail, just in case tee hee~
My idea of a perfect Christmas
Is to spend it with you
In a party or dinner for two
Anywhere would do
Celebrating the yuletide season
Always lights up our lives
Simple pleasures are made special too
When they're shared with you
You couldn’t help but be taken aback by how warm, velvety, and smooth his singing voice was, the same goes for when he speaks (albeit a bit awkwardly). It made your heart soar even further and fluttered for the love of your life, the father of your child, even more.
Looking through some old photographs
Faces and friends we'll always remember
Watching busy shoppers rushing about
In the cool breeze of December
Sparkling lights all over town
Children's carols in the air
By the Christmas tree
A shower of stardust on your hair
You zoomed in on the video slightly, focusing on Yuki’s expression. She was, in your opinion, kind of entranced by his father’s beautiful singing, her eyes wide and looking closely at Kenma, her tiny mouth forming a cute ‘O’ shape.
I can't think of a better Christmas
Than my wish coming true
And my wish is that you'd let me spend
My whole life with you
My idea of a perfect Christmas
Is spending it with you
Kenma finished the song nicely without any mishaps. You stopped recording and saved the video immediately to your phone, switching back to Photo mode, just as Kenma turned the baby monitor on and put it back on Yuki’s crib. He then littered several kisses on both your daughter’s plump cheeks, causing her to giggle sweetly. “Oh my sweet little munchkin, Dada loves you very much!” he murmured, hugging his child into his arms for a while.
How cute, you thought, giggling quietly and silently taking a candid photo of them on your phone. You finally decided to go inside the nursery, wrapping the nightgown around your body more. “Hey, Rudolph! Why are you two still awake?” you asked, making Kenma jump from his seat and hold on to his daughter a bit tightly.
His reindeer head turned to your direction sharply, anxiety and embarrassment both shown on his face. “Shit… Y-Y/N! How long have you been standing there?” your husband asked, ignoring Yuki’s tiny pudgy hands patting his cheeks playfully. “I thought you’re sleeping…”
“I was also asking you the same thing, Kozume–and please, no swearing in front of Yuki,” you told him in a stern voice, ignoring his first question. Then you sighed and squatted in front of them, hand reaching out to gently rub your daughter’s plump cheek with the back of your index finger. Yuki leaned onto it a bit and nuzzled like a kitten; you chuckled. Checking your phone for a second, you said, “Yuki’s still supposed to be asleep–it’s five minutes past 4 am now.”
Kenma then carefully sat Yuki on his lap and began rocking the chair slowly to and fro, looking at you with a slight frown. “I woke up earlier and took a leak in the bathroom–don’t worry, I washed my hands before coming here–and before I went back to sleep I noticed this little Santa Claus sitting up and looking directly at the baby monitor with a pout on her face.” He adjusted the red Santa hat on his daughter’s head and grinned. “Turns out, Yuki accidentally dropped her Santa hat outside the bars of her crib and was on the verge of crying… so, I rushed in to check on her. Also, her bottle ran out of milk,” he added thoughtfully.
“What?” Your shoulders suddenly dropped their weight, and it was your turn to frown. “Kenma, you should’ve woke me up instead!” you whined, pouting like a child, and turned towards the door on the way to the kitchen, where Yuki’s sterilized bottles and baby formula are located.
“No,” your husband said in a reprimanding tone, quickly grabbing and tugging on the back of your nightgown, pulling you a bit. “You had an exhausting time at work this week, and you haven’t slept for two days straight! I couldn’t possibly let you go alone and check on Yuki without you accidentally bumping through walls and doors and cabinets and hurting yourself.”
“No buts, Kozume Y/N. I can handle this by myself,” Kenma assured you, cradling his daughter on his chest as he carefully stood up on the rocking chair and set her down inside the crib before grabbing her empty milk bottle. “Don’t worry about me. Just go back to our room and sleep…?” His heart ached, as if an arrow pierced through it, at the sight of your saddened expression, a pout visible on your quivering lips, the same expression he saw on Yuki almost an hour ago. The gamer bit the inside of his cheek and stifled a chuckle with the back of his hand, causing your eyebrows to frown deeper and you let out a confused whimper.
“Sorry about that,” your husband apologized, clearing his throat and gently stroking your head with his hand, while he looked at you with a loving gaze. Then, Kenma thought of a bright idea, and gave you a tender kiss on the forehead. “How about the both of us sleep here, together with Yuki, in the nursery, hm? And while I prepare for her bottle in the kitchen, you stay with her and wait,” he said, cupping and caressing your cheek.
“Sounds good to me!” You replaced Kenma on the rocking chair, looking worriedly at him. “But, are you sure?”
