#gûruk the orc
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alovelyfrenchworld · 4 months ago
Your Neigborly Orc Part 1
Meeting an orc was not something that anyone from your village ever expected. Even with your village being the closest human civilization near the river orc territories, it was still considered strange.
Half-orcs were proof of the interracial relations, but they were rare in your part of the country. A half-orc hadn't been spotted for around 50 years. You never thought you would be one to compete with the discourse of your people.
You met your warlord lover perchance after hunting one day. THe border between the orc territory and the human territory was divided by a small river in the forest. Few ever ventured that close.
There was knowledge that other orc territories had blurred with the humans in other regions, but yours had yet to do so. The overall interactions with orcs had increased across the lands and it was becoming a small shadow in the thoughts of the human civilizations of what these interactions could mean.
Regardless of their opinions, you tried to stay near to your homestead you had established in the blissful wood. You decided a change of pace to create a space for yourself was beneficial. You lived close to the river that divided the territories as it gave you a water source, but when hunting and foraging, you tried to stay as close as possible. If one was not paying attention, it was easy to cross the borders between territories. Even in your land did the borders begin to blur.
You had begun to make a living from selling animals meats and forage herbs in your village. Living in the wood gave you access to many resources and a source for profit. Living solitarily was not as lonely as many thought.
The winter was growing harsher as the weeks went by, making it all the more pertinent to stay stocked on supplies. Primarily, that meant firewood was in constant need.
After enjoying a humble breakfast and attending to your minimal, but helpful, livestock, you set out into the nearby wood to refill your kindling.
Supplied with your rucksack, simple ace, and rope for bundling, you set out for the day. The weather had killed off many of the berry bushes and herbs you often used, so meat and wood had become the primary subjects of your searches.
After finding a decent spot, you chopped away at some smaller trees that would be easier for you to carry. Carrying everything by hand was not your usual method, but your wagon was not properly equipped for travelling in the snow, so you you could only bring home what you could carry. That fateful day, you were not the only one who decided to go out deeper into the woods.
Some distance away, across the river, was a big, burly, orc chopping away at a large log. Methodically and skillfully, he was chopping the wood and bundling it together.
You were mesmerized. You had never seen an orc in person before. He fascinated you.
Having noticed your staring, you went back to chopping wood. The noise must have alerted the orc, who then took his turn to take note of you when you were looking away.
You, unknowingly being watched in return, bundled the bits of ash tree you had chopped and readied yourself to go back home.
"It won't be enough," spoke a gravelly voice.
You turned to see the orc standing closer to the river, his kindling hanging from one arm.
"I'm sorry?" you hadn't expected him to speak to you.
"A few more bits of wood will help you. It's an awfully freezing winter." He was right, but you wouldn't admit that to a stranger.
"I appreciate your input, but I can handle my own. Have a good day, sir." At that, you turned around to head back home.
Regardless of whether or not the orc was right, you wanted to be self-sufficient. You had all you could carry and that was more that what many could do, so either way, you were proud.
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alovelyfrenchworld · 4 months ago
Your Neighborly Orc Part 2
The journey home was short and once there, you settled in quickly. As a heavy snow storm began, you lit a small fire in the hearth. There was no way you'd be able to journey out again, so you figured you'd make the best of what you had.
Your cat curled up on the wuant rug by the fire as you seated yourself in the armchair just beside. Armed with a wool blanket and a book on medicinal herbs gave you the chance to get comfy quickly. Even during your free time and isolation from primary civilzation meant that you'd want to amke yourself useful for fun. Maybe you could concoct a new tea for immunity. Sufficiency was key.
A few days passa and as expected, your kindling was running low.
You prepared yourself and left home for the woods again when you were met with a surprise.
The orc frm the other day was across the river, this time paired with a bow. Hunting, presumably. You went on with your task, bundling and lifting your stack of logs when a patch of ice hidden by powdery nsnow caused you to slip. Landing in the freezing water, your logs falling with you - now soaked and useless.
"Damn it!" You cursed, feeling that your hard work was wasted. Before you could make an attempt to stand, large hands enveloped you and lifted you out of the water and set you down on the bank.
"What the f-," you sputtered.
"Are you alright?" the orc asked, concern in his eyes.
