#galiana trevelyan
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warlock-enthusiast · 5 years ago
Cullen Rutherford/fem trevelyan 🥺, E10 (cullen is the one denying)
deWell, dear Anon! 
Here is some Cullen-smut for you <3 featuring my Galiana Trevelyan! ofc, nsfw!
(from this prompt list)
“Cullen… please.” Galiana grabbed the sheets and bit her lip. “I can’t … I need…”
The bastard smiled.
The nerve!
He was above her, hand between her legs, arm wrapped around her neck and lips pressed against her throat. His tongue caressed her skin as she felt every inch of her body tense beneath his touch. 
Cullen licked her neck, moved to her collarbone and up again, leaving a thin, wet trail on her skin. Sometimes, his teeth graced her skin and Galiana closed her eyes to indulge his attentions
They’d gone to bed early and enjoyed some wine and a warm fire, a kiss here and there. Galiana’s mind seemed too fuzzy to remember many details, but he’d shown a playful side tonight, mocking and teasing and undressing her with care. He still wore trousers, though, painfully tight around his middle now. Every try to loosen the bindings failed, because Cullen didn’t allow it and grabbed her hand instead. 
In general, Cullen didn’t seem too bothered by his state of undress and his eyes were focussed on her reactions. He’d trapped Galiana between his body and their bed and limited her movements. She’d seldom felt as safe and secure, nor as desired.
His warm breath tickled her ear. “Hm?”
“I’m almost there.” Galiana touched his face and pulled him down for a kiss. 
“Oh, almost?” Cullen’s smile, while still warm, also held a note of something else. Something darker, something hidden. 
Ever so gently he rubbed her most sensitive spot. Enough to cause friction, not enough for more. Warmth spread through her legs and stomach, tiny sparks promising sweet release.
And then he stopped. “Please!” She moaned again. 
Two fingers entered her, pushing and pulling carefully, stretching her tightness. Her muscles clenched around him and Galiana heard and felt her body react to Cullen and blushed even deeper. She’d never thought of doing things like … this. Back in her Circle days, every tale seemed so excessive and deceitful. 
So obscene.
Cullen stilled his movements and Galiana felt frustration bubbling in her throat. 
“Please, Cullen. I ...” “You?” “I...” Galiana bit the inside of her cheeks. “Please let me come.”
Cullen picked up the pace, found a rhythm, which send pleasure through her whole body, right down to her toes. 
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her thighs against Cullen’s hand. He still smiled, but his cheeks looked as flushed as hers and his breathing quickened. 
“I’m sorry, you’re so beautiful.” He withdrew his hand and kissed her lips and moved his body in line with hers. Galiana watched him, skin so pale and scarred, a slight dash of freckles on his shoulders. His tousled locks tickled and he closed his mouth around her breasts and sucked and gently bit her. 
With his free hand, Cullen slid between her legs again, finding her wetter than before. 
Galiana felt heat rising to her cheeks, darkening her face. “I need to… Cullen!”
“Well, I’m yours to command, my lady Trevelyan.”
She arched her back and pressed herself against Cullen. His palm touched her and Galiana started to move her hips up and down without any sense for rhythm or delicacy.  
Her need overwhelmed her, devoured her common sense. 
Faster, more pressure. 
It was enough. 
She let go and moaned his name over and over again. He didn’t stop stroking her and guided her through her orgasm with firm hands and Galiana’s body twitched and moved against her will. 
She’d never come like this.   
Galiana’s head sunk into a pillow, as she tried to catch her breath. She couldn’t move and her lips felt dry from all her moans and shouting his name. A tingling sensation lingered on her skin and she seemed rather sleepy suddenly. 
“Well…” “Well?” Cullen raised a brow. “I … oh, Maker.” Someone had probably heard them. Some poor Inquisition guard stationed at the base of her quarters. 
“You enjoyed yourself, yes?” His lips formed an even wider smile. 
Chuckling, Galiana threw a pillow into his general direction. “Stop looking so smug.” He answered her with a kiss. “I can’t.”
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eddiemunsonssoulmate · 5 years ago
Thanks for tagging me @harrysbbby @spilledtee @lokiqueenofasgard !
favourite colour:
deep navy blue
last song i listened to:
Into the Unknown by Panic!At the Disco
favourite musicians: 
Panic!At the Disco, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Punch Arogunz, Skillet, Systemfehler, Taylor Swift, Three Days Grace, Tyler Ward, Skillet, Fabian Römer, Ed Sheeran, Falling in Reverse, Lance Butters, Grinch Hill, Jonas Brothers, Trailerpark, Sick Puppies, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Shawn Mendes, Alestorm, Florance + The Machine, Evanescene, Bakkushan, P!nk and probably more I can’t think of right now
last film i watched: Kissing Booth 2
last series i watched: Avatar The Last Airbender
favourite oc: Sky Trevelyan, Inquisitor of Skyhold, brother of Galiana by @warlock-enthusiast ( I miss them :/ )
sweet, spicy or savoury: Spicy
fizzy water, tea or coffee: Tea
tagging @kageyamathegrump @yungbludz @void-maybank @sarahroutledge
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weretoad-writer · 8 years ago
For @loonyloopy <3 Christmas advent prompt featuring her wonderful Inquisitor, Galiana Trevelyan and my Warden, Crispin “Toast” Amell and a bit of winter gardening.
