#g: itsfanchengcheng
chxseungyoun · 6 years
Fan Chengcheng ♡ 》 Why Can't I?
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Chengcheng x Girlfriend! Reader
Genre: Fluff
There is nothing more Chengcheng hates than Zhu Zhengting.
There is one sole reason for so.
See, you and Chengcheng had been dating for only a few months.
You and Zhengting however had been best friend for ten years.
Now back to the reason why Chengcheng hates Zhengting is because he forbids him from doing anything with you.
Or he at least limits it.
He can't take you out in the evening, he can only go on dates with you during the afternoon.
That means you can only date during weekends.
You two can't go hugging out in public. The respectable distance is one meter.
But the rule he hated the most was that he can't kiss you.
He would rant out to his best friend Huang Minghao on how he was so annoyed with these rules.
Truthfully, you found the rules funny.
You knew Zhengting was doing it on purpose.
Zhengting was very protective of you because he was like your big brother growing up.
So when he found out you were dating.
He wanted to make sure that you were going to be treated like a princess.
Chengcheng proved to have done so.
But Chengcheng was at the brim of his patience with him.
So he deviced a plan with Minghao.
They decided to have the whole group go to an amusement park.
Of course, it was always you, Chengcheng and Zhengting who rode in the three sitter rides.
Chengcheng would act all normal and this left you and Zhengting suspicious of why it was so.
Chengcheng was very outspoken so he tends to act his thoughts out.
This time??? No.
It was nearing the evening and you all thought that the best ride to go on during that time was the ferris wheel.
Which just happened to be for two people.
So everyone teamed up.
You and Chengcheng.
Justin with Zhengting.
Zeren and Quanzhe.
Wenjun and Xinchun.
Finally, it worked.
Zhengting couldn't complain since he did not wanna offend Justin who chose him instantly as a partner.
During the ride, Chengcheng finally pulled you close to him by draping his arm over your shoulders.
A bold move which caused you to blush.
"Finally." He said as he looked at you with his goofy grin.
"I have wanted to spend alone time with you and even it it just took three turns for this ferris wheel...I think that'd be enough." He said honestly.
This made you chuckle, you gently laid your head against him.
This made him a blushing mess.
Bold moves basically causes you both to get shy.
"Zhengting likes you...don't get the wrong idea, okay? He can just be a little too overprotective of me..."
"He is way protective with all these rules he had been setting." He frowned and his reflection on the glass window only caused you to laugh at him.
"Are you saving me from the Zhengting then...? My prince." You dramatically clutched on your chest.
He rolled his eyes at you but then he realized something.
"If I'm your prince then that means I should be giving you true love's kiss, right?"
"I..." you were about to say something but was distracted when Chengcheng's lips landed on your cheek.
From the cart behind, Chengcheng knew he was in deep trouble.
He heard Zhengting scream and his phone had been bombarded with messages from Justin saying 'TROUBLE. TROUBLE.'
Chengcheng knew he had to run with you as soon as the ferris wheel ride was over.
It was all worth it, though.
He got the kiss from his princess.
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yiqiie · 6 years
abc tag ♡
tagged by: @eriines thank you lovely! 
rules: answer the questions in a new post + tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better
(a)ge: 17 (turning 18 in 11 days i’m gonna be legal soon wooo)
(b)irthplace: australia! 
c)urrent time: 9:12 pm
(d)rink you last had: tea
(e)asiest person to talk to: my mum, followed by my best friend 
(f)av song: it changes all the time but right now, Power Up by Red Velvet (side note: GO SUPPORT MY QUEENS AND CHECKOUT THE MV) 
(g)rossest memory: i can’t remember anything in particular lmao 
(h)ogwarts house: slytherin and proud 
(i)n love: with cai xukun
(j)ealous of people: not usually 
(k)illed someone: no but i’ve thought of chucking my textbook at whoever invented uni level maths as a finals subject 
(l)ove at first sight or walk by again: walk by again
(m)iddle name: don’t have one 
(n)umber of siblings: none, but wish i had an elder sibling 
(o)ne wish: happiness 
(p)erson you last called: my friend asking her for some advice 
(q)uestion you ask most: is there food? / do you have any food? 
r)eason to smile: i saw a magnificent video of a corgi today 
(s)ong you last sang: sang ‘Eyes of You’, 10 Things I Hate About You style with my whole year level because someone started singing and we all joined in 
(t)ime you woke up: 6 am
(u)nderwear colour: that is for me to know and for you to never know
(v)acation destination: japan, europe, korea, new york 
(w)orst habit: i twist my ring around my finger and fiddle a lot whenever i’m nervous 
(x)-rays: teeth, hand, wrist
(y)our fav food: hot pot, chips from a fish and chips shop, kimchi ramen, cheese toastie 
(z)odiac sign: leo
tagging: @caixukunkun, @zhengtjngs, @zhuzhengting, @yanchen-enthusiast, @itsfanchengcheng, @itszeren, @caixukun, @evanismyking, @tolwenjun, @ziyistory
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rqs902 · 6 years
abc tag
tagged by: @zhu-xingjie @zhuzhengting @yanchen-enthusiast @ziyanqyanq and @8lyj thank you all!!! ♡♡
rules: answer the questions in a new post + tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better
(a)ge: 21
(b)irthplace: usa
c)urrent time: 8:00pm
(d)rink you last had: early grey milk tea 
(e)asiest person to talk to: 2 of my friends from home, one being like an older brother and one being a friend who’s been through a lot with me
(f)av song: right now ALIVE by Qian Zhenghao or Unicorn by Xiao Gui! I’ve also been listening to Heart Full of You by NEX7 on repeat for a while :) For long term, I’ll say Rock the Show by TRAINEE18 and U&I by MR-X
(g)rossest memory: having to be nice to a racist customer at work
(h)ogwarts house: im not super knowledged about harry potter tbh but maybe hufflepuff?? 