Kenma nodded, a genuine smile flashed on his lips. “Of course! I want to help you in taking care of our daughter and I have to fully learn the art of child-rearing sooner or later. So, I practiced changing diapers and preparing the milk formula properly, and also asked my mom what she did when she had me years ago.” He walked outside the nursery but stopped near the door, turning his head at you. “I want to be the greatest dad, the greatest father that Yuki has… and I want to give you both a happy and lovable life that I could cherish for as long as I live. So, allow me to help you by being a supportive husband and father, okay? And don’t cry, please.”
You quickly wiped your tears trickling down your cheeks and smiled. “Okay! I won’t.”
[A few minutes later…]
“Yuki-chan, Dada’s here with your bottle–?” Kenma came back to the nursery with Yuki’s new (warm) milk bottle and a big quilted blanket for you and him and saw you already snoring quietly on the rocking chair, with a sleeping Yuki laying on your chest, your arms hugging her. “Ah, they fell asleep. How cute.” He chuckled softly, setting the bottle and draping the blanket down on the crib before fishing his phone from his sweatpants’ back pocket and opening the Camera app. Your husband then took some candid snapshots of you and your daughter sleeping on the rocking chair, eventually choosing one as his phone lockscreen wallpaper, before slipping it back into his pocket.
“Yosh… time to drink your milk, munchkin~” Kenma murmured as he retrieved the baby from your arms, careful not to wake both of you up, and gently laid her down into the crib, strategically placing her milk bottle and favorite plush toy (a Hinata crow plushie) near her hands before giving Yuki a goodnight forehead kiss. “Now, then… time to rescue the princess~” Using his full strength, he carefully hooked his arms under your legs and back and carried you bridal-style, gently laying you down on the big and spacious daybed sofa adjacent to his daughter’s crib. He quickly retrieved the blanket from the crib and draped it over your sleeping figure, before snuggling himself beside you. Kenma wrapped his arm around your waist and brought you closer to him, your warm body flushed against his.
“Sweet dreams, my adorable and lovely wife. I hope you’d dream of me as you sleep,” he whispered into your lips, placing a sweet soft kiss, before he shuffled a bit and placed another one at the top of your head, nuzzling his nose through your hair and savoring your scent.
Tucking his chin above your head, he murmured ‘good night, Y/N…’ before his eyes slowly shut down into sleep.
--- --- ---
kodzuyn0504 January 20xx - Dada @/kodzuken1016 SINGS. And baby @/yuki.kozume loved it lol
kuroTetsuro wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
kodzuken1016 (c" ತ,_ತ)
kodzuken1016 @/kodzuyn0504 how did you??????
kodzuken1016 y/n take it down pls pls PLSSSSSS 
yuki.kozume cute reindeer onesie papa 🦌🥰🥰🥰
yuki.kozume how nostalgic~ (*^▽^*)
kodzuyn0504 NO @/kodzuken1016 😈
kodzuyn0504 also i didn’t know YOU sing WELL that time wth
kodzuyn0504 AND A FILIPINO XMAS SONG TOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
kodzuken1016 yk i can hear you screaming in the next room lol
kodzuyn0504 i tried asking @/kuroTetsuro before if you’re a crooner but he 🤐🤐🤐
kuroTetsuro cuz I was forced to stfu @/kodzuyn0504 😭
kodzuken1016 😏🔪
yuki.kozume @/kodzuken1016 papa, when i get home after my exams, can i take a video of us singing a duet? And I’ll upload it on Tiktok? pretty please??? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
kodzuyn0504 🥺🥺🥺👉🏻👈🏻
kuroTetsuro 🥺🥺🥺👉🏻👈🏻
kodzuken1016 @/kuroTetsuro stop it 🤦🏻‍♂️
kodzuken1016 hmm… sure @/yuki.kozume we can ♥️
yuki.kozume 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
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This is another companion fic for my other works "Proposal", "Surprise!", "Pancakes", and "Dada!"
This is how Kenma's daughter Yuki looks like as a child ♥️
'Ninong' in our native language (Tagalog/Filipino) means 'godfather'.
The lyrics Kenma sung to his daughter as a makeshift lullaby are from the 90's Filipino holiday song, "A Perfect Christmas", by Jose Mari Chan.
