#gabor bot
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glassprism · 10 months ago
Hi! Could you please name some of the oldest actors to have played Raoul?
I think Gabor Bot and Zsolt Homonnay were probably the oldest, at age 51 or 52 when they finally left the Budapest cast (they had been doing the role on and off for 20 years at that point). After them would probably be Fred Silveira when he was in the Sao Paulo revival, at 47 (he was also understudying the Phantom in that production), and then possibly Tero Harjunniemi, who was 45 when he played Raoul in the Helsinki production.
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jaysheartbreakdiary · 25 days ago
Lucien Vouillamoz
Ach heute bin ich nach Lausanen. Ich hatte vor einem Monat die aufschlussreiche Idee nach Lausanne zu ziehen. Dann habe ich Milos kennengelernt und bin mir nun nicht ganz so sicher.
Nun von Anfang an.
A mein Cheff erlaubte mir zur Probearbeit einen Tag nach Lausanne zu gehen. Ich stieg heute also um circa 07:00 In den Zug richtung Lausanne. Mein Ticket (293.-) hat mir mein Arbeitsgeber bezahlt. Sogar erste Klasse. Eines Tages möchte ich ein 1. Klasse GA besitze. Hier hat man seine Ruhe. Hört sich hochnässig an - ist es auch.
Bereits als ich den Gang mit den 6 Plätzer Kabinen sah, spürte ich, dass hier wichtige Leute sitzen. Ich nahm in einer Kabine - die mittlere Platz. Vor mir ganz am Fenster sass ein etwas älterer Mann mit seinem Laptopo aufgeklappt. Ich sass auf der anderen Seite ganz am Rand und trank meinen Caramell Machiatto. Der Mann sah immer mal wieder rüber. Ich wusste jedoch, dass dies nicht die eindrückliche Begegnung des Tages war...
SItzend las ich in meinem Buch "Wenn der Körper Nein sagt" von Gabor Maté. Am Hauptbahnhof stieg der ältere Mann aus.
20 Sekunde später stand ein Weissharig, ein bisschen wie ein spanischer Hippie Künstler, mit styilsicherem Auftretenden und in Marken gekleideter Mann am Eingagn der Kabine. "Grüezi" sagte er. "Ist hier reserviert?" lachte er und Zeigte auf mein Lesezeichen - Eine Ikone von Jesus, diese jedoch umgekehrt. Er sah also nur das kyrislisch geschriebene auf der Rückseite. "nein, nein das ist nur ein Lesezeichen" lachte ich den Mann an. "Setzen Sie sich nur" bot ich ihm an. Dies tat er auch. Zuerst zog er die dicke Winterjacke und dann seine vintage ausehnde Lederjacke aus und stellte sie mit Bedacht auf das obere Ablagefach über den Sitzen der Kabine.
Nun sass er da und nahm seinen Birchermüsli aus den Sprünglisack.
"En Guete" wünscht ich ihm.
"Wohin gehen sie?" Fragte er mich auf Hochdeutsch mit einem mir noch unklaren akzent.
"Nach Lausanne für die Arbeit" antwortet ich dem Mann welcher mein Interesse geweckt hat "und Sie?" fragte ich ihn.
"Nach Neuchatel, wo arbeiten Sie denn?" fragte er nebenbei.
"Bei der MBank und Sie?" ging die Konversation weiter.
"Was tun Sie denn bei der MBank, Ich bin Unternehmer?"
Ich versuchte ihm meine unbedeutende Arbeit zu erklären ohne selber genauer zu wissen was ich eigendlich tue. "Privatkundenberaterin, Outbound" sage ich unsicher.
Fast schon kichernd antwortet er mir "Die MBank ist aber nicht im PrivateBanking tätig, ich habe dort glaub ich auch Konten"
"Ach neinnein - ich meinte damit für Privatkunden - Nicht das Privat Banking so wie sie das meinten"
Er glaubte zuerst ich arbeite bei den grossen Privatbanken von Zürich. Nun lehte er sich zurück und fragte mich ob ich Geschwister habe, was ich vorhaben, was meine Ziele sind. Ich antworte ihm kurz und knapp und will nach seinem Lebenslauf fragen.
Er hat 8 Firmen, war Wissenschaftler, packte eines Tages seine sieben Sache und ging nach Uruguay.
Seine Eltern sind strenge Katholiken. Aufgewachsen ist er ungläubig. er hielt nichts von Religion. Er nannte mir ein Wort welches ich bereits schonmal gehört habe jedoch nicht direkt zuordnen konnte. Habs gegoogleet - agnostisch war er.
Er lernte eine protestantin kennen welche ihn für religion begeisterte. Er erklärte mir dies so: "Sie war glücklich, ich war es nicht" Nun suchte er also eine Religionslehre. Er erklärte mir, dass Menschen welche an der Uni Theologie studieren, ungläubig werden und daher eine "Bible School" von Gläubigen suchte. Er und seine Frau verkauften also alles und gingen ohne nicht nach Uruguay um über die Bibel zu lernen.