(i)n love: do ip trainees count? 
(j)ealous of people: sometimes (!! violet i agree, it does motivate me to work harder too)
(k)illed someone: no luckily the people i’ve fed my cooking to have survived
(l)ove at first sight or walk by again: walk by again, the more times the better
(m)iddle name: -
(n)umber of siblings: 1
(o)ne wish: to enjoy life
(p)erson you last called: my mom called me (lol me too nicole!!) 
(q)uestion you ask most: i ask the gps to give me directions to basically everywhere bc i cannot navigate to save my life
r)eason to smile: lu dinghao being extra or chen linong just smiling 
(s)ong you last sang: you can be my girlfriend by cai xukun (LOL i feel exposed.... but me too bobby!!!!)
(t)ime you woke up: 7:00am
(u)nderwear colour: black
(v)acation destination: taiwan and southeast asia
(w)orst habit: getting bored easily
(x)-rays: yea id say only teeth too violet
(y)our fav food: beef noodle soup and scallion pancakes
(z)odiac sign: gemini 
tagging @hanmub0 @zhengnongs @itsfanchengcheng @idolprod @linyan9un  @pandachaoze and @huangjstn if yall would like to! 
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chxseungyoun · 6 years
Nine Percent as Dads (3/3)
I call this the misbehaving list of kids who probably get coal for christmas but i still love them list.
Fan Chengcheng
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Chengcheng does not really scream father material and it may be because he is kinda the naive and playful type of guy.
However, he does mature gradually.
The first few months with the baby, he would probably be confused on how to treat it.
He would probably ask Justin to come over and 'play' with the baby so he gets scolded a lot by his spouse because that is not how you treat a fetus.
He loves carrying his child up on an 'airplane' ride and it does make his spouse happy on how he wants to bond so much with their kid.
He would also probably bring his kid to any hangout he and Justin would go to but his spouse trusts them anyway since they are also both kids at heart.
Chengcheng may come off as hot and cold sometimes though. Like he can easily get annoyed if their child becomes a lil too disobedient but then the next hour, he would go back to loving them again.
He does not know how to discipline well. He thinks of how he could but he always fails ro do so.
Chengcheng might whine a lot but only when his spouse or his jiejie takes his child away from him.
If anyone insults his family, specially his children, his meme self will be gone and will be replaced by a very vengeful one.
He will prioritize his family first but Justin is still probably at second.
He will still also annoy his spouse just because he finds their annoyed expression cute. So rhe bad habits that his kid might pick up will probably come from him.
Chengcheng might either go with just one child or do extreme because he may seem like he either knows what kind of responsibility he can shoulder or just go with the flow. (*stares at the geminis*)
Huang Minghao
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The coolest and most handsome dad alive--as he claims.
He will most likely not act as a dad but as a friend to his child.
"Bro." Yeah, he would call his kid that.
All the things he enjoyed when he was a kid, he would make sure his kids would enjoy more.
He's the dad that everyone wants to be their dad as well.
He cannot scold his kids? He just feels like he would turn from hero to villain in their lives if he did so.
He raises troublemakers because he himself will be one. Somehow similar to how Chengcheng is but crank that a little more.
He would sometimes try to steal his spouse's attention for their kids.
At the end of the day, he will still want his children to experience the happiest childhood. He knows that growing up will be tough so as much as possible, he wants their memories only to be of good and happy ones.
I think he's the type of dad who would spoil his children at first but then stop at a certain age to teach them to be contented with what they have.
His ways are questionnable but he has his own ways to educate his children.
His children would surprisingly be really fashionable as well? Another instagram and weibo dad right here.
Justin won't be able to cook for them. His idea of a meal is waffles with candies on it. He does try to cook but his spouse will scold him when he does. They cannot afford to burn down the kitchen after all.
His spouse and him sleeps with their children in their room. That's why their family will be one of the most close knit among all the other boys.
You Zhangjing
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The dad who cooks the best and eats the most.
When he has kids, I doubt he would still care about his figure because it is a handdful to take care of tiny humans.
Zhangjing enjoys cooking for the family though. All the recipes his mother had made, he would pass on to his children.
He is very strict to both his spouse and his children but he does it out of care. His strictness does not shape the family to be perfect but like he would scold any of the members if they are doing something that can potentially harm themselves.
A very musical family. He loves to sing with his children whenever they could.
He loves playing with them in the yard too. Although, he gets tired a lot too.
He invites Yanjun a lot to babysit and the kids would love him as equally as they love their father but Zhangjing won't mind.
This gives him time to love his spouse as well. Backhugs and side hugs are going to be his favorite thing to do while watching the kids jump on Yanjun's back.
I think Zhangjing would be the most excited to have kids and it's not because he is the eldest but because he is the readiest out of the nine.
He knows balance between growing as a family and growing as an individual.
There maybe ups and downs but Zhangjing would be more willing to fix it because of his love for his children and most of all, his spouse.
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