#gaia (lcb)
compassmili 29 days
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I wanted to put them in a situation together but couldn't think of dialogue so instead here they are judging you
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compassmili 1 month
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She has facial expressions... Feel free to put her in situations, or ask for more expressions! I'm struggling to think of some to give her.
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compassmili 1 month
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I FINISHED Pardon the boring background
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compassmili 1 month
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Ok I'm stopping here for the nightWHY IS THE IMAGE SO BLURRY WHAT
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compassmili 1 month
for a request, perhaps Gaia and Don Quixote together, if you don't mind?
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i dont feel like coloring sry
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compassmili 11 days
Gaia's Distortion should ultimately also reflect her desperation and her feeling like she has no identity and self and her bitter scrabble for control and answers but I'm unsure how to portray that :/
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compassmili 28 days
This feels silly to ask because I don't think anyone cares enough. But I might draw the winner idk. Propaganda for each under the cut. Also I talk about them all a lot under the cut so even if you don't vote if you like my OCs you should read :]
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Gaia and Ryne: Cuties. Teen girls trying to navigate their trauma and making it through the world together. They have a super healthy relationship and make each other better people. Opposite aesthetic lesbians. One is the embodiment of light and dreams and the other is the embodiment of dark and nightmares. They go on cafe dates. Ryne's dad has basically adopted Gaia. Happy family despite the horrors. The world gave us an awful hand, but our past doesn't define us or our future- We do, and we'll make a better life for ourselves.
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Reno and Johan: Not friends not dating but a secret third thing. What if we had an indiscernible relationship that bordered between friendship and soulmates and our love could not be described as platonic or romantic because our bond was so incomprehensible by others. Reno expands Johan's world and Johan gets Reno to open up to others and stop acting like someone angel isn't. Airheaded silly thing 4 Slightly neurotic and perception-obsessed thing. Their Pokemon get along really well. They lowkey quit their jobs for one another (Johan throws his phone in a river so his boss can't reach him because mew wants to spend more time with Reno.) They're from the same place but both left it to make a future for themselves only for it to not be what they wanted. Very close and happy.
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Worst relationship ever. Toxic yxxi. Lament is actively manipulating Leon for fun
From the outside, Leon seems like the aggressor and awful person, but it's really Lament. I mean Leon is a piece of shit but Lament is actively making him worse and enjoying it. Rewards Leon's awful behavior and supplies him with cigarettes whenever Leon tries to quit. Encourages Leon to lash out at people. Has Leon on a leash. Leon wears a locket necklace and Lament literally wears the key <- NOT A KINK THING. CHARACTER DESIGN CHOICE TO SHOW THAT LAMENT BASICALLY OWNS LEON AND DETERMINES HOW HE ACTS. They're in a band together. I've drawn them as scenes from the MCR Prorev fight. All the other band members want OUTTTTT
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Gaia and Don Quixote: Knight4Knight. Gaia is very closed off and mean to everyone but has a soft spot for Don since Don makes her feel homesick for a reason Gaia can't place. Don reminds her of someone, but she doesn't know who. Don views Gaia as a valorous knight and therefore admires her immensely. Gaia is offput and overwhelmed by Quixote's excitability but still stays around her sometimes. Don acts as a chivalrous knight to Gaia, as if Gaia was a noble lady. Gaia is sort of annoyed by the treatment, but truthfully, Gaia loves being spoiled, so part of her does enjoy the princess treatment. Also Don likes her massive hammer and Gaia likes Sue帽o Imposible. DON ALSO LIKES THAT GAIA CAN SPEAK SPANISH AND GETS REALLY EXCITED OVER IT. It's rare to see Gaia smile, but sometimes other Sinners claim they can see the edges of her lips rising whenever she spends time with Don Quixote
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John and Outis: I DON'T HAVE ART OF THEM TOGETHER. John both hates and admires Outis, viewing Outis as everything she once was and everything she lost. John is incredibly bitter but also wants Outis carnally. Outis probably doesn't gaf about her and views her as an incredibly annoying coworker. John's probably into Outis's insults. Sorry I love making John pathetic. Outis calls John a failure of an employee who's worth less than dirt and John folds immediately.
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compassmili 17 days
I want to properly make Gaia and John some kits but like. I don't know how to do that.
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compassmili 28 days
a bunch of asks from the last three sets - no obligation to go for all of 'em at once.
for Christine: spark, sunbeam, honey, 馃
for Gaia (LCB): bronze, marigold, yolk, 馃
for Ryne: spark, pineapple, butter, 馃
Under the cut since it's long- Thank you for the asks :]!!
What motivates them?: Her own dreams of making something of herself and being recognized, as well as her dreams of once again seeing the mysterious Phantom :]
What is their favourite song and why did you pick it?: I've never thought about this for her... Um. Hm. I'm listening to Beauty's Wicked Wiles by Masayoshi Soken right now. Maybe she'd like it. Or Equilibrium. With Equilibrium I think she'd specifically like it since it's fun for her to sing. Or Flow! I've been in an FFXIV mood recently...
What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?: She loves performing! Singing, acting, dancing, anytime she's on stage. What she hates to do.. Hm. I've yet to actually read POTO, so I fear saying something out of character... I do think she isn't the most fond of having to fight people for the company's sake. Likely gets through battles with gritted teeth, and a prayer and apology beforehand.
Gaia (LCB):
What do they do when they lose? Do they lose often?: Oh she's such a sore loser. Gets upset and dismissive and storms off. She views it as a moral failure upon herself, being bested by someone. Regarding if she loses often... I don't believe so. While she's cocky, she likely doesn't enter situations she can't win, and even if one, believes in her ability to turn things in her favor.