Kenma really sings. The whole Nekoma team knew, unfortunately. How did they know? One afternoon, after club activities were over and cleaning of the gym was done and all, Kenma was the first one to freshen up in the gym's shower room. Then, as soon as the other Cats reached the room, they heard him singing in the shower, to the tune of the Pokemon theme song (lol). After that, they couldn't stop teasing the poor setter until he snapped at both Kuroo and Lev. Kenma really sings, yet he doesn't want to show it off to other people... especially his own wife! (Yuki's an exception, though 🥰🥰🥰) But, hey! Kenma can sing pop and rock songs, too (to the extent of his voice), not just anime/video game theme songs. Hmm... imo he can also do the Weathering With You theme song sung by RADWIMPS *shrugs*
I put on slash symbols in between the @ and the handle names in the bonus section of the fic coz I just noticed that Kenma's 'personal' IG handle name and a part of Yuki's are actual Tumblr blog URLs, albeit the former is a blank blog ://
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Likes are okay, reblogs are nice, reposts and plagiarism stuff are frowned upon 🥰 | ALL WORKS BY MADKITTYBLOSSOM © 2022
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amaya-writes · 2 years
ik you've sort of played with this scenario throughout the event but how about drabbles of them reacting to you coming to watch practice (for dating the setter btw)
Note: was gonna do drabbles for this but I was tired.
Characters involved: Sugawara Koushi, Kenma Kozume, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Toru, Miya Atsumu, Akaashi Keiji
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Sugawara Koushi
The most likely to mess up because you're around.
Sugawara knows he's not the best on his team and he doesn't want you to feel like you're dating a setter who isn't even good at his role.
However, he's happy to see you cheer him on and interact with the rest of the team, and he eventually feels relaxed and likes having you around during practice.
He also asks you about your opinion on certain plays and even teaches you a thing or two during breaks.
He thinks it's fun that his s/o and closest friends can interact with each other.
Sugawara is still a little insecure about not being a regular but he loves having you around nonetheless.
Kenma Kozume
Doesn't realise you're there at first.
When Kenma plays he gets really into the zone. He already exerts a lot of energy during the game itself so he doesn't want to spend extra energy focusing on irrelevant things like the people around him.
It's only when they have a break from practice matches that he sees you there.
He's pleasantly surprised to have you around and lowkey doesn't know how to react.
On one hand, he's appreciative that you came to watch him and are interested in his interests but on the other, he can't help but feel a sense of nervousness.
He doesn't bother talking game with you and instead focuses on making sure Kuroo doesn't run his mouth.
Gets real flustered when you tell him he did good.
He'll spend his spare time talking to you rather than playing games.
Kageyama Tobio
Gets a little kinder to his teammates.
Hinata definitely appreciates your presence and even tells you to come to every practice, which earns him a volleyball to the head.
Kageyama doesn't doubt his abilities even when you're around, after all, he knows what to do and knows that he's a good setter.
But he does find himself paying attention to your reactions and even asks you about what you think about the game.
He likes explaining volleyball things to you and usually sits beside you during breaks and stretches.
Makes you throw him the ball for sets/when he's doing extra practice with Hinata.
Oikawa Toru
The one who actually pays more attention to you than practice.
Gets hit by Iwaizumi way more than usual and he gets all pouty about it because you're around.
Will 100% flirt with you between matches or whenever he's off the court, this includes during stretches and breaks.
Hides behind you when Iwaizumi threatens him because he knows he won't get hit if you're in front.
Oikawa loves teaching you volleyball and gets really passionate about it too, making you stay with him after practice to teach you little tricks and moves.
Loves talking to you about the team and vice versa.
Tries showing off to impress you but ends up making mistakes which earns him a hit from Iwaizumi.
Alternatively, he points towards you whenever he scores with his serves. It would be cute if he wasn't so awfully set on embarrassing you by giving you flying kisses and saying cheesy things.
Miya Atsumu
Another one who doesn't realise you're there while he's playing.
When he does see you after the match ends he's quick to run towards you and engage in conversation.
Atsumu loves the fact that you came to watch him and even mocks Osamu about how he isn't in a relationship.
He tries showing off for you but actually succeeds. Kita and the coaches are annoyed about it but can't really do anything since it's not like he made a mistake.
Atsumu absolutely loves talking about you. Would literally ramble about your hairstyle throughout stretches if Osamu didn't shut him up.
Literally loves PDA. Will kiss you whenever he can, he doesn't even care if the entire team watches.
Of course he won't do it if you're uncomfortable.
When they have breaks he has his arm around your shoulders constantly and includes you in every conversation he has.
Akaashi Keiji
Sends you a cute little wave when you show up but doesn't actually talk to you until the match is over.
He gets a little embarrassed because of Bokuto since he's persistent on bringing you up in conversations.
Practically yells aww Akaashi look who's here.
Akaashi's game isn't affected by you being around but he definitely looks at you whenever they score. It's like he's seeking your silent approval.
He's sweet when you're around and finds it cute when you laugh at Bokuto's antics.
Explains things about the game to you whenever you seem confused and makes you sit with their manager so you don't feel out of the loop.
