#fwiw I ate it tho
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guppygiggles · 5 months ago
I started watching Delicious in Dungeon last night with my spouse, and I have no choice but to ship Laios and Senshi because they are actually just us if our heights were reversed, lmao.
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thewynne · 1 year ago
East Coast US suburban high school!
1) if you were close enough you walked/biked, if you had a car or a nice enough parent you drove/got a ride, everyone else took a yellow school bus (fwiw kids in actual cities w/ functional public transit tend to get a student pass and use that - most kids in the big east coast city where I live now take the subway/city bus, ditto my relatives from NYC)
2) Depends on the school. Private/religious schools tend to have uniforms, some public city districts have uniforms (see: city district where I live now), but suburban public schools like I grew up in tend to not have them.
3) You do have to pay in the cafeteria but low cost/free lunch programs exist. Sometimes the school makes everyone puts their money on their school ID so kids in the free lunch program don't feel singled out. I usually brought my lunch tho.
4) Eating outside is hyper-regional, in my experience. I do know people who grew up in southern California who had cafeteria seating outdoors (like you see in a lot of teen movies set around there), which was wild to me. We never had that on the east coast, too cold and rainy. Up through middle school you usually went outside after you ate, but that mostly stopped in high school. Seniors in good standing could leave campus for food, tho.
5) Schools do have mascots! Genuinely not used for much beyond decorating the gym and putting it on club t shirts and sports uniforms etc. There was a kid in a costume who would go to Big Games and Pep Rallies. Go Panthers.
6) Depends on the sport. My school tried to get people into football/The Big Homecoming Game despite our team being awful, but that was NOTHING compared to what they do in the Midwest/South (look up Texas homecoming mums - I knew girls who brought theirs to college).
People did kind of care about our football rivalry with the town next door for some reason (tho we had to cancel The Big Homecoming Game a couple of times bc their team was going to States the next day lol), lots of temporary murals of our mascot fighting their mascot in the run up to the game, that sort of thing.
Our basketball teams were very good tho, and the school DID go a little crazy for them. We'd have pep rallies when one of the basketball teams made it to States. If you were in a different sport it wasn't a big deal at all, players got out of class a little early to travel to games sometimes but that was it.
Worth noting that even schools that don't really care about football will still have more people show up to football games in the US, just bc that's where the marching band & cheerleaders do their thing. Marching band has their own competitions but mostly plays at games. Cheerleading is similar, ours did stuff at games & pep rallies but they weren't a Clique like you see in the movies and idk if they ever competed on their own.
(Also re. Jocks, we HAD them, but it just meant you were on at least one of the bigger sports teams and that was where most of your friend group came from. Mostly football, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, and sometimes track kids. They weren't, like, a menace to the rest of the student population or anything like that.)
jock anon here! I have more questions about western schools because I always wondered how much is true :
Do you really drive to school?
Do you not have uniforms?
Do you really pay in the cafeteria? are you allowed to eat outside?
Do you have mascots?
are school sports THAT big of a deal?
(Sorry if these sound stupid but I really wanted to know )
To answer, I grew up on farmland in rural Canada
If you have your own car and a driver's license, you can drive to school. It's definitely too far to walk, but some people might bike. The city bus only goes through every four hours, but the school bus isn't too bad. If these don't work your guardians might drop you off before they go to work.
No, we did not have uniforms, that's rich city bitch shit. I personally enjoyed the fishnets and stompin boots combo but no, no uniform. Loosely-enforced dress code, too.
Yes, the cafeteria costs money. There are snack programs for If you don't have money but it's usually apples and granola bars, sometimes mac n cheese for a dollar or something. We can eat anywhere we want, just not the library, gym, or art rooms, and nobody's allowed up the trees.
We had a mascot but we didn't really use it. There was a costume but I think I only saw it twice.
