lyvenex · 3 months
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Brain worms have collided. Now say the line, Diavolo!
bonus eyestrainy version i liked
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fyrets · 3 months
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Something wrong with me
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pawborough · 24 days
Developement Update!
Sweeping and fixing all high priority issues found. All hands on deck. The un-borkening! On god, people will be testing before August ends. Thanks everyone for sticking out.
Working on icons, item uploading, mass file formatting, Leopard, Fyret genes, Moontail Cardinal, Gilded Crest Accessory, Jute, and Woolen.
Did an art stream today! Sharing progress and talking with community members! We tested this on our Discord, but might start doing these regularly on YouTube!
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blondinehjerne · 10 months
Du gør det ikke godt nok. Du skal gøre det hurtigere. Du skal gøre det bedre. Du skal lade være med at gøre det. Du skal gøre det. Ej nu glemte du også det. Nu gjorde du det igen. Alle synes jeg gør det dårligt. Min chef synes sikkert jeg er ringe. Jeg bliver sikkert fyret. Ej men hvor er det dumt. Hvorfor gjorde jeg det? Hvorfor er det så svært. Hvorfor ser det så nemt ud for hende. Hvad er der galt med mig. Hvorfor kan jeg ikke bare finde ud af det? Hvad med at se den anden side af historien. Du gør det faktisk godt nok. Du behøver ikke at stresse. Du har intet bevise. Mennesker laver fejl. Mennesker glemmer ting. Også to gange. Ingen tænker på dig, de har travlt med sig selv. Hvis din chef har et problem med dig, vil han med alt sandsynlighed fortælle dig det. Så længe du ikke har fået noget at vide er chancen for du bliver fyret ikke særlig stor. Det er ikke dumt, du skal bare snart have frokostpause. Du behøver ikke at forklare dig, især ikke til dig selv. Det må gerne være svært. Det er nemt for hende, fordi hun har gjort det i årevis. Der absolut intet galt med dig. Fordi det tager tid at lære ting og du skal give dig selv lov. Lov til fejle, lov til at prøve og ikke mindst bare lov være, eksistere.
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lunadivino · 18 days
Always remembering when I was in call with primrose talking about PB and a hypothetical overcoat pattern that would give fyret venus spots in their mane much like a certain primary antagonist of well known shonen anime/manga series and being so enamored by the possibility I was stunlocked into screaming I'LL DO ANYTHING for a good 30 seconds
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saltboroughs · 3 months
the fyrets are sooooooooo fucking ugly omg im genuinely baffled that all i ever see is thumper hate when those Things are right here. Eugh... Skincrawlingly ugly thangs.
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fibula-rasa · 4 months
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Daredevil of the Movies / Filmens Vovehals (1923)  
clip from: Pigen fra Hidalgo-Fyret (1914)
[letterboxd | imdb | stumfilm]
Director (of original film): Kay van der Aa Kühle
Performer: Emilie Sannom
About: Short anthology film cut together of stunt highlights by Danish performer Emilie Sannom. When the short was produced, Sannom had left the film industry but continued performing live—specializing in aerial stunts—until her untimely death in 1931.
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errtwo · 1 year
Sådan blev Michael fyrværkeri forhandler
Michael var altid fascineret af fyrværkeri. Han elskede den måde, som lyset og farverne dansede i luften og skabte en helt særlig stemning, når det blev fyret af.
Efter at have arbejdet i forskellige job i nogle år besluttede Michael, at det var på tide at følge sin passion for fyrværkeri og blive en forhandler. Han begyndte at undersøge forskellige leverandører og lære om de forskellige typer af fyrværkeri.
Efter at have samlet en god mængde viden om branchen, besluttede han sig for at starte sin egen virksomhed. Han købte et stykke land på landet og byggede et lager og en butik, hvor han kunne sælge fyrværkeri til sine kunder.
Michael var meget omhyggelig med at vælge de rigtige produkter til sin butik og brugte meget tid på at lære om sikkerhed og regler for håndtering af fyrværkeri. Han ville sørge for, at hans kunder ikke kun fik de bedste fyrværkeriprodukter, men også at de var trygge ved at bruge dem.
