#gale having hidden talents and depths only bucky is given access to đź’—
anachilles · 1 month
i love the thought of gale having a really nice singing voice.
sometimes, when people are teasing bucky after he gets done jumping on the mic (uninvited), he’ll insist to anyone who’ll listen that “ah, well, someone’s gotta lighten the mood up in here, y’know?” and, with sudden pride colouring his expression, “now my buddy buck here, he sings like an angel. but so long as he won’t get up and entertain you fellas, well…”
nobody really believes him because no one ever actually hears buck’s singing voice because, frankly, he’d rather die than get up and sing in front of an crowd.
bucky’s heard it, though. along with a random little assortment of officers who’ve managed to catch him unawares in their shared quarters as he hums under his breath to some tune on the radio.
deep and soulful, rich and smooth and unhurried. so far from home, it strikes a nostalgic chord in bucky, at least. always and without fail.
it ends up being one of the only things that stops bucky’s mind wandering into the abyss some of those cold, deathly bleak winter nights squished up against buck in the stalag.
hushed, rumbling melodies breathed into the minuscule space between them in the dead of night, when all the men in their cabin were asleep. only for bucky’s observation. low and slow, rumbling under his breath, buck’s voice gave him at least that one solitary shred of peace he needed to get through the night.
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