#gah im losing my head
bonyassfish · 2 years
(me bursting into grrm’s house in the middle of the night): I will stop holding this knife to your neck if you promise brienne of tarth will receive the kind of gentle romantic love she yearns for and deserves
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
I can tell it’s summer again because I am being reminded of my first psychotic break !! Oh summer of 2017 you were so confusing for me
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leavingsunsets · 1 month
because im bored and going insane, have a little drabble because im going insane. ALSO THIS IS KINDA A CRACKFIC???? you and alastor be silly together. does a cutoff 'kys' count as a warning?
"𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔓𝔬𝔴."
[𝖠𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋 & 𝗀𝗇!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋]
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"I'm back!"
The slam of the hotel doors echo throughout the lobby, an empty one. To which you only notice after a few steps in, swinging the one plastic bags branded '8-11' in your one hand.
"Uh, Husk, where'd all the others go?" You call out, putting them down on the coffee table. "Husk?"
No response. It's also now that you notice the bar was empty. Huh. Where did everyone go?
They went out for another redemption activity or something?
(This was the time Cherri took them out to the club. They're out there being judged by the holy court while you were busy sneaking out to raid the convenience store.)
"Gah, whatever. More for me."
You scoop up the bags and bring 'em over to the kitchen, where your chef (the microwave) awaited. Unaware of the red creeping figure by the second floor balcony.
Now, with your multitude of food splayed on the kitchen island, you tap your fingers over each one of them.
"Hmm. A burger or mac' n' cheese... Hmm."
With a shrug, you pop both open and throw it in the microwave, the radiation machine whirring to life as you lean back.
The peace is only broken once a sudden buzz of radio fills the silence.
"Wow. What is this?"
You nearly land on your own ass at his presence, head snapping to look behind you. "!?! WHAT THE HELL?!"
The sight of Alastor happily humming as he rummages through your other bag is what greets you, much to your horror.
"The f- Don't touch that!" you hurriedly snatch the bag away from him, hugging the bulky thing to your chest. "Why're you even here?? I thought you were gone with the others!"
"Eh, some Cherri girl, and a hefty pay," he shrugs, leaning on his cane. "What's that you're heating?"
Putting aside your bag, you squint your eyes at him for a moment. "My dinner."
He stares, raising a brow, "..which is?"
"Mac n' cheese," you grumble, already expecting some kind of reaction from the Louisianian.
"Eugh," yup, there it is, "you call that dinner? Goodness." You sigh, crossing your arms and facing the microwave once more. You weren't in the mood for some kinda wit war with this guy right now.
"Hmph. Back to the search." With a snap, he teleports your bag back to him, already digging through it before you can protest.
"HEY!" you reach out to snatch it back again, only for him to swerve it away. He daintily brings out a blue and red pin between his pointed fingers. Your eyes go wide at it.
"Who's this clown-" he disintegrates right as you lunge across the counter. Reappearing after you land face first on the floor, he continues, "this is the first time I've seen a neon jester of all things."
Face scarlet, you quickly get up and attempt to grab at him. But of course, what was Alastor if not a little shit, rendering your efforts useless. He disintegrates into the floor just as you reach out, teleporting to the other side of the kitchen island.
"Wow! You have 10 of these!" at this point, he was just pulling out the contents, splaying them on the counter.
"ALASTOR! I AM GOING TO SKIN YOU ALIVE I SWEAR TO-" The words die on your tongue the moment you spot him slide out a neatly sealed envelope, decorated with stickers.
At this moment, you seem to lose all sense of fear, or maybe some sort of sensibility to ground you back in reality. As at this moment, you find yourself charging at the demon 100 kilometers per hour, body ready to take any damage if it meant to stop him from even glimpsing at who the recipient was.
Unfortunately, he already did.
"Oho! To think you were a superfan! Of Fizzarolli nonethele-"
The microwave beeped in a little musical tune, however, it went unheard as you were busy having a important civilized conversation with the distinguished gentleman with you right now.
He dodges, sadly, disappearing into thin air once more. You basically crash against the counter, upper body smacked against the countertop.
"Ooh, 'Dear, Fizzarolli, I'm your biggest fan! I just wanted to say-' "
Grabbing a pack of frozen croquettes, you fling it at his head, to which a black tentacle sprouts from the ground and smacks away.
You jab a finger at him, face red with humiliation, "YOU'RE AN ABOMINATION TO ORAL HYGIENE." The frozen package flies, knocking the microwave into its plug and jamming it into the socket. A spark.
Right at this moment, Emily hops up to join Charlie in this outcry against the cruel (bi)annual exorcism of heaven, Angel Dust takes a courageous stand against the walking volatile moth himself, and you?
You face your own heavy battle, to which you're not sure will end peacefully. Which is a little generous to say, as he just continues reading the letter despite your insult. You feel a vessel nearly pop at his dismissal.
" '-I started watching your shows just a few months after falling here and-' "
Another packaged burger comes flying at his head. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, DAMNIT!" you screech, pissed.
"Hmm," for a second, he looks away contemplatively, tapping his chin. Then, it morphs into a smug smirk. "No. This is quite funny to me."
