#gale of watersdeep
electricalsun · 1 year
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secret-smut-sideblog · 6 months
Listen Before I Go
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Gale x F! Tav (named)
(Child Of Dawn series, part 7)
PG-13 religous trauma, betrayal, graphic depictions of violence, ptsd trigger, disassociation, implied death, hurt/comfort, terminal illness (sorta), just so much angst
With the Annuls of Karsus in her hands, Aurum must trust her love to make his choice. But that choice may have some catastrophic consequences...
Masterlist, Prev Chapter
Aurum turned the book over and over, willing it away. Willing her hands to burn it, to unleash her righteous flame and utter it to cinder.
But she wanted to trust him. She needed to trust him. That he could see this offer and refuse it. Feel the call of power and still stay here. Where he could go, she could not follow.
He loved her. And she so deeply wanted to love him. She wanted to try with him.
The Annuls of Karsus sat impassively in her hands, unwilling to yield to her desires.
In her faint white glow, the silvery straight scar on her turning palm caught the light.
Her lower lip stiffened, pinky unconsciously curling.
Faith. Have faith.
Aurum rose from her tent, her distant sweet voice soothing her again.
Holding the book to her chest, she walked toward his deep turquoise tent. Seeing the faintest of dancing lights inside.
The flap lifted for her as she approached, Gale looking up at her expectantly. That glimmer of adoration in his eyes.
"There you are, I was starting to get worried you had preferred the cold of your bed to my company."
They had been laying together every night. Though silent terrors still held her, finding sleep was much easier in his arms.
"And with a new book for me?" He beamed, looking at the tome still held to her chest. "My love, you'll spoil me rotten."
A terribly tight grip of apprehension held it to her still. The midnight excursion Astarion and her took to retrieve this still unknown to the others.
"Let's hope our dear Gale knows how to handle this..." His lilting uncertain voice echoing in the back of her mind.
"I believe you've been searching for this." She spoke softly.
Slowly, she kneeled down and let the cover of the book fall to face him.
Eyes growing terribly wide, he looked down at it.
"Aurum..." Gaze darting back up to hers.
She slid it over his upturned hands, not unaffected by the zeal in his face. He always had an infectious excitement.
"By the Weave," He breathed, opening it flat in his lap. "It really is..." A laugh of disbelief.
For a moment he voraciously read, eyes darting over lines of text at a ravenous speed.
"Unbelievable, this is it. The definitive solution to all of our problems."
Looking up at her, he smiled radiantly.
"You shall achieve transcendence!"
She tried so hard to maintain her hymn, tears pouring rivers down temples. Amaris' fingers laced in hers on the parallel slab.
"Thine fresh born name; Aurum! Do you not feel him within it?"
Unable to speak, Rosa'sune looked over at her, many hands carving lines into the flesh of them both. Both a punishment for their transgressions and a show of faith. The pain in her face, her scalp, utterly blinding. Rivers of gilded ink congealing under her.
Amaris' warm, brave eyes met hers. Her vow to Ilmater refraining her from expressing her agony. Her own river of lavender ink twining within gold on the cold stone floor.
"You will be reborn anew, my Gilded Child! A divine army will come to marvel and worship at your feet!"
She looked up at her father through thick water, so desperate to plead. To beg. To apologize. Anything to get this to stop. But her vows kept her words silent, as they always did. Only song could leave her.
"Amantour! Absolve her of her sin! Hear her devotion! Within this shard of your Eternal Sun, I offer thine Chosen!" He held the jagged light high above his head.
Amaris pulled on her fingers, bringing her eyes back to hers and holding them steady, blinking away droplets of blood. Sparing her from witnessing the torture that was about to unfold within her.
Fingers pulsing out one message, over and over.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
In endless agony, the shard ripped into her chest. Body only able to convulse within the burning unfathomable pain.
"Return thy voice to her, Great Yellow God! So that she may lead us in her first joyous prayer!"
