#game over liz
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instead of plotting a fic or writing some drabbles like a normal person I have figured out a version of Liz's story in the form of "playable" side quests so uh. have the first installment of Liz-centered BOTW quests i guess
The Lizalfos Who Learns: after completing the Reach Zora's Domain quest, you can speak to Dunma, a Zora guard, who will tell you about an unusual monster. She's not certain of what she saw, since none of the other guards have seen it and it's difficult to keep track in the chaos of a skirmish, but she thinks she's spotted a particular Electric Lizalfos that runs away instead of fighting like other Lizalfos in the Lanayru Wetlands. She even swears this monster was carrying flowers, not weapons. It’s so odd that it’s actually concerning, but she's never had time to track down this Lizalfos with everything else going on in the Domain.
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It's not easy to find, but you can search the Lanayru Wetlands and spot an Electric Lizalfos with flowers tucked into its armor, even without speaking to Dunma beforehand. It's most likely to be out in the open during a Blood Moon, staring up at the sky. If you approach, it will go through the same alert animation as other monsters, but then immediately turn and run away at full speed. You can pursue it or attack it but it won't stop running until it reaches deep water to hide or you kill it, at which point it drops normal Electric Lizalfos loot. It registers as Unusual Lizalfos to the camera with its own Compendium entry:
Lizalfos are known for being smarter than other monsters, but this one acts more cowardly than conniving. It seems to like flowers, and spends a lot of time watching the moon. It runs away whenever it sees a person. With such an unusual reaction, perhaps there is more to this monster than meets the eye?
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If you report back to Dunma with a picture at this point, she will wonder how this monster spends its time if it doesn't fight. She's seen it hanging around cooking pots before, but it always ran away before she could tell what it was doing. If only she was a little bit stealthier, or had some kind of disguise. Even a way to track it to tell where it runs off to would be reassuring.
You will need to either dowse for the Unusual Lizalfos with the Slate or manually find and follow it to a cooking pot. Getting close enough to observe will require enhancing your stealth or equipping Kilton's Lizalfos Mask. On new moon nights, the Lizalfos will go to the cooking pot by Soh Kofi Shrine, spending about an hour there before going through a cooking animation at midnight and producing a low-strength Sneaky Elixir. On third quarter or seven-day moon nights, the Lizalfos will go to the cooking pot by Boné Pond, spending about an hour there before going through a cooking animation at midnight and producing a medium-strength Enduring Elixir. On full moon or Blood Moon nights, the Lizalfos will go to the cooking pot due west of Wes Island, spending about an hour there before going through a cooking animation at midnight and producing a high-strength Hasty Elixir. Each time, the Lizalfos will inspect the elixir, look unhappy, and leave, giving you the option of collecting the elixir for yourself.
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Once you have observed all three instances, you can report back to Dunma with an explanation of the Lizalfos's activities. She will ponder the significance of a monster trying its hand at cooking. Although it's concerning, she ultimately dismisses it as nonthreatening, since the Lizalfos didn't take and use any of the elixirs it made. If it's trying to imitate people, clearly it's doing a poor job of it. She will thank you and reward you with 50 rupees, ending this first side quest.
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bpdanakins · 27 days
it has taken the dragon age fandom 0.2 seconds to be annoying i guess
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rebelwithoutabroom · 9 months
For a fun little question today, if you were to play minecraft manhunt with your friends, would you rather be the hunter or the hunted? Who would you hunt/have hunting you? Feel free to name some moots you would chase or be chased by :P
(And if you don’t actually play minecraft/your friends don’t just pretend you/they do! It’s vibes based, not skill based.)
omg you have no idea how happy this ask makes me!!! I started playing mc during the pandemic and i just fell completely in love with the game!! I love building and exploring and connecting with strangers through the many servers im in!!
Manhunt would be AWESOME. I think id probably like to be hunted bc that seems quite the fun challenge hehehhee I think it'd be awesome to play with @twirlybumblevee (still thinking abt our survival server btw) @demonstars @bottleofchaos @mello-when-hi and @milktearosethorn!! @suenitos and @mahikamihan would also be sooo fun to have, for sure the vibes would be on point
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enbyeddiediaz · 1 year
why is this fucking d&d campaign making me cry wtf
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oblivious-flesh · 1 month
oh my gods I've been replaying our life: beginnings and always again and holy shit I haven't cried this many times (positively) in so long I love this game sm😭😭😭
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If Maria actually convinced them to vote Ben...hand her the check
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twilightknight17 · 2 months
The Promised Day - Part 3
Man, I left this for a while. God. Too much to do, too little time, and work is fucking exhausting. But let’s talk about the ending, finally.