I could not have given less of a shit about team sports, and I was *on* a sports team. We didn't really watch the teams play, either. From what I've seen in America it is NOTHING like they do. No parades or parties or sirens in the street, just trying to make it to nationals, maybe get a scholarship. (Didn't work for me, I was an art kid.)
It doesn't sound stupid but maybe ask an American for Wilder stories, holy fuck the sport team I saw had a fire truck wailing around town when they won once holy fuck damn near shit meself
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dandunn · 2 years ago
Thanks for clarifying.
And I’m sorry to hear that.
My family’s dog passed away in 2019, he was 11.
We rescued another one in 2021 (a terrier pup) and she’s been with us ever since.
Fwiw the little mask inside is called a Krahna, it seems the set he ate was a Bohrok. You said it was the green one (Lehrak).
Yeah I know a LOT about Bionicle lore.
It was ballsy, genre-defying stuff. I’ve never seen anything else like it.
Aw im sorry, glad to hear you adopted another pup tho!
I never took much note of their names tbh but i think the black one (nuhvok?) Was my favourite.
I seem to remember the bohrok being the second wave of bionicle that ever came out and I thought they were SO cool, like way cooler than the first wave of guys. Maybe cause theyre so buglike and alien lookin'.
I remember getting one or two of the next couple of waves which had some neat looking guys but MAN i just love the bohrok so much.
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nerdymedzebra · 5 years ago
Round up of my mentions of MCAS reactions
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“ Escape to the mountains for breathable air! I know grass makes my throat swell up and my chest get tight, but but I've not known what my other triggers are. Til recently. I downloaded the weather Channel app on my phone and now it alerts me during Ozone Action/Warning Days, and woops, they match up with my swelling, too. So this weekend I saw that the grass pollen was high AND it was an ozone action day, and tho I hate using the car on such days, my house apparently doesn't protect me from bad air (and I sure as heck can't afford an air purifier) so I just needed to escape. Picture 2 is just outside of Boulder, where I live, and my throat was already swelling up before we made it out of the area. But by the time we got into the mountains, it was calming down again.thank goodness! And TG for accessible overlooks, like in Pics 1 & 3! No hiking required to see prettiness. :) “
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“ Whoa there, face. You look like you've been outside in the cold for an hour.. But I haven't left my couch all day! It's hard to get with this annoying portrait filter I can't turn off, but you can see the diff between my face and neck. I usually look much more pallid and anemic! ) I always say I have very little skin involvement with#MCAS (and I've only had hives once in my life) but I wonder how much of that is true and how much is just me not putting two and two together before. Like, my face has felt hot all day, I used to call this "fevering", but I've recently realized it's only my face that's hot and red, so it's prolly MCAS flushing, not a fever at all. Which is interesting that before I had an app for it, the only way I knew I was about to start my period is that I'd get one of these "fevers" for an hour or two the night before! I must be reactive to one of my own gd hormones. 😅😅😅 Yup, sounds like an MCAS thing! As I'm on my period now, (tho I don't think I usually am flushed at this poiny/for this long) and my stomach still feels full of good from yesterday, and who knows what else, but maybe I'm just reacting to a bunch of stuff. My face is redder irl, and I startled myself a few minutes ago when I went to the bathroom and saw my face. I've NEVER seen it this red while just sitting around the house! “
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“ Oops I ate an often-trigger food without tacking my Cromolyn first. :( I feel like I have a fever and my belly is angeryyyy. Sighhh. “
MCAS & Cromolyn
(Jan 2019)
#MCAS: where normal food can make you shiver violently while your face blazes and your stomach thinks it's been poisoned.
Woops forgot to take my Cromolyn Sodium before eating. ☹️😷😱☠️
Also, this is what it looks like. Supposed to take 2 viles 4x a day, but I have yet to remember all 4 even once. :-x
Edit 1 hour later: my stomach and face have calmed down, but now my heart rate Is in the 130s as I'm laying here, and I feel like if I open my mouth I'll be like a megaphone and the sound of my speeding, thumping heart would loudly reverberate through the house.. It honest to God feels like my heart has grown wings and is violently trying to escape my chest.