Throat finally decades unbound, she screamed and screamed and screamed. The rising hymn of her flock harmonious with her.
Aurum was vaguely aware of Gale speaking, voice muffled behind gossamer. Containing the bile that had rose to her throat.
She focused on his moving mouth, on the excited hum of his words. Willing herself back into her body.
One set of words he uttered so passionately struck through the veil.
"We can be so much more together. This is the key to godhood."
Her face twisted away from his, a single shuddering breath hissing through her teeth.
"You will be my Holy Scythe! You will bring me to godhood!"
Gale seemed to finally see her again through his fervor, confusion striking his features.
"You don't know me at all, do you?" She whispered, staring foreign at him.
His eyes flickered down to her chest. She didn't have to look to feel the change, seeing the deep orange light in her peripheral.
"But think of the potential! This could be the answer to all of our problems!" Desperation pulled through his voice, reaching out for her hands.
His own voice, from what felt like a lifetime ago, echoed inside her head.
"I tried to convince her. I pouted, I pleaded, I swore my ambition was only to serve her better."
She pulled from his reach, heat washing over her. No, he does not get to speak to her through hands like she did.
"I was always another Mystra, wasn't I?"
"What?" His voice gasped out, shock striking him through.
He reached for her again, a panic now in his eyes.
"Please, Aurum. At least consider what I offer."
The spite of her sun heart pushed through her body, lighting her eyes in hateful orange flame. She squeezed them shut, betrayal burning them even hotter.
"I love you." He called, a prayer to bring her back.
"No!" She boomed, a pulse of fire smiting.
Twisting into herself to contain the holy weapon threatening.
"I need you away from me." Her voice low in warning. Ends of hair lifting.
As she rose he stared up at her, mouth hanging open. Destitute in wide eyed loss.
She paused at the mouth of his world, glaring down at him. A familiar ancient pain pulling over her. Out of time.
"You know nothing of godhood. It will take everything from you, then more still. I have so little of myself left, and you would offer to strip that from me too?"
"I am condemned, I am unending, and I have done enough to serve the ambitions of men. Goodbye, Gale."
The cold night air took her, striding out into the black. Seeking to walk deep into it before the holy fire took her.
Astarion wiped his mouth, sighing out. On the outskirts of their camp, a fresh drained boar at his feet.
This close to the walls of the city animals were more cautious, resorting to hiding on shadows for hours before striking. He was loathe to admit, but he would have to ask Aurum for extra. She already gave so much to him, he hated to ask for more. If only the others were so generous, he wouldn't have to ask so much of her alone.
Heading back toward camp, there were strange heat waves on the air.
Recognition struck him in a shot, and he rushed forward.
Turning the corner of a low stone wall he was met with two twined figures.
Dame Aylin held Aurum to her chest, great silver wings encircled around. Containing the supernova of heat.
Aurum's body was only burning red light under the aasimar's hold. He had to shield his eyes, stepping back.
"Astarion, I need you to drain her! Now!" Aylin boomed, eyes burning silver in her effort.
Shock froze him into inaction.
"She's going to burn out! I can't hold her for much longer! We must act now!"
He nodded, the deep love he felt for her compelling his body forward.
He caught her burning wrist in his hands, wincing. Sinking into her white hot flesh to the hilt of his teeth.
Oh Gods, he had forgotten how the divine blood hit. It arced across his body in near excruciating pleasure. His heart kicking back to life. The endless low ache of hunger leaving him. The unbidden ecstasy of living again.
He gulped large mouthfuls greedily, vice gripping her forearm. The burning light pulsing through both of their veins again.
"Yes! Good!" Aylin called, the supernova slowly pulling back. Aurum's body becoming recognizable again as more than blinding.
The blood was becoming too much, burning his stomach. He felt the fury of her god, divine blood in an unholy vessel. Pain compelling him to stop. Understood, if just for a moment, a fraction of what she endured.
"She's stable, release now!" Aylin's hand gripped the back of his neck.