You grit your teeth tightly at his arrogance, veins about to pop, "This. Is why. Nobody. Likes you."
he leans over with a catlike smile, fluttering his lashes as he cutely lays against the kitchen island, kicking his feet slightly. "Awe yew mwad at mwee?"
Maybe it was just your temper, and his audacity, but at this point, you just explode.
And apparently, so did the microwave.
The first thing you feel is the machine's nuclear explosion just to your right, and the splatter of something gooey on your head. You blink.
The mac' n' cheese. You forgot about that.
Alastor remains unfazed and untouched, still lain across the counter and kicking his feet. Red eyes lazily glance at the absolutely blackened charr of a lump in the place of a perfectly functional microwave. "Hmm. Wonder what we're gonna do about that."
You are gonna insane if you have to spend one more minute with this man without strangling him.
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navysealt4t · 25 days
hii hestia i would all your thoughts on conner & co. from dbh pretty plsss :D /nf
DUDE IM SO. HEAD IN HANDS. i’ve literally been reading fanfic all day i can’t get this game outta my head .
i love connor so much like omg. me and my cousins played the game very pacifist and got a pretty good ending (only simon and luther died :(( but the rebellion succeeded and kara and alive r safe!! and connor deviated) but just like. i will forever think about hank and connor. i just know connor has so much guilt from everything he did to work against the deviants, but also like !!! he doesn’t have a mission anymore and he doesn’t know who he is . like thinking about how u can pre construct attack options as a game mechanic - he totally does that whenever he panics bc he’s trying to be soft and shit. also . touchstarved. 100%. i just. sigh. man i love characters that lose everything that they called their identity and they have to build themself a new one and it’s terrifying and they don’t know how. i love when characters who aren’t human learn humanity from themself and other around them and the love . like. he isn’t human but he’s alive. he wants to live, he just doesn’t know how. gah . that’s what bank is there for ^_^ i love them sm
and MARKUS ‼️‼️‼️ having humanity from carl just to have it ripped away from him BY HUMANS…. he gets quite bitter and i love it and it hurts so bad . i understand why many ppl chose him to be like. violent in the revolution but i was just constantly thinking… he always goes back to carl as his basis for humanity and he can’t hurt them like they’ve hurt him. (he’d be justified tho 🫶) also i. i think if u choose to be violent, markus should get with north, but if you choose to be pacifist, markus should get with josh. HIM AND JOSH JUST HAD SO KUCH MORE CHEMISTRY IN THE PACIFIST ROUTE IMO. i love markus sm tho. he has no clue what he’s doing but he’s the leader of the revolution so he can’t break down. he does that in private ^_^ also i loved the like. 3 times markus and connor interact like oh my goddddd. ALSO CONNOR IN THAT BEANIE AHHHHHH . PUT HIM IN HUMAN CLOTHES RN
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iwillneverpoststuff · 4 months
You’re so annoying… | Lee!Venti, Ler! Diluc (Genshin Fic)
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Fic! because i’m bored :D
Diluc and Venti go on a mission together but the Anemo archon himself can never take anything seriously. Diluc takes matters into his own hands…
Diluc and Venti had been called to a meeting with the knights of Favonious. The whole team needed to go on a mission to fight off some fatui members who made their way into Mondstat territory. The team split up into smaller groups in order to work more efficiently.
“I’m sure I could get more work done on my own…” Diluc complained with his arms crossed when he was paired with Venti. But Jean insisted they needed each other to keep safe.
And so there they were… Diluc and Venti traveling towards Dragonspine together and it’s quite the long walk…
“Okay, Diluc! Looks like it’s just you and me. How about a drink? Or should I play some music to keep us entertained?” Venti takes out his lyre and a bottle of gin.
Diluc groans and holds up his hand to stop Venti.
“Don’t. This is a serious mission! There could be fatui around and you’re going to be out here making noise!”
Venti gawks, “This is not noise! That’s actually very insulting. I am a musician!”
Diluc rolls his eyes, “I wouldn’t exactly consider a bard a musician…”
Venti stops in front of Diluc with a glare, “What did you say?”
Diluc sighs, “Come on. We don’t have time for games, let’s just move on.”
As Diluc walks ahead of Venti, he feels a tug on the back of his boots. Diluc ignores it at first, but then one step after another he feels Venti flat tiring his shoes!
“Can you cut that out?!”
Venti mocks Diluc and laughs, “Cut what out?”
Diluc tries to ignore Venti’s antics, but Venti was making it really hard. He resorted to playing music anyway, pulling Diluc’s ponytail to mess with him, and overall just being a nuisance. Finally, Diluc has had enough. Venti’s squeeze to Diluc’s side was the last straw. As Venti tried to run away, Diluc wraps his arms around Venti’s waist to trap him.
“Eep!” Venti squeaks, “Diluc what are you doing??”
Diluc narrows his eyes at Venti, “You’ve been bugging me all this time and I’m not letting you get away with it anymore..”
Venti squirms in Diluc’s grasp, growing nervous already, “W-What do you mean? What are you going to do?!”
