#gabe tbt
sarishim · 7 months
gabe speaks to your muse in their native language threads pleaseeeeeee
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 6 months
witch!gabe au headcanons
✧ got funky hair coloring going on, blue-gray fading gradient ( almost looks purple in certain light ) while near the part stays a dark brown. shoulder-length as always
✧ has snake bites, industrial bar, lobe, and helix piercings, and a bridge / earl bar
✧ ( gonna keep liboiron as his fc for now )
✧ non-supernat people think he's got strange tribal lineart tattoos from elbow to wrist. nah, they're otherworldly markings, granting him pseudo longevity via "healing" -- siphoning his own mana reserves constantly ( takes a ton of naps to compensate )
✧ in the middle of his palms are eye tattoos that he can use to "see" into places & traverse beyond the veil betwixt mundane and non-mundane
✧ wood and metal's easier to be able to peer through. stone isn't, especially black onyx / volcanic-ash infused materials
✧ allergic to charcoal products
✧ his tats seem ( are ) sentient, telling him important things -- daily life tips alongside prophetic omens ( like that one comic strip with the woman getting possessed by a demon, but in actuality the demon is helping her out of a depressive funk )
✧ said patron 'deity' is one of those strange long-forgotten gods that everybody never gets the name right of. he just calls them steve.
✧ total whiz with spells, hexes and curses that have to do with words / wording ( e.g., a client walks around with a hexed stone / bag in their pocket, and their harasser goes to speak their dead name only to instead say their personal chosen one )
✧ finds out he can dreamwalk, which is another gift he isn't quite accustomed to yet
✧ also REALLY INTO plant magic, just fyi
✧ thinks social media "witches" are stupid and essentially all just money-hungry grifters
✧ is a "can't sit straight to save his life" bisexual and has a death-head hawkmoth familiar ( which can come alive from a tattoo across his throat / make smaller copies of itself )
✧ he likes humans, angels & angel-adjacent monsters, minotaurs, gnolls, kobolds, & cat types, orc and orc-types, werewolves & werebeasts in general, satyrs, centaurs. the fae occasionally veer into uncanny valley territory. not too much a fan of vampires, though. or zombies / ghouls / thralls
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wigglebox · 2 years
tho for real, while talking with folks today, i do believe that’s gabriel and not loki [going off of gabe’s story that loki gave him the disguise at some point] due to language he used. 
the interesting one was the use of ‘samesies’ as a friend said, which came about mostly, according to google, around 2007. which is also, interestingly, is the same year gabe’s/loki’s first episode aired lol. 
but also, i do believe wholeheartedly that it was in fact chuck and not just a rob benedict easter egg, particularly bc this interview with robbie dropped before the episode:
Samuel is a big mythology character to come into the series. What’s the mandate been about how many of these “known characters should be folded into the first season?
You know, our mandate — and that’s a great phrase for it — was: What’s the story? What’s the story we’re trying to tell with these characters? They can’t just be Easter eggs and fun for the fans. We never said “no” to any character. We never said, like, “Absolutely not!” But when we got into the nitty gritty of “if we do bring in that character, what’s the story? What are we saying about Supernatural? And are we breaking anything that we, therefore, have to buy? Any time that was the case, where it felt like there was no more story here, and therefore it was just an Easter egg fun thing, we moved on from it. It’s not like they’re Pokemon and we’ve got to collect all of them. We really wanted to find a way to tell our story, and then how those character could exist within ours. So that was really the mandate.
basically, they’re not throwing in OG SPN characters for shits and giggles, they’re there for a purpose. And they even did a tighter shot on Rob playing the piano, and he was wearing a party city wig, AND he was wearing white. 
you don’t casually throw in a rob benedict reference because for every new fan who won’t understand the significance or may pick up on the fact that it’s him, you have more of us OG SPN fans who would. And yeah, I know it was LS performing, but Rob didn’t say he was going to be there. No one was expecting it. I mean some of us were expecting for a while to see him pop up but there was no expectation that he would this episode. 
and i’m thinking about this TBT he posted a while ago, as chuck, in swan song, wearing white, with an in-universe prequel comic book poster framed behind him of john winchester. 