Where last we stood, the Great Seal was cast, and everything faded to white.
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Probably the closest any of you will ever get to seeing the Sea of Souls.
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It’s crushing, how upset they are that everyone made it but one person. Honestly, I get the sense that any number of casualties would have been too much. This was an all-or-nothing fight. It was supposed to be that everyone goes home, or no one does.
But no, the one person they lost was their leader. In the end, there was nothing they could do.
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…….it’s not the Sea of Souls, it’s the Universe. Oh god. Of course he can hear them.
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Stop talking like you and Nyx are the same. T_T You’re not!
He does sound proud of them, though.
SEES is returned to the front of the school, Tartarus dissolves into light, and Minato walks out of the now-normal building so that everyone can hug him and cry all over him. If I didn’t know how this ends, I’d be really mad about ten minutes from now.
I do like that, after the timeskip, this version of the ending starts the exact same way as the other one, since they still don’t have their memories in this version.
Man oh man am I popular, though. This isn’t even all my social links, and look how many people want to talk to me!
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It’s morbidly hilarious that this game literally started the trend of “walk around and talk to everyone the day before the ending”, but Minato’s the only modern protag who wasn’t going to leave. Not by choice, anyway.
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You and your girlfriend can’t both have amnesia, my guy. Get it together.
We find out that Kenji is excited because apparently there are going to be three new teachers next year, and they’re all hot. So he has learned nothing. Lots of social links sent letters, because the end of their link was literally them leaving town.
(Minato wasn’t going to leave, everyone else was. Inverse Persona ending. X’’’D)
The Gourmet King is gone (no tears here). Maiko’s dad says she’s doing well but also says I’m absolutely not allowed to marry her. We’re able to give Akinari’s mom the notebook with his story in it. Mamoru and Kaz are doing fine. Bebe, tragically, has decided not to come back to Japan right away. He’s gonna stay with his uncle for a while so they can grieve his aunt together.
Ms. Toriumi is taking the accidental revelation that I’m her MMO buddy very well.
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God I laughed so hard.
All the cats I saved from Tartarus are vibing in the back alley!
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I think I saved eight total? I wonder if there’s more. Secret cat ending. Fill the whole alley.
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...can I listen to my music box now? Please. T_T
As Mitsuru makes her graduation speech, SEES starts to remember, and rushes for the roof, where Aigis and Minato are already skipping the ceremony.
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That’s a long time.
I ended up dating Aigis just because I actually maxed her link, and I think the only other girl I maxed was Yuko? Maybe? And Maya, but that wasn’t a romance option, which I still think is weird.
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So, the credits. They, uh, didn’t have to do that. Like, it’s brilliant. Having his silhouette sinking deeper and deeper and gradually fading away to represent him doing the same. He vanishes completely and only then does it end, and we get to see SEES reach the roof just barely too late. Beautifully done, Atlus, I started tearing up, how dare you. X’D
And then the main menu is no longer the Dark Hour.
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So, overall, other than some nitpicks, I think this was a really solid game. But as a modern remake of a preexisting game, I think they could have gone further. Why NOT just make your male teammates possible social links? Why NOT include Hamuko? Why NOT include The Answer with the base game? Why lie and say you want the “core” (read: original base game) P3 experience, but then add new things?
Why make Ryoji tell you he wants to be more than friends and then not give you a third dialogue option?!?!?
(I know the answer is money. It’s always money. I am just salty.)
But I could forgive more of that if they hadn’t nerfed the final boss. I did some googling, and pinpointed some other things about the Nyx Avatar fight that didn’t line up. Before, he could attack twice per turn. This one can’t. They gave the Death Arcana an extra thousand health, but the old version automatically took half-damage from EVERYTHING except almighty. They took away Moonless Gown, and therefore took away his ability to become invulnerable. Apocalypse can reduce your HP to 1%, but if he’s not attacking twice per turn, someone always has time to heal, so who even cares?
(Shoutout to the Fandom wiki for being like, “It is strongly encouraged to heal when it uses this skill”. No shit, guys. Wow.)
And yeah, they buffed his spells up a level, but ultimately, all the things that might have actually made the boss genuinely hard got nerfed.
It kind of sucks. They gave him a cool new color scheme for the final arcana and then weakened him. Why even.
Anyway, gonna do NG+ on hard mode to finish all social links and the compendium, and also probably going to do something really stupid like solo the Avatar with my level 99 Minato and Thanatos just for giggles.