He takes you on dates after practice to or walks you home.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Flufftober Day 2: Secret Relationship
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Pairing: Kenma Kozume x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 593
Summary: Kenma and (Y/n) go too long without telling anyone they were dating creating a secret that was never meant to be one.
Warnings: none, fluff!
A/N: day two of flufftober baby let’s get it! could be read as an x chubby reader. my other flufftober works can be found here!
(Y/n) squealed before quieting down, looking around. She wasn’t the type to make such outward loud and noisy displays, especially not at sports events. Once she noticed no one had noticed she covered her laughter with the long sleeves of her sweater. Well, it wasn’t really hers. It was her boyfriend’s. Kenma always made the conscious effort to buy his hoodies and sweaters a few sizes bigger so he could share with her.
`It felt nice to wear his clothes to games. It was less obvious than a jersey but they both knew whose stuff she was wearing. She gasped as he set the ball and Nekoma made another point. “Go Kenma!” the girl screamed, clapping her hands happily. It didn’t matter if she cheered for him when they scored a point, so did everyone else. Many girls in the stands cheered for not only Kuro, but her boyfriend as well. Kenma had many girls that’d come out to see him play and a lot of them were the same ones she had seen confessing to him. Although she knew Kenma was loyal, she knew the girls who wanted him would do absolutely anything to get to him.
“He’s just playing hard to get, Lin. He definitely wants you!”
“I think I’m gonna give him the bento I made for him! He’s gotta be hungry after the game.”
“Please he was practically eyeing me up in third period!”
Times like this were when she wished their relationship was public. Where she wishes she was brave enough to stand up and tell them how he was her boyfriend and they didn’t stand a chance. But that’s what happens when you go without saying something for too long. It becomes a secret and that’s exactly what they had become. What had started out as not wanting to say anything too soon in case it didn’t work out had turned into a year of them sneaking around and dating in secret.
But as Kozume looked up at the stands, seeing his girlfriend wrapped in his sweater, he started to want change. He knew it was selfish for him to keep her to himself. To not wanna share the wonder that she was with everyone as he wished, to wanna keep her far away from his pesky teammates as long as possible. But in that moment, when all he could do was separate the sound of her voice from the crowds, he realized it was even more selfish of him to not let it be known that he was taken by the most amazing woman he had ever met.
“(Y/n)!” he shouted, hands cupped around his mouth to amplify his voice. The Nekoma boys stared in confusion. Kenma wasn’t the type to disrupt things before the beginning of the match. The girl froze at the sound of her voice, standing up and walking over to the railing.
 “I’d like it if you watched closely, this next point is for you.” her breath hitched, happy tears slipping from her eyes. Her lips tilted up in a smile as she nodded, causing him to nod back sending a slight smile her way as well. As he turned back to face forward the boys all made childish noises, whistling and teasing him but he didn’t care.
(Y/n) continued to smile from her seat, giggling to herself about what had happened. People stared at her strange behavior but she paid no mind to them. It was finally out and everyone knew about the secret that was never meant to be one.
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pinkachire · 3 years
Sugar Daddy
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kenma x fem!reader
synopsis: kenma decided to spoil his gf (reader) with the clothes she bought, but she didn’t know the shop was owned by kenma.
cw: +18 nsfw mdni! mirror sex. degrading. praise. reader forced in a call with kenma’s friends. overstimulation. fingered in the car. edging. forcing out an answer. humiliation. dumbification. dacryphilia. thrusting with the music beat. vibrator. forcing the reader to play with herself.
a/n: this is a scene from my book!! i removed some scenes bc it doesn’t match it and i think some are unnecessary for this, dw it’s just some scenes connected to the book, i removed those scenes bc the main point here is how kenma is being a sugar d to y/n so yeah
part 1 + part 2
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╰┈➤ ❝ [kitten to spoil.]
Third Person POV
"Kenma, why did you order those?"
You said while you were driving home with Kenma at his house, the pay at the cashier reached at least an hour, Kenma even called his workers from the company to bring two cars because the clothes and bags won't fit.
"Which one?"
"You know—" You said as you knew what he was up to again.
"But you love them, don't you?" He mocked as he was driving.
"What if I do?"
"Then good." He said as you noticed that you were now at your destination, at Kenma's house.
"Mr. Kozume, where will we put this?" An employee said while they were taking out the shopping bags at the car, Kenma and you were at the entrance of his mansion, you insisted to help the servants but Kenma didn't let you.
"Please? I want to help them also." You pleaded as Kenma sighed.
"Okay, but I'll just let you carry one bag." He said as you blinked.
"What? What bag?"
"The one that you loved the most, of course."