Frustrated with yourself, you reply, "Physically. But now I have to start over."
The temperature of the great outdoors suddenly began to affect you. You shivered, understanding the precarity of your condition in this sort of weather.
"You're in no shape to be doing anything. You need to get out of these clothes before you freeze to death." He pointed to the collar of your collar, careful not to actually touch you.
Feeling exposed, you smacked his hand away and raised your arm to your chest.
"Do not worry," he chuckled hoarsely, almost out of nervousness, "I am not here to violate you. I only mean to comment on your well-being."
His kindness was shocking, but not totally unwelcomed.
Before you could properly reply, you were lifted bridal style.
"Whoa, whoa! This is unnecessary and preposterous!" You flail in his arms, making his grip strengthen to keep you safely in place.
"Humans," he scoffed, "too prideful."
Embarassed by your outburst, your face fell isntantly.
"Now," he said less gruffly, "where to?"
Realizing that a stranger wanted to know where you lived was frightening, but you were already in a vulberable position. Either way, you were compromised.
You gave him diretion to your little cottage, getting to know each other along the way, even exchanging names. He revealed his name to be Gûruk, and that he lived in a nearby orc settlement across the river. He told you hwo the settlement was at the edge of the territory, which explained why you'd sen him of late.
As he approached your door, he set you down on the stoop, and backed away.
"You need to be more careful, Y/N." He was right, but you would never tell him that.
"I will try," you grinned, "thank you, Gûruk."
He nodded in acknowledgement, looking around your homestead. He said nothing as he turned to walk away.
You questioned if this exit was typical of orcs or if you had made him uncomfortable.
You hoped you'd cross paths again so you could thank him properly without him feeling the need to leave.
Hopefully soon, Gûruk.
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alovelyfrenchworld · 3 months ago
Your Neighborly Orc Part 3
Gûruk carrying you home stayed in your mind for the rest of the day.
Sore from your fall, you decided a hot bath would be best. You were going to have to face the unfortunate consequences on your clumsiness.
It really had to be when someone could see, didn't it?
Boiling some water in a cauldron over the fire, you prepped everything you would need. Scrambling through your cabinet in the bathroom, you decided on a rosehip oil and some dried lavender to add to your bath for maximum comfort. Your drying cloth was hanging over the edge of the tub, scented with rose soap.
Your aching, bruising muscles were dying to get into a tub of comfort.
The boiling water was dumped into the wooden tub and you watched as the steam overtook your quaint bathroom. The rosehip oil and dried lavdender petals added a calming aroma.
The water burned for a moment as you got in, but it quickly turned into an embracing warmth that allowed you to relieve the tension you had felt.
Quickly, your weariness caught up to you and you dozed off in the comforting embrace of the warm, aromatic water. But, in your half-conscious state, you were startled by sudden noises outside. Your cat trilled outside the bathroom door, the horse gave a short neigh, and the chickens bawked. Concerned by the uproar, you quickly got out of the tub and threw on a shift and a robe.
You walked towards the noise, opening your front door fervently. What you did not expect was to be greeted by Gûruk standing on your porch, hammer in hand.
"Oh!" you exclaimed.
Realizing your fear, Gûruk immediately began to apologize.
"I am so sorry for frightening you. I just -" he paused, a small blush creeping across his lips as he got quieter. "Wanted to help..."
He gestured over to the front of your stables where your repaired wagon sat. No more broken wheel. And sitting on the porch was a stack of firewood that almost reached the ceiling of the awning.
"After your fall," Gûruk cleared his throat harshly before continuing. "I was worried about your provisions. Then I saw some things were broken and I didn't want you to further your injuries if you decided to, you know, fix anything."
The orc was clearly frazzled. It was and a bit unsettling that he had come by presumably and unannounced, but you could tell that there was no ill intent.
"Thank you, Gûruk." you gave him a soft smile.
He glanced at your more compromised state and wet hair, clearly noting you were fresh from a bath.
"Gods, forgive me!" He turned away quickly, moving his gaze towards his feet. "I did not mean to put you in an unladylike position."
You looked down at your attire and shrugged.