Dort befasste er sich intennsiv mit der Religion ( Er nannte mir doch nicht welche) Zu dem Zeitpunkt hörte ich ihm begeister tzu und dahcte dies ist ein Zeichen Gottes, dass sich dieser Mann zu mich setzte.
Nach einiger Zeit in Uruguay also merkte er er müsse Geld anschaffen für die Familie. Er ging nicht sehr ins Detail. Zuerst verkaufte er dies. Dann das. Dann bekahm er Patente für dies- und dann das und so kahm alles. Er hat eine Firma mit Uhren welche aus Flüssigkeit ticken und auch ein Aparat um Blut abzunehmen können in der Apotheke.
Er Fragte mich über meine Passionen aus und ich fühlte mich dumm. er sagte mir ich soll meine Kunst verfolgen. Er sagte in der Schweiz sei niemand arm. Ich merkte schnell, dass er nicht von nichts kahm.
Er hatte Connections was er auch zugab. Er sagte mann soll nicht den Erfolg als Motivation sehen und nicht das Geld. Und er sagte in hinsicht auf Liebe sollte man keine Kompromisse unter seinem Wert maychen.
All diese Dinge begiesterten mich. Ich sah den Mann begeistert an und verabschiedete mich von dem sehr Einflussreichen Mann als er in Neuchatel ausstieg.
Kopfschmerzen plagten mich. Ich wollte alles stehenn undliegen lassen und habe Kunsschule gegooglet.
Der Mann riet mich meine Träume zu verfolgen.
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marleneoftheopera · 2 years ago
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Not sure if these have ever been shared before? Photos from the Hungarian production.
The actors should be Sandor Sasvari (Phantom), Barbara Fonyó and Andrea Mahó (Christine), and Gábor Bot and Zsolt Homonnay (Raoul).
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andrewlloydwebber · 2 years ago
I didn't realize the Hungarian production had kept the same cast for that long. Thats a really long time to play any role but I guess they must have loved it!
Almost 20 years (minus a year off for covid) does make them some of the longest running Christine and Raoul actors in terms of years. However, it's not like they were doing 8 shows a week every week this whole time. The theatre that they perform at is a repertory company, so Phantom is performed for a couple weeks here and there, multiple times a year. So they actually celebrated their 900th performance recently, which adds up to about 50 performances of the show per year since they did not perform from March 2020-March 2021. So basically the Christines did "only" about 25 performances a year, so definitely not as much fatigue or burnout or boredom as an actor doing 8 shows a week. Still pretty cool!!! I believe Barbara Fonyo is the oldest Christine in any production at age 50, Renata Krassy is 47, Andrea Maho is 43, Zsolt Hommanay and Gabor Bot are 51.
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gdbot · 5 years ago
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Tuscany From AboveBudapest-based photographer Gabor Nagy spent a... https://ift.tt/2As2yD1 Telegram Design Bot > https://t.me/gdesignbot
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racingtoaredlight · 4 years ago
Larry Coryell
At this point, Danny Gatton has been called “the most underrated guitarist of all time” so much, and been so covered after his death, it’s really hard to call him underrated anymore.  Now...Larry Coryell?...different story.
If there’s a guitarist I can think of that deserves that title, it’s Coryell.  He came to prominence at the same time as guitar gods John McLaughlin, Al DiMeola and a bunch of others at the onset of the fusion boom.  The difference between McLaughlin, DiMeola and Coryell is that Coryell as an absolute monster in traditional jazz styles as well as fusion.
Technique?  He was right there next to those guys.  Improvisational vocabulary?  Neck and neck with those freaks.  The only place where Coryell took a backseat was in popularity...probably due to the fact that he’s a truly nice dude who seems uncomfortable in the spotlight (off stage that is).
He’s one of my dad’s all-time favorite guitarists, and he took me to see Coryell sometime in the early 2000′s, where I walked up after the set and ended up chatting with my dad’s hero for 10 minutes about guitars and scales and stuff.  Great memory of the recently passed Coryell and great memory with my dad.
***quasi-HT to BOTS...Coryell played with Gabor Szabo back in the day, and if BOTS wasn’t on a Szabo kick, I never would’ve gotten back into Coryell.
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jel815 · 4 years ago
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Clever, Enchanting, retelling of a classic favorite.