Because hell yeah. :D
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the latest Lonely Children post got quite long, so I'm tagging you both in a new post <3
This could be the point where William tries getting Evan fully on his side, but I like to think that even though he'd trusted the creepy rabbit man over the Fragment, Evan wasn't oblivious to the red flags.... And since Glitchtrap has William's arrogance, he severely underestimates both Evan's intelligence and his willpower. This could lead to Evan learning the truth of who was behind the endless nightmare.
@dire-kumori Evan noticing the red flags!! YESS GOOD FOR HIM! He's been through so much at this point and he SO needs that win (though, i can't help but wonder what Evan thinks of the Fragment after learning the truth about Glitchtrap. Does he realize the Fragment is, at heart, a force of good that Glitchtrap wants to get rid of? Does he assume the Fragment is another one of Glitchtrap's creations put here to trick and manipulate him? Does Evan's fear of it, plus witnessing the Fragment manipulating Vanessa, lead Evan to think of it as more of an "enemy of my enemy is my ally" thing?)
And I also love the thought of Evan trying his hardest to save this kid and just failing at every turn because Michael refuses to leave this awful place [Circus Baby's]. He's certain that something much, much worse will happen if he tries running away from his 'punishment' (even if he doesn't exactly remember what he's being punished for) but he's nonetheless willing to help guide them through the level towards the exit. He's been around long enough that he knows every nook and cranny of this place ("don't go left; that way's the scooping room") and is able to get them out quickly enough. - Dire
Gregory: what's so bad about the scooping room? I could go for some ice cream...
I think another layer that makes Michael refusing to be saved even more heartwrenching is that, once the two of them get their memories back, Mike remembers just how crushing and soul-destroying it was to try saving Evan over and over only to fail and watch his little brother be torn apart so many times. Foxybro obviously doesn't (consciously) remember this, but once he gets his memories back, maybe he's left with the horrible realization that by refusing to be saved, he left Evan subject to the same torment he lived through for so long (not being able to save your brother). He's horrified that, even after everything, he still managed to find yet another way to hurt his little brother (me too, Mike; I have NO idea how you two manage to find new ways to hurt each other with every post and au I see from others or make myself. You'd think you'd run of ways eventually.)
Even when Gregory forcibly drags them both out of Circus Baby's and even before fully getting his memories back, all that self-hatred and self-doubt and the "emotional imprints" left inside him from not being able to save his little bro no matter what he does, just leads him straight back to Glitchtrap. So horribly ironic that he's the one to get completely suckered in; I have no idea what horrors Glitchtrap would have in store for him, but hopefully Gregory and Evan would manage to pull off a rescue mission (and yell at Mike for doing something so stupid.... and let their "little brother" know that they don't care whether he makes the right decisions all the time. They just want him THERE).
This whole time, I’ve been imagining [Mike/Fragment] as the age when his first little sibling was born (be that either Evan or Elizabeth, take your pick) the age where he became a big brother. He’s still so, so little, but has this new, sudden responsibility that he doesn’t quite understand.
@honey-bunnysaurus I am feeling so Reasonable and Normal about the Fragment manifesting as the same age he was when he became a big sibling for the first time. I don't have words for how beautifully painful that is; he is way too young for this really big responsibility that he doesn't understand, AND he's being given a chance to try being a good big brother (well... little brother) again on so many different levels, especially when you incorporate Dire's idea that he constantly flips between ages depending on his mental state. Mike's the one who "faded" inside the Endless Nightmare, too unsure of his place or purpose or ability to save Evan to hold himself together, so it makes sense that he'd be so fragile and unstable in this digital world. Maybe as Mike gets more and more sure of himself and his place with his new brothers, his form becomes gradually more and more stable; or, maybe it's a comfort in and of itself to Foxybro that he can flip between ages and just be himself without the fear of responsibility or judgement or messing up that made him feel the need to hide and be someone something/else even before the Bite.
Gregory still calls him tiny even when Fragment Mike reaches his teenage stage, just because it annoys Mike.  - Honey
Oh for sure. Gregory has an unending supply of nicknames that are some variation of "little bro" and "little guy." Does the use of these nicknames lead to noogie-ing when Mike is in his teenage, or maybe even young adult, form? Absolutely. But Gregory has Goldie on his side, too; they outnumber Foxybro, and Gregory is more than willing to play dirty. Just imagine Foxybro giving Gregory a noogie, Goldie tickling Foxybro to try making him let go, and finally Gregory slams his foot into the back of Foxybro's knee and the three of them collapse into a giggling pile of sibling antics on the ground as they bicker with each other.
