#g100 global chair
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g100global · 15 hours ago
Rainer Hahn
Rainer Hahn has held various leadership positions, including director, business manager, and site manager, across multiple industries such as publishing, service agencies, event management, sponsorship, and corporate social responsibility.
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theembcnetwork · 11 months ago
Women's Empowerment Series with Dr. Hynd and Siham Malek. from THE EMBC NETWORK on Vimeo.
Join us for the new episode 90 of Women's Empowerment Series with Dr. Hynd and Siham Malek Siham Malek is a Female Thought Leader and she helps grow brands & makes informed decisions- Siham is the Managing Director of Integrate, which is an affiliate of Kantar affiliate. She is also the President of AMISE ‘Morocco Association of Market Research’ and was nominated as the G100 Country Chair Brand Creation and Marketing. As a female thought leader and globally recognized expert in Moroccan and African markets, Siham brings over 20 years of experience in insights and data analytics to her role as Managing Director at Integrate, the Kantar Group's affiliate in Maghreb. Siham's journey began at Nielsen, progressed at Creargie, and flourished at Kantar, where she has built a distinguished career. She has been instrumental in launching key research platforms such as AMRB and Kantar Millward Brown in the Maghreb Region, and driving brand growth through robust data analysis and insights. Siham's approach, deeply rooted in the transformative power of data, cultural understanding, and nuanced analysis of African consumer behavior, has earned me the status of a trusted advisor and thought leader. Meet Siham Malek:  / hynd-bouhia-phd-0289a3a3   instagram.com/malek_siham?igs... Transcript
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agrpress-blog · 1 year ago
Si svolge a Roma da martedì 21 a giovedì 23 novembre 2023 presso The Dome, Università Luiss Guido Carli - viale Romania, 32 - la prima edizione italiana del WEF (Women Economic Forum). Un’occasione di dialogo e confronto sull’uguaglianza di genere e l’empowerment femminile fra personalità di rilievo internazionale e istituzioni. G100, fra le più rappresentative associazioni femminili internazionali per la promozione della leadership e dell’empowerment economico delle donne con oltre cinquecentomila membri in centocinquanta Paesi, arriva in Italia, all’Università Luiss Guido Carli, con l’evento “Women Economic Forum”. Il Global Gender Gap Report 2023 del World Economic Forum, che ogni anno rileva lo stato del divario di genere nel mondo, posiziona l’Italia al settantanovesimo posto sui 146 Paesi analizzati, in calo di sedici posizioni rispetto al 2022. A livello globale, l’uguaglianza di genere è tornata ai livelli pre pandemia, ma il progresso è rallentato. Il rapporto indica che sarebbero necessari ancora 131 anni per colmare il divario complessivo fra i generi, mentre per la parità economica e politica sono necessari rispettivamente 169 e 162 anni. Il “Women Economic Forum” rappresenta un momento di condivisione e confronto sulle sfide che le donne si trovano a dover affrontare oggi nell’economia globale. L’evento riunisce la rete dei membri del G100, oltre a personalità di spicco provenienti da istituzioni, aziende e università di tutto il mondo. I lavori si sono aperti martedì 21 novembre con i saluti istituzionali di Laura Mattarella, Luigi Gubitosi (Presidente dell’Università Luiss Guido Carli), Paola Severino (Presidente Luiss School of Law e Professore emerito di Diritto penale presso l’Università Luiss Guido Carli) e Harbeen Arora Rai (fondatrice del WEF), da sempre impegnata nell’associazionismo a difesa delle donne. L’Italia è rappresentata da Sharon Cittone (delegata italiana del G100 e Global Chair Food Innovation), imprenditrice esperta di innovazione nel settore agroalimentare, la quale commenta: «Come delegata italiana del G100, e come donna, sono orgogliosa di portare in Italia un progetto collettivo di rilevanza internazionale come il “Women Economic Forum”. Queste fitte giornate di dibattito ci danno l’opportunità di mettere a fattor comune competenze ed esperienze in ambito istituzionale, associativo, imprenditoriale, manageriale, accademico, giornalistico, culturale, con l’obiettivo di ispirare, connettere e sostenere le donne, contribuendo a