"Get those clothes, and I want you to wear them, okay?"
"I'm waiting later at night." He whispered as he lazily turned his back on you, and there, he went inside the house, leaving you flustered.
You went to the trunk of the car, and of course, you were finding those set of clothes.
"Um, excuse me, but do you know where was that one specific pink shopping bag? It's different from the others." You asked one of the servants, thankfully you found the bag before someone opens them.
"Thank you."
You called him while you were trying out the clothes in the bathroom.
"Hm?" He hummed as he was playing on his PC.
"Did you see the other bag?" You shouted through the door, he didn't answer because he was too busy playing, you got irritated but you just let him play because it's been a long time since he hadn't played after all the busy hours and events on his company.
Luckily, it's the weekend today. And there were only a few works at the company, it was a perfect time for the both of you to spend time.
You turned around as you were admiring yourself in the mirror, you smirked as an idea came to your mind.
Taking out the special outfits from the shopping bag you bought one by one, zipped the maid outfit's zipper, gracefully wore the tights while admiring your skin, and then put on the cat hairband.
Gazing at the mirror, you didn't expect something to wear like these, especially for Kenma.
It's like forbidden to fuck with your boss?
Say, forbidden guilty pleasure.
Nevertheless, you knew what you're doing, you're just doing revenge after what he did to you at the car a while ago.
It was now your turn.
Except you didn't know what would be the outcome.
"Kenma." You went out of the bathroom, and as you were expecting, Kenma was still playing on his computer, you saw how his fingers tapped each key quickly and how he was holding the mouse.
"Done?" He said while you sat on his lap, his focus was still on the game, he didn't look nor took a single glance at you.
"Still busy on the game?" You said as he finally looked at you, his eyes widen as he saw what you were wearing
"Ah, I see, you already wore it." He smirked.
You only nodded in response as you started to move, you were still in his lap though, you can feel Kenma's breath hitch as he noticed what you were doing.
You noticed that he was dying at his game always unlike a while ago, you knew you got him, he got distracted.
Although you knew you'll be dead later also.
"Fuck." He said under his breath.
You started to grind on him as he held your waist suddenly, surprised by his action, you still continued moving. You felt that you were starting to get wet just by feeling him harden under you.
"Teasing me? Brave." He chuckled as he was already raging at his game, you could hear the keys loudly tapping compared to a while ago.
"Go on, continue what you're doing, and I'll fucking make sure that you won't walk for weeks." He muttered as he leaned closer to your ear, he blew your sensitive spot as a whimper unexpectedly escaped your throat. "I mean it, baby." He whispered in your ear.
A part of you kind of regretted what you did, but at the same time, an unknown feeling made you enjoyed what you're doing.
Perhaps, it was the pleasure or guilt?
He held your waist tightly with both of his hands, his eyes darkened as he looked at you intensely. "Suck me, bitch." He sternly said as he pushed you out of his lap and forced you to go under the table.
Your heart was beating faster as he did an unexpected move, but you already know what to do.
You unbuckled his pants, from the outside you can already see his bulge, you gulped as you felt a bit nervous by giving him head.
Removing his pants and overall underclothing, you could see precum leaking out. You started by placing your hand at the base of his cock, rubbing it up and down as Kenma groaned, she bit her lip as her other hand worked on his tip.
He opened his legs wider to give space to Y/n, she then began putting his cock on her mouth, she started by licking the tip, she then moved her hands on his dick as she started rubbing it while licking him.
Slowly, you sucked his cock into your mouth, your mouth moved up and down as he bucked his hips into you, this made you choke on him but you still continued, you felt how big he was just by your mouth.
He moaned as he felt your warmth in your mouth, he grabbed your hair and started pushing your head into him, you were sucking him and it was bulging on your cheeks by how big he is.
You started to deep throat him, it hurt for a second but then it turned into pleasure, tears welled up in your eyes as you started to choke on his cock, he was thick and all, you were surprised by how it even fitted.
You looked up at him with teary red eyes, your eyes showing please and mercy, your eyes were begging for him and he knew it, your cheeks were red.
He looked down at you, he saw your state, oh how his lips were tugged in a smirk, his eyes darkened just by watching you. "Regret teasing me now, baby?"
Tears spilled from your eyes as you shook your head while looking up at him, he wiped your tears as he caressed your cheeks.
"You're so pretty on your knees," He said as you were still sucking him. "It almost makes you look so pathetic."
Oh what a sight to see it is for him, he loved how you looked so pretty on your knees, crying your eyes out only for him.
"M—mhf—!" Your moans were muffled from his cock, your eyes were begging him, tears painting your face.
He was only looking down at you, smirking devilishly.