It was late morning and the sun had crept over the garden wall, washing the dull, grey world in light and color like the stroke of a painter’s brush. A blanket of fresh snow covered everything, star bright and flashing like a prism, turning the well worn paths and beds into an unfamiliar landscape of soft mounds and furrows.
In the south corner beneath the apple tree, Toast wobbled perilously on the top rung of a ladder, a pruning knife clutched in one hand, grasping for purchase on the snow weighted branches. He resembled nothing so much as a cat trying to catch a string just out of reach.
Above him tufts of green protruded from the grey, knobbly branches. Mistletoe, its wax white berries showing bright in the sun. There were perhaps a dozen of them, some little more than sprigs, others hung in feathery balls that looked almost as though they had been deliberately sculpted.
He had managed to sever one of the interlopers, letting it fall with a soft rustle into the basket at the foot of the tree, when there was a sound behind him, the quiet jarring of wood on stone as the courtyard door slid shut and Toast’s shoulders gave a little, involuntary jerk. He turned, a little too sharply, a little too fast. Even after all this time, even behind Skyhold’s safe, thick walls the smallest things could still make him startle like a rabbit.
“I thought I might find you here.” Galiana was bundled in soft, cozy layers, smiling as she crossed the snowy garden towards him.
The wariness melted from his shoulders and he smiled. “That predictable, huh?”
“The library was suspiciously empty,” she teased, pulling a pruning knife from the basket of tools and setting her foot on the bottom rung of the ladder to steady it.
Toast edged carefully out onto one of the lower branches, leaving the ladder free for Galiana to use. She was rather steadier on it than he had been. There was another sprawling tuft of green above his head and he reached for it, contorting himself awkwardly around the branch which lay between. He could just barely reach it, balanced recklessly out to one side and cutting by feel, sliding the blade along the bark until it struck one of the tough green shoots, and then carefully slicing them flush. “Somehow,” he began, breathless and half laughing, letting the leafy cluster drop into the basket below them, “I remember this being easier when I was a boy.”
Galiana laughed. “You say that as though you’re a wizened old man.”
“Some days I wonder.” He grinned, edging a little higher. “Did you know my shoulder can predict the weather?” He was only half joking. “We had an old apple like this at Kinloch, all twisted and gnarled, looked as though it might come alive and eat you if you got too close. Actually that’s what some of the older apprentices would say to scare us younger ones out of our wits. Completely covered in mistletoe, though, looked like some kind of enchanted evergreen come winter, the only tree in the herb garden covered in green leaves. But every few years or so the herbalist would cut it back.”
“It’s a shame it has to go,” she said, reaching to cut another sprig, even wrapped in knitted wool, her hands moved with a wonderful deft quickness. “The berries look almost like pearls.”
Toast looked down curiously at the cluster in his hands; she was right. Galiana had a knack for seeing beauty in the simplest things.  And even without the berries there was something cheering about seeing fresh, living green in the midst of winter. But for all that they had to cut it back, or risk starving the tree.
“We could bring them in?” he suggested, letting it fall into the basket and blowing some warmth into his cupped hands; his thumbs poked out through holes in the overlong sleeves, giving the ragged impression of fingerless gloves. “Hang them somewhere?” One or two locations sprang to mind, but he didn’t have the heart to tease her.
A handful of snow burst against his chest and he ducked, laughing, “I didn’t say anything!”
“No.” Her eyes were laughing, belying the reproof in her voice, “But you were thinking it.”
“Predictable and transparent,” Toast shook his head, a crooked grin playing about his mouth.  “I guess we can rule out spy as a future career.”
The work went quickly with two of them and before long the tree was stripped bare of green. Toast picked his way carefully from branch to branch, pausing when he reached the ladder to look down. Galiana had reached the ground first and was stooped over the basket, admiring their harvest, and on sudden impulse, Toast caught hold of one of the overhanging branches and gave it a clumsy shake, dislodging its burden of snow.
There was a cry of surprise and then laughter from Galiana as the cloud of snow enveloped her, but she was quick to respond and as Toast swung to the ground a ball of snow caught him full in the face. He lurched backwards instinctively, but missed his footing and with a spluttering laugh tumbled into the snow.
They were both laughing now, like two children who had stolen away from their lessons to play in the snow. It felt strange and familiar both at once, like taking a deep breath for the first time in years. She offered her hand and he caught hold of it, scrambling to his feet, still breathless with laughter.
Perhaps it was the moment of lightness, reminding him of times past, or perhaps the pressure of his hand in hers, and the fear of letting go, of loss, but Toast felt a sudden, sharp pang of urgency. He was aware with a peculiar intensity of that particular point in time, as if it were a physical space, but just as clearly he was aware of a terrible fragility, of transience, and he was seized with a desperate desire to stop it, to catch it in his hands and hold it still. Because in that moment, with her face flushed with cold and laughter, she was just Galiana. Not the Inquisitor, not the Herald of Andraste, just herself.
But it could not last; the world was broken and ravenous and it would not be satisfied with that, it demanded more. The moment would pass and she would once again take up those other mantles, those other selves, with all the burdens and responsibilities which they entailed, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
She deserved better. She deserved peace and happiness and a life far away from all of this. But he could not give her that, anymore than he could take away the mark on her hand.
Galiana’s face had turned thoughtful, watching him and Toast realized that something of his thoughts must have shown in his face. His cheeks flushed dark and he made to stammer some kind of apology, but rather than letting go of his hands, Galiana squeezed them a little tighter.
