dipnotski · 2 years
Galenos – Ruhun Duygulanımlarının ve Hatalarının Teşhis ve Tedavisi (2023)
İyi bir tabip filozof olmalı, aynı zamanda erdemli biri de olmalı. Antik Roma’nın en önemli hekimlerinden olan Bergamalı Galenos bu eşsiz kitabında, bizzat kendi hayatından da yola çıkarak ideal insanın ve ideal hekim/filozofun resmini çiziyor. Galenos, tıp ilmi ve tabip kimliğiyle felsefeye yeni bir yaklaşım geliştirmeye çalışması yanında, diğer yandan felsefe formasyonuyla tıp ilmi ve hekimliğe…
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toc-battlequotes · 2 years
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busaikuknee · 17 days
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cao-the-dreamer · 3 months
@greypetrel I did a thing :)
A case of bears and missing pants
It seems Zevran is having a field day, judging by his grin - which could be described as "shit-eating."
All opposed to Cullen, who looks like he's not paid enough to deal with this shit.
(It’s not like the Inquisition members are even paid. Do they at least have dental?)
The dual sources of Zevran's unfiltered glee and Cullen's exhausted misery are a giant ball of fluff and an elf happily buried in the fluff.
Lost in the sauce, one may say.
"Why, no need to fret, Commander," the comfort in Zevran's voice is almost believable, "my darling won't bring any harm to your darling, if that is what worries you."
"You’re talking about the man who set his hair on fire to help an apostate escape."
"Quite the clever plan, indeed."
Cullen's eyebags seem to expand at the comment.
Aisling is too busy inspecting and bombarding the bear with questions to notice the banter in the foreground. As for Galenos, he simply sits back and enjoys the Inquisitor's poking, with the occasional nod or growl.
Let's not forget bears, even magical ones, are unable to talk.
When Aisling comments on letting Cullen ride her if she ever learns how to shapeshift, Galenos turns his head toward the ex-Templar and wiggles the bear equivalent of eyebrows.
(Should we add that Cullen had a crush on this man ten years ago? It is unlikely Galenos has forgotten about the blurted "confession" during the whole Circle clusterfuck.)
In any case, it is written all over Cullen's face he wishes to be anywhere but here. The suffering expression increases tenfold when the bear stands up, steps back, and starts glowing until he is no longer an animal but a man, naked like the day he was born.
Cullen's exasperated "oh, for the love of -" is cut off by Zevran's cackling "avert your virgin eyes, Commander" while Aisling simply pouts.
"Aw, you're not a real bear?"
"Sorry to disappoint," Galenos scratches his cheek with a sheepish smile, unaware half of the courtyard is either looking at anything but him or staring very, very intently. "I could always teach you, if you want?"
Aisling's enthusiastic squeal chases away the remaining on-lookers, but before she can drag him away for a lesson, a hand gently taps on the man's shoulder.
"Aren't you forgetting something, darling?" Zevran asks with mirth.
Galenos scrunches his face in concentration, then brightens and dips Zevran into a passionate kiss before following Aisling while humming a merry tune.
"The pants, mi corazon, the pants!" Zevran manages to say between two fits of laughter.
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kud-lucas · 4 months
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anditwentlikethis · 5 months
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he said 5 minutes and
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maiteo · 2 months
lemme point and laugh because how do you blow a 3-0 lead😭🫵🏽
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greypetrel · 3 months
Ehilà gabbianella, hope you're doing well, cos I got a silly idea for how Galenos (my Amell) and Aisling would meet :3
Zevran: Hello everyone, meet my boyfriend, Galenos :)
Cullen: That’s a bear.
Galenos in bear form: *happy roar*
Ma buondì! :3 Tutto bene, grazie, spero anche tu!