Med tiden blev Michaels butik en stor succes. Kunderne var begejstrede for den store udvalg af fyrværkeri, den personlige service og den høje standard for sikkerhed, som han havde sat i fokus.
Michael var glad for at have taget springet og følge sin passion for fyrværkeri. Han vidste, at hans job som fyrværkeri forhandler ikke kun var en god forretning, men også en måde at bringe glæde og spænding til sine kunder på højtider og andre specielle lejligheder.
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flodsynd · 2 years
min psykolog har fyret mig hahhahaahhh. findes der en større afvisning?
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redlipsticklies · 1 year
At blive fyret fra min drømmekarriere
På grund af nedskæringer
Og omstruktureringer
Gør mere ondt
End jeg kan formulere
Ingen ord
Virker hjerteskærende nok
Til at beskrive
Den sorg
Jeg nu besidder
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lyvenex · 3 months
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Worms have only gotten worse and now I’ve got a damn reference sheet. Just in the nick of time for a certain annual art trading game…
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fyrets · 3 months
I'm doign something
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tfw u sketch something u only NOW want to color in on the WRONG paper
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pawborough · 1 month
Mini Preliminary Art and Dev Check In
Hello all!
Thanks for your patience! We found some big bugs in the code and have been working nonstop to iron them out. In general, we've been hesitant to comment on any dates aside from general expectations, but we're erring on the side of caution so as not to promise and run into issues and have to push. Codes can be generated at any time, but we don't want to send them out without a date to match. 
In general, we found a bug in forums and have been cleaning it. And with that last push all we'll be doing is a final sweep of each function before sending codes out. It's our hope that alpha will be pretty clean and transition into beta rather quickly. 
That all being said, I do not want to do a full throttle update until we have external users in the game, which mark my words will be before the end of August.
So this is just a quick preview of the day to day work we have gotten done! With a comprehensive breakdown on what we are doing to ensure that you all as users are not kept in the dark. 
The content shared here does not encompass everything we'll have, and we'll have a dedicated update for August before the month ends.
 Art Check In
In general, there's a lot to do on art! 
We've begun hiring more artists to meet the demand (information on applying for an artist role can be found on our Instagram, our Discord, our Tumblr, and our Twitter.) 
It's for this reason as well that we have not yet provided an updated team graphic. Namely, we want to close applications and onboard the new hires before plastering the newest team roster in various places. 
Here is what we currently have to do and are concurrently working on: 
Icons, icons, and more icons! There are a total of 175 different icon-only items for the alpha and beginning beta testing. We have so far completed full illustration for 103 of them. The remaining 72 all have placeholder sketches, but we're all pushing to get them done! All flavor text has been written!
In addition, we're working on a new pattern, Leopard, and have illustrated on 7 out of 12 poses, with the goal to push Moontails around the same time as Leopard. This is for users who are not testers to have new material to work with. Fyrets and Thumpers have had their patterns started to also be updated. 
Moontails need Cardinal illustrated, but all other patterns are done for them. The push for them has been a lower priority than getting everything for Alpha in order, but they are being worked on between bigger tasks. 
The Sweetheart set was completed on the 9 testing poses. All other accessories need additional final illustration. Woolen is the closest to full completion. 
Fauna variants and additional Fauna are getting padded out. We shared the Romanovtsa variants with the community this month by playing a guessing game in our Discord!
Electra Crest, Demonic Crest, and Staff Crest are being rendered from sketch designs. All other crests are done.
Decor is being continually illustrated. 
Lastly, there are various assets we'll be filling over time, such as NPCs and onsite environmental decorations.  
And that's all of what we're currently doing! The art team has been working hard, and if you're interested in working with us, please look at our hiring resources! Applications are still open. 
So, let's look at some of what we've done!
Fauna Variants
We shared the work in progresses for the Romanovtsa variants earlier this month. As we explained, all Fauna "recolors" will be variants rather than recolors without change. Each variant will be marked by location, such as "southern" or "far southern" using the world map as reference for regional points!