“Come on,” she said gently, “Let’s get out of the cold.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 5 years ago
23. You can’t give more than yourself
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Galiana Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford
Rating: T
fictober entries // fictober information
Without remembering the nature of her nightmare, Galiana left her bed. Standing up was difficult, because her whole body ached and she felt swollen and tired. Someone decided to kick her and she rubbed her belly and prayed to the Maker that the child would come soon. Probably another month. The healers weren’t sure about it, but claimed that everything was alright and that she needed to be patient, which wasn’t as easy as in the beginning.
Cullen’s side felt cold, as if he hadn’t slept in it, and Galiana wrapped a blanket around her. They’d fought and won and finally some time to themselves and most nights, he joined her far too late. 
He sat crouched over documents, his hair golden and messy, his expression concentrated on his writing. 
Galiana came to stand behind him, putting her hand on his shoulder and starting to rub it. “Will you come to bed? It’s cold and lonely without you.”
“Soon, my love.” Cullen leaned his head against her arm and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He seemed exhausted and ready to fall asleep on his desk. Galiana kissed his curls and looked at the papers and letters. Small traces of ink covered his fingertips and his writing. 
Cullen planned a refuge for templars. For those, who’d been driven mad by lyrium or the past wars, and those, who wanted to start another life far away from their former beliefs. He’d written so many Chantry officials and most of them weren’t even interested in helping or didn’t answer. It felt like fighting an uphill battle. 
They gave most of the Inquisition’s gold away and only kept enough to provide for their new, simple life. At least, Divine Victoria offered her help and her connections and her influence. Her word still held power, even after everything. She promised to reform the Circles and the system and Galiana hoped that she’d chosen wisely in supporting her. 
Galiana touched his cheek and put a stray curl behind his ear. “You can’t give more than yourself. You have to rest, you have to take care of yourself.”
Both of them had earned their peace and fought for it with their blood and tears. A lot of people still believed either templar or mages to be unredeemable and Galiana tried to ignore both sides. At this point in her life, Galiana had become tired of all those arguments and fights.  
She put her fingers beneath his chin and forced him to look at her. “And most important, you have to kiss your wife.”
Cullen chuckled and blew out the candles. “Ah, I see. As always, you’re right and I will follow your advice.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 5 years ago
4. I know you didn’t ask for this.
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Characters:  Galiana Trevelyan & Cullen Rutherford
Rating: G
fictober entries // fictober information
Galiana pulled her cloak tight around her chest. Her fingers felt cold and goosebumps spread across her body. She’d been standing on the battlements for how long? A few minutes, or a few hours? Some stray rays of moonlight granted her enough light to follow a general direction. Soldiers still celebrated in Herald’s rest and she heard them singing and cheering. 
They’d won another fight, another day.
She envied them. For her such a feeling of accomplishment seldom came without a prize and long hours of complementation before the eyes of the Maker. Did she make the right decisions? Did she listen to the right people? Everything always felt wrong. Galiana had never wanted to lead anyone or decide about life and death.
Every morning she woke up cursing the mark that had been left on her hand.
No, Galiana shook her head. Envy seemed childish and selfish and her tutors at the Circle had taught her better. They’d also question her self pity and melancholic tendencies. 
Maker please, help me find a light in all this darkness. 
She wanted them to celebrate and to feel warm and safe for once. Too many of them had lost family and friends and lovers. They deserved good ale and food, served with songs from their very own bard.
Galiana jumped at the sound of Cullen’s voice. “You shouldn’t be up at this hour. You’ll surely catch a cold.”
Oh, what a surprise! Had he seen her from his tower? Probably brooding about a bunch of papers and letters? She hadn’t heard him approach. Without his armor, he seemed almost soft footed. 
“I ... “ Galiana tried to hide in the soft fur of her cloak. “I couldn’t sleep.” “Me neither.” Cullen came towards her and put a blanket on her shoulders. It smelt a bit dusty and also warm and familiar, a slight hint of a sunny autumn. “At least, use this.”
“Now, you’ll get cold.”
“I won’t. I’m Fereldan, remember?” He smiled and Galiana huddled herself deeper into his blanket. 
“Of course! You told me so on our first day of meeting.” She’d been so anxious back then, as a mere victim of circumstances and not remembering how she’d survived. “And about your training and growing up in the Circle and we shared some stories and oh…” Galiana gently bit her tongue to remind herself that she should stop talking now. 
Sky surely would’ve handled such a talk with more confidence and charm. 
Galiana watched Cullen as he looked at the sky. He seemed tired, with prominent circles beneath his eyes and his pallid skin. 
He turned around, catching her staring at him. “Care for a tea?”
“I don’t know. I should try to get some sleep. Josephine has arranged a meeting with some noble house in the early hours of the morning.” Galiana had already forgotten their name. Maker, why was she so bad at this? At everything. 
Cullen took her hands, gently rubbing his thumbs against her skin. “I know you didn’t ask for this. For your title, for your powers, for your responsibilities, but I’ll be with you every step of the way. And I’ll help you and I’ll protect you.”
Tears sprung to her eyes and Galiana put her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. Cullen seemed as surprised as herself that she actually did something as scandalous as this, but relaxed and leaned into her.
“Thank you.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 5 years ago
31. Scared, me?
Fandom: Dragon Age (library AU belonging to @feylen )
Characters: Adria, Galiana, Cullen & Rylen
Rating: T
fictober entries // fictober information
Galiana had never been particularly fond of Halloween. Sure, she loved sweets and cute costumes, but the whole horror aspect made her shiver. A haunted house was so far out of her comfort zone that she clung to Adria’s arm and tried to appear brave. 
