applestruda · 2 years
Ok so i've gotten a couple of people asking me how i color,, so i thought i might like, drop a mini tutorial for how i draw in general. I will explain to the best of my ability, but im not super good at this kind of thing (also this is gonna be a long post)
I will say that usually I go into a drawing with a general idea of what I want to draw, the vibe I want to give, and the colors I want to work with. Of course these can change throughout the process though.
(and side tip is to flip the canvas often, that way it's easy to catch mistakes and tweak them)
So I always start with a sketch, it's not clean or pretty, just meant to give me a good base. And from there I color in the flats
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Next I take some darker colors and just throw it on top of the flats, erasing where I want there to be highlights
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I then specifically take the brush called stickman (on procreate), and do a wash over the art. I find that it creates a variety of interesting colors and adds some texture.
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From there, I take my usual brush (chalk) and I grab the colors created by the previous step, rendering out the form with them
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Next is just the highlights, where i pretty much make a good base to start adding details and messing with layer types.
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Details! I use a variety of brushes, layer types, and colors, just messing around and seeing what I like. I often stumble across something I like through this method, completely unplanned.
(also to create the wispy effect like what's around the stars, I just grab a color, use whatever layer type I think looks cool, and then go in with my eraser to add more shape to it)
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The final couple of steps is still me just messing around with layer types and colors, but usual to the whole drawing instead of specific spots, possibly unifying colors and or trying to push contrasts a little further (it depends on what I'm going for). And then i finish it off with another stickman layer to add more texture back!
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And erm,, Yeah! That's kinda it.. In total this took 1 h 11 min.. and honestly most of it is just me messing with things until I like it..
Hope this helps,
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