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wisdomfish · 2 years ago
Christ’s Church is holy to God. The Gospel is too vital for Christians to play ball with those who are maligning it. People (both inside and outside churches) are too important and misleading them with errant teachings doesn’t help anyone.
Murray Campbell
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eclecticdabbler · 2 years ago
King Charles has lost the Faith.
The British King (Queen) is consecrated to be The Defender of the Faith (Church of England) - this "promise" appears to have been broken, under Queen Elizabeth II, unfortunately. King Charles is eroding it further. Without the faithful, the British Crown is doomed.
It won't go well for England...
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urbanchristiannews · 2 years ago
Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, Says the Black African Bishops Lead the Conservative Biblical Orthodox Side of the Church of England to Denounce, Reject, and Break From Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Devil-led, Unbiblical, Liberal Side of the Church of England That Yielded to King Charles III and the Demonic Spirit of Wokeism to Endorse and Sanction So-Called Same-Sex Blessing in the Church of England Which is Supposed to be the Church of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. What an Abomination in God's Sight! Whyte Says He Knew That the African Bishops and Other Bishops Would Come Through For the Lord on This Issue.  Whyte Now Calls, Again, on Black and White Conservative, Biblical, Orthodox Pastors and Churches In America to Rise up and Follow These Conservative, Biblical African and European Brethren to More Forcibly Stand up Against, Denounce, Reject, and Even Break Away From the Devil-led, Unbiblical, Liberal, Unorthodox So-Called Homosexual-Affirming Pastors and Churches For They Have Proven Themselves to be Lost Heathens of Their Father, the Devil, and Have Created Total Chaos in This Once Great Country Called America. Let's Rout These Judas-Laodicean Devils While God Has Them as We Have Them on the Run, by the Grace of God. "And the remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he took out of the land" (I Kings 22:46).
Image: Courtesy of Gafcon Conservative Anglicans from 53 nations attended the Gafcon conference in Kigali, Rwanda, this week. Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, Says the Black African Bishops Lead the Conservative Biblical Orthodox Side of the Church of England to Denounce, Reject, and Break From Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Devil-led,…
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anglocatholicboyo · 2 years ago
yh but one of them has a biretta
also """continuing anglicans""" (ew)
gafcon is schismatick
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Note the vesture of the bishops. Beyond-words affecting! So un-“churchy”.
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76crimes · 3 years ago
Ongoing Anglican rift over LGBT issues
Anglican leader keeps hoping that anti-gay churches will at least talk with gay bishops, attend meeting, and hear what gay Christians have to say.
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xicoasilva · 7 years ago
A propósito da Carta do GAFCON
Portanto se Deus lhes deu o mesmo dom que a nós, quando havemos crido no Senhor Jesus Cristo, quem era eu para que pudesse resistir a Deus? At 11,17 Com estas palavras se encerrava a polêmica entre os judaizantes e os que evangelizavam os gentios. Uma das muitas polêmicas que afetaram a Igreja do século I. A passagem é recomendada para a liturgia da Palavra na festa de São Pedro que se celebra hoje. O cenário não é muito distinto do que se percebe na atual conjuntura da Comunhão Anglicana. Temos ortodoxia demais e amor de menos. Deus já havia falado ao coração de um centurião chamado Cornélio e sua vida era um sinal de amor e justiça para quantos o conheciam. Orava a Deus e dava esmolas, a junção perfeita entre amor a Deus e amor ao próximo, exatamente como o sumário da Lei. E isso sem ainda conhecer a verdade revelada em Jesus. A conexão não tardou em acontecer. O Espírito moveu Cornélio na direção de Pedro e moveu Pedro na direção de Cornélio. A pedagogia do Espírito com Pedro foi muito mais provocativa, pois o diálogo provocado pelo seu inconsciente onírico o preparou para um encontro inesperado e desafiador. O kerigma clássico das primeiras comunidades do movimento de Jesus foi exposto a uma audiência sedenta, de forma simples, serena e efetiva. Os corações ouvintes estavam preparados e a catequese se desenrolou sem muita burocracia, se assim se pode falar. O Espírito se manifestou sobre os gentios. Sobre gente que não estava na lista de prioridades da missiologia. Gente de hábitos distintos, pessoas impuras, talvez até mesmo percebidas como inimigas do Evangelho de Jesus. O Espírito foi derramado sem medida sobre os gentios! E agora? Como se faz? O pessoal do GAFCON em Jerusalém vai querer a pele de Pedro e desse pessoal que o acompanhou para se misturar com essa gente de