#g: hiro
hiro-doodlez · 2 months
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okay anyways YEAHHHHH i speedran these for new stock because i forgot i wanted to do that BWUGH
Okay sleep time goodnight its 3 i have to be up in like 4 hours LOL
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Charlie too but i gave up on him. Yes this will also be a keychain
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Incest shippers must be lonely as hell,imagine you see two siblings or a parent and their kid having a positive relathionship and you're convinced it can't mean anything but them wanting to date eachother😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Ah, I love this message about letting people in and trying new things instead of shutting yourself off from the world. Beyblade is beautiful.
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sultrybaby · 4 months
season one kai had a kind of personality that just isnt there in the other 2 seasons. personal theory: in season one at some level his attempt to be cool and just his entire mojo is like somewhat funny, like its cool but its also funny. i feel like in the later seasons they try so hard to make him cool that they take the personality out of being cool. not to say i dont love vforce kai and g rev kai. i love how vforce kai shows how much he cares and is just rlly nice (wyatt hilary zeo etc) and grev kai is unhinged and also his whole embracing my inner darkness after losing one (1) battle against brooklyn is iconic, but there is just smth so special abt season one kai like i cant explain it lmfao.
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 10 months
do you guys ever wonder how devastated Professor Granville must’ve been after Obake’s accident at SFIT? She obviously blames herself for a decent chunk of it, if not the entire accident. Like, it fucked her up so badly she felt her only choice was to take the fall for it and straight-up resign, even though she obviously loved teaching and loved her other students besides Obake. Do you think she saw herself as more of a parent/really involved mentor role to him rather than a professor? Because I think so.
And then Hiro made the exact same thing that Obake made, it must’ve torn her apart all over again to see her new prodigy, her new protégé who she had been trying to teach limits to because she now knows how important they are, go down the same exact path that Obake did 20 years ago. Like, I am imagining her pain right now, her fear, the sense of failure that she hadn’t been able to save Obake and now she couldn’t save Hiro either (and I have low empathy so it’s SAYING something that I can imagine her pain). And then Hiro lies to her and says he won’t make the amplifier, and she’s relieved, like, maybe she’s actually saved him. Maybe he won’t make Obake’s mistakes
But then of course Hiro actually makes the amplifier and breaks her heart all over again. Also adult Obake showing up and messing with her, pushing the exact button to just destroy this poor woman (“you made me the man I am today”). Like damn, Professor Granville NEVER gets a break in this show.. someone needs to write a fic where she’s happy for once.
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daydream-comet · 1 year
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One of the things that I really like from grev is just. baby Takao. Like believe me when I say that my parental and elder sibling instincts were activated the moment I saw him onscreen. He's precious. He's not traumatized. He must be protected. He's so cute and tiny and squishy and huggable and babie. We need more baby Takao. The world needs more of baby Takao's cuteness.
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tribius-art · 5 months
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ahamasmiyodhah · 8 months
The End is Nigh: Chapter 1
the Mango tree swayed with a gentle breeze, as if gently fanning the young blue haired boy lying underneath it, his open hairs sprawled across the grass. Dressed in a simple white polo tee and dark blue jeans, Tyson Granger laid underneath the mango tree with closed eyes, thinking about who knew what, his dark blue hairs sprawled across the grass, not have grown longer. It was all until his reverie was broken by the footsteps, when he turned his head and peeked one eye open to see Kai- wait, KAI?
He sat up with such speed, that he nearly cracked his neck but thankfully didn't, and his hairs fell down like cascade of waterfall, reaching his waist length. "Hey Kai!" He chimed. It had been two years since the fall of BEGA. After the Battle with Brooklyn, he had nearly collapsed when Kai had held him- just like he did when Kai collapsed after his Battle with Brooklyn- and had taken the tanned Granger boy to Hospital, looking out for the young Dragoon wielder and filling up papers until his Team and Elders arrived. It was Tyson who had persuaded him to make amends with his Father, and Kai finally relented after being pestered for two months.
These two years changed everything between Kai and Tyson. Three months after the fall of BEGA, Kai had surprisingly turned up at Tyson's doorstep. It was because Misaki had to go out for a month, and Kai was hesitant to stay at his Father's, thus he found himself at Dojo's entrance. To say that the said month wasn't eventful would be a blatant lie. While Daichi and Tyson's constant arguments and banters riled him up the wall always, a cup of black coffee without sugar always appeared in front of him, Grandpa Granger smiling gently at the dual haired boy. Their combined training strengthened the bond they had, which tightened more whenever Max and Ray joined them.
And Kai will always believe in one thing, that the only Rival he wants to beat is Tyson, and he won't accept being beaten by anyone who isn't Tyson.
"Hey Tyson, how you doing?" He asked flopping beside the boy, who had pulled his hairs up in a ponytail. "I'm doing fine. You say! How come you are here today?" Tyson asked.