Diluc huffs, and the faintest smirk grows on his face, “This…”
Suddenly Diluc’s fingers dig into Venti’s sides, showing no mercy as Venti doubles over and starts giggling.
“GAH! Wahahait!! D-Diluc! Nohot that! Stop!”
Diluc smirks more visibly now, following Venti as Venti falls to the ground in stitches.
“No. This is what you get for pestering me. These are the consequences to your own actions.”
Venti squeals as Diluc spiders his fingers over his stomach, making his giggles turn into laughter that squeaks when he gets too close to his ribs.
“DILUC! Ahahaha!! Diluc nohohooo! I’m sohorry! I won’t do it again! Please! What if the fatui hears us!!”
“Oh, now you’re worried about the fatui?” Diluc chuckles and begins to tickle Venti’s ribs as if he were playing a piano. He wiggles his fingers over each rib, creating higher giggles as he moves up.
“How many ribs do you have, Venti?” Diluc smirks.
“I dohohont know?! Stahahap that!! Get off you weirdo!”
“I’m weird? Sheesh…” Diluc shakes his head, “Guess we’ll have to count… one… two..” He goes up his ribs one by one, counting and tickling the bones.
“DILUC!! STOhohoOHop!! Not thehere!!”
“Oh, you made me lose count.. I’ll have to start over~”
“NOOOooo!! Plehehease!! Nohoho more! It’s too ticklish!!”
“..Let me finish to count and then I’ll be done..”
“Screw yohohouu!!”
“That’s not very nice. Now I will start over. One.. two.. three..”
“..24!” Diluc exclaims before digging his fingers into Venti’s armpits. Venti bucks his hips and shrieks, landing into hysterical laughter and blushing from the embarrassment of the sounds he makes.
Diluc chuckles and tickles Venti a bit more before letting up.
“Are you going to stop being annoying and take the mission seriously?”
Venti heaves on the ground, “y-yes..” he glares at Diluc,
“..but after i get you back for this!”
Diluc freezes before getting up to dust himself off quickly and make a run for it.
Venti laughs, “Oho! You can run but you won’t get far! C’mere Diluc~~!”
“Leave me alone!”
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oogalaboogalabich · 1 month
Having too much fun with this bloodweave outline.
Part 2: Orb Boy and The Angry talk about their masters and hunt.
(For context: Gale gets spawned by Lord Artor Morlin )
Gale tells the camp what up with him and his orb. But later in private he approaches Astarion and invites him to hunt.
Astarion gets on the defensive. But gale doesnt quite understand.
"Oh sorry. I didnt even consider that youd found time to feed on your own. My mistake.
"Wait. What? How do y- I dont know what you're talking about."'
"You-...can you not tell?"
"Tell what?"
"I suppose the most obvious tells are a bit overshadowed, arent they?" He gestures to the tattoo that covers his neck. A mix of runes and decorative beasts. His left eye simmered with a sickly dark violet and seemed to bleed magic down his cheek towards the brand on his chest.
"What in the hells are you on ab-oh...." he notices the scarring, and pays attention to the less impressive but just as unusual red eye. And finally he realizes he hears no heartbeat from the man. Nor does he breathe. "OH! well thats actually rather amusing isnt it. What are the odds?"
"You dont know the half of it. My master was about to bloody set me free when i was picked up. Rotten luck to be sure."
"Funnily enough I was freeing myself from mine when Iwas lifted. " gale could hear the deep seeded bitterness behind his light tone, and the seething jealousy and disgust. Oh he HATED him. Utterly despised him for having a master whod just go and free their spawn. He could feel that through the tadpole. Artor had often said that as cruel as he was, he was infamous and frankly looked down on for his leniency with his spawn.
"Is that why youve an old blanket with you."
"Its not a 'blanket' its my bur-...its a keepsake from my old life. You will do well to keep your hands off of it."
"So...hunting? I thought i spotted a few paladins heading north not an hour ago."
"Paladins? You...youre going after" thinking creatures. "People."
"Yes. Astarion. Im hungry." He spoke as if it was obvious, (because it was) but he could feel their irritation spike again. The fuck had he said to earn that? "Are you coming or not? I could certainly use the help. I doubt id be able to go after them alone. im sure i could pick off one of the tieflings ...but id honestly rather not. Id feel bloody awful."
"...alright....lead on then."
"Fannntastic. Glad to have you along, my friend."
"So...your master...who is he?"
"The bloody baron of waterdeep, artor morlin. Damned fascinating chap, if a bit lacking in basic empathy. Good man in general though, i would think. Not like that Kozakuran twat in baldurs gate."
"Where do you hail from?"
"...." astarion scowled.
"Ah...apologies for insulting your mast-
"Dont call him that. He isnt my master....not anymore. Never again."
"For bringing him up then. Ive heard things....and im sure none of it does him justice."
"Hes a godsdamned mon-."
"Shhshhshh hang on..." gale frowns and holds a hand up, indicating to be silent.
They both crouchedbin the bushes while a curly haired merc and one other male chat while they head back to their camp with game in tow.
Gale noted how nervous astarion is, and wonders just how long it had been since cazador allowed him a proper meal.