Pick their favourite flower, and then look up what it symbolises!: Ah, this one's a bit fun, since I actually know a bit about flowers. I think she'd like foxgloves, lillies, and hyacinths. Foxgloves have historically been used for medicinal purposes, while also being poisonous in some cases, which I think is befitting of Gaia- The duality of oneself. They also have a bit of spiritual significance, being associated with the Virgin Mary, but there isn't much of a connection to Gaia in that... Lillies I think she'd like not only for their appearance, but also since they're also associated with sapphic relationships, so it's a funny addition. Lillies are most known for being associated with purity and innocence, which isn't the most fitting of her- You could stretch it and say it fits her lovers, in that case? For hyacinths, they are sometimes used to symbolize jealousy, mourning, rebirth, and pride- All important themes to Gaia's character. Flower language is always a bit difficult to speak of in general terms, due to them being viewed differently in different cultures, as well as different colors meaning different things- So apologies for any vagueness within this.
What is their worst trait?: Her pride is her biggest downfall. She refuses assistance in all circumstances, and drives others away since she acts superior to them. It drives wedges between her and others, only leading to her loneliness, which then continues to exacerbate her rough demeanor.
Is their current design the first one?: In terms of the LCB version, yes! I designed her like... This week. She does have her Illegal Unovian appearance, however, which has been in existence since 2022/2023.
What motivates them?: Ryne truly wants to become her own person, detach herself from the role previously forced upon her, discover herself, overcome her past. She is also deeply motivated by her father and girlfriend, wanting to be the best she can for them, as well as provide for them whenever possible. She doesn't want to be defined by others anymore, bloom wants to control her own life. It's hard work, though, working through a lifetime of abuse- She's glad she has her father and Gaia by her side, at the very least.
What is their weirdest habit, and why do they have it?: Obsessively skin picks and compulsively prays at specific times when spiraling. Chess has OCD. On a lighter note, she's capable of completely swapping to an American accent, and will randomly do it in conversations to catch others off guard and laugh at their reactions.
What do you like most about the OC?: It's really nice to have an OC that truly strives to not be defined by her past and her trauma- To actively be working through it, to have ups and downs, to struggle, but still push through. I can truly only attribute that to Ryne within our system, of whom this OC is the sona of. Ryne's perseverance is truly something I admire. Also I really like her design :]
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compassmili 1 month
don: wow... gaia is so cool... how lucky i am to be within the presence of another knight... and a valiant one at that!
gaia internally: im going to kill everyone on this entire bus im going to kill everyone on this entire bus im going to kill everyone on thi
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compassmili 1 month
Okay honestly Don x Gaia is cute. Knights with some fucked up stuff going on.
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compassmili 1 month
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compassmili 1 month
Gaia, for the send in a character asks?
I'll do both his Illegal Unovian version as well as his LCB version! I should maybe give his LCB version a different name so they don't get mixed up... Under cut for length purposes!
In both universes he's a high femme lesbian :]! Unlabeled gender wise. Her gender is being a lesbian. Stuff like corvidgender fit also.
Illegal Unovian:
Ship: Her girlfriend Ryne!!!!!! I can't even give another response, they're made for one another.
Friendship: Among the other IU characters (And aside from Ryne), she gets along the most with Johan. They fuck around together :] In terms of canon Pok茅mon characters, maybe she'd get along with Skyla? I'm sort of blanking on who exists in gen 5.
Hatred: SHE FUCKING HATES LEXI. GOD. THEY'RE AT EACH OTHERS THROATS 24/7. NEVER LET THEM AROUND EACH OTHER. Also Gaia has beef with her own Zoroark but it's not quite hatred.
Headcanon: Are they even headcanons if it's the sonas of another sys member... Anyways. Loves gothic lolita fashion if it wasn't obvious. Frequents cafes, especially fancier ones. Loves intricate desserts.
General opinion: He's in my head she's chill. But in all serious Gaia and Ryne might be my fave IU characters, especially since they're so fun to draw. Part of the reason I've been avoiding writing chapters for IU is just because I'm not as interested in the other characters...
Ship: I haven't decided how Ryne will exist in this world... Aside from that, the only ships I can imagine her in would be with Don or Dante. I'm curious as to what others might think, though!
Friendships: She doesn't allow herself to make friends in order to avoid getting hurt by/owe anything to anyone or anything, preferring to be solely self-reliant. But, she's friendly with Dante. She understands the struggle of memory loss, and feels semi-comfortable with them. Gaia probably chooses to sit next to them on the bus to feel safer.
Hatred: Really dislikes Sinclair and views him as weak. Also dislikes Rodya, viewing her as vain and too casual.
Headcanon: Her cell is almost always dark, and navigation is difficult. It's barren due to her memory loss, inhabited only by pages upon pages of her own writings, trying to piece her life together.
General opinion: I really like him as a Sinner! I think her story works well translated into LCB, and I love that she distorts in her Canto!
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I don't have any finished art of his LCB design yet... Artists are tenebsolis and tapir respectively!
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compassmili 1 month
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Do we have any suggestions for IDs she'd have... Also I forgot to put it but her quote is "And though each of our lives may be but a drop in the great river of time, hope springs eternal." but I might change it.
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compassmili 1 month
Her weapon is a warhammer named Hell's Judgement and her Canto would be called something like The Rebirth and she'd distort in it
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compassmili 18 days
are there any fun facts you鈥檇 like to share about your ocs? :3
Gaia is a Scorpio + Really into perfumes which has lead to ME getting into them in order to write her better
John actually looks nothing like how Rowland is described in the book. Also her known IDs are Cinq, Molar, Pequod, and W :]
I wish I had more but I struggle with broad questions sorry
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