Though, her heart beat fast and she’d gulped down a beer to calm her nerves. 
She’d chosen a cat costume, not overly revealing but with fluffy ears and a cute nose and even some whiskers, while Adria looked like a stunning witch that would lure anyone into her den. 
Adria patted Galiana’s ears. “We’re in the company of two very strong men, I’m sure that they will protect us from ghosts and zombies.” Her voice held a certain amusement, as if knowing that it was half a joke, and Galiana nodded. 
Rylen raised his fake, rubbery axe. “Scared, me?” His accent became more pronounced and thicker. “Never.”
He’d opted for a scottish soldier, right down to a colorful kilt and some face paint and probably ruining his own heritage with a horrible costume. Galiana would make sure to sent his parents a picture and ask their opinion. 
“I’m a bit scared.” Cullen rocked a classic vampire outfit, matching the tone of Adria’s clothing. A thin line of fake blood ran down his chin and he’d too much fun with his cape, flapping around with the clothing and jumping from small heights. It felt nice to see him so carefree. 
“I’m very afraid, but I’m willing to give this a try.”
Rylen took her hand and snatched her out of Adria’s hold. “What are we waiting for then! Come on.”
She looked over her shoulder and found Cullen and Adria laughing and waving. They would follow. Hopefully. They’d decided to do this together! An evening in a haunted house and some food and horror movies afterwards. 
If she survived, of course. 
Maybe they just wanted alone time. Couple’s night out seemed still rather new and unfamiliar, especially with Rylen now living here. 
Their surroundings seemed dark. Not a bit of light in there sight. The house smelled like something old and rotten and Galiana walked very close to Rylen. Fake fog rose to her ankles and she prayed that her eyes would get used to the darkness. 
Something moved.
Something fast and dark. A huge figure appeared in front of them and she screamed. Non human laughter filled the the room and Rylen hugged her close.
“Be gone, foul monster!” It disappeared again, leaving nothing but a rustling of clothing and an open door that led straight into the next nightmare. She heard chopping noises, as if someone was cutting meat. 
Galiana ran straight into a bunch of fake spiderwebs and felt them sticking to her hair and face. 
Rylen put his arm around her waist. “Are you okay? We can go back, if you want.” “No, it’s fine. I …” Galiana bit her lip. “It’s nice, you know, doing this … with you.”
Rylen beamed. “Then follow me.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 5 years ago
7. “No, and that’s final.”
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters:  Galiana Trevelyan & Sky Trevelyan (belongs to @marriedkillianjones )
Rating: G
fictober entries // fictober information
"No, and that’s final.”
“But Sky, look at it!” Galiana pressed the nug close against her chest and patted its back. It squeaked and squirmed a bit but relaxed after a few seconds.
Sky Trevelyan, leader of the Inquisition, oldest child of the noble Trevelyan family, sighed heavily and appeared to lose his will to live with every passing second. “Skyhold isn’t large enough for your petting zoo. We already own too many nugs and fennecs and that blasted undead unicorn, not to mention the cats and mabari and everything in between that.” “But it broke its little leg. He won’t survive outside. He is not fast enough to escape a hunter.” As if to prove her point, she gently petted the bandaged foreleg. Sky shook his head and rubbed the base of his nose. They’d that talk earlier and maybe also a few weeks ago and every other day, too. And both of them already knew how it would end.
“Just make sure to keep it away from me and the dogs.” Sitting down, he took a long look at Galiana and her newest addition to the Skyhold family. Galiana leaned over the desk to press a kiss against his cheek. “You’re the best brother.” “And your only one.” He raised his brows and began to sort through some documents, already looking bored by reading reports and answerings them. Galiana would make sure to send him some bread and ale later and maybe an eager scribe to help him with the actual work. “We have a lot of cousins, though.” “They don’t count.”
“Fair point. They’re also a bit weird.” And always got drunk at family gatherings. Some of them had even made a pass at her, so that Galiana had been glad to live at the Ostwick circle for most of her life. A valid point in declination invitations to yet another birthday. 
Galiana held the nug a bit tighter and smiled. “I need to see Leliana now. She knows far better methods to keep a hurt nug healthy and strong.” “You two have fun overpopulating Skyhold with those naked nightmares.” She blew him a kiss. “We will!”
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warlock-enthusiast · 6 years ago
“You’re too good for this world.” Sky & Galiana, let's goooo
yes! Here you go
“Can’t you use some magic? Just get up us there?” Sky scratched his neck and looked at the rocks. Most of them were sharp and rather uninviting. The constant rain and crushing of waves against the shoreline didn’t help to lift his mood either. His clothing and hair seemed already drenched and miserable. 
Stupid Stormcoast. 
Galiana shook her head. “Sky, my magic doesn’t work that way.”
“So, we have to climb?” A sigh escaped his lips and he tried to calculate their changed of falling straight to their death or getting stabbed by a sharp edge. He saw a bit of grass atop of everything but it’d take some time to get there.“That would be preferable.” Galiana narrowed her eyes. “Or I could ride back to Skyhold and ask if Solas, Dorian or Vivienne know of a teleportation spell.”
Sighing, he accepted his fate and reached for a first rock. “That would take hours. Just push me up.”