"Ill take the larger one down first, you can have him."
"I can hunt my own food!"
"Are you sure? Youre shaking."
"Soon to be remedied, darling."
Nonetheless, gale went after the smaller of the two for himself, not realizing that astarion had frozen in place.
He pulled up from his meal while the bigger one fled like a fucking coward.
"Gah- Astarion! Youre going to lose him." He all but barked, blood flying like spittle from his teeth.
Astarion nearly fumbled, hesitating long enough to get stabbed in the side before his victim passed out.
Gods but he barely felt it though. Groaning as the nectar of gods slid down his throat.
He was nearly finished when gale aproached, pocketing what looked like a tiny body.
"Need any help cleaning up?"
"Hm? "
"I could shrink it down for you. Easier than mauling or burying the body. A spawn as young as you, im guessing youre still squeamish about supping on other people, yes?"
"The hells are you on about? Im well past my second century."
"Well yes, i understand how elves work. Im talking about your time as a sp-"
"Yes i bloody well know what youre talking about. And im saying its been a fucking eternity!!"
"...you...then why are you so..."
He looks over astarions general state of having been stabbed, and wasting so much of the mans blood to the bedrock they stood on under the crumbling bridge. Messy, sloppy, uncoordinated.
"Well forgive me if my table manners are a bit lacking!" He sneers. "Im rather used to rats and insects. No thinking creatures. Cazador always said....i always wondered if hed made up those rules. Now i know why he did...."
Gale was tempted to dig deeper, but perhaps now was a good time to just let astarion enjoy himself.
"This is your first taste of blood." Real blood at least, he thought.
"Proper blood at least" gale tried not to smile at that.
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Ok soooooo I'm gonna write how I wish the final battle between Knuckles and Rouge would be in the movie according to my post about her participation in it, you know the scene from SA2 that I strongly hope they add in the next movie:
So, this conversation takes place after a fight, you have to visualize exactly the Sonic Adventure 2 last fight between them but with a scene of Rouge braking her wing after Knuckles throws her against a wall or something and I think everyone who saw that original scene in the video game doesn't need an explanation of why 😂😂 and this could be a fight for the pieces of the master emerald or the chaos emeralds, I'm not sure what fits better in the context of the version of the movie:
Rouge: AJJJ! *in pain *You brute! Some "noble" guardian you are! Attacking a lady?! SHAME ON YOU!!
Knuckles: Excuse me? You're the one who cowardly ambushed me from behind more than once! At least I have enough honor to attack from the front and what kind of Lady goes around stealing jewels?? You dishonorable thief!!
* Rouge feeling humiliated at his words rushes at him despite the pain on her wing*
Rouge: All the jewels in the world belong to me...!! Eh..!? Aaaaaaah!! *she loses balance and trips falling from the platform unable to fly up *
Knuckles: Hey!!!!! *jumps and grabs *
Rouge: kuuuhh!! .... Eh? * opens her eyes and looks up at his eyes confused *
Knuckles: got you!
* he pulls himself up and helps her get on the platform again while still looking at each other eyes, he is still holding her hand until she suddenly recovers from the shock and feels embarrassed so she pulled her hand away as if she got burned *
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Rouge: Keep your hands from me! Don't touch me... * looks away embarrassed *
Knuckles: !? Is that how you're gonna thank me for saving your life??
Rouge: saving my life? *looks at him outraged* Ja! I broke my wing because of you, I'm not falling for that "noble" act, I'm sure you just wanted to hold my hand...
Knuckles: The audacity Woman! Are you crazy?! After what you put me through you spit at me that nonsense?!
Rouge: ha! if not that... surely you just wanted to save the goods I carry with me so don't pretend to be a hero!
Knuckles: I didn't even know you had them with you bat-girl! I did it because it was the right thing to do, is what someone taught me in Earth. I just followed the wisdom I believe in! Don't you dare to doubt the hero's way!
Rouge: what kind of wisdom is that? Being a hero means being so stupid you'd save the enemy's life?
Knuckles: No, it means I couldn't just let you die because... Being a hero means you take responsibility for other people and not care only about yourself, I guess a selfish thief like you wouldn't understand, you don't even care how much people you put in danger with your actions but I do not care, I will keep fighting you and do what I need to do to help those people and fulfill my guardian duty! * strikes a ready for fight pose*
Rouge:......... * keeps side looking at him until she sighs * Ahh... Not matter what you say you sound stupid to me...
Knuckles: what did you sa...?! !!! * gets the stolen goods thrown at him * HEY!? Eh... * confused * what?
Rouge: then just take them, I'm so tired of fighting you, this isn't funny or worthy anymore... * she turns around ready to leave *
Knuckles: Wait!! Your wing!! Don't you... Need help to set it back in place? I'm sorry I broke it, let me just...!
Rouge: * turns her head at him* Ah this? Don't worry... * se grabs her wing and puts it back in place again herself* Gah..! Uff, this is nothing, I'm a strong lady, im sure you already know...
Knuckles:.... Impressive...
Rouge: * she starts flying away while Knuckles looks at her in awe really impressed* Goodbye handsome and don't go around holding girls hands with that gentle grip of yours they might think you have no decency...
