#galaxymutt speaks
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Hey guys. This is absolutely insane. Not once did I ever think I'd get here, but here we are. I love every single one of you, thank you so much for supporting myself and this blog!
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I’m a little concerned that twice within one month I’ve gotten emails about an attempted sign in of my steam account at a new location. I thought it was a fluke at first, but now I think it’s time to change my password.
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This fandom never ceases to amaze me...
I went to a convention this last weekend with my fiance and we met someone who completely… floored me with what she said. She approached me and my fiance, who were cosplaying Keith and Lance, since my Shiro is currently still a WIP. The first words that fell from her mouth was how she loved and shipped kl@nce so hard, how they were so good for eachother and so sweet to one another and how kl@nce was endgame.
Now, I politely told her I don’t ship it (nothing against those of you who do) but I respect that she did and that I ship Sheith instead, here is what floored me. She proceeded to say not only that she didn’t ship sheith (which didn’t surprise me) but that she had not seen any voltron at all. None. Old? New? Nope. She shipped this from all the art and fan fiction she had seen and read.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
I can’t help but to wonder just how many kl@nce shippers are in this same boat and have absolutely no clue how their relationship really is. I don’t understand. I really, really don’t. That’s like saying you love pumpkin pie but you’ve never tried it. I absolutely adore this fandom, but sometimes it really catches me off guard.
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What is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
I’d say Lancelot, but as of late - that ship seems to be getting more popular, and that makes me happy, in all honesty.
This is a hard one, there’s a few that I could easily hand forward and say that they’re underrated - and the majority of them are ships with Hunk. The big man doesn’t get a whole lot of love when it comes to ships - or really at all, for that matter, it seems. Hidge and Hance are two of my favorite Hunk ships and I don’t see either of those getting as much attention as they deserve. 
And don’t get me started on Latte. I love this ship so much and content is hard to find.
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Today is pretty exciting. My fiance and I are legally getting our names and gender markers changed. I'm nervous, but I'm really excited. I might not be on much today, for those of you I'm talking to.
See you all on the flip side!
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I have officially seen all of season four and honestly... I couldn't be happier. I am super excited for the next season, whenever that may be. I will be reblogging things from this season tagged as #s4 spoiler for a couple days, so if you don't want to see, block that tag.
On a side note, where the hell do you people get the episodes so clear so early for your gifs and shit? I have a mighty need to AMV and work on some gifs.
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Tagged by @scorpionyx9621 
Shit hit the fan in my life. Horribly, and I'm slowly starting to get it back on the right track so this is WAY overdue and I’m sorry.
Rules: Tag 10 of your followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Kazuto
Nickname: Kaz
Gender: Male (Transgender, for those who may be curious - my ask box is open for anyone who needs help or support.)
Star Sign: Aries
Height: 5'3"-ish
Sexuality: Demisexual
Hogwarts House: Slytherin all the way
Favorite Animal: Snakes, Wolves, Pallas Cats - not sure if I could choose one if I had to.
Average hours of sleep: .... there's an average to that? It ranges way too much to say.
Current Time: 1:02 AM
Cat or dog person: Both? I have... both.
Blankets you sleep with: Generally one, regardless of the time of year.
Dream Trip: Honestly? To space. I want to get lost among the stars and explore, I want to experience that at least once. But seeing as that's a bit of a pipe dream, something more realistic would be going to Japan - to experience the culture there, visit the temples and see all of that for myself rather than the pictures that come across my facebook feed.
Dream Job: Computer sciences, robotics, astrophysics. Something in there.
When I made my blog: Earlier this year. However I've been on tumblr for... years. I'm no longer active on my first blog at all, too many sore memories back there that are better left in the past.
Followers: 895. This is astonishing to me. I have no idea how the heck I got here. But I love every one of you.
Why I made a tumblr: I've been wanting to jump back into tumblr for months, as I kind of fell out of touch with internet life. I missed it, so I made one again. Originally I wanted this to be a multi-fandom blog, as I'm also heavily into Trollhunters, How To Train Your Dragon, FNAF and other things... but then Voltron happened and took over my life and here we are now.
Reason for my URL: Honestly, it was a FNAF inspired URL to start, with the animatronic Mangle - sometime last year I made a new email and I liked it so much it transposed to other things. Then my fiance made the comment that Shiro was just a little mangled and after a bout of laughter, it stuck. I have been thinking about doing a URL change, however. I'm not entirely sure of what, though. I have been going around as GalaxyMutt on several places, and it's the watermark I use on my AMVs, so maybe something to do with that. Or something more Voltron/Shiro related. We'll see what my head comes up with... eventually.
As for the tagging, lets go with you guys. hopefully, I'm not annoying any of you - you're the ones that come up in my feed and notes the most. And then... some of you are my lucky, or not so lucky, friends (Ilu guys) C': None of you are obligated to do this either.
@lost-in-space-wine @mongoose-bite @redpaladinlion @localbanoraman @forbiddenharmony @find-me-in-hogwarts (I honestly can't remember but I'm pretty sure you were one of my first followers) @anger-mullet (I know you're a side blog but I figured you'd rather this be tagged than your main) @proklance (I love the irony of your url and your blog content you're amazing) @tyki075 (you were also one of my first followers ♥)
okay, I'm breaking the rules, that's only 8 - but I'm honestly unsure of who else to tag. If anyone wants to do this, feel free to - and feel free to tag me in it as well. c: I'd love to know  a bit about my followers.
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I finally have HQ season 4 episodes. Time to break hearts. I'm debating taking one GIF request to brush up on my skills, maybe more than one. Anything anyone wants to see done?
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So... on a couple of these Sheith one shots, would any of you want me to post a more explicit version on A03 if the story calls for it?
Because I’m seriously tempted to with a few of them.
Especially the one I am working on now.
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