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ayearoferewhon · 6 years ago
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#Repost @arcane.gaia.warrior ・・・ If you’re looking to unite with nature and sacred water sites throughout southern California, then you’ll want to visit Deep Creek Hot Springs near Apple Valley. • This sacred valley forms endless switchback style trails, mimicking the natural flow of water from the rains and snow melt. I felt the energy to be similar as I could sense a bit of solar plexus nausea as the water inside of me moved from one side of my body to the other on the 2.5 mile hike on actual goat trails along the edges of each cliff. • As I relaxed submerged in the hot waterfalls, I had a vision of all people everywhere learning to appreciate and protect water. • We need to confront our inner resistances and cast a grateful look on creation itself, letting our hearts be touched by its wounded reality and making a strong personal and communal commitment to healing it. • #hotsprings #socal #waterislife #protectthesacred #youarenature #healing #creation #waterspirit #cancerwoman #ageofaquarius #undines #gaiawarrior
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mstinagarland · 4 years ago
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What soothes My soul the most about buying the "toss outs" "markdowns" "misfits" and "Charlie Brown Trees". Welp. I am able to mend their bruises, and give them the love and nurturing needed to bring them back into balance. #EarthAngel #EarthMother #GaiaWarrior #EarthSign #thankyouJesus https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZlylWp3ni/?igshid=14kk1zxjta26c
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ayearoferewhon · 6 years ago
#Repost @arcane.gaia.warrior ・・・ As I was hiking back to my car amidst the sunset, the moon was rising and I felt the intensity of my inner fire rising up within me. I couldn’t stop smiling. This full moon in Aries has lifted the leader in me to question how people and I compliment each other. What is it that nourishes my relationships with others? • I felt the need to find the right sense of perspective to make the decisions I need to in order to recalibrate my public and personal life, or rather the relationship of my outer life to my inner life. • I am finding ways to decrease the heaviness of my past and take care of myself, or to at least decrease my old patterns of defensiveness to find ways to be the wisdom of my ‘Spiritual Adulthood’ in the world. • I am always learning new ways to keep grounded and this full moon is teaching me specifically about achieving new ways to ground myself and yet remain open to others. • O’ Great Spirit, Thank you for this wisdom. ✨🙏✨🌕✨ • #fullmoonaries #fullmoon #fullmoonenergy #aries #innerfire #healingmoon #emotionalintelligence #relationship #complimentary #ground #openheart #leadership #spiritualwarrior #gaiawarrior #gratitude #sanbernadinomountains
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mstinagarland · 6 years ago
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As I officially shut off the tv. AND tend to My Gardens. #GaiaMADdennaMF #MotherEarth #respectEarnedandGiven #sowingintoGaia #archangelAurielintow #anEarthMother #GaiaWarrior #EarthAngel #childofGod #ShelteredbyTheShepard https://www.instagram.com/p/B0BcdczF8zs/?igshid=1ps5u5illfppo
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