Knuckles: what the...!? You...!!! Hey!! * she flies away laughing maliciously * ....* sight* wait, did she just called my grip gentle...? Aaaarrr I have no time for this!! * runs out of the platform embarrassed*
*Rouge walks close to knuckles to stare into the space through the window *
Knuckles: So... What are your plans now? Are you going to keep looking for those jewels you like so much?
Rouge: nah, I think I'm going to quit that... Too much work for too little pay...
Knuckles: I see... * looks shyly away*
Rouge: so, looks like he also believed in that earthly hero wisdom...
Knuckles: *looks back at her a bit sadly*
Rouge: he really *looks down to Shadow's bracelet and then at the Earth* took responsibility for all those people...
Knuckles: *follows her gaze * yes, he fought like the most honorable warrior, he earned my respect
Rouge: * sights and chuckles * jiji I see... * she looks back at knuckles and he looks back at her so their eyes meet again* I guess this is a goodbye
Knuckles:..... I guess so...
Rouge: * she starts to turn around to leave * come on, don't make that long face I'm sure we'll see each other again handsome... * winks *
Knuckles: * makes an unamused face *sure, bet you'll come back just to be a pain in the ass...
Rouge: my my whatever did I do to earn that sass from you knucklehead... anyway goodbye!! * she sprints away *
Knuckles: grrrrr Hum! * rolls his eyes and then makes a fond side smile at her back * goodbye bat- girl
And the end!
Remember my other post? You know my Headcanon is that she will live with Randall and Rachel so soon Knuckles will see her in a video-call XD
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radio-navlee · 4 months
Irl tickle story :)
(This is not realated to the poll i put up earlier) Also this is a long one, with fluff!!
I went to a theme park ya know? The once with roller costers and stuff!
Ok so im waiting in line to go on a rollercoster right? 3 boys ahead of me and my friend start- uhhhh... playing a game!
First it started off as the one in the blue jacket being reluctently tickled by the one in the hat and the one with a white shirt. (Blue, hat, and White, bc idk their names) So everynow and then Hat or White would go up to poor Blue, too ticklish for his own good, and just wreck him in line! I couldnt just stare at them so i looked at my friend every now and again, we both happened to glance at each other and we both just burst out laughing at them.
Blue is being held by White as Hat totally tickles the shit out of him. We move up in line and while Hat goes to move up, BLUE LATCHES ONTO HIM AND STARTED TO TICKLE HIM BACK!! Hat falls to the ground laughing like crazy!!!
Ok and thats not all! They then create a game where they play patty cake and who ever messes up first gets tickled.
Hat and Blue start patty caking, White hovers his hands over Hats sides very antisapating. Hat messes up and White quickly closes in on Hat, squeezing into his sides while hat trips into him laughing.
It was pretty cute tho, esspetically when we got to the very front of the line. Hat and White start teasing Blue about how ticklish his neck was. Theyd sneek up on him and tickle his neck while Blue squealed, turning around all emmbarresed.
"Dude thats not normal, you're so sensitive!"
"Ugh.. Shut up!" Blue slumps his head over into his hands all flustered
"No like it's crazy how ticklish your neck it bro!" Hat chimes in
"Stop it!!!" Blue groans,
"Look, I'm not even touching your neck!" Hat starts squeezing into his shoulders
"gAH- HAhehaha!!" Blue jumps, scrunching up his neck
"See! I told you!!" Hat massages harder
"STAOP NOHOHO!" Blue shakes away making Hat lose his grip
"Dude, your shoulders can even be ticklish." White laughs
"Says who?" Blue says putting up his hood
"says like everybody?"
"Then how come- because-...... eugh whatever!" Blue pouts getting seated on the ride.
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cyberfreaky · 1 year
Mo’at prwtty please fuck me till i could be served as the meat in those sloppy joes they sell in stereotypical schools and make me shake till i look like im doing just dance without a wii remote make saliva pour out of my mouth like niagara falls did a slime challenge and make me whine so much i could be classified as a musical instrument scissor me like 8 year olds who suck ass at arts and crafts and please please make me moan so much i sound like a yodeler gone bad make me such a sloppy wet mess like expired paint from art class make me tremble so much you can see the motion blur make my head spin so much that its worse than a ef10 tornado hump me so hard even bob the builder cant fix my shit make me so wet that the sun takes it as a challenge grab my wrists so hard that it looks like my blood circulation wanted to commit suicide as much as i do stick your fingers in me so far that it breaks the space-time contiuum make me cry out your name so much it sounds like a stupid baby after not accepting their peas and carrots for dinner ( fuck children btw [ not in that way ] theyre just annoying ) top me so hard that the eiffel tower cant beat that shit make me cum so much elmers glue goes “gah dayum” make me sweat so much a home depot bucket cant even take it make me see so many stars that astrology bitches cant top my knowledge tie me up so much that i get out built like tim burton’s corpse bride make me so fucking wet that your fingers come out with a new layer of skin run your fingers down my thighs so much those hoes do a whole ass marathon make my eyes lose focus so much that i not only get double vision but quadruple vision fuck me so hard that i end up like kazuha’s bsf call me your good baby so much that it trains you for motherhood make me moan so hard that my vocal chords go absolutely berserk fuck me so hard that i lose my balance and its like those climb the ladder carnival games
i’m turning off anons Till Y’all learn how to act normal
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Entertain me
Seeing as I got a positive reaction to more obey me content I decided to experiment with a 'lil fic! I'm a sucker for lee Levi so ofc I had to write him for my first fic and mammon cause im a simp
I wrote this on a whim and with the very little knowledge I have of obey me so sorry if it's not the best. I hope y'all enjoy regardless~
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Levi x Mammon (PLATONIC)
Lee: Levi
Ler: Mammon
Warnings: Tickles!