"I'm... I'm here to ask you about your plans for Tournament." He asked looking away, making Tyson's grin fall. "I haven't really thought about it..." Tyson looked away, feeling still a little off. As much as he tried to be cool about it, his friends leaving him two years ago was something which left a emotional scar. "I don't know if I will Battle or not, these will be Best of Three Tournaments.. And I really don't have a team. I don't know if you, Max and Ray will join me or not.." He said silently, not looking at Kai making Kai's back tense.
Kai knew he had hurt Tyson more than Ray and Max did after leaving him to have a chance against him, and did that again by joining BEGA. He didn't knew what to make of it. He never knew why Tyson easily accepted him back- as if he KNEW Kai will return to them. His thoughts were jumbled when he saw Dranzer beside Tala's pillow in Hospital, but he was more than overwhelmed. When he returned and all the teams were against him joining, it was Ray, Max, Tyson, Kenny, Hilary and even Daichi who supported him. Except, Ray tore him in a new one all while fussing around him and his wounds, with Daichi egging him up, Hilary giving him a disapproving side eye, and Max and Tyson knew better to stay shut up, but they were relieved when he came back.
"I... Why did you accepted me back?" He asked quietly, and sighed when Tyson didn't get what he meant. "After whole BEGA fiasco and me leaving you all and joining BEGA, why did you accepted me?" He asked and Tyson sighed softly, putting a hand at his shoulder. "My Grandpa used to say, 'Those who leave return, no matter where they are.' He strongly believed you will return, and asked us to prepare hard for battle. Also, you are a Friend. This happens in Friendship." Tyson said, giving a big Tyson-like grin to Kai who looked struck.
He didn't knew whether to punch Tyson for nearly hugging him or thank him for his words and believing him.
"So... you didn't ask them?" Kai said after swallowing thickly. Tyson blinked before his eyes widened with a grin. "Wait- I will just call them!" Tyson said and bounded inside his house, soon returning with his phone and texting furiously. "Max, Kenny and Hil are coming here." Tyson said Kai groaned internally. "Hilary will go apeshit with training regime. I still remember how disastrous her first regime was." He groaned, flopping on his back and making Tyson laugh. "What about B-Boys? Are they joining tournament?" Tyson asked flopping down beside Kai, mirroring his stance by putting his hands behind his head and crossing one leg over other, making his foot hit Kai's foot which was facing his foot.
"Yeah," Kai said in a dry tone, hitting Tyson back. "Oh that will be so cool! How is he, Sergei and Bryan? Especially after BEGA ordeal?" Tyson asked, hitting him back playfully which led Kai to hit him back as playfully. "They are doing fine. Ian told me about how surprisingly one day Garland had turned at their doorstep with others and apologised. Though it ended quiet disastrously with Bryan losing his shit, Tala, Bryan and Sergei took good amount of revenge." Kai said and after a thought, added. "Don't ask me what they did. Bryan is hot headed and Tala's a little shit." He said and Tyson burst into a laugh.
"That sounds hilarious, I will ask them." Tyson laughed as they hit each other's foot back and forth playfully. And that's how when Max arrived with a cheery grin, his grin faltered into a confused smile as he saw Tyson and Kai having a full blown foot-fight.
Read full story:
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strooples · 2 years
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Just a watercolory feel to a moment for the Kinomiya family~
A little doodle of Takao and his family members all together (Daichi included as he basically gets taken in by Takao’s grandfather!!). His grandpa’s bringing out the food, Hiro stops by to say hi, his dad is kinda just chilling, all while Takao’s enjoying the winter kotatsu.
A bit of a cozy scene as I’m wondering when the unpredictable cold season will start where I live!! And Kotatsu’s have always looked so so cozy! :D
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konoha--files · 2 years
Category: Beyblade
Rating: T (may change)
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Friendship, maybe Romance too.
Pairings: Main: KaiHil, HiroXOC; side pairing: RayMariah; Hinted: TalJul and MaxMariam.
Please Read and Review!!!!
Good Day and Let it Rip!!!
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hiro-doodlez · 1 year
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Aaanndndd i made this while at school whcih is KINDA a redraw of something from.. may?? I just remade it i guess WUEHDSSE BUUUT put it under the cut ISDNDIDN
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
If you think incest is an inherently lgbt dynamic,there's a good chance you're a white gay who hasn't actually experienced incestous abuse
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Hitoshi teaching some kids how to Beyblade in... rural Vietnam? That's my guess from the houses.
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sultrybaby · 4 months
Hiro honey i want to take u srsly i rlly do but that fucking suit and thOSE FUCKING GLASSES STOP
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delinquentshipping · 3 months
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You can tell it has been a while since I drew two of them. A slightly more recent one with two of my favourite duo's! Only one is pairing though.
KazumaxChorono = Delinquentshipping because that's how they were both introduced as in the show? Kiyoshiro& Hiro = Rotating big brother/ little brother dynamics, despite one being the Senpai.
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idrawprettyboys · 4 months
I’m working on a picture of Hitoshi and Garland from Beyblade! If anyone wants to see my progress as I work on it, please subscribe to my Patreon. :)
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