Maybelle is a mechanic. She fixes bots on Rove City. It is the most important thing in her life next to her two sisters. So when her wayward father is missing. She takes it upon herself to take care of them until her father comes back. Which he doesn't for a week. Maybelle is concerned for her father and attempts to take her bosses spaceship to go looking for him only to be found out by Garbor. Gabor wants Maybelle b/c she is the only woman who ignores him. Maybelle ignores him b/c he is rude, vain, and selfish. Maybelle tells Gabor she will think over his offer and leaves. She lands on a planet to find her father is the captive of volatile cyborg Amarok and his sister. It is his punishment for stealing from Amarok. Amarok makes a deal with Maybelle's father for Maybelle to take his place for three days b/c he needs her for a project. Maybelle reluctantly agrees and begins her three days with the temperamental, angry, unpredictable Cyborg. This book was short and sweet. I've read many versions of Beauty and the Beast and this is my favorite. It was Beauty and the Beast (Star Wars style) lol. Well-written and fast-paced. I loved the many different bots she works on and their personalities. I took one-star off b/c I thought the ending was ant-climatic. I wanted more to happen between Amarok and Maybelle. Maybe a little kiss? But that's just me. Lol. Anyway, I loved it and will be looking out for more books by this author. I received a complimentary copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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abigailswager · 5 years ago
Bitcoin Trading Bucks Trend at Bakkt as Futures Hit $42.5M Record High
New Post has been published on https://dailybitcoinupdates.com/bitcoin-trading-bucks-trend-at-bakkt-as-futures-hit-42-5m-record-high/
Bitcoin Trading Bucks Trend at Bakkt as Futures Hit $42.5M Record High
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Bitcoin (BTC) institutional trading platform Bakkt has set another giant new record for its futures contracts, topping 5,600 BTC on the day.
As the company confirmed on Twitter, Nov. 27 saw a fresh all-time volume high for Bakkt’s monthly Bitcoin futures. During the session, Bakkt reported 4,443 BTC traded — over 60% higher than its previous record.
Bakkt doubles Bitcoin futures record
Subsequently, non-affiliated monitoring resource Bakkt Bot counted an even higher total for the day — 5,671 BTC ($42.5 million).
According to Bakkt Bot, the previous record in dollar terms was $20.3 million Nov. 22, making Wednesday’s achievement 109% higher.
In total, Bakkt’s monthly futures have now traded for two months, having previously attracted attention for unexpectedly low volumes.
More recently, a Bitcoin custody solution has begun operations, while new financial products are set to follow next month.
“We look forward to building on this momentum as we approach the launch of the Bakkt Bitcoin Options contracts on Dec 9th,” staff added while announcing the progress.
What bear market?
Interest in Bakkt currently contrasts with the overall market sentiment in Bitcoin, which has fallen considerably against the dollar in recent weeks.
As Cointelegraph reported, one analyst considers investors were spooked by a fresh assault on exchanges from China, exiting their positions to buy back in at lower prices.
A subsequent liquidity squeeze could be compounding the selling pressure, VanEck executive Gabor Gurbacs added.
Meanwhile, a recent report from exchange Binance, which also offers futures, revealed over 90% of institutional investors choose to store their coins with trusted third parties.
Bakkt trades $42.5M in Bitcoin futures in a single day
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 5 years ago
5 Reasons Why Bitcoin Price is Crashing Right Now
Bitcoin price first dipped a toe under the $9,000 mark, then went on to erase profit positions gained since the dramatic rally at the end of October. The slide took BTC to $8,780.84 as of 15:25 GMT on Friday, with plenty of leeways to drop as the weekend hovered with lower volumes. Here are five reasons why this happened. 
Bitcoin Whales Calling Quits
Crypto exchanges saw outflows in the past days, with no new serious tranches of either BTC or Tether (USDT). The recent dump, based on order books, seems to be a capitulation and a selling pressure, to realize partial profits from the recent bitcoin price rally. Previously, whale watching bots noted a series of large-scale transactions of coins to exchanges, lying in wait for potential selling.
#Bitcoin order books look out of balance now to the bearish side. Don't forget, momentum can snap back quickly. pic.twitter.com/LKeNcssl34
— Gabor Gurbacs (@gaborgurbacs) November 8, 2019
Order books reveal a pattern of selling pressures coming in from large-scale BTC traders. At this point, the selling momentum may see its tide turned at any moment, but for the time being, Bitcoin price seems solidly pressured at least to the $8,800 level.
On-Chain Metrics Point to Sluggish BTC Usage
Bitcoin transactions became almost languid in the past week, as price stagnated. Low activity suggests that most coins lay dormant, and there was no possibility for explosive price action. On-chain Bitcoin transactions and their value can indicate preparation for serious trading volumes. This week’s on-chain BTC metrics indicate that the benchmark crypto wasn’t in a mood to galvanize.
1/ This week's #onchain market observations:
Core #Bitcoin on-chain metrics are at monthly lows (adjusted transaction volume, exchange inflows, active addresses).