"Hardly anything ladylike about me. Besides, it is I who came out upon my own free will. You have not put in any position that I have consented to." Hoping to ease his embarassment, you placed a gentle hand on his very muscular forearm.
The contact sent a chill down your spine, almost as if a spark was sent through your nervous system. Gûruk must have felt the same as he briefly tensed at the contact before relaxing into your hand.
"How can I thank you for your help? You've already done so much for me and I have yet to repay any favors." You asked, genuinely.
"I would ask nothing from you. I did what I did because I wanted to. Besides, you are injured. I highly doubt you came from that fall uninjured." He was worried. You hardly knew each other and yet this man, this orc, who most everyone would assume was a warmongering brute, was worried about you.
"Your words are kind, Gûruk, but please, let me do something in return. Supper, perhaps?" You gestured toward your front door, hinting at his possible staying.
"As are yours, Y/N, but I would not intrude on a lady's home." The rejection stung, but you understood. He had no obligation to accept.
"Again, I am no lady." You took a step closer to him, having to tilt your head up completely to make eye contact with him. His height was tremendous, at least 7 feet. "I am merely a woman. My status is low at best, but a lady I could never be."
"A woman to me is a lady. You would be deserving such a title." He made intense eye contact with you, but retracted quickly when he realized it. "I must be going, Y/N. My tribe will be needing me."
He walked down the steps of the porch, but turned his head back to speak. "I would very much like to sup with you."
You perked up quickly. You smiled at him hopefully. "Really?"
"Not tonight," he huffed. "But, I think I can make an exception tomorrow evening. I can make an excuse for my men to let me go for a few hours. Is there a time that works best for you?"
He was now completely facing you, giving you his full attention.
Shyly, you wondered, "When do orcs normally dine?"
Gûruk chuckled. "Whenever you would like."
He didn't quite smile, but his eyes seem to indicate that he wanted to. He was probably keeping up his strong facade you noticed he often uses. "7 o'clock, then. I'll make stew."
"7 it is then."
"Goodbye, Gûruk."
"Until tomorrow, Y/N."
With dinner plans settled, he walked off back into the woods towards his home. Until tomorrow.
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alovelyfrenchworld · 13 days ago
Your Neighborly Orc Part 4
Tomorrow arrived too soon.
You had spent the entire day stressing and preparing for your dinner with Gûruk.
It's not romantic, you kept telling yourself, but did you really believe that?
In the morning when you awoke, you did everything you could to prep yourself. Ever since settling your quaint homestead, you haven't had guests. You had more or less moved far away to be isolated from the cacophany which came with mass amounts of people. However, this wasn't a mass amount of people coming over. This was one person, Gûruk.
For some reason that made it feel all the more different.
You chopped various vegetables you had - some carrots, onions, and potatoes - to add to your, hopefully filling, stew for an orc. If you had the time, you would have gone into town and seen if the little library by the town square had any information on orcs. What does Gûruk eat normally? You've seen him hunting, so you know he must eat meat. Sadly, you didn't have that much, but you added what rabbit meat you could spare, hoping the taste of the tender meat would come through to his inhuman tastebuds.
Four hours you had let the stew simmer. Every so often, you'd taste it nervously. Were the vegetables soft enough? Was the meat cooked all the way through? Was there enough bone broth? Was there too much seasoning? Not enough?
Amidst your cuisine worries, you also had to figure out what to wear. Clothing was not in abundance but did the blue dress look odd? Was the green too on the nose? You eventually settled for a deep teal colored dress with a simple brown leather belt about your waste. You wore simple wooden beaded earrings with your hair pulled hack with a hair pick. It wasn't perfect or graceful, but you felt nice enough. With a berry paste, you gave yourself a little rouge and lip tint to accentuate your features (not that those would matter…right?).
Before you knew it, the sun was beginning to set. The golden light of the approaching night was almost like an alarm as almost immediately, there was a rapping at your door.
Shaken from your worried state, you rushed to the door. On the other side was the big, burly Gûruk. Wearing a fur wrap around his shoulders, polished silver septum ring, and fresh clothing. Too fresh. As if they'd hardly been worn. He was a pleasant sight.
"Hi," you said nervously. "You're here."
"Good evening, Y/N," he responded, gruffly. "I said I would be. Why wouldn't I show?"