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"OMG YOU'RE A BEAR! A REAL BEAR! That's fantastic! Can I pet you? I wonder if you're fluffy, you look so fluffy! Are you fluffier than Chocolate Pudding, I wonder? Oooooooh you have to meet Chocolate Pudding! He's my son and he's a bear too! No, he's just a bear, but he's my son and he'll be so happy of meeting another bear! Can you teach me? Morrigan didn't want to, I don't understand why. Oh oh oh does Zevran ride you to battle? Cullen, I would ride you if you could turn into a bear, or you can ride me if I learn! :3"
*totally oblivious of the double sense*
*she'll look a little disappointed when he'll turn back into a human*
They would get along. She'll be mildly insisting on him teaching her shapeshifting, but all she'll manage to do would be turn into an orange cat. With every behaviour of an orange cat.
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frentique · 1 year
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kitaston · 1 year
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Interiors | Architecture
by Gemma Galeno
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libriaco · 2 years
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Un enimma di Angelo Rossini (Galeno)
Sono grosso e rotondo appena nato, ma sono pure fragil per natura, e se a me stesso fossi abbandonato in breve toccherei grave iattura. A scongiurar però maligno fato altri mi veste con assidua cura, e di reggermi in piedi alfin m'è dato, cosa che mi negò madre natura. Più tardi m'empio il ventre, e alfin, diviso dal patrio suolo, in altri lidi porto de' toschi colli il genïal sorriso. Se v'è taluno mai cui non riesca di svelare l'enimma, o malaccorto, mi prenda qual blasone e non gl'incresca!
(oɔsɐıɟ lI)
Dedicato a MEC che prima o poi riuscirà ad andare a Montefiascone.
Angelo Rossini (Galeno), Manuale dell’enigmofilo [1895]. Seconda ediz., Roma, Tip. Naz. di G. Bertero e C., 1905
[Si vede, sì, che Galeno è l'anagramma di Angelo?]
Il libro del Rossini, su Archive, ha un ex libris dell’ing. Cesare Premazzi*:
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E quindi? E quindi a domani, per una coincidenza.
(*) L'ing. Cesare Premazzi (1899-1980), mantovano, era un collezionista librario. La sua biblioteca, di circa 8000 volumi, costituisce un fondo a suo nome nella Biblioteca Teresiana di Mantova.  "Il fondo comprende una parte antica e una moderna. La prima si compone di 317 libri di cui 25 edizioni del XVI secolo, fra le quali 12 edizioni mantovane e 7 del XVII secolo: il volume più antico è stato pubblicato a Milano nel 1505 dal tipografo e umanista Alessandro Minuziano"... [Da: ArchivioDeiPossessori]
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cao-the-dreamer · 5 months
Oooooook, for the size difference poses...
if you want some: D4 e/o B2? :3
Ma ciao gabbianella! 😊😊😊
You didn't specify which pairing, so I went with my fav romances :3
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Zevran and Galenos (I tweaked the pose a bit to fit their energy hehehe. And if you wonder how tall Galenos is, the answer is: yes)
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Alistair and Ymir (aka when you're both touch-starved, but you don't realise it until you trust your tiny gf to hold you and she feels safe enough to fall immediately asleep)
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kud-lucas · 4 months
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@shelleythesapphic @amalthea9
"Love is one of the strongest and most contagious diseases. Anyone recognizes the sufferers of this disease. Deep dark circles under our eyes reveal that we never sleep, awake night after night by hugs, or the absence of hugs, and we suffer devastating fevers and feel an irresistible need to say stupid things. Love can be provoked by dropping a small handful of love-me powder, as if by accident, in coffee or soup or drink. It can be provoked, but it cannot be prevented. Neither the holy water nor the dust of the sacramental bread prevents it; nor the clove of garlic, which in this case is of no use. Love is deaf to the divine Word and the spell of witches. There is no government decree that can deal with it, nor potion capable of avoiding it, although the vivandeiras preach, in the markets, infallible concoctions with guarantee and everything."
(Eduardo Galeno: The Book of Embraces, page 91)
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maiteo · 2 months
deeply unserious fanbase
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mackdaddyofthecravate · 11 months
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