#g-d let us have one singular day of peace and fucking quiet
lem0nademouth · 3 months
someone make a fucking bingo card i have officially encountered leftists saying that hearing fireworks tonight (4th of july) is making them think “this is what gaza sounds like” “this is what ukraine sounds like”
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Alternate Ending - Part 2
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 1433 (1667 With Post-Death)
Warnings: Angst, Death, Sad Aldo, TW Suicide, 
Notes: I Wanted To Post This Last Night But Tumblr Was A Bitch. Here.
Meanwhile, Aldo paced back and forth upstairs, waiting impatiently to see the soldiers and the love of his life, alive.
Donny was half-asleep on the bed at this point, sure that Joshua was able to take care of himself. He was jostled awake by a parade of various gunshots coming from the basement tavern, very easily coming from more than one gun."Shit- we gotta go check on 'em".
Aldo nodded, hands on his hips."Alright. I'll go first, Donny, you follow me. Hirschberg, stay on lookout with the others" he ordered, Hirschberg nodding obediently. Aldo gestured for Donny to follow him, making his way towards the door and opening it. He froze on the spot, hearing more gunshots- this time from a singular gun- fire at the bottom of the winding staircase.
"You, outside, who are you? British, American? What?" The unfamiliar, but terrified, voice asked, cocking his gun.
"We're American" Aldo called down in reply."What are you?".
"I'm a German, you idiot-" the voice called.
"Speak English pretty good for a German" Aldo commented, the voice calling up "I agree".
"So let’s talk" it added.
Aldo glanced to Donny, and back down the stairs."Okay, talk" he agreed, ready for a load of bullshit to be said.
"I'm a father. My baby was born today, in Frankfurt. Five hours ago. His name is Max; we were in here, drinking, celebrating, they're the ones that came in shooting and killing, it's not my fault!" He yelled.
"Okay! It wasn't yer fault" Aldo nodded, going along with him."What's yer name, soldier?".
"Now, is there anybody alive on our side?" Aldo asked.
"No" Wilhelm shook his head.
"I'm alive!" A frantic, female voice suddenly called, sounding like she was in pain, followed by Wilhelm yelling angrily in German.
"Hammersmark" Donny breathed, barely above a whisper.
"Who's that?" Aldo asked, Wilhelm answering with another question; "is the girl on your side?"."Which girl?" He followed up, a weird feeling rising in his chest when he didn't hear Joshua's voice.
"Who do you think? Von Hammersmark" Wilhelm exclaimed.
"Yea, she's ours" Aldo sighed, Wilhelm ignoring his "is she okay?" To cuss Von Hammersmark out in German."Wilelm!" He called, to get the German soldier's attention back onto him, but he only heard Wilhelm yell at her.
"She's been shot!" Wilhelm finally complied, "but she's alive!".
Aldo thought for a moment, eyes darting around as he thought of an explanation as to why Joshua didn't call up to him. Any answer, except for one obvious one."Okay Wilhelm. What do y'say we make us a deal?".
"What's your name?" Wilhelm hesitantly asked, panting.
"Aldo" Aldo answered."Okay, Wilhelm, here's my deal; you let me and two of my men come down there and take the girl away. No guns, no guns me, no guns you! And we take the girl, and leave. It's that simple, Willie. You go yer way, we go ours. And little Max gets to grow up playing catch with his daddy. So, what do you say, Willie? We got us a deal?".
Wilhelm stayed silent for a few moments."Aldo?" He spoke up.
"I'm here, Willie".
"I want to trust you, but- but...but how can I?" Wilhelm stuttered.
Aldo glanced to Donny, then back down the stairs."What choice you got, son?" He asked, softly.
Donny put a hand on Aldo's shoulder, just as frightened that Joshua hadn't revealed himself yet.
Wilhelm took a deep breath."Okay, okay, Aldo, I'm gonna trust you. Come down".
Aldo turned to look at Donny."Stay at least a few steps behind me. I'm sure Joshy's just hiding" he whispered, staring his descent down the stairs. Aldo put his shaky hands up, slowly peaking out and looking at Wilhelm with a hopeful smile. He ducked back when he saw the gun in Wilhelm's hands."Hey, Willie, what's with the machine gun? I thought we had us a deal" Aldo complained.
"We still have a deal, now get the girl and go".
"Not so fast" Aldo showed his face for a second, "we only got a deal when we trust each other. And a Mexican standoff ain't trust".
"Whoa, whoa, you need guns on me for it to be a Mexican standoff" Wilhelm corrected.
"You got guns on us. You decide to shoot, we're dead. Up top, they got grenades. They drop 'em down here, yer dead. That's a Mexican standoff and that was not the deal" Aldo whined, pointing a finger at Wilhelm."No trust, no deal" he added.
"Wilhelm." Von Hammersmark pleaded, speaking to Wilhelm in German.