Healthier levels are required to set the stage for the next bull market.https://t.co/Otgo2bPILp pic.twitter.com/9Q9zkWCRxP
— glassnode (@glassnode) November 8, 2019
Bitcoin is one such cryptocurrency, which has a strong correlation between price and on-chain transactions, and the current metrics are not matching the expectations for a bull market. This, as with others, can be altered at any moment. But the buildup of slow coin movements ended in Friday’s sell-off.
Bakkt Action Picking Up
The Bakkt Bitcoin futures exchange saw a piling up of activity in the past day. Trading accelerated, with numbers approaching the 1,000 BTC record mark within 24 hours. This is still small compared to the overall crypto market volumes, but the Bakkt’s price discovery process has the potential to affect ongoing BTC sentiment.
∙ Today's volume so far: 970 BTC ($8,419,600) ∙ Last traded price: $8,680 ∙ Trading day progress: 34% ∙ Current daily Bakktarget
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: 2027 BTC ($17,594,962)
— Bakkt Volume Bot (@BakktBot) November 8, 2019
 Bitcoin Price Stepping into Dangerous Territory
Bitcoin prices moved into somewhat dangerous territory, charting a “death cross” of moving averages. This situation further returned traders to bearish attitudes.
$BTC Death & Golden Cross
Don't know why nobody is talking about it, but #Bitcoin death-crossed on the daily, the last time it happened was around March 2018. After the death-cross we had a significant drop in price. After the golden cross in April 2019 a significant price jump. pic.twitter.com/ImUF6L5F1Z
— ₿itcoin Catz
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cryptominingbro · 5 years ago
Основные причины, почему цена Bitcoin (BTC) выросла на 40%
Основные причины, почему цена Bitcoin (BTC) выросла на 40%
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Рынки Bitcoin (BTC) и криптовалют вцелом были в огне в течение последних двенадцати часов или около того. Вливание наличными в размере 55 млрд. Долл. США вывело их из депрессивного состояния в одном из крупнейших пампов в новейшей истории. Crypto Twitter радуется движению, которое в значительной степени сводилось к комментариям одного влиятельного человека.
"symbol": "COINBASE:BTCUSD", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "locale": "ru", "dateRange": "12m", "colorTheme": "light", "trendLineColor": "#37a6ef", "underLineColor": "#e3f2fd", "isTransparent": false, "autosize": true, "largeChartUrl": ""
На этот раз вчера цена Bitcoin упала до $ 7450, снизившись на 9% за неделю. Стопка медвежьих технических индикаторов создала определенные предсказания. Затем президент Китая сделал очень оптимистичное заявление о технологии, на которой построен BTC. Это отправило биткойн обратно в пять цифр.
По данным Tradingview.com, BTC превысил чуть более 10 300 долларов, что соответствует внутридневному приросту около 38%. С тех пор он откатился назад во время азиатских торгов и в настоящее время находится на уровне +- $9563.05  что все еще является приростом эпических масштабов.
По словам трейдера и аналитика Алекса Крюгера, это был четвертый по величине выигрыш в истории и монументальный шаг, который превзошел даже результаты конца 2017 года.
4-й по величине прирост в истории и самый большой с мая / 10/2011 (если сравнивать с ежедневными доходами). 15-й крупнейший двухдневный прирост в истории, 18 ноября 2013 г.
$BTC has moved +42% today
— 4th largest gain in history and largest since May/10/2011 (if comparing against daily returns).
— 15th largest two-day gain in history, Nov/18/2013.
Thank you China.
President Xi is the true Crypto Dad.
— Alex Krüger (@krugermacro) October 26, 2019
С возвращением цен на сентябрьские уровни появилась новая надежда на то, что нисходящий тренд развернулся и ралли, начавшееся ранее в этом году, может возобновиться.
Помимо президента Си Цзиньпина, заявившего : «Мы должны воспринимать блокчейн как важный прорыв для независимых инноваций основных технологий», существует несколько других факторов, которые привели к движению.
Как отметил директор VanEck Габор Гурбач, вчера фьючерсы на CME истекли, и арест генерального директора Crypto Capital может стать хорошим результатом для бирж, возвращающих часть своих потерянных средств.
3 reasons why #Bitcoin surged today: > CME Bitcoin futures expired today (4PM London time, last Friday of the month).
> President Xi Jinping supports blockchain in China.
> Crypto Capital CEO arrested. Exchanges, such as Bitfinex, may get some of the seized 850 million back.
— Gabor Gurbacs (@gaborgurbacs) October 25, 2019
Добавьте к этому недавнее выступление Bakkt, которое только что достигло рекордного уровня для фьючерсных контрактов, и у вас есть четыре причины, почему биткойн вырос. Рекордный уровень более 1100 BTC является новым максимумом для Bakkt, который также объявил, что он будет запускать опционы на Bitcoin 9 декабря 2019 года.