He reeled back, coughing out glowing blood. Gasping on his haunches.
Aylin rubbed her back in warm, reassuring circles. "Ah, Child of Dawn. What great strength you've shown."
Aurum cried out weakly. Only capable of low wails.
"Shhh, you did well. You've staved off heat death. Be still."
Astarion pressed a hand flat to her back, between shoulder blades. He was struggling for air still, but wanted her to feel he was there.
"By my mother's moonlight, thank the god's she called out to me." Aylin sighed, lifting her easily into her arms. "Come now, we will return to camp. We must tend to her."
Aurum's head lolled against her shoulder as they walked, eyes glazed and fluttering. Clearly exhausted but trying to stay awake and in control.
"Just a little longer, golden lily. Isobel will help you stay with us." Aylin hushed, long sure strides drawing them closer.
"Astarion?" Aurum called weakly, eyes struggling to focus on him.
"I'm right here, darling." He hushed, lacing his fingers in her feverish hand.
As they entered camp, those gathered around the fire caught sight of the situation and stood. Immediately calling to action, questions bouncing.
Isobel was already lit up in silver magic, speaking low to Aylin. Nodding and cupping hands over Aurum.
Many hands ushered and pressed along her, carrying and soothing. Gathering and preparing.
"She's still too warm." Isobel urged. "Astarion, here."
Needing no clarification he pulled his camp shirt off, a blade already cutting a line up her own covering.
He pulled her limp body into his chest, biting back the hiss from her heat searing into him. Her head falling into the curve of his shoulder. Resting his arms on her bowed back.
The breath washing against his clavicle was steam.
"Where's Gale? We need ice magic." Isobel called, eyes searching the bustling bodies.
Astarion's own eyes weaved through the crowd and eventually caught him.
Gale stood back, face shock white.
Astarion's eyes narrowed, immediately recognizing the ripping guilt in those dark eyes.
He was coming to detest the man.
Aurum was so dear to him, and the wizard brought her grief far too often.
"Are you going to help, or just watch her suffer?" Astarion shot at him with all of his venom.
That seemed to break Gale of his stupor. He came forward, eyes shining with tears, lifting his sleeves.
With one gentle hand laid flat on her back, he cast cone of cold.
Aurum whimpered, fingernails digging into Astarion's back. Frost arcing across her spine.
"I know, I know, my dear." Astarion soothed. Hand smoothing over the back of her head. "You're doing so well. Rest now."
She went completely limp against him, her eyelashes tickling his skin as her eyes closed. Blessedly unconscious.
Astarion stared at Gale with silent seething rage. Willing him to ash with his mind.
Aylin sighed triumphantly, wings tucking back in comfort. "She's regained control again. With Isobel's grace, she's been granted a little longer."
Both Astarion's and Gale's eyes shot to her.
"Longer...?" Astarion questioned, a depth of dread already forming in his stomach.
Aylin looked at them both, confusion then pained realization creasing her face. Turning to Isobel to proceed.
Isobel's mouth formed a thin line, hands resting in her lap.
"She's... well. She's dying. Her sun is reaching the end of its life. I'm sorry, I thought she told you."
Gale's face crumpled. Falling into him self in great heaving sobs.
Astarion's own face stained with silent tears. "How long?" He whispered.
Isobel sighed, head hanging. "A few years, maybe less. Every time it flares while she still fights it, it burns away more."
"Either she gives in fully, becoming a weapon that can withstand its death and rebirth... or she will be decimated."
"No! No!" Gale cried, voice a warbling plea. "There has to be a way! There has to be!"
Isobel bit her lip at his pained cry, but offered no solution.
Astarion buried his face into her shoulder. Looping his arms close around her cooled back. If the end was coming soon, he would hold her here. For now, he had her for now.
Aurum opened her eyes slowly. Staring up at the roof of Halsin's tent.
She was back in the infirmary.
She was back in the infirmary...?
That was impossible.