Wilhelm huffed in thought, his gun shaking in his hands as he looked down."Alright, Aldo. Fine" he gave in, standing up straight and putting the gun down on the counter."Just take the fucking traitor and and get her out of my sight" he snarled.
Aldo and Donny were about to go down the rest of the stairs, but stopped dead in their tracks when they heard a handful of gunshots.
"Oh thank fuck, that must be Joshua" Aldo let out a relieved sigh, peace washing over him.
Aldo came around and saw Von Hammersmark, shaking as she pointed a small gun at Wilhelm, who was now dead.
As was everyone else in the room, except for her.
"Woah, what the-- Josh? Joshy? Joshua Margolis, quit playin' games and come out right now!" Aldo called, looking around.
"Sir..." Donny spoke softly from behind him, gaze steady on the floor.
"Joshy? Joshua, it- it's me! C'mon out, yer safe now! Joshua?" Aldo ignored him, looking around."What the fu- JOSHUA!" He called.
"Quiet, Donny. Joshua!" Aldo cupped his hands around his mouth."Joshy, c'mon, dear, this isn't funny anymore!". He made the mistake of inching forward, toes of his boots softly hitting a body."What the-" Aldo arched a brow, making the second mistake of looking down at what Donny had his eyes fixed on.
On the floor in front of him, just as limp as everyone else in the room, lay Joshua Margolis’ corpse. An arm was reached out for the stairs, eyes wide open, mouth agape, like he was saying something as he died. His gun was only a foot or two away from him, by Donny's feet. Joshua was bleeding out, his blood oozing onto the tips of Aldo’s boots.
”No...” he breathed, eyes going wide.”No, no, no, no-“ Aldo repeated, getting down on one knee.”Josh. Joshy. Joshua, wake up, sweetie. Get up, Joshua, c’mon, g-get up-“ he urged, shaking the lifeless body before him.”Joshua! Getup right now, that’s an order from yer fuckin’ Lieutenant!” Aldo exclaimed, refusing to believe what was in front of his very eyes.”Joshua Margolis, get- get up, right now, y’hear me?”.
”Shut UP, Donowitz!” Aldo’s voice boomed, as he continued to rattle Joshua’s body.”Joshua, baby, no, no, no. Joshy, come back to me...please, Josh, come on, we- we gotta do this together...Joshua...” Aldo stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes as they bore into Joshua’s glassy blue ones.”Joshua...” he called softly, scooping his love’s dead, bloodied body into his arms.“Joshua, baby, please...” Aldo sobbed, waterworks streaming down his face.
”A-Aldo...” Donny called.
”Sh-Shut up, Donny” Aldo hissed, holding Joshua’a body close to him.”It wasn’t supposed to end like this, it- it wasn’t supposed to” he told, now on both knees, wetting his clothes with the blood of his boyfriend.”We were supposed to defeat the Nazis together, Joshua. A- A team, a fucking team, Josh. What...What we’ve always been” he cried, tear droplets landing on Joshua’s pale face, no longer bearing the smile it always donned.“Joshua, we were supposed to end the war together...we were supposed to die together, d-dammit, Margolis you dumb righteous fuck...I should’ve said no, I should’ve said no, why didn’t I fucking say no?!” Aldo yelled, crying into Joshua’s shoulder.
Donny reached to put a hand on Aldo’s shoulder, but his Lieutenant swatted his hand away.
”I love you, Joshua, I love you, I fuckin’ love you, come back to me, baby. I love you so much, Joshua, why’d you- why’d you have to go and goddamn leave me, Margolis? We were supposed to do this with you, I- I was supposed to do this, with you fuckin’ with me, dammit, J-Joshy” he croaked, fingers curling into Josh’s uniform. Aldo slowly pulled away, pressing one, last kiss to Joshua’s cold lips.”I love you, Joshua Margolis. I’ll never fuckin’ forget you”.
Donny and the other Basterds ended up dragging Aldo away from Joshua, and out the tavern. The rest of their plan went just as it had in the movie, but it was very obvious, the sudden demeanor change in the Lieutenant. He didn't speak as confidently, or with as much macho as he always had. Over the rest of the mission, he would find himself calling "Josh" "Joshy" or "Joshua" and turning, expecting to see his love, but to no avail. Though he tried to seem alright, and okay, and just fine, it was clear to the Basterds how much Aldo was struggling to keep his composure without Joshua.
Post-movie-ending, Aldo hauled his ass back to the tavern with Utivich to retrieve Joshua's body. Upon receiving it, their OSS General was able to help the three Basterds get back to America, specifically back to Maynardville, Tennessee. Aldo and Utivich held a small burial for Joshua, burying his body in the middle of the Margolis estate orchard. 
Although strictly unheard of, Aldo attempted to go on with his life, without Joshua. This was proven difficult, seeing as Josh and Aldo had planned for their lives to intertwine ever since they were kids. But one day, Aldo had enough.
On Christmas day, 1996, Lieutenant Aldo Raine committed suicide, alone in the Margolis estate orchard. He figured only then could he reunite with his beloved.
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