#gab smolders playthrough liveblog
dirk-fucking-strider · 4 months
Family Curse Liveblog Pt.1
TT: Nice, so this one’s a game about a haunted house. Fucking love those kinds of games. Sollux even played Anatomy by kittyhorrorshow once.
TT: Okay, so no voice acting this time. That can be pretty good for atmosphere sometimes, especially if they want you to feel like the character and not some observe that happens to have control.
TT: Dude I don’t think the inheritance is the house. It’s all in the name, you’re probably going to get cursed.
TT: Sure, go check out the house you supposedly inherited, at dusk, alone. Not even an attorney or a real estate guy or anything.
TT: The instructions when you interact with something you can’t use or that is incomplete are so borderline patronizing. In my opinion.
TT: Main character falls asleep and now there’s blood everywhere. Like on the walls. Joy.
TT: Is that crying, laughing, or coughing?
TT: Ritual circle, of course.
TT: Aaaand the front door is gone. Really like that they’ve given the character a reason to stay in the house. Because, you know, it’s obviously haunted as SHIT.
TT: Another ritual circle? How many rituals were going on?
TT: Well, the back door opens, but that is one fucking tall fence.
TT: That is a body. Just, you know, lying on the dining room table, nothing out of the ordinary here. IT’S FACE IS HOLLOWED OUT? WHAT THE FUCK? IS THERE EVEN ANY SKULL LEFT? BECAUSE THAT JUST LOOKS LIKE SKIN?
TT: …Okay, it’s an impressive model, but maybe. Stop looking at it now? Or not, that’s fine too.
TT: New room unlocked! Also I managed to pause just as the jumpscare was starting. Send help.
TT: Okay, it vanished, whatever it was. Looked like a woman.
TT: So why is the medical file of one Lily Krouse here? Was the previous occupant employed at a hospital? There’s stacks of what could be similar files.
TT: I’m already expecting to get jumpscared again…
TT: Ah. The master bedroom. As Anatomy says, if a house had a mouth, it would be here. I’ll be surprised if nothing happens in this room.
TT: No jumpscare so far, just jazzy music. Mood dissonance. I like when horror does that.
TT: Of course there’s a random crying figure as soon as you exit the bedroom. Of course.
TT: Got jumpscared so bad I hit the fast forward button. Looks like the same apparition.
TT: And again! My fucking heart, jesus fucking christ.
TT: Just keep away from any cell-like bars in horror games. They’re usually bad news.
TT: Gab’s right, major ResE7 vibes from this part.
TT: Is that Russian? The ghosts are whispering in Russian. Probably the game was made by people who speak Russian. But still, if I walked into a room and heard ghostly whispering in Russian, I’d leave. Not because I’m scared of Russians, but because if I can’t understand them, how would I know the difference between “BE GONE!” and “Hey dude, how’s it going!”
TT: So the ghost seems to have turned into some kind of monster. If the shift key works in this game I would be pressing it about now. She could be right behind you.
TT: Evil painting. Maybe check that it isn’t a mirror? Or something?
TT: That is one long musical sting.
TT: At this point, if I were the mc, I would just stop opening doors.
TT: Wait so how many ghosts even are there? Maybe one woman, two girls. I think. One of the girls is a monster right now though.
TT: Dw about it Gab, sometimes the best way to solve a puzzle is to PRESS ALL THE BUTTONS until it works.
TT: At least the house is (relatively) back to normal. Hey! Rude ghost. Breaking mirrors is lowering the property value. Oh okay, it just phased through it. Wonder why it made a shattering sound.
TT: This Ms. Dawson sounds suspicious. Told you, she really got Lily possessed by the deity she claimed would help her.
TT: So the ghost is the main character’s sister, and the other ghost is the demon thing?
TT: Gab, the envelope. The greenhouse code is the initials on the left. BEA.
TT: There we go.
TT: Going to pause my ramblings for now, gotta work on the intro and such. Also I don’t think I can handle many more jump-scares.