At first you thought he was picking, but his expression showed he watch genuinely asking.
"Oh!," you blushed, feeling a little odd for possibly implying he wouldn't come. "No, no, it's not that I didn't think you'd arrive. Only...I am happy you are here."
He returned your smile. It looked odd in contrast to his rough features. A scarred, green face, with a dashing smile. How contradictory.
You invited him in, but he would only enter your home after you.
"It is your space, only when you inhabit it will I feel comfortable being in it." he had said.
Apparently, it is an orcish tradition. Whenever one is invited to a space, you give the host room to move about show them that you are not a threat, but are there for company. You leave your weaponry at the door and then enter behind the host.
Gûruk did not have much on him, except for his recognizable bow and an insanely massize axe that was almost the heighth of your front door.
"I would not have thought orcs had so many traditions when it comes to house visits," you said in a surprised tone. Gûruk was very diligent with place everything by the front door inside.
"Not many people would," he straightened up to his full heighth. Your cottage was quaint at best and having an orc of around 7 feet standing in your living quarters made you hyper aware of how small the space was. "So, what's for supper?"
You led him to the small dining table, now wondering if your chair was too small for him to sit in, and then passed him a bowl of your stew.
Gûruk's large frame looked a bit silly as the chair was so small, but he made no comment. He simply accepted the bowl of stew. Once you had sit down across from him and got ready to eat is when he took his first bite of your home cooking. He let out a low grunt, almost in contemplation.
Shit, is it not good? I think it tastes okay...is my tongue wrong? Am I ill? Did I posion myself and now cannot taste properly? You asked yourself.
"Y/N," Gûruk said. Shit, shit, shit. "You may have to come to the orc encampment and cook now. I cannot taste something this good and go back to my people's cooking."
Flattered, you giggled. A hot blush quickly covered your cheeks. No doubt, did Gûruk notice. At least, if he had, he made no mention.
"Truly?" You asked.
"Honest. I would never lie about food. This is wonderful."
"Thank you, Gûruk. If I am being honest, I spent the whole day stressing about it. I was worried it would not be up to your standards."
Gûruk was visibly taken aback by this.
"When your people live as mine do, there is more focus on survival and less on culinary mastery. Some of my men would love to try this."
Your eyes widened at the mention of it. It sounded so taboo, although feeding local armies are not uncommon...at least, for humans anyway. Orcs are another matter entirely. Sensing your momentary discomfort, Gûruk immediately apologized.
"I did not mean to frighten you! Only that I would feel to selfish to keep this kind of delicacy to myself. I think hearty food is meant to be shared." His own nerves got the better of him, then. Gûruk had cleared the bowl you had offered and in his own nervousness, he twirled the spoon between his fingers. He focused on that repetitive motion for a few silent breaths.
Finally, you were brave enough to speak up.
"I made plenty. Truthfully, I don't know how much orcs eat and I was worried you would be hungry." You got up and showed him the giant pot of stew, not even half empty from what you had served.
Gûruk put his hands on yours, making you lower the pot slightly.
"It is a great kindness, Y/N, but I would not take so much food from you. You need to eat as well." His eyes softened at his last words.
"I eat," you said matter-of-factly. "This is just too much for me to eat before it is spoiled. You set the pot down and showed him your array of jarred foods and edible plants you gathered and shared plans for a bread starter in the upcoming days.
"It still isn't enough." Gûruk chuckled.
"How is it not?" You said, gesturing to everything you just presented.
"You need meat, warm foods, what about those?" He teased. "Or have you been resting because of that nasty fall?"
You playfully smacked his large, rather muscular, arm.
"Not funny! That really hurt..." you teased back, feigning sadness.
His demeanor changed in a flash, concern washing over him.
"Are you bruised at all?"
"Only a little, a hot bath eases the pain some."
"That's good," he smiled. "It would probably be best for you to rest indoors for a few days more."
Hands on your hips, you questioned him.
"Are you telling me what to do?" An eyebrow raised at himw as enough to make him squirm for a second. He stood up to his fool height in order to defend himself.
"No, I only mean to advise," he smirked. "Hunting in these conditions can be treacherous."