Maybe they’d cycle through a bunch of names like the fandom does for him; Chris, Norman, Cassidy, Jeremy, so on and so forth. - Dire
i LOVE that. Maybe Gregory throws out a couple names for Ev soon after they first meet, but Evan quietly says he doesn't know if he likes any of them. So, Gregory decides not to ask Evan if he likes the names but to randomly call Evan whatever names he thinks of and sees how his new friend reacts (I imagine a lot of these new names Gregory thinks of are actually popular memes from 2035, or whenever you think SB takes place). Despite Gregory being able to call him 15 different names in the span of five minutes, his new friend still doesn't seem to latch onto any of the ideas, though (some ideas are so bad that his new friend can't help but wrinkle his nose or stick his tongue out at them). Maybe after an exasperatingly long time of trying to find a name, they finally decide Gregory will call Evan Him (capitalization included) and Evan will call himself Me (as reference to Golden Freddy's IT'S ME IT'S ME IT'S ME). It still doesn't quite suit Evan, no, but it's better than nothing... until Evan finds the golden Fredbear plush. It's a major relief to both of them when Gregory looks between the plush and his new friend and the nickname "Goldie" slips from Gregory's smiling lips.
#i keep thinking how funny it is that ev and mike are trapped in this digital world but gregory is just playing a video game#the three of them are in a really stressful situation when gregory's parents/beta testing supervisors/guardians/whoever#scream at him to get out of the game for a few minutes#gregory has to shoot ev and mike a ''this is so embarrassing. sorry about this'' look before he disappears entirely as he#takes off the headset. ev and mike sit there awkwardly waiting for him to come back#unless ofc glitchtrap is keeping gregory locked inside the game somehow#or even the fragment's fiddling could be keeping gregory locked in on accident#also HAH gregory calling mikey 'crybaby'#crybaby complains and goldie is like well it's better than Him/Me#crybaby just pouts in response#and it's so funny to think about canon vanessa complaining about having to raise chaotic gregory and freddy robo duo#then she gets a glimpse into this vanessa's life#sees this vanessa struggling to raise the absolute messy trio that is gregory and two ghost boys (one of which#keeps flipping his ages) and canon vanessa is like ykw. maybe my life isn't THAT weird.#it'd be especially weird for vanessa if Fox occasionally changes into a young adult form#a form close to her own age#i don't think michael would use that form very much tbh#if his teenage form is a reminder of the guilt he faced over the bite‚ then his young adult form#is a reminder of all that guilt AND the crippling isolation as he lost all his friends and got scooped#and lost his family and failed liz and--#ykw i'll stop talking now#also i tried doing a little bit of research to see where ev might find the golden fredbear plushie in the game#i watched a few minutes of someone playing through the night terrors level and messing around at the prize counter#(the two places i thought we'd be most likely to see a fredbear plush)#but there didn't really appear to be one in either of those locations#so i'm not sure where goldie finds his namesake#i suppose that's something we'll have to take creative liberties with and make up for ourselves#lonely children au#michael afton#evan afton
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thegeminisage · 2 years
here are the highlights of last week's skyward sword stream including: screaming, graphic design, and chronic gullibility
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beeskneesntrees · 1 year
Nah, this is the last fuckin' straw. I've uninstalled the app, left a bad 1 star review explaining these tone-deaf updates are killing the site and I encourage you all to do the same. I guess I'm desktop only for now but even the desktop site is on thin ice.
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mercylie · 1 year
absolutely on the verge of tears at the fact that derek so matter-of-factly called cliff my character's dad—
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cookinguptales · 2 years
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lmao get fucked morty
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hearties-circus · 1 year
im the same anon that sent that pkm ask, i fucking LOVE hawlucha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you /p. running around insane !!!!!!!! also i am advocating for you to continue talking about the trainers you didnt mention. please :]
!!! Hawlucha was my bestest friend ever during I think my first ultra moon playthrough? We need more fighting/flying types it's such a fun combo :]
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Also look at my guys ^ I love the pokegear so much, it just makes the journey seem way less lonely. But yeah everytime I play hgss I make sure i add Liz, Ralph, Irwin and Alfred because they are my friends:] my funny npcs
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girlwiththegreenhat · 7 months
going into the borderIands tag and wondering if i clicked a handsome jack tag by mistake somehow
but no. no i didn't
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bluerosesburnblue · 10 months
TWST is??? Trending???
The power of Book 7! That's what happens when you show off a major fan-favorite character as a baby, I suppose
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