#gabriel gets a machine bf that he can actually beat
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Add-ons: G1 TF where V1 finds out that quite a few Decpticons are guns and with history he will have them. Cue him beating the Decepticons just to steal Megatron from whoever has him at the moment. It’d be easier with the Shockwave friendship for him to convince Shockwave to let V1 use him. Also, him just stealing Soundwave to try and play something like The Fire Is Gone or Take Care is funny, especially if he succeeds. Soundwave hating that he likes some of them would be funny.
Gabriel making people religious is funny, especially if he suddenly drops the fact he killed the Council on them. For the Cybertronians though it’d be like realizing that both Primus and Unicron aren’t the only gods out there and that in the eyes of both V1 and Gabriel God is dead. Anyway, they can compare Gods with Gabriel and learn about them, along with them learning about his status as an angel and the fact he casted judgement on sinners. Anyway cue everyone realizing that if someone is being attacked by Gabriel that they should stay away cause they probably deserve it.
Just realize how intimate it can be to let someone study your body, so thought of Shockwave x V1 and Starscream x V1 because Starscream can be the jealous girlfriend and that’s funny. Shockwave and V1 match each other's freak so between the three Starscream is kinda a third wheel and is salty that his friend/rival won’t leave Shockwave, it also means he can’t do anything to Shockwave. For Starscream and V1 he is jealous because his man is hanging out with someone else, which is fair since they hardly see each other since he actively avoids the Decepticons but he’s right there. It’d be funny if this is what gets Starscream to go back to his roots so he can join the conversations between the two, if V1’s gonna spend time with someone else then he’s inserting himself into the convo.
I made a haha funny for the bit

Gabriel x Starscream is also interesting because of the difference in personality. One of the reasons why I thought of it is because of the difference of care they need, especially with their wings. I just think that learning how to take care of each other in different ways is interesting. Also Starscream only being soft for the angel in private is adorable, let my boy be happy and taken care of.
Imagine being a Cybertronian on the battlefield and seeing the two fight and then suddenly hearing “YOU INSIGNIFICANT FUCK!” And turning to see an angel getting the shit beat out of him from someone you thought was his partner. The two fighting anywhere and everything whenever they have the time is funny, because one minute they could be helping in the war and the next everyone is just collateral for their rematch (Gabriel still loses).
If V2 appears then everyone thinks that they are going to be on the same side only to realize the two hate each other. At first everyone thinks that regardless of which side they take the two are going to be evenly matched only to see V2 get absolutely destroyed. They like V2 when V1 isn’t there, Megatron also wanted V2 when he laid eyes on him but when he saw V1 wreck him he let it go and became even more obsessed with recruiting him. Starscream can very much tell that they have a somewhat similar dynamic like his with Megatron with V2 constantly trying to prove he is superior only to be beaten. Starscream understandably becomes frightened by his friend.
TF Regeneration One but V1 is found on the Ark powered off. Starscream or Shockwave could repair and adjust him so he is restarted and can take Energon or find an alternative way to refuel. This would be a side project to keep their mind off of things and how bad everything had gotten until they ‘revive’ him. I kinda wanna see V1 become like a therapy dog for them, his first instinct is to fight for blood when he awakens but then finds out he doesn’t need blood, it’s an option. He is now stuck on the ship with a trio of depressed ex-soldiers so he might as well learn to have fun. He would be very curious about things and would often stick with someone to figure out how things work, if they do the same thing for a while he’ll wander off.
V1 would probably pry by accident since he has no clue where he is, has never been to space, and has never been tamed for this long. He doesn’t know shit about what happened but that it made the trio sad. V1 just stepping on all the eggshells is both funny and sad because one minute he is messing around and the next he has to hear about Starscream’s enslavement. Ravage is somewhat entertained about it when it’s not happening to him.
So V1 kinda explores, helps when he is needed and eventually asks to spar (he more jumps them and forces them to fight at first before he starts to ask, even then he still sometimes sneak attacks them) to help deal with the boredom. He is probably touch starved since he was made for war and has never touched anyone without a promise of violence so to be treated with no hostility is weird. As soon as he finds out this is a thing he becomes very cuddly, though it’s easier with Ravage since they’re closer in height but he doesn’t put too much effort into finding him whenever he hides. He’d probably help them out a lot since he’s not traumatized and doesn’t care about the war they were a part of but rather what they’re doing.
