chxseungyoun · 6 years
Felix ♤ 》 Him
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Pairing: Best friend! Felix x Reader
Genre: Romance, Soulmate AU, Fluff, Drabble
So everybody knows that you are destined for someone because that's just how life works.
Everybody has a soulmate which you can have some form of bond with may it be from matching tattoos, matching disabilities or just that simple love at first sight look.
You however...
Well, you had none of that. You had no special marks and everything else was normal for you.
Having no soulmate was a misfortune or some would even see it as a curse.
Your parents tried hard to conceal your fate by writing marks on your skin to make it seen like it was the tattoo that bonded your fate.
Fortunately, you were not alone. For your neighbor's son had also experience an ill fate. He had no markers which signaled that he had a soulmate.
Felix was his name.
He soon grew up to be your best friend.
Basically, you two had to scribble random doodles on your wrists just to make it seen like you have soulmates.
"What are you gonna write on yours today?" He asked as he peeked at your wrist.
"Pineapples do belong on pizza." You laughed. You often changed what was written on your wrist saying to people that your bond was having what your soulmate will say last for the day.
"You're weird." Felix commented before writing on his wrist.
"What did you write?"
"I told you so." He said as he showed how he had even wrote it in cursive.
"Why that?" You raised an eyebrow as you stood up and grabbed your backpack.
"It's generic and people would assume that it can be anyone." He explained.
Truth is, this had much more of an impact to him because he was called a disgrace for not even having a soulmate and only average grades in his class.
You had better grades and you opted to teach him as your self-proclaimed duty as his best friend.
You two walked to school as per routine. Catching the bus would get you two to scjool quick but walking gave you two more time to talk.
"Do you sometimes feel like we really are cursed?" He brought up while you two had been discussing about soulmates.
"People make it seem like we are but does that make us less as people?" You asked him back and he only heaved a sigh.
"I guess not."
"Does it make you sad?" You tilted your head while looking at him.
"Just confused."
"Even without soulmates, we'll be just fine."
He gave you a boyish smile and stretched his arms up. "I'll pick you up after class. Let's get some pizza while we study."
"Your treat?" You batted your eyelashes and he only laughed softly.
Later that day, as you two got your pizza. Him with his pepperoni and cheese while you..actually ordered hawaiian.
"That doesn't taste good though." He pointed at your pizza as he flipped through his algebra book.
"Nuh uh! Pineapples do add a special taste! Try it!" You took a slice and shoved it into his mouth, also causing him to choke.
Not wanting you to shove another slice into his mouth, he just agreed with you. "Yeah yeah. Pineapples do belong in pizzas." He rolled his eyes and just continued to study.
"I told you so!" You argued and continued stuffing yourself with food.
As you got home, Felix had always took you home first. Your mother had invited him to come in but he said he had a big test he needed to study for. So he had no choice but to bid you farewell.
As he got home, he breathed in deeply and looked at his wrist with his smudged writing on it. He has noticed it for a while.
Everything he wrote, you often said.
It almost overwhelmed him with confusion.
But it couldn't be, right? You both had no soulmates.
You too had been experiencing the same.
Scared? Yes. You had no clue what was happening. Was it because you guys were too close or was it just coincidence.
The next few days, you tried testing the waters. And so did he. Not showing each other your wrists just to see if it still ended up the same.
It didn't. You guys finally now had different writings on your wrist.
You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It would be a lie to say that Felix was not attractive. He was hella attractive and you promised yourself never to say that out loud.
You two had been at the grounds of the school where you sat under a shaded area and Felix had his head on your lap while he napped on the grass.
You just stared at his sleeping face. It made yiur heart beat rise a bit but you always tried to push those feelings away.
Felix never slept actually. There was just this calming feeling of being with you.
You liked one another so the question is why not just confess, right? Well, the reason is simple.
How could you do that to your parents? They had been protecting both of you and you two would just start dating? What would people think of your families.
This is why you two just pushed it away.
Everyone in your school believes that you two are soulmates. In fact, nobody questioned what your bond was because they just knew that you two were already a thing.
Plus, you didn't have enough friends nosing around it.
It was until one evening where Felix had to stay over at your place since your parents, as well as his, planned to visit a Shaman to talk about your fates as soulmate-less people.
It was a great time for you two to have nothing to think about but having fun.
You had your usual meals like ramen mixed in some rice cake paired with your favorite soda.
You two also played some fortnite since he brought his laptop with him.
But since playing for long caused your eyes to hurt, you two just decided to lay down on the carpet.
"Hey, can I write on your wrist this time?" He started as he broke the peaceful silence between both of you.
You were confused why since the day was already ending but he wrote something on it anyway.
He then yawned and closed his eyes. "I'm going to sleep, good night."
"Good night..." you said back confusingly as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
You looked down on your wrist and your eyes widened. In blue ink, it wrote, I like you.
You felt your heart skip a beat and you wanted to ask him about it but was afraid to wake him up from his sleep. So you gently took the pen he had written with and wrote the words, I like you too, on his wrist.
Soon falling asleep as well, Felix opened his eyes to check on his wrist. He smiled to himself before turning to face you and pull you against his chest. "We don't need soulmates..we just need one another." He whispered before closing his eyes.
Your parents somewhere in complete shock when the shaman told them that you both had already found your soulmates.
So when they went home, they were surprised to see you two in one another's arms, sleeping on the carpet.
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