hábitos estranhos, criando um sério problema para a Igreja. O diálogo em Jerusalém foi bem parecido com alguns dos diálogos que acontecem em nossos Sínodos e concílios. Foi um debate teológico entre centro e periferia, entre quem detinha a ortodoxia e aqueles que estavam se aventurando por caminhos perigosos. Jesus nos convida a passar para outra banda (como no Evangelho de domingo passado). Pede-nos a seguir caminhos novos, desafiadores e a não nos apequenarmos diante da injustiça, do preconceito e da exclusão. Lamento contrariar os irmãos e as irmãs do GAFCON. Não estamos levando ninguém ao Inferno. Estamos atendendo ao chamado de Jesus para acolher todas as pessoas que carregam consigo a marca indelével da força criadora de Deus. Ninguém leva ninguém ao céu nem ao inferno. Isso é puro colonialismo. O Espírito Santo jamais será propriedade de ninguém; pelo contrário, ele é livre e sopra onde quer. Deus distribui seus dons sem fazer acepção de pessoas. No movimento de Jesus só há uma única exigência: amor incondicional a todas as pessoas. É esse amor que nos impele a anunciar a Boa Nova. Isso está acontecendo aqui no Brasil, na Escócia, no Canadá, na TEC e estará acontecendo em outras Províncias da Comunhão Anglicana.
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worldreligions2019 · 4 years ago
Anglican Church Beliefs | With Origins and Practices & History
Anglican Church Beliefs | With Origins and Practices & History
What is the Anglican Church Beliefs Anglican Church Communion, a religious body of national, independent, and autonomous churches throughout the world that adheres to the teachings of Anglicanism and that evolved from the Church of England. The Anglican Communion is united by a common loyalty to the archbishop of Canterbury in England as its senior bishop and titular leader and by a general…
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wolfliving · 5 years ago
The Digital Twin Consortium
*Hey look!  A new IoT consortium!  I haven’t seen one of those in ages.
Contact: Object Management Group +1-781-444 0404 [email protected]
Object Management Group Forms Digital Twin Consortium with Founders Ansys, Dell Technologies, Lendlease, and Microsoft
Users to create standard terminology, reference architectures and share use cases across industries
NEEDHAM, MA – MAY 18, 2020 – Non-profit trade association Object Management Group® (OMG®) with founders Ansys, Dell Technologies, Lendlease and Microsoft, today announced the formation of Digital Twin Consortium™.  Digital twin technology enables companies to head off problems before they occur, prevent downtime, improve the customer experience, develop new opportunities, drive innovation and performance and plan for the future using simulations. Members of Digital Twin Consortium will collaborate across multiple industries to learn from each other and develop and apply best practices. This new open membership organization will drive consistency in vocabulary, architecture, security and interoperability to help advance the use of digital twin technology in many industries from aerospace to natural resources.
Digital twins, virtual models of a process, product or service that allow for data analysis and system monitoring via simulations, can be challenging to implement due to a lack of open-source software, interoperability issues, market confusion and high costs. In order to ensure the success of Digital Twin Consortium, several leading companies involved in digital twin technology have joined the consortium prior to inception. This category of early innovators, called Groundbreakers, includes: Air Force Research Lab (US), Bentley Systems, Executive Development, Gafcon, Geminus.AI, Idun Real Estate Solutions AB, imec, IOTA Foundation, IoTIFY, Luno UAB, New South Wales Government, Ricardo, Willow Technology, and WSC Technology.
Membership is open to any business, organization or entity with an interest in digital twins.
"Most definitions of digital twin are complicated, but it's not a complicated idea. Digital twins are used for jet engines, a Mars rover, a semiconductor chip, a building and more. What makes a digital twin difficult is a lack of understanding and standardization," said Dr. Richard Soley, Digital Twin Consortium Executive Director. "Similar to what we've done for digital transformation with the Industrial Internet Consortium® and for software quality with the Consortium for Information and Software Quality™, we plan to build an ecosystem of users, drive best practices for digital twin usage and define requirements for new digital twin standards."
Digital Twin Consortium will:
Accelerate the market for digital twin technology by setting roadmaps and industry guidelines through an ecosystem of digital twin experts.
Improve interoperability of digital twin technologies by developing best practices for security, privacy and trustworthiness and influencing the requirements for digital twin standards.
Reduce the risk of capital projects and demonstrate the value of digital twin technologies through peer use cases and the development of open source code.
