#gabriel palléon
queen-scribbles · 3 years
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Behold, the reason I was anticipating @sssamsondraws Ugly Sweater commissions this year! I got Lisa and Gabe in sweaters I’ve been holding onto the idea for since about.... August? Absolutely worth it, he captured the sibling vibes between them spot on and I love it. 😍
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
Meet the Family
Mass Effect Relationships Week Day 3: Missed Opportunities
The second I saw this one, I knew I had to fill it with the what-if of Gabe not being KIA pre-trilogy so Lisa actually gets to a) keep her surrogate brother and b) introduce him to Kaidan. This is immediately post-ME1, and for people unfamiliar with Lisa, she didn’t sleep with Kaidan before Ilos, even though she really, really likes him, so they’re still figuring out Them as a Couple(?). Fun time to meet the family :D
Lisa paced back and forth along a small section of the cafe’s outdoor seating, never far from their table, and picked at the edge of the bandage around her left arm.
“Shepard, if you peel that off, it’s gonna scar,” Kaidan reminded her for the fifth time in two days, barely looking up from the menu.
“Scars are badass,” she countered with a smirk. “And I-”
But the rest of her comeback was aborted when she spotted an approaching figure and hopped the patio railing with a whoop to charge toward him.
Fortunately Gabe saw her coming, so her enthusiastic tackle-hug didn’t send them tumbling into Citadel foot traffic. He laughed as he hugged her back, hard enough some of her bruises complained(she ignored them). “Hey Lise! Long time no see.”
Lisa’s only reply was a happy grunt, muffled against the side of his neck as she held tight. It had been pure chance after the battle she’d noticed one of the Alliance ships that went against Sovereign was his, and she was still relieved she hadn’t lost him without even knowing he was there.
When they finally let go, Gabe caught her injured wrist in a loose grip and shot her a significant look. “What have you been doing with yourself, Lisa?”
Lisa snorted and gestured at the damaged Citadel around them. “Playing the hero, of course.”
He shook his head with a wry laugh. “Of course. You never could help yourself.”
She snorted and lightly poked the scars that cut through his eyebrow and across the bridge of his nose. “You’re one to fucking talk, Palléon.”
“Language, Lisa Anne,” Gabe chided with exaggerated affront. He slung an arm around her shoulders. “C’mon, didn’t you have crew you wanted me to meet...?”
“Oh, yeah. That,” Lisa drawled, shifting his arm so it wasn’t resting on the glass cuts peppering the back of her neck. “Turns out only Alenko could make it, so he’ll have to do for now.”
She left off he was the one she most wanted Gabe to meet, but from the look she got, he at least suspected. “Mm-hm.”
“Behave, Gabriel.” She wasn’t sure if it was a warning or a request, but it set mischief dancing in his dark grey eyes either way.
“Yes, ma’am, Commander Shepard, ma’am,” he teased.
Lisa rolled her eyes and tugged him toward the cafe entrance. “Y’know, for bein’ like my big brother, you sure can be a little shit sometimes.”
“That’s my job,” Gabe said cheerfully. 
She lightly bopped the back of his head. “Please, Gabe.” This is important to me.
Something in her tone made him sober and he nodded as they stepped on to the cafe patio, letting his arm drop from around her shoulders. “Sure, Lise.”
“Thanks.” She was grinning as they closed distance to the table she and Kaidan had staked out. Kaidan pushed to his feet just as they got there and Lisa took half a step back to  not be in the way as she made introductions. “Staff Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko, Major Gabriel Palléon.” (Why were her palms sweaty?) “Gabe, this is Kaidan.”
Gabe held out a hand to shake. “Good to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, sir,” Kaidan said, smile warm but posture military-stiff as he shook Gabe’s hand and Lisa bit back a giggle. Bless him for wanting to make a good impression. (It was cute. When did she start thinking things were cute?!)  “L-Shepard’s talked about you quite a bit.”
“Likewise,” Gabe laughed. “But we can save the formality for on-duty, huh? Gabe’s fine.”