"Oh, I understand," you giggled. "Treacherous? How ever will a maiden like me survive the harsh winter?" You pretended to faint, nearly tripping over your cat who was sneaking to the table to steal some food.
The sound of his 'meow' was enough to make you jump, falling into Gûruk at the shock. He caught by the waist, almost instinctually. The sudden closeness made your heart race. Looking up at him meant leaning your head back as far as it went. You apologized profusely to which he said there was no need.
"See? You've proven my point." He laughed.
"You're rigjt," you laughed in return. "Maybe inside is my safest option. However, I still need to hunt. My meat supply is running very low and I need to savour those last bits for my little baby over there."
You pointed to your mischevious cat that was now staring back at the two of you as if he didn't just cause an almost-accident. No thoughts in his mind, just staring into the abyss.
Gûruk realized he had not yet released you and slowly let you go as he spoke.
"If I may return tomorrow morning, I can bring you some more meat. There is an overabundance at camp. It would be a waste for it to rot."
Not stepping back from where he had let you go, you stood in place, firmly.
"I wouldn't want to put more work on you." You replied, apologetically.
"Nonsense," he brushed off the thought. "I do not like food waste. Besides, we cannot let your poor kitty starve."
"Not at all." You grinned.
You and Gûruk spent the next couple of hours talking about the weather and asking about each other. He stoked the fire as it was dwindling because, as he put it, "the cat will freeze in these conditions".
You told him about moving out here and how you had found your cat abandoned and starving. He told you about how the orcs have had to relocate and are trying to keep the peace with the humans. He explained how he is hoping that their settlement will be far more permanent than it has been in past years. You agreed, saying you'd hope permanence meant seeing him more.
"I would like that very much." Gûruk's face was very close to yours. You two ended up on your setee across from your armchair, sitting closely to one another by the fire. Your cat took advantage of the empty chair, purring in his sleep as the fire crackled like a lullaby. The closeness to Gûruk allowed you to see his features more carefully in comparison to yours. Everything about him was larger than the average man. His tusks were intimidating in daylight, but by this firelight, they were adorned with a yellow glow that almost made them feel magical.
Unintentionally on both your parts, your conversation slowly faded out as you both leaned into one another. Far more carefully than you would have imagined was possible for such a burly orc, one of Gûruk's hands held your chin up towards him as gave you lightest kiss you'd ever received. Gûruk pulled back and hovered his hand by your face, the loss of contact saddening you.
"I hope that was alright." he muttered, soundign frightened by what your response could be.
"It was more than alright," This time, you initiated a kiss, but with a little more pressure. Nothing agrressive, just more contact. Five more seconds of bliss. "I hope that was alright."
Gûruk blushed, visibly. The pink spreading across his green skin made his cheeks look ignited by an internal fire. "More than so."
"It is getting late." You stated with disappointment. Outside your window, you could see nothing in the pitch black, but could hear the faint sounds of the nocturnal fauna awakening.
"I have to get back. I am sure I have worried my people being gone so long." Gûruk got up in a hurry, grabbing his dear by the door.
You followed suit, anxiety washing over you.
"I am sorry if I have caused trouble, I did not mean to keep you." Your eyes slowly began to well with unwanted tears. You blinked them away quickly, trying not to let Gûruk know of your feelings in the moment.
He took your hand firmly and assured you.
"You have not kept me, I was here of my own free-will. I just have others in my care that need me."
You led him out the door. Once you both were on the porch, he turned to you, making intense eye contact that worried you.
"Would another kiss before I go be overstepping?" He asked.
Rather than replying, you placed a hand on his chest and stood on your tip toes. He understood your meaning and leaned down to meet your lips. A quick peck was all he needed for a smile to return to his face. Lifting a hand of yours to kiss it, he bade you farewell.
"Tomorrow, Y/N, do not forget." he said.
"I won't" you promised.
"Goodnight." He said as he backed away and turned towards his home.
"Goodnight." You replied, the cold winter wind carrying your words to his attentive ears, unbeknownst to you.