“You’re heavy.” With almost standing two heads shorter than her brother, Galiana had problems even getting Sky up from the ground. He grabbed for another set of rocks. It would’ve been easier with either Cassandra or Cullen accompanying them and doing some of the heavy lifting. Or Bull. Yes, Bull would have been the right choice. Why hadn’t they asked him.
Sky looked over his shoulder. “All muscles and raw power.”
“Sure.” Galiana closed her eyes and called her magic. Some of it would be useful. Spirit energy pulsed through her veins and it helped. She felt stronger and more aware of her surroundings, but cut her palm on a sharp edge.
Yet, she pushed Sky up and followed slowly. Her wounds healed quickly. 
After a few metres, she heard squeaks. “Can you see them?”“Yeah, I see them. You’re sure about this?” Sky raised his brows, shook his head, and wondered, not for the first time, why he kept getting stuck in such situations. This one had been Galiana’s fault. She and her big, brown eyes, looking at him like a lost puppy. His sister balanced her weight atop some small rocks, but looked pretty sure of herself. “Absolutely.”
“Give me your hand then.”
Sky pulled Galiana up. A small nest of nugs sat amidst grass and flowers. She’d found their dead mother earlier today, probably killed by some predator, and followed their tiny squeaks right up to a cliff overlooking the ocean.
“We need to take them home.” They looked downright pathetic. Small, pink, barely able to open their eyes. A bit disgusting, if he was honest.
Sky picked them up, carefully avoiding skin on skin contact, and put them in Galiana’s arms, nest included. “I won’t touch them, but here you go.”
She kissed his cheek and hugged the small nugs close to her chest. “You’re too good for this world, Sky.”“I know, I know. Have to be the best big brother, but how do we get down from here?” Especially with the squeaking nightmares now in his sister’s arms.
Galiana pressed her lips together. “We’ll find a way.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 7 years ago
and it’s day 7 in fictober :)
Galiana Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford 
Toast Amell belongs to @tenwhiteapricots <3
Galiana carefully dipped a quill into ink. Candlelight put shadows on her face and hands and she ignored her neck, sore from spending another night with official correspondence and the weight of her title. Josephine managed to keep the brunt of it away from her, but some answers needed to be written by the Inquisitor herself. And some friends were more important than her neck.
Smooth words appeared on the parchment, as she formed yet another letter.
Dear Crispin
or should I call you Toast?
Even better: Dearest friend.
I’m sending you the research, you’ve been asking for. Leliana helped me looking into it and I’ll also enclose some private words of hers. Don’t worry, for I haven’t read them.
Sadly I wasn’t able to find a way to send some of our prefered sweet rolls to your location, but I’ll always have them ready, in case you come to visit me again. Skyhold feels emptier without you. There have been no nightly raids to the kitchens and my cooks feel almost safe. There still suspecting Bull and his Chargers. We’re innocent in their eyes.
I hope that you’re well and that you’re taking care of yourself. Don’t force me to order a group of Inquisition agents to find you and wrap a blanket around your shoulders and spoonfeed you some broth.
You know I’m capable of doing exactly that.
Please write me soon. I tend to get anxious without hearing from you and it brightens my day to see a letter wearing the sigil of the Hero of Ferelden.
And remember that you have a friend, distance or not, I’m at your side.
with love,
She trickled sand upon the ink and waited a few seconds for it to dry. Heating the wax and sealing the envelope had become a favourite of hers, seeing the flaming sword in all red reminded her of her position and the battles she’d won to get here.
“Galiana?” She nearly jumped off her seat and hide the letter beneath a stack of books.
“Cullen? You’re still up?” Things had been tense between them, ever since Crispin left. Until meeting him, the stories of the Blight, and its aftermath,  were mere, well, stories. Leliana seldom spoke of them, preferring to hold those memories close to her heart. And now, Galiana dreamed of a burning circle and nightmares and a templar driven nearly mad, tortured to a point of madness. Cullen. Her Cullen uttering such horrible words. Her Cullen in charge of the Kirkwall templars and the atrocities, manipulated by his own mentor and kept on a tight leash of lyrium.
“Yes. I couldn’t sleep.” He wore a  simple shirt and trousers, soft boots, no sign of either armor or weapons. His hair seemed a mess and his face pale to the point of illness. The shadows beneath his eyes had crept into his features. Something was off. The lyrium? He’d been coping rather well, after the first months of withdrawal had passed.
Her keeping her distance and to herself sounded like a more realistic reason for his appearance. Galiana hated to be the reason for his sadness, though. She loved him. Still. Nothing would change that and she treasured their kisses and nights and the way he would wrap his arms around her. But his past felt like a festering wound between the two of them.  
Cullen cleared his throat. “And I brought tea. Thought that you may need it, because I saw the amounts of paper, which Josephine shoved into your arms earlier.”
“Thank you.” Galiana took the cup. The smell of peppermint lifted her spirits in an instant. She took a sip and avoided looking at him. Instead she pointed to an empty chair. “Would you terribly  mind staying? It’s so quiet.”
His face brightened and her heart missed a beat. She’d missed his smile. 
“No, of course not. I’ll stay.” The chair almost vanished beneath his broadness and creaked slightly und Cullen’s posture seemed to relax .
Galiana put a fresh piece of parchment on the desk. “Tell me about your day, while I answer some outrageous demands? I’m eager for some distraction.”
“Where shall I start? My morning routine? How I trained our newest recruits, while Sera made a mess of my rooms again? How I saw Bull getting beat up with a stick and seemingly enjoying it?”
She laughed and he joined.
They’d be alright.