∙ Today’s volume so far: 1131 BTC ∙ Last traded price: $8,622.50 ∙ Trading day progress: 54% (if this continues: 100% equals to 2095 BTC)
— Bakkt Volume Bot (@BakktBot) October 25, 2019
Биткойн снова стал явным драйвером для криптовалют. Масштабный шаг привел к тому, что 55 миллиардов долларов вернулись в его пространство, что привело к общей рыночной капитализации свыше 250 миллиардов долларов.
Ethereum подскочил на 15%, приблизившись к 190 долларам, в то время как XRP, наконец, преодолел барьер сопротивления 0,30 доллара, поднявшись на 9%. BCH и BSV резко выросли с 25% за акцию, в то время как Litecoin + 60 $, прибавив 18%. EOS, BNB, Tron , Monero, Huobi Token, Dash и NEO — все получили устойчивые двузначные выигрыши.
Начался ли еще один крупный крипто ралли? Добавьте свои мысли ниже.
Не пропустите наши обзоры кошельков для Bitcoin и других криптовалют
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michaelbennettcrypto · 5 years ago
Bitcoin Price Tapped $10,600 in Fourth Largest Bull Move Ever
For now, Bitcoin (BTC) bulls seem to have decimated the bears. As of the time of writing this article, the leading cryptocurrency is at $9,800 — up over $2,500, some 38%, in the past 36 hours. This is around $800 short of the daily high of $10,600.
This rally has gotten so out of hand that BitMEXRekt, a Twitter bot dedicated to updating Crypto Twitter to liquidations on its namesake platform, has crashed.
Related Reading: Bitcoin Price Rips Past $9,000, Now Up 20% On the Day
Bitcoin Up 40% on the Day
According to Alex Kruger, Bitcoin, as the time of his tweet, was up 42% on the day. This purportedly represents the asset’s fourth-largest gain in its history, and the largest since May 10th, 2011.
$BTC has moved +42% today
– 4th largest gain in history and largest since May/10/2011 (if comparing against daily returns).
– 15th largest two-day gain in history, Nov/18/2013.
Thank you China.
President Xi is the true Crypto Dad.
— Alex Krüger (@krugermacro) October 26, 2019
So, what caused this move?
The seeming catalysts vary from analyst to analyst.
But according to Gabor Gurbacs, who summarized the narratives well, there are three reasons why Bitcoin surged: 1) the latest CME’s Bitcoin futures contract expired, something that has traditionally led to volatility, often in the upward direction; 2) President Xi Jinping of China revealed that he supports the development and adoption of blockchain technologies in China; and lastly 3) the chief executive of Crypto Capital, a firm offering financial services to industry companies including Bitfinex, was arrested, which Gurbarcs claims will allow clients of the firm to “get some of [their] seized [money] back.”
3 reasons why #Bitcoin surged today: > CME Bitcoin futures expired today (4PM London time, last Friday of the month).
> President Xi Jinping supports blockchain in China.
> Crypto Capital CEO arrested. Exchanges, such as Bitfinex, may get some of the seized 850 million back.
— Gabor Gurbacs (@gaborgurbacs) October 25, 2019
Related Reading: Bitcoin Macro Bullish After Transferring $11 Trillion in Wealth Over Past Decade
Slight Reversal Possible
While this is move is undeniably bullish, some are starting to expect a pullback. Popular analyst Nunya Bizniz pointed out that Bitcoin’s latest four-hour candle, which reached as high as $10,600 on BitMEX, is a “perfected Tom Demark Sequential 9.”
Bizniz notes that “a TD 9 typically indicates trend exhaustion,” implying that there may be some stagnation or a healthy pullback before a resumption of the uptrend.
Indeed. He added that according to Tone Vays’ take on the indicator, “we may see a one to four candle pullback (four to 16 hours) and then resume up.”
BTC 4hr:
Current candle is a perfected TD9.
A TD9 typically indicates trend exhaustion.
However, It has occurred well above the TDST line (red dots). Which is a signal that the trend may continue.
According to @ToneVays we may see a 1 to 4 candle pull back and then resume up. pic.twitter.com/BgtybbvcBi
— Nunya Bizniz (@Pladizow) October 26, 2019
Featured Image from Shutterstock
The post Bitcoin Price Tapped $10,600 in Fourth Largest Bull Move Ever appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/362UX9b via IFTTT
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glassprism · 2 years ago
Who are the oldest performers to have played Raoul?
I want to say one of the oldest is Fred Silveira, who was 47 when he starred as Raoul in the Brazil revival (where he also understudied the Phantom). Apparently Rob Pitcher and Tero Harjunniemi were also fairly old, in their 40s. Rob Pitcher understudied Raoul and the Phantom in several productions, with his last stint as Raoul being in Hamburg, I believe (he was in Oberhausen after that, but I don't think he was Raoul for that). Tero Harjunniemi was in the Finnish non-replica.