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“ Ok you can't really tell here, but my face is rosy. I'm wondering if these random few-hour "fevers" I've always gotten are really jus t flushing? Does your face feel warm and tight and similar to when your fevering when you're flushing from #MCAS? Or Allergies? We are house sitting a doggo, but I'm allergic, and I'm feeling it way more than I have before when we've watched him! Waaah. "I need vogmask, but for my eyes!" Me, earlier. “
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“ Wait, what?! I react to freshly cut grass exactly the same in all months. Could it really be from different things?! Although maybe I do react differently. I feel wayyy itchier lately and maybe less swollen sinus cavity & throat, but I've only recent started noticing how itchy I get when I'm walking outside, particularly if I'm sweating even minutely, which could mean it's started up recently, or not. Adhd makes it so hard to keep track of symptoms :( :/ Fwiw, I think the same allergy test that told me I was allergic to grass said mold as well... 🤔 This post brought to you by my overwhelming need to scratch all my skin off. (Also my skin doesn't seem to really turn red til I scratch it, then it gets v angry btw). #allergy #GrassAllergy “
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“ Ugh, motility issues are more than just delayed!! My psych had me request a emptying study from my GI to check for RAPID emptying (bc my meds don't work if I eat with them and she needs the results for dose adjustments) but this report is clearly looking only for delayed. Now, I sometimes do experience delayed for a few days a month, but I don't mind it much, it's the rapid that screws with my meds and makes it risky to eat at a restaurant without hanging around a half hour afterwards in case I have to run to the bathroom (in those cases my dysautonomia (and pain) also flares while my stomach is emptying, then I seem to get hit with reactive hypoglycemia or whatever it's called. Ugh.) Nausea is only a small symptom a few times a month, max, yet it is THE symptom on this test. Annoying. As I said day-of, my stomach was behaving that day, so I'm not surprised it was normal, but from the penciled in average emptying time I found, it does suggest that even when it's not acting up, it is a bit faster than normal. “
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“Post treadmill stress test dinner. Vegan Pad Thai. It's been almost two hours and my muscles are still goop and I'm still extra shakey. My body did not approve. I'm surprised I made it a whole 5 minutes tho, tbh. “
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“ Reverse progression of my chest today. I just now took the first picture. I removed the electrodes 6 hours ago, and boy, my body still wants it to be known that, I guess the gel that was over the round electrode itself, And to a lesser extent, the sticky stuff, was v annoying. When I first took the Holter monitor off, it was really only red on the circle bits, and where I'd been scratching (see pic 3). But then once they were off, I scratched a bunch because OMG, and that left me super red itself (pic 2) now where the sticky bits were seem red too. Is this normal, or allergies or mast cell (I've never been tested for it, but I think I should be) or what. 6 hours seems a long time to still be so red! “
Gastro follow up: Endoscopy, MCAS talk!
(Apr 2018)
During the appointment I told her that I had less rapid gastric emptying than I had been before, but more constipation and fullness-- but especially BLOATING.
I don't think I fully realized how frequently I have the sensation of bloating or stomach discomfort, because, I have noticed, when I experience it, I instinctively... eat... MORE. Especially crappy foods that frequently cause the rapid gastric emptying symptoms. That makes sense, but it's interesting to realize since I was doing it pretty unconsciously! But it hasn't been super helpful lately AND I've gained 10lbs in the last month alone! (after having gained 30+lbs in the ~8 months prior!)
And finally, I told her that I had been reading up on Mast Cell Activation Syndrome/Disease lately and it's fairly likely that I have it, and it seems to have a huge effect on the GI system. Surprisingly, her eyes widened a bit and she said that, in fact, she had just been to a conference this weekend, and they talked about Mast Cells as a cause of Functional GI Disorders! So, she said she will read up more on MCAS & EDS/HSD and how they influence the GI system.
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