You felt his cock twitch as you felt that he was near, but you wanted to play more and more, you felt that he was near from his face and action.
You removed your mouth from his cock before he could come.
Kenma looked at you, surprised by your little action, you were on your knees, tears spilling out from your red eyes, your face painted by tears.
And you wear also wearing a smirk.
Kenma only clicked his tongue and a deep chuckle erupted from his throat, he shook his head in disappointment.
Both of you knew you fucked up.
After all, it was exactly how you wanted it to be.
"Guess my character just died," He said as he took off his headphones and placed them on the table with much force, you jolted from the loud bang, especially that you can hear it loudly from under the table.
"And you're next." His voice dropped in a sudden, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out, he grabbed your body and hang you on his shoulder.
Like claiming his prize.
He threw you in the bed as if you were a doll, you sat up and looked at him with fear, nevertheless, your eyes were glossy and your lips quivered as he simply gazed at you with his dark aura
"You love making me mad, don't you?"
He said as he went closer to you, every move he made closer to you, made you move backward.
He moved closer again as there was no more space in the bed, it made you lay down, you were now under him, you were a sight to see, your thighs closed, the back of your hands covering your mouth as you were looking up at him with your glossy eyes.
"Why do you look so scared, hm?" He said as he caressed your cheeks, he placed the strands of your hair that were covering your face behind your ear.
You were quiet the whole time, fearing the man on top of you, your quivering lips refusing to move.
Oh how you look so submissive for him.
"What happened to your little stunt a while ago?" He said as his hands started to roam around your body.
"It made me realize that you still haven't learned your lesson yet." He said with his deep voice, just by the tone of his voice made you even wetter, you rubbed your thighs together for friction, but he was not having it.
His hand went to your breast, he started squeezing them, you moaned from the feeling as he started to rub your hardened buds, he sucked them while he was rubbing the other, you bit your lip as you try not to make any sound.
He then went out of the bed, you stared at him in confusion, but then you noticed that he was getting some stuff from the bag.
You almost forgot the things that you bought a while ago.
He came back with a choker, blindfold, and a cuff, you gulped as your eyes were glued on them. It indicated that he's going rough on you, with no mercy.
"Sit up." He sternly said, of course, you immediately followed his order, he smirked at how obedient you were, he knew that you were now scared, but not in that way of course.
He put the blindfold on you first, which made you even more anxious since you knew you couldn't see anything and Kenma was in control. Then you felt him grasp both of your wrists forcefully, and you felt the cold material on your skin as you heard the cuffs click. Finally, he grabbed your chin, noticed your trembling lips, and couldn't help but smirk, knowing he got you and then putting the choker on you.
"Fucking pretty." He said as he admired you, how beautiful you were, especially wearing these kinds of stuff.
You then felt a pair of hands carry you out of the bed, you just can't help but wonder where you were going, you just know Kenma is carrying you somewhere.
And then, he puts you down, you felt that you were now sitting on his lap and he was behind you.
"Ready to see what I got for you?" He whispered in your ear, it made you ticklish on that spot, knowing that it was sensitive.
You felt him remove your blindfold, your sight was blurry for a bit, after some seconds, you saw what was in front of you, you widen your eyes as your face heated up.
You saw yourself, you were in front of the mirror.
"K-kenma...!" You cried hysterically as you saw him behind you in the reflection, his eyes darkened, cat-like eyes hunting his prey, a diabolical grin, and his head tilted.
He has the face of a masochist devil.
"Do you see yourself?" He said in a provoking tone. "Do you see yourself looking so pathetic, exposed, and vulnerable just for me, only for me to see?"
You didn't know how to react; it was too much from you; even his words made you feel small; he had you wrapped around his finger; whatever you did was exposed by him.
"Play with yourself." He ordered, your breath hitched, you had no choice but to follow him, it seems like something is controlling your body.
The heat? The pleasure? You didn't know.
You moved your cuffed hands hesitantly and shakily, at your exposed, dripping entrance; you bit your lips as tears welled up again; you began to stroke your pussy; oh, how embarrassed you felt, Kenma watching your every move.
Inserting your finger inside, you moaned, but not in pleasure, but in humiliation, as you turned your head away from the mirror, not wanting to see your pitiful self wrathing for him, only for Kenma to grab your jaw and make you face the mirror once again.
"Watch yourself whining like the desperate whore you are." He deeply said as he was watching you from behind in the mirror intensely.
Suddenly, another idea popped into his mind, he couldn't help but chuckle again, you cursed as you know what the tone in his laugh meant.
He was laughing like a fucking psycho.
You nearly didn't notice when he grabbed his headphone and placed it on your ear; you heard voices in the headphones; you peered behind Kenma and saw a monitor screen that made your heart drop.