Don’t know, just like the idea of him in Regeneration One having a family for once and trying to adjust to the new environment without the constant thirst for blood. Anyway this became a rant for Regeneration by accident, I have no more extra thoughts, Starscream is my favorite but both Shockwave and Soundwave are up there. I totally haven't been listening to Linkin Park recently, why do you ask? Anyway bye bye got to shove V1 in other places and others in Transformers. (I’m totally not shoving him and Isaac Clarke into New Vegas what gives you that idea, though I didn’t think about shoving Isaac into TF, might do something about that)
Ultrakill x Tansformers
So, robots. Anyway, here's a Ultrakill x Transformers rant. Keep in mind that the iteration I know more are the movies so that’s the version I will be talking about more. So in this case I’m shoving V1 into Transformers, him and his many weapons that will absolutely destroy whoever he crosses paths with. I’m debating on whether or not to include Gabriel but if I do it will be later.
So something happens, and since the ending hasn’t come out we can probably say that he killed everything in hell, or that just leave it in the air really but oh well. So this dude is either full of blood or empty from a fight and this can change how it starts, along with whether he ends up on Earth or Cybertron. If he ends up on Cybertron then he would only stand out because of how small he is and the fact he doesn’t have an alt, it’s also kinda up in the air on whether he could recover with energon since it doesn’t exist in his world but ultimately it’s up to interpretation. I think he would be a wild card regardless of which version of Transformers he ended up in, if he appeared before the war then he is probably stealing and hiding around, probably by accident with how small he is in comparison. If he ended up there during the start of the war then the sudden deaths and missing energon (cause that’s all he’s got to live on) will be more noticeable and could lead to one or both sides trying to find out what’s happening cause it’s hurting both sides.
There is also the version where he can’t live on energon. If it’s before the war then regardless of how much blood he has in his tank he is still going to run out, so he either hides somewhere and hopes for the best or does run out and gets found. If it’s during the war then there’s the chance he can end up on a ship and be a stowaway before shutting off, either way he is found eventually and the next part can be used for both before and during. When he is found there is a chance of someone trying to activate him again, it’d be hard with how small he is but not impossible but they can either succeed and make him compatible with energon. During the war, there is a chance he can be left unnoticed but this is where we get to the earth part.
Now if he arrives on earth, I say maybe have him appear a little before either side makes it, let him rediscover this version of the world. So this is where I had in mind regarding his fuel level, if he has enough he could think more rationally, he doesn’t need to be refueled as he has a full tank and likely isn’t going to be fighting soon. He can explore while staying hidden and make a game plan until he eventually needs to kill again. If he is running out of blood then either someone’s dying in an alleyway (he could get spotted) or he could just massacre a street of people (he can get caught on camera or leave before anyone spots him).
I want him to be taken before the war arrives on earth because he was made for war, might as well toss him into a version of earth where humanity isn’t dead and toss him into his natural environment. Though not really because there is usually a period of time before a fight breaks out so he probably has to kill in secret to keep him refilled.
So he explores a bit and suddenly the Autobots and Decepticons arrive and bring the war, V1 wants in on the action and the views of both sides are probably similar in some parts. Depending on the version Optimus is concerned to put it lightly though if we are talking about the movies then in the later ones he would probably try to kill V1 or try to recruit him because that man is spiraling. I think most of the time he’d be curious but V1 wouldn’t be their main priority unless he makes it so the Autobots are likely civil, disturbed about the blood and death caused by his hands, but still civil. They would rather not have V1 as their enemy.