Y'know it could only mean trouble whenever Mammon got bored. He wandered around the hallways, hoping that something or someone would just magically show up to help cure his boredom. Luckily for him, he came across Levi, which unlucky for Levi, he was now Mammon's target for whatever shennanigans he had in mind.
"Levi, come here~!".
"Huh- GYA!" the younger one shrieked as Mammon practically tackled him onto the floor. "W-what the hell was that for?!".
"I was bored... now it's up to you to entertain me~".
'Uh oh' was the only thought that crossed Levi's mind. He knew that whatever his brother had in mind only meant trouble for him. He tried to get up but Mammon comfortably sat on top of his hips, keeping him trapped. Levi tried squirming around like a worm but it was no use. Not long after, Mammon pinned his wrists above his head, causing him to gulp.
"W-wahait please! Anything but thahat..!" Levi wasn't able to hold back the giggles that bubbled up into his chest from the anticipation. Knowing full well what his brother had in stock for him.
Mammon only looked down at him with a teasy smirk as he lowered his free hand down to Levi's tummy, playfully wiggling his fingers along the ticklish spot. "Gah-! Mhmhm...!" Levi bit down on his lip to try to surpress his giggles, but with each tickly touch he became closer to losing it.
"Aww c'mon, y'know you wanna laugh~" teased the older brother as he started squeezing the younger one's side with vigor.
"PFFT! AHAHAHAHA!" yeah poor Levi was awful at controling his laugh. It quickly filled up the room as he kicked his legs out of reflex like a cute 'lil pup.
"There it is! Ahh kitchi kitchi coo~" Mammon teased in a baby voice as he now used both hands to squeeze at his brother's sides. Even though he had his arms free, Levi felt too weakened by the tickles to fight back. So intead he opted to hug his torso as he squealed at the teases.
"GYAHAHAHAHA! S-SHUT UHUHUP!" he shrieked in laughter as his cheeks started to grow a rosy hue to them. His eyes were fully squeezed shut and his smile was so big and bright it was almost unrecognizable.
"That's not a nice thing to say, you should learn some manners!" Mammon shoved his hands up into Levi's armpits, causing him to scream bloody murder.
Somehow his laugh got even louder "NAHAHA! P-PLEHEHEASE!". Levi clamped his arms down as tight as he could but it didn't stop his brother from tormenting the sensitive spot.
"Look at you begging, how cute~".
Seeing as Levi had gone limp from all the tickling, his laughter starting to get silent and wheezy, Mammon stopped his tickle assault. Slipping his hands out from under his brother's arms. He instantly sucked in as much air as he could, still giggling himself silly with that cute blush spreaded across his cheeks.
"Well I feel entertained now, see ya later~" Mammon instantly got up and happily walked away as if he didn't just tickle his brother to pieces. Levi tried getting up but he ended up getting spraweled all over the floor again, too tired to even move from all the tickling. He would definitely need to come up with a way to get back at Mammon...
It's almost 2 am... I need jesus akshakdhjssj
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afaramir · 3 months
I can't believe you've called me out like this. This fixation is literally your fault! (Not really, but you’ve made me worse!) Anyway while I'm here do you ever wonder about how Sauron is the one of the villains from Beren and Lúthien, and Denethor probably knew that story as a child? Then as he grows up he learns about his role in Númenor’s destruction, and how that links to Denethor’s own relation to his ancestors? Yet his response to this is that it's his duty and destiny to lead Gondor against him? Just "Yes, why else would I have been born than to mind-wrestle the evil demigod?" Gah why is he like this, I love it so much.
LOL im so glad you saw that post (ages ago now because i draft one of these and then pick away at it in my notes app during my commute for days and days) it really does bring me indescribable joy when you go through the tag though. this is a beautiful feedback loop i think because well you have also made me worse. i think about denethor has to either defeat thorongil or claim him for himself every day. and like. boromir can be boromir but faramir has to be denethor is just a sentence that lives in my mind. you know?? sometimes i think about going through your whole tag and reblogging all of it
ANYWAY YES!!! WHILE WE'RE HERE!!! GET IN LOSER WE'RE NOT LIVING PAST THE END OF OUR MYTH!!! we’re dying at the end because thats how the story goes!! everyone always dies at the end and so too shall i!! and YET i have been granted the powers wielded by my ancestors and i must take up the fight where they have failed, knowing how it ends, knowing how their fates haunt my dreams and the dreams of my son even after the passing of an age. i will take up the role in this narrative that has been written for me. i will take this sword with my eyes wide open, knowing fully about the one that hangs over my neck. i know i will fail and yet i shall try, not for hope not for glory but because it is my task and my destiny. Yeah… there’s this line from a fic i read once that goes “what is he but an improved repetition of his ancestors” which i believe was in reference to aragorn but like……..oughhh. the thought of “it is my duty and destiny to lead my country to war” feels like it’s inextricably tied in his mind to “it is my duty and destiny to die for my country” and like i just don’t know what to do with that!