An ecosystem of companies, including those from the property management, construction, aerospace and defense, manufacturing and natural resources sectors will share lessons learned from their various industries and will work together on solve the challenges inherent in deploying digital twins.  As requirements for new standards are defined, Digital Twin Consortium will share those requirements with standards development organizations such as parent company OMG.  
Founding members, Ansys, Dell Technologies, Lendlease and Microsoft will each hold permanent seats on an elected Steering Committee, providing the strategic roadmap and creating member working groups.
Sam George, Corporate Vice President, Azure IoT, Microsoft Corp. said, "Microsoft is joining forces with other industry leaders to accelerate the use of digital twins across vertical markets. We are committed to building an open community to promote best practices and interoperability, with a goal to help establish proven, ready-to-use design patterns and standard models for specific businesses and domain-spanning core concepts."
"The application of the Digital Twin technology to Lendlease's portfolio of work is well underway and we are already realising the benefits of this innovation to our overall business," said Richard Ferris, CTO, Digital Twin R&D, Lendlease. "The time for disruption is now, and requires the entire ecosystem to collaborate together, move away from the legacy which has hindered innovation from this industry, and embrace Digital twin technology for the future economic and sustainable prosperity of the built world. Digital Twin Consortium is key to the global acceleration of this collaboration and the societal rewards we know to be possible with this technology and approach."
"Dell Technologies is proud to be one of the founding members of Digital Twin Consortium. As the rate of digital transformation continues to accelerate, industry-standard methods for Digital Twins are enabling large scale, highly efficient product development and life cycle management while also unlocking opportunities for new value creation. We are delighted to be part of this initiative as we work together with our industry peers to optimize the technologies that will shape the coming data decade for our customers and the broader ecosystem," said Vish Nandlall, Vice President, Technology Strategy and Ecosystems, Dell Technologies.
"The Consortium is cultivating a highly diverse partner ecosystem to speed implementation of digital twins, which will substantially empower companies to slash expenses, speed product development and generate dynamic new business models," said Prith Banerjee, chief technology officer, Ansys. "Ansys is honored to join the Consortium's esteemed steering committee and looks forward to collaborating closely with fellow members to further the Consortium's success and help define the future of digital twins."
Digital Twin Consortium members are committed to using digital twins throughout their operations and supply chains and capturing best practices and standards requirements for themselves and their clients. Membership fees are based on annual revenue.
About Digital Twin Consortium Digital Twin Consortium is The Authority in Digital Twin. It coalesces industry, government and academia to drive consistency in vocabulary, architecture, security and interoperability of digital twin technology. It advances the use of digital twin technology from aerospace to natural resources. Digital Twin Consortium is a program of Object Management Group.
Note to editors: Object Management Group and OMG are registered trademarks of the Object Management Group. For a listing of all OMG trademarks, visit https://www.omg.org/legal/tm_list.htm. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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intlchristianherald · 7 years ago
Joseph D'Souza: Can Secularism Build a Civilization?
Last week, I attended the 2018 Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in Jerusalem. Around 2,000 archbishops, bishops and Anglican church leaders from North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia came together to pray and consider the future of the global Anglican church. It was the largest international gathering of Anglican leaders in over 50 years — yet there was one conspicuous absence: the 105th archbishop of Canterbury, Most Rev. Justin Welby. Welby's absence is the result of the Anglican church's struggle with an issue that has become the leading cause for disagreement in Christianity: same-sex marriage. It's the reason why hundreds of Anglican bishops in the southern hemisphere — who hold on to the traditional biblical view of marriage — have strongly differed with many of their more liberal counterparts in the West. Still, as important as it might be, the issue of same-sex marriage is only the tip of the iceberg. At heart, the real question Christians all over the world must answer today is whether or not they will hold on to the authority of Scripture and the gospel the church has historically believed in. As an outsider, I've observed how the West — and America specifically — has been steadily inching toward secularism, which is the absence of God in life. The meteoric rise of the religiously unaffiliated over the past few decades combined with social changes such as the legalization of same-sex marriage across all 50 states and the emergence of forced tolerance have augured the end of a "Christian" America. Though it might still be some time away, the American church is now facing the crude reality many Christians across the southern hemisphere know well: becoming a minority religion. Here's the thing though — this is nothing new for Christians. From the very beginning, Christianity has been well acquainted with being a minority. Jesus gave the first believers — about 120 disciples — the job of changing the world. This small community believed Jesus and took him at his word, which was no easy task. The cultural problems and challenges they confronted were similar, if not greater, to ours. They had to contend with the widespread breakdown of the family structure, serious moral decline, a hedonistic lifestyle and religious fundamentalism of its day. If you want to see what real moral decline looks like, open a book on first-century Rome and read about the unbridled paganism, rampant sexual immorality, infanticide and slavery of the Roman Empire. Yet, even when facing such overwhelming odds, the early church did not lose their vision of the Kingdom of God. The early Christians painstakingly developed a counterculture within a hostile environment dominated by despotic Roman emperors such as Nero, who was bent on eradicating this start-up religious movement. No matter who was Caesar in Rome, they honored Jesus Christ as Lord of all. They believed in the resurrection, and in his second coming. And no matter what the culture around them said, they remained committed to the truth in the God-inspired Scriptures, especially when it pertained to issues such as the biblical definition of marriage. They believed the Kingdom of God that Jesus had inaugurated was Spirit-empowered. So, when people accused the early Christians of turning the world upside down, it wasn't a cliché. They were living upside-down lives in a society that was putting immense pressure on them to conform to the culture. Contrary to the short-sightedness that plagues many Western churches today, the early Christians had a long view of the Kingdom of God, and a holistic understanding of Christian discipleship. Their obedience literally changed the world and the flow of history. Click here to read more. Source: Christian Post
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wisdomfish · 2 years ago
GAFCON is choosing faithfulness
GAFCON is choosing faithfulness to God over allegiance to broken institutions.
The Sydney Morning Herald has published a fair report on the story, although there was this one unfortunate line,
“The Diocese of the Southern Cross was formally launched in Canberra on Sunday. The first service was led by a rebel minister who resigned from the liberal Brisbane Archdiocese because he “cannot go along with same-sex blessings”.
Rebel isn’t the right word to describe Rev Peter Palmer. He has given up a steady stipend and is now driving a bus to put bread on the table. His congregation has lost their church’s property. Far from being a ‘rebel minister’, Palmer is a Christian minister who has chosen to remain faithful to Jesus while his Diocesan bishops have chosen faithlessness to both the Gospel and the churches under their care.
~  Murray Campbell
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chrischarambadiaries · 7 years ago
Africa is No longer the ‘Dark Continent’!
Africa is No longer the ‘Dark Continent’!
Undeniably, Africa is no longer the ‘Dark Continent.’ Christianity has grown significantly to become one of its major religions and there’s a growing assumption that Africa is almost entirely a biblically sound land. But is this the case?
It’s easy to assume Africa is scripturally rock solid because of widespread opposition to same-sex marriage and its social conservatism. In addition, the number…
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urbanchristiannews · 2 years ago
Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, Says the Black African Bishops Lead the Conservative Biblical Orthodox Side of the Church of England to Denounce, Reject, and Break From Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Devil-led, Unbiblical, Liberal Side of the Church of England That Yielded to King Charles III and the Demonic Spirit of Wokeism to Endorse and Sanction So-Called Same-Sex Blessing in the Church of England Which is Supposed to be the Church of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. What an Abomination in God's Sight! Whyte Says He Knew That the African Bishops and Other Bishops Would Come Through For the Lord on This Issue.  Whyte Now Calls, Again, on Black and White Conservative, Biblical, Orthodox Pastors and Churches In America to Rise up and Follow These Conservative, Biblical African and European Brethren to More Forcibly Stand up Against, Denounce, Reject, and Even Break Away From the Devil-led, Unbiblical, Liberal, Unorthodox So-Called Homosexual-Affirming Pastors and Churches For They Have Proven Themselves to be Lost Heathens of Their Father, the Devil, and Have Created Total Chaos in This Once Great Country Called America. Let's Rout These Judas-Laodicean Devils While God Has Them as We Have Them on the Run, by the Grace of God. "And the remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he took out of the land" (I Kings 22:46).
Image: Courtesy of Gafcon Conservative Anglicans from 53 nations attended the Gafcon conference in Kigali, Rwanda, this week. Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, Says the Black African Bishops Lead the Conservative Biblical Orthodox Side of the Church of England to Denounce, Reject, and Break From Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Devil-led,…
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dioceseofwesternanglicans · 7 years ago
Support the Mission of the Anglican Church in North America A Message from Archbishop Foley
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Dear Friends in Christ,
We are living in a time of significant upheaval and change. Our nations have endured a massive amount of damage and displacement from hurricanes and wild fires. Earlier this month tragedy struck again with yet another mass murder, this time in a church. There are wars and rumors of wars. We are watching our culture change, shifting away from truth and attempting to redefine history and reality.