Though I'll admit, I do wonder about some of the Broadway understudies still playing Raoul, particularly Jeremy Stolle and Greg Mills. While I don't know if they've beaten Fred Silveira yet, I'm pretty sure both have been at it for over a decade, since 2007-2008 or thereabouts - 14 or 15 years now. Even if they started when they were 25 or so, that means they'll be hitting 40 soon. EDIT: Stolle is apparently 46 and Greg Mills is 47 (see comments below). Jason Forbach was also in his 40s and John Martin Bengtsson was 44 when he last understudied Raoul in Copenhagen. He may not have done the role there, but he definitely did the year before in Gothenburg.
EDIT: @ballerinadellamusica replied:
I think these Hungarian Raouls could take the oldest title: Zsolt Homonnay - 51 Gabor Bot - 51 Still performing as of July 2022
@andrewlloydwebber replied:
An article about Greg Mills says he graduated college in 1997… making him roughly 47 now
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brettzjacksonblog · 5 years ago
Bitcoin Price Tapped $10,600 in Fourth Largest Bull Move Ever
For now, Bitcoin (BTC) bulls seem to have decimated the bears. As of the time of writing this article, the leading cryptocurrency is at $9,800 — up over $2,500, some 38%, in the past 36 hours. This is around $800 short of the daily high of $10,600.
This rally has gotten so out of hand that BitMEXRekt, a Twitter bot dedicated to updating Crypto Twitter to liquidations on its namesake platform, has crashed.
Related Reading: Bitcoin Price Rips Past $9,000, Now Up 20% On the Day
Bitcoin Up 40% on the Day
According to Alex Kruger, Bitcoin, as the time of his tweet, was up 42% on the day. This purportedly represents the asset’s fourth-largest gain in its history, and the largest since May 10th, 2011.
$BTC has moved +42% today
– 4th largest gain in history and largest since May/10/2011 (if comparing against daily returns).
– 15th largest two-day gain in history, Nov/18/2013.
Thank you China.
President Xi is the true Crypto Dad.
— Alex Krüger (@krugermacro) October 26, 2019
So, what caused this move?
The seeming catalysts vary from analyst to analyst.
But according to Gabor Gurbacs, who summarized the narratives well, there are three reasons why Bitcoin surged: 1) the latest CME’s Bitcoin futures contract expired, something that has traditionally led to volatility, often in the upward direction; 2) President Xi Jinping of China revealed that he supports the development and adoption of blockchain technologies in China; and lastly 3) the chief executive of Crypto Capital, a firm offering financial services to industry companies including Bitfinex, was arrested, which Gurbarcs claims will allow clients of the firm to “get some of [their] seized [money] back.”
3 reasons why #Bitcoin surged today: > CME Bitcoin futures expired today (4PM London time, last Friday of the month).
> President Xi Jinping supports blockchain in China.
> Crypto Capital CEO arrested. Exchanges, such as Bitfinex, may get some of the seized 850 million back.
— Gabor Gurbacs (@gaborgurbacs) October 25, 2019
Related Reading: Bitcoin Macro Bullish After Transferring $11 Trillion in Wealth Over Past Decade
Slight Reversal Possible
While this is move is undeniably bullish, some are starting to expect a pullback. Popular analyst Nunya Bizniz pointed out that Bitcoin’s latest four-hour candle, which reached as high as $10,600 on BitMEX, is a “perfected Tom Demark Sequential 9.”
Bizniz notes that “a TD 9 typically indicates trend exhaustion,” implying that there may be some stagnation or a healthy pullback before a resumption of the uptrend.
Indeed. He added that according to Tone Vays’ take on the indicator, “we may see a one to four candle pullback (four to 16 hours) and then resume up.”
BTC 4hr:
Current candle is a perfected TD9.
A TD9 typically indicates trend exhaustion.
However, It has occurred well above the TDST line (red dots). Which is a signal that the trend may continue.
According to @ToneVays we may see a 1 to 4 candle pull back and then resume up. pic.twitter.com/BgtybbvcBi
— Nunya Bizniz (@Pladizow) October 26, 2019
Featured Image from Shutterstock
The post Bitcoin Price Tapped $10,600 in Fourth Largest Bull Move Ever appeared first on NewsBTC.
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marleneoftheopera · 5 years ago
Hiya! I was born in 2003 so I don’t really know what was going on with POTO at that time. Do you know maybe what productions were open? Or the casts? I would love to know what was going on when I was born haha.