hey wait a second im thinking about your denethor and ecthelion post again. do you think part of why denethor is Like That is that he has the numenorean powers where his father does not, he knows the lore of the palantir, he knows that he is the one person in all gondor who can vie against sauron directly. he will not take power where his father will not give it to him but i feel like maybe he does believe that he is ready and willing to take up his destiny and that ecthelion perhaps should step aside because he’s clearly less well suited for the task/it would be the dutiful thing to do, from a purely tactical/utilitarian standpoint.
you know for the whole length of this post i kept wanting to write that in some secret part of him he hoped to outrun the fates of his ancestors and the fates of all the heroes of legend - that in some part of him there was still blind hope, because to me it feels so impossible to go on and go on and lose everything and keep fighting without it. and maybe he did, maybe there was - i won’t know! but its crazy to think about the very real possibility that he had none of that. that he had completely excised the part of him capable of hope and replaced it with relentless grinding duty, and the knowledge that giving up is not a choice that he is given and thus he shall not. if he is the hero of his own myth he is destined to die at the end and he must simply continue on until that destiny finds him one day. god he’s so fucked in the head i love him so much.
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GAH. STORY TIME. I (lime, hemoanon so nobody knows that, 9) have an ex moirail (olive, 9) who is a SERIAL AUSPICE. Like she CAN'T stop mediating. It's one of the reasons we broke up.
So one of her exes (teal, 9) has been moping in our friend group lately because this guy he had a crush on (cerulean, 9) recently went through BASICALLY EVERY QUAD EVER with his former moirail, now kismesis (jade, 9) and of COURSE my ex just HAD to get her grubby ashen hands all up in that business.
Now, I'm not the pinnacle of morality in this story. I did go out of my way to solicit him pale to get back at her. Just to remind her that her ridiculous behavior is rubbing salt on his wounds and she should THINK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE FOR ONCE, you know? Like I said, if there ever was a pillar of innocence and goodwill in our group, it wasn't me. I was just meaning to be there for him and make her feel guilty.
Even when we're around our other friends, I can't help trying to dote on him and take care of him. And I can't stop being WAY too honest with him! Plus he's just so cute I've started DREAMING ABOUT HIM! I'm going to lose my pan!
Our mutual friend (bronze, 9) knows about my blood color and is leveraging it to make me tell him how I feel. She knows I can't be outed! I'll be culled for sure if the Empire knew about my blood. I NEED to get off planet at the end of this sweep and she's intentionally holding it over my head to make me confess! I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. This wasn't supposed to happen...
On an unrelated note, best ways to confess pale feelings? T-T I'm so dead.
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
Luna prwtty please fuck me till i could be served as the meat in those sloppy joes they sell in stereotypical schools and make me shake till i look like im doing just dance without a wii remote make saliva pour out of my mouth like niagara falls did a slime challenge and make me whine so much i could be classified as a musical instrument scissor me like 8 year olds who suck ass at arts and crafts and please please make me moan so much i sound like a yodeler gone bad make me such a sloppy wet mess like expired paint from art class make me tremble so much you can see the motion blur make my head spin so much that its worse than a ef10 tornado hump me so hard even bob the builder cant fix my shit make me so wet that the sun takes it as a challenge grab my wrists so hard that it looks like my blood circulation wanted to commit suicide as much as i do stick your fingers in me so far that it breaks the space-time contiuum make me cry out your name so much it sounds like a stupid baby after not accepting their peas and carrots for dinner ( fuck children btw [ not in that way ] theyre just annoying ) top me so hard that the eiffel tower cant beat that shit make me cum so much elmers glue goes “gah dayum” make me sweat so much a home depot bucket cant even take it make me see so many stars that astrology bitches cant top my knowledge tie me up so much that i get out built like tim burton’s corpse bride make me so fucking wet that your fingers come out with a new layer of skin run your fingers down my thighs so much those hoes do a whole ass marathon make my eyes lose focus so much that i not only get double vision but quadruple vision fuck me so hard that i end up like kazuha’s bsf call me your good baby so much that it trains you for motherhood make me moan so hard that my vocal chords go absolutely berserk fuck me so hard that i lose my balance and its like those climb the ladder carnival games
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I am
I am very h word right now ngl
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missingn000 · 2 years
not tpg speaking or anything but i wanna know your honest thoughts about toji 🤔
oh man, where do i even start with this. it's a great question! honestly...i have a lot of thoughts about canon toji, not all of which are coherent, but here's what comes to mind first.