He just joined a call with his friends.
"Yo? Kenma?" One of them said.
"Bro, go online now, we'll play rank."
Kenma suddenly pressed the mute button, he removed the headphone from you and smirked.
"Hear that? I'm on a call with my friends, hold your moans for me." He said. "Be a good girl and stay quiet."
"Wouldn't want them to hear that you're such a whore for me, hm?"
"N-no..." You shook your head frantically, you almost couldn't speak.
Kenma then pressed the unmute button again, he lets you then wear the headphones.
"The fuck man, it's your first time being quiet in the call." The guy laughed. "Usually you would rage in the game."
You noticed Kenma take something out, your eyes widen as you saw that he was holding a vibrator.
You shook your head at him, you didn't want to speak or even utter a single sound, or his friends would hear you, he was overall stoked.
"T-too—! Sen—sitive...!" You managed to let out.
"Who the fuck?"
"Who brought a girl there."
Kenma ignores your wails and pleading, he just puts the vibrator into your hole, juices gushing out of it as it was clenching, he loved the fucking sight of it.
You were biting your lips, to the point that it was already bleeding, and of course, Kenma also loved that, he set the vibrator into the highest mode, you immediately felt like coming already.
Kenma pressed the mute button and left the call, you then didn't waste your time to let out your moans, oh how Kenma loved the sounds that came out of your pretty bruised mouth, it was like music to his ears.
Speaking of music.
Kenma turned onto his computer and put on some music; it was music that had a flow to it, a hazily sound that made you come to senses but still had a solid beat.
"I—I can't... please...!" You cried out between your moans, it was too much for you, but you knew that he was just starting.
He lifted your skirt up and removed the vibrator from your pussy, it left juices on it, as if your hole was begging to be filled up again.
Kenma positioned himself at your entrance, you felt his cock was as firm as a rock, it made you ten times wetter, you whimpered, he then gently pushed his dick into your wet hole, it slipped in easily after rounds of pleasure, it was so wet that it started to drip out.
He loved the warmth inside you, he pushed his head back as his hair was messy, he moaned as he started to move upward into you, and you were looking in the mirror, seeing how his cock penetrated you, how his powerful thrust had a significant effect on you, and how pathetic and pleading you appeared.
"You're so fucking tight." He said in a raspy voice, you were now bouncing on him as he was thrusting, even more, deeper, you noticed something, and it made you aroused even more.
He was thrusting with the music beat.
Every thrust he did made a bulge on your stomach, he was rearranging your guts, your eyes were rolling up and your tongue was sticking out, your mouth drooling as tears streamed down your face.
Every minute, as the song is proceeding, the beat was getting heavy and quick, and of course, so as Kenma's thrust and push, your legs were now shaking uncontrollably.
"I—I can't... ah—! Too much—!" You screamed out as he held your neck with the choker still on your neck, he was as well choking you.
"Don't fucking disappoint me, take it." He said as he gripped your jaw and made you face him, he kissed you deeply, his tongue easily dominating yours, his tongue explored every part inside you, as well as his cock.
It has been an hour, and he still didn't stop, you already came at least more than three, while he still didn't, you felt so tired and sensitive.
He's overstimulating you.
Minutes passed by, you felt his cock twitching inside of you, he groaned as he thrust deeply that made you scream, your throat was sore, it felt like all sorts of energy had left your body, hell even your voice.
He then came inside you, luckily you were on pills for a long time now. You sat up and laid on the floor like a dog, laying on your stomach with your cuffed hand in front of you and your ass facing him, he saw all the fluids gushing out of your hole, and it was fucking hot for him.
"I'll clean you up." He said as he carried you, knowing you couldn't walk for weeks, oh he did really mean it.
"Where does it hurt?" He asked you gently after he lifted you at the countersink inside the bathroom.
"I feel tired, Kenma... my body hurts." You mumbled weakly.
"I'm sorry I went too much, you're so fucking hot, I couldn't resist you baby." He said as he kissed you in the forehead and caressed you in a gentle manner.
He carried you to the bathtub, he gave you a bubble bath, it made you wake up a bit and your energy came back a little, well at least it did help.
"Aren't you joining me in the tub?" You asked him as you were now just playing with the bubbles.
"I don't like bubble baths though, do you want to shower together instead?" He said.
"Aww too bad, please?" You begged, he just sighed and finally went in the tub with you.
"I feel like bubble baths are for kids." Kenma complained while you only laughed and threw some bubbles in his face.
"Sorry sorry!" You laughed as he only rolled his eyes on you and wiped his face with a towel.