Hello! Because I myself was 3/4 at the time, I’m going to use this list. It’s pretty accurate. And in case you have any other questions about any other years, they will most likely be on here. The productions and casts were:
London: John Owen Jones, Celia Graham (Nicky Adams), Niklas Andersson, Richard Hazell, Robert Irons, Nan Christie, Liz Robertson, Jeremy Seconb, Hayley Driscoll
London: John Owen Jones, Katie Knight-Adams (Nicky Adams), Ramin Karimloo, Richard Hazell, Sam Hiller, Judith Gardner Jones, Heather Jackson, Jim Heath, Heidi Ann O'Brien
Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sandra Joseph (Julie Hanson), John Cudia, George Lee Andrews, Jeff Keller, Patricia Phillips, Marilyn Caskey, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Heather McFadden
US Tour: Brad Little, Julie Hanson/Rebecca Pitcher (Marni Raab), Tim Martin Gleason, David Cryer, DC Anderson, Kim Stengel, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, ?, Erin Sacks
US Tour: Brad Little, Lisa Vroman (Marni Raab), Tim Martin Gleason, David Cryer, DC Anderson, Kim Stengel, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, Frederic Heringes, Kate Wray. 
Copenhagen: Peter Jorde/Preben Kristensen, Viktoria Krantz/Agnete Munk Rasmussen, Tomas Ambt Kofod, Carl Christian Rasmussen, Kristian Boland, Eva Malmgren/Karin Fridh, Eline Denice Riisager, Marc Clear, Anna Grönros
Stuttgart: Ian Jon Bourg (Thomas Schulze), Janine Kitzen (Maike Switzer), Michael Shawn Lewis, Marko Woytowicz, Ernst van Looy, Barbara Gray Nystrom (Tanya Vaneeta Newman), Gabriele Ramm, Marcello Ronchietto, Laura Glew
Japan: There were two stops in Kyoto and Fukuoka, but no cast info
Hungary: Sándor Sasvári/Attila Csengeri/Zoltán Miller, Andrea Maho/Eszter Biro/Linda Kiraly, Zsolt Homonnay/Zoltan Miller/Gabor Bot, Peter Pankotay/Istvan Rozsos/Ferenc Gerdesits, Istvan Miko/Bela Szerednye, Erzsebet Pelle/Orsolya Röser/Monika Safar, Viktoria Bajza/Ilona Bencze, Thomasz Galbenisz/Robert Weil, Judit Ladinet/Viktoria Varady (They split the trio three ways back then and I think they still do at least for the Phantom and Christine. Why they had to split up the rest of the roles? I don’t know.)
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ayakshop · 6 years ago
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🍂GABOR BOT SEZONU AÇILDI! 500 TL. Üzeri alışverişlerinizde ekstra 50 TL İNDİRİM VE KARGO BEDAVA! İndirim kodu: gabor2018 🍂 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9Iav8hlcg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i0rbatnhij7e
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Dětské Zimní Boty Bazar
Dětské Zimní Boty Bazar
Svršek z eko-kůže, výška cca 10,5 cm, celé zateplené netkanou textílií. Ačkoliv se ještě nejednalo o obuv, je historie celé značky důležitá pro vytvoření jména, které stojí i za dnešní obuví. Svršek z eko-kůže, výška cca 13,5 cm, celé zateplené netkanou textílií. Moderní nadměrná obuv značky MUSTANG.Svršek syntetiká kůže.Standartní šíře G. &nbs.. Obuv Mustang vyrábí samozřejmě i nekožené boty, ale ty nejsou tak proslulé. Jestliže vybíráte nové kožené boty, neměli byste boty Mustang rozhodně vynechat. Pánské boty Mustang jsou jak vycházkové, tak sportovní boty, které se zalíbí velkému množství lidí, proto byste neměli váhat a pánské boty Mustang vyzkoušet. Ačkoliv cena poštovného se na první pohled můžete jevit vyšší, když si prohlédnete ceny, které ve výprodeji bot Mustang najdete a srovnáte je s těmi v českých obchodech, nějakých 160 Kč se zde hravě ztratí. Ačkoliv se podle jména jedná o polských e-shop, bez problémů zasílá i do ČR. Uvedená cena je bez poštovného, na dobírku a do zahraničí nezasílám. Veškeré nabízené zboží je skladem, 30% bez orig.balení.
Mnoho e-shopů nabízí výhodné podmínky při vracení zboží a některé mají také offline výdejny, což je určitý druh prodejny (kamenného obchodu). Nelze samozřejmě zaručit, že eshopy s doplňky Mustang zmíněné zboží zařazují. Dámské boty Mustang jsou populární pro svou eleganci, styl a šmrnc, který v sobě skrývají. Podzimní a zimní kolekce je typická pro šály, rukavice nebo psaníčka na ples. Boty Mustang se hodí prakticky do všech ročních období a také pro všechny možné povrchy, po nichž může člověk chodit. Stejně jako pantofle Mustang i sandály patří mezi boty na léto jak pro ženy, tak muže. boty mustang dámské V podstatě osmiletá tradice výroby obuvi této společnosti dává mnohým za pravdu v tvrzení, že obuv Mustang je velmi kvalitní a propracovaná. obuv mustang dámská Tam si vybrané velikosti oblečení nebo obuvi necháte zaslat, vyzkoušíte si je a zaplatíte, jen pokud budete spokojeni. Ve zkratce jde o levné, nenošené oblečení ze starších kolekcí, které se nedokázalo prodat. Nabízím MUSTANG boty na klínku nikdy nenošené.Vel.39,výška klínku 9 cm,utahovací pásek přes nárt. Při nákupu v tomto obchodě vyjde doprava na 164 Kč a platit můžete kartou, přes PayPal ale i na dobírku. Při vyzvednutí reklamace a ptání se, jak je to možné, Vám pán oznámí, že máte asi i "vadné nohy", proto se to prošoupalo u obou bot.