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dirk-fucking-strider · 4 months
Transient Liveblog pt.3
TT: What do you mean the events of the game up til now were a dream?
TT: Self hacking? Is that what these “Meta Shamans” are doing? Third level of the net? What?
TT: I wish I could remember my dreams with this much detail…or in the case of spiders, maybe not.
TT: Is that a ritual circle?
TT: Why is the narrator speaking like Gollum? Saying “us” instead of “me.”
TT: Did he just get memory phished?
TT: Corrupt data = holes in the floor. Got it.
TT: So…Alice is maybe dead. Then who sent the file?
TT: Another remote cyber attack. Even though her implants should’ve stopped it? Whoever the culprit is, they must have some serious hardware.
TT: Gab, please. The woman is dead, and you check out her butt? SMH.
TT: I underestimated how long this video would be, and the adhd is not having it. Will probably watch/blog about something shorter, especially since this is more mystery than horror. That said, I intend to finish this one at some point. If I remember to.
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dirk-fucking-strider · 4 months
Transient Liveblog Pt.2
TT: Whoa, wait. New character alert. Who’s this Alice? Please be something other than “character’s girlfriend who only exists as a plot device.”
TT: Oh. Huh. Goodbye alien landscape, hello random futuristic city? I think those signs are in Chinese. Looks like a more run down version of one of those computer wallpapers. You know the ones. Neon pink futuristic city, anime girl in foreground may or may not be included.
TT: Ouroboros door opening puzzle…I hope that’s symbolic of some theme in the game. I love Ouroboros symbolism so much, so that’d be pretty fucking cool.
TT: Some graffiti. Panopticon mention! Chekov’s graffiti, with any luck. Wonder if they meant it as something that sees all, or as the actual type of building. Please be the second, I feel like everyone always means the first. Wait. Domed city. The intro said it was a domed city. It could be both. IT COULD BE BOTH.
TT: Holy shit, are those bodies? About time it got actually horror in here.
TT: Okay, those might’ve been statues, but there was this weird glitch with eyes superimposed so we’re still heading towards the horror segments anyway.
TT: Gab, I think that guy might be the tiniest bit dead. Also I don’t trust those moths, they’re hovering awfully close to him.
TT: Entry port? Is that the circle thing on the apparatus on his head? Seems awfully exposed, if that’s the case, and if that’s the case then it’s no wonder someone was able to shock it.
TT: Hackers overloading neural implants? See, this is why brain chips are a bad idea.
TT: Egyptian mythology reference? Younger Scribbles would lose his shit.
TT: Are they…growing people from trees?
TT: Oh hey, it’s Alice. And…there she goes again. Is the whole game going to be like this?
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dirk-fucking-strider · 4 months
TT: Never done an official live-blog before, so bear with me here. Anyway where was I? Oh right. So no more spiders for the moment, but now there’s this jellyfish with legs that probably used to be the floating orb thing from earlier.
TT: Yeah, it was the orb. Ok, last high priest of the long extinct Dheryal race, etc, etc. Does this guy have a name or do we just have to make one up and/or call him by that full sentence he just described himself with?
TT: Is this some kind of time shenanigan shit? Seems like it.
TT: Kor Sherhr? This game is fully voice acted and I still can’t even fathom how to pronounce that.
TT: Props to whoever worked on the linguistic shit for the made up names in this game. I can’t really describe it, but there’s this thing where whenever the words Kor Sherhr are said, the inflection is higher pitched at the end? Or something like that. Other words have similar stuff going on.
TT: Is the game really Lovecraftian though? Seems more like just aliens to me. Like you wouldn’t go around calling Amnesia: Rebirth Lovecraftian just because it has aliens that are not little grey men.
TT: Oh okay, we have the classic “places beyond human understanding.” Nevermind, this is Lovecraftian alright. Also I guess there were Cthullu-shaped vases(?) or something earlier, so there’s that.
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