@silverclawz @beaniebaneenie @jar0fhoney @yourlittlehoe @lem-hhn @apuddleonthelivingroomfloor @graveblanketgreen @blushycadaver @adriennepoison @sunndust
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alovelyfrenchworld · 9 days ago
dose Guruk view the reader differently because they are human like in comparison to orc women
Gûruk sees you differently from orc women, but not for any negative reason. He is used to being an acting liason for his people and has encountered many different races. He tries to acknowledge everyone's difference as not to be close minded and thinking that orcish way is the only way.
Humans never associate with him much due to the wide outcasting of orcs from human territories, so he sees you as a subject of fascination, as you do him. Orc women come in all shapes and sizes, but they are usually taller and around 6 feet tall. Human women, on the other hand, average under that, but he sees you as no less capable. He actually thinks you are on par with orc women.
He sees you do things his own people do. You cook, clean, tend to your animals, farm/garden - you are unafraid of labor and will always do your best.
However, beccause of his affections towards you, he has a frustrating habit of thinking you don't need to be doing those things. You're his cute little bunny, his person, and he wants to see you protected. Unintentionally, he may bar you from doing things that he knows women (from observing his own kind) are capable of doing, but because of fear.
He worries you'll get hurt again. Sure, you hunt and forage for yourself all the time. But, what if you fall again? What if he is not there this time? What if you're all alone and so injured to can't make it home?
He gives himself so much anxiety about it, even when he doesn't need to. You are capable of handling yourself, but he would rather handle it for you. But, if you insist, he will oblige. He learned quickly to not argue with orc women and he certainly won't argue with you. You're so short compared to him. Your anger doesn't have far to go.
All in all, the "differences" he sees with you in comparison to orc women is almost entirely based on his personal feelings from you. He finds it too difficult to separate your objective capabilities with his subjective feelings towards you that make him believe you shouldn't do anything he considers hard or difficult.
But, he will never push you. If you insist, he will let you go and do as you wish and be capable on your own. However, he will be close by, just in case you need him.
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alovelyfrenchworld · 9 days ago
What kind of life would be ideal for our orc neighbor? What does he want for the future?
Ooo good question...
I imagine Gûruk is a bit older than you, so he's definitely seen things. He's used to being a warlord for his people, the strong one. Only now has he been able to find a place that he finds safe enough for his people to settle.
That just so happens to be near you.
If he could help it, his ideal life would be calm. He wants to retire from wars and battles. He wants to get fatter from good cooking and sleep. He'd rather help his people with farming and building new homes.
Now, if you were in the picture...
While it's still pretty early in his affections for you, he can't deny that he's thought about the possibility.
He would love a life with someone where could settle down and be a husband and a caretaker. He justs wants to farm, to forage, to buildm and to love something far more than himself.
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alovelyfrenchworld · 9 days ago
What does our orc find the most physically attractive about reader? What about personality-wise?
You are feeding my obsession and I am LIVING for it.
Gûruk honestly is attracted to your physique. Not in a sexualized way, but in a he-sees-you-as-a-goddess-like-our-Aphrodite type way. He can tell you take care of yourself. Whether you see yourself as curvier or skinnier, he loves it. He knows you work outside and can see how much you do to be self-sufficient and your body is a healthy product of that activity. That, and he kinda has a thing for size that he will never admit. You're so much smaller, so you're like a cute bunny to him.
Personality-wise, he just loves how comfortable you seem to be around him. Most people are deathly terrified of him and you just...aren't. Fascinated, maybe, but you don't make him feel like a killing machine. You ask meaningful questions and give him all of your attention. He couldn't ask for someone sweeter.
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alovelyfrenchworld · 9 days ago
hi same anon here so let’s say that if Guruk and the reader had kids in what ways would he treat his own kids differently compared to those he took under his wing and what is the reason behind those differences
OOOO ILY guys, these asks are sooo helping my writer's block (and offering some reprieve from my schoolwork).
I think if you two decided to have kids, Gûruk would be 1000x more overprotective of his own kids than those he took under his wing. And that's saying a LOT because Gûruk is an overprotective little shit. He would rather take the brunt of war and violence than his lieutenant's son. He would rather all the women in his community stay happy and healthy behind a giant wall he built himself while he stands guard.
He will do anything for those he cares about. Now, if they're his own flesh and blood? You'll be lucky to get him to be okay with your children playing outdoor, you know...like kids do.