un futuro più equo». Sei sessioni plenarie su temi di interesse collettivo per il Paese, che spaziano dall’Inclusione delle donne nella società e l’accesso alla Giustizia; il concetto di uguaglianza nel settore Salute; la “Giustizia climatica”; l’Innovazione nell’agroalimentare; il settore aereospaziale come strumento di ispirazione; la sicurezza informatica e l’etica dell’IA; l’inclusione e il mentoring per promuovere l’impresa e lo sviluppo della leadership al femminile. I tavoli tematici sono presieduti da Monica Lucarelli (Assessora alle Politiche della Sicurezza, Attività Produttive e Pari Opportunità del Comune di Roma), Viviana Kasam (Presidente di BrainCircle Italia), Valeria Termini (Professore ordinario di Economia Politica dell’Università Roma Tre e membro delle Nazioni Unite per il dialogo sulla transizione energetica ed ecologica), Sharon Cittone, Elena Grifoni Winters (Consigliere del Primo Ministro per il programma aerospaziale), Paola Severino (Presidente Luiss School of Law) ed Ersilia Vaudo (Chief Diversity Officer di ESA - Agenzia spaziale europea). «Il raggiungimento dell’uguaglianza di genere e l'empowerment femminile sono il presupposto per una reale partecipazione delle donne alla vita del Paese e per il raggiungimento di un beneficio, non solo sociale, ma anche economico. Questa prima tappa italiana del WEF rappresenta un’importante occasione di confronto con l’obiettivo di ispirare, connettere e sostenere le donne per un
futuro più equo e sostenibile», commenta Marilena Citelli Francese (Presidente dell’associazione culturale MUSADOC). Piero Colonna (Vice Presidente della Fondazione Roma - main partner del WEF), a nome anche del Presidente Franco Parasassi, ha dichiarato: «La Fondazione Roma, nell’ambito della sua attenzione al territorio di elezione e ai temi più impellenti della società contemporanea, non poteva mancare di contribuire alla realizzazione nella Capitale di un evento di così alta rilevanza, che auspica si traduca in numerose proposte concrete e sostenibili di policy per i Paesi aderenti al G100, nella prospettiva di ridurre il gender gap a cominciare ovviamente dall’Italia che sul tema deve lavorare ancora molto, sebbene i progressi siano indubbi e tangibili». Fra gli oltre cinquanta ospiti dei panel: Maria Tripodi (Sottosegretario di Stato agli Affari Esteri e alla Cooperazione Internazionale), Chiara Corazza (Rappresentante per la Francia nell’ambito dell’Empower Alliance del G20 e membro del Consiglio consultivo per l’uguaglianza di genere - GEAC - del G7), Milena Lerario (Amministratore Delegato di Airbus Italia), Carlotta Ventura (Direttore Communication, Sustainability and Regional Affairs di A2A), Paola Bertossi (Chief Executive Officer di Fisia Italimpianti), Domitilla Benigni (CEO & COO di Elettronica S.p.A. e Presidente di Women4cyber Italy) e Giulio Ranzo (Amministratore Delegato di Avio). E poi ancora le imprenditrici Benedetta Paravia (Vicepresidente onlus A.N.G.E.L.S.- Ass. Nazionale Giovani Energie Latrici di Solidarietà-, e Silvia De Simone (Ad di SLAB Italia). Il programma completo del “Women Economic Forum” è consultabile sui siti: https://wef-italy-2023.wef.org.in/program e www.musadoc.it Per seguire le sessioni del WEF è necessario iscriversi scrivendo a: [email protected] ll Women Economic Forum (WEF) fa parte di ALL Ladies League (ALL), una rete globale che promuove la leadership e l’empowerment femminile. ALL e WEF insieme rappresentano uno dei network in più rapida crescita e si impegnano per l’emancipazione economica delle donne in ogni ambito della vita. I forum si svolgono durante tutto l’anno a livello globale, con l’obiettivo di offrire un’occasione unica di confronto sul mondo femminile, favorendo l’empowerment economico e la leadership in tutti i settori. Il G100 è un gruppo di cento donne leader, con oltre cinquecentomila membri in centocinquanta Paesi, che include personalità influenti, fra cui Premi Nobel, capi di Stato, Ministri, imprenditori, manager, con l’obiettivo comune di raggiungere l’uguaglianza di genere in tutte le sfere della vita pubblica e privata. La mission del G100 è contribuire a un mondo equo, progressista e inclusivo per le donne di tutto il mondo, fornendo una leadership di pensiero sulle azioni da intraprendere per l’inclusività, la sicurezza, l’empowerment economico e sociale per affrontare il divario di genere a livello globale.