"Shampoo me." You said as Kenma grabbed shampoo, he then turned you around to scrub your scalp, he made little horns with your hair, he couldn't help but laugh from the cuteness.
"What's funny?" You asked while he only chuckled.
"Nothing, put some on me also." He said as you faced him, you two were basically washing each other, only you were pouring shampoo and bubble soap on him instead, and you were both smiling and loving the moment, oh how you wished time would slow down.
"You have a beard!" You said as you made a soap beard on Kenma's face, while you didn't know that he secretly puts soap on your head, making you look like a literal poop on your head.
"The fuck are you laughing about?" You said as you looked at the mirror beside you, you noticed the large ass soap on top of your head, you glanced at Kenma and he was secretly laughing, covering his mouth.
"Kenma!" You splashed him bubbles and water, he just lets you be, he saw that you were enjoying after all.
He then suddenly grabs your wrist, pulling you and made you lay on his chest.
"I love you." He whispered as he was hugging you in the bath, you blushed furiously as you smiled.
"I love you too."
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read full story on wattpad and ao3 here (if the link doesn’t work just search kiwitoooth)
this scene is from my fanfic book! descried desire ➵  kenma kozume
story is completed
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sunasbabie · 3 years
pairings: atsumu x reader, kenma x reader & sugawara x reader
request: s/o who is a gamer and they recently got married and they wanted to announce it during their stream
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miya atsumu
you and atsumu decided that it was better to keep your relationship on the down low since both of you had quite a number of followers.
both of you avoided questions about your relationship and just opted to smile and say “no comment” about it. but that didn’t stop your fans on the stream to ask about your personal life.
“y/n are you dating someone”
“there was a rumour that you and miya atsumu were seen together on a date. is that true y/n?”
and that was just a few of the comments that you would see every time you do a stream and you would always just ignore them and look for another question to answer.
one night when you did a surprise stream since a new game you’ve been excited to play came out suddenly so you just decided to play it.
atsumu arrived at home and immediately went to your game room knowing that you would be there. but what he didn’t know was you were actually streaming tonight.
he entered the room without knowing you were streaming, he noticed that you seemed too engrossed in your game to notice him so he wanted to give you a surprise kiss. he approached you and kissed you on your cheek and your eyes widened at it.
first of all you were shocked that he was home and decided to kiss you and second you were streaming the entire thing so when the viewers saw it they were lowkey freaking out because miya atsumu just appeared on your stream and kissed you.
you decided that it was time to announce that you were married to him since a lot of people saw the stream already.
you paused the game and pulled atsumu for a kiss.
“guys i have something to say, this is miya atsumu and he’s my husband” you grinned
atsumu just looked shocked cause you announced it live. well it was technically his fault for kissing you while you were live.
kenma kozume
since kenma was also a pro gamer he also had a lot of supporters who were hard core fans of him and knew almost everything about him, everything but his relationship with you, another gamer who had a lot of followers.
both of you never really bothered to share that you guys were married let alone together. but that didn’t stop the fans from getting information on the two of you. they noticed how the similarities in your guys’ rooms and even the inside of the house cause sometimes you guys forget to close the door and your viewers were smart enough to put two and two together.
you guys finally decided that it was time to announce that you two were in a long term relationship so you decided to play a two player game and introduce kenma as your husband.
“hey guy, tonight i have this cool new game i’ve wanted to try out for a while but it's a two player game and me and my teammate finally matched our schedule to play this game.”
in the other room kenma was all ready with his set up and just waiting for you to announce it.
“i want you guys to meet my player two AND my husband, kenma kozume”
the screen showed kenma in his room smiling and waving at the camera
“it’s finally nice to know that people know i’m your husband y/n” he joked
“yeah it is baby”
the fans went wild at this announcement and now they were asking for more two player games with the two of you.
sugawara koshi
you’ve always avoided too personal questions about your life whenever you were streaming that’s why your fans never really knew about your personal life much less your husband that you love so much.
you actually decided that it was time for the fans to know a little more about you. so you decided to tell suga about your plan and he agreed with it and kissed you on the lips.
the stream went smoothly and when it was time to answer some questions you said
“okay send in some personal ones i wanna answer some”
the questions started coming in and a lot of them were actually about your relationship, so you picked one.
“somebody asked if i was dating someone and the answer is” before you could finish you sentence, suga walked in with a bag of chips and water, he placed it on the side of you table and kissed you on the lips which you gladly accepted. you already know that the comment section was freaking out but you decided not to pay any mind to it.
“so as i was saying yes i am actually in a relationship. in fact i’m already married and i want every one to meet my husband. koushi sugawara” you wrapped your arms around his waist as he bent down to be seen on the camera.
“hey guys” he waved at your fans
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