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and another friend pointed out that there were quite a few lens flares during carlos’ singing scene. 
so yeah. 
that was chuck, that was gabe, and no i don’t think gabriel is stuck in a mirror. that’s just what he does to throw people off his trail. and if he is stuck in that mirror, obviously we know he doesn’t stay there. 
and now we obviously know that dean’s in their timeline too 
so — are they really in existence right now? are they in the empty? are they all sharing a mass hallucination? you have gabriel using modern language indicating time travel, you have dean and the car indicating time travel, and you have chuck who should not be having powers now if we are following the story linearly from OG SPN 
Damn I love this show I can’t wait for more. 
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legendborn · 4 years
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@waywardsignns​ said:
“ have you eaten today ? ” (from gabe)
He’s  pottering  around  his   apartment  like  an  old  man .  Sleeves of  his  OVER  sized  jumper  pulled  down  over  his  palms  as  he  moves   into  the  living  area  &&  throws  a  TIGHT  look  across  at  Gabe  where  he  stands  just  inside  of  the  door .   Eyebrows  knit  together &&  he  sighs  softly  -  making  room  for  the  glass  of  water  that  he’s   gotten  himself  on  the  table   LITTERED  with  books  ,  papers  &&  rubbish .    ❝     Uh -    ❞   not  the  BEST  of  signs .   One  of  shoulders  lifts  &&  then  drops  back  down  in  a  non  COMMITTAL  shrug.    ❝    I  think I   had  something  last  night  . ❞   His  tone  is  gruff .  He’s  tired .  The  fact  that  he  has  to  deal  with  someone  checking  IN  on  him  isn’t  helping .    ❝    I’ll  get  around  to  it .  ❞    A  soft  sound  as  he  gathers  himself  onto  the  couch  -  another  look  thrown  Gabe’s  way .   ❝   you  don’t  have  to  keep  doing  this ,  I’m  FINE .   ❞
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notorgazmo-blog · 7 years
cont from here / @nctfree
Despite being sort of blue, Joe perks up at Gabe’s response. It’s always seemed so taboo to be possessive; in Joe’s experience, it’s been painted in this very negative light. Being possessive is borderline abusive, according to some.
It’s kind of refreshing to hear someone else side with him on it.
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“Gosh, I always feel like a total jerk, and I’ll even pray about it---’Lord, help him find someone who will take care of him and treasure him the way he deserves’---” and he rolls his eyes, then lowers his voice, “---but I don’t think I really mean it!” 
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@the-boy-king-rp​ Continued from here
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“Uh huh...”  With amusement, Gabriel pulled on the shirt the hunter had brought him.  He patted the space next to him.  “Come and sit with me?”
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mitchmarner · 4 years
wait why did duchene ruin hockey?
Back in 2013, he went offsides during a game (like , egregiously so), and the Avs scored, the goal counted because no offsides was called, and they went on to win the game. It was a big discussion and the NHL eventually implemented a coach’s challenge for offsides. That’s why you see goals getting called back because a player’s pubic hair was .0001 mm over the line. It’s gone way too far.
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asifbyarchive · 4 years
“ well, what’s your weaknesses then? like, kryptonite, or whatever? ” // gabe @ andre but like... it's legit probably not even magic related he's just gushing about how perfect andreas is (heathenclung)
        A SNORT OF LAUGHTER LEAVES HIM before he has the chance to stop it and his head tilts to the side, unsure if the other is joking or serious. he leans back in his seat, long legs stretching out in front of him as he shrugs. “i mean --- i mean i think i’m allergic to pineapple,” he answered slowly. “i guess that’s my weakness?” he shifts his weight a little, tongue darting across his lips before adding, “oh and lactose. but i mean my ass still eats ice cream so ---- not really a LEGIT weakness.” 
@heathenclung | andreas & gabe | accepting
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corbincarroll · 5 years
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↳  04.05.2019
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@carnivorarium​ asked: "Oh my god-" Gabe wheezes the words out with what little breath he has left. "How- the hell did you manage to get like this-" another gulp of air as he gestures vaguely towards Aleksy "-without keelin' over?" Is he glad he has a personal trainer that knows what he's doing? Well, he'd like to say yes, but his screaming lungs are definitely saying no, too.