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biossedac · 2 years ago
Citizenship And Permanent Residence Purposes
There are a number of ways during which businesses can incorporate CSR within the type of philanthropy whereas engaging workers, including giving schemes with the potential for donation matching. To uphold their firm value of protecting the planet with environmentally pleasant practices, Nestlé Switzerland organized a volunteer week event centered around corporate environmental accountability. Every yr, extra corporations are prioritizing sustainable practices, pledging to consider human capital consulting their environmental influence at every stage of business. Established in 1927, the CCCI unites Cypriot companies and protects their pursuits, liaising with the federal government and members of Parliament on important points and promoting the views of the wider enterprise community. The CCCI has over eight,000 members, and is affiliated with over a hundred and forty professional associations in trade and industry.
Deloitte Legal empowers its people to build the profession and life they need to permit them to be at their finest, and stay at their finest. Varied work arrangements help Deloitte Legal professionals develop new abilities and capabilities and manage the steadiness performance management systems between demanding personal and professional priorities. View our 2018 monetary prospectus brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the companies offer.
Irene works with organizations of all sizes to maximise the impact of their sustainability strategies by speaking how these are making a distinction of their business and our world. Our Team provides wide selection of companies to people and business entities in immigration, from obtaining any type of residential permit in Cyprus to help with naturalisation. Should your corporation want expansion to Cyprus and you require workers and their households from non-EU nations to be relocated to Cyprus, you will be provided with intensive vary of options. Working with the Ugandan Ministry of Health, UPS, Gavi and the authorised UPS service contractor established a vaccine delivery system reaching more than one hundred fifty clinics. The pilot, which was properly acquired by local well being networks, used cold chain greatest practices, automobiles with fridges, temperature monitoring tools, and stock management systems to track stock and set off ordering before vaccines are out of inventory.
Matching purpose-driven leaders with mission and purpose-driven organizations & teams. They further contribute to the organization of varied conferences and other funding and finance-related events by providing assist and assistance, including availability of NBG premises to third parties for events. Minute by minute news from Cyprus and the world on the social media pages of in-cyprus. Marina Zevedeou is the President of Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WICCI) – Cyprus and the Cyprus Country Chair of G100 Global Trade Wing, both organizational structure organizations aiming to advertise legislative adjustments to help women on the earth. She can also be a board member of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Cyprus Women Network. The Aspen Trust Group is likely certainly one of the pioneers of the company service trade in Cyprus.
Under this criterion the applicant might buy monetary belongings of at least €2 million value psychometric assessments, such as bonds, bills and securities, issued with the approval of CySec, In order to be
We undertake the complete procedure to safe any kind of residency and immigration permit from the competent authorities, carrying out the naturalisation course of to be able to obtain citizenship and another immigration-related service. The present tax exemption shall be expanded in order to cowl new residents-employees in Cyprus with a minimal wage of €55,000 and a tax exemption of 50%. While current employees have the chance to extend the profit from ten (10) to seventeen (17) years, potential beneficiaries of this tax exemption will need corporate citizenship to have an income of €55, ,000 for the remaining seventeen (17) year interval. This application may be submitted by adults of Cypriot origins, who have been born both earlier than or after the sixteenth of August 1960 and are British citizens or citizens of any State of the Commonwealth and have accomplished one yr of legal residence in the Republic. It can be submitted for minors, who have been born previous to the eleventh of June 1999 in Cyprus or overseas and whose mom is a Cypriot citizen and father a foreigner or for minors whose father acquired the Cypriot citizenship after their start.