In time.
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warlock-enthusiast · 7 years ago
a pit of snakes
day 17 of fictober!
Dragon Age Inquisition (Galiana Trevelyan and Vivienne)
Galiana tried to blend in. A somewhat forlorn attempt with everyone else wearing a mask and feeling more at ease than her. Her clammy fingers betrayed her, as did her slow tongue. Josephine’s lessons echoed in her mind, handshakes, words, smiles. Growing up in the Circle of Ostwick consisted of long and boring lectures and a dusty books, weakly excursion to a market, never Orlesian etiquette and how to appear prim and proper, though.
She sipped at her wine. Far too bitter and dry, but helping with her nerves.
Galiana walked through the long halls of the Winter Palace and stopped to admire a statue. Smooth marble showed an impressive Orlesian Chevalier. Her hand reached to touch him, trailing along the lines of armor.
Two voices broke her concentration.
“Have you heard? The Lady of Iron spits venom into the Inquisitors ears.” A heavy accent, not Orlesian.
“Such a disgrace. Her hunger for power and influence knows no bounds.” Another one. This one definitely from around here.
“Hopefully that bland thing will see reason and banish her from her circle. Should have taken care of that bitch, before she snug into Ghislain’s bed and made us dance to her tunes.”
Galiana’s ears and cheeks darkened. Such cruelty. Only a handful of nobles were happy at the sight of the Inquisitor herself and seemingly neither appreciating her choice of companions.
A slender hand met her shoulder.
“Vivienne!” She blushed even more. Her head sunk as she focussed on her feet. “You shouldn’t have heard that.”
A smile showed on Vivienne’s features and Galiana admired her composure, all grace and elegance. At home in grand halls and beneath golden lights. “I’m used to idle chatter and gossip, darling. Their words can’t hurt me.”
Galiana clenched her fists. “I’m still angry at them. They’re like a pit of snakes. Ready to use their poison. You’re better than their … their words.” Even parts of her Inquisition had warned her. Vivienne’s political influence and closeness to the Chantry seemed to not be welcome amidst some soldiers. Combined with her wit, enemies waited at every corner.
Galiana knew that her behaviour was part role and part herself. Softness and warmth hid in her eyes and she often thought her out to listen to her opinion. During the last year, Vivienne had become her mentor and dear to her heart somehow.
Vivienne’s smiled widened. She stepped closer and touched Galiana’s arm. “I know that and believe me, your opinion matters more to me than theirs. Your compassion is appreciated, though, Galiana.”
She took Galiana’s hand. “Lets outwit some snakes.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 8 years ago
sweet rolls
I got asked for “ “You can’t keep doing this.” for Galiana by @tenwhiteapricots ages ago and I may have borrowed your cute and perfect Toast.
Galiana Trevelyan &&& Crispin Amell (sfw/ a bit angsty and Cullen critical)
Galiana found him in the library. Shoulders hunched and asleep. The Hero of Ferelden looked young and vulnerable with his pale skin and the messy hair covering his forehead. She bit her lip to suppress a sigh. At least he seemed calm and not troubled by nightmares for once. Considering that most of his nights held one terror or another, she briefly considered just letting him rest here, but Galiana’s concern won the battle against her pragmatism. And the sweet rolls she nicked from the kitchens wouldn’t eat themselves anyhow. 
Galiana put a hand on his shoulder and leaned down to whisper into his ear. “You can’t keep doing this.”
Crispin came awake slowly. His eyes a bit unfocussed. “Hm?”
“Falling asleep in the library. It’s bad for your back.” Galiana sat down and put the basket between the various books. Skyhold’s library offered the wisdom of centuries and grew even larger with the help of their allies and friends.
“Josephine made sure that you live in some very comfortable rooms. She even granted you the luxury of her favorite Antivian blankets to keep the chill out of the walls. My dear Ambassador only orders them for very special guests.”
Crispin’s face flushed red, matching his hair and the freckles atop of his nose. “I’m honored and I’d never do anything to insult her. She has been very kind to me.”
Galiana put a hand on his. “It was a joke. A bad one. I’m sorry.”
She thanked the dim lights, because it hid the blush in her cheeks. “No, don’t be sorry. I’m sorry.”
His eyes always seemed so haunted. It had gotten better in the past weeks and she thought that maybe eating regularly and having a roof to sleep beneath did wonders for him. He’d filled out a bit, laughed with the mages of the Inquisition and took long walks atop the battlements. Galiana hoped that they’d formed a bond, a friendship between two of the most powerful people. Many of their nights had been filled with talks of the past and Crispin still appeared too shy, sad, to talk about some aspects of his life and her heart hurt. The Circle of Ostwick had been a peaceful prison. Nothing compared to the horrors of the one in Ferelden. 
Galiana had made sure that Cullen and he were never found in the same room, ordered her Commander to leave on mission after mission. Looking at him stirred a long hidden anger deep within her chest. A rage not known to her. Lately, she couldn’t stand to look at him. The bits and pieces of information that Crispin shared, created pure emotional chaos. In another life, she could have been one of the mages that were mistreated by Cullen and neither her feelings nor his tender words could banish such imaginations.
Galiana shook her head. She hadn’t come here to dwell in dark thoughts and regrets and she squeezed Crispin’s hand. “We’re both very good at being sorry, aren’t we?”
He shared one of his rare smiles and the library seemed a bit brighter with his teeth bare and his eyes bright. “Yes. We share that trait. Comes with being a mage, I guess.”