Decepticons wouldn’t be as disturbed as the Autobots are but that doesn’t stop them from cringing at the carnage the tiny bot can do. Unlike Optimus who probably would let V1 be, Megatron would actively try to recruit him into their forces. He is a machine made for war, to fight something far larger than him and has proven it time again by slaying soldiers from both sides, he doesn’t care, only that there is carnage. So Megatron would try to recruit him, maybe he tries at first by sending Starscream, the tiny bot has wings, maybe he’s a seeker, except Starscream barely escapes alive. He thinks of everything to get the tiny machine to join, he’s tiny, Soundwaves cassettes are roughly his size, maybe they can convince him (Soundwave barely held himself back from killing both Megatron and V1), one eye? Shockwave, try to relate! Surprisingly enough the two had a pleasant conversation, no one knows what they talked about but it ended up being a failure.
Megatron would throw anything and everything into trying to get V1, he even talked to him himself! But I think it probably annoyed him more than anything, this would likely result in him attacking the Decepticons (Megatron) more often with each failed attempt and he still refuses to take a hint. The Autobots are just glad they haven't pissed V1 off to warrant the same treatment, if they did the war would end with V1 on top.
I won’t say much on the humans but that Sam would start crying himself asleep with all that happens in his life, dawg just wanted the girl before everything went down. What I will talk about is who he’d get along with.
As previously stated, V1 and Shockwave would get along, the two don’t really care about anything, V1 just wants fuel to live and doesn’t care where it comes from and Shockwave does whatever is logical. The conversation they had was mainly about their respective situation, V1 told him how he took down hell and how blood is his fuel and Shockwave tells him about Megatron's intentions and how he knows it won’t work. When he is told about V1’s condition he lingers on it for a while before offering a possible solution, he knows V1 won’t join but if he ever does he could (try to) fix his fuel situation. The image of the two of them silently judging everyone is hilarious to me. Part of me really wants everyone to think Shockwave is following Soundwave’s example with the cassettes, V1 just appearing around Shockwave exclusively, no one knows how it happens (V1 is just hanging on his back like a gremlin).
I feel like based on the last paragraph the only one V1 would be down to fight with or actively seek out would be Shockwave, his love language is violence, he will fight both with and against him. I feel like Shockwave’s way to show the closest thing to affection would be him actually finding a way around V1’s need for blood and probably installing the new system in so he wouldn’t need to only rely on blood. I feel like maybe to show that they respect each other's interests that maybe V1 lets Shockwave study him while Shockwave practices combat with V1, maybe neither of them really push the other into things they don’t want to because they get each other with their own respective one-track mindsets.
If we go with the Shockwave and V1 friendship, we can go with the little rumor thing to reach Soundwave and the cassettes, he likely wouldn’t believe it so it’d be up to the cassettes to actually check it out, minus whichever ones were sent by Megatron to recruit him. I feel like Soundwave wouldn’t like V1 because he harmed his cassettes but the dude is so small and an absolute menace, he is now also protected by Shockwave and desired by Megatron so he can’t do anything. If Soundwave grows to like him he will be fighting Shockwave for custody (It’s one sided but Soundwave is still losing).
Those two are the only ones I can think of right now because I’m going to do the Gabriel version. So the start is different because now V1 isn’t alone and has his boyfriend (He is gonna kill him) so wherever he starts and regardless of the state Gabriel is tagging along and it affects everything. If they end up on Cybertron then they have to hide, the only way for V1 to refuel would be to rely on Gabriel, they’d be hiding and the only one who could get information would have to be V1 who, as I’ve kept mentioning, is very small. It would be harder to hide with Gabriel in the middle of the war because the dude fucking glows so the nightlight needs to turn off. If it’s earth then the image of a (bloody) Angel and War Machine would terrify the humans so they are kinda hiding.
The thing with Gabriel is that he is a fucking angel so it kinda changes the direction the story could go so they’d likely help the Autobots more. I do think the two would be neutral for the most part but Gabriel would prefer the Autobots but will fight them when he feels it’s needed. I also like to imagine him straight up destroying Optimus in a fight, in this case I’m thinking of the movies with how unhinged he gets.
I think everyone would be confused with the duo as one is a killing machine and the other is an angel, both look similar to either themselves or humans but they are neither. I think some would be curious of them since nothing like them exists, and if they get along then they get even more confused because is this normal where you come from? No? Then why the hell are you two getting along? I think many would want to see what Gabriel can do since all the humans they know don’t have any wings or wear any armor but he would remove it so no one knows what he looks under it. They’d be curious because he kinda looks like he could be a Cybertronian but he isn’t, he can’t even transform but he beats the hell out of so easily, like the war they have been fighting for who knows how long now is nothing but practice.