And yet, the birdsong was on the air, gentle wind bustled against the side of the canvas. The scorching pain in her chest was undeniably real.
She leaned her heavy head up enough to peer at it. Burning a hateful orange again, but still there.
Her eyes caught a figure in the corner.
Gale was slumped over in a cushion, asleep against the corner rod of the tent. Deep circles under his eyes, appearing to have finally given in to exhaustion.
She remembered their fight earlier, the catalyst that triggered the heat death. Shame twisting her stomach. She had almost burned away, just from losing control in her anger.
Slowly leading up, Astarion's sleep shirt hung from her frame. She'd have to return it to him before she left. It was irresponsible for her to have stayed this long. She was far more unstable than she realized. What use was she if she was just going to burn and implode as soon as she felt upset?
Only a god could hold the sun in its body indefinitely, and she was no god.
They would be okay. The prism would return to Shadowheart. Someone else would take the lead. Maybe Wyll or Lae'zel.
It was very early, not even the insects awake. Dawn still not roused. Her clergy would be singing for her soon.
Leaving was the right thing to do. But could she even manage it? Her body cracked and threatening fracture with the smallest of movements.
Frustration reeled it's head inside her, spiking the still unsettled false sun. She hissed, pressing a clammy hand to the wretched thing.
Her hiss roused Gale, his head shooting up.
As soon as his eyes locked on her he rushed forward.
Pulling her hard into his body with shaking hands. He gripped her like a buoy in a riptide, body trembling.
"Please don't go. Please, I love you too much. You can't die." He begged, tears dampening her collar. "I can't bear it. We can fix this, we'll find a way. Just please, please stay here."
Her heart shattered. She shouldn't have told Isobel. A moment of weakness after too much strife and wine. They didn't need to know, it served no one.
His plea could not be answered, she knew. Amantour did not go back on pacts, on promises. There was no way to release her.
But she couldn't tell him that now, not when he was clinging to her like a love blind addict. The most she could hope for was forgiveness.
"I'm sorry." Was all she could offer him. Cradling the back of his head.
It was cruel to let him love her. She knew better. But he was too sweet, too good to her. It had happened all at once. She couldn't help it.
"We'll fix it, we'll fix it..." He chanted, more to himself than her. A steeling of will inside his cracking words.
You can't. You will have to let me go.
"We'll try."
Was it kind to offer him even that sliver of hope? Or was it immeasurably more cruel?
"You'll be okay. Everyone will." She murmured, nuzzling into his hair.
She smiled sadly. "What does Boneman say? Fate spins along as it should, or something equally cryptic."
Her effort to lighten the mood didn't take. He only shook his head into her shoulder. Gripping her tighter, somehow.
"Ow, easy..." She laughed.
The edge of the tent flap lifted, Astarion's soft eyes finding hers.
"Well good morning, you menace." He admonished.
She smiled at him over Gale's shoulder.
"Here, I brought you breakfast." He lilted, stepping inside.
Gale's head snapped up. "Oh no, I forgot to make breakfast!" He moaned.
"Oh Gods, you'll never be able to repent! We must take you to the gallows!" Aurum teased.
He did laugh then, and she smiled. Wiping away his tears with a gentle swipe of her thumb.
"How do you feel, starlight?" Astarion hummed.
She shot him a half-hearted glare. "I told you I didn't like that name."
He only smiled wider at her protest.
"And about how you'd imagine." She sighed.
"Well, Alyin and Withers want to speak to you."
She blinked, odd combination of people.
Well, they can't have worse news for her. Right?
Part 8
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mistertummies · 8 months
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Even heroes have to settle down sometime.
I think it’s so sweet you can get engaged to Gale in the game and I love the idea of him and Tav starting a family after returning to Watersdeep. You can bet your ass that Tara is protective of her new charge to boot, hehe.