“For sure.” Galiana took the basket and lifted the towel. Perfectly staked sweet rolls. They smelled divine. Cinnamon and tons of sugar and butter. 
“I brought something. The servants told me that you haven’t touched your dinner.”
Crispin’s eyes went wide. “I… eh… yes.”
Galiana etched closer and tried her best impression of her spymaster. “Skyhold is filled with my spies.”
“Leliana trained them well.” Galiana still had to understand the relationship between her and Crispin. Sometimes she wondered, if it could have been more, if it once had been love or a feeling close to it. She saw the tenderness in Leliana’s eyes, when she thought no one looked at her too closely, the awkward silences between the two of them. After all those years, whole words kept them apart. 
“Oh, she did. I do wonder, if they write reports about me.” 
Crispin took the offered cake and took a bite. Traces of sugar stuck to his mouth. “You can bet on it. Pages upon pages about you kneeling in dirty soil and petting your weird unicorn.”
Everyone but her acted, as if the bog unicorn was some sort of monster. It just needed a bit of love and a good hug now and then. Well, didn’t help that it tried to kick everyone but her.
Galiana laughed and took a sweet roll. “I’m not very interesting. Varric needs to add a lot of things, if he’s going to write a book about me.”
Crispin stilled his movements and a thin line appeared between his brows. His voice sounded so sincere that she felt the heat creeping back into her cheeks. “You’re perfectly interesting, Galiana Trevelyan.”
She saluted him with her sweet roll. “You’re also perfectly interesting, Crispin Amell.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 8 years ago
What's up between Galiana and Cullen? Are they ok? :(
yeees they’re still endgame, but my dearest @tenwhiteapricots owns the lovely Crispin (Toast) Amell and he had some rather nasty run ins with Cullen and well Galiana has never seen Cullen ... that way and it puts a strain on her and their relationship, because Crispin becomes a dear friend and she can’t fathom how Cullen could have ever done something to him. the stories of Kirkwall take away her naivety and they’ll sure have to work things out later on
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warlock-enthusiast · 8 years ago
a treat
@tenwhiteapricots asked for Galiana and  “You can’t keep doing this.” Thank you <3 <3
Galiana x Cullen (sfw)
“You can’t keep doing this.”  Cullen had the decency to look startled, which wasn’t much considering that he was kneeling in front of a big, slobbering beast, hand holding a piece of red meat, which would have been preferable cooked or roasted with honey and spices.
“But he whined.” Galiana put her hand on his shoulder.
“He’s always whining. Doesn’t mean you can spoil him rotten. He’s a war dog and not some Orlesian pet, owned to be dressed in ribbons and fed with expensive cake.” Ever since returning home with the newest addition to their small family, Cullen had put aside meat and other little treats and smuggled them out of the cottage and toward the stables. With the subtlety of a warhorse dashing through an alley filled with kettles. And as if sharing her bed with her husband and a mabari wasn’t enough, now, Galiana also needed to protect her meals.
Cullen patted the dog’s head, who clearly enjoyed the caress and licked his owner’s fingers. “Look at his eyes. How can I say no to that?” 
Always more of a horse and cat and nug person, she tried to find the cuteness in the brawny face, and to understand the love of a Fereldan native for his dog. Well, that beast looked kinda cute, which didn’t mean that it could have all her good meat and her side of the bed. The short stump of a tail began wagging as she got closer to the two of them.
Galiana touched Cullen’s cheek. “They remind me of someone.”
“They do?”
“Oh yes.”
He couldn’t hide the hint of a smile in his voice. “I don’t whine.”
“You do. At times.” Especially when hungry and cold, or when Galiana stole his blankets. 
“I ...” He stood up with a sigh. “Maybe I do.” 
“Am I up for a treat then?” Cullen took her hand.
Galiana stretched her neck to kiss him. “Always.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 8 years ago
ripping the other away - “no we shouldn’t” - but when they kiss them again they moan and hold them close. From the prompt meme
thanks a lot
Galiana Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford (slightly nsfw)
Galianafelt drunk. It hadn’t taken much to cause such tipsiness. Just adash of wine here and there, some charming Orlesian refilling her cupever so often, and the dancing! A waltz seemed the most likely causeof her dizzyness and she felt her stumbling and laughing and enjoyingherself more than ever. Leliana chose her dress and she doubted thatshe’d ever looked more beautiful. All gold and shining, with flowersin her thick hair.
Cullen’shand was rather warm on the small of her back. “Need a bit offresh air, love?”
“Ah,my knight in a shining red! Yes, of course.”
Helooked especially handsome, but Galiana had long accepted the factthat being all dashing and pretty lay in the Rutherford family. Freshair was one of the last things on her mind, though. Tonight, sheswore herself to be me a bit more daring and adventurous. She blamedit on Leliana’s and Josephine’s influence, who both never tiredof supporting her through her first real love affair. And theirrelationship couldn’t always be about sweet kisses and declarationsof love in a bed of flowers. Most of the time? Yes. But not tonight. 
Shegrabbed his hand and pulled him into some half-hidden corner. Tallpillars separated them from the rest of the ballroom and the musicwas louder than before, demanding another dance. Galiana’sbreathing came in quick bursts and she licked her lips and pressedherself against Cullen. His warmth tickled her skin and his lipstasted of wine and honey. She moaned against his lips, trying to pushher hands beneath his uniform.