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Southern Romanovtsa by Hydde
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Southern Romanovtsa by Hydde
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Easterh Romanovtsa by Hydde
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Western Romanovtsa by Hydde
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Central Romanovtsa by Hydde
Leopard Pattern
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Leopard design by Hydde. Leopard illustrations by Asp.
Here is a preview of our Leopard pattern! 
Icons, icons, icons!
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Embers, Honeycomb, Iron Bar, and Steel Bar by Hydde. Boiled Egg, Chicken, Saffron, Sakura, Whale Meat, Bison, Jasmine, Fennel, and Recipe Template by Tybaxel. Apple by Rune. Blackberry and Potato by Nik. Dandelion and Tomato Basil Soup by Rue.
Metamorphic Items
Here is a fun treat! We designed out our metamorphic items: things that change a cat's appearance. 
For overcoats: Agate!
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Solid Agate, Cardinal Agate, Tiger Agate, Tigerface Agate, Valentine Agate, Butterfly Agate, Tuxedo Agate, and Blotches Agate illustrated by Hydde
For accents: Quartz!
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Cheeks Quartz, Lollipop Quartz, Harlequin Quartz, Skin Quartz, Claws Quartz, Overgrowth Blossom Quartz, Overgrowth Ivy Quartz illustrated by Hydde
In lore: these items have been grown, carved, and carefully cultivated by magicians to induce genetic mutations. Thus, they're artfully decorated to do as intended! Some are rarer than others, and magic tech can be expensive, but the breakthrough in magic technology seen in The Metropolis means that, if crafted correctly by a skilled magician, they won't up and fail catastrophically!
And for Overgrowth, the plants have grown and imbued themselves throughout the magic stone!
Angelic Crest
We have been working on forum crests! Here is a look at the Angelic Crest:
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Illustration by Giulia
Dev Check In
One big breakthrough was setting up and implementing the admin for Zendesk! With this, we'll be able to much more thoroughly and swiftly note down and respond to support tickets and bug reports. Lots of tools at our disposal now for more competently handling user support. Huge!
Here is what we have to do now:
Re-push forums for testing. 
Link all item visuals to onsite items.
Internally sweep all mechanics ready for Alpha and pinpoint any lacking functionality. "Internal Alpha" with about 25 testers has already been happening concurrently, but getting things ready for over 150+ users at once has been the big push!
The first two are happening as I am writing! But unfortunately any estimation for the last point will inevitably put a curse on it. What I can say is that we have an impressive amount of Buttons That Do Stuff and we're really eager to get on it. 
In addition, here are the first non-bug-squashing and non-improvement endeavors we're going to work on while Alpha and early closed Beta is happening: 
Party functionality for dailies. 
Processing (the act of turning one item into another without a recipe, such as dying any accessory item.) 
User settings. 
Private user to user trading, chat, and friend notifications.
User notification dashboard. 
Fauna functionality.
Pelts and partials. 
Item and game database.
Adding white coverage in the creator UI, dynamic undercoat gene vs automatic, founder creation and re-creation, and full metamorphic functionality (previewing cat changes in the item card.)
And there will be more! We got a lot designed out to steadily build in. But here's what the immediate plan is. It's very exciting how much like a full game we're looking!
Here's a look at the private trades UI while we're here!
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Thanks for all the support! 
In the next big update for August, we'll move our progress tracker and give any retrospective on how testing is going, show way more art, give everyone videos on our functionalities, and do a lore dump! 
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solborough · 2 years
other january 2023 update thoughts
the 10 breeds list confirms that the ragdoll mystic will be "fyrets" which was...pretty certain according ot the discord server but its nice to get external confirmation
+5 genes for launch, one of which being overgrowth. probably one new gene for each kind (overcoat undercoat accent) and then who gets the bonus?
13 complex accessories. We have 6 accessories available from kickstarter rewards, 5 accessory tiers claimed, so 2 on top of that?
122 decor makes sense, same with the 100 companions and all the food items. those are much easier
in the profile,
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time traveler
making little scenes will be so cute lol. i wanna give them all party hats celebrate a birthaday
next month is kickstarter renderings :) i think thats a good start for sharing stuff with the community since it seems like a lot of stuff gets shared anyway in the discord lol. its new content but allows us to have more stuff maybe hidden in the closed beta
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