"My love, they need to play. Being indoors will only make them made."
"But indoors is safe. There's danger!"
"What danger?"
"Wild beasts! Enemies! Diseases!"
"...you do remember your kids tag teamed wrestling a racoon last week that stole my pie, right?"
Gûruk is only so much more protective of his children, because deep down he considers them YOUR children. Those are your babies. You went through the trouble of carrying them for nearly 10 months and went through the births (or if you adopted, you are the one he let take control - it was your kind heart that saw the suffering of a lonely child). He knows he is their father and he feels that responsibility, but he also knows what joy they bring you. Them being there makes him feel less guilty about leaving you alone. He would rather know that if he dies, for any reason, be it battle or disease or poison or natural causes, that you have some part of him - your children.
He cannot imagine a life without your children and you. He could not go on with life. He spent so long alone and being the "strongest" orc that now he has let down his guard with you, he cannot handle the idea of something happening to your children or you.
Before, he was protective of those he saw as his pseudo-children, but he did not have the bond with them that their actual parents had.
Now, with you, and your children, he understands. He would rather be the bad guy in every scenario if it means they are safe. Which ultimately leads to many discussions about overprotectiveness and the mental well-being of your children (he will always listen to what you have to say, even if he doesn't understand it).
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alovelyfrenchworld · 9 days ago
how does Guruk feel about kids dose he want any some day why or why not
Gûruk would consider kids if it came up in your relationship, but it's not something he particular sees for himself. His "children" are the younger ones he helps look after in his settlement.
There's a new mother whose husband was lost in battle? Gûruk is offering childcare so she can have a moment to breathe.
Young squire-types wanting to be the first orc-knights in the kingdom? Gûruk is giving them sparring lessons.
An older father has a son joining Gûruk's batallion and is worried about him going off to war? Gûruk is taking that son under his wing and giving him all the survival skills he has learned over the years in hopes that he can return home.
And never forget the orc girls. Gûruk is the not the type to only think of 'men and sons and carrying on legacies' bullshit.
The orc maidens often are the ones controlling orc society. They lean more towards of a matriarchy than anything. The young girls want to put on a play for the soldiers before they leave? Sure! Gûruk is helping their mothers with their costumes (and also making sure they don't try to blow anything up with their pyromaniac tendencies) (okay, he's a little intimidated by these girls)
A fiancee of one of his soldiers grieves her love as he is injured and turned to a deep sleep; Gûruk is there to offer fatherly comfort.
Since Gûruk is used to matriarchal ways, he would consider children if it is what his female partner desired, but he would express his apprehension. In his mind, he has like 100 kids - maybe you could be their other parent?
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alovelyfrenchworld · 9 days ago
This is another ask from the lovely @blushycadaver , whose original ask I lost....:/
"what was his love language and as someone who likes to cook i also asked does the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” apply to him?
As someone who also loves to cook (on the ocassion I feel up to it), I 100% think Gûruk can be persuaded through his stomach. The first time he comes over for dinner and you served him dinner was the moment he KNEW he wanted to be with you. He knew he wanted to court you and get to know you and all of your little quirks.
Gûruk is used to war and is used to war rations. He can go days with minimal nutrition, but he doesn't like it by any means. He will give up his own rations if it means someone else gets to eat, but he also likes to eat.
Whether or not you're making/trying something new or making a dish from your childhood, Gûruk is always down to try it. He will be honest if he doesn't like it, but he is always clear to mention that he doesn't believe it's your cooking - just the combination of food itself.
Gûruk's love language HAS to be acts of service. He will do anthing for you all day, everyday. Remember when he came by your home unexpected to fix your wheelbarrow? That man has been trying to get your attention ever since then.
He wants to help, wants to get to know you, and wants to be useful. Even if you were just friends, he wants to be there. He would rather do something for you than himself. Remember how he also carried you home when he witnessed you getting injured? He wanted to help you then, he wants to help you now. He would've never forgiven himself for leaving you there, knowing what kinds of other people there are in the world. Performing an act of service was out of the goodness of his heart, but also his way of vetting you romantically. He wanted to see how close you'd allow him to be, if you'll let him help you.
He just wants a purpose in life outside of war and aggression.
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