Cullentried to push her away. Gently, but still forcing a distance betweenthem, which didn’t seem right. His words sounded hoarse and used.“No! We shouldn’t. Too many eyes and gossip in the morning.”
Hiseyes were on her lips and face, on her neck and the swell of herbreasts. Galiana saw the longing in his eyes. Molten amber in the dimlight and curls already a mess. She tried recovering her breath andfelt the corset digging into her chest. Cullen’s will broke aftermere seconds and he pushed her against the wall, her back connectingwith stone, and her arms around him. The cut of her dress offeredskin on skin and he lifted her up, letting her legs encircle hiswaist. Galiana grabbed his hair, pushed their mouths closer together.Cullen held her with a steady grip, making it impossible to move. Notthat she had the intention of doing so. 
His lips touched her chin andneck, sucking at most tender skin, forcing her to stifle her moans. The drunken dizzyness seemed gone, swapped for heat pooling in her stomach. Galianafelt his breath tickling her. “We’ll be the talk of the whole Orlesian courttomorrow.”
“Cullen,I don’t care.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 8 years ago
a whisper
Galiana Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford
fluff (sfw)
“Cullen? I received an urgent letter from Knight Captain Rylen.” Galiana looked up, only to find Cullen asleep on their shared bed. Blankets surrounded him like a fortress and some pillows supported his weight and his position couldn’t be comfortable, but he stayed completely still. She stifled a laugh. Such a rare sight. Cullen relaxed and ignoring his duties for once. Maybe sleep had simply claimed him, won against his stubbornness with a promise of a peaceful slumber.
Galiana put the letter aside, because lately there hadn't been enough rest and everyone showed signs of exhaustion. Dark circles around the eyes and weary shoulders, voices as hollow as the promises of their allies.
She slipped out of her clothing and into a nightgown, a gift from Josephine, which felt equally warm and daring with its lacy front. Not that Cullen would appreciate it right now, but he had on other occasions. Galiana snuggled beneath the blankets and touched her lover's face, following the line of his jaw and cheeks. 
He neither move nor showed any sign of acknowledging her presence. Instead he snored softly with his face pressed against parchment and tousled curls framing his face. Cullen seemed so much younger when free of the daily worries and his stern Commander of the Inquisition stare. The one that made the soldiers equally afraid and proud to serve them.
Galiana could almost imagine the little boy, who had been so eager to join the templars and who’d faced nightmare after nightmare. The young man, who’d fought and lost. She'd never fully understand the demons, which plagued him.
 Maybe she didn't have to.
His ink-stained fingers still held a feather and Galiana smiled, as she saw the dark blotches on his face. Cullen had probably fallen asleep trying to answer some report, or maybe the demand of a nobleman, who needed soldiers for protection.
She took the feather and the parchment and put them on her nightstand. The stains of ink would've to wait until the morrow, though.
Cullen opened his eyes. “Galiana?” His voice sounded, as if he was trying to determine what had happened and why he was in bed and not at his desk.
“You fell asleep.” Galiana smiled at the sight of his confused gaze and open mouth.
“Oh.” He put an arm around her, blinking once or twice, before falling asleep again instantly.
She leaned closer, lips barely touching his ear.
“I love you.”
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warlock-enthusiast · 8 years ago
haunt me
prompted by @tenwhiteapricots <3 thanks ! <3
Galiana and Vivienne watch Cullen train his soldiers
“He's very capable.” Galiana leaned on the balcony railing and watched Cullen and his soldiers. He stood in their middle, sword and shield up, and even without seeing their faces, she know about the admiration in their eyes. They followed his command without ever doubting him. Galiana couldn't hear Cullen's words, but the movements seemed orderly and professional. The Inquisition's army grew stronger with the passing days and she partly had to thank Cullen for it.
Watching him stirred the warmth in her stomach and cheeks and she seemed glad that he didn't know that he was being watched. Often enough, talking to him reduced Galiana to a stumbling mess of awkwardness and she felt a slender hand on her arm.
“That he is, my dear.” Vivienne offered her a cup of tea, which Galiana accepted with a smile. They'd been talking about a new recipe for some herbal brew, especially made to lessen pain without causing extreme tiredness. A soldier, who was almost asleep on his feet wouldn't be able to protect themselves, or anyone else for that matter.
Galiana took a sip of tea. She tasted a hint of lemon and milk, they way Vivienne preferred it.
“Do you think he gets enough rest? I've never seen a templar quit lyrium, who was able to stand and fight afterward.” She bit her lip and tried not to sound too anxious. It was unheard of in the Circles and all the templars she'd ever met relied on the blue potions. Cullen did look tired, weary to the bone. He never complained, though, just followed her direct orders. Maybe she'd write him a note to get some rest soon.
“Neither have I, but we have to put our trust in his strong will to change his life.” Vivienne held the fragile porcelain between her thumb and index finger, while Galiana had both hands closed around it.
“I wish I could help him.” She did, but every little talk felt like dancing on thin ice. With him staying quiet on his pain and her not knowing what to do and how to act, and then they just kept quiet..  “You already do. You've offered him redemption and acceptance when others would've thrown his life away.” Vivienne's eyes were as warm as her voice and she'd a way about her that always made Galiana feel safe.
She'd also never doubted Cassandra's decision to bring Cullen into the Inquisition, nor Vivienne's wisdom. She’d talk to him later, offer him some tea and a day off.
“Thank you.” Galiana put the cup on the table and squeezed her friend’s hand.
Vivienne smiled. “Always, my dear.”
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