Pose is referenced from a base by @ilitiaforever
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mutantbanner · 9 months
me, age 14, making regulus black kill himself over and over again in my mind 🤝 me, age 25, making bruce banner, caleb widogast, and gale waters watersdeep kill themselves over and over again in my mind
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bleachanimefan1 · 11 months
Hallowed Fangs Part Two
The Wizard from Watersdeep and the Githyanki,
"You know, it might be a good idea to look around and loot the area-"
"You're disgusting." Shadowheart said to Astarion.
"What's the harm? All I'm saying is they're not going to need them anymore. And it doesn't seem to be stopping her." Astarion smirked and showed Shadowheart Vex who was busy looting some healing potions and some gold off some bodies.
"What are you doing?!" Shadowheart demanded. "These people should be left alone in some dignity they have left!"
"Astarion does have a point, Shadowheart. We're out here in the wilderness with no food, no shelter. If we're going to survive, we're going to need it." Vex spoke. Shadowheart stayed silent but helped with Vex and Astarion, looting the bodies finding some valuables such as gems to trade, some weapons, and found a chest with some more gold in it as well. Then Vex noticed some footprints in the dirt that looked like a fight broke out and some dead goblin bodies lying on the ground.
"Look up ahead, footprints and dead goblins. Someone must have survived the crash." She pointed out. Astarion and Shadowheart walked over seeing the bodies as well, wondering what happened. Suddenly, everyone saw a swirling purple vortex on a stone wall. "What's going on with that rune? Looks unstable somehow."
Vex stepped closer to the rune to get a closer look at it while Astarion and Shadowheart stayed back. "It wouldn't get too close to it." Shadowheart warned her. Magic glitters and swirls from it erratically, as if malfunctioning. It looks slightly dangerous. Vex slowly reached her hand out towards the sigil to touch it. Suddenly, a hand shot out from the vortex, startling her as well as Shadowheart and Astarion. 
"A hand? Anyone?" There was a man trapped inside. Vex quickly grabbed the man's hand and pulled as hard as she could fighting against the vortex as it tried to suck them both into it. Vex turned back to the others. "Little help?" Shadowheart ran over, helping Vex to pull the man out while Astarion stood where he was.
"Just leave him. It's his own fault that he got himself stuck in there."
"Keep pulling!" The man shouted and Vex and Shadowheart pulled harder, and person was pulled out of the rune, landing on his stomach on the ground. Vex and Shadowheart stumbled back and regained their footing and the man stood up then brushed the sand off of him. He was a wizard with long brown hair reaching to his shoulders, beard, wearing a purple robe with brown cuffs and brown belt and boots.
"Hello. I'm Gale of the Waterdeep. Apologies, I'm usually better at this." He smiled at them.
"There's no need for apologies. Are you alright?" Vex asked him, concerned.
"A bit shocked, but friend, it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Say, but I know you, don't I? In a manner of speaking. You were on that nautiloid as well."
"Forget about that. How did you end up getting stuck in that stone?" Vex questioned, wondering.
"I don't know how exactly, but the ship broke into pieces, and I suddenly found myself in free fall. As I was plummeting to certain death, I spied a glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less-than-savoury propulsion. Recognizing this glimmer to be a magical in nature, I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were." Gale explained. "How about you? How did you survive the fall?"
"To be honest, I haven't a clue. I guess it was just luck."
"Fair enough. But even so, I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in jeopardy. Back on the ship, you too were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome insertion in the ocular region, were you not?" Vex nodded.
"Couldn't have phrased it more repellently myself."
"No use sugarcoating it, isn't there?" Gale snickered a little. "The insertee we speak of, this parasite-are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers? It's a process known as ceremorphsis and let me assure you: it is to be avoided." He told them. "You don't happen to be a cleric, by any chance, do you? A doctor? Surgeon? Uncannily adroit with a knitting needle."
"Well, I can stitch clothes." Vex joked. "From my experience with getting holes and tearing them."
"You seem to know enough about our condition to realize it is beyond most clerics' skills." Shadowheart spoke.