I think human wise things change a little because if it’s just V1 then if he’s spotted then they’d try to contain and study him, he appears before them and spotted then governments know that there is something out there and want it for themselves. If he is spotted after they appear then the government would think that V1 is another that is closer to their height, they’d likely try to make him join the Autobots if they work with them or in some iterations then they would try to kill him or use him against both factions. With Gabriel if one is spotted then they’re both in trouble, same thing applies here but if Gabriel is spotted then many are going to be questioning the existence of God if it’s a civilian. While it would happen within governments this universe will or already has shown that there are many things out there so an angel isn’t too far fetched. If Gabriel and V1 are found before they arrive and it was by the public then I think many religious people would fight the government if they tried to capture him and start a whole new problem so now there are two civil wars going on. Honestly I am just here for the chaos but I think everyone who’d try to capture either of them couldn’t do it since they are both perfectly capable at handling themselves but can rely on the other so they will wreck everyone’s shit.
I would like it to be known that the original thought process from the paragraphs came from me imagining the human companions' reactions at seeing Gabriel and like to think that the younger ones like asking the two questions (maybe it becomes another reason that they tend to prefer the Autobots).
I didn’t mention this earlier cause I wanted to think of something with Gabriel as well but I think the two would get along with the seekers. Yes, this is a reason for me to talk about Starscream. How did you know? Anyway, I just think the idea of these two being faster and stronger than him would piss him off, especially since Megatron really wants V1 and keeps sending him to recruit him. I just like the thought of them challenging each other or having V1 accidentally teach him. I say this because V1 is a wild card, he’s fast and efficient and has experience fighting creatures they wouldn’t imagine so he would have a completely different style and moves from anything they’re familiar with. I feel like this kinda stimulates Starscream's mind and occupies it as he no longer focuses as much on trying to kill Megatron but how to counter V1 and finally beat him. Starscream would have someone that challenges him and V1 would have someone to look forward to fighting as the other learns. That and I want to see Starscream get upset as they’re fights of recruitment turn into sparring and playful competitions. Though I don’t think Starscream would ever admit, not even to himself, that they are friends but V1 has no issue and is very willing to kill Megatron if he tries anything that may prevent their sparring.
Now to the Gabriel part which is pretty much the same as V1 but I think Gabriel would teach him more on purpose unlike V1. Maybe he can help Starscream with a redemption arc or help him kill Megatron because that is not what a leader should do. I don’t think the two would be as friendly as V1 and Starscream but I think the two would be on decent terms, while Starscream is prideful he is smart, he adapts and grows stronger each time the two fight and despite how he is treated by Megatron sometimes he still sticks to the cause. Gabriel would respect him more than some Decepticons but is still willing to kill him if he crosses the line, he will guide him and nothing more. I was originally gonna write more Starscream and Gabriel than Starscream and V1 but I guess my brain prefers seeing Starscream getting his ass kicked for funsies.
Point is, V1 can get his blood and be the war machine he was made to be, shenanigans can ensue, Shockwave and V1 would be terrifying together, Megatron is never getting V1, Starscream gets bullied but doesn’t even care at this point, and both Gabriel and V1 would absolutely turn any iteration of Transformers on it’s head and could probably end the war by themselves.
Edit: didn’t think about it until now but V1 thinking of the Primes in TF as their equivalent of Primes in Ultrakill (too lazy to write their names) is funny to me so he’s just constantly trying to kill Optimus to get another under his belt lol.
#crossover#ultrakill#v1 ultrakill#gabriel ultrakill#transformers#starscream#shockwave#soundwave#megatron#optimus prime#v2 ultrakill#transformers regeneration one#crossover ship#i guess but it was mostly cause starscream being the jealous type is funny#does ravage count? i hardly mentioned him#ravage#fuck it he counts#gabriel gets a machine bf that he can actually beat
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