Kaidan chuckled as the three of them sat. “Fair enough. Though since Shepard and I serve together, I’ll probably stick to it with her.”
There was also the--probably vain--hope a semblance of formality would help mask whatever was between them until they sorted it out themselves. Which would hopefully be soon. She’d promised they could figure it out later, and she’d never made a promise she wanted to keep more. But for now, better to focus on the fact Kaidan was getting to meet the closest thing to family she had left in the galaxy. She wanted (needed) them to hit it off.
“So I hear you’ve been largely responsible for keeping Lisa alive the past several months,” Gabe said, taking the menu she nudged him with a nod of thanks. “She hasn’t been able to mention all the details, but that one’s come up a few times.”
“Oh, she’s plenty good at keeping herself alive,” Kaidan demurred with a small smile. “I just tag along to watch her back. In case she needs me.”
Lisa snorted and shook her head. “He’s bein’ modest,” she informed Gabe as she nudge Kaidan’s shoulder. “If it wasn’t all classified to hell and back, I could spend at least an hour filling you in on all the ways he’s saved my neck. And he brews the best damn pot of coffee--sorry, Gabe--I’ve ever had in my life, which has saved everyone from me on more than one occasion.”
“Better than mine?” Gabe asked in a faux-injured tone, but she could see the corners of his mouth twitching and almost kicked him under the table.
The only reason she didn’t was the server showing up to take their orders.
After they’d finished and the server headed off, Gabe sighed dramatically. “At least I know she’s in good hands.”
Kaidan chuckled, rubbed the back of his neck. “I do my best.”
“So, Gabe,” Lisa interjected, “one thing I’m dying to know; your unit’s always been out toward the edges of Council space, lots of groundside assignments. What the hell were you doing on a ship so close to the Citadel, anyway?”
Gabe shrugged apologetically and shook his head. “Sorry, Lise. Classified.”
She waved it off. It had only been 50-50 odds he could tell her anyway. “S’alright, I know the drill. What’ve you been up to that you can talk about?”
He pursed his lips in thought. “Supervised a couple clean up ops, but the last few months have been mostly ferreting out a pirate cabal that started getting a little bolder around some of our colonies and outposts than Command’s comfortable with. But I don’t want to waste time talkin’ about work.”
Lisa arched a brow. She had a sneaking suspicion she could guess the...  membership composition of this cabal if he was changing the subject so quickly. But she let him get away with it. “Okay, but work’s almost all we’ve been doing the past few months,” she pointed out, jerking her thumb at Kaidan. “So unless you got a new girlfriend an’ wanna enlighten me, there won’t be much else to talk about...”
“You didn’t have any downtime?” Gabe prodded, shaking his head in silent answer to her half-joking needling. “No time for fun shit on the Normandy?”
“Talking, card games, playin’ with my omnitool...” Lisa shrugged. “The usual in-between missions shit.”
“You and that omnitool,” Gabe teased.
This time she did kick him under the table. “Hey, you’re the one who gave it to me.” She smiled sweetly. “Thanks for picking a model that plays nice with upgrades and tweaks.”
“I created a monster,” he lamented theatrically, and moved his leg when she went to kick him again. “What about you, Kaidan, you do anything different than my favorite tech nerd, or do you have roughly the same idea of fun?”
Kaidan laughed. “Same, I’m afraid. Chatting, playing cards, tweaking omnitool functions.”
The server came back with their  drinks and assurance the food would only be a few more minutes.
“You have a favorite when it comes to cards?” Gabe asked as he took a drink.
Kaidan shrugged and shook his head. “Anything’s fun. I guess if you made me pick, probably poker.”
Gabe’s eyes lit up and he leaned forward, “Tell me you cleaned her out,” he said, leveling a finger at Lisa. “Please.”
Kaidan grinned and held up two fingers. “Twice.”
“Hey!” Lisa protested, fighting a grin.
“Your reign of terror needed to end, Lise,” Gabe returned. “You’re just lucky it wasn’t me.”