"Most, no doubt. But I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few. You don't happen to be one of them?"
"I'm sorry, but no. I'm no stranger to high-stakes extractions, but these tadpoles are beyond even my light fingers. I can't cure us." Vex said.
"As we've established, few enough can. It's not exactly a common affliction. Which brings me to what I'm about to ask."
"What is it? Vex asked him.
"We're most certainly going to need a healer, and soon too. How about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a healer together?" Gale asked her.
"Welcome to the team." Vex smiled.
"Excellent! A parasite shared is a parasite halved or something to that effect. Oh, and before you think you're about to embark on a journey with the most ill-mannered man; I want to say thank you for pulling me out of that stone." Gale smiled back.
"No problem. Now let's go and investigate those tracks I want to know what killed those goblins." Vex said. The group continued following the tracks until they heard voices up ahead. As they got closer they saw two Tieflings talking to themselves and saw the female Githyanki captured in a cage. "It's the Githyanki from the ship. Those Tieflings captured her."
"Zorru was right. Yellow as a toad, and twice as ugly." The male Tiefling spoke.
"The thing's dangerous. Leave it for the goblins to kill." The female Tiefling spoke.
"And if it escapes? How will you-Oh! A guest." The male Tiefling noticed the group approaching them. Vex looked up at the cage to see the Githyanki's sunken, piercing eyes glaring down at her silently. Then Vex felt a sharp pain in her skull hearing the Githyanki communicating to her in her mind.
"Gid rid of them." Vex turned back to the two Tieflings who were eyeing at her suspiciously along with the rest of the group.
"This creature is dangerous. Get out of here-leave it to me!" Vex told the two Tieflings.
"She's right. Let's go-we need to check on that blast." The male Tielfing told his companion.
"A blast? What blast? Can you explain?" Vex asked.
"You didn't hear it? It shook our camp good, so we came for a look." The female Tielfing answered. 
"Where is this camp of yours? We're in dire need of healing." Vex asked the two of them.
"Northwest. Look for Nettie. She might be able to help." The Tielfing told her and the two of the left. Vex turned back to the Githyanki in the cage. 
"Enough gawking-get me down." She demanded.
"Now that they're out of earshot, sure." Vex told her. The female Githyanki looked on in disbelief as she watched Vex look around the area. Minutes went by and the Githyanki started to twitch a little in irritation. "What are you doing?" 
"I'm trying to find a lever or something to lower you down." Vex called out.
"Shoot the bottom of the cage! How dumb are you!?" The Githyanki shouted at her. Vex stopped in her tracks, slapping her forehead.
"Why didn't I think of that! Sorry, I'll get you right down!" Vex aimed the bow, that the Tielfings had left behind, at the bottom of the cage and fired an arrow at it. The wood broke underneath the Githyanki and she fell to the ground, landing on her feet.
"The tadpole hasn't yet scrambled your senses. Auspicious. But the longer we wait the more it consumes. My people possess the cure for this infection. I must find a creche, you will join me."
"Careful-she obviously sees your kindness as a weakness. Don't let her take advantage." Shadowheart whispered to Vex in warning.
"It is many things. A hatchery, a training ground, a shelter. Githyanki protocol is clear: when infected with a ghaik tadpole, we must report to a ghustil for purification."
"What is your name?" Vex asked her. 
"You don't need to know." The githyanki frowned.
"Listen, if we're going to be traveling together. I need to know. Unless you want to be called, you, it, or that thing-"
"Lae'zel." Lae'zel spoke.
"There that wasn't so hard. All right, we journey together. Let's find this creche. It might be worth checking out. There's also a camp not too far from here that might have a healer for our problems." Vex spoke.
"True. I have heard those Tieflings talking to themselves about this camp, that someone named Zorru has seen Githyanki. I must find him and interrogate him to find the location of the creche."
"But let's start to set up camp for the night. It's getting late." Vex replied. "We can start out in the morning."
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