Yet, both personally and as your Archbishop, I find myself more and more encouraged by the hope of the Gospel and the proclamation of this Gospel by the local congregations we find in the Anglican Church in North America. We are a people of great hope and courage!
This last June, we experienced the presence of God at our Provincial Assembly. In October, I saw first-hand the energy and passion of a group of leaders at the Matthew 25 Gathering in Phoenix. YOUR GIVING IS MAKING IT POSSIBLE for the last, the least, and the lost to be reached with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. This is happening through a diverse range of church-sponsored ministries: half-way houses, after-school programs, assisted living facilities, and food pantries. There is so much ministry taking place in the Anglican Church in North America that gives me encouragement.
Each week, as I travel around the province, I see people committed to prayer. I see youth ministers reaching out to the next generation and nursery workers serving the littlest among us. I see volunteers, the unsung heroes of the church, serving selflessly and leaders teaching the Scriptures. I am convinced that God, who began a work in us as the Anglican Church in North America, will carry it on to completion.
This coming summer, the Anglican Church in North America will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Gafcon conference in Jerusalem. We will share in global fellowship with our brothers and sisters from around the Anglican Communion and host our annual Provincial Council meeting at the same time. These relationships connect us with millions of people around the world.
Then, in the summer of 2019, we will celebrate our tenth anniversary as a Province at our Assembly in Plano, Texas. The dates are June 18-19, 2019, and I hope you will make plans to join us. Before we get there, though, we have much to do to continue carrying out our Gospel work with hope and courage, and we need your help.
To meet the needs of the people and support all of our mission projects, we need to raise $345,000, and we cannot do that without your help. By clicking here or simply texting "GIVE" to 724-655-4198, you can help the Anglican Church in North America carry out its Gospel mission.
Would you prayerfully consider supporting the mission of Christ's church by giving to the Anglican Church in North America?
With great hope in Christ Jesus, In Christ, 
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The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach Archbishop and Primate Anglican Church in North America
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76crimes · 7 years ago
Sanctions target gay-friendly Anglicans, not homophobes. Why?
Sanctions target gay-friendly Anglicans, not homophobes. Why?
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The Rev. Colin Coward. (Photo courtesy of The Independent)
The Anglican Communion rebukes American, Canadian and Scottish churches that stray from its party line against same-sex marriage, but remains silent as conservative African churches ignore the Communion’s call for an end to homophobic prejudice, violence and criminal laws targeting LGBT people.
LGBTI equality activist the Rev. Colin…
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years ago
Justin Welby says the Anglican divide is dangerous for the Church
The Archbishop of Canterbury says the split in Australian Anglicanism is dangerous for the church because it views outsiders like any other institution that struggles to overcome differences. Justin Welby, who is visiting Australia for two weeks, said the Anglican Church, like the rest of the community, needed to find a way to approach the problem in a way that showed “we can disagree well and still love each other”. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.attributed to him:Victoria Jones His visit comes at a time of deep tension in the Australian Anglican Church over same-sex marriage. Some parishes, such as Sydney and Hobart, believe that in other parts of the country more open attitudes betray the teachings of the Bible, which says that marriage is between a man and a woman. The contingent of conservative Anglicans, including the former Archbishop of Sydney, prompted the formation of a splinter church, the Diocese of the Southern Cross, which welcomes those who disagree with their bishops on same-sex marriage. Brisbane subjects have defected. Welby does not have the kind of authority over his church that Pope Francis has over Catholic teachings. Many in the Anglican world consider themselves “in company”, or allied with the Archbishop of Canterbury, but others have cut ties. loading Sydney and Hobart are now associated with GAFCON, an alliance of socially conservative and Bible-focused churches, mostly from the Southern Hemisphere. However, Welby will have dinner with the Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Ravel, next week. Asked whether the establishment of the new church posed a threat to the unity of the Australian Anglican Church, Welby said the issue was not whether it was a threat, but a “feeling of deep sadness and disappointment about what it says to those who are not Christians”. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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cathnews · 2 years ago
Lessons from the Anglican split
Lessons from the Anglican split
Last week a gathering of Anglicans from the Pacific Region began their Conference in Canberra by announcing the creation of a new Anglican Diocese of the Southern Cross with former Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies as bishop. This diocese is not part of the Anglican Church in Australia but is linked to the majority of the world’s Anglicans through the Primates Council of the GAFCON…
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