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hartinio-blog · 2 years ago
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ANNOUNCEMENT: Philanthropy , Business & Poverty Eradication G100 Global Wing “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. “While poverty persists, there is no true freedom.” A social perspective on development requires addressing poverty in all its dimensions. It promotes people-centered approach to poverty eradication advocating the empowerment of people living in poverty through their full participation in all aspects of political, economic and social life. We need to let ourselves be enriched by the wealth of wisdom, energy and resourcefulness that people living in poverty can contribute to our communities, our societies and ultimately to our planet. The sustainable fight against poverty requires the strengthening of individuals’ capacities through education, science and support for a creative economy, which are sources of employment as well as of pride and dignity. Ending poverty is not just helping the unfortunate or less able people. It is giving every person especially woman, the chance to live with dignity. By eradicating poverty all humanity will be transformed. Building Forward Together, Ending Persistent Poverty & Respecting all People WITH SO MUCH CARE AND LOVE DATIN HARTINI OSMAN PHILANTHROPY, BUSINESS AND POVERTY ERADICATION G100 GLOBAL CHAIR CONGRATULATIONS WELCOME KENYA COUNTRY CHAIR FOR PHILANTHROPY, BUSINESS AND POVERTY ERADICATION CATHERINE OMONDI Thank you DrHarbeen Arora Rai G100 WEF WICCI ALL SHECONOMY MISSION MILLION : Empowering Women Worldwide: for the opportunity and trust believing in Us May we together rise and May we together thrive.!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cli7gdjpBkscQmBNU8uaj1fgtFtkwMAeuqqKcE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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geezliberia · 4 years ago
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Congratulations are in order for Hon Karishma Pelham-Raad, CEO of the Royal Highness Charity Foundation on her appointment as Liberia’s Country Chair Media Arts and Communications by G 100: Mission Million ALL WEF. The G100 is an eminent and empowered club of top 100 women leaders in the world with a vision for the future. G100 comprises a league of luminaries of eminence and excellence including Nobel Laureates, former Heads of States, Ministers, Businesswomen, Philanthropists, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Corporate and Community Leaders - a powerful Group of women leaders and achievers from all walks of life who wish to give back and move us all forward as architects of the future. G100 is a strong circle of 100 women visionaries across 100 diverse sectors connected in a global sisterhood. Once again congratulations!! Source: Inside Liberia https://www.instagram.com/p/CPxZ77an9ZL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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g100global · 3 days ago
Neaz Adnan
Neaz Adnan, Co Founder & CEO Your House Social Enterprise INC, Canada. Neaz is a Business professional, Masters from University of Windsor, ON. Canada. He has 7 years of experience in managing food, & beverage and Five Star Hotel industry, 18 years’ experience in community development, 2 years’ experience in strategic partnership in nonprofit industry in North America as Regional Head.
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g100global · 3 days ago
Edmond Hajrizi
Dr. Edmond Hajrizi, is an academic, entrepreneur, and expert in the fields of management, information technology, and engineering. As the Founder, President, and CEO of the University for Business and Technology (UBT), he has led the institution since 2001, driving its growth and establishing it as a premier higher education institution in the region. His strategic vision has been pivotal in developing and executing plans that align with the university’s mission, ensuring long-term sustainability and excellence.
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g100global · 5 days ago
Eric Parrado
Eric Parrado Herrera is the Chief Economist and General Manager of the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) since March 2019. Before joining the IDB, he was a professor of economics and finance at the ESE Business School of the Universidad de los Andes in Santiago, Chile. Mr. Parrado is a visiting professor at Oxford University and ETHzürich, and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Frontier Risks.
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g100global · 5 days ago
Alyn Ware
Alyn Ware is a New Zealand peace educator and campaigner in the areas of peace, non-violence, nuclear abolition, international law, women’s rights, children’s rights and the environment.
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g100global · 7 days ago
Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen
Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen, OECD, Deputy Secretary-General and OECD, Gender and Diversity Champion, France. Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen is an economist with more than 25 years of experience in international cooperation. He has served as Permanent Secretary of State/CEO of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the Danish Prime Minister, and as Ambassador to the OECD.
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g100global · 7 days ago
Yuri Cataldo
Yuri Cataldo is a Techo-optimist working at the intersection of technology and art. He is an award-winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker, best-selling author, podcaster and emerging tech strategist who combines the mindset of an artist and a technologist. Named one of the 40 under 40 business leaders in Indiana, Yuri brings years of experience in the arts, design, entrepreneurship, marketing, innovation, and publicity, in addition to advising founders, artists and startups.
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g100global · 9 days ago
Dr. Colin Keogh
Dr. Colin Keogh, Founder – Sapien Innovation/TeamOSV/Rapid Foundation, Research Engineer – University College Dublin, Ireland. Dr. Colin Keogh is an award-winning innovative Engineer, with successful background in innovative technologies in the Engineering, Business and Innovation sectors.
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g100global · 10 days ago
Jean Todt
Jean Todt was formerly Peugeot Talbot Sport’s Director and then Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 team principal, before being appointed Chief Executive Officer of Ferrari from 2004 to 2008.
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g100global · 2 years ago
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g100global · 3 years ago
Female Leaders are doing more to assist their teams and promote diversity, equality, and inclusion efforts. Most businesses, on the other hand, do not recognize or reward this important work, which has major consequences. Companies risk losing the very leaders they require right now, and it's difficult to see how they will manage post-pandemic and develop inclusive workplaces if this effort is not prioritized.
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