V aktuálních výprodejích najdete bohatý sortiment pánských, dámských i dětských bot. Firma Mustang na výrobu svých bot s oblibou a velmi často využívá jako materiálu kůži, která z těchto bot činí právě kvalitní a odolné boty. Všestranná pánská obuv, která by neměla ve vašem botníku chybět! Kvalitní pánská obuv v nadměrné velikosti 49 na jednom místě. Kvalitní dámské boty v nadměrné velikosti 45 na jednom místě. Tak jako se každá žena odlišuje, odlišují se i naše dámské polobotky. Prodám dámské kožené boty. Dámské moderní zimní boty značky Mustang .Zapínání .. Mustang Kotníkové boty KATALA Hnědá K dispozici v pánské velikosti. Kompletní nabídku pánské obuvi velikosti 48 naleznete ZDE. Málokterý muž by šel na procházku v mokasínech, ale z široké nabídky pánské obuvi Mustang není problém si vybrat více modelů. Doporučujeme proto vybírat z široké nabídky specializovaných značek jako Josef Seibel, De Plus (dříve Di Janno a Thomas Line), Mustang, Remonte, Axel, Gabor, Jomos, Semler či Romika.
Nadměrná velikost již výhradně v režii "nadměrných" značek Josef Seibel, De Plus (dříve Di Janno a Thomas Line), Mustang, Remonte, Gabor, Jomos, Semler či Romika. Hraniční velikost 47 nabízí jako své maximum několik standardních značek, nejširší nabídku naleznete u značek Josef Seibel, De Plus (dříve Di Janno), Mustang, New Balance, Meindl, Jomos, Olang, Killtec či Moleda - Prestige. Zimní boty Prodám zimní kožené boty Mustang, velikost 38, moc hezké, nošené krátce,špatně zvolená velikost. Nošené minimálně - neponičené, nepoškrábané, nesešlapané - celkově v dobrém stavu. Kvalitní pevná podrážka, podpatek vysoký 4,5 cm, výška podešve 2,5 cm. Podešev ze syntetiky vysoká v přední části cca 2,5 cm a nízkým podpatkem výšky 3,5 cm. Podešev z neklouzavé syntetiky u špičky vysoká cca 1 cm a podpatkem výšky 5 cm. Obuv je vyrobena z kvalitního syntetického materiálu. Obuv se uzavírá šněrováním. Mustang je německá značka ,která produkuje vysoce módní a kvalitní oblečení a obuv.
Produkt Mustang Kotníkové boty MINOLA Hnědá zatím nikdo neohodnotil. Produkt Mustang - Boty zatím nikdo neohodnotil. Zvláštní, zajímavá barva - šedá s lehounkým nádechem do tm.zelené, místy jako šislé - originál, krásně propracované, mnoho detailů, zapínání z vnitřní strany na zip, jsou hodně pohodlné, v desingu kvalitní značky Mustang. Pohodlné, ale spíše na drobnější nohu. Obuv nejprve našněrujete do požadovaného tvaru, potom již používáte k obouvání a vyzouvání pouze zip. Uvnitř je obuv vyměkčena textilní molitanovou froté podšívkou. Vnitřní část je vybavena textilní podšívkou. Svrchní část přírodní kůže, vnitřní ma.. Lidé jednoduše chtějí nějak vypadat a boty bývají většinou jakýmsi základem, na který ostatní mimo oblečení hodně dají. Pánské kotníkové zimní boty zateplené ovčí vlnou, kožené, odolné. Stylové pánské tenisky od značky Mustang. Zimní boty Mustang Nabizim zimní chlapecké kozene boty vel.41,zn. pánská obuv mustang Boty jsou nošené, na několika místech odřené a špinavé, ale ještě by někomu mohli posloužit. Boty Mustang jsou v Čechách velice populární. Jaké další formy zpracování mohou mít svetry a mikiny Mustang? Pokud máte vlastní web, naše stránky se Vám líbí a měli byste chuť nám trochu pomoct, přidejte odkaz na nás na Vaše stránky.
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