toji is largely a product of circumstances -- the awful abuse by the zen'in clan, being cast out by society, straying from his path then finding his way again by marrying mamaguro, then losing her and essentially forfeiting all hope. i do think he loved megumi, but not in any way that actually helped him, or any way he truly showed. he wanted megumi to have a better life than him, but the way he went about it (trying to sell his son into the SAME SYSTEM that fucked him up) was clearly an awful choice.
what people often don't discuss is that toji had agency. yes, his circumstances were horrible, and a lot of his mentality was shaped by abuse and trauma. but in the end, it was his choice to become a hitman who didn't ask questions, and to abandon his family after the death of his first wife. there's a quote i always think of when analyzing characters like him: "bad circumstances explain bad behavior, but they don't excuse it." he undeniably could have made better choices. look at maki! though their circumstances were a bit different, they still were at the bottom of the barrel of the zen'in clan and horribly mistreated. but maki emancipated herself from that and chose to channel her spite into becoming strong in a profession that helps others, while toji chose the opposite.
toji is one of my favorite characters because he's just so interesting. there's so much about him to analyze. that scene in shibuya where he stabs himself in the head to avoid hurting megumi wrecked me beyond all imagination. his last words were so significant: "not zen'in, huh? good for you." what's important to notice is this: at that time, he had no idea that his sale of megumi to the zen'in clan hadn't gone through. it's probably impossible to say he knew that gojo, a kid he'd known for like, 15 minutes solely through a death fight, would actually end up adopting and protecting his son.
it's very indicative of their relationship overall. toji was glad megumi didn't turn out like him -- not because of toji, but in spite of him. he knew he failed megumi, and tsumiki too. stopping his largely uncontrollable body from hurting his son by taking his own life proves it. he couldn't be there for megumi, but at the very least he didn't want to take megumi down with him, in a physical and metaphorical sense.
tl;dr: toji deserved better, but it was partially his own choice that he never attained that. megumi got the father he was meant to have, and it wasn't toji. it could've been, in another life. but not this one.
wow this was rambly lol. i have many more thoughts i'm sure i'm leaving out. there's a whole possibility to analyze the toji vs gojo fight, toji's disregard of riko's life and his lack of compassion towards her also not having a choice in her fate, his spite towards gojo and wanting to overcome it for his pride, thus putting his pride over everything he'd tried to break away from. exploring his character and what could've been through tpg has been one of my favorite projects i've ever pursued in my life. i just. GAH. okay. im gonna lie down
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hanagatana · 10 months
gah i feel so bad about my artstyle and art in general after looking at something with a Very distinct style and aesthetics ..... idk maybe i shoudve quitted my uni to make a noticeable progress but now im at my final year and its kinda too late
i feel like my hands and eyes are malfunctioning in some way like i try to study specific features in faces and such and eradicate mistakes YET they keep reoccuring THE MOMENT i lose my focus and draw with no refs
and yeah i get that some of my pics do in fact look okay and sometimes even good but gosh thats SO inconsistent as there were multiple people inside my head with different drawing skills and i cant control whos taking the turn when i grab my pen. fucking fascinating.
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h3yyspac3cad3t · 2 years
MORE WRITEING i am loseing it
Also not revised as this was written several months ago and im finally posting it.
The music reverberated in the concert hall. A certain Blue DJ was anxiously sipping a drink as he awaited the return of his boyfriend, who was on stage at the moment. Blue couldnt tear his gaze away from Yellow. The way he swayed to the music he preformed, the light tension in his shoulders, the way his bright skin looked through the neon lights...To Blue, Everything was perfect about him in every sence of the word.
Distracted by his thoughts, Blue had not realized the appearence of a red figure. This red man happend to be one of yellows longest standing friends, and has become an aquantence of blues by asociation.
"Yooo Blue my man! Whats up?" Red called, startleing the blue man and shakeing him out of his thoughts.
"GAH- Fuck! You scared me man!"
"LMAOO Sorry Blue! Didnt realize you were stareing at your boyfriend lol"
"Stareing? Wwait no what no I-I wasnt-! ...Was it that obvious?"
"LMAOOO Yeah, You were full on oggleing him bro. Im supprised your eyes didnt turn into cartoonishly large hearts and steam didnt come out of your ears! Hahaha!!!"
"Oh shut up!"
"What are you two talking about?" asked an all too familer voice.
Blue turned around, and to little suprise he was met with the cheerfull face that belonged to none other than DJ Yellow. While the two were talking,  Yellows set ended. The cheerfull songs made by tiny ghosts filled the hall with a sense of whimsy.
"Nothing babe! Haha, dont worry we werent talking about anythi-"
"Blue was full on gawking at you dawg." Red inturupts.
"RED!" Blue exclaims, a light blush spreading over his cheeks.
"Hehehe awww dont worry Blue! I cant blame you after all!" He exclaims with a wink.
"YELLOW!!!" Blue shouts as his boyfriend errupts into laughter.
As the conversation goes on, soon the lights become a light purple. A beautifull melody begins drifting around the hall, entranceing all those who heard it. As if on que, Yellow extends his arm to Blue gleefully. Blue accepts his lovers hand, and the two of them head off to dance the night away.
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