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         Quick to hand Gabe his water bottle, Aleksy laughs, only mildly out of breath. The brunette guides him to sit in the grass in order to restore his endurance. “It didn’t happen over night, I can tell you that much.” Aleksy gulps back a bottle of his own, plopping down next to his client. “I was doing sports since I can remember, so I had it easier when I started working out on my own time. But trust me, I wanted to die too. There’s been times I’ve thrown up or bedridden because I went past my limit. I’ll never let you get to that point.” Aleksy goes to pat Gabe on the back for a job well done, but after taking note of the dark wet stain on the back of his shirt, he opts out of it with a grin. “Tell me when you’re ready, and we can go again.”
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 1 year
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staarryniights · 5 years
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notorgazmo-blog · 7 years
continued from here | @nctfree
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“Oh---no, I’m not trying to buy one or anything. It was just a thought.” 
He pauses, then frowns. 
“But having the thought made me worry it might be disrespectful...so I had to ask. I don’t actually know a whole lot of Jewish people, if you can believe it.”
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samgirard · 6 years
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└ “what happens if I hit a camera?” | go pro: nhl after dark with gabriel landeskog
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feralseed · 5 years
50-57 !
character development questions / / accepting !
050. how does your character feel about their own mortality?lark is fully aware that she is ‘born to die’ so to speak. in her opinion, dying in the service of her family, or dying to protect her family is the only reason she was brought onto this earth and would be a GREAT HONOR. it’s not until she’s older, having lost her father and come out of the bunker, that she begins to realize that her life can be her OWN. still, she’s fairly unafraid of death, knows it is inevitable, and hopes to die in the act of protecting others.051. if they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today?there are only a few things lark would want to do if she knew she were going to die. the first is to be sure her remaining family is taken care of, and as safe as she can leave them. she’d like to hug her adoptive mother, the judge, one final time, and tell her she loves her and thank her for everything. following that, she’d spend her last hours in the mountains, among nature. she’d like to bid the forest good-bye as well. 052. what is your character’s worst flaw?she has quite a few – impulsive, violent, stubborn, quick to anger. but what’s possibly her worst is her lack of EMPATHY for those she has no connection to. lark is, at her core, a soldier, bound for strength and bound to protect and serve those she cares for. but, it’s dangerous to be on the other side of that. while she loves and would die for her family, and anyone else she cares for, she views those who don’t follow under those categories as LESS THAN HUMAN. she has absolutely no regard for the life of people she doesn’t know or care about.053. what is your character’s greatest strength?lark’s greatest strength is her absolute tenacity – her ability to NEVER GIVE UP regardless of the situation. failure has never and will never be an option for her. failure is for the weak – and lark is STRONG.054. does your character want power or authority of any kind?if she’s asked, she’ll say no. lark will say she has no desire to lead – she’ll leave that to the father. but, she’d be lying. she admires her father for many things, and one of those things is his ability to LEAD WITH AN IRON FIST. there’s a part of her that wishes she could have that power, wishes she could control others the way her father could. if only she could find that music box he used to carry around…055. is your character an introvert or an extrovert?introvert, 100%. lark rarely speaks to those she isn’t close to, and will often disappear into the forest when she needs time on her own. she’s not a people person, and never has been. although she has cultivated relationships with those she loves, she always needs a ‘recharge.’ sometimes that means just fucking off into the woods, or meeting up with some of her wolf pals. the longest ‘recharge break’ she’s ever taken lasted a week, and she stayed in a cave with some of her wolf friends, and came back to new eden with her hair all tangled and matted and absolutely covered in dried blood.056. has your character ever struck someone in anger?yes. when she was younger, before she learned how to control her anger, lark would abuse those jacob kept as prisoners, as well as any eden’s gate members who tried to get her to do anything she didn’t want to do ( unless it was a direct order from her father. ) she also used to bite. hard. she does less of that now that she’s older.057. has your character ever killed anyone?lark’s first kill was when she was five years old. she was ordered to put one of the prisoners out of his misery, and did so without question and with an arrow through his eye socket. she’s since lost track of how many people she’s killed. she doesn’t really think about it, or lose sleep over it, either.
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weed-bcyfriend · 2 years
“was i just a fool?” elle?
“Never.” Hesitantly, he cups her cheek. “Fucking never. I promise that... Now,” he withdraws his hands and steps away from her, “my mama taught me to use a shotgun for a damn reason.”
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