She snorted. “Like that would ever happen.”
“That’s hurtful,” he grinned.
“Gabe. I love you like a brother, and you’re very good at many things,” Lisa said with a matching grin, “but poker isn’t one of them.”
“I can help you work on that if you want,” Kaidan offered, ignoring the ‘Traitor!’ look Lisa sent him.
“And I might take you up on that,” Gabe said, smirking at her. Clearly he had caught the ‘Traitor!’ look.
“I’m feeling ganged-up on,” Lisa groused, still grinning.
Kaidan took pity on her and changed the subject as the server reappeared with their food. Gabe--still smirking--played along. It came out in the ensuing conversation they rooted for the same hockey team, though Kaidan was decidedly less... intense about it, and it was not Lisa’s team of choice.
There was no overlap in movie genre preference between the three of them, which turned into a spirited, good-natured debate that consumed almost a whole hour before Kaidan steered them to a different topic. Lisa gave his shoulder a grateful nudge for that; it was one thing to get stuck in sibling-loggerheads with Gabe when they were sprawled on the couch just shooting the shit. This was different.
All told, it took them almost four hours of friendly conversation--and frequent teasing--to start winding down. Lisa had a sneaking suspicion if she wasn’t the Savior of the Citadel they would have been asked to leave much earlier. The cafe was very busy, despite the damage surrounding it. She made sure to leave the server a large tip when she paid.
Kaidan and Gabe where shaking hands farewell when she rejoined them, Gabe just finishing a comment she didn’t catch that had Kaidan nodding with a small smile.
“Good to know,” he said, darting a glance at her. “And, again, good to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Gabe said, clapping him on the shoulder before he turned to hug Lisa. “Glad I got to see you, Lise.”
“You, too,” she replied, returning the hug with matching fervor. (He still gave the best hugs) “Hopefully we can get together again before going our separate ways, but for now, Alenko an’ I have a meeting to get to.”
“I’ll make sure to bug ya about that,” Gabe promised with a wink.
“I’m sure you will,” Lisa grinned. “See ya round.”
They headed off in their respective directions, and Lisa barely waited until they were safely out of earshot to ask, “What’s good to know?”
“Huh?” Kaidan shot her a bemused look.
“What Gabe said,” she clarified. “Or is that some guy thing I don’t actually wanna know?”
“Oh.” He smiled sheepishly. “Quoting him: Not to pry, but I think you’ll be good for her.”
Lisa huffed and twisted around as if she could glare at Gabe’s back, but he was already lost to view. “He- part of me wants to smack him for meddling in my love life.”
Kaidan hit the elevator call button, a curious smile just tugging at his lips. “And the rest of you?”
The laugh underlying his words nearly undid her. Lisa winked. “The rest of me agrees with him, so I’ll let it slide for now.” She arched a brow at him. “After all, we gotta figure out my love life b’fore I can get mad at him for meddlin’ in it, huh?”
Kaidan chuckled and let her step into the elevator first when it arrived. “Looking forward to it, Shepard. But lets focus on the meeting for now and us later.”
“Right. Later.” She bit her lip to hold back the flutter in her chest at his tone.
They rode in warm silence, hands so close their knuckles brushed, but neither said a word.
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
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“You aren’t the boss of me,” Lisa retorted, bumping her shoulder to his.
He snorted. “Never have been.”
“Yeah, just my friend. My guardian angel.” They were both silent for a long moment, staring at the stars. “Gabe?”
She looked over and caught his eye, all teasing gone. “Thanks.”
It was such a small word for everything it encompassed, but she wasn’t the type for flowery prose. Simple was best.
From the look in his eye, Gabe caught the full depth of her meaning. “You’re welcome.”
I snapped up a spot for @sunshinemage’s Mass Effect OC Bust sale, and took the opportunity to get both Lisa Shepard and her “big brother” Gabe Palléon and now I need to go scream in near-feral delight bc they’re both amazing. 
I have art of Gabe y’all. FINALLLYYYYYY
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